Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mitt Romney refuses to repudiate Donald Trump's birtherism because " I need to get 50.1 percent or more." Pandering at its most disgusting.

Tonight Romney will appear at a fundraiser in Las Vegas with the king of the birthers Donald Trump.

When asked by reporters how he felt about Trump's crazy conspiratorial point of view this is how the man who wants to be the leader of the free world responded:

 “You know I don’t agree with all the people who support me and my guess is they don’t all agree with everything I believe in,” Romney told reporters on an airplane before taking off for a campaign appearances Tuesday in Colorado and Las Vegas. “But I need to get 50.1 percent or more and I”m appreciative to have the help of a lot of good people.”

Now in my opinion this kind of cowardly response should disqualify Romney from ever even being CONSIDERED as a candidate for the White House.

Not because I think he is secretly a birther, but because he is so nakedly admitting that he  will pander to ANYBODY simply to get to that magical 50.1 percent.

If Republicans believe they have ANY argument to make in bringing up the Reverend Wright or Bill Ayers as examples of "past associations" which discredit the President, the fact that Romney is sucking up to "the Donald" completely discredits that political attack.

You know as if that argument had any credibility in the first place. Which of course it doesn't.

When it comes to Donald Trump I think George Will said it best:

 "The cost of appearing with this bloviating ignoramus is obvious, it seems to me," Will added. "Donald Trump is redundant evidence that if your net worth is high enough, your IQ can be very low, and you can still intrude into American politics. But again, I don't understand the benefit. What is Romney seeking?" 

Good question! Does anybody really believe that Trump will do ANYTHING to help Romney reach that magical 50.1 percent?


  1. "A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything".
    Malcolm X

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!1:01 PM

      "So what do I need to tell THAT guy to get his vote?"

      -Mittens Romney

  2. Im seriously shocked at this! I can't believe he just flat out said that. Evidence is mounting that Romney is not human; hes a robot Borg with NO idea of how normal people act. Mitt: you can't just ADMIT that...his campaign PR guys must have their hands full

  3. Anonymous11:15 AM

    What a despicable excuse for a human being. Both Mitt Whoreme and Donald Grump.

  4. hedgewytch11:27 AM

    These people really believe the majority of American's can't see through this BS? Do they really? They're going to have one hell of bad wake up call the day after the 2012 election.

  5. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Mitt Romney has simply no guts at all. What a jerk!

  6. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Wrong. You do not need 50.1 percent, you need 270 electoral college votes. If you do not understand that, you are not qualified to run for president.

    M in MD

    1. Virginia Voter11:57 AM

      Ha, you beat me to it...Mitt better go check his math with Al Gore on that one. 50.1 percent will not win you a presidential election, and neither will pallin around with bloviating gnoramus birthers sporting combovers.

    2. Anonymous12:50 PM


    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!12:59 PM

      50.1 percent will not win you a presidential election

      Pretty much,

      just ask Al Gore...

    4. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!1:00 PM

      Ugh, sorry-

      didn't mean to post.

    5. Anonymous2:01 PM

      Hi there, M in MD,
      Excellent point!
      M from MD

    6. Anonymous4:35 PM

      @anon 11:35

      Electoral Politics ain't beanbag, so put on your big-boy (MAN, not MOM) pants, Mitty & Co.

      Who gives a shit if Mitt can get 60%+ in the hard-core Red states like OK, AR, AL, KY, WVA, UT, et al ? --- He still only gets those few electoral votes these states represent. No bonus for sweeping the regressive-dominated states.

  7. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Here in Vegas, the local news commented that Romney had agreed to a couple of interviews and then canceled stating two events at the same time. The newswoman did not seem real happy about this. She corrected Chumps statements by saying Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961. I loved it.

    There are also events around town against Romney. Nevada was smart to elect Obama, let's just hope Southern Nevada gets out in the numbers needed to combat the conservative Northern Nevada.

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      His approach to interviews is rather Palinesque, don't you think? Once the team realized that Sarah Palin couldn't handle the "gotcha" media, she was protected from from anything that wasn't totally Palin-friendly. Even now she only appears on selected Fox programs that are still willing to carry water for her.

      Romney is much the same way. He won't go on Sunday morning news shows - the best and most obvious vehicle for a serious candidate. He has only done a few interviews and I haven't seen one of them go well. Palin got confused if a reporter went "off script" - Romney gets testy. Palin would hide behind her kids, Romney hides behind his wife. Neither Romney nor Palin want to bring up their record as governor in their campaigns. They both think god is talking to them. Neither one of them have a clue about international relations and both still see Russia through Cold War eyes.

      I can almost cut Palin some slack for "acting like a girl*", but what is Romney's excuse? That guy needs to learn the ins and outs of basic manhood before he tries something like running for public office.

