Saturday, September 28, 2013

Congratulations to Bristol Palin, for making the number nine spot on Radar Online's list of "Stars Who are Famous for Doing Nothing."

Courtesy of Radar Online: 

Bristol Palin: Former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol caused a sensation when it was revealed she was a pregnant and unmarried teenager during the 2008 campaign. Bristol and her baby daddy, Levi Johnston, were supposed to wed but never did. After Sarah lost the election, Bristol decided to parlay her fame into a stint on Dancing with the Stars in 2010. Despite questionable dance skills and performing in a monkey suit, she finished 3rd! Later, the Alaska girl released a memoir, Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far. Incredibly, the reality journey continued in 2012, when she starred on Lifetime’s Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp, and returned to DWTS as part of the all-star cast.

Sadly they left off  Bristol's most recent foray into "things I can only do because my past name is Palin" with her appearance on "Celebrity Wife Swap" with Joan and Melissa Rivers, which you have to admit what QUITE an achievement since neither Bristol or Melissa are indeed wives.

Have you ever stopped to imagine what it must be like to be Bristol? (Try not to gag.)

You would have been paid to talk about abstinence even though you were unable and unwilling to practice it in your own life. You would be paid to appear on your mother's short lived reality show as a  mythologized version of yourself. You would have been able to place third in a dance contest even though everybody who watched could see that you sucked balls. You would have a book ghostwritten for you in which you were able to attack the father of your son for not being an involved parent, even though you tricked him into impregnating you, and were actively keeping him from seeing his son. You would then get your own short lived reality show during which you could show the world just how screwed up your kid was while continuing to blame his father for not being an active parent, while once again actively keeping him away from the boy. Then for some reason you would be invited back onto DWTS to finally be treated as you deserved and get kicked off in week four. (And even that was being charitable.) Then you would have a new blog launched in you name apparently to give you some credibility as an uber Christian political pundit. (This would be ghostwritten for you as well. Of course.) And finally you would be invited to appear on "Celebrity Wife Swap," even though you are unmarried, during which you would act like a spoiled brat and once again show your the world your complete lack of parenting skills.

You know after reading all of what I just wrote all I can ask is, how in the hell is she ONLY number nine on a list of people who are famous for doing nothing?


  1. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Well she can Ki$$ Hollywood goodbye after dissing Joan Rivers!
    Joan and her friends are LTAO at the Hillbillies from Alaska! I bet they have some stories to tell.
    And Mamma gizzlies, gimme a break!
    babies! Overgrown babies! That's all the Palin hillbillies are!

  2. No.9 For she's not all that famous, in fact. NoNo.9.9

  3. Anonymous6:26 AM

    #9 seems okay to me. Bristol's right between Michael Logan at #8 and Tila Tequilla at #10. Super stars every one!

    1. Sally in MI6:51 AM

      Between who and who?

    2. Anonymous6:59 AM


    3. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Have no idea who Michael Logan is. But isn't Tila Tequila a porn star?

  4. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Time to start a petition to get Bristol to replace Abby Huntsman on "The View".

    I can not believe that show's producer chose Abby over Bristol, or even Willow.

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM

      Yeah, I stay awake nights worrying about that one, also, too.

    2. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Nobody with an ounce of self respect or integrity would do the things these Palins do.

    3. Anonymous7:37 AM

      Yeah, those 4-pee petitions get a LOT of attention and shivering in boots by recipients.


    4. Anonymous7:42 AM

      @6:33 That's a joke, right?

    5. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Boy are you off base. Abby Huntsman is smart, well educated and politically savvy. Bristol is a semi-retarded, emotionally stunted, politically stupid, joke. That you can even put the two of them in a sentence is ludicrous. Bristol will always be a loser, a victim and a miniature expression of her sick, sick mama.

    6. Anonymous2:22 PM

      @ 6:33 -- In the first place Abby Huntsman is NOT on the 'View', but on the 'Cycle' - MSNBC. And just the thought of her being replaced by Bristol, is obscene.

      As stated by anon 11:07 am. "Boy are you off base. Abby Huntsman is smart, well educated and politically savvy."

      Bristol could and would never be able to handle anything like Abby -- Even if it was on the View, or anywhere else. hahaha

    7. Anonymous10:11 PM

      Huntsman owes her current position to her father, just as Palin owes her "success" to her mother. The ONLY reason we've heard of either of them is that each has a parent who ran for high office, one got pregnant OOW and the other is pretty. Huntsman has nothing distinctive to offer other than her name, anymore than Bristol does. Abby' s father believes in the same shit Sarah Palin does, he's just not as ignorant sounding. His daughter by the same token doesn't sound as ignorant as Bristol.

