Thursday, January 30, 2014

Former Minnesota Vikings player Chris Kluwe takes on the Religious Right.

Courtesy of Americans Against the Tea Party:  

Kluwe made the comments during an interview with atheist activist David Viviano. When asked if religion was behind Vikings special teams coach Mike Priefer’s anti-gay comments, Kluwe said that a special brand of extreme Christianity was most likely the source. 

“I think that might have been a factor in it because I know that especially with Christianity there is very much, you know, a lot of stuff in the Old Testament about, you know, stone the gays, don’t allow it, homosexuality is a sin, stuff like that,” Kluwe replied. “And it is really unfortunate because there is a lot of very nice people who are Christians who don’t believe that, but there are also a lot of very not nice people who are Christians who do believe that, and they give the other Christians a very bad name.” 

“They’re very vocal, they’re very active, and they’re treating people really badly,” Kluwe went on to say. 

He pointed out that if the “tables where flipped,” fundamentalist Christians would be the first ones to complain about being “persecuted.” 

“Fundamentalism is never a good thing in history,” he continued. “Fundamentalism leads to really terrible things, and so my position has always been, I don’t have any problem whatsoever with religion, I have no problem whatsoever with whatever your beliefs are, all I care about are your actions. What do your actions say about you as a person? Because that is the only way any of us can ever judge each other.” 

Hard to argue with that.

I know that a lot of my Christian visitors get a little testy with me always going after religion, but much like Chris Kluwe my main problem is with those who wish to impose their religion on others.

If there were no Christians trying to insert Creationism into public classrooms, or telling women what to do with their bodies, or imposing their Biblical morality on our LGBT friends and relatives, I would never say a peep.

But as we know that is NOT what is going on in America these days. But hopefully by speaking out, educating others about the origin of religion, and standing up for our rights, there may soon come a time when people of a religious persuasion can live in harmony with the non-religious, and feel no sense of discomfort or need to inflict their point of view on their neighbors.


  1. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Your religious visitors are hypocrites if they do not stand up to the people who are trashing their own religion by acting like entitled assholes. That is exactly the opposite their Jesus said would get them into his kingdom.
    If all they do is bitch at you or pointing it ou, they are just as bad as those who treat others as second class citizens. If they are not part of the solution, they are part of the problem.

    1. To hold a person responsible for the actions of every other person in a group is not reasonable or fair, whether that group be a religion, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, or club.

    2. Leland7:07 AM

      Sorry, Jo, but in this particular case, I must agree with 2:49.

      The writer was not holding them responsible, per se, for the actions of those despicable people. The writer was saying that by NOT speaking out AGAINST their actions and words, they are just as guilty, just from a different perspective.

      If someone doesn't stand up and stop a bully, they are just as bad, just from a different angle.

      A problem cannot be corrected if it isn't spoken against. And who better to complain about inappropriate actions or speech than a person (or persons) intimately involved with those doing those actions or saying those things?

      Essentially? The comment is saying that if the christians who don't agree with, or are downright opposed to, what those others are saying, then they are a part of the problem.

  2. Anonymous3:30 AM

    I don't know if anyone is familiar with the circumstances that rendered Kluwe to "former Viking punter" status but his story can be found with a quick Google search. Mind you, this man is straight and now most likely blackballed from the sport. I commend him,

  3. No atheist ever knocked on my front door and suggested I was gambling eternal damnation if I didn't go along with whatever belief they were shilling.

    Atheists don't have to recruit: their new members find their own way when they get fed up with oppression and superstition.

  4. Anonymous4:55 AM

    I have never understood the "need to inflict their point of view on their neighbors." If you are sure of your belief system, convinced you will eventually enjoy the promised afterlife, why on earth are you so angry? If you are sure your interpretation of the Bible is accurate, and you are following its directives to the best of your ability, why are you so hateful? If you have all the answers, why aren't you at peace? I don't think any Biblical interpretation allows for you to be punished for others' sins, so relax and enjoy life . . . and we'll do the same.

  5. Anonymous5:02 AM

    To hell with football. Somebody get this man on the big screen. He is so damn purdy! Okay, calm down, calm down. Now off to print this pic and hang it on my fridge. And I also love the way his mind works.
    As Olive Oyl would say, "what a man, what a man, what a man! Hubba! Hubba!"

    1. Anonymous6:40 AM


    2. Hope no Delilah cuts off his beautiful hair. -:)

    3. Leland9:04 AM

      Gonna be picky here, hrh. "And Delilah caused a HANDMAIDEN to remove his hair."

      A good bet for those into betting at bars!


  6. Anonymous6:00 AM

    For the Atheists in the room:

  7. Anonymous7:24 AM

    O/T For all your Superbowl fans out there, be aware of this, it's a big problem.

    You'll Never See This Side of the Super Bowl on TV

    Probably a big day for Todd the pimp and human trafficker.

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Turd is probably down there right now.

  8. Otto Katz9:30 AM


  9. Anita Winecooler4:38 PM

    Whew! What a handsome and smart guy! It was mighty tough trying to read the post and not just glare at that photo, but I somehow made it!
    What I liked was how he framed his response. I'm sick and tired of typing "Small "c" christian vs. Capital "C"Christians. He's right, if one judges others on their actions, a lot of christians and Christians would be surprised that all atheists aren't "Arrogant" "Close minded" haterez. They're just people trying their best to carve a life, raise families, and contribute to society with no strings attached.

  10. I love this guy. Love, love, love this guy.
    Every time I hear something he said, I think "wow, he's got some guts standing up and saying what so many of us are thinking." I wish I could be like that.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.