Monday, April 08, 2013

As predicted Sarah Palin's ghostwriters have hammered out an article to get her name mentioned alongside Margaret Thatchers and attract a little reflected attention to feed her addiction. Update!

I had predicted that this would show up on Breitbart's defunct site or on her Facebook page, but instead it was posted over at the National Review.

Not really a step up I know.

I am not going to bother going through it point by point, since a LOT of it is simply the result of research done by her team of consul....I'm sorry I meant "salaried employees," and it is designed to deify Baroness Thatcher before Palin's team carefully inserts some language comparing them, thereby suggesting that Palin is the natural successor to Thatcher and greedily lay claim to the mantle of "most famous female conservative on the planet."

And THAT part can be found right here: 

She was at heart a populist taking on the Conservative party’s old guard, who disdainfully referred to her as “That Woman.” The disdain was mutual. She referred to them as “the not so grand grandees.” As Thatcher later said, “It didn’t matter what they called me as long as I got the job done. I mean, to me they were ‘Those Grandees.’ They just don’t know what life is like. They haven’t been through it. And eventually if they didn’t help our cause, they had to go. But it didn’t bother me too much that they were patronizing like that. Frankly, the people, who are the true gentlemen, deal with others for what they are, not who their father was. Let’s face it: Maybe it took ‘That Woman’ to get things done, and the real reason why they said it was because they knew they just hadn’t got it within them to see things through.” 

In taking on “Those Grandees,” she wasn’t afraid of having strong opinions and fighting for them — something the establishment often found distasteful (See "Old Boys Club). British ambassador Sir Anthony Parsons recalled a conversation about this: “She said, ‘You know, Tony, I’m very proud that I don’t belong to your class.’ I said, ‘Prime Minister, what class do you think I belong to?’ She said, ‘I’m talking of course about upper-middle-class intellectuals who see everybody else’s point of view and have none of their own.’” And, of course, like all conservatives and trailblazers, she had to endure more than her share of vicious media attacks. Sir Archie Hamilton once recounted how he asked Thatcher whether she read the daily newspapers. “‘Oh no!’ she replied, ‘They make such hurtful and damaging remarks about me and my family, that if I ever read the papers every day, I could never get on with the job I am here to do.’” (What? Thatcher did not read newspapers either?) I know exactly what she meant. And as she said, “I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.”

OMGD! The comparisons could not be more uncanny. 

Like Palin, Thatcher was a female. Take that Lamestream media!

Like Palin, Thatcher had to stand up against the "Old Boys Club." Take that Alaska who does not like me anymore!

And like Palin, Thatcher did not read newspapers.Take that Katie Couric, you bitch!

So there you have it, Sarah Palin is the living embodiment of the Iron Lady. Only SHE is an Iron Lady with a "still" spine.

Which is better....right?

By the way according to Ann Coulter at one time Thatcher actually DID want to meet with Sarah Palin. But not to schmooze, but instead to "teach her" to "talk properly and speak like a lady."

Hah! Oh this just turned into my favorite bit of Sarah Palin/Margaret Thatcher trivia!

Update: According to Wikipedia Thatcher's Dementia was  first revealed in 2005, which means she probably suffered from it much earlier, and that leaves substantial doubt as to Coulter's claim.

Oooh, Ann is going to get a ton of misspelled e-mails now!


  1. Anonymous3:01 PM

    What a stinking pile of horseshit! RAM must have had this in the can for years. Thatcher was evil, but also brilliant brave and totally qualified to be PM. Parted ways with Baldy after the evil part.

  2. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Nah, Coulter is wrong. I remember when Palin tried to arrange a 2011 meeting with Thatcher and Thatcher refused.

  3. Anonymous3:13 PM

    In case you missed this segment of the Rachel Maddow show, be sure to watch. If you saw it when it was aired, it’s worth watching again!

    With Sarah Palin, Stupid is as Stupid Does

  4. Anonymous3:14 PM

    This is sad, as in pitiful. I have drank tea, therefore I embody Thatcher also. Palin quit her governorship unlike the former PM. Palin suffers sincere delusions.

  5. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Ann Coulter is full of shit, as usual. Margaret Thatcher had already lost her mind long before anyone ever heard of Sarah Pali, and Margaret Thatcher never heard of Sarah Palin.

