Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Sarah Palin wastes little time in rushing back into the comforting arms of Fox News after her embarrassing appearance on the Today Show.

After Palin's appearance on Today, she quickly limped back to Fox in order to commiserate with Sean Hannity, Dana Perino, and some old guy whose name I don't have time to learn. (The pertinent portion is between 0:25 and 3:45.)

“It wasn’t just a coincidence that I was on this morning up against some competition down the plaza.” Yeah personally I had no illusions that any of this was accidental.

Palin was even MORE forthcoming with Zap2it:

"The people backstage," she writes to Zap2it, "who make the 'Today' show happen are top-notch! Todd (husband Todd Palin) said to let you know, Kate, that '...they put my home TV crew to shame' (That would be my crew of Todd and a buddy -- and sometimes the kids helping out -- in our Wasilla studio located in the back of Todd's airplane hanger). 

"Really, it was a lot of fun to work with every single one of the folks at the 'Today' show. I have so much respect for the workerbees at my FOX job, and to see this network support staff working just as hard to produce their network's product reinforces my belief that it's the good people with their elbow grease and nose to the grindstone who make the world go 'round. They make the talent look good! 

"And, frankly, I'm ecstatic we beat the 'perky one,' although I wouldn't have gone up against ABC's vacationing Robin Roberts, because she's such a good egg. By the way, both Robin and Matt Lauer have traveled the long journey to Alaska and dealt with unglamorous, rugged conditions to see more of our world; they've shown respect for a more unconventional Americana lifestyle, and we appreciate that."

"Workerbees?" Is that her version of "the little people?"

I don't know why Palin has to describe a trip to Alaska as rife with hardships. We are the 49th state in the union, NOT the deepest darkest jungles of Africa. (Which by the way ALL Alaskans, with one notable exception, recognize as a continent.)

So clearly Palin went on the Today show simply to beat the "perky one," as Palin so derisively calls  award winning journalist Katie Couric, which is exactly the kind of ugly, mean girl comment that we have all come to expect from a woman with perhaps the longest list of enemies since Richard M. Nixon.

However what she fails to note is that the Today Show ALWAYS beats GMA, and that her appearance actually improved those ratings very little.

P.S. if you want to see Hannity's the entire interview with the Grizzled Mama you can see it by clicking here.


  1. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Hey Sarah, the "Perky One" is what kept you from the White House!

    So stick that into your meth pipe and smoke it!

    Dontcha ever forget that!

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      I agree with you completely.

      Although a number of factors were in play, the Couric interview was the real nail in her VP candidate coffin, with Tina Fey and SNL closely following, to seal the deal.

      Or as Sarah would say, 'sill the dill'.

    2. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Speaking of tweaking...look at this woman! She is deeply disturbed, ugly to the core and vicious in her every expression.

    3. President Obama keeps Sarah from the white house every single day - how it hurts and look what that jealousy does to her. She will be inconsolable when he wins 4 more years.

      Katie Couric kept John McCain from the white house - doubt he would have invited his VP over more than once in 4 years - if that. Piper probably would have broken some of those things in the "dish room"

  2. Anonymous4:59 PM

    This review is from: Boys Will Be Boys: Media, Morality, and the Coverup of the Todd Palin Shailey Tripp Sex Scandal (Volume 1) (Paperback)

    In "Boys Will Be Boys" Shailey Tripp proves, with copies of documents and lists of names, that her arrest for prostitution and her introduction to that business had roots in the heart of a famous celebrity "family man." One day after standing next to Sarah Palin as she was sworn in as Alaska's first female governor, this "First Dude" was flirtatiously emailing with a young single mom, Shailey Tripp,and saying "You light up my life." What transpired in the weeks, months and years (2006-2010) that followed did not light up her life in return. Guided by a powerful man into the darkness of selling sex, Ms. Tripp has set herself free and is telling her story. The truth will continue to set her free, and she honestly spills the agonizing, humiliating, and depressing details of life as Todd Palin's commodity. Interstate sex trafficking is no joke. The names she names and emails she released prove this woman means business. In the current political climate of taking away women's rights, Ms. Tripp should become an icon for having the courage to stand up and say "I'm not going to let men define who and what I am and what I do." Once you read it, pass it on. This book belongs in libraries, homeless shelters, and women's clinics where it can speak to those who find themselves enslaved by any unhealthy behaviors, limited by losses or disabilities, or injured by the cruelty of others, as the author once was.

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      "Boys Will Be Boys"

      Thank you. That is a must read.

    2. Anonymous7:17 PM

      The Palin TROLLS won't 'REFUDIATE' any of Shailey Tripp's Book. The Palins post NONSENSE against everything else, but they won't touch any information about PIMP DADDY TODD. BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT IT IS ALL TRUE.
      Shailey Tripp has the "GOODS" on Todd Palin and Greg West and their BRITISH PETROLEUM CLIENTS. Todd's BOYTOY EVEN HAS VIDEO OF THEM IN COMPROMISING POSITIONS.

    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:32 PM

      WHERE is Sarah's THREAT to Sue?

      How is your "lawsuit" against "The Rogue" author going, Sarah Spider?


  3. Anonymous5:00 PM

    The sad thing is Palin is still bitter over how much of a dumbass Katie made Sarah look while Katie has moved on.

    Stay classless Sarah

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Katie didn't make her look like a dumbass, Sarah did that all by herself :)

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:34 PM


      Katie just cleared some smoke,

      removed some mirrors...



      the ILLUSION of Sarah Palin, was over

      (for rational, thinking human beings, that is)

    3. Anonymous3:24 AM

      It is truly pathetic that Sarah Palin has never grown beyond that interview in 2008. The same is true of her jealousy of President and Mrs. Obama. Not only is she extremely immature but she exposes it all whenever she appears in public.

  4. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Sarah how's that Palin Christian Family thingy working out?

    Your drunk underage high school daughter got knocked up in a canvas tent while her friends listened outside.

    Then your daughter played house with Ben, Levi again, Gino, Masey Brothers and now Gino again.

    LOL...... A Trial Marriage?

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      A wonderful practicing 'christian' family NOT! They are all frauds and liars!

    2. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Your drunk underage high school daughter got knocked up in a canvas tent while her friends listened outside.

      It is told another way. With also, too another couple in tent and the friends outside. Drunk to a black out. No unusual as the girl got around from the Valley, Anchor, camps and Juneau. Many unknown.

  5. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Gryph:....I beg to disagree. Four or five Alaskans are bad at geography. Besides Sarah, don't forget her uneducated children.

  6. Did she just call herself the talent?

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Seems to me she was also implying that those "workerbees" DON'T have talent.

