Friday, November 22, 2013

Sarah Palin has her very own nuclear meltdown over the Democrat's decision to return to simple majority votes to confirm judges and approve executive office appointments.

Courtesy of Facebook.
From the poisoned pen of Palin's personal ghostwrtiter:

May this day honor the late President John F. Kennedy. In his honor, and to protect our republic, Americans implore today's elected leaders to exercise virtuous truth and integrity in office. (Not to put too find of a point on it, but does ANYBODY really believe that Sarah Palin has ANY respect for John F. Kennedy? No, her hero is Ronald Reagan was the very antithesis to JFK.)

Shockingly to some, the White House and Senate Democrats, desperate for a winning political talking point before Congress’s Thanksgiving vacation, just did the opposite. 

Liberals just changed 230 years of enduring Senate rules by enacting the “Nuclear Option” that will now let just 51 votes approve the President’s nominees, and thus prevent dissenting Senators from filibustering controversial appointees who’ll be charged with decision making that affects our lives. (And they were forced to do so by who exactly?)

This is significant as further proof that our government is so broken. (And the Teabaggers you supported broke it.) When politicians can’t get anything to work, they change rules and hope we’ll just get distracted. The hugely divisive, dysfunctional “Nuclear Option” sets a terrible precedent. (It might make Palin feel better if she realizes that many refer to his rule change as the "constitutional option." After all she so LOVES the Constitution. But then again probably not.) Mark Levin appropriately calls it “the latest act of leftist tyranny.” It’s also leftist hypocrisy. Back under Republican control of the Senate, Democrats blocked President Bush’s judicial appointees. You should have heard Harry Reid and then-Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden freak out in railing against the “danger... arrogance... poison” of the Republican majority even considering enacting such a rule change. To ensure cooperation and unity in balancing power for We the People, Republicans wisely did not change the rules. (Yes but that was before this happened.)

But that was then. Now this makes for a nice Thanksgiving distraction for the left, but Americans are awake today – we’re not easily distracted with turkeys like this. (Turkeys, oh that reminds me, I have a video to put up next Thursday morning.)

Do these far leftists realize Americans will not be chatting cheerfully around our Thanksgiving tables about how Obama and Reid nuked Senate rules? No, if political speak befalls dinner, we’ll no doubt vent about losing health insurance, seeing premiums skyrocket, not being able to afford unworkable Obamacare plans, and still wanting socialized healthcare scrapped altogether. We'll discuss disappointment in the President and his Party for lying to us. (Don't worry we liberals are ready for that.)

But don’t let this distraction ruin your Thanksgiving, America! Be thankful for at least one thing revealed in this latest radical act of the far left: more Americans are now stirred from slumber! (Yes we are, and the majority of us are liberals.) Only a Butterball’s serotonin-induced sleepiness after dinner will lull us back in; Senate power grabbing distractions won’t do it. (Update: I think she meant Tryptophan-induced sleepiness, NOT serotonin.)

- Sarah Palin

This was not a power grab, this was simply a repair of a broken system that the Republicans had taken advantage of in order to nullify the election of Barack Obama.  They do not consider him a legitimate President so they have refused to treat him like a legitimate President.

Harry Reid is on record for not wanting to change this rule, and in fact has resisted incredible pressure from the liberals to do something to fix this broken system for quite a long time. He did not change his mind, the Republicans changed it for him.

Sarah Palin and her conservative buddies were counting on the Democrats to continue playing by the rules forever even as the Republicans tied their shoelaces together, peed in their Gatorade, and hid home plate repeatedly in order to win by any means possible, what they could not win fairly.

Well, if I may be so blunt, fuck them!

They have NOBODY to blame except themselves. And as Rachel Maddow pointed out last night, all the Republicans had to do to avoid this outcome, was to simply allow the President to appoint three more judges to the federal court. The Republicans refused to let that happen, and the Democrats had had enough.

And as for this biting the Democrats in the butt the next time there is a Republican President and Republican majority in the Senate, not really. Number one, considering how the GOP is viewed these days, we may all be dead before that happens. And number two as a rule the Democrats don't pull this filibuster crap nearly as often as the Republicans, and not having the option will have very little effect on how we govern.

After all Democrats are actually interested in governing, NOT breaking the government so that it no longer functions.


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Will 'scrapping socialized healthcare altogether' include the Free Government Healthcare that Sarah's Drug Addicted son Track, constantly Pregnant Bristol, and Mentally challenged Teen Mom Willow use frequently? Go ahead, Granny Grifter, keep spewing untruths, your Family uses socialized Government Healthcare more than any Democrat. BTW why did Toad bail out on your Fake Book Tour? Did his new Skank summon him to Rainbow Bay?

    1. Sally in MI10:34 AM

      Amen. get rid of that, and the socialized support of the mega corporations who suck taxpapeyer dollars and then pay no taxes. And then, haul Fox into court for lying 24-7. THEN, get Sarah to admit who Trig's parents are, how many babies Bristol has, and how many days of school Piper has missed for Mommy's photo ops. Beware, Sarah Palin, your lies will catch up to you. And we will try really hard not to laugh.

    2. Yes! Yes! Yes! Well said.

      Hair school could be the new mono. If you know what I mean.

  2. the filibuster isn't a 230 year old institution. how can people take advice from this moron?

  3. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Palin is such a retarded bitch! She doesn't even know the history of this subject, which you once again proved IM! Why anyone would read her garbage (ghost writer) is beyond me. She's a total waste of time, which more and more Americans are recognizing.

    She flunked AGAIN in another area...her most recent book! If I were her, I'd be hiding behind the curtain, at signings, never to exit and show my face.

    1. Note she pointed up “hypocrisy" and “freak-out" when GOP put forward this very proposal--for much less cause--but now? It's the Death of the Republic!!! Hrmph.

  4. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Right wing is still pissy that Baldy isn't being 'defended' by the women at MSNBC. And they think that Matt Lauer lost a 'huge exclusive' with Baldy, like that's a bad thing.

    Joe Concha to Megyn Kelly: Why Won’t Women of MSNBC Condemn Bashir’s Attack on Palin?

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      BREAKING: Republican pundit Joe Concha continues his audition for regular appearances on FOX News, appears with FOX's top female Republican pundit Megyn Kelly, can't stop talking as Kelly tries and fails to cut him off for commercial break; gives pass to women at FOX for tolerating FOX Republican pundit attacks on Elena Kagen, Janet Napolitano, Michelle Obama, Sandra Fluke; gives pass to Shepard Smith, Bill Hemmer for FOX Republican guest attacks on gays; gives pass to black conservative contributors for FOX attacks on President's birth certificate

    2. Anonymous10:07 AM

      because he did NOT attack the whore. She just viewed it as an attack...just like the Letterman jokes about her pregnant daughter.

      Nobody is supposed to notice she's stupid.