    And as for the "old boys club"? When Thatcher was Prime Minister they sacked her because she was so unpopular with "we the people" (and that's pretty much how America feels about Palin, without ever electing her to anything).

    Sarah Palin can fantasize but that's all she can do.

  6. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Bashir Continues Anti-Thatcher Crusade: She Thought Mandela Was A ‘Terrorist,’ ‘At Ease’ ‘With Apartheid’

    Bashir conceded that Thatcher was an “indomitable, formidable leader,” but noted that she also “did things that a lot of people objected to.”

    “She regarded Nelson Mandela as a terrorist,” Bashir continued. “She was at ease with the notion of apartheid, which — many of us growing up in England as students during her period as prime minister — we were campaigning for the release of Mandela.”

    Bashir accused Thatcher of exacerbating racial tensions in her own country as well. “In terms of policing,” he said, “if you were a non-white member of the minority, you felt the aggressive hand of the police – led by Margaret Thatcher – which resulted in some of the worst race riots that the country had ever seen in the 1980s.”

    Hall noted that Bashir’s comments had resulted in his being scrutinized, in spite of their factual nature. “It is an immensely sad day,” Bashir added. “We obviously don’t want to speak ill of the recently deceased.”

    “But the facts of the historical record do need to be placed center stage,” he concluded. “She was a divisive figure. There’s no doubt about it.”

    Watch the clip below via MSNBC:

  7. Anonymous3:31 PM

    It won't make up for the fact that Thatcher's people wouldn't let Palin have her photo taken with the former prime minister. Thatcher was in no condition to pose for photos with anyone, let alone Palin.

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      In other words, Fuck You Margaret Thatcher. You too Bitch.

    2. Anonymous7:37 AM

      Plus she did not have $20,000 to pose with the Bitch.

  8. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Thatcher Gets Stinging Eulogy From South Africa

  9. Anonymous3:34 PM

    And now you know why Palin's PAC spends 95% on consultants to write that stuff. This is what Sarah wrote herself on her Facebook:
    We’re deeply saddened at the loss of Margaret Thatcher. While the Iron Lady is sadly gone, her iron will, her unfailing trust in what is right and just, and her lessons to all of us will live on forever. She was a trailblazer like no other. We lost an icon, but her legacy, as solid as iron, will live on in perpetuity.

    Compare the writing styles. Palin: simple, repeating the word "iron" over and over vs. the paid consultant who took all day to crank out the obit. Palin must really regret not posing with Thatcher since her facebook is plastered with tributes to Margaret Thatcher, a woman who didn't want to be photographed with Palin.

  10. akbright3:41 PM

    They had tried to push a petition, a while ago, to have Ms. Thatchers's funeral to be "privatized", since she was a big fan of capitalism and limited government:

  11. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Just as well the meeting never took place. Palin would have punched her in the neck if Thatcher tried to correct her

  12. Anonymous3:43 PM

    There's so much about Thatcher, pro and con, that can be said. What isn't in dispute is that she grew up in a cold-water flat above her father's grocery,
    got herself into Oxford University and received a degree in chemistry, ran for Parliament as one of its youngest-ever members, and climbed her way into power through doggedly hard work and intuition.
    She changed her accent to sound posh, but always knew she was out of place. Nonetheless, she couldn't identify with or help those who were poor or unemployed.
    Thatcher was smart, sharp, insightful, determined. She never gave up.
    It's not in the least believable that she didn't read newspapers. Whatever that quote was, it was to demonstrate that she was unfazed by the criticisms of the tabloids. It's not possible, then or now, to not read any of the dozen daily newspapers in England. She wouldn't have survived a week in British politics if she didn't know what was being said, who was saying it, what positions were being discussed, and where public opinion stood on many issues. The press in England still has tremendous clout, and she curried its favor.
    The attacks on her were often pointed and vicious, but she was powerful, with a power she'd created on her own, which is why she was under fire.

    Sarah Palin is not smart, not sharp, not intelligent, not determined. She quit her only elected position in order to cash in on her celebrity. She could have had real power if she'd stuck to her guns. Instead, she's just a face in the crowd, jeering at those who have the strength and determination to act on their beliefs.
    No two things could be further apart than Baroness Thatcher and Wannabe Palin. Sarah even grew up with more material advantages than did Thatcher. But she never took advantage of her situation, and now she's nothing at all.