      Okay, Sarah, just try being a media star without makeup and hair people, cameras, sound and lighting engineers, electricians, set decorators, stylists, teleprompter runners, researchers and script writers (because we KNOW she has to be given her answers to all interview questions!)....

      Those people have more talent, experience and intelligence in their pinky fingers than she does in her whole body. Without them, she'd be standing in a pair of old sweats in a dark room, muttering incoherently to herself.

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:35 PM

      She did, Cheryl!

      I think that's one of the funniest I've ever heard the nasty spider say!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I rather watch the "perky one" than watch a self absorb conniving bitch!

  9. She can attempt to make fun of Katie Couric until she's blue in the face, but we all know she wouldn't allow herself to be interviewed by her for all the moose in Alaska. She's a fucking idiot and I thought the Today show coddled her almost as much as Fox "News" does.

    Why one God's green earth is this woman STILL in the public eye? My opinion of the Today Show is decidedly negative now, so from now on I'll be watching GMA or CBS This Morning.

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:36 PM

      Read a book,

      they are ALL GARBAGE!!

      ALL. The. Time.


      It's a crapfest on every channel.

      Just turn your tv off and go for a walk.


  10. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Africa is not a jungle as you think. I am from Africa,I can offer to take you to Africa and see it for yourself. LOL.

    1. You take that back.

      Virtually everything I know about Africa I learned from Tarzan movies. Are you trying to tell me those were inaccurate?

      Next thing you'll say is that you can't swing from tree to tree on a vine.

    2. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Some of the countries in Africa have been experiencing terrible drought. There is famine; the land is dry as a desert, hardly a lush jungle.

      I enjoy your blog and the comments, Gryphen, but you can expand your knowledge about Africa by watching some of the really great shows on Discovery and Nat.Geo. The Migration series (to a water hole in the grasslands) had stunning photography. There are jungles, deserts, savannahs, lakes, waterfalls and more.

    3. Anonymous8:23 PM

      LOL, Gryphen! Good one!

  11. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Sarah Palin is such an unprofessional bitch! She didn't increase the Today Show ratings by very much. The Today Show has been number one and did not become number one because Palin showed her aged face for one morning!

    I watched Katie Couric on the 'other' channel and she is as cute as a button and is perky, smart, witty, professional, kind, easy with other people and outshown the 'idiot from Wasilla' 100 fold!

    1. Anonymous8:26 PM

      I would say a bump of 23,000viewers is NOTHING. Most likely those were the curious ones who wanted to se this train wreck.
      If NOT, then it just showed how many real (?) fans the Quitter-Grifter- Queen actually HAS, LOL!!!

  12. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Talent is an industry term. "on camera talent"

    1. Yes. Sarah is claiming that she's in the industry.

      But really- workerbees? How about "hard working professionals"?

  13. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Check -

    Did the part in her hair change side from the Today to Hannity! Wig fail!!!! And intersting fact that in a major part of Delaware (where I live), Comcast cable was out YESTERDAY for all channels till 11:00 am!!! Since there is a Comcast/NBC relation, did they keep the cable out to fudge the numbers in NBC's favor????? Hmmmmm.

    She is such a phony. I thought the nightmare would be over by now... How many more years will someone be giving this idiot a voice? Please stop.

    1. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Her part did change. Also the color and length. Wigsilla strikes again.

    2. Paul - Minnesota4:26 AM



  14. nswfm5:44 PM

    I'd rather watch Jon Stewart blast her for being both Dumb and Dumber

  15. Anonymous5:47 PM

    The instant John McCain picked Sarah Palin as his VEEP choice he doomed his campaign to certain failure (not that he ever had much chance). Many, many voters decided against allowing Sarah Palin to get just an aging heartbeat away from the Presidency.

    While some voters quickly picked up on Sarah Palin's incompetence, others used Sarah Palin's limited media exposure to make their assessment. It was heroes and heroines like Couric that protected this nation from political disaster.

    Sarah Palin is too stupid to comprehend how each of her jabs at the "perky one", just underlines the treason John McCain committed.

    So, Sarah, enjoy your little payback game. It's a splendid way to keep every American voter focused on making sure nothing as catastrophic as Sarah Palin reaches political power.

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      She is so stupid and disconnected from reality that she thinks John McCain really endorsed her as Mitt's veep pick in 2012. She's shoppin' for magic underwear so she can try it out.

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:50 PM

      **big breath to keep self from vomiting**

      SP isn't "as* stupid as people like to claim, and it serves to her benefit now that she has been "exposed".

      Her fans refuse to see her for what she is, so the constant insults only serve to have them dig in their heels, and continue to give her money and therefore, keep her in the public eye.

      She KNOWS this.

      APATHY about sarah palin is her WORST FEAR!

      She HAS to say something SOOOOO outrageous, mean, nasty (or "conservative, patriotic and plucky", depending on the viewer)

      that she gets page views/articles/blog posts, whatever.

      she is "not" stupid.

      She IS undereducated, and TOTALLY disinterested in learning, but she is not "stupid", and it is very dangerous to mis-characterize her.

      A million years ago I heard a bit on the Howard Stern Show.

      The guy from the HS show was interviewing a hooker on the street, and the HS show people were betting on whether the hooker knew how many dimes were in a dollar, or something like that.

      Someone bet that she would NOT know, and someone (maybe Howard) said,

      Oh hell no! A hooker KNOWS her way around a dollar.

      And he was right; she was correct in her answer. (For perspective, she couldn't name the VP or some current event thing...)

      Sarah Palin IS that hooker; she may not know who rules England,

      but she KNOWS what she needs to do to keep those DIMES rolling in.

    3. Anonymous8:19 PM

      When it comes to 1) grifting, and 2) demagoguery of the most vile and venal and vicious kind, Sarah Palin is a fucking genius.

  16. Sally in MI5:52 PM

    I think the entire Today thing was a setup, and she is too dumb to realize it. Think of the segments she was involved in :"Raising Teen Daughters"..yeah she has shown how good she is at that one. "Th e Professionals" where she was asked directly about weight gain in pregnancy, and took a shot at Oprah, who was never anything but kind to her and her daughters. What is truly funny is that when Ryan Seacrest was on today, he and Matt had a goround about Ryan wanting his job. No one kidded with Palin about her coming back again...ever! I think she was punked, and she and her 'bots can't even see it. Maybe when she does not get asked to speak in Tampa she'll see the light.

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Speaking of Raising Teen Daughters, I was sure Sarah was going to take the opportunity to put in a plug for the world to watch Bristol's reality tee vee show. I wonder why she didn't - is the show still on or not? If it is, maybe Today told her not to mention it?

