Friday, April 12, 2013

We haven't forgotten Ted!

That was almost a year ago, and yet Nugent is still wasting perfectly good oxygen that would be put to better use by other people on this planet.

Only five more days to make good on his promise, think he will?

Personally I think that like EVERY Right Wing windbag he is all talk and no action.

However I would be delighted if he proved me wrong.


  1. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Ted Nugent is already in a jail of his own hatred. His soul is already dead.

    If I thought about him at all (which I don't), I'd probably just feel sorry for him.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Nicely said.

      Just one problem - there are still some folks who think he is great. That thought makes my stomach turn. Hopefully, there will be fewer of them as time goes on.

      However, I like what you said and how you said it. Thanks.

  2. Where's a good self-fulfilling prophesy when you need it?

  3. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I despise this low life piece of shit, pedophile, animal killing, pants crapping, draft dodging, vile pond scum more than anyone on the planet. Palin runs a close second with Cheney and the Bushes falling right in behind. There was a movie called Die Monster Die when I was a kid, this fits Nugent's situation. Hey asshole, you promised to be dead or in jail, why aren't you whiny pants assboy?

  4. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I am embarrassed to say that as a kid I put money into this nutz pocket. I can only attribute it to being a kid with shitty taste in music. (Thankfully I found the Dead!)
    I am really hoping that some goose stepping asshole shoots him in his shitty pants severing a main artery (just barely missing his child raping cock) resulting in him bleeding out like the friggen pig he is.


  5. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Ted shit my pants draft dodger Nugent is nutbagger Republican.
    He says so many stupid and offensive things he must be a kissing cousin of Mitt Romney.

    Ted should take a Romney idea and SELF ARREST HIS SMELLY ASS.

  6. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Nugent is an asshole! Don't forget Sarah Palin likes him and he her!!! YUKE! Speaks to her idiocy as usual.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.