Sunday, April 28, 2013

Want to piss off a Teabagger? Sure you do!

Then read them this list compiled by the good folks over at Forward Progressives:  

Nowhere in our Constitution does it say we’re a Christian nation. 

In fact, no where in our Constitution does the word “Christian” appear even once. 

Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion—it also doesn’t specify any particular religion. 

The 2nd Amendment actually refers to a “well regulated militia.” While it says the right for Americans to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, the phrase “well regulated” obviously infers that this right doesn’t come without regulations. 

Our Constitution doesn’t mention anything about our nation having to be based on pure Capitalism. 

A corporation is an entity, not a person, and our Constitution wasn’t created to protect the rights to entities—they have none. 

Education is more important than national defense. What’s the point of a strong national defense if there’s nothing worth defending? 

There are far more poor and middle class Americans than rich. If you continue building a society based on taking from the many to benefit the few, then we’re not going to have a nation much longer. 

Rich people didn’t become rich by giving away their money, Trickle Down Economics is the biggest con our country has ever seen. 

Decades ago we all paid a much higher tax percentage, and our economic policies protected the people more than businesses. During these times our nation saw historic growth and unheard of economic prosperity. None of that was done by basing our policies on giving more to the rich. 

Perhaps most news seems liberally biased because your news sources refuse to report facts. 

Being Muslim doesn’t mean someone isn’t American. Islam is a religion, not a nationality. 

George W. Bush actually did double our national debt, President Obama has not. 

Bush also inherited a balanced budget. It was his tax cuts and unfunded wars which sent us back into budget deficits. 

Social Security and Medicare is socialism—and millions of Republican voters benefit from, and receive, these benefits. 

Health insurance is you paying for another person’s health care—in fact all insurance is you paying for someone else. 

We had record oil prices under Bush, not Obama. 

The “Great Recession” started in 2008, while Obama took office January 20, 2009—you know, after the recession started. 

If Obama is the cause of our economic problems, why do Republicans avoid, at all costs, being associated with George W. Bush?

Okay now THAT was satisfying.

Though I think reading it aloud to one of your conservative family members might result in an actual physical altercation or perhaps they will simply put their fingers in their ears and go "La, la, la, I can't HEAR you!" until your lips stop moving.

It's funny how facts have a liberal bias, don't you think?


  1. Anonymous5:32 AM

    OT-GRYHEN Check this out.

    Someone posted this on FB.
    Well at least the father says she won't go there next year...
    And it's really sad that he said she is confused.

  2. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Holy crap! (yeah $carah always makes me think "defecation product")

    She disses WHCD and I am reposting this comment from Huffpo commenter Grandol, becaue it is so apropos:
    "poor Sarah all dressed up and no place to go. Maybe the tea party will have a gala and you can be one of the bags."

  3. Anonymous6:37 AM

    MY taxes are paying for the gubmint oxygen that he is breathing probably due to a lifetime of smoking for which he is not taking personal responsibility by paying for the oxygen out of his own pocket.

    Social Security probably paid for the stupid hat.

  4. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Gee, I bet that guys oxygen is paid by Medicare!!!! Dumba##es!

    The sad thing about most of the teabagger argument is that both sides kind of want the same thing. I don't want the government wasting my tax dollars and these doofuses don't realize how they are only voting against their own interests. These folks depend on the very programs that their representatives want to cut. If we stood together against plain old "fraud, waste and abuse" we might actually get somewhere.

  5. Anonymous8:01 AM

    These tea baggers always speak of returning to the constitution. Trouble is that it really is only the constitution the exists within their little mind. It speaks to the things they hold valuable like gun ownership at all costs and that black men or any women are not allowed to be president and the the US state religion is Christianity and muslims are not permitted to be US citizens. Oh,.. and it does guarantee every citizen a scooter of their choosing ("I want my Hoveround!!!")

    None of these idiots have likely read the real Constitution, or if they have, their pea-sized intellect prevents them from understanding any of it.

