Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Black helicopter expert, Alex Jones. claims that government might have a "weather weapon" and just might have used it to destroy Oklahoma. Sounds legit.

Courtesy of  Media Matters:

Conspiracy theorist radio host Alex Jones explained to his audience today how the government could have been behind the devastating May 20 tornado in Oklahoma. 

On the May 21 edition of The Alex Jones Show, a caller asked Jones whether he was planning to cover how government technology may be behind a recent spate of sinkholes. After laying out how insurance companies use weather modification to avoid having to pay ski resorts for lack of snow, Jones said that "of course there's weather weapon stuff going on -- we had floods in Texas like fifteen years ago, killed thirty-something people in one night. Turned out it was the Air Force." 

 Following a long tangent, Jones returned to the caller's subject. While he explained that "natural tornadoes" do exist and that he's not sure if a government "weather weapon" was involved in the Oklahoma disaster, Jones warned nonetheless that the government "can create and steer groups of tornadoes." 

According to Jones, this possibility hinges on whether people spotted helicopters and small aircraft "in and around the clouds, spraying and doing things." He added, "if you saw that, you better bet your bottom dollar they did this, but who knows if they did. You know, that's the thing, we don't know."

Wait! When did Obama get a tornado gun?

And if he has one why hasn't he used it against the Congress?

I would totally do that!

Now remember folks there is a ton of video of this guy having conversations with Rand Paul that are just about this crazy.

Oooh, I can hardly WAIT until Rand throws his hat in the ring to run for President. That is going to be SUCH fun!


  1. Anonymous2:36 AM

    The accompanying picture so captures his essence......

    1. Anonymous6:00 AM

      I saw on twitter last night...he was "off his meds again".

      I did see a video of the tornado some news guys were filming it and no black helicopters or planes in site.
      This country has gone batshit crazier since PBO POTUS! AJ was ALREADY crazy when GWB was POTUS but he is off the hook crazy now.

  2. Anonymous2:54 AM

    there is a very cool article at the Daily Beast that speaks admiringly about how Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin is handling the devastation her state just suffered. She really seems like a hero.
    They also point out how Ms. Fallin is who we expected rah-rah Palin to be as Gov. of Alaska, but it didn't turn out that way, did it. rah-rah would rather hang with Alex Jones, sip big gulps, take cookies to starving villages, and whine about how mean Mayor Bloomberg is.
    I say let's honor Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin!!!!!

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      I simply cannot imagine having to deal with a tragedy of that scale.

      I hope that she and all the people affected by this disaster receive the local, state and federal resources necessary to rebuild their lives.

  3. Anonymous3:05 AM

    SMH that this man has not been committed. He needd help. Isn't the HAARP station up there in Alaska. Your in on it aren't you Gryph. Lol

  4. Anonymous3:30 AM

    As with every conspiracy, there is a modicum of truth.
    It's real.
    Is it used for nefarious purposes?
    Who the hell knows. But it exists.
    Chemical seeding of the skies also too. Check the US Congressional record. They actually do discuss it in congress. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio introduced H.R. 2977 back in 2001. Check it out.
    And Fuck you to those who say they don't exist. Look up once in a while folks.
    I'm not saying they are used for bad purposes, but why not be open about it with us? Whats the big fucking secret? Look up and see the unmarked white planes that turn your clear beautiful blue skied day into a vanilla coated sky by 3 pm...about every two weeks for several days. They follow a grid across the country.

    1. Anonymous6:32 AM

      Anonymous3:30 AM
      I've seen them, on clear days and then soon rain happens. :(
      They say they drop aluminum and barium?
      But I've never heard that congress discusses this?
      I've heard you can't trace the company's at all?
      Do you have a link to congressional records discussing "Cloud seeding"?

    2. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Start with Kucinich bill , then you have to go to register fir days he discussed chemtrails on the floor. It was a decade ago. Its been awhile. But you should still be able to access the discussions

    3. Anonymous9:22 PM

      HAARP absolutely exists, not only in Alaska but other places as well. It sure as hell doesn't 'study the ionosphere' as first claimed - they are definitely used for weather modification in conjunction with chemtrails.

      Laugh all you want about so-called 'conspiracy theories' but this shit is real. If you haven't researched HAARP and chemtrails, you're not qualified to blow them off. Granted, Alex Jones goes overboard on a lot of subjects - even I don't listen to him anymore - but there is a grain of truth in what he says.