    2. Anonymous8:32 PM

      Sally, the same thing I said yesterday! I wasn't but a few minutes into the show and started to notice the looks of the others and it was all they could do to keep a straight face. I wouldn't be surprised if the "Perky One" was in on it too...GMA and Today! She has been lambasting the LSM for 4 years and they invited her to dinner on their tab! Every subject they did involved the Palin hoax. When she did the schtick with Tori Spelling and the moose hotdogs I figured it out! "I have my guest bring mini portions to our pot lucks!" Do you jam Piper's face in mini cupcakes too. So classy Sarah! Do you know who Tori Spelling is? And you trying to tell a psychiatrist they should make more reality shows about young people with work ethics showing them how they should model their lives! They did that because Bristle's reality show was to have started this week. It was so bad it was cancelled! And you had to get in the last word after you were told it was time to shut up! Any one but Obama! Are you out of your freaking mind? Like you knew how to be a Vice President having someone run a one horse town for you? You thought when they called you Governor they were respecting you. You quit the job and don't deserve to be called anything but Quitter! You just proved what the movie "Game Change" was all about. Totally unqualified to hold any office. You are such a fraud and you proved it on LSM! You fell for it just like the Sarcosy call! You looked like a hooker, you act like a hooker, and Toad is a perfect match for you! You deserve each other.

  17. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Would Palin pal around with these scoundrels?

  18. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Her obsessive pettiness is just validating GAME CHANGE.

  19. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Admitting that she went on the Today show to "beat the perky one" is such a childish thing to do. Sarah, you're almost 50 years old. It's time to grow up. Oh, and another thing, the bitterness and competitiveness you are still showing (after almost 4 years!) toward a news anchor is extremely un-presidential. Time to grow up!

  20. laprofesora5:57 PM

    She beat "the perky one"? Sarah Palin, you are a hateful, juvenile bitch. Hateful slime oozes from your pores. Tick-tock, Scarah, your time is coming. When you finally fall flat on your botoxed face the world will be laughing.

    She acts like she did the show herself; she and the worker bees. No Matt, no Ann Curry, no guests. Just Sarah all by her big bad self. Hateful, slimy witch.

    1. Anonymous8:33 PM

      She doesn't realize that the Today Show's extra numbers just show how many fans she actually has (including some who were not fans but just curious to see how she would do on a 'Lamestream Media' channel. She is too dense for that.

  21. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I can't believe that idiot women is still plugging her record as a CEO of a city! Wasilla hired a manager to run the place because idiot Sarah Palin couldn't manage the job as mayor.

    Sarah, telling lies while wearing your christian crotch cross probably gives you a little tingle. But your STUPIDITY, IGNORANCE, ARROGANCE, ANGER, VICIOUSNESS can't hide.

    Sarah Palin is a sociopath. She boasts of endangering the life of an unborn child by boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome infant when she was high-risk (over age 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriages). She boasts of avoiding Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit equipped hospitals to supposedly birth a child in a regional hospital not even rated to handle twins.

    1. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Thanks for restating this. Sometimes we get distracted from the black, cold, amoral core, of this monumental bitch of a sociopath.

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:18 PM

      Personally, I find the lie about "Being an Oil and Gas Commissioner" as the sweetest lie.

      This position was the EMBODIMENT of Cronyism and Back Room Deals;

      Sarah Palin was HANDED this SIX-FIGURE JOB by the ethically-deficient Frank Murkowski.

      Palin, by ALL ACCOUNTs, was barely CONSCIOUS during these meetings;

      she knew NOTHING about oil and gas.

      And when she left,

      in addition to a HUGE sigh of relief,

      the panel Also passed a new law/mandate/whatever that a "lay person" with "NO knowledge" of oil and gas ~

      like, one Sarah Palin~

      could NOT be appointed part of the O&G commission.

      She took a 6 figure paycheck, did NOTHING, and was STILL PISSED, and Still QUIT!

      She is the most ungrateful, disgusting person...

    3. Paul - Minnesota5:00 AM


      Well said.

      Sarah Palin is anti-life.

  22. Anonymous6:02 PM

    What a conniving bitch. It just goes on and on. Rehash the what-do-you-read-question again? And Dana Perrino makes me throw up a little too. And I only made it to 3:42.

  23. Anonymous6:03 PM

    God bless the perky one.

  24. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I'm curious to know what the ratings for GMA and Today were day after NBC put her on...I bet they lost some viewers because of it....

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      You are so right. Just take a look at Today's facebook on the subject.

  25. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Oh, Sarah. You only have 23,000 fans who tuned it. You are sooo popular. NOT.

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      No way to know if they tuned in for Palin, specifically.

    2. WakeUpAmerica7:49 PM

      Many people tuned in to watch the train wreck and were not disappointed.

    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:21 PM

      Makes me think of Ellen talking about the group that was trying to boycott her and her new gig with JCP.

      I think the hate group was called "A Million Moms", and they had, like, 20,000 signed up.

      So Ellen pointed out that, ya know,

      they were just rounding the nearest million~

      just like Sarah Spider's Facebook EARTHQUAKE!

      F-A-I-L = P-A-L-I-N

  26. Anonymous6:12 PM

    She really is a POS. I noticed that when she was on Hannity that her wig was parted on the other side and her bangs looked like shit. Must have been because she didn't have the "workerbees" doing her hair for her. How condescending can she be and I am so glad that Zap2it made her tacky email public.

  27. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I see that Palin also made another snarky FB post today. I don't know who she envies more President Obama or Katie Couric. The hilarious part is that she is so damn transparent about it.

  28. PalinsHoax6:19 PM

    "Really, it was a lot of fun to work with every single one of the folks at the 'Today' show. I have so much respect for the workerbees at my FOX job, ..... They make the talent look good!"

    Well Palin, you better fire those workerbees, because you always look like and always sound like H*LL.

    If you consider yourself "the talent" (which you definitely are NOT, by the way), then those workerbees are pulling a fast one on you because you always come out looking like and sounding like SH*T.

    You'll never be good enough for America, Palin.

    By the way, the Perky One asked you an innocent question, and you yourself, all by your very own self forever made yourself the laughing stock of the world.

    Yea, you are the old used up piece of gum stuck on the bottom of the shoe of that cute Perky One.

  29. Anonymous6:22 PM

    This really gripes me --- Couric asked her "what do you read". Yet when POS tells it she says the question was "what do you read up there in Alaska". She just can't admit that she totally blew the interview all on her own.

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      She tries so desperately to make it look like it was Katie Couric's fault. Why the hell didn't she name an Alaskan newspaper if she didn't read the New York Times or Washington Post? That's what I don't understand but then maybe the only thing she reads are celebrity rags.

