Thursday, September 27, 2012

Panicked by new polling data, Mitt Romney appeals directly to the American people. The Democrats respond.

This is the new ad that Mittens put out yesterday, using the "talking right into the camera" approach to getting his message out.

Here is what the Business Insider wrote about this approach:

 Struggling to recover from lagging poll numbers and a series of campaign stumbles, Mitt Romney is trying a new approach this week, making his case directly to voters in a new television ad. 

Speaking directly to the camera, Romney asserts that "President Obama and I both care about poor and middle-class families." 

"The difference is my policies will make things better for them," he continues. "We shouldn't measure compassion by how many people are on welfare. We should measure compassion by how many people are able to get off welfare and get a good paying job. My plan will create 12 million new jobs over the next four years-helping lift families out of poverty and strengthening the middle class." 

The 30-second spot is clearly an attempt to limit the damage caused by the candidate's 47-percent remarks by showing off the candidate's empathetic side. But if today's polls are any indication, it may not be enough to stop the bleeding. 

Yeah, nobody else seemed to be very impressed by this clearly desperate attempt at damage control either.

However it DID give the Democrats new ammunition for an ad of their own.

Oh Mitt, when will you EVER learn?


  1. Anonymous6:48 AM

    It won´t be long before the GOP airs an ad of Mitt arguing with a chair.

    Right wing lurkers: You´re gonna have to kiss my ass a lot more. Then maybe, just maybe, Iĺl start believing you again ten years from now. You may start the healing process with a total exposure of Sarah Palin. Put her behind bars.


    Listen to your women - they ¨hate¨ the bitch.

  2. Anonymous6:49 AM

    And this:

    My Job

  3. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Legislators from Massachusetts share how they feel about Mitt Romney's record as Massachusetts governor.

    As Jay Kaufman, Massachusetts State Representative for the 15th Middlesex District shares:

    "You will hear this from Republicans and Democrats: Mitt Romney was not an effective governor."

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      I haven't seen this, but as a resident of the Bay State, I can tell you that he basically was governor for two years, got Romneycare passed, and then went AWOL so he could gear up for his 2008 bid for the presidency. He didn't run for re-election (succeeded by a Democrat, Deval Patrick, who's still in office) and has been living off his investment income and campaigning for more than six years.
      And what we've seen is the result. The GOP has nothing left. It will be fascinating to see what happens to them starting on November 7th.

    2. Anonymous7:27 AM

      One of Mitt's problems:

      those deep-set eyes, where you can't really see what's going on in there. The greasy, old-fashioned hairdo. The lack of affect in virtually all that he says. Obama actually has more gray hair than Romney, while being 14 years younger. Romney's a B-film villian, or ineffectual suitor who loses the girl.

      It's a cliche, but he reminds me of the used car salesman I dealt with earlier this year -- will say anything for a sale, but then forgets you after the papers are signed.

      Or the cold, nasty boss, who wants more, more, more from his workers, yet looks straight ahead while they're waiting at the bus stop while he drives by in his chauffeur-drvien limosine.

      It also doesn't help that his wife, whatever her physical weakeness, comes across as the PTA president who cares only about her own children.

      And the five boys: what is a Tagg? (for that matter, what is a Mitt? What happened to Steve, Mike, Peter, Paul, or hundreds of other names that were made up centuries ago.) What exactly do they do? They procreate, but do they have lives of their own, interesting deviations from their father? Is one a painter, or a video producer, or a community orgnizer?

      Mitt Romney evidently worshipped his father, beyond reason. Sons of strong fathers are usually very weak leaders. End of therapy session.

  4. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Taviri, from Pueblo, Colorado, shares why he doesn't want Romney's version of Colorado.

  5. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Romney’s Latest Reboot is to Pretend He’s Barack Obama

    ...Romney is running away hard from the 47% Romney and the primary Romney and the general Romney. This is the New Romney, y’all. And he cares about the poor. How do you know? He told you so!

    Also, please forget all of the nasty things Romney said about the President. He just realized that the country likes Obama more than they like him, and that fact alone was quite a jolt given Romney’s surround sound Fox talking points. But now that he knows that YOU like Obama, well, he does too.

    So no more Obama isn’t Anglo Saxon and Obama welfare ads. Romney’s going soft on the poor and soft on the President. His new strategy is to be MORE LIKE Obama, only different, because he’s not Obama. This is just like Romney’s foreign policy advances and retreats, wherein he always ends up in the President’s lap after making a sorry fool of himself. But at least Romney can honestly claim he led on ObamaCare.

