Friday, July 26, 2013

Sarah Palin once again tears the scabs off of old wounds and blames the McCain campaign for not allowing her to rip President Obama's jugular out back in 2008.Update!

Here is a preview of the lunacy that will pour out of Palin's mouth tonight on Greta's show:

"You saw what happened back in 2008, I believe that's when it started, when the media decided to just go along, to get along with Obama. Ingratiating themselves with him and vice versa. What we saw was uh..uh..these attempts to destroy the whistle blowers, those who were telling the truth even in the campaign, those who were bringing up the name Jeremiah Wright, and the racist church he leads, that Obama was a member of for over twenty years. Though I was...during the campaign...running for VP, I was banned from talking about Jeremiah Wright and Obama's friend Bill Ayers, who is the character he befriended, and kicked off his political campaign in the guy's living room. Couldn't talk about that, couldn't talk about Obama's lack of knowledge and um...job experience, and the things that he said like uh..America had fifty seven states, things like that. In a campaign, Greta this is important for Americans to understand. I was not allowed to talk about things like that because those 'elitists,' those who are the 'brainiacs' in the GOP machine running John McCain's campaign said at the time that the media would eat us alive if we brought up these things. So what did that get us though? That got us of complacency and self censoring of a campaign, where we were not allowed to tell the truth about who this candidate was, Barack Obama. What it got us was (Holds up the back of manila envelope with a list showing Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Solyndra, GSA, Holder perjury, IRS, and so on.) a list of these scandals. This is kind of the redneck version of one of those "elitist" tactics of Karl Rove. How he uses his whiteboard, This is the redneck version of a whiteboard. And on this lists the scandals that are destroying America Greta."

Holy shit!

Okay clearly somebody pissed in her cornflakes today!

So let's see, Palin was just like the whistle blowers of today back in 2008, the "elitists" would not let her win the campaign for McCain though of course she could have, and the so-called "scandals" being pimped by the Right Wing are "destroying America."

Did I forget anything? Oh yeah, BENGHAZI!!!! BENGHAZI!!!!BENGHAZI!!!!!

(P.S. If you think I am exaggerating, or need to hear it for yourself, just click the link at the top to watch the video.)

Update: Here is the entire interview. Might want to have a barf bag handy.


  1. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I think Sarah is 100% right as always.
    They would not let her campaign on the right issues.
    It could have saved the country from the Obama disaster

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      We'd have had a completely different set of problems with McCain in power.

    2. Anonymous5:00 PM

      And I think that she needs to stop acting like a child who didn't get what she wanted for Christmas. Whining little bitch. Stop complaining about 2008 and work towards solving some of our problems today. Oh wait, that means thinking and hard work---something little Sarah knows nothing about.

    3. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Go fuck yourself. You are an idiot but your IQ isn't high enough for you to understand that..

    4. Anonymous5:06 PM

      You're being facetious, right?

    5. Anonymous5:06 PM

      You really are an obsessed sick fuck. Ready to pounce on the post as the very first commenter. Grow up and get a life.

    6. *GinaM pointing and laughing @ 4:45PM*

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....whew....that was hilarious!

      Anywho....I love watching Baldy's head damn near spin off her turkey neck while spewing her toxic's truly a thing of beauty! I can't wait to see the rest of it on Greg's...uh...Greta's show tonight!

      Poor thing was so angry that she time traveled back to the "the campaign...running for VP" and had a psychotic break during the taping of this show! Then when she broke out the giant test results envelope that said who the father of Wallow's baby was...with all the scribbles on it....I fell out of my chair laughing!

      Baldy! You know you INSANE right? Please don't ever change you demented circus monkey(h/t to Doug Heffernan)!


    7. Anonymous6:14 PM

      4:45 You are as CRAZY as Sarah Palin and with an IQ just as low as her 83.


      Just finished watching Baldy's on Greta's! She was on there for less than 5 minutes! She was waving her multi-colored claw hands and screaming and mean mugging the camera the entire time! She barely let Greta say a word!

      The retarded fool is super duper MAD at the Media for some reason! The weird thing I noticed was after Greta introduced her she sounded real subdued...but then like some kind of crazy wind up doll she just started talking faster and faster and faster! I could of sworn I saw spittle flying off her missing top lip!

      She was talking so fast that Greta wasn't even listening to could hear paper shuffling and someone writing on a paper while Baldy was spewing her volcanic ash of shit!

      She is looking so much like a real ugly MAN now! Is it the drugs that's causing this metamorphis or something else...whatever it is...she is one scary ass looking DUDE! LOL!!!

    9. Video of Baldy's Breakdown on Greta's show tonight!

    10. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Top poster: FUCK off TROLLIE!

      Ummm someone was methed out tonight. And the LIPS she had her flippin' LIPS done right before appearing? What a idiot!
      She is a skankerella! On Meth!

    11. Anonymous4:45 PM

      "I think Sarah is 100% right as always."

      You have 99 problems and a brain ain't one.

    12. Anonymous7:06 PM

      We are all still thanking Sarah Palin for helping to get Barack Obama elected as President of the United States. She scared moderate Republicans and independents.

    13. Anonymous7:07 PM

      You are so full of shit. Fox 'Noise' ran the clips of Jeremiah Wright 24/7 and every right wing blog and media site trumpeted that nonsense. The difference is Americans didn't buy it. And when Obama gave his infamous speech on race, he addressed it head-on, he disengaged from his church membership and he broke his friendship with Wright. After that, there wasn't much more to discuss and the media, rightfully, dropped it.

      As far as Bill Ayers, that has been debunked so many times, it's not funny. She's really grabbing for a desperate response by bringing up the '57 states' gaffe, like that would have cost him the presidency. It's not like he doesn't know the difference. And if that is all she can bring up after 5 years, that's pretty awesome since that says that she has so few examples of gaffes that she has to dredge up a old right wing favorite.

      Sarah, on the other hand, has said such ridiculously stupid, ignorant, uneducated things over the years and she BELIEVED them, argued for them and doubled down on them, but they were wrong and ignorant and she STILL tried to say they were so, like her bridge to nowhere lie, like her 'i sold the plane on ebay lie', like her Africa is a country, North Korea is our ally. Like Paul Revere ringing the bells. She didn't know any better, and most likely still doesn't.

      And for her to go on Fox and rip on McCain and his campaign is just such poor taste and it shows how fucking ungrateful she is for having been handed the opportunity that she got handed, so she BITES the hand that fed her.

      What a foolish, hateful, vicious, stuck in the past, harridan she is. It's staggering the hate that oozes from her every pore.

    14. Anonymous7:14 PM

      100% right? Really? Sarah is NEVER right. Ever. She is an angry pitiful person who cannot ever say one positive thing about anything. She obviously hates this country. Rev. Wright? You and she obviously missed the entire Femcoratic primary, when the media was talking about Wright every day. When Fox showed his sermons every hour. And Ayres? Ayres was barely an aquaintance of Obama's. You want to knwo why they wanted Sarah to shut up about Ayres? Because if she starts talking about radical friends, someone might bring up her now-imprisoned buddies from the know, the secessionist group Todd belonged to, and who she gladly gave suportive speeches to when she was Governor?? But please proceed Sarah. You are screeching to no one at this point. Hey, and nice mustardy shirt you;re wearing tonight.

