Monday, April 08, 2013

The Iron Lady has passed away. Update!

Courtesy of CNN:  

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, a towering figure in postwar British and world politics and the only woman to become British prime minister, has died at the age of 87, her spokeswoman said Monday. 

Her funeral will be at St. Paul's Cathedral, the British prime minister's office announced Monday. 

Thatcher served from 1975 to 1990 as leader of the Conservative Party. She was called the "Iron Lady" for her personal and political toughness. 

Thatcher retired from public life after a stroke in 2002 and suffered several strokes after that. British media reported Monday that a stroke caused her death.

Here was a woman who eschewed convention and broke through gender barriers to become one of the most respected figures in British politics. Though to be fair she is perhaps MORE respected outside of England, than within.

I have always felt that her mirror image in America was Hillary Clinton, who has become the most powerful female political figure in this country.

Though we may mourn the passing of Margaret Thatcher we can take solace in the fact that at least she never had to suffer the indignity of being sued by Sarah Palin for a photo-op nor had to listen to that idiot prattle on about how much she admired her, while undoubtedly quoting erroneous facts about the Prime Minister's life to the press.

Update: As predicted the American conservatives are falling over themselves in order to quickly tweet their  admiration for Thatcher:

I may have to skip my usual cable news watching today as it will all be a sloppy wet kiss directed at Thatcher. I cannot stomach much of that for long.

Still waiting for Klondike Kardashian to weigh in.

Update 2: Ah here we go.

From the Facebook page of the woman with the same number of X chromosomes as Margaret Thatcher, but none of her intelligence and ability:

 We’re deeply saddened at the loss of Margaret Thatcher. While the Iron Lady is sadly gone, her iron will, her unfailing trust in what is right and just, and her lessons to all of us will live on forever. She was a trailblazer like no other. We lost an icon, but her legacy, as solid as iron, will live on in perpetuity. 

- Sarah Palin

Definitely looks like it was cobbled together in a hurry. 

I seriously doubt THIS will be Palin's only post on Thatcher's passing. Look for a much longer and effusive post on Facebook, or a Breitbart piece, coming just as soon as she can get her ghostwriters together in a room to help her avoid sounding like a simpleton.

Update 3: Well this is interesting it looks as if Palin did not even know who Thatcher was until McCain's staff explained it to her.


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Palin must be asleep since she hasn't tried to turn Thatcher's death into a story about how much she is like the former Prime Minister. Funny how she tried so desperately to become the Reagan or the Thatcher of modern times but she had none of the qualities that either politician possessed. Forget about policy for an instant...Reagan and Thatcher actually read policy, wrote policy, debated policy, understood policy.... I dearly hope that when Palin wakes up to the news and tweets her thoughts that no one in the MSM will pay attention.

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      "Still waiting for Klondike Kardashian to weigh in. "
      She hasn't woke up yet.
      We know she will and it will be GROSS, self serving grandstanding of herself.
      Remember that Margaret Thatcher did NOT want to see the Wasilla Wendigo!
      But I'm sure she thinks we have all "Forgotten"
      We have not.

    2. Yep Baldy is still knocked the fuck out from that bender she was on all weekend!

      Whoever is brave enough to wake her up better have on a hazmat suit...her ass will be stinking like alcohol and vomit!

      Good luck Toad! LOL!!

    3. Anonymous9:20 AM

      "She was a trailblazer..."
      Oh so she has to plug her failed book??? What a flippin' a$$hole she is.

      Epic Fail Wasilla Wendigo!

    4. Anonymous1:46 PM

      LMAO -- you can get that magnificent bio "Trailblazer" for $3 and some change... for the HARDCOVER edition... on Amazon.

      Anyone need a cheap doorstop?

  2. Thatcher was like Hillary Clinton in the fact that they both had two X chromosomes. That is the extent of it. Hillary would have done none of the human and workers rights abuses that Thatcher did. Your comparison is an insult to Hillary.

    1. Leland7:03 AM

      Sorry, but you are talking specifics. Gryphen is talking in generalities.

    2. Anonymous7:07 AM

      What Arcturus said.

    3. Thank you - couldn't agree more. Pierce has it right

      Thatcher attacked the unions and the working class - she may have regretted the later when the poll tax caused her downfall in and out of the party.

    4. Anonymous7:16 AM

      I have to agree with you, on policy Clinton and Thatcher are not on the same side of the aisle. The women are similar in their strong political presence but that is the end of it.

    5. Thatcher was pure poison. Robbing the poor to give to the rich, dismantling the unions, the list goes on and on. Good riddance.

    6. Anonymous8:17 AM

      She loved herself some good old apartheid and Pinochet as well as Jimmy Saville. I seriously doubt Hillary Clinton would do the same.

    7. A large number of English readers and I would imagine all the Scots, Welsh and Irish are horrified with the comparison with Hillary Clinton

      Personally, I will never get over the devastating emotion of returning to Scotland during her "reign" to witness poverty I hadn't seen since post-WWII.

