Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Martin Bashir's apology to Sarah Palin.

Whether you support Bashir, and his right to make the comment that he did, or not one at least has to recognize that his apology seems heartfelt.

Of course there are many who have said much worse, and have never offered an apology. (I'm thinking of a certain half term governor whose rhetoric has inspired rampant racism and may have been connected to at least one attempted assassination.

Bashir may have taken his frustration with the Tundra Turd a bit too far, but I think many of us have little difficulty understanding what drove him to those lengths.


  1. Anonymous4:11 AM

    I said much the same about Queen Heifer on HuffPo using no bad language or name-calling whatsoever. Think the mods let it through? Of course not.

    1. Anonymous5:18 AM

      That's why I closed my account and never looked back........

    2. Balzafiar5:42 AM

      HP is the home of world-class double standards. It's OK for one of their guest writers to use the term "cocksucking fag", but let a commenter try and express something like that and the bluenose mods get their panties in a twist.

      Even when absolutely no offensive words are used they kill comments for no good reason.

      However, I must admit that during the Presidential campaign just past, I found that I could write just about anything negative I wanted to about Mitt Romney and it passed the mods with no problem. So that was a good thing.

    3. Anonymous7:43 AM

      He was MADE to apologize by NBC! All the flying monkey's are trolling him on fb and twitter.
      They are in a frenzy. He should not of apologized. This give them "ammo" if they whine loud enough they get their way. Too much of this shit going on these days Fuck 'em!
      LOL Cher called Palin the "C" word on Twitter the other day!
      And then added Tjhihadists!
      Everyone has got her number: Stupid Grifter!

    4. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Everyone needs to write him at MSNBC and let him know he did the right thing on his show! More media folks need to do more of the same and nail her ass shut!

    5. Anonymous8:53 AM

      8:27 AM YES!

  2. Anonymous4:36 AM

    So very sorry to see him apologize. She deserves everything he said and more.

    1. Anonymous6:22 AM


    2. Anonymous7:46 AM

      He was MADE to apologize By NBC!

    3. Anonymous8:25 AM

      I'm sure that many would like to give her the same treatment as many slaves endured. Perhaps if she were made to walk in their shoes......she needs so many lessons!

    4. Anonymous8:54 AM

      This will help.

      Life Without Parole for Nonviolent Offenses

  3. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Wasn't necessary. She is the offender. The patently incurious, arrested developed asshole can't invoke blood libel or slavery on her imagined slights - no comparison. Period.

    What the woman (and her ilk,) does willfully, recklessly and with abandon on the public discourse is criminal.

    1. Anonymous6:26 AM

      Palin is a child.

      If there are any parents with 2 or more kids out there, you'll understand:

      Child One picks and picks and picks on Child Two, until Child Two reaches the boiling point and slaps Child One. Child One then comes running to Mommy, teary-eyed, to tattle on Child Two and wait for them to be punished.

      As long as it continues to benefit Palin (cash or attention), she'll keep it up. She has the emotional maturity of a toddler.

    2. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Got that right,6:26 AM, and one look at her kids will tell you how it is to be raised by one.

  4. Anonymous4:43 AM

    I am one of those who went to Mr. Bashir's FB page and wrote him a personal note, saying that he went too far, even when I agreed with his point.
    But, having thought about his original slavery comments, I do have to say that he might have gotten away with it if he'd put it more in tune with reality. He should have talked about how Roger Ailes, slave master, has been putting shit into Sarah's mouth, and she just keeps spewing it out. Then Mr. Bashir could've asked if Sarah still felt that debt is the same as slavery, just like she'd said.

    1. Anonymous5:00 AM

      ...and that's my beef through all of this, and not just with her. WHY doesn't the media call these people out? Ask the hard questions. Do some d*mn research for a change. All they do is "report."

      For her TIRED "lamestream media" rant, they've given her every break and bit of publicity she craves. I absolutely ABHOR her.

    2. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Anonymous4:43 AM
      Good ONE!!!!
      She has been spewing shit since '08!

