Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Apparently having used up her contractually agreed upon time on Fox News this week, Sarah Palin fires up the ghostwriter and heads on over to Facebook.

Courtesy of Wasilla's very own black hole of despair:  

I don’t believe America has ever seen such a thing. The leader of the free world just followed Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s honest, visionary, and serious U.N. speech (Does she mean the one where Netanyahu said that Iran is a bunch of liars and that Israel doesn't need the United States to blow their asses to hell if they even suspect that the Iranians are working on nuclear weapons? That speech?) with a speech of his own in the Rose Garden. More like it, President Obama just recorded essentially an infomercial on the disastrous Obamacare rollout. In a speech full of unserious claims and low-level false accusations against those who disagree with his liberal, unworkable policies, this president engaged in doublespeak without even blinking. It was unreal. (Of course all things perfectly real are unreal to those that do not understand reality. Did I lose anybody there?

Obama just proclaimed all our predictions about Obamacare were wrong. The economy is doing great, he claimed, though he dare not direct that to the millions of people who are being kicked to part-time employment, to bankrupt cities, to shuttered Main Street businesses, and to conscientious taxpayers suffocating under a $17 trillion debt. (NONE of that is even remotely true!)

Obama just claimed for the umpteenth time there will be no health care rationing (aka “death panels”), but apparently Howard Dean, Paul Krugman, and Obama’s own former director of Medicare and Medicaid (and anyone who read the IPAB section of the monstrous bill) didn’t get the memo on that one. (Seriously? Death panels again? Does this crazy bitch not know ANY other tunes? Just in case there are any of you who "did not get the memo" this might straighten things out for you.)

Obama just claimed that the last government “shutdown” in 1996 hurt the economy, when in fact he knows the stock market boomed. (That is propaganda from the Daily Caller.)I guess he thinks he can furlough reality too. He’s also claiming that he cut deficits in half. In what alternate universe? And if that’s the case, then why does he insist on yet another enormous debt ceiling increase? 

The White House is now condescendingly comparing Obamacare’s numerous “glitches” to Apple software updates. The difference is we can CHOOSE to buy Apple products; no one forces us. (Who is this "us" she keeps referring to? Her entire family gets free healthcare from ANMC. Which is single payer, government funded health care by the way.) And Obviously the comparison is ridiculously unserious as we find out the harsh, life-changing punishments this new arm of the IRS will hit us with if we don’t buy Obama’s forced product. (Life changing punishments? The penalty is $95.00, whose life is changed due to ninety five dollars? And then imagine the possible life changing benefits with access to affordable health care.)

Among so many other distorted things, Obama just declared that “Obamacare is open for business” – well, aside from all the “glitches” I guess. His infomercial sent people to broken websites and a hotline that seems permanently on hold. (Which is due to the incredible number of people trying to call in all at once, on this its first day of operation. Does not seem like a long term "glitch" to me.) And this same bureaucracy will now be in charge of our health care, which is 1/6th of our economy. Nah, surely nothing could go wrong with that. (Actually things are going better than expected.)

The majority of Americans are against Obamacare despite all of the rhetoric fed into Obama’s teleprompter. (Ah, a teleprompter shot. She really is bringing out the oldies isn't she?) And amazingly, of course, Obama blamed fiscal conservatives and tea party patriots for the problems and even for this partial government shut down that he and Harry Reid drove. (I always wonder what would happen if Palin had to speak something that was true. Do you think she would melt away like the witch in the Wizard of Oz or would her head explode like that guy from Scanners?) He declared he would NOT negotiate a solution with them, but then in the next breath he said he’s open to hearing from anyone with a better idea. Doublespeak. 

Bottom line, sadly our president passes the buck and cries that he has no responsibility in all of this. He acted as if he, the leader, didn’t have any responsibility to pass a budget either – even during his first two years in office when he enjoyed total Democrat control of Congress and the White House. (That last part is a common lie told by Conservatives. The President only had control of both houses twice, and those were both quite short. Of course those are nothing more than facts and we KNOW how Palin feels about those.)

 What a difference in leadership style and substance we witnessed today on U.S. soil. The two speeches said it all. A Warrior unifying his nation and their allies, and a Community Organizer un-organizing and dividing his own. (Or more accurately the difference between a warmonger and a man desperately trying to keep America out of another conflict and keep our military home with their families.)

