Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Jon Stewart does not seem to have confidence in Congress's ability to help with the Obamacare website problems. Gee, I wonder why?

Click image to start video.
I don't know what's more disturbing, that Rep. Pete Olson was allowed to pilot planes in the Navy or Rep. Joe Barton's complete misunderstanding of what constitutes a violation of HIPAA?

I would not let either of these idiots use pointy scissors much less help craft legislation in Washington.


  1. Like mining for gold, Jesse. Thanks! Went right to my Facebook page.

  2. Leland4:25 PM

    That man is as crazy as a loon!

    I LOVE IT!

    Couldn't stop laughing!

  3. Anonymous5:58 PM


    – Chris Christie will campaign against ACA and beat Hillary Clinton in the general election. Upon assuming office he will place price controls on the insurance plans in the individual market, repeal much but not all of the federal financial support for the Medicaid expansion, and keep many other parts of ACA, while claiming to have repealed the whole thing. Enough Democrats will go along with this, as public opinion will have shifted toward the Republican side on this issue. The individual market still won’t be working very well. The exchanges will be working fine in the technical sense, but skittishness, political risk, and the adverse selection death spiral will have led the insurance companies to withhold high quality policies from that side of the market.


  4. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Here's The Truth About Your 'Private' Health Insurance — It's Already A Big Government Program

    I did not expect to spark mass outrage when I said this on Twitter Monday:

    But I did get a lot of outrage. So let me explain why health insurance isn't like a toaster or, more to the point, why it isn't like other kinds of insurance.


  5. Anita Winecooler6:35 PM

    When he's good he's really good! Watched some of this fiasco and it's amazing that the asshats who wanted the law to fail are suddenly the experts on all aspects of fixing the website. Can't wait for tomorrow's "Sebelieusghazipaloozathon".

  6. Anonymous6:36 PM

    There is no way in hell Christie will be elected.

  7. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Physically, he cannot do the job. I'm not talking about his size, but the lifestyle that led to it.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.