    Oh, that’s right. He can’t say that or his base will disown him because healthcare for more people is a bad thing what with emergency room care being all the rage according to Romney. Well, there’s always the auto bailout. Er. Okay, that would have worked in Ohio and Michigan only it seems they haven’t forgotten Let Detroit Go Bankrupt. Meanies.

    Romney is going all in on being Obama, but with a different name and without the policies to match his words. Copying Obama’s words since he finally figured out that Obama is where it’s at, how can Romney fail?

    Cough. One way Romney can fail at this is if his base gets wind of it, which they did today. Apparently when Mitt told them he liked Obama and Obama was not the anti-Christ, they were unclear how to respond. Perhaps Fox News will update them tonight that the New Message is Obama is no longer the black Hitler. This could work, as the Fox audience has proven susceptible to wildly conflicting messages so long as they get their hit of rage.

    Romney is being forced to change his entire approach and message at a time when many voters are already casting their votes. Romney is being forced into softening his attacks on the President, while meanwhile the President and the Democrats can run Mitt Romney talking all day long without damaging their own brand one bit. After all, using Mitt Romney’s words within context is hardly going negative.

  6. Best political ad ever.

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:21 AM

      The President's media response team has MAD SKILLS!

  7. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Romney's look on his face in the video at the top -- he's pissed. With his face slightly turned, he's eyes shifted, it's like he's call Obama's a bastard but most likely much worse!! He could be calling the 47% the same. Pure anger he's not been given this as Ann once said 'it's Mitt's turn'. The rich, never been told 'no' believes he's 'entitled' to it and everyone should get out of his way.

    Too bad his mouth didn't get the memo!!

    1. Nope..he's worked hard all of his life and became hugely successful. Something all Americans should look up to. The only ones that feel entitled are the ones on entitlements. If you can work and work hard, it pays off. Where's Obama? He said he would help, yet blacks are worse off than ever before.

      It turns out that Romney was right all along. Even George W was right too. That's gotta make liberals skin crawl, when it should wake you the f*** up

  8. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Mitt's new promise ... he will make sure everyone in America gets a free horse elevator installed in their house.

    and Ann has been at the Whitehouse finding out which lawn will be best for the new horse stable.

    Mitt is one of us .. he is just a common man

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:29 AM

      While reading your comment, I suddenly had a thought...

      Would they have fashioned Ann Romney as an equestrian to liken her to Jacqueline Kennedy?

  9. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Virginia just passed a new law.

    In order to vote, residents will need to show proof of a Swiss or Cayman Island bank account.

    It appears Mitt will win the state with a popular vote of 1,376 to 3

    Ohio is rushing through a similar law.

  10. You know. After the McCain/Palin ticket in 2008 I didn't think it would get any worse.

    But it did.

    I said back then that the Republicans knew they'd lose to Obama in 2008 and so they just went through the motions and let McCain have his shot, just to shut him up and get rid of him as a presidential candidate. And it worked.

    I said the same thing about 2012 way back in 2009. I said that the Republicans know they'll never be able to prevent Obama from getting re-elected, no matter what (dirty tricks) they do. So that whoever they choose in 2012 will lose. And they won't choose anyone with a legitimate shot in 2016. They won't put the cream of the crop in the losing 2012 election. That would damage them. They'll pick another goat that is thorn in their side to give them their chance, then say, "you had your shot and you lost. Now sit down and shut up."

    The goats are Mitt Rmoney and Paul rAyn.


    The public is vetting them now. Not only will neither be back as a presidential candidate in 2016 (although rAyn may try I think he's done. The lying is just too profuse and in four years everyone will loathe the 'baggers, even the 'baggers.)

    Nope. They're cleaning house.

    I see them grooming Christie, Jindal and a few others for 2016. They have given up on 2012. They're done. They're just going through the motions now.

    Except for the disenfranchisement. That is really the only thing they care about in this election. It's a test run for 2016. To see how successfully they can reduce the number of democrats voting. Whatever works, they are going to hit it hard in the next four years to try to ensure a Republican win in 2016. *That* is really what this election is about.

    1. hedgewytch8:46 AM

      Hit the nail on the head.

  11. Cracklin Charlie7:07 AM

    Does he even know how to say the word President?

    Sounds like he said Pres-ent Obama four times.