    There appear to be no elected Republican women who can be a match to Thatcher -- very few men are, either. But Sarah Palin isn't even in the running for a comparison. What incredible hubris to pretend that she's even in the same century as Thatcher.

    1. fromthediagonal5:02 PM

      anon@3:43... yours is a very astute analysis and absolutely correct!

    2. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Bravo, anon 3:43. Fact-based and well stated.

    3. Anonymous9:20 PM

      You know its not like her father was a coal miner or street sweeper.He owned a business,however small.

  13. Anonymous3:51 PM

    She's always been a hate-spewing shrew, but lately she's been different. Is it me or has she been lashing out in such a rage-filled, flailing state that it appears we may finally be at the beginning of her very public break-down? I think the fact that her postings and appearances are now completely ignored by network TV is making her really come unraveled. This is where she'll begin to get positively outrageous in an attempt to get noticed. Just you's going to get very entertaining in these next couple months! :)

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      I couldn't agree more.

    2. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Kim Kartrashian walks around in sheer dresses with no undies -what WILL Palin do?

  14. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Can Alaskan Peggy Hill just please go away? Who keeps hitting the snooze button on her 15 minutes?

    1. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Hey, I object. Don't call Sarah the Alaskan Peggy Hill. Peggy Hill was a good mother who loved her husband and was gainfully employed. Plus she had a deep love for other cultures, unlike stupid diva, racist unemployed half-term governor Sarah.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:01 PM

      Hey, Tripp - sneak in grandmas room and put a cactus where her alarm clock belongs.

    3. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Peggy Hill is undeservedly full of herself, claims to have knowledge of Spanish culture, in particular, and is actually an under educated boob.

  15. Imagine Meryl Streep earning an Oscar for playing... $arah?!? Her longtime makeup artist, who won an Academy Award for "The Iron Lady," would have to lay in a goodly supply of matted, dirty wigs, tee-hee.

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      I would love to see Roseanne Barr play Sarah. Sort of a one woman show that looks back over the grizzled mama's life. She could sit in front of the fire and tell all the VARIOUS stories, myths, tall talks, and lies. The Real Sarah Palin, Whatever?

      RJ in Brownbackistan

  16. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Did Margaret Thatcher diss Sarah Palin?,0,7670922.story

  17. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I, personally, am glad to see Palin churn out more of her stupidity. It's getting to the point where Republicans dislike her more than the rest of us. Now that's really an accomplishment for the onetime darling of the bottom feeders.

  18. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Sarah, I served with Margaret Thatcher, I knew Margaret Thatcher, Margaret Thatcher is a friend of mine--Sarah you're NO Margaret Thatcher!!

    1. Anita Winecooler8:01 PM

      Proceed, former half term Governor...

  19. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Sarah Palin is America's iron lady
    Elect her in 2016

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      From the way she dresses, I don't think Palin knows what an iron is.

    2. Anonymous5:00 PM

      And then you woke up.......

    3. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Except that Sarah Palin is no lady.

    4. Anonymous5:38 PM

      By 2016, her old stinky iron ass will be covered with rust.

    5. Anonymous6:12 PM

      New school now... America's Meth Lady and they got the last word wrong.

    6. WakeUpAmerica6:19 PM

      ROFLMFAO! Oh dear! (wiping eyes) Whew! Snort! Bwaahaahaahaahaa!! My god, George Bush has a better chance of winning the election, you fool! Good grief, you're a bizarre, ignorant, downright stupid moron. Stupid is as stupid does in your case. Bwaahaahaa! Snort! Please, stop!

    7. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Sarah might be a little rusty in places, but there's not much iron in those brittle bones, and no still spine in the hunchback with the wonky-eye.

    8. Anonymous8:05 AM

      I, too, wish Sarah would run in 2016. If only she had stuck her foot in her mouth instead of speaking. She ruined any chance she would ever have of winning an elected office, it's on tape, in print, online. She shot off her mouth too many times and all we need is to reload it and she will have to retreat. She vetted herself after the fact.

      RJ in Brownbackistan

  20. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I'm not surprised that illiterate Me Me Me Sarah would have somebody write something about Thatcher.


    All these dumbfucks who sent SarahPac their rent money deserves more than a facebook post.

  21. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Sarah Palin is comparing herself to Thatcher?

    Sarah can't even raise responsible educated kids

    Those Palin kids and parents can't even keep their panties up

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Neither could Thatcher - boarding school from age six.

