Tuesday, April 02, 2013

No wonder religious people are fighting against gay marriage, it will criminalize Christianity. Wait, what?

So let me get this straight. If gay people get married then Christianity will be against the law?

Wow, and just when I thought I could NOT be more for marriage equality!

You on second, thought I think what this video is suggesting is that if gay people become accepted members of American society that the religious people will not be able to discriminate against them anymore.  And apparently for some Christians this would be an attack on their belief system.

Gee I guess that they might have to hide their homophobia from the rest of us wouldn't they? What a shame.

Hey I have an idea! Perhaps they could hide it away someplace in their house, I don't know like in a closet perhaps? I understand that a lot of those have recently become available.

If you get my drift.

P.S. Just in case some of you were hoping this was a left over video from April Fool's day, I am sorry to inform you that such is not the case.


  1. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Trust me, I live in the middle of this shit. E-mail forwards, gossip amongst uninformed elderly Fox News viewers*, and doses of Rush Limbaugh have my parents and their friends in hysterics. They stubbornly and irrationally insist that the "most persecuted group in America today" is old white Christian men. Women and minorities run this country. Yes, they truly believe this; try not to spew all over your keyboard.

    To them, gay rights are just one more brick in that awful wall of discrimination they face. If gay marriage is legalized and gay people are protected by anti-bullying laws, those poor Christians will lose their First Amendment rights and their ability to freely practice their religion.

    My parents' pastor--at an evangelical church in Colorado Springs, no less--is actually pretty progressive and has been challenging some of those views. And he's sort of getting through to them. They will never be okay with gay marriage, but I think he might be halfway to convincing them that it wouldn't be the end of Christianity as they know it.

    *I know there are very informed, intelligent, thoughtful IM readers who might fall into the "elderly" category. Unfortunately, my parents and their friends are the sort of gullible people who believe that any e-mail forward that starts with "I checked this on Snopes..." must be completely reliable. And you can trust the conservative media absolutely, while nothing the LSM says could possibly be true.

    1. Anonymous6:05 AM

      I'm eagerly awaiting my parents' deaths.

  2. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Off topic, but important. The following comment was posted about 7:30 on SeaO'Pee (Conservatives4Palin) these evening, but I thought it was so outrageous and demonstrates just how crazy the Palinbots have gotten recently, it had to be posted. The following comment was posted about 7:30 this evening by a person called "senator20526". The replies to this comment from the Palinbots all seem to believe it was true. The comment is as follows;

    "BULLETIN.......My grandson is in the Marine Corps stationed in N.C....He called his mom and told her that all the officers were called to a meeting with civilians from the White House...they were asked how many officers would be willing to shoot Americans, who refuse to give up their guns..A couple of the officers raised their hands....they were escorted from the meeting and never heard from again....This is so upsetting, I can hardly type....Obama is planning something and it doesn't look good....If you have family in the Military please ask them if they have heard the same thing......"

    A follow up post 30 minutes later by the same person stated;

    "This is all of the info I have and its third hand, but I know some of it has to be the truth....scary. I will be off line for awhile so please pass the word around."

    The Palinbots are truly scary people and ignorant people to even believe there might be even be a shred of truth to this comment. Just proves how insane these people really are.

    1. Balzafiar5:19 PM

      This so-called bulletin would make more sense if the officers indicated they would REFUSE to shoot Americans who would not give up their guns. Otherwise it's just bullshit.

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      It must be scary in their world.

    3. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Why, why, WHY do people use ellipses instead of periods? It is just so dumb.

    4. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Here's one genesis. Looks like a perennial rumor from the TeaTHUG deranged:

      "Rumor, and I repeat Rumor has it that Hillary was behind a questionaire put to the Marines at Quantico during the Clinton Administration.

      ""If Congress passes legislation banning civilian ownership of firearms, would you be willing to shoot Americans who refuse to give up their guns?"

      I found a link, but don't see any credible proof....don't even know it it really happened or is just a good story?"

    5. Anonymous6:06 AM

      That's BS.

  3. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Sarah Palin is shining the light on how charlatans operate criminal rackets. They are getting worried about their own schemes. What is crooked nonprofits, charities and all are exposed for their rackets?
    Christo-Fascist Dominionist are sweating bullets and losing popularity and polls.

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      "shining the light?"

      More like royally fucking up and exposing family secrets.

    2. Anonymous6:08 AM

      Could be right. She is so stupidly doing this she may actually get busted. Why do you think Rover hates her so? Aside from the dumb.

  4. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Not all Christians find gay marriage the end of the world. Many of us believe it is required by social justice and celebrate our friends' happiness. The Episcopal Church is actively working on a rite for the blessing of same sex unions. Our particular church has several couples. In fact our male delegates to the Diocesan convention are a couple.

    Elizabeth 44

    1. Leland6:24 PM

      Having been raised in the Episcopal Church (in fact, my grandfather was an Episcopal Bishop), I have to admit that, aside from some hypocrites I was forced to "deal" with, the Episcopal religion is probably the most opened minded of the institutions in the US.

      But they are paying dearly for their advanced thinking in the loss of members. While it may be true the CHURCH is forward thinking, a tremendous number of their membership has left the church for other churches. As an example, fully half the membership of what USED to be my church (the one I was raised in), have left the church for other religions - specifically stating this as the cause of their departure.

      But then again, it is not the Episcopalians who are raising the loudest screams or performing the greatest amount of harm to minorities or groups such as the LGBT community. Those are the extreme right evangelicals. You know, the ones who are screaming about the "war on Christmas"? You know, the one they are creating themselves by trying to force Christmas on the rest of us in violation of the US Constitution?