    3. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Matt Lauer lost a huge exclusive of more Palin lies. She would have never had the seasonal decor and the needy buddies prepped in time. After all she has Trig and his school and therapy to attend daily like a real mother.

      Will she look as weak and drunk, as she did last year? With only her exclusive photography and photoshop, no NBC, she can post only the best of her large family. Track and his little darling, Uncle Junior with replacement and that unfortunate child, Willow and her man, Piper, Trig, Tripp, papa and mama Heath, cousins, sisters and all. Most of all Bristol and Todd's latest selection for a trial. Joe Junket and another bastard? The PalinBots will be thrilled to see how she cooks a turkey and presents her wonderful happy family.

    4. Sally in MI10:36 AM

      I still think she couldn't get her publisher or SARAHPAC to fly her entourage back north for a long weekend. And I am waiting for the big annoucement of a continuation of the failing book tour after Thanksgiving. Wanna bet there is none?

    5. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Bashir came out right away and apologized - but the republicans sicked Rush Limbaugh with all his disgusting descriptions of women in general and Sandra Fluke in particular. Not one of them, even Sarah Palin would tell Rush Limbaugh he was wrong. And not one republican politician apologized to Sandra Fluke when she appeared before their committee.

      by the way, Bashir's ratings exploded.


      Check out this picture of Baldy wandering around like a skinny bag lady in the Mall of America today!

    7. Anonymous11:07 AM

      LOL< both girls have "top knots" on, like a groomer would put on a Yorkie or other toy breed. Are we sure Willard went to ?hair" school or to a grooming school.
      Thanks For the link GinaM, I see Granny Sarah had to get a pic taken as she was bothering people who we working, apparently Minnesota could care less about Granny wandering around the MOA.

    8. Anonymous11:11 AM

      i still say she really needs to loose another 40 lbs

    9. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Thanks for the link, GinaM.

      Sarah is a senior citizen version of Michael Jackson blah, blah, blah....


      WTF is up with those top knots on Wilow and Piper's hair?

      Can they not afford shampoo?

      Are they too lazy to comb it?

      Why isn't Piper in school?

    10. Anonymous11:31 AM

      GinaM10:55 AM

      Thankful it is wintery and she is all bulked up with heavy clothes.
      Can you imagine what she really like?

    11. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Anon@11:11 AND she definitely should get more plastic surgery and tanning also too!

    12. "LOL< both girls have "top knots" on, like a groomer would put on a Yorkie or other toy breed."

      Thank you! I knew they reminded of something but I couldn't think what. You nailed it.

    13. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Why are those "tough Alaska" women doing wearing boots this time of yr in Minnesota?

    14. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Yeah! and why are they drinking smoothies and wearing hats indoors? And scarves! I wonder what kind of socks they wear?! Better not be thick warm ones! Because they are Alaskans they should wear shorts and t-shirts while in the lower 48! Oh and also too, why do they carry their cell phones around?! And their hair up in buns?!...LMAO

    15. Anonymous12:35 PM

      The top knots say..."I did not want to take the time to shower this morning, just like our mama."

    16. ibwilliamsi12:49 PM

      @10:13 AM

      There have been recent photos of Trig? Where?

    17. ManxMamma1:37 PM

      My very normal and very beautiful great nieces have been wearing 'top knots' for a year or two. We (I'm including myself) really shouldn't comment on what anyone under 30 is doing or wearing

    18. Anonymous1:46 PM

      "Top knots" are a special, value added feature on all of Toad's girls. Gives their clients, oops I mean boyfriends/trial husbands, something to hold onto when getting their bj.

    19. Anonymous2:01 PM

      Wollow must have specialized in Olive Oyl hair do's. Buckwheat braids and Olive Oyl buns, oh my! How modern and attractive (not).

    20. Fuck you, McCain!3:42 PM


      I thought Piper was just copying Willow's look (and she is, right down to how she's wearing the satchel purse)...

      but then when I look at Mom. Wow. Basically, the same "look" - topknot, jacket, leggings in boots.

      Who is dressing like who?

    21. Anonymous5:54 PM

      no attack intended and I am assuming wherever your "kids" are from it's normal, but ti Isn't in the very metropolitan Twin Cities.

    22. Anonymous7:25 PM

      I can't begin to fathom fashion tastes among the under-30 crowd, but Gina's point is the one that grabs me: she is positively skeletal. The lovely young ladies dressed in cheerleader garb look to be quite thin. Maybe size 6? Palin is a toothpick next to them. And as we all know she does not have teeny tiny starlet bone structure. Anorexia or drugs, either way the long-term prognosis would not be good.

    23. Anonymous4:40 AM

      I actually do not care anymore what it takes to get this cunt off the american stage. If she wants to go all anorexic and have her heart go into a fatal arrhythmia, that is fine with me. The sooner the better. She is that toxic!

    24. Anonymous5:11 AM

      Anon 1:46 - you are gross.

      The top knots do look hella stupid.

      Also too, Bristol should avoid colored jeans. Can I say that Manxmamma?

  5. Anonymous9:56 AM

    No worries.

    North Korea has a higher approval rating than our Congress.

  6. Anonymous9:57 AM

    We live in interesting times.
    And are blessed to have Mr. Obama as our President.
    History being made in front of our eyes.
    And the end of Right-wing obduracy in this matter.
    What's not to like about this Senate move?

  7. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Jon Stewart surveyed the "nuclear" fallout on Thursday following the Senate's vote to eliminate the filibuster for judicial nominees, and it looked more mundane than bleak.

    "So deciding to allow majority rules to incrementally increase governmental efficiency and presidential appointments is so unthinkably extreme, it’s the ‘nuclear option’?” he asked. “It’s just like Hiroshima of voting.”

    Stewart also mocked Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) for threatening to eliminate the filibuster entirely in retaliation for the Democrat's move.

    "Mark my words! One day you Democrats will want to be obstructionist a**holes, making a mockery of our system of government!" he said. "And who will be laughing then? Turtle Man."

    But once the "nuclear option" was triggered, Stewart knew history was made.

    "Once judicial nominees could be confirmed by simple majority, Christmas was abruptly cancelled, and babies were born knowing all the curse words," he said.

    1. Sally in MI10:38 AM

      GOP babies ARE born knowing all the curse words. They learn them in the womb, and when they get older, their mommies tattoo them on their 'warrior bodies.'
      I'm waiting for some Jews to go to Sarah's signing and complain about the "War on Channukah!"

    2. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Justice Richard Taranto was nominated in Nov. 2011 to fill a seat on the Federal Appeals Court; it must have been a terrible choice, because Republicans filibustered him for 2 years. So what happens the day the filibuster was lifted ? He was approved 91-0 ! Yeah; no obstructionism there for 2 whole years !