      “In Scotland – and much of the north of England – Mrs Thatcher remained till her final breath a figure of revilement. It is no exaggeration to call her the most hated woman in Scotland and that contempt is unlikely to subside with her passing. The Sunday school injunction against speaking ill of the dead will not be kept this time."


    8. Leland12:14 PM

      Just so everyone doesn't believe I am a total oddball and completely uninformed, I posted my comment BEFORE Gryphen even added the first update!

      That will explain why there is a mismatch between my comment about what he wrote and what ended up as the final posting.

    9. Anonymous1:38 PM

      But Thatcher was a shitty mum or at least one in absentia - sending Carole off to boarding school at age 6.

    10. Anonymous1:42 PM

      "In the all too common trajectory of less-favoured daughters, Carol ended up seeing considerably more of her mother in the last years than did her brother, nonetheless keeping a distinctly realistic attitude. Asked about her mother's complaints of not seeing her grandchildren often, Carol was unsympathetic: "A mother cannot reasonably expect her grownup children to boomerang back, gushing cosiness, and make up for lost time. Absentee mum, then gran in overdrive is not an equation that balances."

  3. jcinco6:27 AM

    I'm sure snow snookie is paying ram overtime to compose a "eulogy" for Thatcher to post on face book ASAP, you know how close she & Thatcher were..they had so much in common. Yes, they both have/had two legs, two arms, two eyes...oh but wait, that's where it ends, Thatcher had a brain and integrity. It gave me great pleasure when Thatcher's handlers stymied palin's efforts to exploit her with a photo op when the iron lady wasn't aware any longer...let's see how palin tries to make this all about her in the upcoming days. trying to ride on the backs of the dead is her latest ploy to keep in the news.

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Palin and Thatcher do share political views, however, where they differ is in intellect. If alive, and in politics today in America, Margaret Thatcher would be a Tea Partier, in fact, she not Palin would be their leader.

    2. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Palin: "I read "Thatcher in the Rye" at one of the schools I may have attended and it changed my life forever. I grew a stil' spine and she grew her iron lady bits and if it wasn't for the lamestream media I would be the president and she could have been elected queen of her beloved country also too."

    3. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Margaret Thatcher did not have integrity.

  4. Olivia6:31 AM

    "Lady Thatcher will not be seeing Sarah Palin. That would be belittling for Margaret. Sarah Palin is nuts."

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      The whole article is a keeper, Olivia!

    2. The Paylin curse lives!

  5. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Someone knows Palin's moves all too well...

    daveweigel Verified account @daveweigel
    At some point today a former half-term governor of Alaska will have some opinions about Thatcher, but we can ignore that.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      More victimhood. Oh JOY.

    2. jcinco7:48 AM

      all the palin panty sniffers are attacking Dave, he could use some help from some twitter folks from here??

    3. Anonymous9:52 AM


      i love goin' one on one with any of the mouth breathers any chance i get, particularly on greta wire and mediaite - it's hilarious when their spittle starts flyin'

  6. Anonymous6:46 AM

    "Though we may mourn the passing of Margaret Thatcher" ...Who is "we"?
    Thatcher was a crypto-fascist thug just like Reagan. Get real.

    1. Anonymous9:07 AM

      That's why she and Ronnie Raygun were such besties, they were the same person, politically speaking.

      People think just because much time has passed since her political demise that people have forgotten what an evil minx she was, however, with all of the negative press, it looks like that isn't the case.

  7. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Commenter from Wonkette:

    "Palin just tweeted: 'The queen is dead, long live the queen.'"

  8. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Holy fuck Gryphen, did you really just compare Hillary to one of the most vile and evil people of the 20ieth century? This woman did start a war, suppressed the poor whenever she had even a longshot at it and had a grip on finances who would make everyone except Paul Ryan cringe. Take yourself ten minutes to read through this list: and you might reconsider your stance.

  9. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Will Sarah Palin charge a speaking fee at the Iron Lady's funeral?

    1. Oh shit I forgot Baldy was on her "Corpse Chaser™ Tour"! That means one of her consultants must be on the phone begging for an invite for Baldy but I suspect they will give Baldy the same answer she got before...(H/T to Olivia...thanks Girl!)

      "Lady Thatcher will not be seeing Sarah Palin. That would be belittling for Margaret. Sarah Palin is nuts."

      Instead Baldy will have to do what George Constanza did when he needed to prove to the airline that he attended a funeral and should get a funeral discount ticket...

      Baldy's going to post on her Fakebook a picture of her standing next to the woman's casket!

      Crazy ass ghoul...that's "Our Baldy"! LOL!!!

    2. Olivia9:06 AM

      Oh, I so wish I was an artist. I have a picture in my head of Palin at Thatcher's open casket contorting her body trying to pose for side by side photos. It would be a great SNL routine to have her trying to prop the body up to get a photo of her arm around Thatcher. The comedic possibilities are endless, really.

  10. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Sarah always wanted to meet Margaret Thatcher, nows her chance to finally meet her.