    2. Yes, and I'm going to repeat this every chance I get, because it just isn't brought up when the Couric interview is covered. Palin had previously explained her going for years without a passport, by saying that as a young person she wasn't given a backpack and told to explore the word (I'm paraphrasing.) She went on to assert that her knowledge of the world came from reading. Why should she have been taken aback, then, by being asked WHAT SHE READS!!!

    3. Yes, and I repeat this often, because it is never mentioned in connection with the Couric interview: Palin had earlier indicated that, because she was not (as a young woman) given a backpack and told to explore the world (poor deprived thing), her knowledge of the world came from books. She should NOT have been surprised to then be asked: What do you READ!!!!

  30. Anonymous6:26 PM

    What a dork. What kind of “journalist” from Alaska would misspell airplane “hangar” as “hanger.” She is just friggin’ stupid and a total fraud.

    1. Anonymous3:37 AM

      And how many average Americans have an airplane hangar on their property?

  31. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Dear Sarah,

    You are a petty, elitist, bitch. Oh, and you are so yesterday (read "boring"). Kindly dry up and relegate yourself to the ash-heap of history.

    The Thinking World

  32. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Palin is just a joke of a person who lied her way to riches. Her constant "lamestream media" comments show her level of immaturity. That sounds so childish. She can go on all of the talk shows she wants to go on but nothing will cancel out that she is an unbelievably negative person. And her reaction to beating GMA in the ratings just shows the vindictiveness/hatefulness Game Change showed.

    The media promotes Palin and in doing so, they have just become a shell of what they used to be.

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:23 PM

      Kind of sounds like the type of person,

      who would like an app,

      that lets her list,

      all her Facebook enemies,

      don't ya think?

  33. She is ignorant and rude. I hope Katie Couric writes a book about Palin's stupidity - but otherwise ignores her. She ruined the state with her bullshit and tries hard to bring down her country - what an excuse for a woman she is.

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Like our President, I'm sure Katie doesn't think about Sarah Palin. But Lamestream Sarah sure thinks about Katie a lot! Probably wishes she were her.

  34. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Dana Perino, Bush press secretary who'd never heard of the Cuban Missile Crisis, please meet Sarah Palin, who'd never heard of the Korean War.

    I'll bet Sarah didn't bet on Hannity showing clips from the "Today" show, demonstrating she had a completely different hair color just twelve hours earlier.

    What's the use? They're slick, smarmy corporate tools, and they pretend she's one of them, but, in a day or two, back she'll go to the wilds of Alaska, her ugly house, her dead lake, her creepy husband, her willful children, her empty life, her Blackberries, her blood boiling, ready for a fight -- and no one will care enough to respond. No one -- not even the perky one -- will be asking her questions in a very short time, and she'll wish she could have just a little of the Couric magic again.

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Ooh I love this image and it's oh so true.

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:04 PM

      If people had paid more attention,

      Dana Perino would have been the first "PALIN-FAIL" on the scene.

      Perino is, a fucking moron.

      I heard a story on the above about the CMC, and DANA PERINO is SO STUPID, she TELLS the story, where even her husband says, "Oh, Dana".

      "Oh, Dana", indeed.

      Appearing on National Public Radio's light-hearted quiz show "Wait, Wait . . . Don't Tell Me," which aired over the weekend, Perino got into the spirit of things and told a story about herself that she had previously shared only in private: During a White House briefing, a reporter referred to the Cuban Missile Crisis -- and she didn't know what it was.

      "I was panicked a bit because I really don't know about . . . the Cuban Missile Crisis," said Perino, who at 35 was born about a decade after the 1962 U.S.-Soviet nuclear showdown. "It had to do with Cuba and missiles, I'm pretty sure."

      So she consulted her best source. "I came home and I asked my husband," she recalled. "I said, 'Wasn't that like the Bay of Pigs thing?' And he said, 'Oh, Dana.' "

    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:37 PM

      Don't forget her over-involved father,

      and Willow.

      I'm starting it here and now~

      *Cue Drumbeat*

      I am "Worried" about Willow.


      O Willow?

      How are "you" doing?

      **NEW WILLOW PHOTO!!**

      **NEW WILLOW PHOTO!!**



      STILL waiting for a RECENT (!!)

      photo of Sarah Spider

      with her "son",


      Most "moms" have a million recent photos to choose from,

      what's with the Suuuuuuper-old Easter photo, Sarah Spider?

  35. imnofred6:45 PM

    Truly the mentality of a high school girl. She is just sooo proud of herself. She finally thinks she one-upped Katie 4 years after the interview that exposed her as a complete IDIOT!!

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      In her sick mind she seems to think she got even with Katie Couric (in the ratings) but the reality is that Katie Couric's interviews got the best of her for all eternity.

    2. Anonymous8:59 PM

      ...and in true Palin fashion, the contest was rigged! Today ALWAYS beats GMA on ratings anyway, so she was going to "win" by default. Just the way she likes it! LOL

  36. Anonymous6:46 PM

    All those people scurrying around like worker bees put Sarah's little homespun crew (Todd, his buddy and the kids) to shame. Sarah appears on Fox for a total of five minutes, reading rehearsed, prescripted answers that are fed into her teleprompter. The Today Show runs for 4 hours, producing 4 separate segments, moving from news, interviews, the folks outside, acts, the weather, and back again, ready to cover breaking news if something should happen. How do they do it without an blazing fire, the American flag and some weeds in a vase? The different between The Today Show and Sarah's little job at Fox is the difference between a Rolls Royce and a kid's beat up little red wagon.

  37. I just noticed - on the ratings link

    Sarah has attempted to copy Michelle Obama's hairstyle - Will Mrs Palin EVER have an original thought in her head.

    Guess she realizes who has the class - and tries to copy it - NO CHANCE - the class and style of the first lady comes from within.

  38. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Hey, Sarah - you lost....yet again. Katie is not only PETITE, she is also smart and articulate, she is a professional. Everything you are not, Sarah! THis is not high school.

    1. Anonymous3:14 AM

      The reason Palin wore that tacky black pant suit is because Katie C has a AWESOME legs. Sarah was scared to death her cankles would show up badly against the gorgeous gams of Ms. Couric.

  39. Anonymous6:55 PM

    This country will forever be in debt to Ms. Couric for pretty much singlehandedly saving this country from a fate worse than death. When Tina followed up that dismal, pitiful interview, it was a lock and Sarah was done, and she really has NEVER rebounded since.

    Although she has repeatedly lunged at opportunities to rebrand and recapture the masses, it has been a complete failure because that 'perky one' interview is seared in the national consciousness and there is NOTHING that will ever remove it.

    All she is doing is reinforcing that fateful few minutes, showing us over and over again how utterly clueless she is.

    Sarah will always be a wannabe hasbeen.

