Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Does anybody really think that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan receive THIS kind of reaction when they visit a state fair?

President Barack Obama gets a hug from Joy Dannelly as he visits the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, Iowa, August 13

Now the President is not the ONLY popular member of the Obama family. Here is his much more popular wife on last night's Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
There the Obama's go, being adorable again.

You can see the next two segments by clicking here.

(H/T to the Obama Diary for the photos.)


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    I don't even have to check it, but I'm sure that poor girl is getting hateful Tweets because of this.

    Look what this guy says to the President on just one of his Tweets.

    Dick ‏@DicksTrash

    G'night, shitbird. Sleep well. You're gonna get your sorry, no good, Communist ass kicked November 6th. @BarackObama

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      What a creepy comment! And there are loads of them on twitter.

  2. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Sarah can not even get hugs like that from her own children.

    1. sally in MI7:16 AM

      Sarah doesn't WANT hugs from her kids. She is the coldest fish I have ever seen...did you notice those photos from Hollywood where she and Toad were holding hands but walking about as far apart from each other as they could be? Yeah, real cuddly, warm, loving family, that.

      I LOVE the Obamas!

  3. Randall6:35 AM

    NO question: Barack and Michelle are the coolest POTUS and FLOTUS we've had in a long time.

  4. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Sarah's new introduction song....

    "Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture
    a little of the glory of, well time slips away
    and leaves you with nothing ..

    Glory days well they'll pass you by
    Glory days in the wink of a young girl's eye
    Glory days, glory days"

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      "Yeah, just sitting here throwing back a Redbull and a bottle of adderall, well my time on the stage has slipped away and I'm left with boring stories of my...
      Glory days, well they've passed me by
      glory days..in the wink of my right eye..
      Glory days..."

  5. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I don't think Ryan should have been met with someone jumping up on the stage. With all the senseless violence and killings these days, that creates an unacceptable risk. Then a fistfight broke out. That's not the behavior I like to see even against my opponents. I don't even like to see speakers being shouted down. Heckling, booing, etc is fine as long as the speaker gets to speak.

    1. Anonymous7:10 AM

      You realize that was probably all staged by Ryan and his people, don't you? Remember when Mitt bussed in his own black people to support him at the NAACP convention? Same thing here; plants to stir up sympathy for Ryan.

    2. sally in MI7:18 AM

      I wondered that too. Normally people in support of a speaker will try to shush an agitator, but the woman next to her barely looked at her, and the woman who was shouting was laughing. I think, like Joe the non-plumber, it was all staged by the RNC.

    3. Anonymous7:41 AM

      I realize those kind of tactics have been used for centuries, but the hate for Romney/Ryan and their policies is so deep (rightfully) I have no problem believing it was NOT staged, and (to me) not acceptable behavior.

    4. Anonymous10:21 AM

      What about the Tea Party group yelling down all the speakers at the healthcare meetings? Remember those? Oh, wait since they were repun\bs. they are expected to act like hooligans when democratic politicians try to speak. Where was the outrage then? Ryan is a tool of the Koch brothers.

    5. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Did you comment when the crazies were hanging President Obama in effigy, calling him the N word, insulting Mrs. Obama, calling for his assassination on Facebook, insulting him daily? Romney/Ryan are for rich people ONLY. Unless you make at least $250,000 annually, pay attention you are going to get royaly screwed.

    6. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Yes. I used to have a popular, well visited blog (I stopped for my mental health) and I made a big deal out of it. And at the time I chastised both sides for doing the same thing.
      What about this, what about that.... are we supposed to follow/top their hate filled behavior?

  6. Anonymous6:56 AM

    One of my Facebook "friends" shared some stupid anti-Obama pic, and the comments were horrible. Over 100 people using those same tired lies... birther crap, communist, marxist... you would think this country had completely changed these last 4 years. Seriously, what's changed?

    The healthcare changes have been for the good and more changes are coming. Employment could be better, but it's certainly not worse. We're certainly not in the economic panic we were in 4 years ago. Bin Laden is dead, troops came home (and will keep coming home)... If that's socialism or communism, hell -- sign me up!

    According to the right wing, we were supposed to be wearing brown shirts and all our guns were to be taken away (remember the ammo shortage of 2009? I do.), our children were to be in some sort of "indoctrination camps" (remember the schoolkids singing a pro-Obama song? Oh, the outrage from the right on that one...), plus FEMA camps...

    Looking back... who in their right mind would vote for anyone in the GOP today? Yet, their minions still believe all the crap they dish out. I wonder if Glenn Beck is still spewing his "caliphate" garbage?

  7. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Here are quotes and descriptions of the six clips that capture Obama’s most “outrageous” statements:

    1) “When you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.” – Barack Obama speaking in 2008 with Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher (also known as Joe the Plumber).

    2) “The Cambridge Police acted stupidly.” – Obama speaking about the 2009 arrest of Henry Louis Gates Jr., a Harvard scholar (this inevitably led to the infamous “beer summit”).