  12. Anonymous7:09 AM

    What an idjit. Why are families living paycheck to paycheck and not able to afford food and gas? Because you and your buddies who own corporations are busy squeezing every last drop of profit out of their workers, not paying them a living wage fro an 8 hour workday. You and the other 1%ers who pay only 13% of your incomes in taxes and who support douchebag governors like Rick Scott and Scot Walker and Mitch Daniels are robbing those who had living wage jobs - teachers, firefighters and municipal workers as you also take away their ability and equipment to do their jobs because you are tax-evading deadbeats. Pay your fair share,- cheapskates.

  13. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Not only his face, but that was the most insincere bad reading off a teleprompter I've seen in years. You can almost see the metaphorical gun pointed at his head, can't you?

  14. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Here is link to audio of Paul Ryan in 2005 speaking at Atlas Society's 'Celebration of Ayn Rand'

    The audio is 14 minutes wherein he speaks of pushing the privatization of Social Security among other things. Social Security has not been something that has really been talked about but you know it's in the shadows hiding behind medicare, etc.

    Ryan is a strong 'Norquist' soldier. Norquist who at CPAC said that they only need a President to sign things not design things. As long as the President had enough digits to sign....

    Ryan would have the 'ear' of Romney and truthfully you know, he's the stronger of the two. Like Bush/Cheney. Running things in the shadows. Ryan being the 'drawer of the people' is the same as Palin for McCain. The VP candidate of 2008 and 2012 is the stronger influence.

    Yes we know the outcome of 2008 -- the difference of Ryan - he can walk, talk and link sentences together.

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      I still cannot fathom the power that Grover Norquist has over Republican politicians. From my viewpoint, he's someone who has never done anything in his life except to rise up ever election cycle and scare the GOP into following his pronouncements.

  15. Sorry this is O/T, but I thought it was interesting:

    I liked the "cockamamie bullshit" comment.

  16. Anonymous7:32 AM

    In Ohio Obama Speaks to Thousands While Romney Draws Hundreds

    It is easy to tell who is winning in Ohio. President Obama drew thousands to a rally at Bowling Green, while not even an appearance by Mike ‘Dirty Jobs’ Rowe could help Romney draw more than hundreds.

    Here is how the Toledo Blade described the attendance for Obama at Bowling Green, “President Obama fired up thousands of college students at Bowling Green State University today with promises to build on the progress he’s made bringing back jobs to the country while blasting Mitt Romney’s plan to help the wealthy.”

    Here is a clip of Obama taking the stage at Bowling Green

    1. hedgewytch8:48 AM

      Mike Rowe is a GOP supporter? I'm so disappointed in him. I thought he was smarter than that.

    2. hedgewytch8:48 AM
      Mike Rowe is a GOP supporter? I'm so disappointed in him. I thought he was smarter than that.
      That was my reaction exactly.

  17. Sally in MI7:33 AM

    And Gingrich thinks he will win any debate with the President? Well, gee, Gingrich now supports woman-hater Akin, so what can we expect? Anything to stay in front of a camera. I hear the GOP has now 'forgotten' that old Todd hates women and is now pouring in the funds to defeat Claire. The party is in panic mode, something they did not expect. Wonder how many are behind the scenes praying for this to end quickly.
    Never fear, President Obama will end it next week in the first debate. Mitt will look like the same fool he did in 30 GOP debates. And Ann will be frowning in the front row when he says something like, "well, Barack, I do appreciate that you haven't raised my taxes, but I know you plan to. I, on the other hand, will get rid of this huge debt and lower everyone's taxes. Just trust me, my advisors know it can be done, and we will do it in the first two years. AND we will create 12 million new jobs to pull people off welfare and make them work. Because I believe that the welfare rules you like are too lax, and that people want to work for their money, not have it handed to them. What? You didn't take away the work requirement? You handed it over to the states so they could make it work better? But I was told you gutted the work requirement. Ann, you told me there was no work requirement. Oh boy." Oh boy. Can't wait.

  18. Anonymous7:38 AM

    O/T (always grubbing & grifting)

    Todd and Sarah Palin listed among Exxon Valdez spill fund claimants

    In 2009, a lawyer for the Exxon Valdez plaintiffs told Reuters that the former governor's claims of aid were mostly "cockamamie bullshit."

    That lawyer, Dave Oesting, remains lead attorney for Exxon Valdez plaintiffs, and may soon find Palin among those claimants who come calling to collect.

  19. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Is Krusty's alias on c4p JuliC?

  20. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I watched Mitt raise his voice to his crowd trying to get support rallying his cry. But when he yells out "thats why you should vote for me!!!" it sounds like forced shouting. His voice doesn't sound leader-like whatsoever but rather sounds like he's yelling and BEGGING in desperation for the people to please please oh please PLEASE vote for me to be your king of America! When he tried to get the Romney-Ryan chant going that was just horrible. Mitt's tone is pitiful and I'm almost embarrassed for him. And NO Ann-toinette, it's Not Your "turn"!