    2. Anonymous7:24 PM

      "The Village" should have have intervemed in the dysfunctional Palin family. What a failure!

    3. Anonymous11:34 AM

      If the Heaths or Palins showed up in any Alaskan village, they knew long ago to hide any valuables.
      Intervention? Ah no. Not even close.

  22. Anonymous4:55 PM

    As a Brit who suffered through her regime, I'd like to reserve the honour and distinct pleasure of announcing the glorious death of war criminal Margaret Thatcher, the neo-fascist, Pinochet-loving, Ronnie Reagan BFF, stabbed in the back by her own conservative party, cocksucker of a former Prime minister.

    I'm not in the habit of wishing death on anyone… but if you think Dick Cheney was bad, then this woman purposely destroyed the entire UK mining industry out of hatred and vengeance against the union, decimating thousands of families [even entire villages] livelihoods, who's only source of income was that industry. The same woman who, when a Brit nuclear submarine sank an Argentine cruiser sending around 1300 Argentine sailors to their deaths, her one word comment to the media the next day was, "REJOICE!"

    The fucker.

    It's been a long time coming and by all accounts was not painful enough. However, good riddance to bad rubbish.


    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      I sympathize with you completely. Good riddance.

    2. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Sorry, but Cheney still has her beat.

      He is Satan.

  23. Slightly O/T, but O'Reilly said on his show today that Margaret Thatcher "wouldn't have approved of Barack Obama." Just thought you should get the benefit of his tremendous insight.

    1. She completely disapproved of Nelson Mandela - so O'Reilly didn't need to think to come up with that one.

      Both Mr Mandela & President Obama have done more for humanity in a week than Margaret Thatcher did in her lifetime.

  24. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Great Britain Bursts Into Song Over Death Of Margaret Thatcher

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Well that can't be good...

  25. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Since Sarah is comparing herself to Thatcher, is Sarah saying that Thatcher screws black soccer ball players in her sister's dorm room too?

  26. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Wingnuts Furious: Obama Tweeted About Roger Ebert’s Death More Quickly Than About Margaret Thatcher’s


    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Boo fucking hoo

    2. Anonymous6:48 PM

      I can't say I blame PBO. Thatcher was a neocon from way back, and Roger was a fellow Chicagoan and a fellow American.

      Just something else for the incontinent RW fringe bigots to bitch and whine about all day long. I would probably do the same if I had to live like them and just sit in their urine-soaked pull-ups until the attendant changes them, dries off their shriveled, lifeless penis, and powders their bottom.

      So if it makes them feel better to bitch about the blah Kenyan in the White House, let 'em bitch because they don't have a lot left to live for if they can't express a little hate in every waking moment.

    3. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Ebert was a good person - Thatcher - not so much.

    4. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Wingnuts gonna wingnut.

    5. Anita Winecooler8:07 PM

      Yeah, like Thatcher "Tweets".

  27. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Margaret Thatcher never met with Palin, and had no intention of meeting with Palin:

  28. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Thatcher is remembered as The Iron Lady only because she possessed completely negative traits such as persistent stubbornness and a determined refusal to listen to others.

    Every move she made was charged by negativity; she destroyed the British manufacturing industry, she hated the miners, she hated the arts, she hated the Irish Freedom Fighters and allowed them to die, she hated the English poor and did nothing at all to help them, she hated Greenpeace and environmental protectionists, she was the only European political leader who opposed a ban on the ivory trade, she had no wit and no warmth and even her own cabinet booted her out. She gave the order to blow up The Belgrano even though it was outside of the Malvinas Exclusion Zone—and was sailing AWAY from the islands! When the young Argentinean boys aboard The Belgrano had suffered a most appalling and unjust death, Thatcher gave the thumbs-up sign for the British press.

    Iron? No. Barbaric? Yes. She hated feminists even though it was largely due to the progression of the women's movement that the British people allowed themselves to accept that a prime minister could actually be female. But because of Thatcher, there will never again be another woman in power in British politics, and rather than opening that particular door for other women, she closed it.

    Thatcher will only be fondly remembered by sentimentalists who did not suffer under her leadership, but the majority of British working people have forgotten her already, and the people of Argentina will be celebrating her death. As a matter of recorded fact, Thatcher was a terror without an atom of humanity.