- Sarah Palin

You ever hear an annoying sound over and over until you think you might go insane?  Well if you spent any time on this blog today you certainly have now.

I cannot help but notice the aroma of desperation that seems to waft off of these articles, interviews, and Facebook posts. Almost as if with every one she sees the sand running though the hourglass of her relevance, and realizes that after Obamacare is widely accepted that she will forever be the face of "death panels" and Affordable Care Act misinformation.

And it could not happen to a more deserving puppet.


  1. Anonymous4:10 PM

    The ACA penalty for not having health insurance is a little more complicated than the often quoted $95.

    federal regulations published in late August, the penalty, per person, for not maintaining a minimum level of insurance coverage by the beginning of 2014 will be:

    $95, or
    1 percent of household income, whichever is greater.

    note that the penalty is slated to increase each year:

    In 2015, it goes up to $325 or 2 percent of your household income, whichever is greater;
    In 2016, it goes up to $695 or 2.5 percent of your household income, whichever is greater; and
    In 2017 and beyond, it goes up to $695 plus a cost-of-living adjustment, or 2.5 percent of your household income, whichever is greater.

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      I you don't have insurance and you show up in the ER someday, I don't want to have to pay for your care. You'll have to pay for your medical care, one way or another. Either buy the insurance or pay the fine. By the way, you need auto insurance to drive. You have to be a responsible citizen here.

    2. Anonymous5:10 PM

      For example, a 3 person household with an income of 30,000 in 2016 would pay $2,250. A 5 person household with an income of 120,000 would pay a $15,000 penalty.

    3. Anonymous5:30 PM

      The original comment is merely explaining the penalty, not criticizing it.

    4. Anonymous5:30 PM

      They all say the same goddamn thing! They get a email of Talking points and that's what they say. Just like the movie "outfoxed". I wish someone would stuff a apple in that lipstickpig face of hers to SHTFU!!!

    5. Sally in MI5:37 PM

      So, buy the insurance and keep everyone healthy. How hard is that? The insurance at that income level would be far less, and you have the peace of mind of knowing you will not be 'taking' when your kid breaks his arm or gets strep or measles from the rich kid whose parents don't believe in vaccines either.

    6. Sally in MI5:38 PM

      The reason it goes up is that the more people who are IN, the cheaper everyone's rates get. The other hope is that after the first year, so many people will love this, that everyone will want to get on board. Get used to it. It is here to stay.

    7. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Ohhhh noooes! Head Twatwaffle MJShepherd of "Palin 2016" is spamming me on twitter!
      IN COMING! You know what that means folks fun in IM land :)

    8. Anonymous6:33 PM

      This was the comment Gryphen made:"The penalty is $95.00, whose life is changed due to ninety five dollars?"

      4:10's comment only gives more details. It's not a problem, it's just how the law works.

    9. Anonymous9:09 PM

      If you live in a state like mine that refused to expand Medicaid and you were qualified for it, you pay no penalty. Screw all the Republican governors that refused Medicaid expansion like mine in Texas, leaving 11.6 million poor out in the cold. Hope you all get voted out of office.

    10. Anonymous3:06 AM

      Lets face it, people making 6 figures should be able to afford healthcare. People need to realize the cost of not having insurance. ONE 3 hour trip to the ED for a medium problem can cost you 27,000 without insurance. A few years ago i developed an arrythmia from stress, need to be cardioverted with a medication, three hours was $27,000. I had insurance. I paid $100. Even if a family had to pay a penalty of 15k, it is STIll less than what they will pay if they end up in the ED or sick in a hospital some day.
      Look = you can't drive without insurance. Think of the help it gives us . That s what ACA is, but on a much bigger level.
      Those not in healthcare have little appreciation for those without healthcare. My hospital's ED is crazy right now with kids with strep throat and colds - parents without healthcare or doctors, but we will see them. We are open 24/7. We will bill them and never get that money back. Who pays the price for that? Me and the other workers. WE fucking don't get lunch cause we are so busy. I am owed $95000 for all the unpaid lunch breaks I never got. I work for free every single day for a half hour because I do not get lunch. State law - must get paid? Riiiiight.
      Trickle down effect.
      Buy the fucking insurance

  2. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Time to impeach the Kenyan Muslim Socialist
    Keep him busy with defending himself
    keep his lies off of our TV screens

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:37 PM

      Our poet is back
      Licking Cheeto dust off their fingers
      Belching more drivel
      All over the keyboard
      Here's another nickel
      Go buy yourself a Big Gulp

    2. angela4:37 PM

      Anon 4:15
      Ahhh, you seem butthurt and delusional. Teabagger?

