Friday, October 05, 2012

I don't think my worldview is being adequately represented in Christian schools.

People often ask why I get so upset with religion in this country.

The reason is because THIS is the kind of crap that is being taught to impressionable young children in this country, simply to frighten them into compliance with church doctrine

Sorry but this falls into the category of child abuse in my opinion.


  1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:47 AM

    So. I understand that "sleeping around" is something pious little Xtians do on the sneak, but are they advising that no one should "sleep" as well? Perfect--zombies for Jeeebus!

  2. Sally in MI3:16 AM

    Funny. I have no trouble avoiding temptation, have never used drugs, slept around, been arrested, I don't speed, the only family member not talking to me is one of the sanctimonious and angry GOP, and my church believes in peace, while the Christian GOP can't wait to start anothe war against those bad Muslims, who God also created.
    I think we could ad to their short term list: fear of others, hatred of others, greed, lust (how many good Christian COngressmen have been caught with other women, and have multiple wives..Newt, McCain, Vitter...the list is long. Christian schools are a joke.

    O/T but have you seen the video of Mitt placing notes on the podium the other night, when that was forbidden by the debate rules? He not only lied, but he cheated. On camera. Somehow I think Sarah should have saved her pity for her own candidate..what a moron.

  3. Anonymous3:58 AM

    It is child abuse. Adult abuse. etc. Personhood abuse. I was just thinking about the concept of an eternal hell this morning as I walked my dog, but it wasn't conceptual when I was a kid. I was taught it as fact, and in a place inside of me it's still there - the fear and the confusion.

    Along with the rebellion. I went down the "I'll show you, I'll hurt me" path. Took a long time to get off of that one.

    Plus confusion because I'm being told this god is love, all love, but he created hell for bad children. One of the "mysteries" of life.

    Honestly I'd rather spend eternity in hell than pretending to praise some abusive asshole who has to threaten me to get me to say he's wonderful.

    You're right, don't be sorry.

    1. "Honestly I'd rather spend eternity in hell than pretending to praise some abusive asshole who has to threaten me to get me to say he's wonderful. "

      Great quote. I might use this.

  4. Anonymous4:03 AM

    That is horrible. I can't believe they think the drinking, drugs, not paying etc is really the "WORLD VIEW" of the secular world. Teachers should be more accurate even if they are Christan. But hey, apparently lying or being ignorant is a Christan teachers "WORLD VIEW".

  5. Everybody knows, real Christians don't sleep.

  6. Olivia4:17 AM

    Yeah, everyone knows that disease and death happen only to those who haven't accepted Christ. No Christian I have ever known has had any of those secular world view issues or at least if they had them, it was before they were Christian.

  7. Anonymous4:17 AM

    so being secular makes you lazy, sleepy and stupid? i fucking hate religion.

  8. hedgewytch7:30 AM

    You know, I have to thank the Church, and my father and the Lutheran Church in particular for aptitude for critical thinking.

    I was taught I'd burn in hell too if I didn't play the game exactly as they laid it down. A friend used to give me her Christian "Comics" that showed lovely scenes of hideous torture in Hell should you stray from the set path.

    After looking around a bit and seeing that all those who claimed to be so righteous where actually those whose families were so unhappy. And yeah, seeing my father, a Deacon in the Church, the Sat. night before church at the bar with his girlfriend .... yeah....

    I may not be exactly Christian anymore, but I sure am happy with my spirituality and my future without worrying about hell.

  9. Anonymous7:30 AM

    It's a foolish thing to be teaching kids like that with a chalkboard. Kids should be taught values by their parents AT HOME, by teaching them, and teaching by EXAMPLE. Kids don't need to go to school to learn that for instance, 'sleeping around' is a bad choice. If the kid is loved at home and given a grounded teaching, trusting his/her parents, there wouldn't be need to be sleeping around.

    Whatever reasons some kids do sleep around, is that their parents are at work, ignore them all day and night, or that the kid is developing some addiction to being needed and loved, or other self-destructive behaviors. All the more for PARENTS to teach the child, expect obedience, and leave the schools out of it.