    3. Anonymous8:21 AM

      She's actually been spreading shit since prior to 08!

  5. Anonymous4:54 AM

    This incredible writing and sharing by a mother of a special needs child really sums up for me the disgust I've been unable to articulate about Sarah pretending she knew something about the challenges she and her family would have with rent-a-DS-child, especially when she says she's grown from him and that the world needs more of him:

    To sentimentalize an experience that sent me, my family and many others over the edge of madness and then back again is to view children as conduits through which to “get spiritual,” a notion just as contrary to the true nature of parenting as asking them to be vehicles through which parents live out or attempt to fulfill their own failed dreams. Children do not exist to make their parents feel good about bringing them into the world no matter what their quality of life might be. The idea of this, or that anyone might think of it, prompts me again to use this word without equivocation: gross.


    1. Anonymous6:53 AM

      Thank you.

    2. Anonymous8:31 AM

      What 6:53 said.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:05 PM

      What an amazing writer and fantastic human being! This should go viral, thank you for sharing this link.

  6. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Just to be clear #Bashir and critics, the problem isn't that he suggested a slavery-era punishment on an ignorant Sarah Palin; it's that such a scolding was needed.

    Way to distract everyone, and lend to Sarah's sense of victimhood.

  7. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Just when will SHE apologize to America....?

    1. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Where is McCain's apology?

    2. Anonymous12:16 PM


  8. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Martin Bashir was SPOT ON with his entire original comment on how an ignorant dunce like Paylin understands nothing about slavery.

    Comparing it to owing money to China is a complete absurdity to anyone with .0001% of an education that they didn't get from 5 colleges, also too..

    If he had just left off his last sentence about wishing $arah had suffered under the same punishment as the slave, he would not have had to apologize.

    If an asteroid fell on Palin's house today, I wouldn't be a bit sorry to see the end of that viciously racist harpy

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      She isn't there anyway, except for the random photo op. Oh, she'll be there after Thanksgiving to show off her moose food to Matt Lauer. Otherwise, she's far too busy flitting around trying to sell her worthless book, locking up reporters, and whining about anyone who dares ignore her or comment on her. I was just in BN, and I'm in a pretty red county, and her book was nowhere to be seen.

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      I'm sure there are many throughout the USA that wouldn't mourn her or Todd's loss! Crummy people and I'm being kind - could use much stronger words!

  9. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Fuck you Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM

      Fuck me?

      FUCK ME?

      FUCK YOU !

    2. Anonymous6:52 AM

      That's the Palin women's cry, all right! "Fuck me....oooooh....fuck me NOW....."

    3. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Anonymous6:18 AM

      Fuck me?

      FUCK ME?

      FUCK YOU !
      If your Sarah Palin or her spawn Fuck you and EAT SHIT & DIE!
      happy holidays skanks!

    4. Anonymous10:14 AM

      As Bristol and Willow would say,' Fuck anybody who wants us'.

  10. Anonymous5:59 AM

    I hope the City of Wasilla sanitized the back seat of this car. If only it could talk


    1. Anonymous7:18 AM

      The truck where her kids were forced to wait for Mama Grizzly with the car running for upwards an hour while she'd go visit a friend or get dinner at a drive-thru? Classy woman, Mayor Palin. Tell me, why would a woman with no taste need $50,000 to decorate the Mayor's office when she first took over?

  11. Anonymous5:59 AM

    "The spirit of humility and humanity..." are two more things that Sarah Palin will never possess.

    In a way, Bashir's apology is a further condemnation of Palin and her ilk. It says "I let myself be dragged down to your level, and that was a mistake." And he's right.

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      thank you for pointing out that Mr. B's apology is a dis on Palin. she is the lowest of the low, and she will continue to be so, because that's her schtick.

      Again, I say that Ailes and the Kochs are her slavemasters, and they have filled her mouth with shit. So keep spewing, Sarah!

