Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sarah Palin pimps her "in name only" husband's upcoming Iron Dog race, and claims they are raising money to fight breast cancer. Wait, what?

Courtesy of Palin's Facebook page:  

It's almost IRON DOG time! This is one of the busiest times of the year for us with lots of guys wrenching in the shop and training on the trails and frozen rivers. Todd and his partner are full speed ahead gearing up for the world’s longest and toughest snowmachine race traversing over 2,000 miles of frozen Alaska. 

This year we’re very excited that Todd’s SkiDoo team and three other teams riding SkiDoo are racing for a very worthy cause! They’re launching the “Bring Home the Pink” campaign to raise money and awareness in the fight against breast cancer. All the money goes directly to help women in need. In fact, they’re working with Breast Cancer Focus, an Alaska-based organization run entirely by volunteers, in order to ensure that the donations go to fund efforts that will directly help women.

Yeah, did that stop you short when you read that too?

I hate to be completely cynical but when I think of Sarah and Todd "What's in it for us?" Palin I do NOT think of charity.

However the charity seems to be a real thing, and as far as I know legitimate. (Though it should be noted that it appears to be brand new.)

As far as I know.

Of course the idea of Todd Palin, one time pimp, raising money to give to help women rather than forcing them to work and make HIM money is more than a little hard to swallow.

Perhaps the Palins have turned over a new leaf and are now willing to finally give back to their communities. I mean anything's possible, right?


Hey, do you know who would REALLY like to see Todd race snowmachines?

Tripp. But sadly he is with his mother in Arizona for the next three months.

Because, you know, fuck Levi.


  1. Leland6:17 AM

    " time pimp..."? Are you SURE of that tense?

    1. No I'm not.

      But I don't have any proof to the contrary either.

  2. Chenagrrl6:26 AM

    I smell a scam. Is the "charity" registered with the state of Alaska? Can you find it on Charity Navigator, or even at, which used to be called Pennies for Charity. Read through, you'll be aghast at how little these charities give to their goal -- especially veterans, autism and breast cancer.

  3. Chenagrrl6:27 AM

    About Todd facilitiating extracurricular drilling on the North Slope, the Troopers will know. They knew when Jesse Carr hangers-on were doing it in the '70s and '80s. They'll know now.

  4. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Notice she cut the head off the driver in the pic. It's either not Todd or some kind of voodoo cropping job by Grifterella in hopes that he'll be injured during the race. Lol. It says all the Skidoo teams are participating, so this wasn't the Palin's idea. She's just jumping on the bandwagon to make it appear that they are actually charitable. Interesting timing of the post since her greedy grifting was again revealed yesterday by the latest SarahPAC filing.

  5. Anonymous6:30 AM

    One day Todd made a comment about my nipples being pink, she noted I said, 'You've never seen me naked,' and he said, 'Well, maybe there's a peephole.' Todd and his friends had been peepin' on us for months. And he wasn't some horny teenager; he was a grown and married man.

  6. Anonymous6:34 AM

    I'll be impressed if he donated any winnings to charity.

  7. Anonymous6:39 AM

    You'd think she'd support Down Syndrome causes, because, well, it's so close to her heart. Bitch.

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Oh I'll BET she loves her some Cathy McMorris Rodgers! Actually GAVE birth to a DS child, and started the Congressional DS Caucus shortly afterward. Up and coming GOP darling, while $arah plays snow bunny. Bitch is right!

    2. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Why would a valid Charity use "Go fund me"?
      And just started in Jan 14.
      I call Bullshit on this "Charity"!

  8. Anonymous6:43 AM


  9. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Shameless: giving SkiDoo free advertising (which I'm sure pays off handsomely for the Palins) while pretending they care about anything other than cashing in.

    Query: if they don't get money up-front from the SkiDoo company, and, instead, free snowmobiles or other financial support, are they noting these gifts on their tax returns?
    I'm looking at you, IRS.

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      giving SkiDoo free advertising

      EXACTLY. Product placement is where the Palins have most experience. Quid pro quo. What is in it for them. Most of the celebrity 'charity' games are for free PR. It is an old racket, not new. Many charities are scams.