    15. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Gretawire comment:
      • 3 hours ago

      POLITICO | 11/30/10


      “Republicans have a problem.

      The most-talked-about figure in the GOP is a reality show star who cannot be elected.

      And yet the same leaders who fret that Sarah Palin could devastate their party in 2012 are too scared to say in public what they all complain about in private.

      Enough. It’s time for the GOP to man up.

      If Republicans want to embrace Palin as a cultural icon whose anti-intellectualism
      fulfills a base political need, then have at it. I suppose it’s cheaper than therapy.

      But if the party of Ronald Reagan, Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio wants to return to the
      White House anytime soon, it’s time that Republican leaders started standing up
      and speaking the truth to Palin.”
      1 4

      bucky321 Greta'sZOO
      • 2 hours ago

      you mean speaking the truth about sarah
      Bwhahahahaaaa, so Rove Man up and Shut that bitch up!

  2. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Will somebody just shut this bitch up? Isn't there someone who knows something that will bring this noise to a screeching halt?


    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      What's the difference between Sarah Palin and Amanda Bynes?

      Bynes has better wigs!

      But they are both fuckin' nuts.

    2. ...and Amanda has a family that is actually trying to help her!

    3. Anonymous7:21 PM

      " Isn't there someone who knows something that will bring this noise to a screeching halt?"

      Karl Rove, John McCain, senior 2008 campaign staff (Republican and Democrat) all know more than enough to shut Sarah Palin down. The enduring question is why the Republicans tolerate her sucking dollars from the faithful.

      It's a mystery.

  3. Anonymous4:53 PM

    It would have made no difference what she'd said during the campaign to gin up more racism. America quickly discovered she was an incompetent moron and she remains a figure of fun to this day.

    Have to LOL at her piece of paper. Nobody is giving her a chance to run her mouth on TV so she has to write down all her shit and hold it up... there's not enough room on her hand any more.

  4. majii4:54 PM

    Nothing new here. Palin is still saying the reason she and McCain lost in 2008 is because she couldn't tell the American people her version of the truth about Barack Obama. The real reason they lost was because as the campaign progressed, more Americans realized that she was unfit to be vice president. This is the simple truth Palin can't admit to herself. All of the things she'll say about President Obama have been found to be untrue. If any of these fake scandals were really "destroying the country," we'd be in really bad shape at this point, but we aren't in as bad a shape as we were before January 20, 2009.

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      But if Sarah was queen we'd have all that fish and bears and moose burger and oil, free cheap oil, and stuff and ice houses with free heat and boob jobs and ink for hands for all and stuff, and also, and some edumacation for freebie fishing... if only Sarah were queen. We'd have gotten all that. And some more wars, but what the hell, we'd have fish oil bear moose stuff to keep us happy.

    2. Wiggy Wonder5:28 PM

      Very astute assessment, Majii.

      Truth is a painful mirror ofttimes.

    3. Barack Obama was one of the FEW people who refused to discuss Sarah Palin's misfit of a family during the 2008 campaign. He spoke in no uncertain terms that her children were "off limits" and not to be discussed.

      How the fallen do forget those to whom they owe a massive dept of gratitude - without that statement the press would have ripped the Palin family apart.

    4. Anonymous7:53 PM

      O course she's angry at the press. For several years, they were her meal ticket – and a very fancy one at that. Now they are totally ignoring her. Being ignored puts any pathological narcissist into a rage. The more she is ignored (and the more her wallet suffers as a result), the more intense her anger will become. No one will 'do her in': she will do herself in. And she's already made a huge head start at that. We're watching the 21st century version of a Greek tragedy.

  5. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I loved the way she talked about the "Benghazi victim" on FB but never mentioned his name. She clearly doesn't know his name and obviously doesn't care. Cold bitch.

  6. I think Sarah is 0% right as usual.
    They would not let her campaign on the wrong issues.
    It saved us from a McCain/Palin disaster.

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Can you imagine?? She would have poisoned McCain by now and would have already quit her job as President.

  7. Anonymous5:03 PM

    You couldn't pay me to watch this boo fucking who fest. I'll take your word for it. She's a fucking crybaby bad loser shit for brains.

    1. Same here, I'd rather watch paint dry than listen to that bewigged corn-dog butcher up the English language

    2. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Let me be sure I understand what she's saying. These are all the reasons that John McCain caused her not to get to come to Washington, DC in 2008. But later, after Palin said she could defeat President Obama in 2012, instead of running for office, all she did was tease a few million dollars out of her supporters, screwed around and crashed the announcement of her rival Mitt Romney, and rode around promoting herself and her family on a bus tour to nowhere that she quit prematurely and returned home, never to resume.

      Ok, now I clearly understand why that was everyone's fault but Sarah's. she's never made a mistake or said something that embarrassed herself or her party. So, yeah, it makes sense that it was President Obama's fault that she has been reduced to a blathering idiot who promotes hate and herself. Though not always in that order of priority.

      Still making excuses. Losers can always think of more reasons why something is someone else's fault but NEVER accept responsibility or come up with solutions either.

      What was it the idiot said about dikes or dykes? She should've had the freedom to day *that* during a campaign, also, too. Her envy, hate, and lies (plus drugs and alcohol) have pulled her off the deep end. It's about time she is hospitalized for *exhaustion*. LOL I wonder how often she gets into the fetal position in her catatonic state with 3x5 cards everywhere with all the things that she *wished* she'd said about what she reads, etc.

      Here she is, reduced to doing HS graduations in Bumfuck, Wasington state where she's related to half the mouthbreathers in thst area of rednecks, talking to a couple of dozen farmers in Podunk, South Dakota where her *cousin* got her a non-paying mid-week gig that didn't even include bendy straws nor covering a room at Motel 6 or 8 or even a crunch wrap or two. Now, her *pretend* contract is to make a fool out of herself at 10:45 on a Friday night when the news for the week is already in the books and the weekend has started.

      Let the self- loathing Sarah have the floor to spew some hate while we're all taking a piss. When we get back to the teevee, it'll all be over and we can watch a movie or whatnot. Game Change, anyone?

  8. Anonymous5:04 PM

    She still can't believe that President Obama was elected twice! She can't stop living in the past! She can't read the facts about the "scandals"... She is desperate! Who is she going to bash when President Obama leaves office? This is personal with her!

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      She'll make it her life's work to stalk him, personally. She'll wait until near Halloween and disguise herself as a scarecrow and plant herself in his front yard. The secret service will be all "hey I didn't notice that scarecrow there last night, did you guys? It's winking and blinking and flicking its tongue...we'd better go have a closer look."

