Tuesday, January 15, 2013

100 things you can say to irritate a Republican.

Courtesy of Addicting Info:

1. A Socialist wrote the Pledge of Allegiance. 

2. Jesus healed the sick and helped the poor, for free. 

3. Joseph McCarthy was an un-American, witch hunting sissy. 

4. Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee were traitors. 

5. The South lost the Civil War, get over it. 

6. The Founding Fathers were liberals. 

7. Fascism is a right-wing trait. 

 8. Sarah Palin is an idiot. 

9. The Earth is round. 

10. Reagan raised taxes eleven times as President. 

11. Reagan legalized abortion as Governor of California. 

12. Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency. 

13. Ronald Reagan supported gun control. 

14. Global warming is real. 

15. Republicans hate illegal immigrants, unless they need their lawns mowed or their houses cleaned.

16. The military is a government-run institution, so why do Republicans approve the defense budget? 

17. The Cold War is over and the Soviet Union no longer exists. 

18. Paying taxes is patriotic. 

19. Republicans: Peddling the same failed economic policies since 1880. 

20. The Republican Party began as a liberal party.

You know my favorite thing to say, and I don't think I saw it on the list, is "President Barack Obama is our President."

That drives them CRAZY!

P.S. There are 80 more examples. Just click the link at the top to read them all.


  1. Sally in MI3:05 AM

    Perfection. Let them all move into that Citadel community and figure out real fast how much they need taxes and a government of the people, not of the masters who sold them their house.

  2. Anonymous3:45 AM

    LOL..And everything on that list is true.

    "President Barack Obama is our President."
    I like to say this one, too.
    I also like yo say, "President Obama won TWICE!"

  3. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I would argue though that Robert E Lee was not a traitor...he was a Virginian and it is recorded that he fought for Va....just sayin'

  4. Anonymous10:10 AM

    The way to cause the most butt hurt for Sarah Palin? Well, there are three ways that top the list:

    1. Tell the documented truth about Sarah, which undermines the BS myths that she pays her family and a few lackeys to perpetrate.

    2. Ignore her as having anything substantive to say on any adult topic, just as her political party ignored her by not even giving her a courtesy invitation to attend the Republican National Convention.

    3. Best of all... Laugh at her continued failures and those of her pitiful family members trying to keep their grifting operation running. If Sarah insists on showing her ass, I feel obliged to enjoy the show and laugh at her expense. The biggest laugh will come when she passes the hat following her show.

  5. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

    Number 99 is so true - Republicans think a rape isn't a crime, but a miscarriage is"
    They're all funny, but I think Sarah shouldn't be in the top ten.

  6. 101. Liberal and liberty have the same roots. (You are welcome! : ) )


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It just goes directly to their thighs.