    3. FJ Dandy4:47 PM

      President Obama is not an Kenyan, not a Muslim, and we can only hope wish that he was a Socialist!

    4. Anonymous5:05 PM

      For a minute, I thought that the troll was talking about impeaching President Obama. But he is not Kenyan, he is not a socialist and he isn't a Muslim. The troll must mean somebody else. And, dear troll, you do need some grounds for impeachment like......work on it for a while. You're not ready for prime time.

    5. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Hi Sarah.

    6. Well done, LoveAndKnishes.

    7. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Aw, poor Sarah, after three appearances on Fox yesterday, is this all that you've got?

    8. Anonymous5:43 PM

      go fuck yourself, k? you ignorant palin pos.

    9. Anonymous5:47 PM

      The president is actually middle of the road moderate, to the chagrin of us progressives. If the GOP hadn't gone completely off the racist cliff it would be more clear. He's right between where the two parties were when I was a kid.

    10. Anonymous8:43 PM

      4:15 PM Impeach your Parents for giving Birth to an Idiot.

    11. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Honestly, I really don't think Boehner is a Kenyan Muslim socialist. That's a bit far-fetched.

    12. Anonymous12:54 PM

      8:47 That is what they call President Obama and have been doing so since he was elected! Even though he is Christian!

      Almost makes me happy that they are doing it now to Boehner and taking some of the pressure off our POTUS!

      I was talking to a gal in an office yesterday about the 'shut down' and she actually told me that President Obama was a Muslim! Almost crapped! Hate to say this, but she was from Wasilla, the land of Sarah Palin!

  3. I REALLY hate that bitch! I hope she has one of her HERPES outbreak and can't find her itching cream! The nasty...low down dirty HO!

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Did you get a chance to check out Obamacare yet?

    2. Yeppers...I sure did! How bout yourself?

    3. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Sorry Bitch, you loose, now sit down and have some more coke (on a oil drum), and a smile, and STFU !

  4. FJ Dandy4:18 PM

    Quittypants is a lunatic. Her continued screeching is a symptom of an addict who is anxious for her next hit.
    How she got elected mayor of Wasilla and Governor of Alaska is beyond the ken!

    Meanwhile, in the real world, this Canadian is happy for my American family and friends that they have an opportunity to finally get affordable, comprehensive healthcare coverage. This will certainly improve the overall health of Americans and help prevent minor illnesses from becoming a life-threatening disease. Thank you President Obama for caring for your fellow citizens.

  5. angela4:19 PM

    Damn, you are right. Her high pitched whining is so very annoying and she isn't even fun to diss anymore. She's like a boring old hausfrau who gets out a few times a year and flashes

  6. Anonymous4:32 PM

    She has a point in the gadget thing. People are so desperate to buy the latest technological crap that they forgo things that actually matter, like insurances (car and health) and lots more. Think welfare offices. Think people who work at McDonalds and own 4 cars.

    I worked my way through college at Dennys (they pay decently and the hours are amazing). 2 of my coworkers, my age, were always talking about their latest car purchase, all muscle cars, all paid with cash.

    Im not calling them irresponsible, because they in actuality had the necessities as well, and they had kids (one each.)

    I am saying that too often people make stupid purchases because they think they NEED whatever, and forgo essentials.

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      "She has a point"

      on the top of her balding head.

      There....it's all fixed now! LOL!!

    2. Oh fuck you and your "welfare offices" and McDonalds workers with four cars. Just fuck off, you witless twatwaffle.

    3. Anonymous5:52 PM

      4:32 PM

      "I am saying also TOO." There, fixed it for you, dumb@ss Palin troll!

    4. Anonymous7:49 PM

      I bet you financed your car.They paid cash.