  8. Anonymous10:00 AM

    "But don’t let this distraction ruin your Thanksgiving, America! Be thankful for at least one thing revealed in this latest radical act of the far left: more Americans are now stirred from slumber! "

    When will she stir from her slumber?

    I can't wait to see her Butterball and the wonderful family tradition scene in Wasilla this Thanksgiving.

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Remember the year they all went to Aunt Katie's in Washington and SP was bragging that they were going to get Quiznos sandwiches instead of doing all that pesky work for a nice Thanksgiving dinner?

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      I can't recall any holiday dinners with Heathpalins. I don't think any of them cook much. What a let down to learn the Moose Stew was mainly processed crap.

      Didn't the brother that f--kd his school co-worker and was forced into a 2nd family have something at his place one year? No sign of food or a dinner. Maybe some fast food. Sally must be exhausted taking care of crazy old Chuck, I don't see why she would want to do much cooking this year. Quiznos is probably about as good as it gets with their traditions.

  9. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Gawd - shit for brains is the ultimate in stupid, isn't she?

    "Liberals just changed 230 years of enduring Senate rules"


    Ronnie Ray Gun changed the rules in 1986....he created the 60 vote rule. 51 votes is a majority already. There are only 100 members.

    1. For real.

      Figures a bagger thought up minority rules.

      The insufferable pig is dumb as spit.

    2. Anonymous4:42 AM

      Game if Life - I think your spit, as it contains DNA, is even smarter than Sarah!! Do not underestimate spit when comparing it to Sarah!!!

  10. Careful Agnes, you’ll crush her like a sugar cube. Sarah can’t possibly be healthy.

  11. Anonymous10:09 AM

    We’ve seen the Republican reaction to Harry Reid’s reluctant and long-delayed decision to invoke the so-called nuclear option, changing the Senate’s filibuster rules so that Obama’s judicial nominees get the simple up-or-down votes they deserve.

    It’s been fun, if frustrating to watch. Rand Paul did what Rand Paul does best and threw a tantrum. We just wish he would take his toys and go home to conclude his childish reaction. Sean Hannity once supported filibuster reform. Now he is calling it “One of the most lawless power grabs” in U.S. history. The rules allow for it, but it’s a power grab? Rush Limbaugh melted down, calling the democratic process “dictatorship,” and of course, Fox News went straight for the false equivalency cupboard.

    It has been fun because exploding Republican heads are a joy, but frustrating because they get to tell their lies in response and have them obligingly repeated by a compliant and complicit mainstream media. Look at CNN repeating the myth that “Both parties have been guilty of political hijinks involving filibusters.”

    If you want to know how bad things got before Harry Reid did what needed to be done, look at Right Wing Watch’s list of “ten most outrageous filibusters of Obama’s nominees” and at the five charts provided by People for the American Way. You will see (as if any liberal or progressive needs to be told) that that claim “both sides do it” does not hold water:

  12. Anonymous10:12 AM

    GOP furious that Harry Reid & Senate Democrats endanger democracy by standing up for majority rule.

    Harry Reid Goes Nuclear, and Here’s Why

  13. Anonymous10:15 AM

    The Tea Party Exists Mainly Because Many Rural Whites Just Don’t Like a Black Guy Being in Charge

    ...Their tea party rallies are almost mirror images of protests decades ago against interracial marriage or the ending of segregation. Groups comprised almost entirely of white people, claiming they’re preserving the “American way of life.” But of course they are—for white people.

    Reid Goes Nuclear, Right Wing Whining Reaches Fever Pitch

    Denizens of the frenzied underworld of right wing blogs are completely and totally losing their shit today over Harry Reid’s use of the “nuclear option” to put a (partial) end to the GOP’s frantic, crazed obstructionism. Thousands upon thousands of raging, randomly capitalized and punctuated comments about tyranny and communism and anarchy and socialism and Muslims and treason and Nazi Fruit People … wait, what?

  14. Anonymous10:23 AM

    President Obama says he supports the step a majority of Senators took today to change the ways of Washington by changing the way Congress does business, guaranteeing that all judicial and executive branch nominees, except Supreme Court nominees, can be confirmed with simple up-or-down votes.

    1. Anonymous5:14 AM

      I think it took great restraint to limit it only to federal bench judges and not SCOTUS. The GOP were going to be horrid if they took over the majority ever again anyway, this was a grown up decision.

  15. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I have no doubt that the civility crowd will scream bloody murder now that Harry Reid has dropped the big one in the Senate. They may need the Jaws of Life to pry Ruth Marcus off the fainting couch. As I said before. I was nervous about this prospect for years, but recently passed over the International Fk You Line. The country has a right to be governed by the president and the philosophy for which the country voted. Vandalism is not debate. It is not governing. It is long past time for Barack Obama actually to be allowed to be president.

    (And, it must be said, the fact that it was necessary for the Senate to take this step further belies as naive the president's star-making speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention.)

    Good for Pat Leahy for stepping up on this. All I can say is that Harry Reid must have been a tough fighter for the late rounds.

  16. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I'm pretty sure Palin has no idea of the change in procedures that has led to the current situation.This happened in 1975, and the founding fathers would have had no idea this could ever happen.

    "In response to several recent items about the "defeat" of a bill by a 51-47 vote -- a law on which 51 senators voted Yes -- several readers write to emphasize the historical background worth always keeping in mind. As a refresher:

    - There is nothing about the filibuster in the Constitution, which does say that the Senate (like the House) shall set its own rules and which specifies a few conditions (treaties, impeachment, veto override, etc) requiring more than a simple majority vote;

    - Through the 19th century, Senate rules and practice evolved to allow unlimited debate that could block votes on certain bills -- that is, a filibuster;

    - Nearly a century ago, in 1917 during the Woodrow Wilson administration, the filibuster rules most people associate with that word were set. Senators who opposed a measure could talk as long as they wanted, to prevent it coming to a vote -- unless two thirds of their colleagues voted to cut them off, through "cloture". But it had to be "real" debate, or at least oratory, with Senators holding the floor and talking till they dropped;

    - That's the view of the filibuster that was popularized in differing ways by: Frank Capra and Jimmy Stewart; Strom Thurmond; and Huey Long.

    BUT THEN, in 1975, the rules changed, in a way that eventually gave us our current filibuster-everything-without-really-filibustering environment. A reader takes up the story from here:

    Many of your readers may not know what you and I and [a reporter I quoted] no doubt do, to wit, that until 1975 cloture required a 2/3 vote and that that was changed then to the current 3/5 (except in a vote on Senate rules which still needs 2/3). Even more interesting, however, is that the 2/3 was 'of Senators present and voting' and the 3/5 is 'of Senators sworn'. That, of course, is why it used to be that a filibuster could be continued only while the filibusterers kept their forces on the floor in sufficient numbers to constitute a third of all present, while since 1975 a Senator at home in bed is a vote to continue the filibuster. That changed everything and there is no more strategy involved, i.e., you have 60 votes or you don't and persuading an opponent to abstain or absent himself for an hour is without effect."

