Saturday, April 27, 2013

Rick Perry gets very angry at editorial cartoon which points out that his lax regulation policies resulted in the death of 14 fellow Texans. So sensitive!

So the editorial cartoon is above, you can decide for yourself if it is in good taste or not, but it does clearly point out that Governor Perry has often bragged about the fact that businesses come to Texas due to fairly watered down regulations, and that. curiously enough, is also being blamed for the explosion of that fertilizer plant.

Now did old Perry take that lying down? Oh hell no!

He done wrote a letter to the paper that featured it:It was with extreme disgust and disappointment I viewed your recent cartoon. While I will always welcome healthy policy debate, I won't stand for someone mocking the tragic deaths of my fellow Texans and our fellow Americans. Additionally, publishing this on the very day our state and nation paused to honor and mourn those who died only compounds the pain and suffering of the many Texans who lost family and friends in this disaster. The Bee owes the community of West, Texas an immediate apology for your detestable attempt at satire. -- Gov. Rick Perry, Austin, Tex.


However I have to wonder that if, after a disaster of this magnitude, Perry will start to see the common sense in making sure that businesses which manufacture products that might go boom, poison the atmosphere, or leak into the ground soil or streams are properly regulated for safety?

Or was the EPA perhaps one of the branches of government that Perry famously forgot to list when asked which ones he would get rid of if elected President?


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Perry is trying to use the good ol' Texas tradition of "Dixie-chicking" anyone who makes him look like the ass that he is.

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I agree the timing was in poor taste. But if they'd published it later, after people had a chance to mourn their dead that would have been best.

    It does clearly make a point, which political comics are so good at doing in just a few words and a picture or two.

  3. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Perry doesn't get it. The cartoonist wasn't mocking the deaths of those poor people. He was mocking the man whose policies caused those deaths. Get your panties out of a was, Perry!


    Gotta say I'm proud of my hometown paper for calling him out.

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      I'm glad I read your comment before I said the same thing verbatim. Congrats on having a hometown paper that calls it like they see it!

      Perry's lame-ass dodge here is too obvious. He deserves to be called out.

  4. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Dow Chemical located a new plant there to process fracked natural gas. The CEO was in Texas with the GOvernor, and I'll never forget what he said. "Texas has rolled out the red carpet, not the red tape." In other words, we don't have to worry about the environment, the water, or any damn liberal regulations down here!

    1. Leland6:04 PM

      Um, are you bragging or complaining? It's not clear.

    2. Anonymous7:46 PM

      I think it's terrible.

    3. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Perry needs to be hung from the rafters. People need to get him out of office - not following federal regulations..allowing people to be killed and damaged in western Texas because they didn't follow the regulations!!!! Amazing!

  5. Sometimes your blog posts provide inspiration for me to write a Tweet, Gryphen. Your last sentence is one of those. Thanks for all you do... ;-)

  6. These insistent Political Correctness whiners--Perry, Palin, and all--are so very tiresome; can't they “take a joke"? I guess not, it would be a form of cannibalism, or something.

  7. Balzafiar5:59 PM

    Hey, give the pandering bastard a break! He has to defend those whose filthy lucre has made him rich.

  8. Randall6:15 PM

    What's in "poor taste" is shamefully doing away with regulations that help prevent horrible accidents like the one in West, Texas.

    What's in "poor taste" is acting all butt-hurt when you're the Governor and you're called on the fact that you're PROUD that your state allows air and water pollution and dis-allows safety inspections.

  9. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Those who are responsible for the deaths and injuries in West, Texas are as culpable as any terrorist.

    Oops. Sorry, Mr. Perry. You should be hunted down and jailed. Texas has the death penalty. You deserve it.

  10. Perry can hold a prayer meetin...Perry can spend millions of Texas's money and get Joe's Dumpster's to move to Waco but PERRY IS GONNA have to PAY for the negligence of his crocked employees...

  11. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I, too, am offended.

    I'm offended that the people running the state of Texas and members of Congress are determined to water down or completely eliminate the regulations that keep Americans safe.

    I'm offended that corporations are allowed to destroy our environment and injure or kill people in their never-ending quest for greater profits.

    I'm offended that the zoning is so lax in West that an entire community, including a school and nursing home, were built within spitting distance of an extremely dangerous factory.

    I'm offended that the lives of the workers and the people living in the community of West were worth so little to the owners of the factory that they created a severe fire and explosion hazard with no regard for the danger it posed.

    I'm offended that the owners felt so free to blatantly flout the few voluntary reporting requirements that the EPA and OSHA have in place.

    I'm offended by the report I read yesterday that there is an absurdly low cap on punitive damages in Texas so that, despite intentionally breaking laws and killing people, corporations' assets are still protected.

    I'm offended that the very people who willfully and enthusiastically created the environment that allowed this tragedy to happen, and even BOASTED of their effort, have the NERVE to offer their condolences to the families who lost so much.

    I'm most offended that 15 people died needlessly, and lives of their families and their community will never be the same.

    1. Anonymous9:03 PM

      Damn, 7:09!

      You said that better than I could ever say. Please post your comment to all newspapers in TX. If you don't, I will.

      Thank you!

    2. Anonymous10:38 PM

      I hope you don't mind, Anon 7:09, I'd like to post you comments on FB. So well said.

    3. Anonymous4:02 AM

      Excellent post.

    4. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Why, thank you, everyone! *blushing furiously*

      I didn't realize my post would have such an impact but please feel free to share if you want.

  12. Anonymous7:39 PM

    ok Lego hair just tweeted On WHCD slamming DC not doing job shit.

    Funny, I remember just two years ago seeing Sarah and Bristol Palin hanging out and having a drink at the posh MSNBC after party in the Italian Embassy. She had just come from another after party. She went to after parties all night.

