Friday, April 05, 2013

The LA Times knows exactly where President Obama's $110 million dollar brain initiative should focus first. Here's a hint, it's best to start small.

Courtesy of the LA Times:

President Obama wants to invest an initial $110 million in a study of the human brain that could have benefits as great as those achieved by the Human Genome Project. Maybe the first study should be done on the one-track minds of tea party Republicans, who will undoubtedly oppose funding for the study because their brains are fixated on the single idea that government can do nothing right. 

After that, researchers could move on to figuring out Sarah Palin’s brain. Perhaps they could answer this question: How can a person with so little knowledge and so little interest in acquiring knowledge imagine that she has what it takes to be president of the United States? Is it an example of the George W. Bush effect? (“Hey, if he can be president, anybody can.”) Inquiring minds want to know.

Look as much as I usually support the idea of scientific exploration, I think Sarah Palin's mind is  kind of like "Pandora's box." In other words, some things are best left locked up tight.

One can only imagine the dark twisty convoluted corridors constructed to keep her secrets hidden from view and the steel spring traps she has laid for those who would attempt to untie the Gordian knot of her  psyche.

After all this is a woman who has constructed layers upon layers of mythology to hide her true nature from public scrutiny. I don't think even Indiana Jones would have the balls to enter that death trap.

Other than that I think this brain mapping thing, and its potential for uncovering information that will help to treat traumatic brain injuries and alleviate the suffering of those with Alzheimer's, sounds amazing.

However I would also give up on trying to understand the brains of the Teabaggers. Some things science simply cannot hope to fathom.


  1. Anonymous4:15 AM

    The other thing is, that the brains of Fox viewers are so messed up, that it might take the entire 10 million just to unravel ONE of them. I say, use the money on an intelligent brain or 3000 first, then if we get useful data, include conservatives later. And you know, this is going to be some evil fascist MArxist Muslim plot against conservatives anyway, so why waste time on them? Anyway, conservatives hate science and the governmnet, so if they gewt Alzeimer's, it;s just God's justice.

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      Exactly! Study a functional brain to avoid skewed data.

    2. A J billings8:39 AM

      The Teaparty religious Christian extremists like Bryan Fischer are going to be against studying the brain because it might enable scientific advances and enable new technology to understand people and their physiology.

      Yes, this is the same viciously ignorant bigoted idiot who blamed the massacre at Sandy Hook school on "not enough prayer in school"

      You watch, they will oppose this brain research on moral grounds, because all god wants us to know can be found in the bible.

      Also, too, scientists may find new uses for brains similar to stem cell technology, or allow control of human behavior.

      Science bad, very bad. Opening Pandora's box/brain is bad, and we should all trust in god, and just let this alone

    3. We must have some order to's should be the least expensive and mapped after algae. All idiot no savant. Agree?

  2. Anonymous4:29 AM

    That was an enjoyable way to start the day!

  3. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Eh, studying Sarah's brain is a waste of money...I'm pretty sure we already know all there is to know about vacuums.

  4. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Wow, they must have noticed that the bloom is off the rose if they used that illustration. She looks like Madame.

    1. I'm with you! How did the cartoonist manage to get her fucked up mean lady/drugged stare in the illustration? And look how OLD they made her look! YOWZAA!

      Love the dirty looking straw like hair too! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous7:10 AM

      I noticed that, too. She used to be drawn as a sexy librarian-type, even when they were making fun of her. That probably gets her goat even more than any cracks about her lack of intelligence.

    3. A J billings8:42 AM

      $arah's looks and her alleged "sexuality" is incredibly important to her.

      She refuses to believe that she's a 50 year old granny with wrinkles.

      She's always trying to vamp, show off her fake tits, and appeal to men, though it's painfully obvious that she's unattractive now.

      She's also very sensitive about her short stature, which is why she wears the fugliest elevator shoes the world has ever seen.

    4. HaHAHAHA I told yall that was the old bat out in the desert. That's the profile.

  5. Anonymous5:36 AM

    OMG, there's going to be a bunch of threads on C4P, calling the author a communist, GOPE, Marxist, libtard. And pointing out that Ms Palin would be president if she hadn't been picked on, with a whole list of perceived slights.

    1. Isabella10:34 AM

      Its all they have.
      What are they going to blog about, her latest MSM interview?
      Acclaimed speech? the choir at Cpac doesn't count.
      Charity work?
      Children graduations?
      Her latest Facebook post about the joys and challenges of raisig a DS son, and links and tips for parents?
      You get my drift.

    2. Anonymous12:38 PM

      What's "GOPE"? I know they have stupid abbreviations for EVERYTHING but haven't heard THAT one.

  6. Anonymous6:16 AM

    That artist drawing of her makes her as ugly outside as she is inwardly. Gadfree, but she deserves every bit of the take down she is getting FINALLY!

    You'd think she'd be embarrassed by this article - among others! I'd have gone into hiding a long, long time ago. Haha!

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Actually, the artist drawing of her is too kind. He left out the flies and fleas buzzing around her. Remember the infamous moth crawling out of her wig, during a Fox interview. Back in the day, there was a song out called "Maggot Brain". That is the essence of what you would find in Palin's brain, if you were to dissect it.

  7. Anonymous6:32 AM

    To understand the brain of a T-bagger just visualize a used teabag: very small and so saturated nothing more can be absorbed.

  8. Oh dear...Beefy posted some Easter pictures and two of them have Piper in them.

    And this one....who's THAT baby??

    Is that Track's baby Kayla?