  10. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Sarah and Todd how about donating money to the new movie Boys Will Be Boys?

    1. Anonymous7:00 AM

      Only if you get a lion's share of the proceeds, right, pimptoad?

    2. Anonymous7:04 AM

      This whole thing sounds like a preemptive PR strike against negative publicity when the movie comes out or even starts to get more attention while being made. Their argument -- "oh, how could these crazy rumors about Todd be true when he and his crew are so concerned and charitable around women's health issues." I predict more "good works" to allegedly benefit women to get some good PR.

    3. Anonymous7:49 AM

      I think you're onto something, 7:04 AM!

    4. Anonymous8:19 AM

      We need to 'follow the money' to Breast Cancer' via Todd Palin's race in Alaska. Would imagine it would be pretty easy to do.

      How does he raise the money? How is it publicized? (It's not in Alaska at the present!) This is NOT a normal thing connected w/that specific race.

      Plus, Todd and Sarah Palin ONLY do things that benefit themselves....Todd's even on video saying "What's in it for us?"

      Don't trust the two of them as far as they can be thrown in the ice and snow of Alaska. (Mostly ice now because the majority of the snowpack has melted!)

    5. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Image makeover!

  11. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Movie of Todd Palin and Shailey Tripp affair to be filmed in Louisiana

    A recently-launched movie based on an autobiographical account of a sexual affair between Todd Palin, the husband of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, and an Alaskan masseuse, is to be filmed in New Orleans and Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

    The movie is a fictional account based on the best-selling book, “Boys Will Be Boys: Media, Morality, and the Coverup of the Todd Palin Shailey Tripp Sex Scandal” by former masseuse Shailey Tripp, who claims she was manipulated by Todd Palin into a life of prostitution.

    In her best-selling book, Shailey Tripp proves, with copies of documents and lists of names, that her arrest for prostitution and her introduction to that business had roots in the heart of a famous celebrity "family man." One day after standing next to Sarah Palin as she was sworn in as Alaska's first female governor, this "First Dude" was flirtatiously emailing with a young single mom, Shailey Tripp, and saying, "You light up my life."

    According to the movie's producer, Stephen James, the movie puts fictional flesh on the bones of the autobiographical account by Shailey Tripp of how she was manipulated into vice by the state's "first dude"; and including how she personally gave a massage to the Alaska's then State Governor, Sarah Palin.

    Of the choice of filming location James, explained: “The mix of industrial and residential infrastructure of New Orleans and Baton Rouge, combined with the lush landscape of the Louisiana countryside, provide every backdrop to help make the movie visually exciting behind the fast-paced action and intrigue of the plot. We think the location will make the movie unbeatable and we are all extremely excited by it.

    “Louisiana is a continent away from where the circumstances surrounding the book actually took place and, as a work of fiction based on the book, a change of location was deemed necessary to further add to the "fictionalization".

    The movie is currently in early development and the production company, New Orleans-based Pink Hat Productions, is seeking investors to take the work to the big screen. “A couple of interested parties have already expressed their interest in funding the production,” added James.

    1. I hope she makes a bunch of $$$ off this. She’s a brave lady.

    2. Anonymous9:03 AM

      I second that! The Palins are so alergic to actually WORKING for a living, I am leery about this charity. Susan G. Koman paid their top brass so outrageously, that I am sure the Palins are hoping for that kind of success. The Pac seems to be fading as more people are opening their eyes to this family of grifters. Someone should keep a VERY close eye on this latest scam of theirs.

    3. Anonymous9:23 AM

      So she can turn around and tell you to eat shit and die. Brave lady, my ass. She is just scamming again. Snort.

    4. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Oh Willow, you have such a way with words. Your family knows all about scamming, don't they!

  12. Anonymous6:58 AM

    "What's in it for me/us?" Todd Palin is actually doing something that supposedly is for another? Give me a friggin' break!