  5. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Why wasn't Bristol Palin Number One for doing nothing like her mom?

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Excuse me, but her mom does a lot! She stomps her feet and scrunches up her face and gets all kinds of mad at President Obama on Facebook and Twitter. I think she's still mad cuz she lost.

    2. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Her Mom is the best darn back huncher since The Hunchback of Norte Dame. Tell me that is not hard work.

  6. Anonymous6:55 AM

    What number was Bristol on the list of sexually active girls at Wasilla High?

    What number is Bristol on the current list of Wasilla girls?

  7. Anonymous6:56 AM

    She looks like her mom in that photo.

    Bristol on the View???? That show would collapse very quickly.

    Bristol would have been #1 if the truth about all her children came out.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      She looks like the proud recipient of a chin implant device.

    2. Bristol on The View would make the departed Hasselbeck look like Einstein.

    3. Anonymous10:43 AM

      #1 in the amount of 'man-juice' swallowed. That's all she's #1 in.

    4. Anonymous3:18 PM

      It really is pathetic that Brisdull has not put a penny of her money towards furthering her education, travel, etc. No curiosity ... no interest in anything that fosters self growth.

      Ditto Track, Willow, Todd and, of course, $arah.

  8. WakeUpAmerica7:00 AM

    It really does have to suck growing up Palin. Those kids may have all that money can buy, but they will never have the most important things in life. They will never feel nurtured and unconditionally loved.

    1. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Bristol cannot have all that money can buy. One quick example is Bristol cannot buy a semester of college at the University of Alaska. She cannot meet the entrance requirements.

      Hundreds of thousands of college students chose to purchase textbooks this semester instead of a jumbo flat screen TV. They had the option. Bristol did not, hence, the jumbo TV for the dumbo diva.

  9. Anonymous7:07 AM

    I always think of Bristol as Undeserved Good Fortune. Think about it. Soon after Tripp was born, she was set up in Anchorage in a swell condo, a full time nanny which allowed her to work full time at a dermatologist's office, despite the fact that she had just graduated high school. And, she was being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to be a spokesperson for abstinence- which is a little bit like the person who just set the forest fire telling others not to play with matches.

    What DID Bristol do to deserve so much good fortune when she clearly had no talent, she was not a good speaker, her writing skills amount to "your a hater," and her parenting skills were summed up with Tripp's F-word bomb. She's an immature girl who must have given up something precious to her mother for her mother to do so much for Bristol. Who else would open all of those doors for her and provide such riches? I'm surprised that she is still considered important enough to be on even that list. Hopefully the day will come when people say, "Bristol who?"

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Don't forget her spread in the magazines' "We Chose Life!" headline with her and Queen of the Baggers. The whole waaaahhhhh, life's so hard being a single mom, it's so difficult, no one knows how difficult it is--- oh, excuse me one moment, this $900 dress is getting caught on my brand new kitchen cabinets. And can someone get my full-time nanny out of the shot?
      UGH. It'd be one thing if she eventually wised up to her circumstances. For example-- my husband deployed the day after i gave birth. Several months passed without letters or phone calls or any way to contact him. I was essentially a single parent during that time, and you know what? I had better things to do than bitch and complain. I was strong enough to get through those first few months without every single word coming out of my mouth being about HOW HAAAAARD it is to be in my position. And you know, I didn't have a nanny or a millionaire mother or a ton of relatives around either. When SarahPAC dries up and the checks stop paying for whatever it is Bristol feels like complaining about, she's gonna either gonna finally develop that tough skin she keeps claiming to have or fail miserably (bets on the latter)

  10. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I USED to feel sorry for her. When she admitted in that interview, before Mommie Dearest swooped in, that abstinence was not an option and how hard it was? You betcha.

    Then came the gawd awful CHIN, the fish lips picture, and the barbs she spewed because she wasn't Hollywood material. Who told her she ever was? Her "Christian" Brancy blog is just as fake as she is, one big load of CRAP.

    She's still young enough to overcome what a NPD "mother" did to her. Until she does, she will never find happiness. Just a revolving door of men for her to spread her legs to. The Palin way.

    Next up: Piper.

  11. Anonymous7:33 AM

    She earned and deserves the do nothing status. How is lazy one doing with getting Tripp to school and back each day? The job in Anchorage? Cleaning the big house? Keeping up pontoon toys and her busy schedule of hiding in the woods?