  12. Anonymous6:05 AM


  13. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Is it being sold as is? I hope they cleaned out the used condoms wrapped in facecloths and the empty wine cooler bottles

    Anonymous1:26 AM OT - The City of Wasilla is trying to sell the "Mayor Mobile" on e-bay. The Blue Book value is $2,318, but the starting price on e-bay is $10,000. They're hoping someone will pay at least that much for something Sarah drove. So far, no bids. http://www.frontiersman.com/news/palin-s-mayor-mobile-up-for-auction-on-ebay/article_c3f51d46-50da-11e3-9e95-0019bb2963f4.html

  14. Anonymous6:07 AM

    First off, I love Martin Bashir. He is an outstanding, seemingly good man, and he knows a bit about human suffering, as he was diagnosed a few years back with an inoperable tumor in his brain, which is contained and can't spread and he has a good prognosis. But, he lives with this Damocles sword, like many average citizens, who have to face obstacles in their lives.

    I totally understand his rage at Sarah Palin. Agree with G., that others have said worse things and haven't apologized, but Martin's apology shows that dignity and kindness can triumph, and the temptation to go overboard can happen, and he gives a great christian example of how to be. He literally turned the other cheek by apologizing.......apologizing to a woman who would take away healthcare from families with diagnosed tumors, cancer, pre-existing conditions, who would grift off of working families, promising a utopia to the gullible, while thowing in 'this isn't racist' but comparing national economy woes to 'slavery'. Bashir was right in pointing out that she has no idea what her addled brain says at times. She's a narcissist. Narcissists can't feel other's pain. She can't put herself in those slaves' shoes, anymore than she can feel for that 5% of un-insured Americans who can't afford real healthcare. Her fake claim of a war on Christmas and peddling her book at the same time of accusing the Obama administration of pushing a form of slavery, is tantamount to a person with no conscience. We all see it and hear it from her own lips, Martin Bashir included. And no one calls her out on it.

    MB showed the frustration and anger that everyone feels toward her. She makes people hate her by insisting on saying cruel things and being silly and show-offy as she throws the word 'slavery' around. History proves that slave-owners were one of the most evil, wicked, inhuman kind of this fallen world. She should know better, but she is more interested in marketing herself for money and her conscience is seared like a hot iron.

  15. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Will Sarah bring the Rent-A-DS Kid to the SarahPac $5, 000 fundraiser in Texas?

  16. I was sickened when I read the first reports of Martin Bashir's apology to $ara Palin, when everything he said was spot on true.
    I read one comment on a blog which brought up the point that by keeping $ara in the limelight, she will be the holder of what the "bar for stupid" will be held at. In other words she is the level that shit sinks to. In the grand scheme of things that sort of makes sense. Poor Sara will forever be a victim to atone for the sins of others.

    1. Anonymous6:33 AM

      in her own head, yes, Brick, she IS the second coming female Jesus chosen by God. Watch for the fall -- it will be EPIC!

    2. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Isn't that what the witch hunter from Africa promised her? He laid his hands on her wig and told her she was special. Just like Cruz' daddy tells him. And these narcissists buy every word.

  17. angela6:18 AM

    Oh please---the Tundra Tart has called people pedophiles and rapists. She is okay with people calling black people niggers. She's constantly talking shit--so what is the big assed deal?
    That bullshit must have gotten in her mouth some way.

  18. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Au contraire, Martin Bashir. Many interested in politics took great delight that someone in the “liberal” media ripped Sarah Palin apart for her rhetoric. But you decide for yourselves.

    So, why is it ok for the right to constantly use extremisms when making comparisons but not the left?

    No one, not even Martin Bashir, should have to apologize to Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      Absolutely agree! She has brought such anger and hate to our country. One evil, ugly woman inside and out!

    2. Anonymous9:45 AM

      B/c we don't whine and have paid trolls to do our bidding. You notice not one word was said in public by HER, but I bet behind closed doors the "flying monkeys" were resurrected.

  19. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Agree that he should not have apologized, but as a gentlemen and journalist with integrity, he did what a gentleman would do.