      Like these idiots who created the above "film".

  5. Leland6:11 PM

    I would really like to see the so-called PROOF the filmmakers used for this "film".

  6. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Bill O’Reilly Blows Up At Laura Ingraham In Epic Segment Over His ‘Thump The Bible’ Comments

    Bill O’Reilly tonight responded to criticisms from the right over his commentary last week that gay marriage opponents need to do more than just “thump the Bible” if they want to win the argument. After a Talking Points Memo largely focused on mocking liberal media attempts to gin up a feud between himself and Rush Limbaugh, O’Reilly brought on Laura Ingraham, who actually told O’Reilly he was wrong in saying what he said. O’Reilly was stunned with Ingraham, shouting over her and telling her “I’m disappointed in you.”


  7. Anita Winecooler7:35 PM

    I don't think there's enough prison cells, but hey, it's worth a shot!

    What's particularly odd is they actually "believe" this nonsense.

  8. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Kansas Republican Tim Huelskamp Put the Fool in April Fool’s Day

    Yesterday was April 1. April Fool’s Day. Sadly, Kansas Republican Rep. Tim Huelskamp was not joking when he published an op-ed piece in the Washington Times about marriage equality. He might have been intentionally stupid, however.

    Titled The War on Marriage and Motherhood, this brave Republican defender of womanhood opened his barrage on our shared reality by proclaiming, ” President Obama and I have very different notions of what a family is.”
    Take a look at Huelskamp’s straw man:


    HUELSKAMP: The war on marriage and motherhood
    Redefining matrimony would destroy the family

    President Obama and I have very different notions of what a family is. For liberals, the family can apparently be everything from “Heather Has Two Mommies” to “Daddy’s Roommate” to Hillary Rodham Clinton’s “It Takes a Village.” In the opinion of electoral majorities in Kansas and 40 other states, however, that does not a family make.

    For conservatives, the concept of family is the same as the Judeo-Christian model God ordained, a model supported by every other major world religion. It is the same unit recognized by the laws of nature, the laws of government, and civilized societies for thousands of years: one man, married to one woman, with so many children as God should see fit to entrust to their care

    Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/apr/1/the-war-on-marriage-and-motherhood/#ixzz2PMou01n0

    Excerpt from "The History of Marriage".......

    History reveals that the choice of the groom was the sole decision of the father of the bride. The father would then hand-over the daughter to the prospective husband in public, as an act of approval of the marriage. In the Old Testament there is no mention of marriage vows, or a priest or preacher being present at the ceremony. In the past, according to history, some marriages were not just a personal matter concerning the couple it was a business deal or arrangement between two families. To a considerable extent, marriage was an arrangement, with money taking priority. The role of the wife during that time was more of a woman who kept home, and did the house-hold chores, and looked after the children. There was hardly any love involved. As such it was more a marriage of convenience.

    In 17 B.C.-A.D.476 during the Roman Empire, the lower classes who became Christians had common laws. This is also known as 'free' marriages. As Christianity spread, the church changed this 'free marriage' as a 'conscience marriage'. Romans changed this common law of marriage, by signing a document to make this union legalized. This is the official recording of marriages that prevails today.


    Good comment from the Washington Post article:

    Jesus wouldn't have had a problem with same sex couples. He hung around with twelve guys and a prostitute, after all.

    Homosexuality (a word which didn't come into being until the late 19th Century, by the way) exists in every sphere of nature where two separate sexes exist. No species has ever gone extinct or been irreparably damaged because it exhibited same-sex behavior. In fact, many species encourage it as a means of population control and gene-selection.

    If, after thinking logically and non-religiously about human rights, you still are against same-sex marriage, please just go ahead and admit that it's because you think gay people are icky and you don't believe in equal rights for all people. I mean, it can't be because you disagree with sodomy, because heterosexual people engage in sodomy all the time, and I don't hear anyone railing against that. And it can't be because you think marriage is all about procreation, because if that was the case, you should have a problem with non-childbearing straight couples getting married, too.

  9. Anonymous3:42 AM

    What so many so-called Christians in this country do not understand is that legalizing gay marriage has nothing to do with religion, it has everything to do with civil rights. This is a perfect example of why our Founding Fathers embraced a separation of state and church.

    I consider myself to be a Christian. I celebrate Christmas and Easter and I take the Lenten season and Holy Week seriously. At the same time I am perfectly capable of understanding that some issues, like the right to choose one's life partner and the right to choose to continue with a pregnancy, are matters that belong to all Americans and should not be determined only by the so-called Christians among us. We Americans believe that we have the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Combine that notion with a separation of church and state and there is no room left for the intrusion of personal religious beliefs in the choices that others make.

    The world will not come crashing to an end (despite programs on The Weather Channel) because the US recognizes gay marriage or because we allow women to choose to follow their own consciences when making difficult decisions about pregnancy. The world will be a better place if we all simply care a little more about the rights of others and spend a little more time trying to be more tolerant of one another.

    1. Anonymous6:03 AM

      What I think a lot of people don't understand is the real world problems that gay couples face. I saw a story about a guy whose partner died and the partner's family was able to contest the will and take everything he had in the world. Because they couldn't marry. It was sad beyond belief. Fairness. That's all people want. To be treated like equals. I have no religion, and yet would say we could all stand to be more Christlike and love others and care for them and also condemn the creeps and throw the money changers out.

  10. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Could we just criminalize being an asshole?

  11. Randall8:10 AM

    If you use the bible as a buffet from which to pick and choose passages that confirm your prejudice and hate, then you're not a Christian: you're an asshole.


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