Sunday, November 03, 2013

Did Rand Paul just challenge Rachel Maddow to a duel?

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) fired back Sunday against accusations that he plagiarized portions of his speeches from Wikipedia articles, musing "if dueling were legal in Kentucky" he could "challenge" the charges. 

Last week, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow pointed out that parts of a speech Paul gave in support of Ken Cuccinelli, the Republican candidate for Virginia governor, had been lifted from the Wikipedia page for the film "Gattaca." BuzzFeed also found that another set of Paul remarks had borrowed from the Wikipedia entry for "Stand and Deliver." 

In an appearance on ABC's "This Week," Paul dismissed the claims. 

"Yes, there are times when [speeches] have been sloppy or not correct or we've made an error," Paul said. "But the difference is, I take it as an insult and I will not lie down and say people can call me dishonest, misleading or misrepresenting. I have never intentionally done so." 

He continued, "And like I say, if, you know, if dueling were legal in Kentucky, if they keep it up, you know, it would be a duel challenge. But I can't do that, because I can't hold office in Kentucky then."

Seriously WTF?

In what century does Paul think he is living that would make it appropriate to challenge journalists for reporting the truth about plagiarism?  And not to be sexist but exactly WHEN was it deemed reasonable to ever challenge a woman to a fight to the death for any reason, much less doing her damn job?

I think somebody should grab that toupee of his head, slap him in the face with it, and take him up on that challenge. I can guarantee the little shit would crap his pants if anybody actually called his bluff.

And yes, that includes Rachel Maddow.


  1. Olivia2:35 PM

    He is one of those people that if I ever get close enough, I will be grabbing for the wig.

  2. Anonymous2:38 PM

    That whiny little POS does NOT want to take on Maddow. Can't wait for her response tomorrow! My DOG, have they all gone mad???

  3. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I bet Rachel is a better shot than Randy.

    1. Rachel Maddow and her partner Susan Mikula enjoy visiting firing ranges. Bet Rand Paul doesn't know that fact. Hope it gives him nightmares.

  4. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Two kinds of people challenge others to duels -- children and cuckoos.

  5. Anonymous3:02 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Randall3:18 PM

    Rachel didn't accuse Rand Paul of being sloppy or inaccurate or misleading...

    she (and Buzzfeed) showed him committing plagiarism.


    So aynRand Paul tries (futilely) to deflect the charge by (falsely) claiming the charge is something else.

    If the accusation were in any way false, Rand Paul would do his damnedest to get on Rachel's show and burn her with the truth.

    As it is... the more he squirms, the deeper the hook sets.

  7. angela3:20 PM

    No wonder Paul steals Wiki entries; he talks like an air head thirteen year old.

  8. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Can't wait for tomorrows show. He is BSC (bat sh!t crazy).

  9. Anonymous3:24 PM

    "He continued, 'And like I say, if, you know, if dueling were legal in Kentucky, if they keep it up, you know, it would be a duel challenge. But I can't do that, because I can't hold office in Kentucky then.'"

    Sounds to me like a suggestion that someone else who isn't a politician challenge her to a duel.

    What is the matter with these foolish GOPTP politicians! He's an idiot. Another case where if he had any sense, he'd do a mea culpa then shut up but he has no sense.

  10. Anonymous3:27 PM

    How in the world could it be unintentional? He mistakenly copied whole sentences word-for-word?

    I think we may have found out how Rand Paul got through college.

  11. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I'll bet Rachel has fun w/this duel issue on her Monday show! Can hardly wait to watch it/her!

    Rand Paul is an idiot and liar - everything can be so easily proven - what is the matter w/the little guy?

    A 'duel'!!!! Cracks me up. He's an embarrassment to society!

  12. Anonymous3:45 PM

    That man is an idiot. It would have been so simple to say it was an error, that someone on his staff goofed (what kind of people does he have working for him, anyway?) and it wouldn't happen again. But no. He's a thin-skinned, insecure little man. And now we can all see it. Presidential run? Dream on, little man...

  13. sally in MI3:46 PM

    He's still mad at her for exposing his views on Civil Rights..he admitted he would not have voted for them. These guys really think there are enough backwoods racists left to get the GOP back in the White House. NOPE.

  14. Anonymous3:51 PM

    He did NOT 'borrow the plot line from the movie' as he claims. He read - word for damn word - the Wikipedia entry describing the film. Apparently, this is not the first time he's read - word for damn word - whole sections of text from Wikipedia in his speeches.

    Then, after stumbling through a flimsy excuse that had nothing to do with the accusation (which was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt by Rachel Maddow), he continues on to say, “But I think I’m being unfairly targeted by a bunch of hacks and haters."