    3) “Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected.” – The president speaking in 2011 in Durham, North Carolina, at Cree Inc. about the challenges surrounding the stimulus bill.

    4) “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.” – Obama caught on a “hot mic” while speaking to Russian President Dmitri Medvedev about the greater abilities he’ll have after a second election.

    5) “The private sector’s doing fine.” - The president’s June 2012 claim that America’s private sector is progressing well, despite a continued high unemployment rate.

    6) “There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me — because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t — look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.” – Obama’s now-infamous “you didn’t build that quip” from July 2012.

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      You think any of these, if not out-of-context or misconstrued situations make a difference to IM readers? If you are going to post these as fact to stand alone, it isn't going to sway any opinion. You need to back up each point as to why we should be upset by it.

    2. sally in MI7:23 AM

      And what's your point? There is nothing anti-American, anti-religion, anti-anythign in those remarks. President Obama, even caught on a hot mic, speaks the truth, and the GOP is so used to being told that he is EVIL, they twist and turn and mutilate every word into something horrible. The man works for us, all of us. Can you say the same for Mittens and Ryan? Did you know that buried in Ryan's 'courageous' budget are perks for the very oil companies that he leases land to, and that he stands to earn millions if it passes? Yeah, didn't think you heard that from Beck.
      As far as why people run...why the GOP runs to control everyone and everything. Democrats run because they see a better America, a freer America, a fairer America. That's what I want. I will never vote GOP again in my life...they are leeches who are never satisfied to be rich; they have to have so much money they can't even tell you how many homes they have or dancing horses, or even where the money is hidden. No thanks.

    3. sally in MI7:25 AM

      And about #5: he's right. The reason unemployment is still high is because the 'starve the government' mantra does one thing: it creates huge job losses in the public sector. So if that's what the GOP wanted...mission accomplished. But private sector jobs ARE returning. Do some thinking and reading other than the Fox lie machine.

    4. Anonymous7:27 AM

      Gryphen... please consider deleting the above.

      If anyone wants to read this type trash, they can go to redstate or brietfarts blog.

    5. Anonymous7:29 AM

      6:57 AM Who pee'd in your cornflakes this morning? It is not our fault that the GOP 'KICKED YOUR FAKE IDOL' to the curb. You and everyone else knew that Sarah's time was coming. Your hatred for the President is just eating you up. BWAHAHAHA.

    6. PL - MN7:34 AM

      And your point is ???

      Oh, Rmoney and his gut Medicare vampire VP for 2012. Got it.

      Or Ron Paul, 2012.

      Or, Sarah Palin, 2012, is not too late to get the GOP/tea to change their minds.

      Umm, you might want to take off your tinfoil hat. Plus what does the tea really have left other than racist hate, fear of vaginas and women's bodies, fear of gay men's sexuality (though the tea party men certainly obsess over the details or get caught doing more man-on-man action more than the gay men I do know think about sex or have sex).

      Oh yeah, all the tea has left is more tax cuts and austerity so someone like Rmoney will effectively pay almost zero in taxes, unless he's getting a refund.

      Oh yeah, and the Minnesota tea legislature got their two unneeded constitutional amendments on the ballot this fall. Photo ID for voting and keeping marriage inequality. Though Minnesota has DOMA. And the tea party cannot prove (nationally) that many people are voting fraudulently already (the last number I read was what I could do on both of my hands, 10 cases of voter fraud, nationwide).

      Plus when Minnesota's Democrats proposed more effective and cheaper methods to also improve voting security, the tea party legislature said no. As usual, it's not what would be a better overall deal for Minnesota's taxpayers, yet what the tea party can stick to taxpayer to pay for in the future for their (tea party) not well thought out tea party legislation and constitutional amendments.

      And again, other than obstruction, the tea/GOP didn't do anything to improve the economy or create jobs for the vast number of people who need jobs now.

    7. Anonymous7:38 AM

      The most publicized quote from a Politician:

      "DON'T RETREAT, RELOAD". The shooter from College Station, Texas, Thomas Caffall had Sarah Palin on his Facebook Page. I wonder if he was influenced by that quote. Michelle Bachman and the Tea Party Patriots were also on his Facebook page. So read the 'TEA LEAVES'.

    8. Nope leaving the comment here, right along with the well thought out and FACTUAL rebuttals.

      After all I could spend all day telling you how hateful and full of crap the other side is, but it makes my job just that much easier when they come over here to prove me right.

    9. Anonymous7:59 AM

      So you invented the Internet? You built all of the roads and bridges for transportation of goods? You built all of the airports? You built the infrastructure that supports commerce? That would be the only way that you would have become successful without help. Get a clue, GRIFTING is not a career. Not everyone is 'GIVEN' money for not working, like the PALINS.

    10. Anonymous8:16 AM

      See? That's exactly my point. Those statements are so innocuous, yet the GOP ran with them like they were so scandalous.