  40. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Sarah didn't beat the Perky One. Katie signed a $40 million dollar contract with ABC to host a daytime talk show starting in September. Her show will be called "Katie." Sarah gets $1 million to make five minute appearances on Fox and say what they tell her to say. There are no TV shows called "Sarah." Her 8 hours of fake Alaska series was not renewed.

    Katie has been in broadcasting since 1979. In 2011, Couric became the Honorary National Chair of the National Parkinson Foundation's Moving Day campaign, a grassroots campaign to spotlight Parkinson's disease awareness on a national level. Couric's father died in 2011 at age 90 from complications due to Parkinson's disease. She is also a UNICEF Good Will Ambassador to the United Nations. Sarah Palin could be an advocate for Down Syndrome organizations, but so far, Sarah's only charity appears to be SarahPAC.

    1. Sarah couldn't carry her Alaska show much past 1 episode - but Katie has had daily shows for years. Intelligence shows - and it would seem that it pays. What will Mrs Palin do come November - or will Fox despair of her before then?

    2. Anonymous7:43 PM

      When Sarah said Oprah should have conservatives on her network it sounded like she was throwing out a "hint" of sorts that maybe Oprah would be willing to give her her own show.

      This bitch will do just about anything for a buck she has no integrity.

    3. emrysa8:03 PM


    4. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:51 PM


      Exactly, "anything for a buck" - see my comment about Sarah being like a hooker above.

      What is IRONIC,

      is that while Shailey Tripp was in the loneliest, and scariest time in a person's life

      (think: NO Money, NO Family to help {at the time}, TWO Children - BOTH DISABLED {one child couldn't hear}


      The Abuse issues that plagued her kept her out of safe shelters.

      This was a woman in DIRE. straights.

      And she met a predator, named Todd Palin.


      But what Shailey Tripp did, put money in her pocket that literally put food on her table that evening, for her children; bought their medicines.

      Yet Sarah Palin,

      a million-air,


      continues to prostitute herself,

      continues to flick her disgusting Grandma tongue,

      continues to attempt to be youthful, and relevant,

      continues to SELL HERSELF to the HIGHEST BIDDER.

      Shailey Tripp may have sold sexual services for money,

      but Sarah Palin is the only Whore.

  41. Anonymous7:00 PM

    You advertised her being on The Today Show so well that the ratings are out AND there were MORE viewers on The Today Show on Tuesday than on Monday with Meredith Viera and MORE than Good Morning America with Katie Couric.

    1. Jeanabella7:26 PM

      Thanks for posting this!
      Sarah can read & weep, but I doubt she would learn anything.

    2. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Most of the added viewers were watching to see RYAN SEACREST not Sarah.

    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:52 PM


      there's the little troll-y.

      Came for your morning feeding?

  42. Anonymous7:02 PM

    O/T two excerpt's from RM's NY Times bestseller

    1. Rachel humbly announced that her book will be Number 1 on the New York Times Best Sellers List this week.. Rock on, Rachel

    2. Sally in MI11:57 PM

      Yeas, and not only does Rachel read, but this Rhodes Scholar has a brain and uses it for good. And she never has to wrote on her palm to remind her what to say next. And she has her own show which she controls, moderates, and is wonderful on.
      Rachel Maddow is a great role model for journalists, women, and anyone thinking that journalism is dead. Rachel is the real deal.

    3. Anonymous6:38 AM

      Not only is Rachel brilliant, I think she's also very beautiful. She looks uncomfortable in all the showbiz makeup they put on her and I'm sure she looks even better without it. Unlike Palin, who trowels on so much makeup she gives Tammy Fay Bakker a run for her money, and who you know looks like crap without it.

  43. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Somewhere on the net earlier this morning I read that there was a spike of teen female viewers tuned in to Today on Tuesday. Well that was because Ryan Seacrest was supposed to be on but he cancelled because he ended up having to go to the doctor.

    Who ever knew that Palin would be so impressed by the lamestream media she spends 24/7 trying to infiltrate. If they offered her a crown, roses and a banner saying "Lamestream Queen" she would gladly take it and not even blink.


    1. Anonymous8:15 PM

      I read that, too. But teenage boys dropped from 45,000 to 30,000.

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!9:20 PM

      That's funny, Colleen!

      Love the sash and crown imagery!

      You nailed it.

  44. I absolutely L O V E how Sarah has real hair for "Today Show"... and then fake "FOX Hair" REALLY? like no one would notice it's holding all that knowledge in from leaking out, those sneaky conservatives are soo smart!

    1. I did not see "real hair" on her head on the Today show. On Fox she uses her real bangs, with wig, on the Today show, it was a full on wig, no bangs, all wig.

    2. Okay okay you win... she's fake from her six inch snake skin platforms and botox array of madness in-between!

    3. Anonymous9:32 PM

      The wig was probably the property of NBC and not her's.

  45. Anonymous7:16 PM

    I truly enjoyed John Stuart's take on Palin being on the today show. Don't miss it. Great clip!

  46. lostinmn7:16 PM

    Thinking about the Today show and the week's guests it makes you wonder if they decided to do some freak week? I mean - I didn't watch it but I've seen a couple of clips on Stewart and here. Her paging through the pile of newspapers? The writing on her hand? The hair styling materials? The questions about gaining weight during pregnancy? Each and every one was a direct slam and she went along with it. So it does make you wonder if NBC was just fucking with her and she's too dumb to realize it. And I might add she looked completely stoned or tranked - Her body language was stiff and her movements were wooden and remote. Reminded me of someone on downers and I worked ten years in a mental health facility. I suppose that was the only way they could have her on - drug her so she wouldn't start spewing vitriol, hate, lies and racist rants against the POTUS and FLOTUS. I wonder though - does she want to be POTUS, FLOTUS or VP? Or perhaps none of the above - anyway FLOTUS is out - her pimp terrorist AIP loving husband isn't going to make it as POTUS so she either has to make it on her own.

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      BRILLIANT captures that clearly show what you are talking about:

    2. "I wonder though - does she want to be POTUS, FLOTUS or VP?"
      Yes. (All of 'em, any of 'em, Perky One.)

      It depends on how she's feeling at any given moment; whether she's hungry for power, or is feeling lazy and willing to swan around while someone else does the work, or is feeling jealous of Michelle and how the President looks at her.

  47. Jeanabella7:21 PM

    Sarah is such a looser! Today, with all the awareness of the right wing fringe taking over the GOP, Fox & the people like sarah are all on the wring side of history as the example of the big gop talking head Rush!
    Roger & Murdoch are not a in good standing with the public nor is she.
    She aligns herself with garbage like Breitbart & O'keefe & divisive rhetoric with perceived enemies and grievances. She makes fun of people who are educated and have substantial experience and awards for their work as Katie has just received. The gall is stunning and part of the reason she is asked to speak. Everyone wants to watch her next screw-up!