    Does anyone in the Valley or Anchorage ever see her at all? Other then the krusty claims, that is.


    I am sick of Brancy and the fake religious bull. I am beginning to think Bristol has been kidnapped or put away where she can't have contact with the outside world. All for her own good, for her protection. Like gossip or stalkers?

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Brisdull lives in fear, as does her mother. They both seldom come out of hiding, except in the most controlled settings. The Paylin clan has circled the wagons against all comers because they are AK/AZ biggest cowards.

    2. Anonymous4:09 PM

      If she is preggars again, who da dad?

    3. Anonymous6:10 PM

      4:09 Take a number. Willow hasn't been seen too much either. 9 Month Mono?

  12. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Brisdull is not a star!

  13. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Sad sad to see a young woman become a joke, caused by her mother's lust for power and greed.

    This is child abuse. Although Bristol is not a child anymore, her siblings are. The abusive Palin spectacle of them promoting their kids is akin to cruel child abuse. It doesn't stop. No one intervenes. They just keep their kids propped up to the limelight and there's no family or pastoral intervention? The Palin mafia keeps helpful authorities from getting in and rescuing those kids. These kids are the property of a very cruel machine that exploits, bribes and commercializes their kids like wares in the market.

    I wish Bristol would have the presence of mind to cut off all cords from this vicious machine.

    1. Anonymous8:15 AM

      Bristol is like her mother. Maybe worse.

      Willow and Piper will be hurt the most.

  14. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Mini Me is carrying on family tradition of lazy ass skankering and child abuse/neglect.

  15. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Must be hell walking in the shoes of Bristol. ALL the Palin kids are pretty unlovable. But, is it all their faults? Not sure! After all, they have horrid parents in that Sarah is a proven fraud and liar and their dad is a 'pimp' ("Boys Will be Boys" - Shailey Tripp).

    Bristol has been told time and time again to get away from the non leadership of her parents - use the money she has earned to secure further education - determine a career - actually get a job and work and lead her own life.

    She's too dependent! Sad, sad situation. Probably will never have a good, loving relationship w/a man. Plus, I hope she is being nicer to Levi...who is a nice guy from all I've heard!

  16. Anonymous8:12 AM

    When people see Bristol and Tripp together something buried deep inside their reptilian brains screams. A nearly impossible to resist parental response to rescue Tripp from harm kicks into high gear.

    When people see Sunny and Tripp together a different sort of reflex response kicks into gear. A "this is a good thing" and "all's right with the world" reaction occurs. They smile. And they feel good about the world and their selves.

    Levi is lucky. He knows it. And he is happy.

    Now happiness is something Bristol's money can't buy.

    Nor can it buy a sister and sister-in-law like Sadie.

    But it can buy a funny looking face.

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Levi is too happy to do what a good parent would do for their child. Sad case all of them. Sunny looked like a good thing, I'm sure many times better and homemaker than the Palins but she has no teeth. Tripp will suffer with fools.

  17. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Bristol, just who are you. Your mother, Mrs. Palin, quitter , liar,
    fake, fraud , coward , and everything is about me, me, me ,
    groomed you from the get go to be her lady in waiting. You were
    your siblings nanny plus protecting them from her out of control
    screeching rants. You kids were all abused. You , as a grown woman, are still her lady in waiting and Piper is next. You have a
    responsibility to step in and protect your little sister from your
    fate. You cannot do it physically but you can do it verbally. I could
    go on and on, but think Bristol . Find the real Bristol and tell
    your mother that she is on her own and to keep her abusive mitts off of Piper!

  18. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Now just imagine for even ONE SECOND if Pres. Obama's daughters or (future) Pres. Hillary Clinton's daughter did even ONE of those things Bristol did!!! OUTRAGE!!!

    1. Anonymous9:10 AM

      And there you have it in a nutshell.

      Who said family was off limits in 2008? Now twice elected President Barack Obama. Who compared Chelsea to a dog? Rush Limbaugh.

      WHO parades every last bit of dysfunction like a badge and snipes when people dare comment?? Yeah. Stupid is as stupid does.

  19. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Bristol, during the recent past years, has proven to be dull as to personality, not smart, bland, not talented, has no internal happy spirit, poorly educated and to be a horrible mother (just like her own!) .

    Suspect she is going to continue having a life the majority of us would not want. Money does NOT bring happiness and being a part of the life pattern of sister Sarah and Toad is going to lead to more and more unhappiness especially as more 'facts' are brought out about Sarah.