    1. jcinco7:31 AM

      Who is that up on the 2nd floor looking at them self in the mirror?

    2. Anonymous8:38 AM

      I think that little girl with Piper is too old to be Kayla. Must be one of the "cousins."

    3. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Wow Piper is growing up.

    4. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Apropos of nothing, but odd timing that in the first photo, the TV above the fireplace shows the basketball game at the moment of Kevin Ware's horrific accident.

    5. Anonymous12:37 PM

      ugly house ugly people

    6. Anonymous12:43 PM

      Yep pretty soon Piper will be having a baby too.
      How much do paylin babies "go" for on the xtian black market?
      And PIG who does she look like? No like wallows or Beefy? Curtis AGAIN!
      They put the glasses on PIG to make her look more like Sarah, but she doesn't at all....

    7. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Ye Bristol pregnant again????

    8. Finally--5 years later!--Palin painted the walls of her publicly financed house something other than Wasilla-sports-center white AND she got a dining room table. After all, she must try to keep the illusion that this is a family "home."

      The wall color makes the Wasilla sports center railings look even more out of place.

    9. Anonymous2:57 PM

      That picture of Piper...she's bigger than Sarah! That red skirt would fall off of Sarah...Piper's thighs are bigger...

    10. Anonymous3:00 PM the first photo with Bristol and Piper...if you enlarge the section of the eggs on the table....two straight white lines are evident...WTF?

    11. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Ruh Roh, Bristol's wearing a loose fitting shirt again. Baby #3 or 4?

    12. Anita Winecooler6:29 PM

      Wow! Easter lasts a l-o-n-g- T-i-m-e! Has Beefy moved back into the Day Care Center by the dead lake, AGAIN?

  9. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Very accurate cartoon ...

    Sarah is just thinking about the red sperm swimming toward Bristol and Willow's eggs.

  10. Anonymous7:49 AM

    The bitch isn't going to let this one slide. I'm sure she's sharpening her fangs as we speak. " TAWD, as soon as we're done with this stupid shivo payday, I mean memorial, get the troops ready for a second amendment solution for this asshole writer."

  11. Palin on the brain9:00 AM

    Love it, but I picture more cobwebs and bats in a dark cloudy empty space rather than ballons, clouds and a blue sky. There's nothing happy or whimsical going on in Sarah Palin's brain. What thoughts she does have are dark,petty, vengeful and dangerous.

  12. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Sarah's brain is like Sarah's box, from too many Heath bars as a child.

  13. Anonymous9:53 AM

    The portrait looks just like her.

  14. OMFG! omgomgomg~~I have to catch my breath~fuckgoddamnmuthafuckershit~~~my stomach it hurts~~hahahahaha

  15. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Get revenge
    By Donating to SarahPAC
    She will run and win in 2016
    Replace Sasha and Malia with Piper and Willow
    End the lavish lifestyle of the Obamas
    and end Obamacare

    1. A J billings10:22 AM

      oh, sure.

      Question? Why did $arah buy herself a new $40,000 SUV and redecorate her office for $50,000 when she got elected mayor?

      Because she's a narcissistic diva, and her dream is to live like Ivanka Trump.

      $arah will never be anything but a D list 50 year old celebrity granny.

      Come on Kristy/Willow/Bristol/ know what a spoiled brat she really is, why defend the grifter

    2. jcinco10:55 AM

      are you fucking daft? the 1/2 witted 1/2 term twit has shaking down rubes to an art..she sits on her boney ass spewing hateful rhetoric whilst she and her grifting family live off your contribution to her laundering pac, dumfuk.

    3. Yeah let's replace class, dignity and charm with boogers on famous busts, calling everything a faggot, but never a retard and lastly making redneck slip-n-slides (dish detergent and tarp) down the great halls and whatnot.

      Whoohooo let's.

    4. "One can only imagine the dark twisty convoluted corridors constructed to keep her secrets hidden from view and the steel spring traps she has laid for those who would attempt to untie the Gordian knot of her psyche."


      That's going to cause some sleepless nights. hahahaha Sweet dreams baldy! hahahaha

    5. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Uh, granny didn't you forget someone. What about Trig? Oh that's right you forget about him all the time.

  16. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I hope Piper becomes the first Palin to finish high school the old-fashioned way, by actually staying in school. Maybe she'll even go to college. Unfortunately, she has terrible role models, male and female.

  17. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Political cartoonists have been skewering people for more than 100 years -- take those in Punch and Vanity Fair in Victorian England.
    This cartoonist wonderfully captures SP: the messy hair, the belligerent chin, the empty eyes. Each, on its own, is a caricature. But the gestalt of the whole thing says "Sarah Palin" to those who know anything about her.
    Rather ugly, really, vacuous, and mean.

  18. Anonymous10:32 AM

    The artist drew her as an airhead because it's impossible to draw rat cunning.

  19. Anonymous12:34 PM

    That cartoon is so realistic. What a stunning representation. She even has Bristol's chin!

  20. Anita Winecooler6:21 PM

    Isn't "the mind of Sarah Palin" an oxymoron? Why would they waste tax dollars on a reptilian brain?

    BUT the irony they chose her, of all the possibilities, is truly funny!

    Karma is kind of funny, doesn't this coincide with Baldy and Terri's Church Sanctioned freak show??

    Grandmama can't possibly let this one slide!!!
    RAM has smoke coming out of her keyboard as we speak, and I wonder what Brancy will let slip THIS time... oh and that poor fridge!!!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.