Friday, August 30, 2013

Teabagger radio host rants that Trayvon Martin "deserves to be dead" and hopes that gay activist Dan Savage dies of "every disease known." Video NSFW.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Fringe conservative talk show host Stan Solomon ranted this week that slain teen Trayvon Martin “deserves to be dead,” and then added that gay author Dan Savage, who he called “that f*ggot,” should die of “every disease known.” 

Solomon took the opportunity of the 50th anniversary of the civil rights March on Washington on Wednesday to devote his Talk to Solomon Show to the topic of race in America. 

“We have in America… open season on white folks by black and non-black Hispanic whatever other groups on white folks,” he explained. “Especially white Christian heterosexual folks.” 

Solomon warned that there was a war in America and “if you’re white, you’re a target.” 

“The left, which is godless and serves Satan, has an agenda,” he continued. “To accomplish their agenda they have to get idiots, morons, numbnuts to do stupid things so the focus will be on them and not on the libs, not on the leftists: Jews, homosexuals, blacks, gays, Islamists… Because while we’re mad at these two punks, we’re mad at Trayvon Martin, that thug that deserves to be dead and I’m glad he’s dead.” 

“Pieces of crap, homosexuals like what’s that one guy’s name? Savage. That f*ggot!” Solomon yelled. “That horrible, awful, terrible excuse for a human being who is at the White House promoting attacks on Christians. I hope he dies — he probably will — of every disease known.” 

He added: “By the way, I’m sending him a fire hydrant for his birthday, I’m hoping he’ll sit on it; he’ll slide all the way down to the ground. Sorry fire hydrant fans, I don’t mean to insult fire hydrants.”

Allow me to introduce you to the base of the Republican in the year 2013.

So essentially, if I understand this right,  EVERY person who is not a white Christian heterosexual is a "tool," a "useful idiot," and a "piece of crap."

Good to know. Especially from such a sane, rational, upstanding Christian as this guy.


  1. So we can anticipate pictures of Palin strutting and smirking with her good friend Stan Solomon and being interviewed on his show, right?

  2. Anonymous4:52 AM

    If this is not hate speech, I don't know what is. The SPLC should be all over this and hit him where it really hurts, his bank account.

  3. Sally in MI5:02 AM

    My heavens. He did everything but stand up for lowering the legal age of gunbuyers to 18. Such a loving, tolerant, forgiving example of Christianity. And why do these nuts think there is any war in America but the one they have started? Oh, yes. Projection. If you rant and scream loud enough, your lowly ignorant followers will forget that their loving church has been promoting the death and hate of other human beings; that people on rightwing radio pretending to follow the peaceful Jesus call others evil. That this brand of religious nut thinks all liberals are evil and have an agenda. Why yes we do. It's called freedom and equal opportunity for women, minorities, whites, Jews, Muslims, men...everyone. Just like Jesus. Somehow, I don't see liberals as the evil ones here, Mr. Solomon. And corect me if I'm wrong, but I'm betting you are one of those rich people Jesus warned will have trouble getting into Heaven. So I guess lying about others is the least of your worries.

  4. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Looked around the web to find out more about Stan Solomon. In 2010, he was "fired" from his volunteer campaign manager post for a right-wing nut in Indiana who wanted to go to the House of Representatives. His sin was to tweet hatred toward Muslims and gay people. The Congressional hopeful never really apologized for these statements -- one of those "if anyone was insulted" responses. The politician is a proud Presbyterian.

    The hysteria that these people have about anyone who doesn't look like them (and why would we want to?) is close to paranoid delusion. They
    are fanning the hatred that lies in the hearts of those who believe their lives are threatened in some way by people who live differently than they do.

    But their vulgarities, their salacious fascination with homosexuality, is really the mirror they should look at -- because their fear of gay people is proportionate to their suspicion that they, themselves, could slide down the slippery slope to an alternative life.