  48. Anonymous7:25 PM

    We are the 49th state in the union.

  49. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Also too, gawdy flag pins and crosses on belt buckles are signs of fake authenticity. Aka....the star of david, etc. I don't need signs to portray genuineness. Alas the idiot pundit does.

  50. Anonymous7:35 PM

    My mother, a lifelong Republican and devout GMA watcher, told me she was going to tune in to the Today Show "just to see how awful Sarah Palin" was.

    So you see, that viewership bump was really nothing more than a bunch of people tuning into watch a car accident live on TV.

  51. Anonymous7:35 PM

    They call it charisma. Even Joy Behar used the word tonight on Ed. She's shameless, trashy, embarrassing, and stupid sounding. How is that charisma??? Why do people bend over backwards for her, cut her slack over and over and over again??? She's repulsive and they say it's charisma. Sheesh.

    1. Anonymous8:21 PM

      "Charisma" = Belmont gals, plastic surgery, pounds of makeup, wigs, baby-voice, winkin', and 1970s Elvis outfits.

      "Hillbilly charisma", yee haw!!

    2. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Pretty horrifying how easily people are taken in by this deceitful human being.

      They are fools, and once the truth is out they will realize they were duped by a con artist of the highest order.

    3. Anonymous9:30 PM

      Even Rev. Al Sharpton said she was charismatic but then he was comparing her to Mitt Romney.

    4. Anonymous4:12 AM

      More chutzpa than charisma.

  52. Anonymous7:36 PM

    This woman is so vulgar in her philosophy that I "almost" feel sorry for her. She is such a media Ho and VERY indicative of the superficial and uneducated aspects that not only SATURATE today's GOP system but attract those who vote GOP. It is little wonder they are the laughing-stock of the world today.

  53. WakeUpAmerica7:37 PM

    News anchor up in Alaska back in the day? What day? Last I heard, she was an intern for a short time.

    I see that she is also still spinning her old lie that Couric asked her what she was reading "up there in Alaska" to stay informed. As I recall, Couric asked her what she had read to form her world view. Sigh... lie, lie, and more lies. Fake News and the Manatee should be ashamed.

    1. Anonymous9:57 PM

      She was NEVER a news anchor in AK. She was a sports announcer for a short while on Channel 2 in Anchorage years ago and didn't make a success of it. She had the spot for a very short time.

  54. Anonymous7:38 PM

    would be interested to know what the two hour breakdown was since these shows are known to have a big first hour followed by a viewer drop-off, I would think Palin would have a major take a look and change the channel appeal, just to see if she was actually there. these are also instant overnights which can change when everything is tallied as the numbers are based on select markets.

  55. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Poisonous. Antagonistic. Lethal. Infectious. Noxious.


    1. Anonymous8:50 PM

      I have been waiting for you all evening to show up,$arah! I guess your plane did not have WiFi, so you could not keep track with all the blogs...
      How did you like your Baileys,$arah?

    2. Anonymous9:27 PM



  56. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Sarah, your adorable daughter/trolls keep telling people not to be "haters," to move on with life, or otherwise angry people will be immature and "sad."

    Perhaps you should have a heart-to-heart with them. They could give you good advice on "moving on" from hating Katie Couric, taking responsibility for your own mistakes, and letting the past be the past.

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Nah, let her continue. She'll be Whitney within the year and we can all rest. What an absolute TRASH family. Satan Incarnate, she is,

  57. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Of course she did a Fox interview. She was in NY. You fail to admit that it was a good interview. You also are relying on lies to further anti-Palin propaganda.

    I love how you naturally DEMEAN anyone who isnt a democrat though. Not even Palin demeans the other side. She just calls out obvious lies.

    1. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Surely, you are kidding. If you aren't Palin herself, you are just as delusional as she is. Palin constantly insults those on the left--constantly. Palin constantly pushes that conservatives are "patriotic" as though the left is not.

      People here call it like they see it. Palin has been proven to be a liar. She makes $$$ telling untruths--and she'll keep doing. Her pac, and career, depend on it.

    2. Anonymous8:28 PM


    3. Anonymous8:29 PM

      You dumb@ss troll. I'll call out the Palin family lies. Whores. Pimp. Whores. Pimp. Whores. Pimp,

    4. Anonymous8:33 PM

      What a steaming pile of horse-shit! Sarah Spewlin DEMEANS our intelligent, upstanding, charismatic and effective President of the United States more than anyone else on the planet! The hatred she spews toward our President in every single one of her contrived and repetitious interviews on Fox, and every one of her Facebook posts or tweets or so-called articles, makes us sick to our stomachs. "..calls out obvious lies' indeed! The queen of spew herself is the biggest lie ever. And that appearance in New York on Fox was just boring -- no more than chit-chat between all those hate-mongering repubs that hold each others' delusions up. Nothing informational, nothing constructive, nothing encouraging. Just like everything on Fox. Disgusting network. Also, too, the Queen of Spew's appearance on Today was supposed to be as a guest host. In other words, she was supposed to actually do some interviewing herself. Instead all she did was sit there or stand there in a stiff and awkward pose, constantly clasping or unclasping her hands, or occasionaly contorting her aging face into grimaces (her signature tounge-poking-between-her-teeth mannerism showing more than once); and answered questions directed at her. Even while answering questions she can never control her stutter anymore (the stutter serving to make time for her to remember what it is she is trying to say, while she throws her word salad together). Oh, just sickening! Queen of DEMEAN, Queen of Spew, Sarh Spewlin!

    5. Anonymous8:47 PM

      "She just calls out obvious lies."

      NAME ONE.

      Don't worry, I won't hold my breath.

    6. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Sarah Palin doesn't demean the other side? Really? Haven't you heard her speak with total disrespect towards our President? If that's not demeaning I don't know what is. It's disgusting.

      It occurred to me the other day that this childish woman is the ONLY person who insists on using the term "lamestream media", even though she is apparently a member of the media herself and now waxes poetic about the good people working on the Today Show. (You can't have it both ways, Sarah.)

      Calling many/most journalists lame is not exactly lifting people up. She demeans anyone and anything she perceives to be her enemy.

      She is a mean girl who belittles whenever she gets a chance. THAT'S WHAT SHE DOES.

    7. emrysa9:04 PM

      lol you just keep telling yourself that... you're as delusional as she is. amusing, tho!

    8. Anonymous9:15 PM

      Oh no Kristy! You are back! Even after getting kicked off Bristols FB page for being a stalker? And you are still defending them? Still being a stalker?
      Poor girl, you are thick as a brick! I'll pray for you dear one.

