Friday, August 24, 2012

Mitt Romney panders to the "Birther" crowd. Plucking that low hanging fruit, huh Mittens?

Nice to see he is now taking his cues from Donald Trump.

And of course the ignorant crowd of lily white supporters eats it right up.

I swear we have GOT to do everything we can to keep this asshole out of the White House!


  1. Anonymous2:06 PM

    He's a mean bastard, isn't he?

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      You're right on the mark.

      He's never told a joke in his life. He set this up so awkwardly -- they probably rehearsed it at campaign HQ for hours.

      Nasty, shallow, mean man who either truly believes that the President was not born in the US, and therefore shouldn't be President at all, or he truly believes the President was born in Hawaii, and thus also believes that pandering to ignorant, prejudiced voters will get him to that magic 50.1% he and the corporations (who are "doing fine")are hoping for.

      How could we have this mendacious liar as our President?

    2. Anonymous4:33 PM

      I doubt he actually believes it. He believes it is his way to the White House. He Believes he needs those fools. Maybe some idiot like Trump has him convinced of one of his cockamamie notions.

      It only proves what a mental midget he is.

    3. Anonymous5:38 PM

      mean and been mean for a long time. He practiced his "excuse" too, loving every second of it.

  2. lostinmn2:17 PM

    And a racist as well as a liar. What a great President he'll make

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM


    2. Anonymous3:46 PM

      "What a great President he'll make"
      Yup. Romney will pull this election out of his Mormon underwear ass, mark my words. Sad but true. The radical right is fired up and there's no stopping them. They have raised an incredible amount of money to buy advertising..

    3. Oh please, 3:46. Take your faux doom and gloom somewhere else. Cynicism and a defeatist attitude are luxuries are country can't afford.

      "They" can't defeat us if "we" vote.

      Stop your whining and get off your "buts" and GOTV.

    4. Anonymous4:37 PM

      I sure hope Isaac doesn't hit Tampa this year. What a convention they have planned. Maybe Trump will come up with a better skit. Sheriff Joe has proof. The audience will go nuts and without the crazy lunatic from Lake Lucille.

    5. Anonymous9:34 PM

      Michael Huffington spent the most money on a Senatorial race and lost due to a few little phone calls. The press actually did some checking and he was done. It can happen again.

  3. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I hope this remark is the start of his downward spiral. He has as much class as another Republican candidate who stepped on the convention stage four years ago.

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      McCain was as a saint compared to this asshole.HE HAS TO BE STOPPED.

    2. Anonymous9:35 PM

      McCain is poor compared, I don't know about saint.

    3. I heard this than thought it is obvious he is white and his wife is also. This tactic IMO iinvalidates the hope and promise of America that people of humbe beginnings may use opportunities, work hard and change their lives. Romney has been setting Obama up accusing him of what Romney is doing including the R racist red meat. I felt nothing but disgust for Romney lisening to him lie that PBO wants you to believe you are stuck in your station in life.

      That is what Rimney wants people to think.

      That is a huge lie Romney is repeating, pure poisin to manipulate people. I no longer care nor belueve anything Romney says. I hope he burns in hell.

  4. Romney's family renounced their citizenship and moved to Mexico. So is Romney an anchor baby? Was he born in Mexico and carried over the border by his Mexicon-born Dad? Has he gone through the immigration process or is he still an illegal?

    And Mitt's father, George Romney, was born in Mexico (Google it, it's true.) Yet George Romney was allowed to run for President! Think about that and then tell me the USA is not a racist nation.

    1. Anonymous2:45 PM

      "Romney's family renounced their citizenship and moved to Mexico."

      Actually probably not. They probably were not U.S. citizens before moving to Mexico. They were probably colonists from Kolob.

    2. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Rep. Louie Gohmert thinks Mitt is a terror baby

    3. He terrifies me!

  5. Nikogriego2:31 PM

    Mr. Romney should not be bringing up either where candidates were born, or whether traditional marriage is "one man, one woman."

    Although Mr. Romney was born in the U.S., his great-grandfather fled to Mexico to escape the laws of the United States, because he was a polygamist, with many wives, and would have been arrested had he remained in this country. While in Mexico, one of his wives gave birth to Mr. Romney's father.