      That first statement, taken out of context certainly sounds more "sinister" than it is. If people would only take the time to read what Obama actually said, they would see that he was not talking about snatching some unknown amount of cash from "Joe the Plumber's" pocket and handing it to "lazy welfare people". He was talking about tax rates on people making over 250K and tax cuts on those making less... allowing people who earn less to be able to afford to hire plumbers, buy more good & services and stimulate the economy from "the bottom up".

      The Cambridge quote was a bit simplistic, but they did go overboard in many people's opinions, so who cares? Ditto on the "shovel-ready" quote. Matter of opinion.

      "After my election, I'll have more flexibility.." Well, duh. He won't have to spend time campaigning if he's reelected. He'll have more time to meet and discuss International issues with people like President Medvedev. What do people think he meant? Oh, you can have the US after 2012 Mr. Medvedev? Yeah, that was it. Silly right-wingers.

      "The private sector's doing fine" -- okay, the GOP can have that gaffe. Obama could have made his point better without that statement.

      And that last bit, about "You didn't build that"... well, we all know that's just right-wing Fox News BS. Anyone with half a brain knows what Mr. Obama was saying... that we need to recognize that we're not in this alone. We all have others who have helped us in some way, whether it was a teacher, or that bank loan, your customers, your parents, etc.

      Those are really good examples of the silliness the right wing uses to "make their point". Statements taken out of context, harmless phrases blown out of proportion, etc. Good job!

    11. eclecticsandra8:16 AM

      Thanks for leaving it. We understand the context, and these are positive quotes.

    12. "5) “The private sector’s doing fine.” - The president’s June 2012 claim that America’s private sector is progressing well, despite a continued high unemployment rate."
      Damn right the private sector's doing fine. Corporations are sitting on record profits which they refuse to invest in America and Americans. Record profits. Which they refuse to use to hire more people, expand their business, or anything else to improve the country and the economy.

    13. 6) You are a low-life lying republican, obviously, because you are too cowardly to post the whole speech because it blows your twisted distortions out of the water. Of course, when you have nothing to offer, I guess you have to resort to lies. Here is the part you purposefully left out.
      "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

      The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.

      So we say to ourselves, ever since the founding of this country, you know what, there are some things we do better together. That’s how we funded the GI Bill. That’s how we created the middle class. That’s how we built the Golden Gate Bridge or the Hoover Dam. That’s how we invented the Internet. That’s how we sent a man to the moon. We rise or fall together as one nation and as one people, and that’s the reason I’m running for President — because I still believe in that idea. You’re not on your own, we’re in this together."

    14. Anonymous9:51 AM

      I think we can just about guarantee the person who posted the above comment is on public assistance of some kind.

    15. "1) “When you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.” – Barack Obama speaking in 2008 with Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher (also known as Joe the Plumber)."
      He is absolutely right. Proper, fair, taxation, a healthy economy that allows businesses, especially small ones, and individuals to prosper. That is good for everybody.

      Of course, republicans, being that they are so very unpatriotic, don't want successful small businesses, prosperous individuals, and a healthy economy. They are willing to destroy the country as long as they can redistribute the country's wealth upward and into their own pockets, investing it offshore and out of the country, while taking advantage of everything this country has to offer.

    16. "2) “The Cambridge Police acted stupidly.” – Obama speaking about the 2009 arrest of Henry Louis Gates Jr., a Harvard scholar (this inevitably led to the infamous “beer summit”)."
      The Cambridge police did, in fact, act stupidly. The President acted to take an unfortunate incident and bring the principals together in an effort to bridge a vast difference in outlook, experience, and expectations, in order to bring about at least the beginnings of understanding.

      How on earth could someone construe that as "infamous" or a bad thing? I guess if you have the limited critical thinking skills of so many in today's republican party, then it would be possible.

    17. "UNACCOMPLISHED blah blah blah..."
      Ooh, all caps. Sadly that doesn't make your incredibly stupid and willfully ignorant diatribe any truer. It's still a stupid lie, which, to answer your question, is why Democrats won't acknowledge it.

      For some reason, the President's accomplishments (elected head of the Law review at Harvard by his peers, serving as a lawyer, a constitutional law professor, Illinois state senator, US Senator, community organizer, etc., etc.,) just don't count as accomplishments to the mouth breathers of the republican party. Why is that? Your goobertastic queen, Failin' Palin, could not even manage to serve as mayor of a town of 7,000 people without saddling it with $20,000,000 in debt, failed on a commission (quit), failed as governor (quit), and has accomplished nothing noteworthy since.

      And why do people like you sneer at community organizers? You are always yammering on about personal responsibility, self-reliance, and community involvement. Why do you sneer at someone who is capable and successful with accomplishing those very things you claim to value?

      Oh, and by the way? The President is absolutely correct. Without worrying about re-election, he can make bolder strides toward bettering this country. Your Queen of the Dolts was foolish to suggest that just because she would take advantage of being a lame duck to sit on her lazy ass, that is what every politician in that position would do. You see, the President, like many other elected officials, is a statesman. For them, freedom from our insanely long and money-driven campaigns is an opportunity to accomplish great things, to risk political capital, and to reach beyond the petty smallness of ordinary politics.