    9. fuuuuuuuuuuuck YOU, BRISDULL!!!9:57 PM


    10. fuuuuuuuuuuuck YOU, BRISDULL!!!10:00 PM



      Kristy the Kreep creeped out Brisdull?

      Awwww. Rejected by your idol.

      After ALL your hard. work?

      That. must. Sting!!


    11. Anonymous10:12 PM

      Awww,it must really,really suck to be you,eh Bristol?

    12. How can you demean a pimp like Todd Palin?

    13. Anonymous2:57 AM

      I thought that Jon Stewart pretty much wrote the book on calling Sarah a hypocrite. She creates straw dogs when she insults the lamestream media, and then rushed to "infiltrate" them when she had a chance for some publicity. Stewart pointed out that Obama cannot be both a Socialist and a Wall Street insider.

      Joy Behar wonders why Sarah isn't on some game show turning letters by now. As far as Sarah's comment that "Game Change" was a pack of lies, I give you Sarah's version of Paul Revere, ringing those bells and firing those warning shots. She thinks that the Statute of Liberty is a warning not to make the mistakes that the countries in Europe have made. These dumb comments were made in June of last year, not when Steve Schmidt discovered that Sarah had no idea why there were two Koreas. (She still doesn't know the difference between them because she said that we had to stand by our North Korean allies). Sarah's own stupid comments prove that "Game Change" was right. She could not be taught anything, and McCain made a terrible choice when he went for style over substance. To this day, Sarah spends more time adjusting her wig and makeup and choosing tacky clothing to wear instead of studying and learning anything.

    14. Anonymous6:00 AM

      Yes, because Sarah is not a democrat is the only reason we dislike her...Are you out of your freakin' mind? It must suck to be inside your head!

  58. emrysa7:54 PM

    yeah, her entire objective was to "beat the perky one" altho I doubt that it really happened.

    such a vendetta-driven redneck LOSER. nothing positive or uplifting about this skank.

  59. Anonymous7:54 PM

    She has a point about Couric. Not that Palin can talk, but Katie was given a job at CBS for superficial reasons only. Other more substantial people were fired. TV is all perkiness and looks. Notice how Couric's ratings were never good.

    1. Anonymous12:14 AM

      Poor Sarah has been trying to get Todds tiny two toned penis perky,but he is too busy with his hookers.

    2. Anonymous12:20 AM

      Not for the evening news,which is a failing enterprise anyway.
      But she must have something, since ABC signed her last year for a $40 million contract. Her talents go beyond the superficial, and did for fifteen years before on the "Today" show, 60 minutes, etc. "Perky" alone doesn't keep you on tv. Ask Deborah Norville.

    3. Anonymous2:45 AM

      Katie might have gotten off to a shaky start. I know some people who work at Reuters in London. They dismissed Katie as a cream puff. Then, the YouTube videos of her interviews with Sarah made the rounds. They had new found respect for Katie and they are still laughing at Sarah. (It wasn't just one interview with Katie. There were several. In one, Sarah wore a pink jacket. That was the interview that Tina Fey repeated word for word in a SNL skit, which was hilarious. In the other interview, Sarah wore a red jacket. That is the one where she was asked three times what she read in order to inform her world opinion. The answer that Sarah gave is correct. She has no world opinion, therefore she doesn't need to read anything. She wasn't reading those papers on the Today Show, either. They were props, just like Sarah's family, her sparkling American Flag and that huge red cross belt buckle).

  60. WakeUpAmerica7:54 PM

    what's your point?

  61. AJ Billings8:01 PM

    Oh, the granny grifter is a natural all right.
    Naturally stupid, uninformed, ignorant, vapid, and keeps her enemy list right on her twin blackberries.

    That mean girl Katie asked me what I read! The nerve of her!

  62. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Wow. Read Katie Couric's wikipedia entry -- her incredible work ethic, her educational background, her numerous, substantive charity sponsorships.
    She's the real deal.
    And Miss Perky has been a widow for 14 years, after the swift death of her husband to colon cancer. She's raised their two daughters on her own. Neither of them is pregnant and they are most probably still in school.

    vs. Miss Snarky, who may or may not have a college degree, who does nothing for anyone unless she gets paid for it, whose children run wild with no boundaries or expectations, who's still married to a guy who's a criminal sex trafficker.

    You may have gotten 23,000 more curious, rubber-necking viewers than Katie Couric for one day, Sarah, but, overall, your life is on a downward trajectory, and never rose higher than Ms. Part-time Beauty Pageant Governor, who quit.

    1. Anonymous2:41 AM

      In addition to have worked on major TV shows since 1979, Katie also supports and works for charitable causes. The one humanizing thing that Sarah could have done would have been charitable work for Down Syndrome organizations. But someone there might want to see Trig's birth certificate first, if they thought that Sarah was using him and them for cheap publicity. No worries. Sarah never gives them time or money. Her motto is that charity begins at home. Be sure to donate to her PAC.

  63. Anonymous8:05 PM

    So I guess this was "getting even" for her? I've got news for you, Sarah. Nothing cemented your reputation as a clueless MORON more than that interview with Katie. That is a stain you will never wash out.

    Sucks to be you.

  64. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:05 PM

    The Graphic on the Daily Show was:

    Good Morning "REAL" America

    pretty good

  65. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:07 PM

    So, if there are "worker bees",

    there is also a QUEEN bee, right?

    That ALL the WORKER bees, ya know, WORK FOR; it is their Only. Purpose. In. Life.

    Interesting analogy, Sarah Spider.

    1. Anonymous2:38 AM

      Sarah wouldn't be the Queen of the Worker Bees. It's not her hive. She was just infiltrating for the day. Ann would be the Queen Bee. Oh, and there were other female visitors, too.

      I'm glad that Sarah revealed one secret, that it's Todd, his friend or her family who serve as her Worker Bees. That Piper is growing up fast, but she still has a lot to learn about fixing Mommy's wig so we can't see that it was just plopped on her head. Piper also needs to change the weed arrangement. Does Sarah expect us to think that lame scene is the back of Todd's airplane hanger?

    2. Anonymous5:58 AM

      She is the Queen B, as in Bitch. There have been several books about girl bullies, and one describes the alpha female bully as the Queen B, which is Sarah to a T! Poor Sarah never matured beyond middle school. So sad.

  66. emrysa8:10 PM

    guess what? no more paycheck for the quitter when vp nominee 2012 is announced. no more interest from the networks or any other media outlet after vp nominee 2012 is announced. bwaahahaa! hope you invested your $ wisely, skank, cause you're done! and good riddance, not soon enough for the sane!