    Bristol knows all the 'facts', but the world doesn't! I know I would not want to be a Palin or a Heath! The are known as 'jokes' to the people of the USA! Sad, sad!

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      That's what they chose. Not a life of fame but infamy. So be it. "Your cash ain't nothin' but trash."

  20. Anonymous9:07 AM

    This may have a lot to do with the way Bristol turned out.

  21. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Gosh, I feel like a proud god-parent. Our own little Bristol has earned herself a place among the other no talent, fame whores. A top-10 ranking no less!

    Clearly shows how pathetic all things Palin are. Hey, Bristle--the whole world is watching Klan Palin, and they're pointing and laughing at you all.

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Just like the political world laughs at her "mother." Could you possibly look more stupid, Palins? Wait until tomorrow....they'll do something else.

      Good LORD what an effed up family.

  22. Anonymous11:22 AM

    She needs to get her money back from her plastic surgeon, for that chin job, that thing is lopsided with lumps in it.

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      That is one misguided young woman. Who would DO that to themselves? She'll pay for it down the road.

    2. Anonymous1:14 PM

      In that photo Bristol looks like she has a potato for a chin.

  23. Anonymous1:10 PM

    When is Willow going to open her Beauty Salon?

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      When she learns to do hair. Willow is busy with her Baby.

    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Oh, Queen Esther! By all MEANS run in 2016! Your bots await you, golden calf! What excuse will you give THIS time to keep that money rolling in, oh woman of virtue??

  24. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I'm glad that the Kardashians were first on the list although the Palins should have been second. All of them.

    1. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Ther'es the rub. Palins THOUGHT they'd take over Kardashian status and are just a laughing stock worldwide. The more they try, the more knee-slapping it is.

  25. Anonymous5:35 PM


    After tweeting about this particular article about Bristol's ranking #9, I received an unexpected response from @PalinArmy.

    My tweet consisted solely of your headline and its link.

    Who knew that Sarah Palin had her own army?

    Sadly, it appears, they are as inane and unintelligent as their "queen". Pssst, they can't even spell Bristol's name, duh!

    Response from @PalinArmy (see below)

    "Brisol Palin is still a star . What did Chelsea Clinton do besides have an ugly face ?"

    I did not feel this was worthy of a twitter response by me, but totally worthy for you and your readers to see. LOL

    Ah, the caliber of intellect amongst Palin followers no longer boggles anyone's mind.

    Peace out...

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      What did Chelsea do? OMG. Apart from being a lovely young woman, and graduating from Stanford, earning her master's from Oxford, and working on a doctorate at Oxford? Apart from being, by all accounts, intelligent and articulate and poised? Apart from marrying her sweetheart with no shotguns or baby bumps in sight? Apart from working at several high profile jobs, and serving on several boards?
      Apart from all of that, well, okay, I guess not much. I mean golly, not even a single appearance on DWTS or anything to show for herself.

    2. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Maybe they tweeted that response because Chelsea has not added an extra long Chin to her face like Brisol(sic).

    3. Anonymous8:32 PM

      That's their M.O. all right. Make fun of accomplished, celebrate stupidity. And they think WE'RE jealous? Not hardly!

  26. Anita Winecooler6:27 PM

    The problem is basically that she never cut the apron strings. She fawns over "Mom" and serves up her own mediocrity as "talent", except when it comes to raising Tripp, "He's got discipline issues". If she grew up, got a life, was less judgmental, and spent her money wisely (education vs pontoon boat, House in Arizona to house across from Mommy, books vs. plastic surgery) I'd seriously have some respect for the spokes person for abstinence who happens to be a single mom. Add a weak father figure and it's a recipe for disaster (or a good story line for a comedy show)

    But hey, she made it to number nine! There's room for improvement, perhaps change the bowling alley you frequent and your luck will change!

  27. Anonymous7:15 AM

    If I had to describe Bristol in five words, I would choose:


    If I were asked to characterize her as a mother:


    If I were to describe Bristol's relationship with her mother:


    1. Anonymous8:37 AM

      What's Bristol's relationship with the guys in Wasilla?

    2. Anonymous10:31 AM

      8:37 AM 'TRAMP'.

  28. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Steve Schmidt, the political adviser who suggested that John McCain choose a fresh new face from Alaska as his running mate, now says he has “deep regret” for his role in helping to bring on the “freak show that’s been running wild for four years” in American politics.So, yeah, apology accepted. Now here’s a broom, buddy. Get to cleaning up. Wait, you’ll need this hose. And this bleach…

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