      Again, do your homework before you offer your 'expertise' or 'opinions' on these subjects. That's not to say is not natural, most of them are. But again, the technology exists to modify the weather and cause tremendous damage to human life.

      And yes, I didn't want to believe it either at first. And then I started noticing the chemtrails and down the rabbit hole I went. Do YOU want to know the truth or keep playing dumb? Just sayin...your choice.

  5. Anonymous3:34 AM

    This guy, or someone working for him, was present at a press conference following the Boston bombing. He kept interrupting and babbling on. Fortunately he was ignored by the officials. Why on earth do companies sponsor this kind of drivel on radio and television?

    1. Ratings that sell advertising.

      Don't you know anything? Money Money Money.

  6. Sure! Climate change, if it exists, certainly can't be caused by 7 billion humans spewing whatever they can get their hands on into the atmosphere. But one person (Mwahahahaha!) can create and steer tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, droughts, fires... Sure! Makes total sense!

    Alrighty then.

    1. Beldar J Conehead6:59 AM

      Nefer, that's pretty darn close to brilliant.

    2. Why, thank you, Beldar. (curtseys) :)

    3. Anonymous4:17 PM

      If anyone could really do all that, don't they think SOMEONE would have come up with a way to patent it and make previously unheard-of profits?

      Can you just imagine the money that could be ransomed from regions suffering droughts or heat waves?

  7. Olivia4:20 AM

    Wow, just WOW! That president we elected twice is some powerful black man! Who knew he had nature under his control, too? If you are too stupid to learn and understand science, it has to be magic. Maybe along with all the religions he is a part of, we must add voodoo. Not surprising all the wackos are so afraid of him.

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Everyone knows that tornadoes are really just the angels using their super-special heavenly vacuum attachments and cleaning the dust off the central plains.

      After all, a lot of dust builds up in 6,000 years!

  8. Beldar TinFoil Conehead4:29 AM

    Gryphen, this frenzied right wing lunatic theme of "Obama's War On America" will go really well with the awesome viral video I'm making of my 3 year old shrieking/sobbing into the camera "WHY DOES BRANCO BAMA HATE AMERICA?????" She's got the shrieking and the sobbing parts down perfectly, but I can't seem to get her to say the line with any sense of credible spontaneous authenticity.

    And we all know credible spontaneous authenticity is one of the hardest things to fake well.

    Rand Paul/Alex Jones 2016!!!
    Embrace The Fear!

    Here's a fun fact to start the day: if seminal conservative author Ayn Rand married semenal conservative douche bag Rand Paul, she'd be 108 years old.

    (full disclosure: no children were harmed in the making of this video)

  9. Anonymous5:05 AM

    If Obama has a tornado gun, you'd think the first place he'd send a tornado would now be Alex Jones' studio. I mean, since he already knows about the the tornado gun and he's talking about it.

  10. MariaT5:15 AM

    Gryphen, I don't follow Alex Jones nor have I ever heard him on radio, however weather modification is possible. Way back in the 1940s Wilhelm Reich (the father of orgonite) was practising weather modification which brought him to the attention of the US government. To cut a long story short his lab & workshop were destroyed by court order, his books & papers torched and he himself died in prison under mysterious circumstances.

    And then there is HAARP, which is probably familiar to you as an Alaskan. Dr Nick Begich (the brother of senator Mark Begich} co-authored "Angels don't play this HAARP" which reveals that a White House scientific advisor admitted in 1958 (Wilhelm Reich died in 1957) that the US defense department was looking at "ways to manipulate the charges of the earth and sky and so affect the weather". HAARP can do that amongst other scary things!

    Just Google weather warfare...

    1. Anonymous5:49 AM

      Thank you!

      from anon3:03

    2. Anonymous6:46 AM

      Thank you Maria T!
      I've heard the HAARP is causing the unusual aurora's that are being seen far south?

    3. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Maria T ready the first article and its fascinating.
      You know there is a Water machine that collects water from the air in your house and makes like a gallon a day?
      There are many but this is a example of one:

    4. MariaT9:34 AM

      Thanks Anon 7:05am. I'd not heard of this atmospheric water generator. So interesting!