    Can't believe I said that.

    1. You are so deliciously naughty.

  11. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Since Sarah hasn't posted anything yet, Palin must be waiting for PIG Palin to return from school to write her facebook post on Thatcher's death. We know Sarah uses ghost writers.

  12. Anonymous7:10 AM

    American Conservatives Flock To Twitter To Memorialize Thatcher

  13. Anonymous7:10 AM

    3 2 1

    "Margaret Thatcher was my inspiration when I singlehandedly won the state basketball championship for Wasilla High School...."

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      "And I only played three minutes!"

    2. Anonymous9:24 AM

      ...on a broken ankle and blind in one eye.

    3. Oh, you people! ROFL

    4. Anonymous12:07 PM

      and her period

  14. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Thatcher To Receive Ceremonial Funeral With Military Honors

    Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who died Monday at 87, will receive a ceremonial funeral with military honors, the Associated Press reported. Her funeral will be held at St. Paul's Cathedral, the AP's report said.

  15. I never agreed with Lady Margaret Thatcher's politics and policies but I appreciated and even admired her guts and stamina. She could silence an MP or a reporter with her acerbic wit. She was a trailblazer for women and, although I agree that "she was no Hillary Clinton", I respected her.

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Respect her skill as an evil enemy, not her person.

  16. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Sarah why know not? You have your passport.... go ahead ..... you know you want to crash the funeral...

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Oops sb "why not"

    2. Anonymous9:26 AM

      "Sarah why know not?"

      You nailed it. No need to fix.

  17. Anonymous7:15 AM

    And of course the Idiot from Wasilla wll make Thatcher's death all about her. Let's ignore her.

  18. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Wonkette has a great take on this story:

    I agree that Thatcher and Clinton have little in common except chromosomes. She was way ahead of the current right wing in being ideologically driven and to hell with everything else.

  19. Anonymous7:19 AM

    The Iron Lady has passed away?

    They say deaths comes in 3s. What's the Vegas odds on Sarah Palin?

    1. Naw...Thatcher is the third one....Phil Ramone....Roger Ebert were the first two.

      You're safe for now Baldy! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous12:07 PM

      That's the ONLY way she's ever going to meet Thatcher

  20. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Quick -- someone run to C4P and see if BriAnus has finished his lengthy post comparing Palin to Thatcher... only with Palin being the best of the two, of course... and ending with a "Palin 2016" proclamation.


    (I swear, that dude is either mental or the best troll I've ever seen.)

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM


      I laughed out loud. Thanks.

  21. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Of course the palin woman liked Tatcher the milk snatcher..
    Ignorant arrogant Americans.

  22. Anonymous7:21 AM

    How much do you wanna bet she finagles her way into the funeral? Probably have someone take a picture of her next to the casket. We know how ghoulish she is.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      I don't know... I don't think the UK can afford her Funeral Crasher fee.

      Plus, Palin has that "Strikeout Child Abuse" Walk with Jan Brewer on the 13th... and I heard she has a panel discussion immediately after the walk: "Families in Crisis: How a Refrigerator Can Save Yours".

    2. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Leave it to Sarah's consultants to find a walk for her with a mis-spelled title. If you;re going to Strike OUT something, it is two fact, I think it is ALWAYS two words. And Sarah does know something about child abuse. Just not what Brewer intended when she invited her. Wonder if she drags the children along for the photo ops.

  23. As many have already pointed out my comparison of Hillary Clinton to a Margaret Thatcher type figure in America, is solely based on her ability to break through gender barriers and the fact that she is presently an overwhelming figure here in America.

    I admire NOTHING about Thatcher's politics, though I do have a grudging admiration for her tenacity and fearlessness.

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Tenacity and determination in the service of a political agenda like Thatcher's deserves nothing but contempt. Do you also grudgingly admire the tenacity and determination of the teapublicans in both houses of Congress as they continue to push their rotten agenda?

  24. Anonymous7:22 AM

    As of... about 45 minutes ago, President Obama has made a statement about Mrs. Thatcher's passing.

    And from Palin: Crickets.

    Then again, it probably takes time for RAM to translate Palin's word salad into something coherent to post on Twitter & Facebook.

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      WAY too early. She waits a week so as to garner more attention.

    2. I'll take that bet & you'll owe me a quarter! Granny Grifter would never pay her own way to fly to the funeral and in order for it to be a legitimate SarahPAC expense, $arah would have to speechify about something, somewhere in the UK. Thatcher's staff thought Sarah was completely nuts, so I doubt she would get an invite to the funeral, must less an opportunity to open her gigantic, ignorant maw.

  25. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Unlike Margaret Thatcher, Sarah Palin - who is only mentioned in the same sentence as Thatcher because Sarah crassly sought to align her own image with hers - THIS is her only lasting significant contribution to the civil discourse:

    04.08.2013 — 10:53 AM
    It’s Right Next to Russia!

    Rep. Steve King, pondering an awesome Senate run, says: ”I can see a path to victory.”