    5. Anonymous3:17 AM

      It is human though for us to get frustrated with people who need our aid who are doing unhealthy things - like smoking. I volunteer at a local food bank called Loaves and Fishes. Many of the people we serve smoke, have smart phones, one lady has a Coach purse. Priorities are fucked up somehow, somewhere. Im sure each person has a long history of horrors that got them to where they are, but still, it seems priorities are messed up.

    6. Anonymous9:03 AM

      "Loaves and Fishes"? Sounds like a Christian charity. Who was it said, "Judge not--"?

  7. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Sarah Palin needs to face the truth, The Tea Party will endure and slow and painful death. With the T's she's just another politician without a spotlight, she'll be a nobody again in quick time!

  8. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Minor points (since her numerous lies would take too much space to answer):

    If Netanyahu spoke at the United Nations, he wasn't on "U.S. soil." The UN, like the Vatican and embassies everywhere, is its own entity.

    Mizz Palin is trying to get to the point of saying "President Obama," but still can't quite make her brain go there. So she opts mostly for just "Obama," with a few "the president"s thrown in.

    He's President Obama to you, and to all of us, Sarah.

    That scare stuff about jobs being made into part-time work is flimsy, and will disappear once the system gets underway.

    If someone wants to pay a penalty rather than get insurance, high quality health care and peace of mind for his family, he's free to pay the penalty and go for it. And when he loses his job, or his child needs an operation, or any of the other health concerns that may pop up, he can pay full freight for those as well. That's what's called cutting off your nose, Sarah.

    Remember to look at the spouses of Congressional leaders:
    Rafael Cruz'a wife works for Goldman Sachs, so they're covered already. Eric Cantor is one of the richest members of Congress and his wife has a good solid, benefits-paying job.
    Etc. Most of these clowns are playing with other people's lives while never feeling the effects themselves.

  9. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Anything that long, using grammar, complete sentences and punctuation could not have been written by Sarah Palin. The ghost writer just earned another consultant's fee.

  10. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Sarah Palin is in Panic Mode.

    What the hell are Republicans going to do when America realizes they have been lied to and Obama Cares is the best thing that ever happened to our healthcare system???

    1. Anonymous9:06 PM

      If bully tactics aren't enough they want more blood shed. More guns and shoot 'm up culture to help their coup d'état. They can't pull back now, the more riled up and chaotic people are the better to do what they have planned. Crazy works for them. They must consult lawyers about how to stay within legal boundaries as they go on with overthrowing the whole government.

  11. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I have been so busy and have not been on your site for a long time. I guess socialized medicine is good enough for her family when it came through Native Health Services and Canada. I would not be surprised if Trig was registered under his real name as a ward of the state of Alaska. This is common in Alaska for parents to do to save money. Otherwise, why not take him to the Native clinic? Sarah seems to be aging faster than a pair of cheap shoes. Would someone please wash her face?

  12. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Sarah be yelping as she feels the pangs of a circuitous agonizing death. All the while her masters insist she act the brave wise Queen.

    Why doesn't she have The Chin fire up the old ghost written blog? Does her Native med ins cover fake necessary surgeries? You'd think it qualifies as an existing medical condition for a Palin.

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      My cousin's rhinoplasty was covered on the family insurance because the doctor coded it as "adenoidal abnormalities".

    2. Anonymous7:36 PM

      It's been months since cuz proudly did that big belly pose for all to see. She had a late term abortion? Or she birthed another Palin already? Anyday? Thars $$$$$ in them thar fodegrafs.

    3. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Bristol should definitely get her chin implant removed. If she did that and had her mother removed from her life she just might have a chance.

  13. Anonymous5:00 PM

    So she opts mostly for just "Obama"

    Exactly why more and more people are catching on to her classless, clueless act with nothing to offer.

  14. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Sarah Palin thinks that she is insulting President Obama when she calls him a community organizer. Obama won both elections because of his excellent organization, down to the ground level, because of that community organizer experience. He had excellent ground troops who got out the vote. I get a couple of emails a day from the Obama campaign and more from other Democratic organizations. Meanwhile, Palin's FEC filing shows thousands of dollars for postage. How can she compare a snail-mail letter with all of the emails I get every day?