      BTW after Wilhelm Reich's death his work was continued by the Russians. Reich's original 'recipe' of layers of organic material and metal has since evolved to metal shavings in resin with the addition of quartz crystal to amplify the orgone energy. This material is called orgonite and has been made around the world for decades.

      Orgonite has great properties - besides acting as a shield against electromagnetic radiation, it energises food and water, promotes plant growth, relieves insomnia and lifts depression.

  11. Anonymous5:25 AM


    Sarah Palin says President Barack Obama is either a “liar or a hugely incompetent CEO” in regard to his handling of the recent controversies surrounding his presidency.“For the president to deny any knowledge of what was brewing [with the IRS] and to claim to know nothing about the Benghazi cover-up or anything about anything White House-related lately, he’s either a liar or a hugely incompetent CEO. You decide,” Palin wrote in an op-ed published Tuesday night on the conservative website Breitbart.... She added: “These atrocious government actions are bigger, uglier, and much more dangerous than ‘a few rogue employees.’ It’s time for all Americans to stand together and join in the growing outraged chorus that looks at our out-of-control government and says, ‘Enough is enough!’


    Is Sarah Palin starting the Sarah Palin Independence Party?

    1. Anonymous5:43 AM

      Sarah Palin says President Barack Obama is either a “liar or a hugely incompetent CEO” in regard to his handling of the recent controversies surrounding his presidency

      Sarah what about the Todd Palin's sex trafficking controversy?

    2. Anonymous6:17 AM

      ‘Enough is enough!’
      -Sarah Palin

      Isn't that what Alaska said to those grifting Palins?

      Stop raiding our Alaska Film Tax Credit with your loser reality shows and go get real jobs.

    3. Anonymous1:28 PM

      "Enough is enough" writes Sarah Palin. Does that mean that she'll be exiting the planet soon? Maybe there's a desert island somewhere that could accommodate her - far from the twenty-first century. I really do not want her up among the stars in the firmament.

  12. Balzafiar5:45 AM

    "...this possibility hinges on whether people spotted helicopters and small aircraft "in and around the clouds, spraying and doing things." "

    Seeing those aircraft is no longer possible to outsiders. We have upgraded all our equipment so it is invisible to everyone except those wearing special glasses which must be connected via USB cable to their tinfoil hat. Then and only then will everything be clear to them, and them only.

    It should also be noted that the color of the aircraft is dependent upon which division they are affiliated with. White is weather-related. The pink ones are a very special division I can't talk about. Black is our enforcement division. Mr. Jones may be seeing black ones any day now.

    1. Anonymous6:57 AM

      And Fuck you to those who say they don't exist. Look up once in a while folks.

      (but don't forget your your special glasses or you won't be able to see them).

    2. Balzafiar10:37 AM

      Oh, I'm so grateful that you made the offers, but I find I must decline your invitations for a romantic encounter.

    3. What brand of tin foil? Reynolds isn't working.

    4. Balzafiar11:40 AM

      It has been proven in the lab that not all people receive the transmissions so you may be wasting your time.

      Most who do receive them have a history of reading the National Enquirer or who are members of separatist groups, if that helps.

    5. Anonymous4:24 PM

      I have my glasses and my hat on but I still can't see any planes.

      I have the hat model with the electrodes plugged into the baking potato. Is there a newer model that might work better?

  13. Just what we need...another revoltingly obese nutcase spewing his brand of insanity. He's even practicing to get the gestures right.

    1. Wish we could unleash Lewis Black on him.

  14. Rover7:25 AM

    Jones and his followers are clearly in mental distress. I personally know of a few white guys who think Jones is the best thing since sliced bread.

    The fear and paranoia they now live with is so sad. No one around them wants to hang out with them and people block them on Facebook. It's so exhausting and tragic. Alex Jones reminds me of Jim Jones.

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Send him some of that famous Jones cool-aid, that he can share with his flock... once.

  15. If this were true, wouldn't there be tornados and sinkholes all over Afghanistan?

  16. Anita Winecooler5:29 PM

    This guy's got a penchant for big govmint conspiracies. Everything's a "false flag" perpetrated by "crisis actors" on behalf of the Government. This one cracked me up. Black heelycopters and small aircraft lurking in clouds spraying and doing things.

    Love the photo, looks like he sat on a tesla coil (Don't try this at home, kiddies! Leave it to the professionals"

    Randy Paul would probably call this guy a "patriot".


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It just goes directly to their thighs.