    2. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Oh, but she almost nearly was elected President. All she had to do was run. But that would've been a lot of work. Not Sarah's cup of tea. She's more the "take a slash out of the flask filled with vodka and chase it with a Big Gulp of Red Bull" kind of, um, alkie. Then jump up and down and you've got a mixed drink in your rotting gut, and you don't have to wash a highball glass later (again, less work).

      Hoo Boy, I'll betcha she's been a *real pleasure* to live with the past 5 years. LOL

    3. Free Advice6:51 PM

      And then they'll say, "Wait a minute! Didn't that scarecrow have breasts yesterday?"

  9. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Jesus H. Effing Christ. Get over it already. My God! She just can't let go of ANYTHING. Now I tend to hold a grudge for a couple of weeks, but not for five freakin' years. The same old shit, different day.

    She must go through every single minute of every single day bitchin' 'bout "Bama to everyone who will listen to her verbal diarrhea. She needs to be locked up and given electric shock treatments to re-wire what is left of her brain cells.


    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Good one
      bitchin' 'bout 'bama....
      bbb, better than bs.
      could be her new name

  10. Anonymous5:06 PM

    There she goes, having flashbacks of her glory days and going into 2008 VP mode, where everyone is crazy and she's on the same old conspiracy theory that she was sabotaged.

    And where did the woman Sarah go? She's morphing into a man right before our eyes.

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      She is already a crazy tranny-man. She's sprung a leak and oozing hate now. Sarah's toxic to everyone, including herself. She sounds like someone who could write a great Christmas Book, huh?

  11. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Hmm, looks like Mrs. Palin is a little pissed at the GOP power brokers. Wonder what happened? Did they tell her that no way in hell would she have their support for a Senate run? In less than a minute she slammed her 2008 campaign staff AND Karl Rove. Little missy better watch her step because Schmidt, Wallace, Rove and other GOP handlers know where the skeletons are buried and if she decides to go third party they'll most spill guts.

    It's almost as if she is breaking ties with the GOP. It is the only thing she can do if she does want to advance her political career. Seem like she's finally gotten the message that the party doesn't want her around. Wonder what happened in this last few days? Seems to me that NOT being invited to the 2012 RNC should have been a clear signal that she was persona non grata within their ranks, but hey, she is a slow learner after all.

    The manic scribblings are absolutely classic; a mentally challenged person's version of Powerpoint :-)

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      The end is drawing near my dear. It won't be very much longer before she totally cracks up. The countdown has started.

  12. Anonymous5:10 PM

    No one cares what you think. I mean THIS is a person you think is always right! ROFL. Oh yeah..presidential material alright!!

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM

      She looks like a demented toddler, just learning how to walk! She concentrating so hard on putting one foot in front of the other and walking in those heels that her tongue is sticking out!

    2. Wiggy Wonder5:44 PM

      "She looks like a demented toddler" . . . with a soiled diaper.

      Or more like an OLDDD Anna Nicole, in all of her twisted glory.

      Longest damn 15-minutes in the history of the world!

      Tick-tock Govnah.

    3. Anonymous8:28 PM

      That's EX Guvnuh, four years today!

  13. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Oh-oh; she's pushing against Karl Rove. He's still the political guru on Fox and she's railing against her own. I'm expecting he'll be swapping her back like the annoying fly she is.

    We are witnessing the vindictiveness of a troubled child in a woman's body, who never was told the word "no". She is tearing down the GOP on the network that's worked so hard to keep them in power.

  14. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Among the many, many, many problems with Sarah's take on reality is this bit of history:

    President Barack Obama was re-elected in 2012.

    She's arguing the outcome of a contest that was over and done with five years ago. While quite a few of her fans are confused about what year it is, most of the "elites" know that it's 2013, and an old political campaign has little to do with today's realities.

    And one of those media outlets that gave Obama a pass was -- Fox News?
    Because she can't have one thing -- a liberal media conspiracy -- while appearing on a solidly conservative, huge and profitable tv network.
    She's basically saying that Fox didn't do its job.

    Finally, she can't get her head around the fact that stories, "news," come and goes. Some of them have a lasting effect, and some stories die away. The Rev. Wright controversy took place during the Democratic primary. If she'd brought it up in the general election, her ties to that Kenyan witch doctor would have been fair game.
    If she'd brought up Bill Ayers any more than she did, her ties to the AIP would be headline news.
    If she beat the drum about Sen. Obama's lack of experience, her record as mayor and governor would be more fully investigated.
    If she brought up that silly slip of the tongue about "57 states," it would be equally legitimate to mention Sen. O'Biden, or the dozens of examples of her incredible ignorance, which were hilariously displayed on Saturday Night Live.
    Sarah, you don't know how good you had it.

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM


    2. Wiggy Wonder6:23 PM

      Oh so true ~ Nuff said.

      But let her keep squawkin' . . . perhaps she'll finally be hung by her very own tongue.

      O Happy Day!

    3. Anonymous6:29 PM

      not to mention south korea being our sworn enemy

      stupid dishrag brained cunt

    4. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Hell, old dumb ass still can't get over getting her ass kicked in the 1984 Miss Alaska beauty pageant, by that lovely black woman Marylin Blackburn. If I recall, the Bitch finished 3rd. She just can't help herself,because it is hard out there for a perpetual LOSER.

    5. Anonymous8:11 PM

      President Obama was just 8 years old and living in Indonesia when Bill Ayers did the things Sarah is accusing him of doing. President never even heard of Bill Ayers until he was a grown man, but which time Ayers had totally recanted his earlier ways, was a law-abiding (and even wealthy, gasp) member of middle-class society, and was a considerably older guy.

  15. Crazy-for-Cocoa-Puffs Scarah thinks the election was yesterday! It's all still so fresh in her demented mind. Geez Scarah, did you ever consider moving on? Let it go already. You are a LOO-SAH and the black man is the WINNER! Ah, who am I kidding? You'll NEVER get over it. The 2008 election and your hideous performance will haunt you for EVUH!!!!

  16. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Greta keeps trying to say something and Sarah just pushes on. She has something to say and by golly, she is going to say it...

  17. I don't think Karl Rove & the GOP are going to like that. Stupid Sarah.

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      I'll say it again, if she for one second thinks she's going to "go rogue", i.e.. third party, these GOP elites, as she calls them, are going to let her have it. Races are too close for comfort as it is now, with just D's and R's and if she insinuates a third party into the mix, it will do nothing but take much needed votes away from the Republicans, at a time when every vote counts. She won't take many with her, but it would be enough to cost the GOP and they won't let her get away with it.

      I can just see Rove now, peeking into his shoebox full of Palin lies and deceits and deciding which one to let fly first, 'cause you know, he knows, he knows everything and I'm not sure why he's stayed quiet this long because he neither likes, nor respects her and he's made that clear on many occasions.

    2. Anonymous7:00 PM

      I'm not sure why he's stayed quiet this long because he neither likes, nor respects her and he's made that clear on many occasions.