    There is much more worth reading in the article, but this is the gist of it. The filibuster has become simple minority obstruction of the majority with little consequence.

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Well, to be fair, I am certainly sure that Sarah the methhead can't put on her own panties let alone know the history of our country.

  17. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Well, it finally happened.

    After five years of filibusters, obstruction, lengthy waits for confirmation and arguments over whether the party that failed to win either the White House or the Senate nonetheless has the power to hold top government jobs open for as long as Barack Obama is president, Senate Democrats finally decided that enough is enough. On Thursday, nearly every member of the Democratic caucus invoked a procedural maneuver that will allow the Senate to confirm several blocked nominees by a majority vote. The era of minority rule is over, at least where it comes to almost every confirmation.

    As the two parties try to blame each other for the circumstances that made this maneuver necessary, a lot of graphs, charts, statistics and outright fabrications are going to be thrown around by each side to prove that the other was the instigator. The truth, however, is that you only need to look at one chart to understand how we got here — this one:

    ...But, beyond the unprecedented frequency of filibusters under Mitch McConnell, the current Republican minority wielded them to seize an unprecedented degree of control over the law and the judiciary. With enough creativity, Senate Republicans discovered that the filibuster could not simply prevent new laws from being enacted, it could also be used to effectively repeal laws protecting workers and regulating Wall Street. By refusing to confirm nominees to lifetime appointments on the federal bench, they could also ensure that some of the nation’s most powerful courts remained in Republican hands. And looming over all of this is the next Supreme Court vacancy. If Senate Republicans will use the filibuster today to keep their grip on the nation’s second most powerful court, imagine what they’ll do if a justice retires.

  18. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Sarah Palin, go fuck yourself. You are a mentally challenged and willfully ignorant. Enough said.

  19. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Democracy Returns to the Senate

    For five years, Senate Republicans have refused to allow confirmation votes on dozens of perfectly qualified candidates nominated by President Obama for government positions. They tried to nullify entire federal agencies by denying them leaders. They abused Senate rules past the point of tolerance or responsibility. And so they were left enraged and threatening revenge on Thursday when a majority did the only logical thing and stripped away their power to block the president’s nominees.

    In a 52-to-48 vote that substantially altered the balance of power in Washington, the Senate changed its most infuriating rule and effectively ended the filibuster on executive and judicial appointments. From now on, if any senator tries to filibuster a presidential nominee, that filibuster can be stopped with a simple majority, not the 60-vote requirement of the past. That means a return to the democratic process of giving nominees an up-or-down vote, allowing them to be either confirmed or rejected by a simple majority.

    The only exceptions are nominations to the Supreme Court, for which a filibuster would still be allowed. But now that the Senate has begun to tear down undemocratic procedures, the precedent set on Thursday will increase the pressure to end those filibusters, too.

    This vote was long overdue. “I have waited 18 years for this moment,” said Senator Tom Harkin, Democrat of Iowa.

    It would have been unthinkable just a few months ago, when the majority leader, Harry Reid, was still holding out hope for a long-lasting deal with Republicans and insisting that federal judges, because of their lifetime appointments, should still be subject to supermajority thresholds. But Mr. Reid, along with all but three Senate Democrats, was pushed to act by the Republicans’ refusal to allow any appointments to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, just because they wanted to keep a conservative majority on that important court.

    That move was as outrageous as the tactic they used earlier this year to try to cripple the National Labor Relations Board and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (which they despise) by blocking all appointments to those agencies. That obstruction was removed in July when Mr. Reid threatened to end the filibuster and Republicans backed down. The recent blockade of judges to the D.C. appellate court was the last straw.

    Republicans warned that the rule change could haunt the Democrats if they lost the White House and the Senate. But the Constitution gives presidents the right to nominate top officials in their administration and name judges, and it says nothing about the ability of a Senate minority to stop them. (The practice barely existed before the 1970s.) From now on, voters will have to understand that presidents are likely to get their way on nominations if their party controls the Senate.

    Given the extreme degree of Republican obstruction during the Obama administration, the Democrats had little choice but to change the filibuster rule. As Mr. Reid noted on the floor, half of all filibusters waged against nominations in Senate history have occurred since Mr. Obama was elected. Twenty of his district court nominees were filibustered; only three such filibusters took place before he took office. There has also been a record-setting amount of delay in approving the president’s choices for cabinet positions and federal agency posts, even when no objections have been raised about a nominee’s qualifications.

    The rule change does not end the...

  20. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Once Again, Progressives Should be Thanking Harry Reid

    What every progressive needs to learn is that political things don’t just happen because someone wants them to. They happen when a majority is ready to vote to make them happen.

    Back in January, as many of you will recall, I took a lot of heat because I stood up for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and his valiant attempt to change filibuster rules. The man worked his ass off to make changes, and he actually got quite a few of them, despite the fact that he didn’t have 51 votes to make them happen. He was able to change the rules, so that Senators could no longer put a blind hold on a nomination – they had to make themselves known – and he also got an agreement from Republicans to stop holding up nominations. This was a crucial deal. He did all of this, despite the fact that he had between 45 and 47 votes, because he was able to convince the Republican leadership that he had 51, which scared them silly.

    The reason he didn’t have enough votes is simple, and it falls right into the laps of that small but loud group of progressives who think they know more than everyone else about politics, even though they’re always wrong, and they undermine the progressive cause constantly.....

  21. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Here are just some of the bills the Republicans have blocked in the Senate alone:

    H.R. 12 – Paycheck Fairness Act
    H.R. 448 — Elder Abuse Victims Act
    H.R. 466 – Wounded Veteran Job Security Act
    H.R. 515 – Radioactive Import Deterrence Act
    H.R. 549 — National Bombing Prevention Act
    H.R. 577 – Vision Care for Kids Act
    H.R. 626 – Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act
    H.R. 1029 – Alien Smuggling and Terrorism Prevention Act
    H.R. 1168 — Veterans Retraining Act
    H.R. 1171 – Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Reauthorization
    H.R. 1293 — Disabled Veterans Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grant Increase Act
    H.R. 1429 — Stop AIDS in Prison Act
    H.R.5281 — DREAM Act
    S.3985 — Emergency Senior Citizens Relief Act
    S.3816 — Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act
    S.3369 — A bill to provide for additional disclosure requirements for corporations, labor organizations, Super PACs and other entities
    S.2237 — Small Business Jobs and Tax Relief Act
    S.2343 — Stop the Student Loan Interest Rate Hike Act
    S.1660 — American Jobs Act of 2011
    S.3457 — Veterans Jobs Corps Act
    H.R.3204 — Drug Quality and Security Act
    S.1238 — Keep Student Loans Affordable Act of 2013
    S.953 — Student Loan Affordability Act

    Here’s an astonishing one. The Republicans filibustered the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act — literally, healthcare for 9/11 heroes. Every Republican senator voted to filibuster this bill.