    Let's talk about actual executive experience, another favorite meme that Palin likes. My kid's high school has about the same population that Wasilla had when Sarah was mayor. There are college presidents who have more executive experience than Sarah did as Mayor of Wasilla. And, Sarah left Wasilla more than $20 million in debt, and she had to hire a city manager because the job was too much for her.

    Palin had two and a half years experience as governor of a state with less than a million people! There are 17 cities in the US which have more people than the entire state of Alaska. Mayors of those cities have more executive experience than Sarah Palin. President Obama has been in office for 5 years; that's twice the executive experience as compared to someone who quit her job.

    Community organizer? That's not an insult. Jesus Christ was a community organizer. Sarah got a big applause with that line 5 years ago at the convention. Sorry, Sarah, but it falls flat now that you've lost to the Community Organizer.

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Kind of funny really. Like when little kids catch on to some stupid insult and won't let it go, even when it's no longer applicable.

    2. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Good comment. F@F.

    3. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Plus, Sarah has a horrid track record in Alaska as to work...failed as the Wasilla mayor, quit as Alaska governor, was appointment to a board by Governor Murkowski - where she was paid - and she quit, AND was fired while working at a TV station in Anchorage years ago (sports announcer - DISASTER!!!).

      She is nothing more than a flunky and joke!

  15. Anonymous5:03 PM

    dang did you see the view lady on Fox news. Did you see that ? cheerleader? ice skater outfit? Dang, no professionalism at all. Boy, what a w...

    1. Lucera6:53 PM

      Yea, 5:03, I thought she was on her way to the beach and just stopped by to sit on the couch between the two douche bag boys. Nothing says credibility like a pink and white beach outfit. What a dingbat!!

    2. Anonymous12:44 PM

      The dumb blond that use to be on "The View" & now is on FOX (not sure which show because I just flip through when I go to them!)hardly had much input when I've seen her! She sits as perfectly as possible, in the middle of two men, gives a goofy smile w/weird looking lips and that is about it!

      I'll wager she is going to be a total waste of money just like Palin was and is!

  16. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Poor old Sarah, now she has to suck Koch for a living. Nothing else left.

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Anonymous5:10 PM

      Poor old Sarah, now she has to suck KocK for a living. Nothing else left.
      There I fixed it for ya :)

    2. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Well, that is the only thing that the Bitch is good for. Ask Glenn Rice, John McCain, Menard, Hanson, etc;.

  17. Anonymous5:24 PM

    "And if that’s the case, then why does he insist on yet another enormous debt ceiling increase?"

    BECAUSE.....you stupid Bitch, you know NOTHING about the debt ceiling. Raising the debt ceiling is for paying for bills already incurred. But you are too stupid to know it. You are an ignorant bitch, spatting shit you know nothing about.

    GO AWAY you desperate BITCH!

  18. Anonymous5:24 PM

    out of the millions of facebook likes that sea o pee crows about...she gets a very small percentage of attention on her individual posts. That's because at least half of her facebook "likes" are not real, just like twitter. Idiot.
    She is a harmful, awful scam artist.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      How are those "likes" translating into $$$$? There can be a gazillion likes on Sarah's Facebook, but if they are fake, they cost money. They don't bring in money. If anything, people will see how many "likes" there are. If they are on a tight budget, they'll figure that enough of Sarah's friends will already be donating. Maybe all of those fake friends aren't such an asset after all.

    2. Anonymous9:11 PM

      No, she BUYS them to look more popular than she is, 6:03.

  19. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I know what's itching her britches. It's Michele Bachmann. Michele lately has been getting a lot of press and being as obnoxious and hateful towards POTUS as always. Sarah isn't getting media attention from her ankle biting like Michele is getting and Sarah's jealous.

    She can't even hold her title as top anklebiter anymore.

  20. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Palin obviously doesn’t recognize she is irrelevant. The talking points simply keep coming and her handlers have no clue how badly she reflects on them. I think it is hysterical! I hope they keep prepping her, it puts the Dems in a great place on the board.

  21. Anonymous5:43 PM

    She keeps harping about the part time employment "loophole" but she has it all wrong. The regulation is that any company with more than 50 full time employees must provide insurance, they count the 50 full time employees as "full time employee hours" and if any amount of employees adds up to "more than 50 full time employee hours" then the company must provide insurance or be penalized. A company of 102 people who work 20 hrs each per week is technically a company of 51 full time employees and must provide insurance.