    Josh Marshall

    (Talking Point Memo, like so many other comment/analysis sites, routinely reference Sarah's idiocy in ridiculing other politicians and public figures...that's her contribution: setting a new low standard and providing an easy joke)

  26. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Does this mean Sarah Palin is the oldest looking woman on the planet now?

  27. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Bashir Eulogizes Margaret Thatcher On MSNBC: ‘Brutal,’ ‘Incredibly Divisive,’ ‘Not That Effective’

  28. Anonymous7:42 AM

    No Sarah Palin, you cannot be the keynote speaker to honor Margaret Thatcher.

    Margaret didn't want to see you when she was alive. Get the hint?

    1. Olivia9:09 AM

      I am sure everyone attending the funeral would LOVE to hear what version of her rehashed wild ride story she would stand up to tell at the funeral.

    2. Irishgirl10:10 AM

      Now that is funny.

  29. angela7:45 AM

    Rest in Peace Margaret. You were pretty heinous politically, but I'm sure your family and friends cared about you.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Actually, not.

      In the all too common trajectory of less-favoured daughters, Carol ended up seeing considerably more of her mother in the last years than did her brother, nonetheless keeping a distinctly realistic attitude. Asked about her mother's complaints of not seeing her grandchildren often, Carol was unsympathetic: "A mother cannot reasonably expect her grownup children to boomerang back, gushing cosiness, and make up for lost time. Absentee mum, then gran in overdrive is not an equation that balances."

  30. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Ugh, Eric Cantor is a culturally illiterate dolt. You do NOT address her as "Lady Thatcher." A lady is addressed by her first name.

    Moreover, Maggie T. was a Baroness. It's fine for the average Murkin not to know this stuff, but a Congressman should know the proper forms of address for all current and former heads of state.

    Think before you tweet, Eric.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Eric Cantor flunks wiki101

      The Right Honorable The Baroness Thatcher

      (she was a life peer which entitled her to sit in the House of Lords)

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      He's a Republican. They checked their brains with ALEC and Grover long ago...but you'd think a staffer could have looked it up. I notice President Obama had no trouble using the correct form of address (see, GOP, this is why we don't let you be in're all idiots.)

  31. Anonymous7:51 AM

    "Still waiting for Klondike Kardashian to weigh in."

    Well Uncle Gryph, we have to wait to hear Sarah Palin's opinion which will be as soon as SarahPac pays $5 million to her consultants to tell Sarah how to feel and what to say.

  32. Anonymous8:01 AM

    President Obama on Monday released the following statement on the death of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher:

    'With the passing of Baroness Margaret Thatcher, the world has lost one of the great champions of freedom and liberty, and America has lost a true friend. As a grocer’s daughter who rose to become Britain’s first female prime minister, she stands as an example to our daughters that there is no glass ceiling that can’t be shattered. As prime minister, she helped restore the confidence and pride that has always been the hallmark of Britain at its best. And as an unapologetic supporter of our transatlantic alliance, she knew that with strength and resolve we could win the Cold War and extend freedom’s promise.

    Here in America, many of us will never forget her standing shoulder to shoulder with President Reagan, reminding the world that we are not simply carried along by the currents of history—we can shape them with moral conviction, unyielding courage and iron will. Michelle and I send our thoughts to the Thatcher family and all the British people as we carry on the work to which she dedicated her life—free peoples standing together, determined to write our own destiny.'

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      If only that was her true cause.

    2. What a crock! (How much did his nose grow when he okayed that?)

  33. Thatcher was Prime Minister. She deserves the respect of a State funeral.

    Otherwise, I would hope she rots in the hell I don't believe in for the suffering she caused.

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Perfectly stated.

  34. "Still waiting for Klondike Kardashian to weigh in. "


    I could wait for my large, brainless dog to weigh in too, but, like Palin, he really would not have anything useful to contribute.

    1. Anonymous9:12 AM

      I'm sorry that your dog is "brainless". I firmly believe that all three of mine have a mental advantage over Sarah Palin!


    2. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Just saw your dog taking a dump. What could Palin possibly add?

  35. Anonymous8:09 AM

    As an aside to the late Prime Minister, Think Progress has an article posted about female candidates which may be of interest to some.

  36. Anonymous8:12 AM

    The Reign Of Margaret: Reax

    This video of Thatcher defending income inequality is making the rounds:

    “She Who Must Be Obeyed”

    Thatcher, Liberator

  37. The Alaskan Monkey Queen NEVER - NEVER - NEVER got to lay eyes OR hands on Mrs. Thatcher……

    That makes the Alaskan Monkey Queen A COMPLETE FAILURE!!!! IN EVERYONE’S EYES.. EVEN THE SEA OF PEE-BAGS!!

  38. betsy s8:17 AM

    I'll bet a quarter she goes to the funeral...

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      I'd like to see her try. but they probably wouldn't let her in.