      *nothing sexist here - I happen to be a "girl" myself, just making a point.

    2. Anita Winecooler10:18 PM

      Well said, Anonymous1:38 PM.

      Romney's been on Fox News so many times, I'm shocked they haven't hired him!

      They're usually very short, pre scripted interviews, and still he comes off like a moron.

  8. Anonymous12:07 PM

    An honest answer from an honest man
    A business man who knows how to run USA Inc.

    1. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Honest????? This man would not understand the meaning of the word if he was hit in the head with a Webster's dictionary.

      The only thing he's ever been 'honest' about is the fact that he has absolutely no convictions and is willing to do or say anything to win the election, even if he says the opposite tomorrow.

      That's not the kind of honesty I want in the White House. Nor is the kind of man who is willing, and even gleeful, about methodically destroying businesses and putting people out of work in order to make a quick profit.

    2. Anonymous12:33 PM

      ...into the ground.

    3. hedgewytch12:54 PM

      Troll alert... but I'll bite.

      So is that what you REALLY want for America and American's? Good Old U.S.A. Inc? Welcome to Fascist Corporate America brought to you by the bought and paid for GOP.

    4. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!1:06 PM

      An honest answer from an honest man
      A business man who knows how to run USA Inc.


      Well, honest is not a word that could EVER describe Mittens (or Trump, for that matter), and the USA is NOT a corporation.

      As it was, Mittens decimated the corporations that he WAS in charge of; stripping lifetime workers of their pensions and jobs simply so Ann could buy another Dressage Horse.

      He is an absolute DISGRACE.

    5. Anonymous2:00 PM

      You're a fucking idiot, and beyond that, a typical Rethuglican hypocrite.

      You guys go on and on about how Obama's lack of "business experience" somehow disqualifies him from remedying the economic ills of the nation when Bush, Cheney, and the rest of the draft-dodging chicken-hawks got a pass to wage two wars that they were-by your "logic"-scarcely qualified to manage. Tell me, friend, where was all this "wisdom" and indignation then?


      Obama/Biden 2012 (by a LANDSLIDE!!!)

    6. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Interesting way to put it: USA Inc., because that's the way Romney and his sort view this country: as just another 'business' that they can exploit, which they surely mean to with their tax cuts for the rich and the corporate, while the rest of us peons suffer.
      M from MD

    7. Anita Winecooler10:27 PM

      Wow, the slow swimmer got there first!

      Romney and honest in the same sentence!

      "I don't remember what it is I said, but if I said it, I stand firmly behind it"

      "I love the trees, they're all just the right size!"

      "I can't hire illegals, fer gripe's sake, I'm running for President!"

      "It was an airtight kennel"

      "I like firing people"

      Meh Romney being honest. lol

  9. Anonymous12:38 PM

    He's honest about it:

    "All I care about is winning, and I don't care how I do it. I stand for nothing, and will gladly accept the money and the votes and the publicity gained from the greedy, manipulative, lying, and ignorant segments of the population. Anything to get the Republicans into power."

  10. Anonymous12:45 PM

    "I'm trying to get elected as the President, for fuck's sake!"

    (Wouldn't surprise me at all if this quote comes to be, soon!)

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      That's what Mittens said when the press discovered he had hired illegal workers at his home - He couldn't have illegal workers because he was running for POTUS!!! I guess it was ok before he declared his candidacy.

  11. Anonymous12:48 PM

    The look in his beady eyes when he made the bet with Perry in the primaries told me the whole story. Cold as ice.

  12. Beldar Rmoney2012 Conehead1:00 PM

    Gryphen, I've been dreading this day. But I'm officially announcing on your blog that I am endorsing Mittens Rmoney for president. Now, before you ban me, please let me explain and try to convince you and the rest of your librul Bolshevik blog buddies to join me.

    Here is the Rmoney agenda for America that will pull us back from the very brink of annihilation that we're on under Obama - who, by the way, seems like a nice enough guy but is just clueless as to how a rich old white man should run this country.

    1)He wipes the slate clean. Undoes everything Obama did in his failed presidency. Repeal Obamacare, re-invade Iraq, resurrect Bin Laden, dissolve GM and Chrysler, everything. Face it: Obama didnt do anything right in 3 1/2 years.

    2) He eliminates all government bureaucracy and regulations. Seriously, if God wants the planet polluted, who are we to interfere? Day One: disband the EPA, The Department of Education and one other department I cant recall at the moment.

    3) He provides HUGE, MASSIVE tax cuts for the wealthy. Soon, wealthy people will literally be rolling in money. It's a win-win for everyone!!! But, yeah, mostly a win for the wealthy.

