Sunday, July 08, 2012

Don't forget to set your DVRs for tonight's episode of "The Newsroom."

Here is a brief scene from "112th Congress" which is the episode airing tonight.

The good news is that The Newsroom has been renewed by HBO.

The better news, at least for liberals, is that it has only just begun to go after lazy cable news stations, corrupt politicians, and crazy tri-corner hat wearing protestors.  I read recently that the main character Will McAvoy simply despises the Tea Party and goes after them, and the sycophantic GOP, doggedly.

You know I won't be missing THAT!

Of course there is still some rather tepid reviews from certain news outlets who don't seem to be terribly thrilled to have their inadequacies outlined and broadcast into the homes of millions of HBO watching Americans.

Truth hurts, don't it?


  1. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I absolutely love this show and am delighted it has been approved for a second season. I'll betcha it has more and more viewers as the show moves along. And, I suspect it is going to be award winning for HBO.

    Great, great writing and acting! I so want them to go after the crap we've been watching the Republicans and media do for the past few years! There assuredly is much to write about for the show! Yea!!

  2. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Too bad I can't get HBO. *sigh*

  3. Anonymous5:50 PM

    We had ordered HBO for Game Change and had told HBO the reason. We cancelled it afterwards. It has been renewed for The Newsroom.

  4. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I do NOT have HBO and I hate the fact that I can't watch this series :(

    Watched the 'first' episode On Demand for free but they haven't upload anymore freebies.

    I think this show show be on regular cable so that EVERYONE can see it! Or it would be even awesome if HBO were to put all the episodes online when the season ends to let the folks that do not have HBO watch it for free :)

  5. I hope they continue to show the laziness of the MSM. Copying press releases as "stories" is one of the latest insults. Then there are the outright lies, passed off as the truth because no one is challenging these liars.

  6. Anonymous7:44 PM

    LOVED tonight's episode (will probably watch it again). No Spoilers.

    First episode = fantastic.
    Second episode = starting to worry that it's not as good as I thought.
    Third episode = Knocked it out of the park!

    1. I'm thinking exactly as you re all three. Last night's episode really socked it to the Rethugs. Ooooo, that was fun!

      And Hanoi Jane, to boot!!!! Gawd, she looks great. LOL, hearing her use those four-letter words.

  7. SMIRNONN8:04 PM

    "Michelle Bachmann is a wig!"


  8. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I love this show, I agree - out of the park!~

  9. Anonymous3:18 AM

    It was a superb episode.

  10. IF, we had ONE national news team that cares that much about FACTS and expended that much real effort to get them on the air, regardless of the whim of the day, it could change the future of the US. Literally. We have a few that are close but no one that speaks that bluntly.

    What it also takes is a top person, man or woman, with enough BALLS to start this mountain rolling down a slope and to stick with in the face of adversity. The character that Sam Waterston plays is OUTSTANDING. I think we'll come to find that the top slinger, played by Jane Fonda (don't loose the historic significance of those two people in real life to the progressive movement) is going to be a player too.


  11. Anonymous8:03 AM

    That was an AWESOME scene! I'm instructing my TiVo to record the season. Long live that pedantic but entertaining ass, Aaron Sorkin!

  12. Aaron Sorkin is the best! West Wing is still my favorite network tv show (I have the complete series on DVD).

    We don't have HBO but I did get a chance to see one episode on a Dish preview channel. The storyline centered around the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Although there were some moments it seemed to lose it's pace, overall it was great to watch. Love Jeff Daniels and Sam Waterson :-)

    Let's hope this will be a watershed moment for television. Interesting,intelligent, thought provoking programming returns to the airwaves!

  13. Dis Gusted10:58 AM

    I am loving this new show. It's almost as if it's scolding the real news media outlets for their poor showing.

    We WANT real news. We don't care about Tom Cruise and his fake marriages....

    thanks HBO for The Newsroom

  14. Dis Gusted11:00 AM

    You really need to get HBO - in addition to this show there is Luck, Boardwalk Empire, True Blood, and my personal favorite, Game of Thrones.

    Excellent soap operas!!


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