    Rachel Maddow is a 'hack' and a 'hater'???? Sorry, Randy, but Rachel Maddow could run rings around you in an intellectual contest even if she was blindfolded, gagged, and asleep!

    Me thinks he's just taken on someone who's wayyy out of his league! Can't wait until Monday!

  15. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Petulant child isn't he. He doesn't like his veneer peeled back and the mushy and dishonest center exposed. In a duel Maddow would knock him sillier.

  16. Boscoe3:54 PM

    It would be interesting to compile a list of all the idiotic things he's said that clearly indicate he is not someone who should ever be in a position of power. (not just the idiotic things he's said *in general* 'cause that would just end up being a list of pretty much everything he's ever said)

    So we've got a guy whose advice for students facing a big exam is to lie to everyone else so that they study the wrong thing and guarantee no matter how badly YOU do, THEY'll do worse. because, you know, it's not about LEARNING, it's about looking better than everyone else.

    And we've got a guy who wishes he could challenge journalists to duels for pointing out his plagiarism. You've got to wonder what kind of a "leader" thinks death (possibly for himself if he loses) is an appropriate response to being called a name (or called out for his own unethical behavior). So clearly, "appropriate level of response" and "judicious use of force" are not concepts he understands.

    1. I hope someone is doing that just in case he thinks of running again in 2016.

      He should probably go on Rachel's show and give her a piece of whatever's left of his mind. I'd like to see that duel.

  17. Sharon3:55 PM

    My goodness gracious.....what a thin skin. I still remember when SNL said his head was covered with public hair, now that was funny...and accurate btw. I would bet on our girl Rachel against any GOP lying shithead. Wait and see....that weenie is gonna go for the lesbian insult if this keeps up. He's got nothing and he knows it. We need more Rachel's, Stewarts and Colberts in the "news" business. I even have to say I am enjoying Chris Matthews these days, if you keep the volume low. He has really taken on the ACA lies big time. You know Rand Paul is certified in an organization he created....not the real one for eye docs.

    1. WakeUpAmerica9:09 PM

      Did you mean pubic hair instead of public?

  18. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Rachel would kick his ass.

  19. The Great White Dope offered a challenge to Rachel Maddow? Bring it on!! Kick his ass Rachel, but be careful that you don’t overkill the retard.

  20. fromthediagonal4:34 PM

    Rachel Maddow has mentioned that her first date with her long time partner, Susan Mikula, was at a skeet range, if my memory serves me correctly. While I assume that her choice of weapons is the Word, I would bet that she would best Rand Paul not only with a gun, but with a foil or an epee as well. There certainly are times when the Words is Mightier than the Sword!

    1. Olivia4:54 PM

      I am so glad you brought that up as I had forgotten that about her. Rachel Maddow is a goddess!

    2. fromthediagonal5:12 PM

      re: last line of my note: ... when the Word (not words) is Mightier than the Sword... sorry!

    3. @Di,
      "or an epee as well"

      epee doesnt mean what "Ayn" Rand Paul thinks it means. Tho, he'd probably lose an epeeing contest with Rachel, also, too.

      Don't give him any ideas.

  21. Anita Winecooler4:51 PM

    Poor Randy got caught fair and square then pulls a palin by blaming a journalist. Can't wait for Rachel to give him her due diligence, perhaps expose the toupee'd plagiarist for the little man's syndrome he suffers from.

  22. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Let him take his pea-shooter brain to a gunfight.........he's ill-equipped for any joust with Rachel...........

  23. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Can't help but notice he didn't even THINK about challenging her to a DEBATE.

    At least he's smart enough to realize he'd get a second asshole torn into him, by a person at least four times more intelligent than he is.

  24. Anonymous5:31 PM

    'But...but...but...she's just a BIG MEANIE!!!!!'

    Yeah, THAT'S the kind of man we want running our country, isn't it? Can you imagine him dealing with one tenth of the pure, vicious, racist hate that President Obama has dealt with?

  25. Anonymous5:43 PM


    Drudge quotes and links to a new Buzzfeed revelation on more newly discovered Paul plagiarism: "An entire section of Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul's 2013 book Government Bullies was copied wholesale from a 2003 case study by the Heritage Foundation, BuzzFeed has learned. The copied section, 1,318 words, is by far the most significant instance reported so far of the Republican senator borrowing language from other published material. The new cut-and-paste job follows reports that Paul had plagiarized speeches "

    The Drudge link is

    And Buzzfeed who discovered this is

    1. WakeUpAmerica9:07 PM

      Here's the tinyurl for that long url if you people want to twitter bomb Sen. Rand Paul.