    During the president’s first two years in office, the 111th Congress, there were 137 cloture motions filed to end Republican filibusters. During the president’s second two years, the 112th Congress, there were 115 motions filed to end Republican filibusters. The 113th Congress, in its first year, is halfway to matching these numbers with 55 cloture motions. Compare this to George W. Bush’s first term when there were a total of 133 cloture motions filed.

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      So does that mean that can re-introduce all the bills for an up or down vote? No, this doesn't apply to legislation. Imagine if those bills had passed and been signed into law? OMG, this country would be such a better place and people's suffering would be greatly reduced!

    2. Anonymous4:48 AM

      borrowed this list and posted to my facebook. I'll be unfriending a bunch of republican friends in 3-2-1-

  22. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Harry Reid Has Dealt a Major Blow to The Senate Republican Agenda

    ...Republicans will be crying foul for days because their little dictatorship suffered a setback, and although the Senate vote to allow a majority to confirm or reject Presidential nominees was a necessary step to get the government working again, it will not stop Republican obstructionism on legislation. However, it does end the dictatorship that unilaterally rewrote the law by demanding a 60-vote supermajority threshold for President Obama’s high-level appointments, At one time requiring a supermajority was very rare, but it became routine since the people elected President Obama going back to his first term.

  23. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I thought it was Tryptophan, not serotonin that lulled you to sleep after eating turkey. Doh! You better dock that FB writer's pay for shitty googlin.

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      LOL !!

    2. Anonymous11:16 AM

      >>serotonin-induced sleepiness

      It is Tryptophan that is in turkey, but Tryptophan encourages serotonin production, the 'feel good' brain chemical that helps to stave off depression and worse. So her FB writer was not totally wrong, just presented it ass backwards.

    3. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Track needs to lay off the meds when he does her research.

    4. Serotonin paradox: the right amount can amp you up, but too much may tire you out.

      "But how can serotonin both energize and exhaust you?

      This serotonin paradox has been plaguing researchers for about 80 years, but because of this research, the answer may have been found, said Dr. Jean-Francois Perrier who spearheaded the University of Copenhagen study." Discussion of study -

    5. Anonymous4:49 AM

      too much serotonin can also throw your heart into arrythmias. That's how you die if you OD on SSRIs

    6. Turkey is lower in Tryptophan than chicken. The Turkey/Tryptophan sleepiness at Thanksgiving is a false myth. It is the carbohydrates and the diversion of blood flow from the brain to the GI system that make people sleepy.

  24. Anonymous10:58 AM

    She is SUCH a dolt! JFK stood for everything she's against. Just whom is she trying to fool? Even Glen Blecch tried to say today tat JFK, if he was alive today, would have been a leading Tea Bagger.

    These chameleon crackpots never change. Revising history so they can be on the right side of it (no pun intended). They've done the same darn thing with MLK for years.

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      16 Mind-Blowing Facts About Who Really Killed JFK

      Government documents declassified after the passage of the JFK Records Act in 1992 prove that the official narrative is bullshit. There is overwhelming evidence implicating the CIA and other United States intelligence agencies, as well as top military officials and corporate entities, in a complex plot to stage a coup against a president who rebelled against their wishes.

      Many of the facts revealed in this article were gleaned from the book "JFK and the Unspeakable," by Jim Douglass, which has recently been endorsed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I use Douglass's book as a main source, as all of his facts are documented in over 100 pages of endnotes, citing declassified government documents contained in the National Archives building in Maryland, which are available to the public.

  25. Anonymous11:06 AM

    It's Becky Mansour, Catholic and failed democrat, who wrote this and included the brief love letter to JFK. Sarah Palin ok-ed it because she doesn't have a fucking clue about politics or history or what JFK actually stood for.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Was Becky the 'Penguin' in Batman?

    2. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Becky? The big fat ugly C_ _T?

  26. Anonymous11:07 AM

    LMFAO at skank and skank's ghost writer ..

    suk it you two frauds ..

  27. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Hmmm, I think I remember the GOP threatening to do the same thing multiple times, since it was originally their idea they should be happy.

  28. cckids11:19 AM

    I'm thrilled Harry finally pulled the trigger on the filibuster. As for retaliation from the Repubs, does anyone in their right mind doubt that they'd have gotten rid of it as soon as possible, if they ever re-take the Senate? If so, I want some of what they're smoking.

    Its much more likely that they'd nuke the ENTIRE filibuster, including for the Supreme Court, & tell everyone else to f*uck off. That is who they are.

  29. cckids11:22 AM

    Also, just in case you do get into one of those "dinner discussions" over Thanksgiving, remember to inform any right-wingers in attendance that all the filibustering the Repubs were doing was so that they wouldn't have to vote on anything. It doesn't let the Democrats pass anything & everything, it just assures that President Obama's judicial & executive nominations GET TO COME UP FOR A VOTE! That's all. It actually makes the Repubs do their damn jobs.

  30. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Wikipedia: The filibuster remained a solely theoretical option until the late 1830s. The first Senate filibuster occurred in 1837.[3] In 1841, a defining moment came during debate on a bill to charter the Second Bank of the United States. Senator Henry Clay tried to end debate via majority vote. Senator William R. King threatened a filibuster, saying that Clay "may make his arrangements at his boarding house for the winter". Other senators sided with King, and Clay backed down.[2]

    The current Republicans vowed to obstruct President Obama the moment that his hand left the bible in January, 2009. Mitch the Turtle made it very clear that he would opposed everything that President Obama was for.

  31. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Why isn't Sarah' outraged at the Scrooges who are making their employees work on Thanksgiving?

  32. mitchethekid12:33 PM

    I'm conflicted about saying this, seeings how I don't want it to be taken literally, but she should just fucking die. Remember The Devils Advocate with Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino? That's her, dried up and withering away into dust. Like she never existed. Which I wish she didn't. What a freakin' C word.

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      There are many that feel that way...America will be so much better off when she is no longer a part of it!

      As evil as she's been the majority of her life, I'll wager she is going to have a tough exit to Hell.

    2. Anonymous4:52 AM

      I just commented above about this as well. She really can not die soon enough. Since death is what it apparently is going to take to shut her the fuck up, and get people talking. Fucking cowards in this cuntry, who keep her secrets and allow her to spew her shit. She cannot go into as fatal arrythmia fast enough!!

  33. Amy in Juneau12:38 PM

    Once again, Sarah proves she will be bitching about President Obama (as she does every day), while missing the meaning of Thanksgiving - Being thankful for family, friends and the blessings in your life. Sarah Palin can't let go of her evil, racist, hate. Not even for one day, Thanksgiving. Pretty effed up.