    "[George] Romney's parents, Gaskell Romney (1871–1955) and Anna Amelia Pratt (1876–1926), were American citizens and natives of the Territory of Utah. There are serious questions about whether or not they were American citizens. The area they were from was not part of the Utah Territory, being separated due their insistence on polygamy. They married in 1895 in Mexico and lived in Colonia Dublán in Galeana in the state of Chihuahua (one of the Mormon colonies in Mexico), where George was born on July 8, 1907.

    So much for traditional marriage being "one man, one woman." That was not his family's tradition. More like one man, five women.

    1. I still don't believe the Bible Belt will accept a Mexican Mormon for President, no matter how white he looks.

    2. Nikogriego9:28 PM

      Slight correction: it was Mitt Romney's grandmother who gave birth to his father; his grandfather and grandmother were allegedly not polygamists.

    3. Anonymous9:38 PM


      Who knows how many ways religious zealots can be controlled. The Republicans do know how to get people to the polls while suppressing others.

      Remember how Bush "won"

  6. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Now it is time for someone to ask Mitt how many grandparents and great grandparents he had.

    Mitt's father George Romney was born in a Mexican settlement established by Mormons fleeing from the U.S. after the Supreme Court decision Reynolds v. United States in 1878. This decision held that religious duty was not a defense to criminal indictment. Specifically, Reynolds claimed that the illegal practice of polygamy was required by his religion, mormonism.

    George Romney's parents were born in an area that was not included ion the Utah Territory (grandfather 1871, Grandmother 1876) due to the practice of polygamy. There is legitimate question as to whether Mitt's grandparents were U.S. citizens.

    Mitt is a funny guy, he and Angry Ann will welcome the diversion of a joke at their expense. Sister wives, magic underwear, and so forth. haha.

  7. Anonymous2:43 PM

    But it wad just a joke, guys . We need a little humor. SMH

    1. Anonymous9:40 PM

      Just don't joke about Bristol's bad photo shop commercials or her lies about surgery or how she exercises and works hard.

  8. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Everything about this man is awkward.His social ineptness is painful to watch. How he has achieved what he has is amazing.But then he always has to hide what he has done like hard drives etc when he was gov ,olympics his time at Bain. How Anyone could consider voting for him is terrifying.

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Republicans are glad to vote for an empty suit. It is who controls the suit they care about. They may see Ryan as a new Cheney.

  9. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Mitt Romney's father was born in Mexico. George Romney entered the US when he was 5 years old. When George ran for president, he could not produce naturalization papers. For all we know, Mitt is the son of an illegal alien. I don't care if George was only 5 years old. The Republicans would call him an anchor baby if his parents were Mexicans instead of Mormons who had fled the US so they could have multiple wives.

    Romney has some nerve talking about President Obama's birth certificate when we will not see Mitt's tax returns. When Mitt left his job running the Olympics, the records were destroyed. When he left his job as governor of Massachusetts, the records were destroyed. There are no records of Mitt's auto accident in France when he was a 21 year old Mormon missionary there. If anyone looks suspicious, I'd say it's the guy who has no records. What money he had stored overseas to escape taxes is also one of the "unknown" things about Mitt. No wonder his positions change so often.

  10. Leland3:18 PM

    And of course, there is the most important fact of all: the State of Hawaii has declared that the President was born there.

    These idiots cannot seem to get it through their thick heads that it is the STATE which is legally responsible for identifying whether or not a candidate was born there. Left to the candidate - especially an as*hole like RMONEY - there would be all sorts of illegal Presidents.

    It surprises me greatly that the State of Hawaii hasn't called these people out for basically calling them liars!

  11. Anonymous3:26 PM

    He's not "plucking" anything...he's sifting through the detritus on the ground.

  12. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Mitt Romney is standing by a joke about his birth certificate he made on Friday, despite complaints from President Obama’s campaign that the line was a nod to racially charged conspiracy theories regarding the president’s origins.

    The Republican nominee told CBS Friday, after the campaign appearance where he made the remark, he saw nothing wrong with the comment, in part because it drew cheers from the crowd.

    “Well we’re in Michigan and Ann I and I were both born in Detroit and of course a little humor always goes a long way” he said. “So it was great to be home, to be in a place where Ann and I had grown up, and the crowd loved it and got a good laugh.”