  29. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Palin's multimillion dollar , consultant
    written homage to
    Baroness Thatcher at NRO has garnered
    2-count em-two responses.
    Both of them on target snarks.
    " What an insult to Lady Thatcher, to be remembered by Sarah Palin."
    " Sarah Palin first learned of Margaret Thatcher's existence when someone handed her a piece of paper today,
    so no harm no foul."

    Coulter's comment about Palin's obvious ignorance of basic English has predictably inflamed the Whacko Bird far right .
    They defend Gaia Palin and slam Coulter in grammatically incorrect English.
    I doubt they appreciate the irony.

  30. Anonymous6:32 PM

    The comments on this article are good

  31. Anonymous6:34 PM

    One MORE time: Thatcher was of the class that sends their elementary aged kids to boarding schools. That's certainly not the lower or lower middle class - certainly NOT grocer's grandkids. Typical conservo crap - playing at being poor and victims.

    1. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Totally incorrect. Read the NYT obit, or multiple stories over the years about Thatcher. She created a posh image, but didn't come from money or privilege.

    2. Anonymous10:35 PM

      Denis Thatcher was already a millionaire when she met him in 1949.

  32. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Sarah Palin spends $5 million of other people's money on shit like that? How does her donors put up with that?

  33. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Lawrence O'Donnell just chimed in on Margaret Thatcher and how she was a 'good socialist' who was far to the left of Pres. Obama.

    Sarah Palin and the rest of the myth-prone, historically-ignorant, self-proclaimed conservatives should be forced to watch the video.

  34. Anonymous7:45 PM

    I just remembered something: Meryl Streep's movie about Thatcher was on TV recently and I thought I might watch to see how Ms Streep fared with the role. But when the time came I wondered how I could possibly have wanted to watch even a simulated Thatcher for any reason. Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan both continue to be a blight on the entire world. They fucked it up so badly it'll never be the same again.

  35. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Didn't Gummy Spice tried to arrange a photo-op with Thatcher a few years ago and was told politely by her people that Ms. Thatcher would not be meeting with that "crazy lady"?

  36. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Sarah Palin is America's Iron Deficient Lady.

  37. Anita Winecooler8:21 PM

    LOL Ann Lied to Geraldo! And he believed her! That's something Sarah would do.

    Speaking of the hearse chaser, where's RAM's post on what a swell patriot Annette Funichello was and how Baldy loved the resemblance of their mousketeer ears, and also, too, always fed her family Jif peanut butter instead of that Democrat Jimmy Carter "Skippy Brand" because he had lust in his heart for Lady Big Gulp.

  38. Anonymous9:50 PM

    AH, Sarah DAHLINK, we called it before anyone else. Your fading into nothingness and screeching like a Banshee "ME ME ME" as you go....

    You did it all yourself, dearie, all in your own HEAD. You remember the definition of insanity, right? You are THERE.

  39. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Of course she's comparing herself to Thatcher. This is the perfect time to do it, because Thatcher isn't around to tell her she's absolutely nuts and they have NOTHING in common.

    Thatcher's comments about personal attacks can be echoed by ANYONE in the spotlight -- be they politician or celebrity or even some lowly former reality show participant. Palin isn't some amazingly twinsie of Thatcher. Thatcher's comments would work for Obama, Michelle, Hillary, Jim Carrey... shoot, even Anthony Weiner.

    Palin has NEVER understood that when you're in the spotlight, you're going to get some negative reactions. She's never learned how to handle them. She's still not handling them. I am thankful EVERY DAY that she never became VP, and that she'll NEVER be in a political position ever again. The best she can do is a little bit of canvassing for some Tea Party hopeful (after they've secured a lead), but those gigs are becoming less frequent and her ability to draw a crowd (outside of her small clique of groupies) is waning.

    She's a joke, she's toast. Her next paying gig will be on E! along with Joan Rivers.

    "Kingmaker" my ass.

  40. Anonymous3:43 AM

    And it involves another dead person. That seems to be something that Sarah Palin likes - having her name associated with dead people. Last week it was Terri Schiavo and this week it's Margaret Thatcher. Sarah simply loves coattails!

    1. Anonymous6:06 AM

      Also the Navy Seal who was shot

      Chris Kyle

  41. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Thatcher was always wearing push up bras, hiked up mini shirts, and FM pumps....