    And they love to broadcast or tweet or whatever their obscenities because they're just barnyard bullies, who, somehow, have been given a stage from which to fan hatred. Christian? Not on your life. White? Maybe, but what are they afraid of? That somewhere in their family tree they'll discover someone like Strom Thurmond, noted Dixiecrat, who had a child with his family's black maid.

    I think their hatred of Barack Obama isn't because he's half black, but because his white mother wed a black man. Something that was illegal in many states until 1967, when our President was already six years old. The centuries' old fear of white men about the power of black men -- and here it is, personified, every day in the White House.

    1. Anonymous12:56 PM

      "I think their hatred of Barack Obama isn't because he's half black, but because his white mother wed a black man. "

      Hmmm...what an interesting theory. It's the first time I've ever heard it put that way but you just might be right on target.

  5. Anonymous5:09 AM

    He doth protest too much

  6. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Freedom of speech or not, talk like this guy is spewing should not be legal. However, the crazier they sound and the more they rant, the more "normal" Republicans will begin to reject their message. It is already happening.

  7. Anonymous6:04 AM

    And xistians wonder why people are anti-xistian and think xistians are horrible.

  8. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Can't you just feel the love?

  9. Anonymous6:37 AM

    What a sack of shit. - From a White Christian

  10. Anonymous6:52 AM

    KKK at it's finest.Fucking asshole.

  11. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Another counterfeit Christian.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:45 PM

      He's Pat Robertson with a GED

  12. Anonymous8:10 AM

    It's obvious this guy isn't christian. He's hijacked the 'name' and turned it into a horroric idealogy. He's insane. No one hates that much and confesses Christ. The NT says, if a man says he loves God, and then turns around and hates people, any people, he is a liar.

    Ironic that a man with a family name Solomon, with his above hate list, lists the very people that the real "King Solomon" didn't hate. Solomon was a Jew, he married hundreds of women, including continental south, central, and north African women, and was known world-wide to be the wisest fairest judge.

  13. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Solomon is a Jewish last name, not christian.

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Yeah, and my Jewish kids have an Italian last name. And my blond-blue-eyed brother doesn't "look Jewish."

      What's your point?

      The guy is Christian.

    2. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Not so fringe, unfortunately.

    3. I wonder if this guy acts the same way around his family and friends. Maybe a better question is, "Reckon this guy has any friends to begin with, and if his family even admits they're related to him?

      Sounds like ol' Sol has no love for the Semitic folks either. But his hate and rage do sound very similar to Sarah Palin, when she gets all crazy and starts actin' the fool... um, that is, whenever she's on camera or off camera.

  14. honeybabe8:45 AM

    so if we follow the old, "do unto others as they would do unto you" this right winger should have an interesting future. can't wait!

  15. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Its always so easy to get others to join you when you throw a pity party.

    In this case, its so pathetic, as the guy is hoping to make the super privileged white folks, feel discriminated against.

    When you are the first one picked for a job or a promotion, because of your lily white skin, its really difficult to work up any sympathy for your plight in life.

    Reminds me of how ridiculous it sounds when celebrities whine about not being able to go to the store without having adoring fans swarm around them.

    Boo freaking HOO, eh?

  16. Anita Winecooler5:39 PM

    How christian, that another human being deserved to die and another deserves every disease in the book. Again, with the phallic imagery. The fire hydrant salesman behind him was standing perilously close. Did they "practice what he preaches"??

    I wouldn't put it past granny TaTa's Palin holding him as an example of patriotic virtue, "The wisdom of Solomon" on her fecebook screed. Yes, she's that stupid/desperate.

  17. Anonymous5:45 PM

    This kind of crap is what makes everyone on the right look like a nut case. Thankfully I can say that the hatred he spews is the right fringe and I know many people on the right who are offended by his rant and the stereotyping that he does.

    1. Anonymous8:51 PM

      I think you underestimate how many people on the right feel this exact same way.

    2. Anonymous1:25 AM

      But are loathe to admit it......


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