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      I could be watching a MSNBC story on Romney right now, but I don't want to lose my dinner or damage the TV with my laptop! He is an asshat!

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      They didn't laugh; they cheered.

    3. Anonymous9:41 PM

      You can imagine what the RNC in Tampa will be.

  13. Anonymous3:38 PM

    The Obama campaign found it less amusing, noting that Romney has consistently refused to denounce campaign supporters at the forefront of the birther movement like Donald Trump. It didn’t help that Trump tweeted about his conspiracy theory the very same hour Romney spoke.

    “Governor Romney’s decision to directly enlist himself in the birther movement should give pause to any rational voter across America,” Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt said in a statement.

    Romney reiterated to CBS that he does not agree with those who question the president’s birthplace and denied that the line was a “swipe” at Obama.

    “No, no, not a swipe,” Romney said. “I’ve said throughout the campaign and before, there’s no question about where he was born. He was born in the U.S. This was fun about us, and coming home. And humor, you know, we’ve got to have a little humor in a campaign.”

  14. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Birthers Plan Their Own Convention Next Month In Arizona

    While the Republican Party gears up for its biggest event of the year next week in Florida, the conspiracy theorists among them are already looking forward to another convention of sorts next month in Arizona.

    Some of the best known birthers in the nation are scheduled to take the stage at a star-studded event in Phoenix, where they plan to call for Congress to investigate whether President Obama’s birth certificate is real.

    There will be singing. There will be speeches. Drinks will be available for purchase. The only question is whether the venue, which features seating in the round, will activate its spinning stage. Promoters are calling it “A Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots Event” but you can call it Birtherpalooza.

    The star of the gala is Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the eccentric Arizona lawman and a Republican who is running for his sixth term in office this year. Arpaio has been trying to find his way into next week’s festivities at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., even scheduling an “invitation only” event for Republicans at a nearby zoo. But he will not be part of the convention itself.

    Arpaio has positioned himself as one of the leaders of the birther movement. For almost a year, he has been using a combination of taxpayer money and amateur volunteers to try to bolster the conspiracy theory that Obama’s birth records are elaborate forgeries designed to put a foreigner in the White House.

    At a news conference in July, Arpaio proposed the idea of having Congress take up the investigation. He said he and his investigators could only take things so far. He noted Congress had investigated other things, including the botched federal gunrunning investigation known as Fast and Furious.

    “They’re looking at everything else,” Arpaio said. “I think this is very significant.”

    So far the “evidence” he produced has largely been testimony of fellow birthers who are already true believers in the conspiracy. The theory was widely debunked even before the White House released a copy of the president’s birth certificate last year. But that hasn’t stopped Arpaio and others from holding tight to the movement.

    Birtherism is largely a fringe theory, but it has made its way into mainstream Republican circles, too. Mitt Romney, who is scheduled to accept his party’s nomination for president at the Republican National Convention, joked during a campaign stop on Friday that “no one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate.” Donald Trump, a high profile birther who has long declared his belief that Obama was born in Kenya rather than Hawaii and who has voiced support for Arpaio’s investigation, has promised a “big surprise” at the RNC.

    But the main event for the movement will really be on Sept. 22 at the Celebrity Theatre in Phoenix. There, for a ticket price ranging from $10 to $30...

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Joe will lead Sarah?

    2. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Maybe Arpaio will be indicted and in jail at that time. One can only hope.

  15. jcinco3:48 PM

    I believe thurston will regret this move..after all the most he can gain is the wack-a-doodle vote and surely lose much of the independent vote. he has no political instincts whatsoever...

  16. To me, this is our "At long last, have you no sense of decency?" moment. White hood and magic underwear. That's Willard Romney. Shame on anyone who gives him a pass on this racist comment!

    And, as one who was raised in the CULT of Mormonism, the Mormon buzzwords, "This is the Place," jumped out at me. My Step-father's grandfather is on the "This is the Place" monument in Salt Lake City, which commemorates the racist pedophile, Brigham Young's, entry into the Salt Lake Valley. I grew up with these buzzwords, in large part, because of my polygamous, non-blood relative on the monument, who was one of Brigham Young's Scouts.