    2. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Only if she can get SARAHPAC to fund the trip. And you can bet she'd be texting and tweeting her way through the whole thing, as she did in AK last time she crashed a funeral. And whatever would she wear? She doesn't own a peoper pair of dress shoes, let alone an outfit decorous enough for an event like this. Hey SARAHPAC, Sarah needs a classy outfit too. And a five star hotel reservation. And a limo. And a bodygaurd or two. And don't forget wi-fi for her, Toad and a child to be named later. Sounds like far too much work for our Sarah.

  39. Anonymous8:22 AM


    Oy: This Margaret Thatcher Hashtag Has Some People Thinking Cher Is Dead…


  40. Anonymous8:29 AM

    What I've started to enjoy is how little Sarah's Facebook posts sound like she wrote them.

    It couldn't be more obvious that she's paying someone else to make her sound "smart" - which ironically only reinforces her image as an ignorant, inarticulate, grudge-holding and thin-skinned simpleton with a bad case of shaky self esteem.

    She's become a caricature of an angry little middle school wannabe.

  41. Irishgirl8:31 AM

    There are two women politicians I abhor. Thatcher and Palin. Palin has tweeted and facebooked her condolences.

    1. Except...Palin's not a politician. Thatcher was the genuine article.

  42. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Sarah Palin's actual knowledge of Margaret Thatcher is about as much as her knowledge of international relations, energy, Kissinger (remember that crazy photo op), and pretty much anything else. She knows nothing about history. She knows nothing about politics, except the wink and the nod and the give and take (heavy on the take). She knows nothing and doesn't care to even try to find out.

  43. Anonymous8:37 AM

    sad iron sad iron iron.

    I bet whe still wants to get a picture - they can prop her up like Terri Shaivo, Mama Griz don't care.

  44. Anonymous8:49 AM

    The movie with Meryl Streep made Thatcher look good, but even still, it was easy to read between the lines:

    This was a woman possessed by that British sense of entitlement; despite having come from "lower stock" she worked her way into the ranks of the rich elite...promptly forgetting anything about "commoners" when she had a chance to champion their cause.

  45. lostinmn8:53 AM

    I'm waiting for Sara Palin to come forward to be the US Rep at her funeral. Kind of like Dennis Rodman going to North Korea.

  46. Anonymous8:57 AM

    "perpetuity" ???????

    Nice try, $arah, you don't even know what that MEANS! Does it REALLY take all those millions in consultant fees to make you look smart? I guess it does.

  47. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Facebook Sarah said: We’re deeply saddened at the loss of Margaret Thatcher.

    Who is "WE"?

    Is "WE" Sarah and Rebecca Mansour?

    1. Olivia10:57 AM

      It's the "Royal" we, dontcha know.

    2. Anonymous12:12 PM

      1) All the voices in Srah's head or 2)
      All of SArah's dissociative personalities

  48. Anonymous9:16 AM

    " The Barrenness " ignorantly and inappropriately used a nickname when referring to the passing of Baroness Margaret Thatcher.
    When stupid and irrelevant people try to make themselves part of every major story , gaffes like this result.
    Because Palin has to be the bride at every wedding
    and the corpse at every funeral.
    At least she didn't include a Big Gulp or Chick-fila-A reference ..yet.

    1. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Lol! Its funny because its true.

  49. Lord Sutch of Sutton Ak9:18 AM

    I think we should all raise money to send Queen Sarah and the rest of the WasillaBillies to the funeral. Too bad there isn't time to ship their SarahPAC bus over also too.

    I think it would work out splendidly, the British media not being lamestream and whatnot. Toad can peep the page three beauties, and who knows what the rest of them will do. The British do have an appreciation of both geography experts and history experts. Sarah can tell them about guns and shooting. She will 'splain just what a RILL Tea Party Is! She can have the Eagle River Bear Paw Parade Krew to protect her instead of some pansy Sausage Eaters in goofy hats.

    She can get some payback by debating Irish President Michael D. Higgins on whether or not the Tea Party is the Wanker party.

    "The President of Ireland eviscerates Tea Partiers as ignorant wankers"
    "His closing remark is a sucker punch: “Be proud to be a decent American rather than just a w****r whipping up fear.”

    They Brits would rip her to shreds, and then she'd open her mouth and say some really stupid things. Mitt got them warmed up, they are waiting. Better let Bill Maher know, he'd want to cover her visit also too!

  50. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Margaret is now officially as brain dead as Sarah is.

  51. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Sarah must be cutting her expenses over there at her PAC because it looks as if the journalism major is writing that stuff herself. She repeats the word (or variations) of "sad" or "sadly." She uses "Iron lady" and "iron will" over and over. Doesn't she know any other words? It's a grade school tribute, using the same words over and over-- trite. Too bad that Sarah didn't get a chance to have her photo taken with Margaret Thatcher. Sarah really did want that photo op, and those around Thatcher were smart enough to keep Palin away. Tell me again, does Queen Elizabeth run the government over there in what's it called?

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Sarah is planning on crawling into the coffin with Margret to get the photo op.