      Because taking her down means admitting another wingnut bites the dust. They are running low on intelligent conservatives right now. Although I think I would do something quick before she really embarrasses the party.

      She already embarrasses the gender

    3. Anonymous8:13 PM

      This rant, when dissected in the next news cycle, may well result in the political resurrection of Karl Rove!

  18. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Grow your fucking brain back, Greta.

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Greta's being punished for her flirtation with CNN

  19. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Oh, and Sarah, since you depend on IM for style tips, please take to heart this piece of advice:a pea-soup green top does not flatter your coloring. In fact, you look like a wet puppy who's just been pulled out of a vat of pea soup. Hair matted, angry and snarling.

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Her top looks like the one that came with my PJ set. Is she back to wearing her lounging clothes on TV?

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      I want to hold her down and put some color on that crooked mouth of hers! That nude lip treatment is not her friend.

    3. Anonymous5:54 PM

      That pea soup color is what happens when one does separate the laundry by colors.

      Tawd, how many times have I told you to separate the laundry!

    4. Anonymous6:59 PM

      If I thought that Sarah actually read and took advice, I'd tell to hire Willow to do her hair. That wig looks awful. Please, Willow, help your mother, she really has no idea how she looks.

  20. Wiggy Wonder5:25 PM

    Backassward looking much, Sayrah?

    In the past 5 years, what exactly is it that you have done? Well, besides prick-tease, grift-ease ~ and blood libel? But by all means, carry on.

    HELL hath the fury of a banshee scorned...


  21. Anonymous5:32 PM

    First of all...Get Over It! Your side lost FIVE YEARS AGO!!!

    Second...none of those 'scandals' are actually scandals.

    But, you want to talk about scandals? Fine.

    Let's talk about using state money to pay for family members' travel.

    Let's talk about a spouse using state resources and his wife's position to get someone fired for personal reasons.

    Let's talk about a 'family values' candidate with an unmarried, pregnant teenager.

    Lets talk about three children (and counting) who couldn't finish high school the traditional way, none of whom have continued on to college.

    Let's talk about vandalized school buses, three cases of arson and a house that was broken into and vandalized during a party.

    Let's talk about belonging to and supporting an organization that promotes state secession.

    Let's talk about leaving a town hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt by building an oversized hockey rink without following the proper legal procedures.

    Let's talk about campaigning on a promise to build a bridge that became a national joke for being a colossal waste of federal funds and then lying about supporting it.

    Let's talk about hinting about running for office for the sole purpose of getting people to donate money that will be used for personal expenses.

    Let's talk about establishing a fund for legal expenses that was likely illegal itself.

    And, finally, let's talk about a miracle pregnancy that only took a few weeks of gestation and ended after a whirlwind trip across the country during labor, bypassing hospitals in several large cities including Anchorage, to deliver a child with serious known health concerns at a small hospital with no neonatal ICU.

    Are you SURE you want to talk about scandals???

    1. Wiggy Wonder5:58 PM

      Shall we not forget about the self-appointed Dairy Maid, a very suspicious church fire, and that pesky little matter of owed TAXES.

      Her scandals are just too juicy for prime-time...

      But fret not, she won't get away forever.

      Believe that.

    2. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Oh, and there are so many more.... Many more.

      I am hoping she will piss off McCain so much that he will spill the beans. He could and would be better off for having done so. It's time for him to come clean and get that stinky albatross off his neck.

    3. Anonymous6:36 PM


      did you go with yer inbred braindead brother chuck_tard jr and that tenor voiced fake "husband" of yours when they torched Dar Miller's home with, killing her and her dogs ?

      did you ride along with 'em when they torched the church's records room ?

      probably don't know jackshit about who dumped water in Kurt Menard's av gas causing him to be killed either do ya ?

      does the name Christina Green ring a bell you skank two-bit whore ?

    4. Free Advice6:57 PM

      Let's also talk about:
      pimp husband
      house built with stolen materials
      stealing $50k from the roads fund of Wasilla
      abuse of power

    5. Free Advice6:58 PM

      Oh and let's not forget the suspicious deaths of Curtis Menard and Dar Miller.

    6. Anonymous7:19 PM

      And by all means, lets talk about Tuscon and you "surveyor" markings on the map. You are complicit in the deaths of fellow citizens, the shooting of a US House of Representative, and the murder of 9 year old Christina Green.

    7. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Anonymous 5:32, I think you meant to say, 'let's not forget about leaving a town of around 6,000 people with $20 MILLION DOLLARS (not thousands) in debt for a hockey rink you had no legal permission to build.'

  22. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Sarah needs to learn the old saying...........

    "It's better to be silent and be thought to be a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Waaaaaaay too late for that.

  23. Anonymous5:40 PM

    I can't watch the video -- did she really pronounce it "visa versa" instead of "vice versa"?

  24. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Holly Cow! She IS declaring HERSELF as the "Been there, couldn't do that" spokesman. I think she is hopped up on going for the gold - heading a BIG SPLIT from the GOP as the rogue Tea Party.

    McCain, it's up to you to stand up for yourself. Just as you feared in Game Change, she HAS turned on you. The ball is in your court. Still standing by your maverick VP pick?

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Come-on McCain; it's time to "stand your ground." Sarah Palin is gunning for YOU.

  25. Anonymous5:47 PM

    I'm sure President Obama and Joe Biden have a list of items that they would have LOVED to have brought into the campaign, but were too polite to do so:

    - Governor Palin "missing in action" during much of her term (Where's Sarah)

    - Photo of Sarah Palin reading a John Birch Society publication

    - Todd Palin's Alaska Independence Party (AIP) affiliation

    - Governor Sarah Palin's address to the AIP, a secessionist political party

    - Mrs. Palin being exorcised by Kenyan witchdoctor

    - Questionable "provenance" of Trig Palin

    - Poor judgement of teen-mom-to-be Bristol Palin

    There's some good stuff there, but Obama/Biden ran a clean campaign and wouldn't stoop to that level; they knew they didn't have to because the moment Palin opened her mouth she destroyed both herself and the McCain/Palin campaign. As all Obama/Biden had to do was sit tight and be the good guys and let Palin talk, and talk and talk some more.

  26. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Just watched the clip - wow - Sarah unchained, unplugged, untethered .... just wow! I'm going to have to watch that again.

    Good golly sister Molly, she done gone off her meds again!

    1. Oh yeah...she was flying H I G H for sure! I thought she was going to shake that big ass envelope at the camera....and scream out...


      That motor mouth couldn't get out the words fast enough! She is clearly desperate for ANY ATTENTION! Well let's hope this comedy bit get's her the attention she craves....

      from the Turdblossom!

      Release the Cracken Karl!


  27. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Whoa ho, check out the comments, there are a few quite angry with the "rogue" who didn't speak out for America. She has had 5 years to speak out, no muzzling now, why NOW? Like calling to report a robbery years after the fact!

    She can't win; she is either lying or she was a coward and traitor to her country for not speaking out.

