Tuesday, January 21, 2014

DJ makes a citizen's arrest of ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair for war crimes. Well good for him!

Courtesy of The Telegraph:  

One of the world’s most controversial political figures had an unlikely brush with reality on Friday, with Tony Blair subjected to a humiliating citizen’s arrest by a DJ working as a barman at trendy London eaterie the Tramshed. 

It appears Blair was caught off-guard during an intimate meal with family and friends. The former Prime Minister has been haunted for almost a decade by the legacy of what many term an illegal war which saw up to a million Iraqis die and the country left ravaged by rival militia groups. 

While Blair is used to facing protests wherever he goes, from high level conferences to book signings, he has never been ambushed in a social setting – until now. 

DJ and aspiring producer Twiggy Garcia told Vice he had fantasised for years about ‘arresting’ Blair. He couldn’t believe his luck when he discovered he was in the very restaurant he was working. It was not a plan, he claimed on Monday but “something I have wanted to do for a few years. I had been waiting for the opportunity after seeing the website arrestblair.org and it just so happened that we were in the same place at the same time.” 

Mr Garcia recalls his “heart rate increased” when he discovered Blair’s “eerie presence” was in the building. He feared Blair’s security detail might have overheard him saying “should I citizen’s arrest him?” 

His motivation? “I believe Blair is responsible for the mass murder of Iraqi civilians after taking our country into an illegal war.”

I love this!

I don;t know about most of you but I have a similar fantasy when it comes to George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Karl Rove.

 Apparently this is the fifth time that somebody has tried to place Blair under a citizen's arrest, mostly due to the urging of this website, which offers a reward for anyone who successfully arrests him.

Okay my question is why isn't there an ArrestBush.org, an ArrestRumsfeld.org, and an ArrestCheney.org?

Because I think it would be awesome if the criminals in the Bush administration were afraid to go out into to public for fearing of being accosted by justice loving Americans.


  1. OT: Chris Christie's inaugural 'party' is canceled tonight thanks to Mother Nature's kindly timed snow. Guess there'll be no film of all those triumphant faces.

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      Things are not going well for the jerk! Too bad, so sad!

  2. Cracklin Charlie7:11 AM

    My favorite picture of Ham Rove!

    Thanks for the chuckle, G!

  3. Anonymous7:13 AM

    OMG Bravo!!
    I would absolutely arrest Bush/Cheney/Rice/Rumsfeld/Rove if I had opportunity. In a heartbeat I would!!!!
    Maybe we should citizen arrest Palin for fraud???

  4. Boscoe7:51 AM

    Yeah, how about let's not go down the road of empowering the same dipshits who piss you off with their stupidity on the highway to feel like they can randomly "arrest" anyone they don't like.

    you're basically just legitimizing those teatard morons who fantasize about "citizen's arresting" our President. You and the NSA can keep their fantasies in their pants, thanks.

    Though it would be entertaining to see a guy doing a citizen's arrest, getting citizen's arrested by another guy for "unlawful detention", in turn getting arrested by another guy for infringing on the first guy's civil rights, only to be himself citizen's arrested by another guy... and another guy and another guy ad infinitum.


    1. Ailsa8:27 AM

      Yes Boscoe, on both counts.

      There are laws pertaining to citizen arrests. Nothing there about starting illegal wars 10 years ago, I'm afraid.


    2. Even if someone was able to citizens-arrest Bush, Rove, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rice, etc., the statute of limitations expired yesterday (so several references online have said). Five years after Obama's inauguration.

  5. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Kudos to him! All these people do is deflect, deflect deflect. They aren't fooling anyone.

  6. If only.

    We can't even get people to read articles about the strange events on 9/11 now (let alone any of the excellent books (Suskind, Ricks, Isikoff, Corn, etc.) on the planning and implementation of the Iraq debacle). Just look at what that's been useful for as far as these murderers'/thieves' lives/Halliburton rescue has progressed.

    To get people actually engaged enough to arrest them publicly?

    I fear you are a dreamer (but a great one, surely).

    Maybe when the millennials come to power.

    If Cheney is still alive.

    Then we'll get justice.

    I'd like to have them take back his stolen body parts as he never did anything to earn his misbegotten benefits.

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Yes, the blindness of the average american t the anomalies of 9/11 is sickening. Just tragic really. The offical story id the real conspiracy theory. You know it. i know it. But not enough of us know it.

  7. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I would especially love seeing Cheney and Rove under citizen arrest!!! However, I'm sure both have big security surrounding them at a cost to the taxpayers! Assholes!

  8. Rattletrap8:47 AM

    This is counterproductive.

    You do not humiliate a man in front of his family. Ever.

    It is true, Gryphen, and you know it.

    And so does everyone reading this comment.

    I am no better than any of you, most likely inferior to most of you. I, too, have a plethora of revenge fantasies. Cruelty you could never conceive of or imagine.

    But I know this shit is wrong.

    1. Hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis, and thousands of American an British troops died because of this man.

      I could not care any less about his embarrassment. He should be in prison, or put to death.

      THAT would be justice.

    2. Rattletrap9:38 AM

      You are stubborn to a fault.

      Tony Blair did not crash jumbo jets into the twin towers. He is guilty of believing a few lying Americans, who deceived the world and themselves.

      I will not not waver on this, my friend.

      Men, who are better than you or I could ever hope to be, died believing the same as you.

      And me.

      It is human nature to avoid pain.

  9. Anonymous9:00 AM

    A stoned guy with no insurance or drivers license hit my car a few years back. I DID Citizens Arrest him. It really freaked him out. I grabbed his keys out of his ignition and wouldn't let him leave. My daughter later told me I sounded like Gomer Pyle hollering "Citizens Arrest, Citizens Arrest" BUT it was the first new car I had ever bought and I was furious.
    I would totally relive the experience by arresting a politician if I could.



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