  67. Anonymous8:21 PM

    so, Alaska has unglamorous rugged conditions way up north when it suits her narrative, but when asked what she reads, she's insulted and imagines that someone impunes her connections with current events. heck, she reads the National Enquirer, what more do you want?

  68. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I love those two nimrods interviewed outside the studios, cforp'ers, no doubt. OMG, I would be terrified if those were my "fans"!

  69. Anonymous8:43 PM

    I can only agree with your true post.

  70. What "unconventional lifestyle"?! She shops at Target. Gimme a break.

  71. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Déjà vu, the great ratings spin
    'Sarah Palin's Alaska' Breaks TLC Ratings Record

    April 4, 2012 from the NANCY BLOG SOS: "Also, I star in an upcoming reality series, Life’s a Tripp, which will air on Lifetime beginning April 2."

    How could young Gino go so wrong so fast?
    January 2011
    Will he blow up his TV this time? "idiots of Alaska channel"

  72. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:54 PM


    McCain was perfectly Scum-der-ful on his own;

    that crypt keeper gave me the CREEPS with his

    "my friends" shit!


  73. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Mean jealous vendeta stunt was all that was. FAIL

  74. So really, it's worth asking, why did Ryan Seacrest bail on Tuesday's Today Show. My take, smart move to avoid being included in the freak show presented there. One only has to recall Romney's announcement in New Hampshire to understand why it's a good idea to do your big thing somewhere away from IT.

    1. Anonymous3:26 AM

      Because he did not want to be seen on any show that had Palin. Everything she touches turns to shit and Ryan has the good sense to stay very far away from her.

  75. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Why in the World Would John McCain Tell Mitt Romney to Pick Sarah Palin for His Running Mate?
    Despite what Palin's hilariously-titled biographical documentary Undefeated might tell you, the former Alaska governor's surprise nomination for Vice President wasn't a boon to the McCain campaign; in fact, the more she talked, the less people seemed to like her.

    Record breaking failure

    Worst Documentary
    Starring Andrew Breitbart. Director/writer Steven Banner

    Screech and Andrew Breitbart speak at Pella Opera House

    Hear we go again

    ‘Koch Brothers Exposed’

  76. Anita Winecooler11:08 PM

    HA HA HA

    Did Robin and Matt bring Franinsense and Murrrh?

    What a buffoon!

    And the judge commanding the President to have a three page single spaced letter proving the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act? That ain't happening. If it does, it's at the President's leisure and only if he wants to.

    Sarah, why's your hair a different color and less coiffed than on the Today show? Didn't you watch "the worker bees" or ask them for wig tips?

    And can Sean be any more charming? As if Sarah's worth half of what Oprah's wealth is.

    Epic, Epic, Epic Fell!

    I watched the whole clip, excuse me while I shower.

  77. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Sarah, I live in the rural mountains of Massachusetts, where we have huntin' and fishin' and hikin, and bears and moose....
    by your criteria, we're real "Americana," I guess?
    We also are real Americana, being where the Pilgrims landed, where Paul Revere rode (silently, in the dead of night), where Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, where Louisa May Alcott found inspiration, where John Adams, and John Hancock, helped rally their fellow citizens to revolt against the Crown.
    We also have ril "mericana universal health care, which is working GREAT, and we were the first state to legalize same-sex marriage (again, a pioneer in human rights). We have no death penalty, because, if a fetus is sacred, then so is all life, and should not be taken away by the state, as did Stalin and Hitler, among hundreds of other despots, to control their enemies.
    We fund public education, as the bedrock of a civilized society. We take care of each other, ss the New Testament tells Christians to do.
    We also have some of the most world-renowned health care, universities and colleges, art museums, theater, dance.....don't we count as "real Americana?" Maybe you should come visit us and learn a thing or two, after you've thawed out, your finger tips and your brain, and stick that moose meat back in the freezer for some other day.

  78. Paul - Minnesota4:21 AM

    Sarah is really stuck still being a mean tween or teenage bully. Though my question is, elementary school, junior high, senior high, or all of them.

    I'll put my money on all. Plus she's a life long career bully. Her: Whaaaa? People aren't paying attention to her. She'll fix it, pronto.

    1. Anonymous5:53 AM

      She's the perpetual 80's mean girl.

  79. Paul - Minnesota4:23 AM

    I like your word, Scum-der-ful. Thank you.

  80. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Gryphen, You may need to update your myopic, somewhat condescending, view of Africa. Deepest, darkest Africa is definitely a pejorative. Africa doesn't have much "jungle," left because of deforestation. There are 56 countries in Africa, more than 1 billion people, an estimated 3,000 languages. Many of the people I know from Africa are multilingual and educated, which is more than I can say for Sarah Palin.

  81. Anonymous7:10 AM

    The Bitch got paid, that is the bottom line. The joke is on us. This fool does not care one bit about what others think about her. She has no other skills, but to hustle her dumb ass to the highest bidder. Little to no education, no apparent intellect, and no integrity. Unfortunately, this is what America is coming to. We are becoming a nation for the dumb asses, and by the dumb asses, while the ruling 1%, just keeps on screwing us. The Bitch an her family, are simply a reflection of how stupid and content we Americans have become. So the Bitch will laugh all the way to the bank. What else can she do with her life, pimping us suckers is all she knows how to do.

  82. JenniferinVA7:44 AM

    What's this "CEO of a city" business? Does Wasilla really qualify as a city with only about 7000 people?(Sometimes she calls herself a city manager.) She claimed that her seat on the oil and gas commission and being mayor (CEO) of Wasilla made her as qualified as any other VP candidate.
    Didn't she quit the commission after 1 year because it was too hard, and didn't she hire a city manager while she was mayor?
    Why does no one ever ask her that when she continues to trot out these obvious lies?

  83. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Sarah just proved how ignorant she really is when she appeared on the Today Show..They used her and she's to narcissistic to even notice, as long as she's being paid she will do anything and in her little pee brain she doesn't care what anyone thinks because she is so hot and needs to we in the spotlight no matter what!.. She was the 3 headed snake in the freak show and was laying in her cage while everyone was pointing and laughing at her. Every subject brought up had something to do with her life..I watched the show and she was a total failure from the idiot word salad, the clothes, the hair and her old haggard looks..she reminds me of an aged prostitute still walking the streets for $10.00 a BJ.

  84. Anonymous8:36 AM

    What a condescending bitch!

  85. Anonymous9:24 AM

    If I paid that Bitch for a $10.00 BJ, I would expect $9.75 back in change.

  86. The insufferable bitch needs to stop being proud of things that a 6 yo would glee in.

    More people tuned in to watch tori spelling that that clown. At least tori isn't a rehashed old bat.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.