Sunday, September 29, 2013

In case you missed it here is the President's Weekly Address.

Wow that Obamacare sure sounds scary doesn't it?

Well it clearly does if you are a Republican politician, then you are so terrified you are willing to shut down the government to stop it.

Kind of makes you wonder what is so frightening about it to them.

But then again, I bet you know.


  1. Anonymous6:17 PM

    It doesn't matter what he says, or how well he explains anything. They will not even listen, they will turn the channel and find out what fox new's or their favorite 'pundint' has to say about it.

    And you know they will just spew lies and get away with it because no one watched to call them on it.

  2. Anita Winecooler6:46 PM

    Cool, calm, factual, focused, relaxed, lucid, intelligent and humble. Even when explaining that the GOP is shooting itself in the foot, he doesn't even crack a smirk nor burst out laughing.

    Because he knows if the Government shuts down, it'll be the GOP that carries the brunt of the blame.

    Imagine what he could accomplish without all this obstruction, hysteria and hate?

  3. Anonymous7:21 PM

    OT, but I think Sarah's love affair with Ashton Kutcher is about to hit the rocks:

    The RW has their collective panties in a bunch because a school showed the 2009 Oprah Winfrey-produce video "I Pledge."

    At the end of the video is recent Tea Party darling Kutcher beside wife Demi Moore, the pair saying "I pledge, to be a servant to our president, and all mankind."

    Bet someone's trying to scrub that Kutcher pic from her FB now, huh?

    1. Anonymous4:14 AM

      The editor-in-chief of "The Blaze" founded "Breitbart" tv at some point. I don't think there is much truth in their blather.

  4. Anonymous9:39 PM

    I love how Republicans rely on the utter stupidity of their base, to claim that its OBAMA who's voting to shut the government down, NOT THEM.

    Right...the President snuck into the House of Reprehensibles when they were all on another vacation, and cast the deciding vote.

    Man, those rubes will believe ANYthing they are instructed to.

  5. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Our Congressman, Dan Benishek wants to end Obamacare with all of his addled heart but says that he does not want the government shut down. Wonder how he votes on it. He's also a medical doctor who campaigns about how much he cares about his patients, especially the senior citizens. He represents a district that includes a lot of Medicaid patients and a lot of food stamp recipients but he doesn't mind hurting them. The Koch Brothers uber ales for Doc. Benishek!


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