    1. Cracklin Charlie6:29 AM

      And Thatcher was constantly crudely referring to other world leaders genitalia.

  42. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Palin's picture should NEVER be anywhere near Margaret Thatcher; please remove it. That comparison makes me sick.

  43. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Everyone knew the Palin family was big into incest, but who knew they were necrophiliacs too! Sick!

    1. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Todd never denied being being with prostitutes or being a pimp.

  44. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Ann Coulter laid into Sarah Palin on Monday during an interview on Geraldo Rivera's radio show, charging that the former Alaska governor should have learned to speak "proper English."

  45. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Sarah Palin why don't you post Todd's denial that he's a pimp?

    Oh that's right, Todd has never denied it

  46. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Sarah Palin is selective when it comes to picking deaths to publicize.

    Sarah turned the Tucson murders into the Sarah Palin Me Me Blood Libel video show.

    1. Anonymous8:15 AM

      How come Sarah is vocal about Schiavo but not a peep about Tucson?

    2. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Because she got paid to be vocal about Shiavo.

  47. Anonymous8:03 AM


    Bristol and Willow is it okay and manly for men to prey on women and girls for their sex trafficking business?

    What's your opinion?

  48. Janice9:25 AM

    OT... on Sarah's FB page, she shows a picture of the snow in Wasilla. She mentions in the whole article under the picture, this is why they are going to Arizona for a week for Willows graduation and the start of her new business. Is she graduating from high school or beauty school. Is Sarah buying her a beauty shop somewhere.....? Strange. Why is Willow going to school in Arizona anyway?

  49. (Once Willow sits for her test) Verify Arizona Cosmetology Licenses HERE:

    As long as the OWNER of the shop isn't cutting hair, they don't need to have a Cosmetology license...

  50. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Will Sarah pay someone to take the test for Willow? Willow cannot pass a test.

  51. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Sarah Palin’s facebook: ”Is it any wonder the family is excited to go to Arizona this week for Willow’s graduation as she embarks on a new career as a small business owner? And in honor of Willow’s accomplishment we wanted to do something charitable. So, we’ll join Gov. Brewer for the “Hope & A Future’s Strikeout Child Abuse Walk” in Phoenix on Saturday at 3pm.”

    Armed only with a GED and a few months of cutting and washing hair in hair school and no real work experience in the field, Willow Palin is prepared to open a small business just like her sister Bristol did.

    Bristol without any proper schooling, degrees, coaching, mentoring, training or vocational skills was ill prepared to mentor young teens by becoming a highly paid motivational speaker.

    This behavior seems to run in that family. Sarah Palin was not prepared to be a sports commentator, mayor, governor, energy expert, vice presidential candidate, FOX reporter and mother.

    Why can’t these people do things the old fashion way and go to school and work at being successful instead of their short cut get rich quick schemes and scams?

  52. Caroll Thompson1:27 PM

    The difference between Maggie and Sarah is really quite simple. Maggie was a well educated articulate woman and Sarah is just a dumb ass. And nothing that Sarah does will change that simple fact.

  53. Anonymous1:47 PM

    yeah, Sarah, cause you're just like Lady Margaret Thatcher.... in your own mind. Nobody else is making that comparison.

  54. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Can't wait to see what outlandish costume she will wear for her Walkathon. Wonder how far she could actually walk on her own.....

    Pretty sure it will be a family vacation for all but TriG.

  55. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Oh good...we'll get another photoshopped picture of Sarah "walking" (on air).

    And WTH? They are going to Willow's graduation - great! At least one Palin finished what she started.

    But then "doing something charitable" to celebrate.... meaning "I see an opportunity to get my picture out there. Maybe an interview... something to tweet about anyway."

    I will be checking local news to see if anybody covers this Walk thing - The name doesn't make sense to me but I assume it is against child abuse. Yeah, Sarah should be doing this in her own state where child abuse, including sex trafficking.... is among the highest in the nation.

    but she wouldn't dare would she?

  56. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Sarah Palin doing a walkathon?

    Do they make fuck me open toe stiletto walking shoes for old ass bitches?

  57. Anonymous4:12 PM

    This is from the description of the event:

    "The event kicks off with a brief 1-mile family walk through downtown Phoenix and ends at Chase Field in time for participants to watch the Arizona Diamondbacks take on the Los Angeles Dodgers."

    It doesn't sound too strenuous...Sarah can probably make it through this.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.