    18. Anita Winecooler8:53 PM

      The major difference between President Obama and Candidate Romney is the difference between "Entitled Old Money" and "Earned New Money". Romney is so far removed from the plight of real people, The Obamas and others remember where they came from because they lived it, they put in the hard work to earn their millions.

      The "You didn't build that" meme is the truth. No business, not even a roadside lemonade stand could "make money" if goods, resources, and customers with money can't get to and from the business you built on your own.
      Government isn't as evil as the GOP is making it out to be, if they believed it, then why are they running for office?

      OTOH, President George W Bush "Pro actively" announced President Obama's "Mission Accomplished" moment about six years before it happened. And who was it who made the decision and disposed of Osama Bin Laden, the man behind the 911 attacks?

  8. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I know some people who despise Obama and would not hear or listen to him buying into distortions and off the wall conspiracy claims. Almost all of them are white, uncultured, minimal education, have adult children who do not work and are angry they do not earn what people who sought higher education earn. They want more, equal to without earning or deserving. the type that will laugh in your face for any success spewing venom at you.

    I value that the Obamas are authentic and do not change like chamaeleons, wear props, nor dress in costumes play acting to manipulate people to exploit human weakness.

    1. sally in MI7:26 AM

      What? We'll never see Michelle in cowboy boots and a tight shirt (or with fake boobs?) No wonder the white guys aren't into her. She's classy and intelligent and dresses her age.

    2. Michelle O has style, class and fashion savvy, and is always dressed appropriately for the occasion. MO can even dress down to very casual without looking like a slob as the former half-term bitter quitter guv Saree does when she puts on that same pair of blue running shorts that she wears everywhere, stains and all. Wash those damn things, Sarah, how 'bout it?. Once a month, anyway.

      As far as dressing properly, even for a bat-shit crazy person like Michele Bachmann, I have to give her credit for dressing stylishly in professional attire.

      Perhaps Marcus could consult with Sarah on her wardrobe choices, because those hundreds of thousands of dollars Sarah PAC spent on other consultants to help polish her up a little haven't helped her image very much.

      After seeing Todd in his Mom jeans with his jizz hands in his pockets, it's obvious he's a fashion liability in the same lower percentile as his once lauded and esteemed, now just unemployed and bitter, wife.

    3. Anonymous9:20 AM

      What's amazing is that these people you describe, are so angry and stupid, that they would vote for the GOP. The Conservatives don't care about them at all and they demonize the man and party that is actually fighting for them.
      It shows you how anger and jealousy can blind someone. Anyone who is middle income or lower, or who has kids who want college, or who had health problems or who is between 40-55 is an absolute IDIOT if they vote for Republicsns! The GOP put their plans out there for all to see. Why are some voters so stupid.
      Even IF I disliked the President, I would never vote for people who are so immoral, heartless and selfish.

      Hey stalker troll - how old are you and are you very wealthy? You better be saving ALOT of money for retirement if President Obama doesn't win. I know you don't get that though, do you?

  9. Anonymous7:23 AM

    The president just seems to have a natural touch with people. It appears so easy for him to relate with people.
    On the other hand, Mitt Romney seems stiff and uncomfortable when he gets too close 'everyday' people. Remember when he was trying to talk to a few supporters and he had to diss the cookies they brought? He just isn't a natural, unless of course he's surrounded with other filthy rich millionaires.

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Watch Romney walk to a podium. He walks like he has a stick up his butt. He's so stiff in his movements!

      Doesn't appear to be an approachable man at all. Plus, he is sleasy looking!

      Rachel Maddow did an outstanding show yesterday about Ryan. He's really not accomplished much in the House in having been there as long as he has! He inherited his wealth and his wife has just inherited millions due to the recent death of her father. Ryan hasn't had a real job as such - his career has been Congress!

      I hope voters across America are paying attention to this Republican slate. Romney is coming out already and saying he doesn't agree w/Ryan and is doing his own budget!!! Absolutely amazing!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  10. Anonymous7:26 AM

    omgomgomg STOP WITH THE PROPAGANDA. You hate it when others do it and mock them.

    Why not report LIES being spewed huh????

    "WTF people? President Obama told supporters in Iowa that Paul Ryan refused to pass the Farm Bill that supports farmers affected by the severe drought...One problem...Ryan and the House passed the Farm Bill two weeks ago and it's sitting on Harry Reid's desk in the senate. How out of touch with what's going on in America and in Washington DC can you be? THAT out of touch!"

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      PROPAGANDA=DEATH PANELS, or did you forget that?

    2. Anonymous8:12 AM

      LOL. You are laughable aren't you? Why are you here if you think that Gryphen promotes propaganda? Don't you know that Fox is the supreme leader on that front. You come here to do what? Do you think for a minute that the intelligent, well read, informed readers of this blog won't smack you down with facts and figures, rather than talking points? Do you think that writing in caps makes you any more serious? What exactly do you want to accomplish here?