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM


      Let's just hope she forgets to get out before they shove old Maggie into the oven.


  52. Anonymous9:31 AM

    It will be interesting to see how Sarah Palin turns this death into a fundraiser for SarahPac

    How can she tie Tri-G's ailment and Thatcher's death into a win/win situation for Sarah?

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      If it can be done Sarah is the one to do it.

    2. Anonymous12:14 PM

      That's "Our Sarah!"

  53. Anonymous9:38 AM

    How much did Sarah' consultants charge SarahPac for her Thatcher facebook statement? Did they give her a discount since SarahPac is going broke?

  54. Anonymous9:41 AM

    The people in the UK does not care if you are Alaska's first dude.

    No Todd you cannot sniff the Iron Lady's panties.

  55. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Love her or loathe her, one thing's beyond dispute: Margaret Thatcher transformed Britain. The Iron Lady who ruled for 11 remarkable years imposed her will on a fractious, rundown nation _ breaking the unions, triumphing in a far-off war, and selling off state industries at a record pace. She left behind a leaner government and more prosperous nation by the time a mutiny ousted her from No. 10 Downing Street.
    Thatcher’s former spokesman, Tim Bell, said that the former prime minister had died Monday morning of a stroke. She was 87.

    For admirers, Thatcher was a savior who rescued Britain from ruin and laid the groundwork for an extraordinary economic renaissance. For critics, she was a heartless tyrant who ushered in an era of greed that kicked the weak out onto the streets and let the rich become filthy rich.

  56. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Former 'Mickey Mouse Club' Star Dies At Age 70

  57. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Chelsea Clinton: I'm Open To Running For Public Office Some Day (VIDEO)

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Good news.

    2. Anonymous12:53 PM

      What about you Bristol? I hear the village idiot office is available in Wasilla, now that the Bitch resides in Az.

  58. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I'm surprised she didn't say she gulped at the news, and has devoted her PAC money to sending her bus to England for the Queen and family to ride in to the funeral. I can just see those bus wheels kicking up dust and ka-pow! backfiring as it turns into St. Paul's parking lot. Out comes Sarah with a little Union Jack flag and out spills her brood first, then the hijacked queen with Chuck Heath, his arm around her waist, all smiling for the cameras.

    1. Olivia10:56 AM

      I'm surprised she isn't planning to load up the whole family in the bus and drive over there for the funeral.

  59. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Says one of the most SHIT parents in history:

    Sarah Palin: Melissa Harris-Perry's 'Lean Forward' Ad Is 'Unflippingbelievable' (VIDEO)

    It seems as though Melissa Harris-Perry has irked Sarah Palin.

    In her new "Lean Forward" ad, the MSNBC host argues that the U.S. should invest more in public education. "We have never invested as much in public education as we should have because we've always had kind of a private notion of children ... We haven't had a very collective notion of these are our children," she says in the ad. "So part of it is we have to break though our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities."

    Last week, conservative media watchdog Newsbusters criticized Harris-Perry's ad for its notion of collective responsibility. Newsbusters' Ken Shepherd wrote that "the notion of collective responsibility for children was a philosophy that undergirded the Cultural Revolution in Communist China under Chairman Mao."

    Shepherd was not alone in his dissatisfaction. On Saturday, Sarah Palin tweeted about her criticism of the ad:

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Palin disputes the fact that children are "community property" all the while chucking her spawn off on various and sundry relations to all but raise?

      The hypocrisy of this woman knows no bounds, truly.

  60. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Chris Kyle, the Navy Seal Track idolized



    Are the Palins the grim reapers?

    Everybody they worshipped is dying.

    Must be the Sarah Palin Curse?

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Is that why McCain is keeping his distance from the Wasilla hillbillies?

  61. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Celebrities React To The Loss Of Margaret Thatcher (TWEETS)

    ...Meryl Streep, who has won an Oscar in 2012 for her portrayal of Thatcher in the film "The Iron Lady," released a statement honoring the late politician. "To me she was a figure of awe for her personal strength and grit. To have come up, legitimately, through the ranks of the British political system, class bound and gender phobic as it was, in the time that she did and the way that she did, was a formidable achievement," said Streep. "To have given women and girls around the world reason to supplant fantasies of being princesses with a different dream: the real-life option of leading their nation; this was groundbreaking and admirable."

    Click through to see more celebrities who have taken to Twitter to mourn the loss of the controversial leader:

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      See Sarah - Meryl Streep is a Smart woman who went to a great college and is a mom to 4 great kids, AND a legendary Hollywood Star. Notice, she gave a nice statement without personalizing it or politicizing it.
      That's Class.
      Money can't buy you class.

  62. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Palin Had Not Heard Of Thatcher Until 2008, Thatcher Refused Palin Request To Meet As ‘Belittling’

    .....Later, in 2011, Think Progress pointed to a Guardian article, “Margaret Thatcher to Sarah Palin: don’t bother dropping by.”