  21. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Technically he's telling the truth. 12 million new jobs in the next four years. However, that's the projection if NOTHING is done to stimulate the growth of jobs.

    1. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Those jobs he keeps saying he'll have under his leadership (if elected)... 12 what is going to occur naturally due to the leadership of President Obama these past four years. They are already geared to go in that direction!

      But, Romney would take credit for it (if elected!) You betcha!

  22. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Romney has certainly aged in this campaign when I look at the above picture. He's thinner - under the eyes - hair appears to be dyed. Like Palin - trying to keep up w/all his lies and many various positions on issues truly is wearing on him physicially!

    He now supports his insurance program as governor and compares it to having empathy, but will repeal (basically the same plan) Obamacare as soon as he is elected - if god forbid, he is!!???? The guy is unbelievable to watch and is runinng an absolutely horrible campaign.

    And, I do NOT think he was making the major decisions while at Bain. He had the money and others assuredly were making the decisiions. So far he is showing us what a horrid 'man in charge' he really is. Romney would not make a good president as he is obviously non qualified.

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Daddy's money and daddy's connections got him the right people.

    2. Anonymous9:25 AM

      And he didn't have a full-time job at the same time like you know -- President Obama running the country.

      In fact, Romney has been more like the 'Empty Chair' -- Invisible.

      Fact is, he hasn't worked at a job other than touring the country for years as he's been campaigning for 6 yrs. Only more openly when he tossed his hat in the ring in 2011. Between 2008 and summer of 2011 -- he's actually done what?? It's not like MSM follows you in that time and if the last number of months when it's a serious campaign has been an indicator -- he did diddle. Took more time off than he campaigned.

      Another indicator -- he's clearly is not up for the job.

  23. Oh, my! I am so looking forward to the debates. Poor rich boy Mittens is going to get creamed for sure. President Obama has it made, and it should make some interesting tv viewing. Thanks for being here so I can enjoy talking about this race.

  24. Yeah, Mittens looks scared now, and next week he will face Obama in a debate. It should make for some very interesting television.

  25. Anonymous8:09 AM

    While I'm a firm believer in "one person, one vote" I cannot for the life of me reason why anyone would vote for Romney.

  26. Anonymous8:43 AM

    OMG. That's gonna leave a mark.

  27. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Here's Samuel L. Jackson's Hilarious, Profanity-Laced Ad Convincing People To Support Obama

    Read more:

  28. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Jimmy Kimmel Reveals Lobster-Filled Parody Of New Romney Ad

    ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel introduced a new political campaign ad from Mitt Romney wherein the candidate attempt to connect with voters by directly addressing the camera…

    …And by cracking his own lobster. The bib is a lovely touch.

    This is really making me want a lobster roll, guys. Which leads to another divisive issue tearing this great nation apart: How do you take your lobster roll? Maine style? Or Connecticut?

    Have a look, via ABC:

  29. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Romney campaigning in Virginia.

    MSNBC Peter Alexander just reported that about 200 people showed up for him!!! Owwwww -- WOW!! LOL


  30. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Barack Obama Backstage

  31. I must have missed something...just what are Mitt's "policies"? Oh, yeah, they won't tell us, just like they won't get specific on taxes, how they're draconian budget will work, or how they're going to magically do away with the deficity. Oh, that's right, we just have to "Believe..."


  32. Beldar J Conehead1:21 PM

    Nate Silver has whispered the "L" word....


  33. Anonymous2:15 PM

    There does need to be a limit for the amount of time that a person can spend on welfare or food stamps. Perhaps 1 year and then you are on your own? Aren't there limits in place already though that curtail the amount of public handouts that people can receive?

  34. Boscoe4:03 PM

    The problem is that Mitt didn't specify which country those jobs would be created in. :P

    1. Balzafiar6:45 PM

      I was wondering that too. Do the new 12,000,000 positions include expenses for moving to China?

  35. Anonymous4:42 AM

    I watched a brief old video yesterday showing Mitt Romney probably talking to possible Bain investors about how the company operates. What unnerved me especially was his explanation that, after taking over a company and operating it for a few years, Bain would "harvest" it. While he does not say it specifically, he obviously meant harvesting the company's assets and leaving the human detritus behind. Mitt Romney has never cared about all of the people. He doesn't even care about 53% of them. He cares about 1% - the ones who are most like him.


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