    Sure, companies will try this, but they will find that the lost productivity is detrimental to their bottom line, and they will lose employees that cannot afford to work part time. In order to circumvent the insurance mandate they will destroy their business.

  22. Anonymous5:44 PM

    All this barking of hers has nothing to do with caring about the elect or any party's interests. It's about her losing control. She's lost control over her family, her life, her previous defenders, her employers, and now, she's lost control over the biggest thing in her life, and that is one man, President Barack Obama. She has absolutely no control in Washington, nor in discussion circles, nor in the GOP, nor in the Tea Party. The President, her perceived nemesis, like Moby Dick, is her obsession. She lost control in 2008 and is trying to punish him forever and ever. She will never get his attention nor any emotional reaction from him. She is nothing to him. And this is why she continues to write these rants. She is Captain Ahab and damn the torpedoes, she'll destroy her and her family's life with her vengeful bitterness towards President Obama. Unless someone gets her an intervention. But she needs it now.

    1. Anonymous4:09 AM

      Your comments are spot-on!!! She has no life: her purpose on this earth is to spew hate and resentment. What will she do when Obama's second term is over? Perhaps she could look into becoming a pole dancer at a retirement home.

    2. Anonymous12:38 PM

      She'll probably go after Hillary Clinton next!!!! And, people really will know she's nuts and tune her out!

  23. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Why give this dimwitted maggot another platform to spew its fecal matter? You know she's lappin' it up . . . only to regurgitate it again.

    Just like a dog that returns to its own vomit.

  24. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Ooooooh, looks like someone isn't getting the attention she needs and STILL doesn't understand just what the responsibilities of the House are! Good LORD this woman is stooooopid!

    Dance, has been, dance for those nickel and dimes. Iran will loan you the belly dancer costume, you whore.

  25. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Why is it that every time I read anything about Sarah Palin the words from the movie Game Change from John McCain come and knock me in the head once again. "don't let the tea party wreck the republican party sarah" or "don't let the extremists wreck the party sarah"

    1. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Sarah could have never done her damage if not for the non-veter McCain. Why wouldn't a John Birch/AIP nut case, that would fake a pregnancy, let the Republican Party be wrecked? The RW nuts want Republicans and all destroyed and they are fine with blowing things up and warfare to get their way. Wouldn't you be if you believed a 'communist Muslim' had taken over your country? It would take a civil war to get it back. McCain knew Palin's back ground and he didn't do what he should have done and get her off his ticket. He bought into the fake pregnancy cover up because he was weak, made poor decisions and had little confidence in himself. He put his confidence in his 'mafia' that helps him cover up all the crimes.

      Now he is loyal to making sure the investigations that protect his 'friends' aren't investigated and the cover ups that protect him and 'friends stay covered up.

    2. Anonymous12:36 PM

      In "Game Change", McCain told her to NOT listen to Rush Limpballs just prior to making his concession speech.

      Keeps reminding me of how damned fortunate we all were to have President Obama elected BOTH times!

  26. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Ah our crazy aunt Sarah always walking that fine line of sedition. Gotta; love her. (not really)

  27. Anonymous6:32 PM

    I have enjoyed the Sarah Palin and company soap opera all these years since 2008, but I must admit that I now have Sarah Palin fatigue.

    I can't even muster up enough interest to go for the laugh factor.

    1. Anonymous8:55 PM

      I'm with you! I think the MSM also has Palin fatigue!

  28. Anonymous6:40 PM

    John McCain seems to have got past his losing the presidency, but Palin cannot move forward Her anger toward the president is palpable and somewhat scary...seems like she is just going to explode. Can't anyone get the fact that her family benefits from socialism - aka the native health insurance. I haven't seen that written in the "lamestream media."

    1. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Given enough rope......

    2. Anonymous12:33 PM

      I'll help 8:30!!!!

  29. Anita Winecooler6:40 PM

    Did anyone hear of facebook's servers crashing because of one of Sarah's paid screeds?

    Yeah, I don't think so. Jealous much, Baldy????

    Love the photo, Griff. That dog might sniff and yap, but it don't hunt and never flushed a day in it's life.