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Sarah can be thankful that she doesn't have to pay for the Socialized Healthcare that her Drug Addicted son and 2 Baby Making Daughters enjoy for Free. Track is on extended Leave until he completes Rehab. which is paid for by Taxpayers. The Palins are the Socialists.

  34. Anonymous12:59 PM

    The Kenyan Muslim socialist should never be allowed to appoint executive or judicial appointments.
    Look at all the damage that has been done by him and his appointees.
    Take back our country from the black dictator

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Black Dick is what Sarah has been after for 5 years. Glen Rice was only a tease. You A.I.P. Traitors don't have a country.

    2. Anonymous2:07 PM

      go f*ck yourself.

    3. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Hey, 12:59. You are an idiot. President Obama hasn't had any appointees get through until now! So, how the hell do you know they have done damage.

      What an asshole. At least, be honest and do some research. That is what is friggin' wrong w/you guys on the extreme right.

      Oh, and another fact - President Obama is not Muslim!!!! He is a Christian and a far better acting and practicing one than any of you supposed 'Christians on the extreme right!

      You guys and gals are full of baloney!!!

    4. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Gryphen has you IP number and if you are suggesting an over throw of the government, we'll ask him to call the FBI and give them your computer info.

    5. Anonymous4:19 PM

      The president of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, is catholic, a center right conservative and was elected by the people of Kenya, therefore not a dictator.

    6. Anonymous5:15 PM

      F you, I'm Native American, this country was just fine before you fucking white people and will be just fine afterwords. I bet it fing burns your ass that your ex wife is Fing a man of color doesn't it? Does your tiny penis make you feel helpless?

    7. Anonymous5:16 PM

      OL, all the IP Numbers go back to SarahPac, no one else cares about this site( sorry Uncle Gryphen, it's the truth)

    8. Anonymous5:41 PM

      hey audrey-what is wrong? time left over even with you running all over amazon trying to shut up those of us that know the TRUTH? you are a racist, extreme fringe lunatic like skank and you will both be taken down. skank is canceling and shortening book signings because 1. there just isn't a crowd for her and 2. she is so drugged out she can't handle it.

      my beautiful proud gracious and wonderful black/white president is so far above you that your arrows miss the mark completely and circle back to you.

    9. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Aaah, it's Willard Palin, ow for a little person ( that's the PC way to say it, isn't it?_) you should be happy you got that "hair" school education or you'd be working for less than Brisket would get for blowjobs in Kansas City , Kansas.
      Now run along Toto...errr...I mean Willard

    10. Anonymous6:17 PM

      @12:59 We have taken back our country from a Fraud who left Wasilla $20 million Dollars in debt, A Bridge to Nowhere, and 1/2 Billion Dollars given away for a Pipeline that was never built. Sarah Palin's Incompetency has cost the taxpayers too much.

    11. Anonymous4:53 AM

      Are you a time traveller from another era???

    12. You proved during the republican shutdown that you are a traitor who wants to see this country destroyed so your opinion is worth jack shit.

      Oh, and you are also a liar and an uneducated moron.

  35. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Gryphen said, "They do not consider him a legitimate President."

    The attempt to nullify his presidency is a nullification of the overwhelming majority vote he received--a nullification of democracy.

    Palin: "Do these far leftists realize Americans...."

    I work hard to argue substance rather than resort to profanity but f@#k her for spreading this feking divisive crap that only those who agree with her deserve to be acknowledged as Americans. F@#k the GOP and their effing false religion and hate.

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      THANK you, 1:11, you are absolutely right. "Miss Constitution" is undermining democracy at its very core.

    2. Anonymous5:38 PM

      skank of all stupidity stfu!
      the far right takes him to the woodshed-not right enough.
      the far left takes him to the woodshed-not left enough.
      then there are those of us who got him elected and we say "thank you president obama for not quitting on us in the face of racism, obstructionism, hatred, divisiveness, government shut downs, fillibusters, and media right and left. you are the absolute best president obama and my sincere appreciation and thanks to you and your family for all you endure while trying to make all of our lives better."

      skank-all we have to say to you is "crawl back under that rock and stay there."

  36. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Someone left a complaint on her FB page that SP cancelled her book signing in Omaha without any warning.

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM


      from the pee pit >>>>

      "Hey folks!
      Wanted to let you all know that the Governor’s book signing in Omaha, Nebraska was cancelled due to bad weather. That icy cold front prohibited Team Palin from flying into Omaha for the signing at Costco, but don’t worry, for the customers who bought books, they’ll receive signed copies.
      Everyone stay safe going into this weekend. Drive carefully, and take this chance to make a fire and drink something warm. Looks like winter finally arrived for many folks this week.
      Safe travels to Team Palin as they finish up this leg of the "Good Tidings and Great Joy" tour. Warm thoughts to our friends at the Minnesota signing!

      h/t: Timothy Jacques"


      i call bullshit - real reason, not enough 'tards showing up

      LMFAO !!

    2. Anonymous2:01 PM

      nebraska's "bad weather" must be too tough for the grizzled mama and her trailing spawn

      fukin' fraud

    3. Anonymous2:14 PM

      BS is right. Just checked 511-ATIS, the official NE DOT website. Aint shit going on there. Little to no snow on the ground from their network of webcams. Checked weatherunderground: currently 26F, winds 0 mph, no precipitation. Much the same forecast for tomorrow.
      Is this just her regular "quitters" quitting, or are we seeing the final meltdown of Baldy--the strange curtains, the "medical emergency", the canceled interviews. Good Tidings and Great Joy--maybe the witch is finally dead! A boy can hope.

    4. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Surprised these two comments haven't been removed from her Facebook page:-

      Anne Alsup-Hagstrom is it the you were able to make it to MN but couldn't make your stop in Omaha? more than 100 were there very early at Costco Omaha only to be told that you were stuck in Kansas City - gosh did Mall of America move? A signed piece of paper mailed to stick into the book is not quite the same. Such a disappointment today.
      2 hours ago ·

      Al Walgenbach Anne, we totally agree. Unless KC was blizzarded in, Palins are used to this puny weather. Sheryl
      about an hour ago via mobile ·


      The grifter's image as a hardy Alaskan is sure taking a beating with these antics.

    5. Anonymous2:34 PM

      we've had freezing rain all day here in Anchorage - the airport's wide open for business too - winter weather in Omaha must be different than winter weather here in AK ...

      lyin' frauds, sacks-0-shit grifters

    6. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Sounds like another medical emergency to me.
      And, one of the Pee's waiting in line in Minneapolis said that there weren't that many people there-- compared to other signings.

    7. Anonymous2:39 PM

      She is from Alaska and brags about her frontier life.
      Is this really that cold or harsh weather for an Alaskan?