    4) He provides MASSIVE increases in military spending. The Chinese were expecting cuts to our bloated military expenditures and misguided weapons systems? We fake 'em out with a DOUBLING of the budget!

    5) The best part: as you know Mittens is a business expert. Probably the greatest business expert that ever lived in the earth's 6000 year existence. The man is worth a QUARTER BILLION dollars, HELLO!!! I guarantee that if he is given the opportunity to run America like a hedge fund, every single one of us will BE WORTH A QUARTER BILLION DOLLARS!!! Think of what YOU would buy with a QUARTER BILLION DOLLARS! Do you seriously think youre gonna get that rich under Obama? Please... Dont make me laugh.

    How does Rmoney do it? I'll tell you: first he acquires the country at a bargain price (in this case, the entire government is put in the hands of ultra-conservative tea baggers led by awkward politicians with massive egos) then he sells off poor performing assets such as Cleveland, OH and the state of Alabama. Then he arranges enormous loans to be funded by the operations of the remaining states and with the resulting loan proceeds pays himself (in this case, his campaign contributors) MASSIVE bonuses (in this case, the tax cuts). This plan can't lose!

    Once rich people are again wealthy enough to afford even more luxury cars and off-shore vacation properties than they have now, the spending logjam will be broken. And THAT means JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!!! Do you think Ferraris and Bentleys build themselves? HELL NO, THEY DONT!! And to build those cars requires highly skilled, HIGHLY PAID employees! We're talking large factories running at full capacity! See where this is going? IT'S GOING DOWN! The unemployment rate, that is!

    And more rich people with lots more money means more pool boys, shoe shiners, dishwashers, Hooters waitresses, grocery baggers, parking lot attendants, etc will be needed to meet the surging demands of the wealthy. Some even predict a return to the golden era of personal servants, butlers and live-in house maids where even aging baby boomers will have exciting new job opportunities!

    Remember zaftig, middle-aged Hazel on television? The Baxters LOVED her even tho she often meddled in family affairs but everything always turned out ok before the last commercial. And speaking of Family Affairs... If you think that portly middle-aged Mr. Fwench didnt enjoy having 20 year old Cissy sit on his lap, you don't know Mr. Fwench like I know Mr. Fwench!

    And that is why I'm endorsing Millard "Mittens" Rmoney for president in 2012. Remember this well, Gryphen, under President Rmoney each and every day will be at least twice as better than the day before but less than only half as better as the next day! If you don't believe me, ask Mittens!

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      I enjoyed reading this! Funny - and true!

    2. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Thank you, Beldar Rmoney2012 Conehead. I really enjoy reading your stuff here. You should be on Saturday Night Live!

    3. Anita Winecooler10:39 PM

      :SWOON: My kingdom for a pool boy! (And I don't even have a pool). The genius of Beldar Rmoney Conehead 2012!

      Can I get a "My friends all drive Benz's" bumper sticker for my Porsche under your plan?

  13. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Trump was interviewed a little while ago by Blitzer. He told Trump that he was sounding ridiculous. Of course Trump said the same about Blitzer. I hope Trump keeps flapping his mouth and it buries Muttens.

  14. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Huffington post has an article saying Romney is disputing Trumps birther charges. Maybe I read it wrong.

    Romney is spineless. I can't imagine why anyone would vote for him except billionaires who want to keep all of their money.

  15. Anonymous1:08 PM

    The sad thing is that Romney could confess to murder, and my parents would still refuse to vote for Obama. My mom is already saying she won't vote.

    I hope my parents are in a tiny minority.

    1. Anonymous 1:08 pm

      You've hit the nail on the head. Dems should not try to persuade the unpersuadable. It only makes them defensive and dig in their heels.

      LA Times front page article today says:
      "Less than half of Romney backers said they were casting a ballot in order to vote for him, while *the majority was doing so to vote against Obama*. Among Obama voters, 83% were voting for the president, and 15% were motivated by disdain for Romney."

      As much as I hate Politico, they also hit the nail on the head regarding M-Robme's election strategy:
      "Mitt Romney and his top aides are building a strategy, partly by design and partly because of circumstance, around what they consider John McCain’s disastrously run campaign in 2008.
      The strategy: Whatever McCain did, do the opposite."

      What drives me nuts is that the MSM is in the tank for Robme, and refuse to call out his lies (basically everything that comes out of his mouth), and dig through random sentences from POTUS to *aha* "discover" some slightly nuanced untruth (which is really manipulating POTUS's words to benefit the "unbiased" MSM).


    2. Anonymous5:08 PM

      anon 1:08---

      You still gotta love em because they're family. I live in a state where 60% of all the voters fit that profile. Most of these folks down here are living on the fringes and are often easily exploited by fear of the unknown.