    Poor Sarah, even had to call the reinforcements. Brancy has family photos w/ gramma Sally grampa Elmer Fudd, some chick that looks like Britta and a randumb blonde kid camouflaging Brissys midsection , a link to (What else) Baldy'ls facebook.

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      When Sarah was running for VP, the Secret Service reported a spike in death threats against Obama after every Palin speech. Maybe that's where she got the idea that she could still inspire that kind of response.

    2. Anonymous7:58 PM

      I see Sarah has been cooking again. Making her moose pop tarts for the needy. The whole bunch need nutrition.

    3. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Where is Piper going to school this year? Wasn't she living in Palmer with Todd last year?

      When was the picture Nancy posted Sept 30 of this year with Piper, Gram and Fudd taken?
      Someone said basketball hasn't started yet. Would they all pose like that for try outs?

      Does the Aunt have a hot new boy toy?

    4. Anonymous4:50 AM

      Is that Brancy with all three of her chitlins?

    5. Anonymous8:21 AM

      I just did a search of local Alaskan news and there isn't any mention of girls' basketball yet. According to the Wasilla High calendar, there aren't any games scheduled until December.


      So the photo is probably from last spring.

    6. Anita Winecooler6:03 PM

      That's the MO. Folks. Post a few inspirational, uplifting stories for the christian set (patheos is all aboubut religions), then pimp for bucks with old photos.
      Nancy's persona shines through, but there's no way in hell Beefy writes any of it. When Mama needs reinforcements, BOOM Minu me's "blog" to the rescue.

      Don't know when the basketball game photo was taken, but granny's pretty spiffy on her feet for an old gal who had hip surgery. I doubt Britta willfully posed since the divorce.

  30. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Looks like the lamestream media is basically done with her. I don't think her 3 Fox News appearances received a single mention. I doubt she's taking it lightly.

  31. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I watched the president's speech twice. Palin and her ghost writer are pathalogical liars. They spun a web of tangled lies. She does not care if she terrorizes people conning them their president is the liar.

    1. Anonymous6:14 AM

      Well, to be fair, she probably couldn't follow what he was saying because he was talking about things like policy and economics, dontchaknow.

  32. Anonymous7:23 PM

    The USA's government shuts down, but our CIC should speak on Israel's president's speech?

    1. Anonymous4:04 AM

      But Sarah is just indicating her absolute devotion to the Jewish State- yeah, right. She simply wishes she had the balls that Netanyahu has... and the title...and the smarts... and the power. She does not give a damn about Israel, doesn't think it is anything more that a place for evangelicals to (fake) embrace to raise $$$. I'll be willing to bet that Sarah uses terms such as "yid" and "kike" freely in her private life and views the Jewish people with disdain. After all, they are "the other" and must be converted. In short, the witch is just blowing it out of her #%.

  33. Anonymous7:24 PM

    My first reaction to this FB post of garbage was to physically hurt her. I realize the irony is Palin disempowered herself with her con act delusional she could pull one over on the nation. Her house of cards has steadily collapsed. The more off her chain she goes even attempting deception that people did not crash the sites seeking insurance the sooner more will catch on she is dangerous and detrimental.

  34. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Gryphen should hold a fundraiser every time he deciphers Palin's nonsensible argle-bargle, for us.

    Call it: IM's Sarahpac.con Fundraiser Because of Derp and Freedom :))

  35. "unserious????""" wtf. Who is this ghostwriter? Tri-G??

  36. Anonymous8:20 PM

    I posted a reply on her fb bullshit and to all the idiot followers. It was deleted immediately. She's got her idiot followers watching the comments 24 hours a day getting rid of anything sarah negative.

  37. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Can't WAIT for Bristol...errrrr...Brancy to weigh in. Earn that postage, honey! MUAH!

  38. Anonymous9:33 PM

    My reply to Sarah Palin:

    Fuck you very much for your sick, disgusting diatribe. You, Sarah, and all the other fake conservatives repel me.

  39. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Aww how sad that the msm isn't paying attention to her Palinisms. The only articles I really see now days about her are blogs like this one, satirical websites like Wonkette and reich wing fringe sites like c4p. She's yesterdays news as far as the msm is concerned but for myself I do enjoy checking in on her usual stupid antics and watching her continue to destroy her brand. Ding Dong the witch is DEAD!