      Where was she when she would take bare leg bare foot Trig into freezing weather while others were properly dressed?

    8. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Seriously? I just googled the weather in Omaha, Nebraska. 20's-30's over the weekend, partly cloudy to clear.
      No rain. No snow. No blizzards expected. Give me a break.
      OMG, she is so pathetic.

    9. Anonymous2:48 PM

      OK, call me the weatherman... in addition to Omaha, I've checked weather in Minneapolis and Kansas City: no bad weather anywhere. Would be crazy cold in Minneapolis for me a Californian, but shouldn't be an issue for a tough frontier woman from Alaska.

      She's so lazy that she can't even come up with decent excuses for quitting. Maybe she should just TM the tagline: "Hey, a quitters got to quit" and be done with it.

    10. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Sarah, Drusilla and Anastasia wanted to have more time to shop at the mall. Omaha would be a drag for them.

    11. Anonymous3:42 PM is it the you were able to make it to MN but couldn't make your stop in Omaha?


      Retail Therapy

    12. Anonymous4:44 PM

      It wasn't canceled "due to weather" because $arah couldn't make it. Costco canceled because they needed the service bay that they had set up for her instead for a rash of snow tire installations due to the impending storm ;-)

    13. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Why is a "grizzly Mama" from Alaska cancelling a tour way down south in Nebreska? Isn't she rough and tuff? Sorry, but I am from NE Minnesota and we don't quit for an inch of snow.

      Headine should read, "Grizzly Mama scared of lower 48 weather"

    14. Anonymous5:07 PM

      What a wimp. And of course there was no "bad wether" , she just is tired of the peeps that give her $$$, she wants the $$$ with no face time.

    15. Anonymous5:12 PM

      BTW in case anyone doesnt know, KC from Kinneapolis is an easy 5 hrs. So unless there are severe storms in KC and Minneapolis it is an easy 6 hr drive. But I guess the Grizzly Mama didn't shut up and get in the truck, huh?

    16. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Palin is going to be " interviewed " by Chris Wallace on
      Fox News Sunday about..wait for it..Martin Bashir.
      Talk about beating a dead poop.
      Enough already.
      Will Chris Wallace go all Hannity and slobber over Palin or will he act like O'Reilly and ask serious questions ?
      Palin probably has a guarantee that Wallace will only lob Hannityworthy fluff questions and will not challenge her on anything.
      Otherwise she wouldn't go on the show.

    17. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Omaha is the liberal bastion of the red state Nebraska. Probably wouldn't get the sales there. Should have gone to Davenport,

    18. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Omaha/Davenport ? Liberal/Conservative ? me thinks it doesn't matter much anymore as all's the skank's got left are a dwindling ignorant few ..

  37. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Photo caption: Oh, fuck! Why do I have to touch these people? Why can't they just send me the money, and leave me ALONE?!!!

  38. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Surely, Mrs. Palin wil have to bathe now after touching all those common sents (sic) folk. Eweee.

  39. As Charles Laughton once stated it, "like a drowning man clutching a razor blade."

    That picture finally makes me more sad than angry. What we know and those misguided, scared old people, in search of a voice for themselves don't, is if they happen to be poor too, they'd be the first Palin would set out on ice floe.

  40. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Doesn't look like a genuine hug from where I'm sitting! The woman doesn't have an ounce of kindness to her!

  41. Anonymous2:35 PM

    You know, on this day I really don't want to think about the dregs of society that Sarah Palin represents. We attended a beautiful remembrance at our State Theatre (Traverse City MI) organized by Michael Moore. We heard local high school students perform an excerpt of a suite from the Oliver Stone movie "JFK" by John Williams; we heard remembrances from Michael Moore, a local priest (head of the diocese's social services program) and a local long-term civil rights advocate and we saw two extraordinary documentaries: a short one with scenes from all around the country to a "soundtrack" of President Kennedy's inaugural address and the second one, "Letters to Jackie," a mesmerizing look at scenes from JFK's presidency (and his death) and the reading of some of the 80,000 letters that were sent to Jackie Kennedy in the two months following 11/22/63. Sarah Palin epitomizes all of the hatred and ignorance that led to the tragedy on 11/2263. It is unfortunate that we have not progressed more since then.

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Hear Hear, Beaglemom!

  42. Anonymous3:05 PM

    I noticed also, too, that everybody in line had a huge grin on, while Sister Quitter never had more than a half-smile for anybody. Cooold fish.

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      All she sees are dollar signs.

  43. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Palin can't even stick to a schedule. She always quits. She's a big old lying loser.

  44. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Oh come on, the real reason Sarah is so upset is because Ted Carnival Cruz promised to read her great Christmas book during his next filibuster.

  45. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Sarah was supposed to appear at Omaha Costco this morning, and if she was organized, she should have been there the night before. Second choice means getting up early in the morning to make a morning flight, and let's face it. Sarah (or Willow or Piper) overslept. I thought you set the alarm. I thought you left the wake up call. What's a wake up call? What time is it anyway.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Sasah travels with kiddies and is on their schedule. If she traveled with an adult or adults she would have a better chance of minimal function.

    2. Anonymous5:00 AM

      Sarah needs the kddies to make sure she puts on her clothes the right way and to do her hair. The kids are in charge, not mama. Sarah needs a handler. Willow is the hair fixer and drug dispenser . Piper rinses the panties and puts the outfits together.

  46. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Caption for that photo: For God's sake, get that woman off of me!

  47. Anonymous5:22 PM

    LYNCHBURG, Va. — Sarah Palin will speak at Liberty University’s final convocation of the fall semester.

    The university announced that the former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate will speak to students on the Lynchburg campus Dec. 4. Signed copies of her new book, “Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas” also will be available at the event.

    1. Anonymous9:14 PM

      "Available". Yep her book will be available. Air will also be available. Catch is, the air is free but the book is for
      'sale'. $60 bucks no less. I believe that's the going rate at her rolling tag sale book tour.

      From what I see her fans might be better off buying the book. They'd have something handy to bop themselves over the head if they should ever wake up and smell the moose balls.

    2. Anonymous10:09 PM

      Anonymous 5:22 PM...I can't wait to see what wrinkled, inappropriate and mismatched outfit she wears to her gig at Liberty University. Fugly shoes also, too.

  48. Anita Winecooler5:27 PM

    When "Facebook Sarah" writes "Only a Butterball’s serotonin-induced sleepiness after dinner will lull us back in", by "Butterball" she's referring to RAM.
    I'm surprised she didn't write "Sarahtonin", since everything's about "her" or, if she had the time, google "seratonin".... it's naturally produced FROM the Triptophan in Turkeys. Then she could spell it as "Tripp to phan", to honor Shailey Tripp.