      President Obama is popular, loved and respected by anyone who isn't racist, anyone who can think for themselves, anyone who has seen the utter destruction that happened to this country in the 8 years of Bush/Cheney. Anyone with a thinking mind, rather than one that is putrified by hate and resentment that President Obama is doing an amazing job in the face of such utterly ridiculous high school antics of the House, and on top of that people love him, want to be close to him, reach out to him, and will be thrilled when he spends four more years in the White House.

      Oh, and by the way, without any links or backup for your statement, it's a moot one.

      Obama/Biden 2012...and beyond (if I had my wish)

    3. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Do a little more research, sweetie. I think you've confused a drought relief measure with the farm bill.

    4. eclecticsandra8:57 AM

      There is no indication that the house passed the farm bill.

    5. Anonymous9:23 AM

      You are such a moron. Ryan voted AGAINST the farm bill. Try reading and not listening to FOX. The President said that Ryan voted against the bill. This is 100% true!

    6. Anonymous9:28 AM

      The President NEVER said Ryan refused to pass a bill. One person does not pass a bill!
      He voted against the bill. This is a fact you could easily look up. Also you are talking about the wrong bill when you mention what did pass.

      OMGOMGOMG how can you be so foolish & blind to facts

    7. Anonymous9:53 AM

      I love it when someone come here all outraged and totally proves what a knee jerk moron she is.

  11. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Mr. Wimp Pimp talks up his macho:

    "I'm always up for a challenge," says Palin. "I've lived life on the edge in most of my activities -- lifelong commercial fisherman, that's dangerous. Iron Dog snowmobile racer, that's dangerous. I'm a private pilot; that's dangerous. I worked on the oil fields on the North Slope for all my career; that's dangerous.

    "Some of this stuff that we did, it made me cross that line -- jumping out of a helicopter, relying on a 3/4-inch line to keep me alive. The stuff that I do that's dangerous, I'm in control of. I'm in control of how close I want to get to the edge. This stuff here is like, 'Jump!' 'Uh, OK.'"


    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      "I've lived life on the edge in most of my activities" -Todd Palin

      Is Todd finally publicly admitting that he lived life on the edge as a pimp?

      That Todd not only was a pimp, but also had sex with prostitutes?

      That Todd carried his used condoms in his pocket wrapped in facecloths?

      Did Todd finally grow a pair and developed a man's voice after all these years and is not afraid to tell Sarah he did the deed with Miss Shailey?

      Hey Todd was Shailey Tripp good? Miss Shailey must of been better than Sarah since you and Sarah live in two different houses on the same property.

      Shailey had to be good since you sung the song "You Light Up My Life" to her you two toned 4 inch weinnie.

      Sarah don't be upset that the world knows about Todd's sex affair, at least Miss Tripp is a fine looking woman. But you might get upset if the world finds out that Sweet Todd may be bisexual like his voice and mannerism seems to indicate.


    2. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Gryphen, I asked if you could remove this. On second thought it wasn't that bad... sometimes the truth hurts. Leave it in!

    3. Anonymous8:24 AM

      "I've been a pimp, that's dangerous. I've had canned goods thrown at me, that's dangerous. I've had to hold very heavy handbags for hours at a time, that's dangerous. I have to wear Mom-jeans, that's dangerous. I have to speak with this high-pitched squeaky voice, that's dangerous..."

    4. Anonymous9:09 AM

      now that there is funny, is how his dumb ax buddy 'bare arms larry' would say

      "I've been a pimp, that's dangerous. I've had canned goods thrown at me, that's dangerous. I've had to hold very heavy handbags for hours at a time, that's dangerous. I have to wear Mom-jeans, that's dangerous. I have to speak with this high-pitched squeaky voice, that's dangerous..."

    5. Anonymous9:24 AM

      He is NOT a lifelong commercial fisherman. One BIG lie of many!

    6. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Oh, he is such an Alaskan manly man! Bullshit! I'm in Alaska and have been for years - we don't see him that way at all!

      The majority of Alaskans would love to stop hearing of the Palin's connection to our state. They are a huge, huge embarrassment to us and have been for years. They are raising (use that term loosely!) kids that have all been in trouble and now we are going to have to watch Piper, the spoiled brat!

      Todd is a wimp and pimp - read the book "Boys Will be Boys"!!! Shailey Tripp is the author! Last name sound familiar?

    7. angela12:08 PM

      All these dangerous things Todd participates in means he can do them and not be near Sarah. Flying, fishing, Iron Dog, North Slope.
      ALL without Sarah!

  12. Anonymous8:02 AM


  13. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Palin panty sniffer does his level best to try ONE MORE TIME to legitimize Sarah, and fails.


  14. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I can't think of any time I've seen a young child embrace Half-wit... I mean Half-Gov Palin.

    I've seen many pictures of children smiling and hugging President Obama.

    The only thing I can think of to explain it would be this: Children have an amazing ability to sense evil in a person and are naturally repulsed by it.

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      <<Children have an amazing ability to sense evil in a person and are naturally repulsed by it.