    Sarah, YOU LOSE!!

  28. Anonymous5:54 PM

    So, Sarah scratched Greta's back by endorsing her show last night, and tonight Greta has to scratch Sarah's back. What is the real reason they had to tape this interview for tonight? It looks like she got off the plane and did it right after her farm vacation yesterday. She still has on the same nail polish and necklace. Is that background in the interview some fake one in a Fox studio in AZ?

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      What's the "dill" on her studios? Is there one in Alaska and one is Arizona? Isn't Todd the cameraman and Piper the set decorator? They are in Arizona, I think. There is nobody in Arizona except Sarah; Willow moved back in with her sister in Wasilla. So, Sarah must be in Alaska now?

    2. Anonymous6:14 PM

      I remember that shout-out to Greta's show...didn't pay any attention. Advertising must be in her contract. Maybe Fox picked up the cost of her travels since she pimped for Greta.

    3. Anonymous6:56 PM

      What's the "dill on those breastses falling down while she was being interviewed? They just would not stay up!

  29. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Tonight's outfit looks like standard issue prison garb from some 1950's era women in prison potboiler. Hey Sarah. A little stint in Hiland Mountain might be a perfect opportuniry for a fashion makeover. Maybe you and RAM could be cellies.

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      I know which one will be the bunk Bitch in that arrangement.

    2. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Ugh, brain bleach please.

  30. Anonymous6:02 PM

    While you're at it, Sarah, let's revisit that Miss Alaska pageant. We're dying to hear how it was rigged and the title was stolen from you. Please give us as many details as possible. Perhaps you could time-travel and convince the judges that you should have won all along. Then you could wear a crown on top of your wig.

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Oh you mean that Miss Alaska beauty pageant that was stolen from cross eyed Sarah by the African American contestant?

      Oh that's a sore spot with Sarah.

    2. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Grow up.

    3. Anonymous6:42 PM

      You know she's still friends with several of the pageant girls from then right?

    4. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Still friends except with the colored gal that stole Sarah Heath's glory.

    5. Anonymous6:57 PM


      skank bitch ain't got friend one-FACT !!

      only friend the skank useless fraud ever had died in a cock fight, it was the only duck there ..


    6. Anonymous7:03 PM

      6:41 You have never grown up, Krusty. Todd is a Pimp, and you want to work for him.

    7. Anonymous7:04 PM

      6:42 Not the WINNER. BWAHAHAHA.

    8. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Who's frieds? Sarah? Yeah, I heard about how se hired her friends for $100,000 jobs when she was Governor, and not a one of them was qualified for their positions. Those friends?

    9. 6:42PM....Baldy doesn't have FRIENDS! Unless you call the different dirty wigs she slaps on her big ass head her friends! LOL!!!

    10. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Sarah has exactly ZERO friends, unless she made one yesterday. For some reason or a hundred others, they just don't last. None of her hometown friends even want to be seen with her anymore. Fact. Although Donald Trump did take her out for pizza a couple of years ago. With those fancy plastic spoons on paper plates.

    11. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Somebody has the red-ass, Kristy. Who might that be? LOL

  31. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Senator McCain has never said anything bad about Sarah Palin in public that I know of.

    And here she is biting the hand that gave her her platform to celebrity and notoriety and wealth. Without his endorsement of her as his pick for VP, she would have resigned in disgrace and poverty.

    In Game Change, the last thing McCain said to Palin, and I paraphrase, Do not go over to the Dark Side. And she did just that.

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      She went to the dark side before she was selected as VP candidate; very tightly kept secret. It didn't manifest itself until she quit as governor to mover herself forward in making her millions.

  32. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Sarah what about the Shailey Tripp scandal in Alaska? Can you discuss that on FOX with Greta?

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Sarah Palin will never talk about Todd's Lover in public. Shailey 'LIGHTS UP TODD'S LIFE'. BWAHAHAHAHA. How's that eerie feeling every time Debbie Boone's 'You Light Up My Life' commercial airs on T.V.? Do you throw canned goods at TAWD?

    2. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Didn't Greta already ask Sarah about this and Sarah said to just ask Todd...

  33. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Wow, she looks bad!

  34. Anonymous6:09 PM

    omg! She wasn't allowed talk about Obama saying 57 states!!!

    omg omg omg, this is a hush hush secret? what a ditz! It was a mistake you idiot! Do you really think he didn't know how many states there are?? (just because YOU didn't)

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      It was in the news, but because she couldn't ue it in her personal ugly way, it doesn't count??

  35. Anonymous6:10 PM

    OK Rove, go get her!

    Can't believe I'm on his side on this

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      You shouldn't be. Rove only hates Palin because she is such a loudmouthed, self-absorbed fool that she threatens his message. Rove's mystique may be diminished since the last election, but he's still infinitely more influential and determined to succeed -- and, I would even say, therefore more EVIL -- than Palin is. Rove can do one hell of a lot more damage than Palin can because he is disciplined and patient. She is not.

    2. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Just waiting on Rove - come on, we know you know about Trig, when are you going to slip this little nugget into the news?

  36. Anonymous6:12 PM

    "Couldn't talk about that, couldn't talk about Obama's lack of knowledge and um...job experience, and the things that "
    -Sarah Palin

    Hey Sarah did anybody stop you from telling us what you read?

    Did anybody stop you from telling us what a vp does?

    Face it Sarah Palin you are dumber than your kids. Bunch of dumbfucks who can't keep from getting pregnant before marriage.

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Sarah believes in her little mind that if the campaign team would have just let her do and say what she wanted she would be in the White House now. The truth is that the campaign team figured out how dumb she was pretty fast and did everything they could to be it lying low. She just CANNOT face the truth!

  37. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Why was Greta stuck with talking to Sarah? Nobody else wanted to talk to Why Poor Me Sarah Palin?

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Well, it IS Friday night...the lowest rated evening after all. Maybe Weiner wasn't available for an interview.

    2. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Greta has horrible luck, consistently drawing the short straw. Or does BillO have the game rigged?

      Congratulations to Megan Kelly, who had another boy! I think I'll watch her in prime time whenever she returns from maternity leave. I wonder if she'll have Sarah on quite often? LOL

  38. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Did Sarah Palin put on any tits for Greta's show or did Sarah go au naturel flat chested?

    1. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Belmonts were present, although they appeared to be hanging a little low. Her chest sure is flat on top of those big honkers.

  39. Anonymous6:27 PM

    John McCain it was all your fault that Sarah Palin didn't become vice president in 2008.

    Don't get mad at me John. I'm just repeating what Sarah Palin said.

  40. Anonymous6:33 PM

    So Sarah Palin is blaming John McCain's campaign for banning Sarah from speaking in 2008?

    Who is Sarah Palin blaming for stopping her from running for president in 2012?

    Who is Sarah Palin blaming for stopping her from running for senate in 2014?

    Who is Sarah Palin blaming for stopping her from running for president in 2016?