    Palin deserves everything he said and more. But that's part of her game. As long as she keeps promoting anger, it gives her motive to keep going. Bashir should keep using sarcasm and irony, as if Palin could ever understand! She is so stupid.

    10 cats in MD

  20. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Where is the apology owed to Shailey Tripp from the Palins?

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Pimps don't apologize.

  21. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Watch the Bill Mayer show every Friday night on Cable TV...he goes after Palin often and is so funny! He comes right out and calls her a moron!!! They ALL need to keep showing her to be the idiot she is....

  22. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Bashir apologized... "Fox’s Kurtz Goes After Bashir’s Palin Comments: ‘Where Are His Bosses at MSNBC?’"


    Any comments or sport analogy on this interesting but ignored interview?


  23. Anonymous8:22 AM

    All this apology does is make her gloat.
    He should have left well enough alone.
    But I guess he would lose his job if he didn't apologize.

  24. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Here's another one for you - SP calls Rushbo her hero!


  25. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I see the apology in a different light.
    It was delivered by an adult in a very classy way.
    Unlike Palin's " the media made me criticize the Pope " so called apology last week.
    Bashir still has his job and will still be on air ,
    discussing current events, long after Palin returns to wherever she actually resides.
    She'll still pop up on Breitbart and Hannity, but, no one of any influence in the Republican Party pays her any attention anymore .
    Bshir's words will be read and seen by people who missed it the first time , including reminding everyone that she's a world class idiot and ignorant.
    The context of his remarks will be heard and seen and it will show that he was not as graphic
    as the always hysterical far right made him out to be.
    The apology brings more attention to her original slavery remarks and also plants the image in people's minds of Palin being force fed feces.
    Unlike Palin, no decent woman would ever be that desperate for publicity that she would be ok with flogging that image. Yuck.
    Only Sarah Palin.
    BTW- Where was Todd in all this ?
    Not a peep from Mr Purse, as usual , when his wife is allegedly insulted.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:44 PM

      I agree on all points.

  26. Anonymous9:28 AM

    When will Sarah apologize? O yeah, forgot... when unwed teen daughter was knocked up Sarah wanted to use Levi in a prop marriage for Bristol. Todd disagreed and Sarah admitted he was right and she apologized.

    If anyone wonders how the Palin brand will spin for Bristol, TMZ is helping them distort reality: QUIT HUNTING AND PAY FOR YOUR KID!


    TMZ has obtained more legal documents. Are they correcting their mistake of naming Tripp "Tripp Palin" when Sarah name called "deadbeat dad"?


    TMZ is not even slightly pretending to be fair and balanced.

    They are not close to the best interest of the child or giving both sides of the child custody matter.

  27. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Politicususa agrees concerning Bashir's apology:


  28. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Rush Limbaugh Rips Martin Bashir, ‘Despicable Human Beings’ at MSNBC

    1. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

      Oh The Humanity! Remember that slut, what's her name? The one who must have had a lot of sex because of all the birth control pills she took? Remember her name, Rush? Where was MSNBC then? Oh that's right, they defended Sandra against your sorry ass.

  29. Anita Winecooler6:37 PM

    I said it in an earlier comment, he got his message out there and everyone heard it loud and clear. His apology was genuine, and that's a quality I admire in anyone. If the shoe was on the other foot, (and it has been, almost daily for five years), he'd have posted a "Shit/piss libel video" in a "fireside chat" video on You Tube.
    He said it, he apologized, IF she has an ounce of grace, she'd accept the apology and move on. That's an "IF" that'll never happen. Grab the stripper pole and do the victim dance for your loyal "squatters"..

  30. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I've been waiting on a Palin apology since Gabby was shot. Still nothing but poor me...lamestream media and blaming everyone but herself. F Her!!

  31. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I can't believe how rude you Liberals are. That is the problem with this whole administration and it's followers. There were some people on here that were correct, Bashir lowered himself to try and make his point and his apology sounded sincere. Everyone else, grow up people, I fully support your right to free speech but that doesn't mean you have to use the foulest language to make a point. If you do; maybe you are the reprehensible idiot!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.