    2. Anonymous11:16 AM

      President Obama is a person that is easy and loving with children as he is w/animals! You can also see that he is a wonderful father and husband.

      Michelle Obama is a very lucky lady and she knows it and projects it!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  15. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I would love to hug our President and First Lady. I'll have to settle for an imaginary hug, but that feels good too!

  16. Anonymous9:07 AM

    This photo was not Photoshopped. It was snapped by the AP's Carolyn Kaster while Obama was speaking in Iowa's Bayliss Park yesterday. Probably the part in the speech where Obama told the crowd, "Can Paul Ryan do this? Didn't think so." He then detached the microphone from the podium, dropped it on the ground, and walked away.


    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      I loved the comment: "Yer a wizard, Barry."

      Nice afternoon chuckle :D

      (I only saw ONE Harry Potter movie, the first one. Thank goodness for that or the joke would have gone over my head.)

  17. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I'm so glad the Obama's are in the White house. They are such a loving, wonderful and classy family. They wouldn't even dream of pimping themselves on TV with trashy reality shows, dress like ho bags, and talk like the"rilly" uneducated wasillabillies.

  18. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Us v. Them: A Romney/Ryan Modus Operandi Rolls Out

    Well, we're a few days in to the Vultures And Vouchers Tour Of The Americas '12, and things are not working out quite the way Willard Romney planned when he concluded the sublet of his luxurious belfry to the bats of his party's base. First, the Gallup Poll demonstrated that a great swath of Americans have managed to remain ignorant of Paul Ryan's plans to create the United States Of Mississippi, and that the people who know something about it, and him, don't like zombie-eyed granny-starving very much. One indication of a deeper problem might be that, down in Florida, Governor Rick Scott, whose company got rich scamming Medicare, is running away from Ryan's plan to chloroform the program. (Maybe Governor Bat Boy looks at the general privatization of the program as cutting into the profits, the way that marijuana kingpins are opposed to legalization.) Romney could have chatted this up personally with Bat Boy, but he begged off a trip to Orlando, pleading, originally, exhaustion, lest a group of grannies confront him with their disinclination to be starved by his running mate.

    (And, of course, once again evincing the political dexterity that has been a hallmark of the entire effort, the Romney campaign tied its own dick in a bowline trying to walk this back when they realized how silly it sounded.)

    Out on the hustings, with his usual tactic of charging people 15 clams if they want to yell at him denied to him this time around, the zombie-eyed granny-starver got himself heckled pretty seriously at the Iowa State Fair by people with fried Oreos on their breath. Watch him carefully, though, because you're going to be seeing a lot of this, because this is a guy with a jaw of pure Waterford crystal. The hecklers get on him. He starts talking about their manners. The cops come in and protect him from actual voters and not until the hecklers are hustled away do we get the big shit-eating grin and the oily Nixonian attempts at identifying with the audience by suggesting that those people are "not from Iowa or Wisconsin."

    This is the modus operandi.

    Read more: http://www.esquire.com/blogs/politics/romney-ryan-agenda-2012-11678113#ixzz23XcmX9iF

  19. Anonymous9:13 AM

    The Right’s brittle heroes

    The contrast between Paul Ryan's iconic image and his personal reality is typical of America's partisan leaders

    The contrast between (a) how Paul Ryan is depicted by worshipful Republicans and media figures alike — as a principled fiscal conservative and advocate of Randian self-sufficiency – and the reality of what he’s done in his life is as stark as it is typical. The American Right has an amazing ability to lionize leaders whose lives are the precise antithesis of the political values that define their image.

    For the last decade, conservatives transformed George Bush and Dick Cheney into the embodiments of warrior courage, even though they both scampered away from combat, letting others fight and die for them in a war they both supported. The same is true of almost every leading right-wing super-patriot tough-guy: John Bolton, Bill Kristol, Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh – and Mitt Romney. Somehow, when the authoritarians on the Right search for icons of manly warrior power to venerate, they find only those who like to melodramatically play-act as such, but who ran away when it came time to actually perform. Indeed, such figures dress themselves up with extra-flamboyant trappings of faux Toughness for the same reason female impersonators have long favored over-the-top feminine costumes and gaudy make-up: the more one lacks an attribute which one wishes to project, the more extreme one must be in pretending.


  20. Anonymous9:43 AM

    The Romney campaign is banking on ignorance to slide Ryan's whole profitization plan right by. Go out and talk to your neighbors, who aren't really paying attention and don't start until sometime in October. They likely won't know who Paul Ryan is or why he's such a threat to their financial future. With messaging schemes like the Luntz terms above, they never will unless people start telling them.

    Here it is, plain and simple. Paul Ryan is a fervent believer in killing social insurance by privatizing it for profit. To that end, his budget proposal ends Medicare. It ends it. Period. There is no "choice." involved. It ends Medicare and shifts the burden for medical costs onto senior citizens. Similarly, his scheme for Social Security ends it. Period. It takes our retirement funds and gives them to Wall Street, where all the risk then shifts over to the retiree and all the profit heads into Wall Street's pocket.