    Sarah you can't keep blaming John McCain's campaign.

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      "Sarah you can't keep blaming John McCain's campaign."

      Oh she blames Wallace and Schmidt too!

      She has had plenty of time to squeal- why not during the 2012 election? Oh, she wanted Obama to win again?

      Thanks sarah!!!

    2. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Boo fucking hoo

    3. Anonymous7:37 PM

      We have heard time and again that Sarah carries grudges forever and this grudge just happens to be her money making machine. If she doesn't bitch loud and often her bots don't donate as much to her PAC.

  41. Wiggy Wonder6:34 PM

    Hey Sare,

    Since you're having "flashbacks," can we talk about the time you tried to slither up close and personal to Mr. President at the WHCD a few years back . . . and Lieberman had to cock-block you. REJECTED yet again.

    That was priceless!

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      For your viewing pleasure.

    2. Anonymous7:31 PM

      A priceless moment in political comedy history, wiggy. Sarah and her zombie stare, reaching for the POTUS in her "I will not be ignored" move. Thank you Joe Lieberman. PBO never even had to even look up at the crazy wench and acknowledge the natty-gnat being swatted. LOL

    3. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Thanks anon 7:19. That's a good one to keep handy whenever I need to laugh out loud and get some endorphins flowing.

  42. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Well, the liberal media isn't above slandering her. Why is she criticized for pointing out truths in him?

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Sarah doesn't point out truths. Truths do not exist in her world. She lies. It is all she does. She lies, and lies, and lies, and lies, and lies. She only fools the idiots.

    2. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Is that you, Krusty? The Queen of Slander has escaped the Asylum.

    3. Anonymous7:17 PM

      No need to bother slandering Sarah Palin because the truth about her is damning enough. Lest we forget here is her mindless reply when CBS’s Katie Couric asked how her proximity to Russia gave her foreign policy experience:

      “As Putin rears his head and comes into the airspace of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state.”

    4. Olivia7:21 PM

      The media has only reported what she has said and done. No slander there. She hasn't so far pointed out any truths about Obama, only trumped up non issues that everyone is bored to tears with. She really should do a little reading and research so she doesn't keep making such a public fool of herself over and over. I would, at this point, like to refer you to the posts above from anonymous posters at 5:32 and at 5:47. Please read them thoroughly.

    5. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Why is the media blamed for her stupidity? Sarah IS PART of the Lamestream media on Fox, and has been for almost 4 years.

    6. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Tell us what the media has said about her that is slander? Seriously, had anyone slandered dear Sarah, she would be the first to file a lawsuit. I know the truth hurts, but she is an absentee mother, was an absentee Mayor and Governor, and thinks her true calling is lying about government for cash.

    7. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Any truth Sarah doesn't like is "slander"...

  43. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Screech is looking looner than ever..Sarah we know your reading here..word of advice it's not nice to piss off Rove..He'll drop the hammer on you big time..Hateful ignorant bitch you deserve everything that is comming your way..

  44. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Proving the media is heavily left-wing and in the most unfortunate (for the country) way.

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Say what, Lou Sarah? If the media was heavily left-wing, Sarah's Pimp Daddy Husband would have been exposed long ago. Tri-g's real Mother would have been interviewed, and ALL of Bristol's and Willow's Babies would have been named.

    2. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Maybe you are unfortunate to be in the wrong country

    3. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Now that's funny!

    4. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Your loyalty is admirable, but your choice of idol is worse than questionable.

    5. Anonymous7:28 PM

      The MEDIA was very kind to Sarah Palin. They let her get away with a multitude of lies, including Trig. The MEDIA is all over Obama constantly, unlike the way they treated Bush. The MEDIA is in the pocket of the Kochs, and is a voice of the Tea Baggers. They are NOT liberal.

    6. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Sarah wasn't worth them wasting good ammo on her. She did this to herself.

  45. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I feel bad for her. She was slandered by staffers when they desperately tried to save their careers. NO good people live in DC and work in politics. All the books about DC are correct.

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      I feel bad for her.

      Karma, baby, karma!

    2. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Yes, Lou Sarah, you feel bad for your skanky smelly self.

    3. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Boo fuckiing hoo for Sarah

    4. Anonymous7:13 PM

      They protected her and her fake pregnancy and all her other slimy tactics. She's torpedoed her own career the past five years. That's the truth, but she has never been one to accept responsibility for her actions. Sarah is now reaping the seeds of hate that she has sown. She's a expert farmer, according to that radio show that her cousin got her on yesterday, remember?

      What's she got to bitch about other than her own stupidity? She's the one who killed her golden goose, the brand that was given to her that she never earned through her own accomplishments.

      Don't have a stroke, Sarah. You might scare someone with a CCL and they might have to stand their ground and put you out of your misery if they feel threatened at your flailing and kicking and screaming on the floor like one of your fans and their rotten, ignorant kids pitching a fit in Walmart.

    5. LOL!!!

      I'm guessing you haven't read Russell, Wittgenstein or Gödel.

      Or you wouldn't make the statement that "All the books about DC are correct." Which includes the books that say "None of the books about DC are correct."


      Have a nice day, Hon, and be sure to look both ways before you cross the Internet highway.

    6. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Nope, 6:43, Sarah made her own bed. Now she's gotta sleep in it. G'nite, Sarah Lou.

    7. Olivia7:27 PM

      Would you please enlighten all of us about the occasions when she desperately tried saving anyone's career? It appears to me that the ONLY person whose career ended was HERS! She destroyed her own fucking career! Oh, and she destroyed John McCain's chance for the presidency. But he still has a career and SHE DOESN'T!!!
      I will bet that you haven't read a single book about DC...or a single book.

    8. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Oh my. Poor Sarah. Nothing is ever her fault, is it?

    9. Anonymous7:33 PM

      No slander there, just a few of her aids trying to save their careers because John McCain was duped into choosing this woman as a running mate without vetting her. The religious right and conservative coalition got their claws into him and forced his hand towards Palin when he really wanted to run with Lieberman. Instead of a seasoned statesman McCain ended up with a train wreck; a train wreck who wasn't properly vetted (she's a Governor, how stupid can she be?)

      Her campaign handlers haven't even told HALF of the truths regarding what it was like trying to educate and control her. Their pygmalion heroics: the wardrobe, the speech coaches, the crash course in US and World Politics was all for naught because none of it stuck, and she killed McCains chances for higher office because she is simply unable to learn and retain information. Why do you think she gives the same speech, over and over, for 5 years now, and still has to use notes?

      So no, there was no slander involved, as a matter of fact, a lot of the truth still remains hidden. Mrs. Palin was handled very gently, and she should thank her lucky stars for that, instead, she's now biting the hands the allowed her the chance of a lifetime. This won't end well for her.

    10. Anonymous8:39 PM

      In Sarah Palin's mind it is DC Comics.

