Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Just a reminder as to why ALL Americans, regardless of their party affiliations, should be proud of this President.

Simply put this is one of the most impressive things I have ever heard uttered by a political leader, made even more so by the intensity of the attacks that have come his way since even before he was elected.

Could any of us imagine Mitt Romney dealing with that kind of hate with such sophistication and class?


  1. That was from the CGI speech. Great speech.

  2. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Mitt can't even deal with criticism of his record, let alone deal with the real hatred shown by his party for anyone not white, "Christian' and rich. Oh, and male. When a man refuses to admit his campaign is one big lie, he does not deserve any office in thsi nation. He deserves to retire with his millions and play with his grandkids, and never darken our TV screens again..oh, and take the Palins with you.

  3. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I cannot imagine Romney dealing with ANYTHING by way of sophistication and class.

  4. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I can't explain how lucky we are to be alive and witness this great orator and leader in action. He takes all the lies and insults from the racist right wing with a grain of salt ...we can all learn from Obama

    1. That's exactly what I was thinking, only you expressed it better.

    2. Anonymous3:51 PM

      We are so lucky, and I am grateful every day.

  5. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Truly inspirational! He will unite the world as one and bring peace to us all and end all suffering and hunger

  6. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Why should I be proud of a man and President who disrespects me as a business owner and independent American?

    I go by facts, not emotion. Something more liberals need to consider.

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      STFU troll! You've already posted this shit before. You must be related to the gargoyle family of hillbillies...or maybe Baldy and her bottle of tequila has graced us with her funky ass presence! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous8:05 PM

      Fuck you Kristy. You get a fucking check on the 1st of the month that I contribute to via federal income taxes. Fact.

      Like your Bristol affinity and your Sarah fantasy. You are a sick person. Fact.

      You spend your entire fucking day, EVERY GODDAM DAY, on the Internet, defending your imaginary friends' honor. Can't you work at a fucking daycare with retarded kids that won't know just how fucked up you are? No, because your too fucking lazy and too goddam sorry to get off your fat ass and get up in the morning, wash the urine smell off your pale, pasty white, crusty skin, and brush your fucking split-ends to look presentable. You dream of being Bristol's friend, and nothing else be ause you cannot deal with the reality of what little you have made of your pitiful existence. You're sick. Do something about it.

    3. Anonymous8:09 PM

      YOU, Kristy, should be proud of your fantasy friend, BristolMeth, for surviving one week on a fucking dance show. You sure have a lot to live for, don't you?

    4. Anonymous8:10 PM

      7:21 PM Before you cast your vote, leave your Hooded White Sheet outside of the Polling Place.

    5. Anonymous9:00 PM

      What facts exactly? Oh Rob-you will tell you the facts AFTER you vote for him. And I promise you won't like his "facts". He will screw you over 10 X. He is NOT for small business...only giant corporations who are "people". Come back to us on that after Romney wins and screws you royally. He is fighting over who gets welfare & Romney and his cronies with their golden parachutes want ALL of it. ALL our taxpayer dollars that we worked hard for on every paycheck. Romney & his "entitled" buddies want it so they can turn around freaking screw you till you die.

    6. Anonymous9:06 PM

      Are you stupid? Romney could care less about YOU as a business owner in the United States. Unless of course you are part of the 3% elitists class at the top holding all the money and living off of your Cayman Islands & Swiss bank accounts dividends. Wow, how patriotic & American is that? Stop fooling yourself. Your are one of "those people" not fit to shine Ann Romney's dancing horse's hooves. You are REALLY effing stupid if you actually believe what you wrote.

    7. Anita Winecooler9:48 PM

      Drop the Plunger, Joe, you're not even a plumber! - Another GOP fact.

      Oh it's Krusty! How's that vhs rewinder business going??

    8. Anonymous7:21 PM
      Why should I be proud of a man and President who disrespects me as a business owner and independent American?

      I go by facts, not emotion. Something more liberals need to consider.
      Don't point your finger at liberals. Your second paragraph proves your first paragraph is a lie.

      Or that that you are either ignorant of the facts or just too stupid to grasp them.

    9. Anonymous4:28 AM

      You aren't an independent OR a business owner so stop lying troll. No one believes you. Besides only braindead idiot repubs believe the "Obama doesn't support business" LIE so fuck off.

    10. Anonymous6:15 AM

      Another low information nut job.

  7. Anita Winecooler9:52 PM

    Yeah, this was one for the history books. Ironic that the same amendment that guarantees the freedom of speech also defends the freedom of religion, though at times I wish they were mutually exclusive.

  8. Not What You Want to Hear2:55 AM

    He is a good man. The part of his UN speech that stood out to me the most, however, was when he noted we should be determined to let the Chris Stevens of the world shape our future, not his killers.

    I was very, very moved by that.

  9. Anonymous4:09 AM

    We said Mr. President

  10. Anonymous5:26 AM

    I thought that President Obama's speech to the UN General Assembly was absolutely wonderful. He had clearly done his homework and was able to make specific references to many countries and their cultures. I am sure that his very diverse audience really appreciated that. President Obama is a national treasure: he shows what is best about Americans.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.