    These schools are going to turn these kids into self-righteous adults, which means obnoxious, unreasonable, hateful, intolerant.

  10. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I think the "Christian Worldview" and "Secular Worldview" headings on the columns are reversed.

  11. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Interestingly, this breakdown of the Christian life versus the secular world is almost word-for-word identical to what the cult of Scientology uses to keep its members frightened into staying (at least, staying long enough to donate all their money). I am a long-time critic of Scientology, but I don't have time right now to chase down the exact quote from cult founder L. Ron Hubbard.

    It turns out, paradoxically, that high-coercion groups like Scientology and like this sort of Christian fundamentalist are having a tough time keeping the next generation -- the harder they try to inculcate their beliefs in their children, the more likely the children are to rebel and become atheists. Scientology is imploding, with membership down by over half in the last decade. The Mormon church is losing members, mainly children and recent converts, at a significant rate; IIRC, overall membership in the US is actually down and global membership could start to decline as an increasing percentage of recent converts in far-away lands give up the faith. This is being replicated across a lot of evangelical sects. Preliminary analysis of the 2010 census data says "no religion" is the fastest growing bracket.

    So while this blackboard is appalling to see, considered in the larger context, this is yet another example of overreach that is helping to propel the pendulum back towards a more secular population. And that's a good thing.

  12. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I've been an atheist since I was about 5 years old, and I've got insomnia. What the hell?

    Went to a local candidates forum last night. The republican candidates all seemed to be very pro-voucher. I recently read that 95% of school choice vouchers end up going to religious schools. As a taxpayer, I really don't want to subsidize the crazy science that certain religious schools teach, or the above crap either. If you live in Alaska, please contact your representatives and tell them that you don't want vouchers!

  13. Too bad those "christians" don't practice what they preach.

  14. Anonymous10:46 AM

    The Christian body doesn't get disease or die.
    It has a way to shut that whole thing down.

    1. Olivia11:14 AM

      Anonymous10:46 AM
      "The Christian body doesn't get disease or die.
      It has a way to shut that whole thing down."


  15. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I just feel so sorry for all religious people. The chains that bind them are so tight that they are not allowed to breathe freely or experience the world as it really is. They live a life of lies based on myths and fantasy and it is so very sad. It's so nice to see that this next generation is becoming more secular; what a relief! I know, I've lumped you all into one basket, but in my opinion, true freedom comes from being in charge of oneself and not being bossed around by a mythical being and his often extremely hypocritical representatives here on Earth.

  16. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I quit going to Catholic Mass when I was about 16. Old enough to say to my sweet mother, "No Thanks" But lately I've been going through some tough times and was considering attending services at the local UU church. Thinking that some fellowship will help me get through and maybe make some decent friends.

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      My experience was similar to yours...Catholic elementary school until I switched to public school in 7th grade and stopped attending Mass shortly thereafter.

      Years ago, a friend who belonged to a UU church asked me to come and speak at one of their meetings about a topic I often lectured on. It seemed far more of a community gathering of eclectic people than a formal church. They were very service oriented and many of the members had left other religions because of the same type of experience I had been through.
      You might find just what you're looking for there.

  17. Anonymous4:36 PM

    'Religious indoctrination' is EXACTLY what is happening in that classroom and has been for centuries. To the zealots and wing-nuts that try to peddle this fairy-tale garbage are focused on one thing - POWER. If they can manipulate children over to their 'side' they'll be slaves forever. This very reason is what has been and still is happening EVERYWHERE in the South. That's why death attrition isn't enough to begin the process of Generational awakening...

    The more we can do to work to eliminate this brain-washing methods from out midst the better off we'll all be long-term....

  18. Anita Winecooler5:40 PM

    I don't know, Gryph. I've watched prison shows with heathens, drug addicts, atheists, murderers, rapists, child molesters, tax evaders, robbers, and really bad people with tattoos, wide stances and stuff.
    A lot of them are "Serial" offenders.

    They get access to teachers like these, and somehow, they ALWAYS find Jesus, read their bibles, pray, get forgiven and try for their "get out of jail free" card every time they're up for parole.

    Seems like either the bar is pretty low in their world view, or they're just not good teachers.


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