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Correction, Ding Dong the BITCH is Dead!

  40. Anonymous2:55 AM

    It is unbelievable that she still has a voice.
    She needs to be taken down, shut up and sen away. For real. And all the dumb people who believe her, need to die off or go form their own fucking country and try to survive without their government.
    Seriously fucking enough already.

    1. Anonymous3:58 AM

      No people dumber than the pee pond. The Anus is bloviating that anything she gives life to anything she touches. What is she now, Jesus Christ? I vote anti-christ. I mean, seriously.

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      They don't really see her any more; they see the image of her that they have created in their minds and--yes--worship. She's the every-day hosewife who can solve the countries problems with her June Cleaver common-sense and "old-fashion" values. In their minds, she will take the country back to the warm and fuzzy days of their childhood, an era that exists--and only existed--in fantasies. They imagine Sarah cooking her family breakfast, packing lunches and getting her kids off to school in between her Fox appearances. They see her sitting at her computer on the kitchen table, one tendril escaping her perfectly styled hair as she pensively gazes out the window at the expanse of lawn, tring to come up with just the right word in her latest Facebook post. Later, she will watch the news as she prepares dinner, keeping up with the events of the day, waiting for her husband to come home from work. Maybe she will visit the C4P website and blush over their praises of her before turning away from the computer and shouldering the terrible but wonderful burden of being the one shining hope for America's Future.

      I know--totally delusional.

      She is an ideal, a fantasy that they have labelled with the name of a real person who isn't anything like that at all. They cling to their idealized vision with the fervor of true believers, ignoring any fact (who doesn't know how many dogs they have?) or cognative dissonance (unwed mothers? luxury vacations?) that threatens to tarnish their fantasy image.

      It's a belief system and to disagree is heresy.

    3. jcinco9:47 AM

      perfectly said...

  41. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Sarah is nothing more than a nagging, hag of a fish wife. Why are we still interested in what she has to say or pays someone to write and post.? Bored to death panel, you betcha, also, too.....

    RJ in Brownbackistan

  42. Our Lad4:30 AM

    Off topic,kinda. Someone mentioned that Mrs Palin was miffed because Mrs. Bachman was getting more coverage and that's fine and all, however what I really miss and I mean REALLY miss is Michelle Bachman's wife, Marcus. There, my friends,you have comedy on a grand scale, a puffed up, rotund teabagging queen who is so flaming,so obviously gender bent that he should be in Paul Lynde's box on Hollywood Squares. Nothing on the political landscape in recent memory has been so outrageous and entertaining as this whale of a poofter parading around, dancing, giggling, vogueing and squealing with delight. I miss this guy like I missed Superman when I was a little kid and they cancelled the show. Marcus Bachman. The man who would be queen.

    1. Anonymous5:42 AM

      FLAMING queen. Went underground like the two-toned dickweed pimp.

  43. Martha again5:04 AM

    On yesterday's Ed Show, Ed spoke about how a few Republican legislators had promised to donate their salaries to charity. One was Ted Cruz. Ed said that Cruz would probably donate his bit to SarahPac. Ha ha.

    1. Anonymous5:40 AM

      Promise Schomise. Prove that you did, @sshats!

  44. Anonymous6:12 AM

    What a total waste of hot air this creature is.

  45. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Did all this take place before or after she was "pallin' around with terrorists"--The Tealiban.

  46. Anonymous9:52 AM

    The squeaky wheel get's the grease? I say we should ALL counter act and throw this rusty wheel to the heap pile. She has never done anything but try to divide and hurt America and Americans! Move to Texas Sara, climb on the secession wagon. That's something I could get behind. You, Texas...Done!
    PS no offense intended to the sane minority of Texas but your state is really gotten stranger and stranger lately.

  47. Smirnonn10:04 AM

    I am so sick of that harpy bitch. She's a joke and doesn't have the self awareness to realize it.

  48. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Please, God....don't re-print any of her stupid facebook posts, even if it is to mock them. She's an attention whore, and even bad attention is better than no attention at all. Please, for the love of God, just ignore her. It makes her even more desperate and she will hang herself!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.