  46. Free Advice6:44 PM

    Dear uh Ms. Palin,
    Uh, you uh weren't allowed to uh talk about those uh things because would have opened all those uh closets of yours and uh dragged your many uh skeletons out into the uh sunlight. Really is a shame that uh they didn't uh let you destroy your uh self.

    You're welcome.

    1. Wiggy Wonder6:49 PM

      Uh, that was uh riot!

      : )

  47. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Whose fault was it that Sarah's mother got knocked up before marriage?

    Whose fault was it that Sarah got knocked up before marriage?

    Whose fault was it that Sarah's daughter Bristol got knocked up before marriage and before graduating high school?

    Whose fault was it that Sarah's son Track knocked up his girlfriend before marriage?

    Whose fault was it that Sarah's daughter Willow dropped out of high school in her Sophomore year of high school?

    Whose fault was it that Governor Sarah Palin quit her job halfway through her first term?

    Whose fault was it that Todd likes to screw prostitutes?

    There's going to be a time in Sarah Palin's life that she will have to blame herself (except for her mother's behavior).

    Can't keep blaming everyone else. Sarah is getting too old for that.

  48. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Something is going on with her. She has always slammed President Obama, but tonight I think is the worst we have seen her in a long time. She knows what she said can be proven wrong or inaccurate and she just can't stop spewing her hate and "hate" is what she is projecting.

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Meltdown. It reflects on her *peers* there at Fox News, and you can tell they can barely tolerate her.

  49. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I don't usually watch her spiels but glad I did this time. Too funny.

    I was confused reading Gryph's comments about the redneck whiteboard as I thought that was HIS comment on the envelope Sarah showed.

    But, noooo-hoooo-hoooo, Sarah actually called that sloppy note a redneck whiteboard. Ha. Ha.

    You can't make this stuff up! (What I used to say back during the McCain-Palin campaign. Like deja vu all over again. Haul out the popcorn.)

    1. Anonymous8:31 PM

      Can you say *thin-skinned*, Sarah? Or does that make you even angrier to hear the truth about yourself? You're going to have an aneurism or worse, your head is going to explode if you don't calm yourself down, little lady.

  50. Anonymous6:55 PM

    If P.I.G. Palin gets pregnant before graduating high school you know Sarah will either blame John McCain or President Obama.

  51. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Sarah Palin has some real problems holding a grudge, forever and ever. That election in 2008 wasn't close. President Obama won red states that had not voted blue for a long time. McCain had been in politics long enough to know that you win some and you lose some. If he has issues with the way his campaign was run, at least he keeps it private.

    Sarah was the weak link in their campaign. She couldn't sit for an interview. She barely got through her "debate." (It wasn't a debate. It was a scripted performance of sound bites). Since then, Sarah has proven time and time again that she was completely unqualified to have been nominated as the Republican VP candidate-- and certainly unqualified for the office itself.

    Sarah can't take criticism. She does not do self reflection. Hell, she can't even look in the mirror and she what she looks like-- otherwise she would be able to put her wig on straight. Sarah cannot look back at the 2008 election with any objectivity. This loss must have been eating at her since the election night, 2008. (How do you think that Al Gore feels, and he actually won the popular vote, and we never learned the real vote in Florida.)

    Palin is a fool to criticize the GOP which spent a fortune running her as the VP candidate in 2008. They have probably written her off some time ago, because she wasn't at the 2012 convention. Fox renewed her contract, reluctantly after some time, and she doesn't appear as often. Sarah is a fool to bite the hand that feeds her. Cut off the GOP and all that she has is the lunatic fringe on the far right. They may be a source of donations to her PAC, but her popularity is way down. There was no coverage of her latest speech at the farm. Nobody cares any more (except for a handful of internet fans).

    1. Anonymous8:28 PM

      Inside that Manila envelope is her "concession" speech that John McCain didn't let her give on the night of the election in 08. She's always held it against him but couldn't say it because even she knew that she would appear ungrateful to stab him in the back after he gave her the pathway to riches. But it's oozing out now, her contempt for him and his positions. Meanwhile, he's been the-elected Senstor and maintained his status as a power broker in the minority party of the Senate. And Sarah is still rolling around on the floor with her terrible-twos tantrum. Grow up Sarah. Or don't, and we'll continue to point and laugh at your stupidity. I'm fine either way, but you will not dictate policy in our country with your shilling to the unibrow sister-fucking redneck Teatards that you appeal to. They must love the smell of shit, because you're full of it and that's all you can manage to spew. You betcha.

  52. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I watched and all I keep thinking....IS SHE FLIPPIN' DRUNK? Maybe Palin read this article from Mother Jones? Maybe she's pissed because a fresh GOOGLE search on HER doesn't produce anything NEW? Same ol' stuff from a week or two ago? Was HER flight delayed for 3 hours too? She couldn't wink her way onto an earlier flight? Off her meds? (clearly) I'm guessing straight normal narcissistic behavior plus menopause. (trust me on THAT one) Clearly unhinged.

  53. Anonymous6:57 PM

    If only Curt Menard Jr speak. Maybe he could tell us about his relationship with Sarah Heath?

  54. Anonymous6:58 PM

    That was all one sentence. She's huffing and puffing and seething but not breathing. Okay, that's one line for my hip-hop song. I've got a lot more work to do on the lyrics, so I'll keep this brief.

    Sarah is not a *well* person. I'm so thankful I'm not her. But I'm especially thankful I'm not in her immediate family that must listen to her rants in order to get a paycheck. She creates her own *Hell* for herself and her family.

  55. Anonymous7:07 PM

    "Okay clearly somebody pissed in her cornflakes today!"

    Probably told her no no on the senate run. You do know she is fast becoming a martyr to her nut-flakes. This "poor me" story will send them over the top.

  56. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Track, Bristol, Willow and Piper, look at the picture in the website below. You have to admit your mama looks so damn retarded sticking out her false titties while sticking out her tongue. Who in the fuck walks around with DDD breasts one day and then gets pictured another day looking like a flat school boy? Get that bitch some medical help before she loses it.

  57. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Just saw the clip of Palin tonight. Loved the fact that after idiot went on and on about the media not doing their job, Greta ended it saying that she was part of the media. Palin showed her ignorance yet again and Greta looked very odd as the clip ended. Hopefully, Greta will have more sense than to have the fool on again.

    1. Olivia8:57 PM

      I don't think Greta has a choice. Something about paying the devil is in play.

  58. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Palin's only hope for publicity is to trash talk " elitist "
    and " brainiac " Republicans and pray that they respond.
    Rove , Schmidt and Wallace are savvy enough to ignore her.
    Rove was not associated with the McCain campaign , yet ,
    Palin continues to blame Karl Rove
    for apparently muzzling her the past five years.
    The reality is that the woman hasn't shut up
    for a minute the past five years.
    Yap, yap, yap, yap ad infinitum.
    Maybe Palin is inadvertently revealing some kinky fantasy about dog collars,
    muzzles and Karl Rove ?
    It's bizarre to see someone attack and mock co workers out of the
    blue like Palin routinely unleashes ( no pun..or maybe not ..)
    on Rove .
    Waving her " redneck whiteboard " is Palin's latest in a looong line of stunts.
    No other network but FOX would tolerate
    this kind of disloyal , paranoid
    and unprofessional behavior against fellow contributors.
    Her appearances are always pointless , redundant and incoherent ,
    the only variable now is the level of her unbridled and displaced anger.