    “Sarah Palin wants to show to the Republican right that she is the true keeper of the Ronald Reagan flame by meeting the late president’s closest ally on the world stage,” the Guardian piece notes:

    A meeting with Margaret Thatcher in the centenary year of Reagan’s birth would be the perfect way of launching her bid for the Republican nomination for the 2012 US presidential election.

    This is what Palin told Christina Lamb in the Sunday Times: I am going to Sudan in July and hope to stop in England on the way. I am just hoping Mrs Thatcher is well enough to see me as I so admire her.

    It appears that the former prime minister has no intention of meeting the darling of the Tea Party movement. Andy McSmith reported in the Independent this morning that Palin is likely to be “thwarted” on the grounds that Thatcher, 86, rarely makes public appearances.

    It would appear that the reasons go deeper than Thatcher’s frail health. Her allies believe that Palin is a frivolous figure who is unworthy of an audience with the Iron Lady.

    This is what one ally tells me:
    Lady Thatcher will not be seeing Sarah Palin. That would be belittling for Margaret. Sarah Palin is nuts.

  63. Anonymous10:03 AM

    “...If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman." Iron Lady

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      A fine example of Margaret Thatcher slamming half the human race.

    2. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Imagine Barack Obama saying "If you want anything said, ask a woman. If you want anything done, ask a man."

      He would be called out for sexism in an internet second.

  64. Anonymous10:07 AM

    America's Iron Lady ...Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      The only iron is between her ears.

    2. Anonymous10:38 AM

      America's Irony Lady ...Sarah Palin

      There, fixed it for ya.

    3. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Poor you.
      See, here's the reality normal people inhabit:
      The world knows Sarah Palin is an anorexic cunning-stupid charlatan and her fans are ignorant,hostile, trashy false idol worshippers.

    4. Anonymous11:01 AM

      American's Ironing Lady.

    5. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Sarah's Iron was inserted by Glen Rice. Sarah was lacking with Todd's 2-toned toothpick.

    6. Anonymous12:09 PM

      America's Iron Looney!

    7. Anonymous12:18 PM

      America's rusty pipe.

    8. Anita Winecooler6:41 PM

      America's Iron Dog runner up.

      What a view, eh Baldy?

  65. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Gryph why did you post that picture of Sarah Palin with the hard hat on?

  66. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Sawah talk to us. You have a platform on facebook to speak to your loyal fans.

    How come Tawd won't deny that he's a pimp?

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Iron Lady called Lego hair nuts and refused to met her. LOL

  67. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Negative vote-bombing the comments thread is fun!

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Yep, love how the vile worms squirm when they get down arrows.
      I loathe the palin fans more than her.

  68. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Margaret Thatcher's own party took the top job away from her - that's how well respected and loved she was. People hated her, she was the second most reviled post-war Prime Minister in Britain's history. Good riddance to this lingering proponent of the greed that laid the foundation for the way the world is today - rotten.

  69. Anonymous11:02 AM

    If HBO is looking for an out of work actor to star in Boys Will Be Boys the Movie - Game Change Part Deux

    How about Pee Wee Herman? He already has that alto pitched voice.

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Pee Wee Herman, that's the guy who was put in jail for whacking off in a public theatre while watching adult movies. He'll be a good starring character. He has the mentality to portray the role.

  70. Anonymous11:05 AM

    RIP Annette Funicello. Fond memories.

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      What? No Sarah Palin facebook condolences.

  71. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Sarah Palin is saddened about the loss of Thatcher and posted her feelings on facebook.

    What about Ruffles and the DWTS baby? Don't they deserve a Sarah Palin facebook shout out?

    I guess not.

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Not even Track's ex wife and ex daughter received a Sarah Palin shout out when they were kicked out of the circle.

      Those Palins are brutal.

  72. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Why does stupid Palin open her mouth to try to make herself look important and informed and it always backfires on her. Now the world is reflecting on how Sarah wanted a photo op with Thatcher and was denied and laughed at by the Iron Lady?

    I know, I answered my own question. "Stupid Palin"

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Those dumb ass Palins just don't know when to take their loot and vanish.

    2. Anonymous11:58 AM

      What a dweeb and she wanted to be president.


  73. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I'm waiting for Sarah Palin and other U.S. conservatives to stand with Margaret Thatcher for women's abortion rights and tackling climate change.

    Or do they only admire Thatcher's privatization efforts, increased enrichment of the already wealthy class, willingness to increase unemployment, and support of apartheid?

  74. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Well, good night nurse...

    This is the Margaret Thatcher quote Failin' Paylin choose to use on her latest tweeted FB post:

    "I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left."

    Leave it to Palin to find something personally useful in someone else's death.

    Now THAT, boys & girls, is how you grift!

  75. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Eric Cantor is a Douche Bag. Like it on Facebook.

  76. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Nice post RAM. Earn your consulting fees girl. Because we all know that the Bitch thinks perpetuity, is some kind of a vegetable.