    If you took the words "U. S. Constitution" of the document and read it and explained it to them, they would accuse you of trying to overthrow the U.S. with some kind of socialist or Marxist manifesto.

    As you can tell, I don't have much respect for tea baggers. The minute someone identifies themself as a Tea Party member, I immediately dismiss them as a person and don't even try to understand their interests or motivation.

    1. Leland8:36 AM

      I generally just walk away laughing, leaving the to wonder what I found so funny.

      I can't waste my time on fools.

  6. Leland8:27 AM

    I believe we will have to get rid of ALL the old farts in DC before we will see any decent progress. Most especially the Repubes, I will admit, but there are some really stupid Democrats there, too.

    We need to get rid of the "professional politicians" and go back to a true CITIZEN representative government. You know, the kind we had when the elected officials understood what the common guy needed because he WAS one of the common guys? Back in the days when they listened to US rather than the MONEY? When they would serve one or two terms and then go home?

    I am NOT saying it was perfect! It wasn't. But it was a helluva lot better than the shit we have now!

    I believe THAT is the way to get rid of "fraud, waste and abuse".

    1. Sally in MI9:11 AM

      In allowing them to keep raising their salaries, we have ensured that they no longer see this as 'service' and more as 'career.' In state governments, where the pay is lower (or should be!) you don't see the citizen farmer staying more than a couple terms. We need to get back to that..I agree. And if term limits are necessary, we should be pushing for that rather than ranting over vaginas and contraception and which party is meaner to the poor.

    2. Leland10:40 AM

      Sally, you are spot on!

      Unfortunately, I happen to live in a state which has the dubious "honor" of being one of the firs to elect a professional politician: Strom Thurmond. One of the biggest crooks ever to "serve".

      I will say this for him, though: At least he STAYED bought!

      Byrd. Thurmond. Hollings. Yuck!

  7. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Freedom of religion doesn't mean freedom from religion anymore than freedom of speech means freedom from speech--

    1. Sally in MI9:09 AM

      You are wrong. Freedom of religion DOES mean the freedom to not follow one. Or to follow whatever belief floats your boat (unless it is harmful to someone else...wait, that would include a LOT of religions then!) And freedom of speech DOES include being free of hate speech, lies, and any speech that would harm someone (hear that Fox and cannot call for the death of abortion doctors! Or women! Or liberals!)

    2. Leland10:44 AM

      Once again I must agree wholeheartedly with you Sally!

      8:28? Would you mind ATTEMPTING to explain where you got such a ridiculous idea?

      EVERY Constitutional expert I have ever read about argues COMPLETELY against your point and they have for years.

  8. Randall10:59 AM

    My father was an educator - teacher, principal and eventually superintendent.

    We had a set of Encyclopedia Britannica as well as dictionaries and always a current almanac.

    Instead of arguing we were encouraged to "look it up".

    We weren't allowed to play
    "is too - is not - is too - is NOT"
    ...we had to look it up.

    Things like tax rates and historical debts and deficits can be looked up. That goes for the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, too.
    The point being: you don't have to take Glenn Beck's or Rachel Maddow's word for it - you can look this stuff up for yourself.

    Only an asshole will refuse to look it up and yet continue to argue a point that just isn't true.

    And I'm not saying that all Republicans are assholes;
    that just wouldn't be true.

    But I will say that if you are an asshole - then you probably vote Republican.

    Are Democrats more reality-based than Republicans?
    Well, does the economy do better under Republican or Democrat principles?

    Don't take my word for it - look it up!

  9. Leland12:42 PM

    THANK you, Randall!!

    Unfortunately, there are a LOT of people in this country right now that perfectly fit your description of an asshole!

    I mean, talk about lazy! You don't even need to go to an encyclopedia. Just go to Google! But they refuse to even consider that, usually with the explanation that it's a liberally biased!

    Now THAT is not only an asshole. It is a STUPID asshole!

    And if the shoe fits,...


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It just goes directly to their thighs.