  59. Anonymous7:19 PM

    The establishment GOP must really be fed up with this meddlesome yapping gnat as they face bagger primary challenges in tight races. It's hard to believe they will continue to let her foment dissension within the ranks of the right. Her supporters are dwindling but she may still has sway over some millions of the most ignorant goobers and single issue evangelicals. When will they take her down? What form will her evisceration take?

  60. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Oh shit! I clicked on her pic because I thought mistakenly that's where the video was imbedded. What a face! I mean, what kind of face is *that*? We don't call *that* a MILF where I'm from, and we *love* women of all ages here. I'm just not convinced that she's a real woman. She had such a hard, chiseled masculine look.

    Not to change the subject, but did she get a new chin implant, also, too?

  61. Anonymous7:21 PM

    At least Greta was smart enough to have her on first so Greta and her other guests could stick to the subject. The show was about the term "phony scandals". It was not about Palin's run for VP in 08. My heart goes out to the mother whose son was killed. She is suffering.

  62. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Whoa, this thread has attracted the Palinbot trolls in spades!

    1. Anonymous8:40 PM

      I noticed that too. I wondered if Sarah bots had a come to Queen Ester moment and got their marching orders.

  63. Anonymous7:25 PM

    You wonder where Bristol gets her victim mentality from?

  64. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Hey Bacon Belly Bristol, go get your momma, she is off her chain again. And for God sake, give her a bath.

    1. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Hose her off before you let her in the house, Todd.

  65. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Her screech tonight - she is setting herself up for something coming and she can say it was because she was so vocal on Greta and she can once again be the victim.

  66. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Karma is a bitch huh Sarah Palin?

    She wanted badly to win the election, the authors note. “I just don’t want to go back to Alaska,” Palin said off-handedly during the gathering.

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Apparently she is not so popular in Alaska, having tanked....

    2. Anonymous8:38 PM

      And Alaska didn't want her back either.

  67. Anonymous7:35 PM

    How can she reconcile her "I am a Rogue" schtick with this current whine, "They didn't let me speak"...

    what a maroon...

    1. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Sarah was selected by the original maverick, McCain. McCain touted her as his "maverick" running mate. Bet he is sorry for that now. But won't admit it.

  68. angela7:38 PM

    She's a man, baby . . . .
    And she's come undone. Whoot!

  69. Anonymous7:44 PM

    THen why didn't Sarah run in 2012? Because the nation on a whole wouldn't support her, that is why. Shut yo' mouth Ho' , is all I have to say to Sarah. BTW over 20 embassy personal died under Bush, please tell us how you feel about that crypt ceeper?

  70. Many right-wingers continue to make the claim that Democrats fear Sarah Palin. What they perceive to be fear is actually contempt and disdain. Her cause is not righteous -- it is self-righteous.

    "Guilt by association" is a very dangerous game to play, as was evident during the era of McCarthyism. When Palin spoke vociferously about Obama while on the 2008 campaign trail, smugly referring to him as an un-American, socialism-touting terrorist-sympathizer, she wasn't telling us anything about Obama's lack of patriotism, but rather her own lack of character.

    Labeling people as "patriots" or "terrorist sympathizers" or the like is easy. It doesn't require much thought or insight. Palin is the type of person who will do and say anything in order to further her own political and personal ambitions and draw media attention to herself.

    And now she's at it once again.

    With respect to the Whining Wannabe from Wasilla, the best thing that everybody could do is simply ignore her. She bailed on her state's constituency because she could not handle the rigors of the job. She simply wants to bask in the spotlight, free of serious responsibilities.

    Why feed her overinflated ego by drawing attention to her daily bout of histrionics?

  71. Anonymous8:19 PM

    That damn McCain campaign promised me that if I faked that darn pregnancy I'd be VP. Now look at me. I'm speaking to freaking farmers in hicktown USA and flying coach.

    1. Anonymous9:11 PM

      Not exactly. The McCain campaign did not want her. They didn't have a clue as to how stupid and unprepared she was. They wanted Joe Lieberman. The Christianists and rightwingers wanted Sarah, and jammed her up McCain's ass.

  72. wendy isbell8:26 PM

    So she wants the "truth" in campaigns now? Ok Griffin, if she makes a Senate run (which she won't, she just wanted a financial bump to her dwindling PAC) I believe the "truth" will have to come out about the Palin's.

  73. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Palin Bashes ‘Cowardly’ Obama Distracting From Scandals, Shows Off ‘Redneck Version’ Of Rove Whiteboard

    Sarah Palin joined Greta Van Susteren on Friday night to slam President Obama for the comment during his big economic speech that Washington’s too obsessed with “phony scandals.” Palin wanted to know exactly which scandals the president was referring to as “phony,” and held up a “redneck version” of Karl Rove‘s classic white boards to remind viewers of all the scandals currently plaguing Obama, from Benghazi to NSA snooping, asking in disbelief if he’s really dismissing all of them as “phony.”

    Van Susteren noted how White House spokesman Jay Carney used the same word, calling it “obviously calculated.” Palin likened Obama to a basketball player “trying to run out the clock” by hogging the ball and throwing “distractions and diversions at the American people.” She called the president “cowardly,” and said the only people listening to him at this point are journalists who aren’t doing their jobs right.

    She flashed back to the 2008 campaign, briefly conflating government whistleblowers trying to expose Obama administration abuses with people who were shouting about Reverend Wright five years ago. She told Van Susteren she was “banned” from talking about Wright and Bill Ayers because the Republican “elitists” running the campaign were too worried about the media backlash. She then held up what she described as a “redneck version of one of those elitist tactics of Karl Rove” using his white board to show all the scandals currently hurting Obama.

    Van Susteren noted how people are actually able to see through what Obama’s saying by going online, while Palin touted how “Americans are smarter than what the lamestream media’s giving them credit for.” She said with “lapdogs” in the press not doing their jobs right, they’re leaving all the actual work of calling out Obama to the people instead.

  74. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I wonder what set off that fire in her belly.

  75. Palin is hardly a pit bull... more like a Yorkshire terrier in the back window of an Oldsmobile driven by a senior couple in 120 degrees yappin away and no ones paying attention.

  76. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Just a minor point about Sarah's claim that 200 years of military ethos got thrown out in Benghazi. No one was left behind. No one could find the ambassador in the smoke filled room, and when he was found, he was rushed to the hospital. The other dead man was brought out along with the rest of the diplomats who were evacuated. The other men were killed in a fire fight. They weren't abandoned either. Where is the scandal, other than the fact that the Republicans refused to provide extra funds for embassy security.


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