    Nice try, Mitt. You're as transparent as window glass. Pandering to the Mormon vote to let them know you will be the one who will fulfill their "prophecy" that Mormons will take over America. Their charlatan founder, Joseph Smith, even ran for President. But SHAME on you, "Mitt the Mendacious!" Just SHAME. You've been everything else. Now you're a Birther, too. Making our President out to be "other," than what racists/bigots/zealots/homophobes deem acceptable. Didn't anyone in "the Church" teach you about "Outer Darkness?" Guess not. Oh, well. Maybe the Magic Underwear will save you. But say goodbye to that Planet. With all your many lies, you'll be lucky to get all the way to the "Telestial Kingdom," which is God's trailer park compared to the "Terrestrial," and "Celestial" Kingdoms. Cue Nelson from The Simpsons.

    Now, more than ever, OBAMA/BIDEN LANDSLIDE!!! (yes, that's shouting)

    1. Wonderful comment......Anne Romney said the other day that Mitt had to get into politics to "fulfill his destiny"...I know enough about religion to know that , THAT, means "fulfill the prophesy".....scary, creepy mindset....

  17. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Two votes Mitt won't be getting.

    "A Fairbanks-area couple charged with plotting to kill a federal judge and threatening his family over the outcome of an income tax case has decided to plead guilty, according to a document filed in federal court this week."

    That would be the Vernons.

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      The GOP will allow them to vote absentee from jail prior to their conviction I'm sure. You know, all that liberty and freedom and voting rights shit that the patriotic tax evaders need their guns and ammo to protect.

      Maybe Joe Miller can hand-deliver them some ballots to their holding cells as he canvasses the state.

      Hey, I'll bet they'll sign a petition for Sarah, too, also. Just sayin'.

  18. Michael Eric Dyson, on The Ed Show just now, pointed out that there isn't any amount of empirical evidence that can trump Mitt making such a comment. They showed an interview to prove the point.

    With apologies to the President and his call for civility and understanding: fuck you, Romney.

    A MUST-READ, amazingly poignant, beautifully written article on our history and our President's challenge: "Fear of a Black President"

  19. The line up of speakers at the RNC convention has ALL the most notorious birthers...Ted Nugent....Donald Trump...and .... birther/fascist , Sheriff Arpio ....who continues to be under criminal's not a's a snake pit of hate. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if the Queen of Birthers herself, Orly Taitz , donned black face and did a little soft shoe .....really... their crowd would go wild for that.....they make me sick....the lot of them.

    1. Yep, you nailed it. The snake pit of hate. Perfect.

      If he were ever to be elected and we suffer the sting of his bite he can say 'well you knew I was a snake......"

  20. Anonymous4:52 PM

    This was no joke. This is what this Mormon ass-hole believes in. He believes in it, because that is part of the doctrine that is taught by his so-called church. Below is a direct sermon and quote from Brigham Young, who was the second prophet of this cult.

    Brigham Young second President and Prophet:

    You see some classes of the human family that are black, uncouth, uncomely, disagreeable and low in their habits, wild and seemingly deprived of nearly all the blessings of the intelligence that is generally bestowed upon mankind. . . . Cain slew his brother. Cain might have been killed, and that would put a termination to that line of human beings. This was not to be, and the Lord put a mark upon him, which was the flat nose and black skin. Trace mankind down to after the flood, and then another cursed is pronounced upon the same race--that they should be the "servants of servants;" and they will be until that curse is removed; and the Abolitionists cannot help it, nor in the least alter that decree (Journal of Discourses, 7:290.

    Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be.

    So you see, Willard Mitt Romney is a card carrying hate monger and a racist. Nothing that he said today is a joke. It is his lifelong personal philosophy.

  21. What a smug little prick you are, Willard. And you and your classy dame, Ann, enjoyed telling that racist joke about our (ahem) NEGRO President, didn't you? (with apologies to Larry the Cable Guy) Yeah, I saw you and Ann both over there just a yucking it up. Y'all two looked like a couple of retards over at the Chuckie Cheese. Oops, that one went straight over your head, huh? Well imagine that!

    No, no, we don't want to see your birth certificate. But as one of the citizens in one of your OTHER home states said in the Boston Globe, we would rather see your marriage license. In fact, we'd like to see all EIGHT. Do you get it? Oh Willard, we're just really enjoying your sense of humor. Your splendid wife, Ann made such an understatement about you---You REALLY ARE a funny guy!