      I do try to be as patient and respectful as I can of those who don't have access to all of the data points on a given issue. I do this because I, personally, want to see the underclass given a fair shot at the American Dream. On the other hand, the assholes who exploit the fears and uncertainties of these common folks--- I call these people out with facts, sources and the scorn they have earned.

      I've observed that so many of these "lesser-informed" folks to be working so damned hard themselves, just trying to scratch out a living, that they don't have the luxury of investing a lot of time in ensuring theirs is an informed vote. They deserve good,solid, honest information to weigh against their usual channels of disinformation. Once the lying liars lose the trust of these folks, they don't get a second chance at snookering them again without being called on their bullshit.

      These ordinary people aren't dumb. And I'm going to make the GOP spend a helluva lot more $$$ to win this state than if I did nothing and just rolled over--- this leaves fewer dollars for the regressives to dump into the swing states. It also helps with the down-ticket races, where local voting power helps gives a voice to the under-represented pockets of poor people.

      Okay, I'll get off my soapbox here, but don't forget--- every vote matters.

      Knowledge is Power.

    3. Anonymous5:11 PM

      "If a Nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization,
      it expects what never was and never will be....
      If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free,
      it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."

      Thanks for the nice quote, Mister Jefferson. I'll bet you'd make fun of Donald Trump, also, too.

  16. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Anon 12:07: you are an idiot. The US is NOT a business. It's obvious you are not educated about basic economics or US government. The government serves its people! It isn't a for-profit or even a non-profit business.
    Go back to school.

    Also Romney is a proven liar. Then again, you probably support Sarah, another proven liar.

    You are a perfect example of a misinformed, uneducated voter. And any school that did educate you should be embarrassed. You embarrass yourself.

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      pssssst ... 12:07 was satire. Learn to recognize it, so you don't embarrass yourself. Cheers!

  17. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Hey, Gryph,

    China Daily has a story on a company that makes fake silicon pregnancy bellies: http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/life/2012-05/29/content_15415343.htm

    You might find it interesting.

  18. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Well, Mittens and The Donald do have one thing in common: They both like to fire people.

  19. Anonymous1:35 PM

    "... redundant evidence that if your net worth is high enough, your IQ can be very low, and you can still intrude into American politics."

    So true. And unfortunately, in the case of Sarah Palin, it's just.... if you make old white men feel horny, your IQ can be very low, and you can DESTROY American politics.

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      The Donald and The Sarah - what a pair. A pair of cheap worn-out shoes. Time to throw them out with the rest of the Tea Party trash.

  20. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I feel very uncomfortable when I watch Romney (R-money) interact with the public. His beady eyes are darting around and his speech is rapid and breathless. I don't feel like he is speaking from a deep conviction about what he is saying.

    I would not buy a used car from R-money.

  21. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Mitt Romney = Political Whore.
    He stands for nothing, except his own ambition.
    We need to turn out in force to keep Obama in office.
    M from MD

  22. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Never was an arrogant man as Donald Trump. He seethes from the juices of his own hot air. He must be irritating the heck out of all the Republicans and he knows it. It's a circus. And they did it to themselves.

    Now the act is over and the republican base has bellyaches from eating too much cotton candy and ice cream, and pretzels and dogs and candy apples. The puking begins!!

  23. I think we should demand to see Mitt Romney's long form birth certificate. After all, his father tried to run for president even though he was born in Mexico. Perhaps Mitt was as well. Who know for sure?

  24. Trump has been showing increased signs of dementia for the past couple years. He has always been a self-aggrandizing blowhard but has climbed well past that in his feeble attempt to run as a presidential candidate in a desperate attempt to get ratings for his reality show and now with the birther nonsense. His family would do well to stage an intervention but I imagine the prospect of cutting down the money tree is too scary. I can't imagine what it's like to live around this insufferable beast.

    C'mon State of Hawaii, you've been called out by Trump as 'co-conspirators'. You going to sit still for that????

  25. hedgewytch4:09 PM

    So we've all seen the campaign contribution contests for having a dinner with the candidates and another "star". So, who would you rather have dinner with?

    President Obama and former President Clinton (this is the new one, the last one was with George Clooney - using him in this example just isn't fair. ;-) )


    Mit Romney and Donald Trump.

    With the first I'd probably be tongue-tied and proud to be in their company. With the second, I'd have to leave the room, I'd be too sick to my stomach to eat anything.

  26. Anita Winecooler11:13 PM

    The Meh and The Donald, perfect together!

    When George Will says something smart, people perk up their ears!

    Hey Mitt, now that you "won" texas (congraulations, btw, pretty difficult state for a Republican, just sayin) How about "going rogue" and picking Donald Trump for your Vice President! That would be a "game changer"!

    I wonder if Mitt has a conscience, and if so, does it bother him?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.