  13. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Speaking of sensitive...

    Sarah Palin Verified account @SarahPalinUSA

    That #WHCD was pathetic. The rest of America is out there working our asses off while these DC assclowns throw themselves a #nerdprom

    1. Anonymous8:21 PM

  14. Anonymous7:56 PM

    I think Rick Perry an embarrassment to TX and the USA. He showed himself to be a total idiot when campaigning for POTUS! And, now for him to go after businesses to move to TX because 'they are NOT regulated' absolutely takes the cake. He should be pulled from office.

    Especially after looking at the disaster in western inspections! What a leader he ISN'T!!!!

  15. Anita Winecooler8:11 PM

    It's a political cartoon that says more about Perry's lax policies than the victims of the catastrophe. He's just mad his NAME is on it.

    All heck is going to break loose... here's POTUS at the correspondence dinner speaking about getting the munchies

  16. moose pucky8:18 PM

    Poor pitiful scarah - she will NOT be ignored! Her name was not mentioned at the Correspondence Dinner, not even used in a joke - and she is LOSING it!
    From Facebook:
    "Yuk it up media and pols. While America is buried in taxes and a fight for our rights, the permanent political class in DC dresses up and has a prom to make fun of themselves. No need for that, we get the real joke."
    And from twitter:
    That #WHCD was pathetic. The rest of America is out there working our asses off while these DC assclowns throw themselves a #nerdprom— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) April 28, 2013

    There is also a Tea Party petition sent to wingnuts to ask Plain to run against Begich for AK Senate. Paranoid PeeZoo denziens convinced it is a TRAP and set up by Jeb Bush and besides, Senator is BENEATH her - 'Cuda for POTUS 2016 and no one else! LOL. Send money!

    1. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Black Sabbath playing Paranoid in Paris in 1970. He's talking about you Sarah!

      Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my mind
      People think I'm insane because I am frowning all the time
      All day long I think of things but nothing seems to satisfy
      Think I'll lose my mind if I don't find something to pacify
      Can you help me occupy my brain?

    2. Anonymous3:58 AM

      "working our asses off" ???

      Quite a statement from someone who doesn't have a job OR an ass.

  17. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Asshat or is it butthurt?

  18. Anonymous8:44 PM

    I love it when Palin drunk-tweets. The woman is hilarious!

    1. PalinsHoax4:33 AM

      Ol' $crawny is also jealous and mad as a wet hen because NO ONE wants to play with her.

      $crawny, you need to pick up your water ballon falsies, go home and play One, Two, Three Alairy's with them.

  19. Anjaak10:29 PM

    OT but has anyone talked about the movie Kill Team yet? (I haven't been able to read all of the comments yet)

    It's getting really good reviews. It will be interesting to see how the Palins respond/ignore it.

    Looking forward to seeing it!

  20. Anonymous11:14 PM

  21. Anonymous1:22 AM

    Sarah, you didn't invent the use of "nerdprom" for the WHCD, but you sure enjoyed it so much you used "prom" twice.
    I do give you credit, however, for using "assclowns" in a public forum. That kind of language you must have picked up in a bar room, and thought it was useful to broadcast anywhere. Just a word from your public: you appear more mature and much more dignified when you don't use these epithets in your tweets and what have you.
    Finally, on a Saturday night, most of us aren't working our fingers to the bone or fighting for our freedoms, but just taking some time off from doing these tasks. Some of us enjoy a movie, some of us go out for dinner, some of us dress up formally and enjoy each others' company. As long as we're not breaking the law, it's hard to see how any of these leisure activities can be as reviled as you do.
    Having gone to several WHCDs, I can tell you that it's quite hard work to act pleased to meet and greet the Congressman from West Paducah or the all-dolled-up defunct half-term-governor who thinks she still matters in the affairs of state, and not wish silently that I could be home watching a movie with my family. It's part of my job to be there, alas. Your fb and tweet rants don't so much condemn the WHCD event, which is what I think you meant to do, as reveal that you'd have given your eyeteeth, or even your Belmonts, to be either a White House correspondent (using that journalism training of yours)
    or a politically important invitee. Perhaps you were never invited to a real prom. Whatever, your sad tirades are just sour grapes. Maybe nerd grapes.

  22. Anonymous2:07 AM

    I want to say thanks to Rick Perry for making sure the cartoon and it's message got the attention they deserve......

  23. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Correct me if I'm wrong, Sarah, but just two years ago you and Bristol tried your hardest to be invited to the "nerdprom," No one wanted to waste tickets on you, so you hung around pre-parties and after-parties, all dolled-up and pretending to be part of the nerdprom on the sly.
    No one invited you then and, once again, no one invited you this year. That's your big beef. Even Fox found better dates. This says to the chattering classes that you're not one of them anymore.
    It must hurt to be a has-been. Most who are take it with better grace.
    Face it, you're never going to meet President Obama. Cause he's the President and has better things to do with his time.

  24. she is loney, drunk, drugged up and nobody is talking about her fat silly ass. she is sitting on her empty bed crying, swearing, yelling sweating and red. Not one bagger invited her...not one. rotflmao

    No cpac, no whcd. Face it baldy you aint missed and neither is your dysfunctional media ho family. Stay away from media, fraud.

  25. Anonymous5:28 AM

    "Satire" only works when it makes fun of President Obama, former House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and slut baby killers like Sandra Fluke.

    Satire, is not funny when it goes after good, hard working Patriot Americans with God on their Side with Constitutional Common Sense under our Judeo-Christian nation and whatnot.

  26. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Looks like Rick Perry has thin skin. And a little blood on his hands.

    The way one in power acts when criticized or mocked shows how weak they are. (see Sarah Palin.)


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.