    Wall Street and health insurers benefit from Paul Ryan's plan, but people don't. They can paint that pig with all kinds of different shades of lipstick but everyone needs to know that Paul Ryan aims to destroy the social safety nets by shifting all costs and risks from the government to individuals, terminating the agreement that has worked so well for so many years, and handing our retirement to profit-driven enterprise.

    Spread the word.


  21. Anonymous9:48 AM

    This election could very well be the last great hope of the middle class and poorer people in America. It's no less than a fight for their lives. So let me tell y'all something that you should all know. You need to fight harder because from the vantage point of view from Canada, it ain't anywhere near a sure thing for Obama. In fact, a lot of Canadians are saying that the American people have been conditioned to accept the flagwaving, faux patriotism, and the 'no entitlements' line of bullshit they have been handed. They truly have it lodged in their brains that it is the American way, when in truth the American way is entitlements for only the very wealthy.

    In other words, stop buying into the feel good pap you are getting on Obama winning handily. My best guess from an outsider's POV and a POV from having no horse in that race, is that Romney is coming up quickly and Paul Ryan is going to bring him up even more quickly. Add to that the undeniable fact that a 1/3 of Americans are still stuck in the racism filth and that makes Obama very iffy for getting another 4.
    luv from Canada. (where even our rabid right are to the left of US politics)

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      I agree with you. Also: It's extremely important that we get more democrats elected to the House & Senate, or we'll just have 4 more years of Republicans sitting on their thumbs trying to think of more ways to block women's access to affordable and necessary healthcare.

      The Tea Party knows this and is trying to build their regime from the ground up... local elections, state elections... we must stay diligent and vote, vote, vote!

    2. Anonymous11:14 AM

      None of the polls even remotely suggest what you are saying though.

      A great objective place to read the polls is the five thirty eight blog.

      You know, you don't know much about our country. Only 30% of Americans are Republicans. 40% are independents and Romney and Ryan poll badly with them.

      Yes Obama could lose, DUH. But why are you coming here and being such a rub-it-in-your face bitch. It isn't very nice for one thing. And you do not speak for all Canadians.

      I would never go to a Canadian blog and criticize your country or your people. Most of the Canadians I know have more class and tact than that.

    3. Anonymous11:39 AM

      As much as I hate to tell you this, if the Repubs win both the house and senate while Obama wins the WH, that would likely lead to the complete ruination of America due to the Repub. hate politics. Even though, they may be risking their own lousy asses in the process.
      luv from Canada.

    4. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Yes, we know! Just please don't put our entire country down! Many many of us are working hard to prevent this and fear is sometimes a good motivator but not always. It can also paralyze people and make them tune out altogether.

  22. Anonymous9:48 AM

    President Barack Obama Visits an Iowa Farming Family


  23. Anonymous9:49 AM

    And you can add to that, the mere fact that too many Americans look at a pretty face and vote that way is giving both Romney and Ryan a real big boost in the polls. You betcha kids!
    luv from Canada.

    1. Oh shoot, I thought you were gone for good. Why are you back? You contribute nothing useful, and you certainly do not bring any "luv" from Canada. Nor do you have anything intelligent to say about our electoral processes.

    2. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Actually Nefer, he (anon) has a point. How many of Palin's supporters voted for "the package" and not the substance? How many times have we seen "she's hot", "great shoes", "love her hair"... often listed along with her so-called "accomplishments"?

    3. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Thanks for that backup anon. If it worked for Palin then it's going to work to some extent for Romney and Ryan as well. It's got a lot to do with US politics, even though 'some' people think they can rise above it.
      luv from Canada. Also, 'some' people really don't want their false security bubble broken, even if their false sense of security can lead them to disaster. And tht's why I say that Obama is nowhere safely in yet.
      luv from Canada.

    4. Anonymous12:07 PM

      You do have a point , but your country has many weaknesses as well.

    5. Anonymous2:08 PM

      "luv from Canada" is a troll. There is NO LOVE for our country. s/he is a troll.

    6. Anonymous2:44 PM

      I'm a he and you may be right about me being a 'troll' but that depends on what you think a troll is. Most people like you think a troll is somebody who you don't agree with all the time. But one thing you're right about is that I have no real love for your country. I regard the US now as a pariah nation and the aggressor that the rest of the world needs to align itself against.
      luv from Canada.

      Oh, and how stupid does a person have to be to not understand that pretty faces win elections? As if Palin ever had anything other than her good looks going for her! But then, on the other hand, stupid probably doesn't see good looks in Palin either. Hence, the confusion over Romney and Ryan's draw based on their looks. Silly people.
      luv against from Canada.