  77. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Conservatives outraged over CNN photo of Thatcher with ‘pedophile’ Jimmy Savile

    Conservative supporters Margaret Thatcher expressed outraged on Monday after CNN marked the death of the the former British prime minister by airing a photo of her with former BBC television presenter Jimmy Savile, a suspected pedophile.

    In a CNN Starting Point segment soon after the news of Thatcher’s death broke on Monday, the morning show displayed the black and white photo of Thatcher and Savile appearing together at an event in the 1980s to support the NSPCC children’s charity. CNN showed the photo at least four times during the five-minute segment.

    Scotland Yard announced that in 2012 that it had launched an investigation about a year after Savile’s death in October 2011 into allegations that he had sexually abused hundreds of children.

    Wall Street Journal Social Media Editor Neal Mann noted on Twitter that CNN “obviously didn’t get the memo” when it ran the photo of Thatcher with Savile.

    “That is the picture CNN chose to run for Margaret Thatcher’s obituary? A pedophile?” Michelle Malkin’s Twitchy website asked, accompanied by a list of tweets by conservatives slamming CNN’s decision.

    “Whoever’s doing the Thatcher montage on CNN is either an idiot or a sly lefty. Repeated images of Thatcher with Pinochet and Saville…,” David Tumilty wrote.

    Watch this video from CNN’s Starting Point, broadcast April 8, 2013.

  78. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Liberal Britons rejoice in Thatcher’s death

    ...But in the edgy south London neighbourhood of Brixton, sworn enemies of the former Iron Lady were planning a huge street party for Monday evening — with more than 600 people listed as attending on Facebook.

    Coal miners were among Thatcher’s bitterest foes during her 1979-90 premiership — and for one senior mining official marking his birthday on Monday, her death was the icing on the cake.

    “I’m having a drink to it right now,” David Hopper, regional secretary of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in northeast England, told AFP with unabashed glee.

    “It’s a marvellous day. I’m absolutely delighted. It’s my 70th birthday today and it’s one of the best I’ve had in my life.”

    Others on the left also hailed Thatcher’s departure as a cause for celebration.

    “We’ll be glad to see the back of her,” Judith Orr, editor of the far-left Socialist Worker weekly newspaper, told AFP.

    “She ruined the lives of tens of millions of working class people in Britain.

    “And she rejoiced in war. She was the one who said we should rejoice in the sinking of the Belgrano, in the deaths of hundreds of young Argentine conscripts.

    “That was one of her most disgusting moments, but there is a long list of crimes.”

    Rights activist Peter Tatchell described the former Iron Lady as “extraordinary but heartless”, saying she had presided over the decimation of Britain’s manufacturing base and introduced “Britain’s first new anti-gay law in 100 years”, Section 28.

    Yet he conceded that as Britain’s first and still only woman prime minister, she had achieved something significant.

    “To her credit, she shattered the sexist glass ceiling in politics and got to the top in a man’s world.”

    A single daffodil was placed at feet of a statue of Thatcher outside the chamber of the House of Commons, or lower house of parliament, with a card saying: ‘You were an inspiration to women’.

    Online reaction to Thatcher’s death was just as mixed...

  79. Well, as expected, Sarah's consultants are back on the job and comparing their Queen's treatment by the LSM to Margaret Thatcher. Here's the relevant excerpt. the full text is available HERE...

    And, of course, like all conservatives and trailblazers, she had to endure more than her share of vicious media attacks. Sir Archie Hamilton once recounted how he asked Thatcher whether she read the daily newspapers. “‘Oh no!’ she replied, ‘They make such hurtful and damaging remarks about me and my family, that if I ever read the papers every day, I could never get on with the job I am here to do.’” I know exactly what she meant. And as she said, “I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.”

  80. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Uh Oh...Ann Coulter is going to get a nasty palingram any second soon as Ms Palin hears Coulter bash her on the Daily Caller:

  81. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Forgotten but not gone, the Iron Lady lay rusting for years while people forgot how much they hated her. But not today...

  82. Anonymous2:19 PM

    "While the Iron Lady is sadly gone, her iron will, her unfailing trust in what is right and just, and her lessons to all of us will live on forever. She was a trailblazer like no other." Sarah's getting her rhyme on, isn't she? Or whomever wrote this drivel...
    So, Sarah never got a chance to go over to jolly old England and sit down with Thatcher and tell her how much she admired her, looked up to her, and wanted to run for Prime Minister of America someday?
    Ah, too bad.

  83. Anonymous2:37 PM
    I'm taking a break from the news, its nauseating how the crossed eyed tarantula is inserting herself into this story, we all know she did not write that article..the cult is all over the comments comparing viper palin to thatcher who was evil but very intelligent.

  84. Anita Winecooler6:22 PM

    Yeah, As soon as I saw the breaking news, an image of Baldy Vulture swooping down to bask in the reflected light of this iconic figure immediately came to mind. She waited a long time to swindle off of Terri Schiavo, this time she just HAD to do it before the body reaches room temperature. Can Annette Funichello be far behind?

    Rest in Peace, Iron Lady.


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