    Stick to what you know, Sarah. Celebrate "Thanksgiving" for what it was. The first of many boatloads of "Furriners" who came here, raped, pillaged, and stole the land from the Natives that were here, putting them on "Reservations", land that THEIR "Religion" holds sacred.
    Surely you're the expert on "Slavery".and "religion" with a small "r".
    She bailed on a book signing due to "weather", she's reprising the "squiggle on a piece of paper and call it a "signed book" trick.

    All I can say about the Filibuster is "What took them so long?". Despite their obstruction, he's accomplished much more for the people than they ever did.

    1. Anonymous9:38 PM

      I believe that is tryptophan that makes you sleepy from turkey.

    2. Anonymous5:01 AM

      We gave the natives smallpox and STDs. Sarah should be able to identify with that lol!

  49. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Former Gov. Sarah Palin, R-Alaska, talks to "Fox News Sunday" at 10 a.m. She will discuss MSNBC host Martin Bashir's slam against her as "America's resident dunce" and her decision to cancel an interview with NBC's "Today."

    1. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Fox News Sunday! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

      You go RIGHT ahead, Queen Heifer! Gee, hasn't Meet The Press called? CBS Sunday Morning? This Week With George Stephanopoulos?

      DAMN that lame stream media, your opinion you're still memorizing off index cards from the Kochs just doesn't matter anymore! If you think a write-in campaign by your pants-wetters fan club to have Bashir fired is going to work, you've got another thing coming, hun.

      BTW, I see your diaper gang at c4p were a little upset this morning because the twit in charge of John McCain's tweets had pics of him having a fine time hanging with Hollywood types at some big to-do that you weren't invited to, and also recommended his "books to read" and yours was not on the list?!?!? The horrors! Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why, but your base has always been a little slow like you.

      Bill O's calling you, girlfriend. I DARE YOU.

      Happy Holidays!

    2. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Maybe Sarah will remember what church she goes to up there in Wasilla-- or in Arizona. Maybe Sarah will explain the other definitions of "slavery," you know, the definition where you are just obligated to some one like owing them money. And, if you believe that one, I have some surveyors marks to sell you, any and all of them.

  50. Anonymous6:08 PM

    where the fuck is the outrage from the skank over what rush said today? throwing rape around like a lunatic!!!!!!
    from huffpo:

    "Every now and then, some lunatic in the group proposes to change the rule to allow women to be raped. But they never were able to get six votes for it. There were always the four women voting against it and they always found two guys.Well, the guy that kept proposing that women be raped finally got tired of it, and he was in the majority and he was one that [said], 'You know what? We're going to change the rule. Now all we need is five." And well, 'you can't do that.' 'Yes we are. We're the majority. We're changing the rule.' And then they vote. Can the women be raped? Well, all it would take then is half of the room. You can change the rule to say three. You can change the rule to say three people want it, it's going to happen."

    1. Anonymous9:42 PM

      Reminder: Mayor of Wasilla, Sarah Palin made women who were raped pay the $300. for their rape kit. That's like being raped again. Nothing that Rush says about rape will bother her--

  51. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Bristol, how is that Pregnancy coming along? Number 4? You sure are a busy unmarried Sperm Receptacle. Is there a new Trial Daddy available? Joey Junker will not claim this one, he likes playing the field.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      C'mon, Bristol, keeping with the T that you do, name it Travesty.

    2. Anonymous5:03 AM

      7:28 good one.
      Also Trapped is a nice one.
      Tragic has a ring to it.

    3. Anonymous5:35 AM

      How about the Palin Family trait: TRAMP .

    4. Anonymous6:08 AM

      How about Trial?

    5. Anonymous1:50 PM


  52. Anonymous9:35 PM

    It is "significant proof" that rethuglicans are supreme douche bags.

  53. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Sarah Palin's Facebook posted one picture of her book signing at the Mall Of America. The picture showed the rails on the multiple floors lined with people. That means nothing. Of course people will line up at the rails for a free peek. Some were there at the mall doing shopping and some people went there to watch an accident in progress. So seeing that one picture means nothing.

    1. Anonymous11:32 PM

      I dipped into the peepond, one whacko that was there estimated 450.

    2. Anonymous6:34 AM

      Was it 450 in line to buy a book or 450 there to watch a train wreck?

    3. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Well, I'll give them the 450 they claim and just say the other 10,000 in the MOA were there to watch the train wreck.
      But they are still completely overlooking the fact Sarah lied when she said she dumped Nebraska for the weather.

  54. Anonymous4:04 AM

    I guess Sarah Palin, like the GOP members of Congress, never got far enough in reading the Constitution to notice that a majority is what is needed to pass a law, not 60 votes in the Senate or a "super majority" (whatever that is) in the House. It's a simple majority unless the vote is something really big, like an amendment to the Constitution.

  55. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Colony Middle School's last school day before Thanksgiving is November 27th. Piper has missed a full week of school. She will have the same education as her 2 dropout sisters. Education is a no no in the Palin Family. Also, there are Basketball games this week, so Piper must have quit the Team. Quitters, all of them.

  56. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Forgot about this.

    Anonymous9:42 PM Reminder: Mayor of Wasilla, Sarah Palin made women who were raped pay the $300. for their rape kit. That's like being raped again. Nothing that Rush says about rape will bother her-- 

    Think about this, small town Mayor Sarah Palin authorized to buy a new four wheel drove vehicle and spent a lot of money to redecorate her office into a whore house but yet made rape victims pay for their own rape kits.

    Happy Holidays sarah

  57. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Palin's Facebook page posts pictures of the MOA book signing but doesn't show an actual line of people.... no panoramic or distant view. It is either of individuals or of gawkers.

  58. Sarah will have her "Blood Libel" moment redux on FOX on Sunday.

  59. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Willow was at the book signing. So Willow is like her sister Bristol. Supposedly Willow has a shampoo job but like Bristol, she can take off any time she wants to and has a job when she returns. Nobody has work ethics in that family!

  60. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Marge Ewy > SP Facebook:

    If Sarah decides to run for any office she will need ALL of us to help her!!! No couch potatoes!! Financially as well as physically-working on her behave, calling and knocking on doors!! For a president like Sarah I will do whatever I can. We can't just sit and things fall where they may or another Obama will be president!

    Marge why are you talking nonsense? How many years has Sarah said she is running but refuses to throw her wig into the ring. You are just another Palin retard.

  61. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Jan Lee > SP facebook:

    Put Seattle on the tour. I've read everyone of your books. You are truly a blessing to this country. Thank you for what you do!

    Jan what is it exactly has Sarah Palin done except stick her scrawny fingers into your pockets? Another fucking idiot

  62. Anonymous7:37 AM

    If Sarah, Willow and Piper are at the mall then who is keeping an eye on Todd to make sure he doesn't sneak off to Anchorage?

  63. Anonymous10:15 AM

    She's making a turkey joke?


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