    And speaking of your lovely wife, do you have any naked, sexy pictures of Ann? No? (handing Mitt my iPhone) Well, would you like to see a few? Just put your thumb right there and you can scroll through a few hundred. And I've got a BUNCH MORE of these I can show you later. Unfortunately, this iPhone only holds 64 Gigs. Know whut I mean?

    Heh heh, there aint no magic underwear in these babies, are there, Willard? Hoo Wee, all I can say is DAMN, ANN!!! lol Now what was that horse's name again? Omigod, Ann was SO drunk, weren't you Ann? Oh man, Willard, you shoulda been there. Say it again, Ann: "Hi Ho Silver!!!" Ha ha, you're such a good sport, Mitt. See, Ann, I told you we ought to have invited ole Mitty! He's probably never seen a horse dance like THAT!

    But all kidding aside, while you're digging through personal records, why don't you send us a dozen years of your COMPLETE tax returns? No joke there, sir.

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Ann better hope she doesn't mount any of Mr. Ed's lineage. "Willlllll-burrrrr" "Willlll-ardddd"

      Those studs are bad about talking shit about all their barnyard conquests.

  22. Gryphen, (if that's your real name, which I'm almost positive it is not) you libruls are all alike!

    You're so smug and constantly nitpicking at every little flaw in Mittens and That Other Guy With The Hair and it's getting REALLY old!

    Sure, I'll admit Mittens is mega-wealthy and socially awkward and devoid of any plan other than 'do the opposite of Obama' and yeah, there might be some tax monkey business in those returns he won't reveal and ok, maybe he is being dishonest about Rmoneycare and yeah, he's flip-flopping like a beached Atlantic Sputter fish to appeal to low-information teabaggers, and I know, sometimes even I refer to him as an 'insufferable douchebag' but ya know what?

    I lost my train of thought.

    Lemme get back to you on this, ok?

    And that is why I am endorsing Williard Milliard Mittens "Mitt" Rmoney for president of Amercia in 2012.

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      "sputter fish"!!!!

      great snark and wonderful image. Thanks.

    2. Beldar you forgot to feel sorry for Rmoney for getting picked on for putting Seamus up there on the car roof because none of his sons would ride up there.

      But mainly, let's not forget that nobody needs to see his stinkin' tax returns either, you tell 'em! This isn't about tax returns; this is about tax hocus pocus that Rmoney and Ann are so good at! They are to be admired for their skill in hiring someone who can make sure none of that hard-earned money that is multiplying by itself there in those portfolios and whatnot that were a product of the gleaning of monies from poor little companies that didn't know what hit them so that the Romneys and their children never have to work and everybody else can just wish they were as rich as the Romneys and have elevators for their cars and horse riding included in their medical plans....

      oops I just lost my train of thought too!

      Miltard and Randian in 2012!!

  23. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Just threw up in my mouth a little... and as soon as I hit "publish" I am going to make a donation to the Obama re-election fund. Anyone care to join me?

    1. Right there with you!

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      What an idiot!

      Must make another donation to O/B!

      Please VOTE! Make sure all your friends VOTE!

    3. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Though it is quite fuzzy around the edges it appears that Mitt Romney may be the son of an illegal immigrant. His dad, so it keeps appearing on the internet, was unable to produce naturalization papers when he ran for governor.

      Are we seeing another of those actions "turn the weakness into a loud proclamation against the other side?" that is, Mitt Romney may be the one with the actual "iffy" birther history!!!

  24. emrysa7:59 PM

    7 Birthers Speaking At The Republican Convention

    seriously this party and all the people who subscribe to it are the enemies of humankind.

  25. You know, I'm thinking the more brown people there are here, the better the chances of this country becoming great again. They can't ALL become Republicans, right?

  26. Granted I have no credentials running a national election.

    I considered how these tactics and spectacle of human degradation, deceit about the POTUs will be heard and perceived around the world? The Obamas are the epitiomy if America, the land of opportunity and more so because he is not white with blue eyes.

    I find it unpatriotic, shortsighted and international disaster to orchestrate this hate fest


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