  26. Anonymous5:49 PM

    As I recall, the person who gets challenged to a duel then gets to pick the weapons. So Rachel could then specify shaving cream, or paper airplanes, or, worst of all, a formal debate! That would have Little Randy backpedaling!

    Tom, in FL

    1. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Oh please let it be a formal debate. Oh please, oh please. It's all I want for Christmas.

  27. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Back in the day, when men did fight duels, I don't think that any gentleman would challenge a woman to a duel. And, Maddow has the microphone. Paul has to find a program which will air a few minutes of what he has to say. Rachel has an hour and some media blogs on her side.

  28. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Compare Paul to Teddy Roosevelt, who not only wrote his own speeches while President, but also regular magazine articles and books. He also was a man of personal honor,

    Paul's life story is a succession of his cheating and trying to get away with it.

    Can't wait to see who'll sign up to be Rachel's "seconds" in her duel. Colbert and Stewart come to mind.

  29. Anonymous7:39 PM

    How can he duel when he is only half cocked! LOL

  30. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Rachael will have a great time with this idiot. Add a bit by Colbert in a Zorro costume made for dueling and a WTF? skit by Stewart and the guy is toast.

  31. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Maddow can have a lot of fun with this. I hope she does.

  32. Grrrr !10:04 PM

    Rand Paul is just playing to his base: people who haven't got the slightest idea what the hell "plagiarism" means.

    And while I ADORE Maddow and she clearly caught him red-handed, I DO wish that just for fairness' sake she'd mentioned Joe Biden's loooong history of plagiarism which likely stretched all the way back to his law school days.

    When it was exposed in 1988, he'd done it so often and so egregiously that he had no choice but to drop out of the 1988 presidential primaries, unfortunately without any admission or apology (that I'm aware of)..

    But since Biden clearly learned his lesson, Rachel could have framed his story as an example of just how high the political price can be for plagiarizing -- at least if you're a Democrat -- something Paul seems hell-bent to avoid paying.

    Also, Paul's "duel" threat reminds me of Palin's cross-hairs graphic over Gabby Giffords' district -- WTF is it with Pee Tardy politicians answering their opponents with violent gun metaphors ???

    1. Anonymous1:17 AM

      Because they have no cogent argument, only their tired talking points (that they couldn't even explain if forced to) and name-calling.

  33. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Remember when Zell Miller of GA challenged Chris Matthews to a duel on TV? Is this yet another example of Rand Paul plagiarism? Zell Miller came off as an out-of-touch, rebel halfwit, so not sure why Rand Paul would think challenging someone to a duel (or the silly, empty threat of one) would come across as anything but loony tunes. But all these tea bagging politicians do is pander to illiterate, racist crackers who aren't cooking on all four burners, so maybe it's just the latest dog whistle.

    I think MSNBC should increase security around Rachel. As another commenter mentioned, Rand Paul is so devoid of any moral or ethical values, he may well have been intentionally sending a message by "suggesting" that some wack job supporter should "challenge" Rachel by attacking her and trying to kill her. Because, you know, HE would SO do it himself, but, you know, then he wouldn't be able to represent the fine folks of Kentucky.

    Someone on MSNBC (I think Rachel, but could be wrong on that) also recently showed a video of Rand Paul speaking to some university students and telling them that he would never recommend "cheating" (because, you know, THAT would be wrong!), but when he was in medical school, because it is so competitive, he would spread "misinformation" about what would be covered on the exams so other students would focus their efforts on the wrong topics, to increase his chances at a better class ranking. The fact that this little spoiled brat turd would publicly brag about this to an audience of people, as something to be proud of, says all you need to know about him. Great parenting job, Ron ( and, no doubt, your long suffering wife). Just an unethical, unprincipled loser with no scruples.

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      "Someone on MSNBC (I think Rachel, but could be wrong on that) also recently showed a video of Rand Paul speaking to some university students and telling them that he would never recommend "cheating" (because, you know, THAT would be wrong!), but when he was in medical school, because it is so competitive, he would spread "misinformation" about what would be covered on the exams so other students would focus their efforts on the wrong topics, to increase his chances at a better class ranking."

      I didn't know that but am horrified by it. That's worse than if he himself had just cheated on exams. What a disgusting thing to do.

  34. Beldar J Conehead4:46 AM

    Remember, "duel" is derived from the words "douchebag"and "tool".

    When it comes to the "duel" challenge, NO ONE is a bigger douchebag tool than Kentucky's handsomest senator, "Ayn" Rand Paul.


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