    7. Anonymous10:56 AM
      Actually Nefer, he (anon) has a point. How many of Palin's supporters voted for "the package" and not the substance? How many times have we seen "she's hot", "great shoes", "love her hair"... often listed along with her so-called "accomplishments"?
      Nope. Many many people were turned off as soon as she opened her mouth. Despite all the shallow comments about candidates' looks, when it came right down to it, Palin hurt the McCain campaign. Thinking people did indeed outnumber those who were dazzled by her surface attributes. Also, Ryan's pick did not result in a groundswell of approval for Romney, and for every comment about his alleged good looks, there is another a) critiquing his looks and b) steering the conversation back to the issues.

      So-called "luv" from Canada goes on endlessly with comments intended to discourage people who intend to vote for President Obama. He/she makes many unfounded comments about being in the know and hearing so much about how precarious the President's position is. He/she is a troll, has no "luv", and is not well-intended.

    8. Anonymous4:56 PM

      luv from Canada sounds like a Palinbot, 'all noise no facts'. If you want sympathizers for
      your DRIVEL, Go to the SEA 4 PEE. Their I.Q.'S are at your level.

  24. Anonymous9:59 AM

    LOOK! Lots more photos!


  25. Anonymous10:11 AM

    War, just another reality show

    On "Stars Earn Stripes," NBC's jingoistic embarrassment, Gen. Wesley Clark dreams of a platoon of boy-band castoffs

    NBC’s controversial, Nobel Laureate-detested reality show “Stars Earn Stripes,” which premiered last night, is “Dancing with the Stars” gone militaristic. But when grenade launchers, automatic weapons and war games substitute for salsa and swing dancing, the results are less wholesome entertainment and more armed-forces propaganda.

    The premise of the show is as follows: Eight “celebrities”— Dean Cain, Nick Lachey, Laila Ali, WWF “Diva” Eve Torres, Terry Crews, “Biggest Loser” trainer Dolvett Quince, Todd Palin and Picabo Street — team up with eight military professionals. The pros include a Green Beret, a Delta Force member with a Fu Manchu, a Navy Seal, and the greatest sniper in U.S. history, a guy who calmly explains to the camera that it’s estimated he has killed 160 people, among others. Together, they perform long, detailed, explosive missions.

    (One side note about Todd Palin: He is always introduced as the “Four-time Iron Dog Champion,” never as husband to Sarah. Also, after he does very well on a mission, one of the military guys says, “Next time I go to war, I want Todd Palin on my side.” So, that’s a thing someone has said now.)

    Attempting to give this whole tawdry spectacle a hint of respectability, but actually just giving it the stench of mortification, is Gen. Wesley Clark...


  26. Anonymous10:13 AM

    They're laughing at Todd's new show:

    To justify the show’s existence, the celebrities are participating on behalf of military charities while trying to call attention to just how much our troops do for us. But leading eight celebrities on choreographed missions involving helicopters, zodiacs, explosives, machine guns and camera upon camera — what defense contractor landed this commission? — has no correlation to reality. No the real kind, anyway.

    If “Stars Earns Stripes” does any good at all, it is in revealing just how hollow and propagandistic the “doing it for the troops” rhetoric has become. In this case, “doing it for the troops” means a bunch of B-list celebrities drawing salaries and bettering their own brand, while demonstrating just how cool guns are.

    “Treat your gun like a woman,” says one of the instructors.


    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      "treat your gun like a wow."

      Todd wasn't sure if he should ignore it and sleep on the couch or slip it a $50 for a quickly.

    2. Anonymous12:11 PM

      "woman" not "wow"
      (damn that iPhone autofill)

  27. Anonymous10:59 AM

    The show is a sorry excuse as a celebration of the military!

    Toad Palin is the wimpy/pimp and everyone knows it!! He tries to project himself as being manly and he is the furthest thing from it.

    From what I've heard, he didn't even name a gun correctly and didn't appear to shoot it well. I'll wager the other guys on the show were laughing at him behind his back.

    And he assuredly is NOT a team player! But, should we be surprised - look at his idiotic wife - she isn't either!

    Another reality show w/a Palin that will be seen as a failure!

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Sad thing is folks, Americans are going to lap this shit up bigtime because they have been conditioned to support the twoops without ever stopping to think of all the evil the US military is doing throughout the world. Sometimes the truth is hard to find isn't it!
      luv from Canada.

  28. Anonymous7:05 PM

    “Treat your gun like a woman,” says one of the instructors.




  29. Anonymous7:40 PM

    “Treat your gun like a woman,” says one of the instructors.

    That explains why Todd Palin disappeared with his facecloths and went to the room next to the show's gun armory and drilled a hole in the wall just to see what color nipples the guns had.

    Can you blame Todd?

    You told Todd “Treat your gun like a woman,” and he did.

  30. Anita Winecooler9:05 PM

    There's a certain unselfish humanitarian quality and class in the First Couple's interactions with people and each other.
    Mrs Obama always dresses appropriately, she's relaxed and composed, articulate, well spoken and quick on her feet while giving answers.
    The Obama diary chronicles this dynamic. What I love is how they don't trot out their kids all the time, they let them be kids while maintaining their grades and schedules.

    But then, they're a normal well adjusted couple, unlike you know who, whats his name and their human shields.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.