    By doing the race in this way, it's a huge write off on their income taxes. He'll have little costs himself to this race. The equipment is provided him and the team - they don't pay a dime for it! It's all about advertisement! Same goes for the gear he/they wear during the race.

    The Palins, as the majority of Alaskans know, are out for themselves which has been proven time and time again. Plus, Todd has admitted it on video! "What's in it for us?"

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      I like the photos of everyone at the Palin cabin wearing their free Arctic Cat gear.

    2. Anonymous8:12 AM

      That is what Todd drove (Arctic Cat) prior to the brand of this year.

  13. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Hey Sarah! Why would Todd be 'wrenching in the shop' when the machines are provided Todd and team free of charge and brand new for the race? How much do you actually know about this race which Todd and group haven't won in years?

    1. fromthediagonal7:52 AM

      Anon @7:03...maybe she meant not "wrenching" but "wenching"...

    2. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Maybe she meant 'screwing' but was being delicate.

  14. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Todd Palin was a vicious flirt who spied on naked girls, even while married to Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, a new book asserts.

    In the book -- titled The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin, written by Joe McGinniss and due out Tuesday -- a woman in Todd Palin's hometown of Dillingham, Alaska said that Todd hit on me constantly in the mid-1990s.

    McGinniss interviewed the woman, who said she used to hang around the local fishermen during the summers, one of whom was married to Wasilla politician Sarah Palin.

    During summer, the fishing season, Todd was out there, and they'd all flirt with me. I'd probably flirt back, the attractive white woman, told McGinnis.

    One day... Todd was in his old Ford truck with a boat hooked up to the back, and he was like, 'Come here.' I had on these overalls with a bikini top, and he said 'I hear lots about you.' Then he said 'Turn around,' and I said, 'What?' and he said 'I hear you got a great heart-shaped ass' and 'Aren't you just adorable?'

    If that wasn't enough, the woman retells another conversation between Todd Palin and herself, in which the fisherman and snow mobile enthusiast implied that he's been secretly looking at her while she changed her clothes.

    One day Todd made a comment about my nipples being pink, she noted I said, 'You've never seen me naked,' and he said, 'Well, maybe there's a peephole.' Todd and his friends had been peepin' on us for months. And he wasn't some horny teenager; he was a grown and married man.

    The Rogue paints Sarah Palin, once a candidate for the vice-president of the United States, in an even more negative light. McGinnis asserts that Palin had an extra-marital affair with one of her husband's business partners, and also had a tryst ex-NBA player Glen Rice.

    The book also says that Palin and her husband used cocaine up until she decided to run for governor, and there is a scene in The Rogue in which Palin snorts cocaine off an overturned 55-gallon oil drum while snowmobiling with pals, according to theNational Enquirer.

    To research his book, McGinniss rented a house next door to Palin's and interviewed her old Wasilla, Alaska associates.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      7:17 Your statement is incorrect as to the book by Joe McGinniss - it is NOT a NEW book - Copyright was 2011. First Edition

      I read it when it was first published and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    2. Anonymous9:09 AM

      well duh @ 8:10

      if you follow the link - the article, including the sentence about the NEW book, was written in 2011.

    3. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Oops! Those links never work for me and hence I never access them. I take your word and stand corrected.

  15. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Todd and his partner are full speed ahead gearing up for the world’s longest and toughest snowmachine race traversing over 2,000 miles of frozen Alaska. 

    What happened to Todd's last partner Brad Hanson?

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Brad Hanson had too many Panty Inspections on Sarah Palin. Brad's son has been telling his Hockey teammates that his Dad was 'porking' Sarah Palin in years past. Old Sarah sure did like strange meat: Glenn Rice, Curt Menard Jr., Schmidt, Brad Hanson, and many guys from the Mugshot Saloon. No wonder Bristol and Willow are living life Vibrantly on their backs with Legs Spread.

    2. Anonymous8:04 AM

      So Sarah's Skidoo photo with a headless driver is supposed to be Todd? That photo is a copyright of Skidoo, not Sarah Palin. I am surprised that she did not place the Sarah Pac logo on the photo. Are you afraid to try stealing a copyrighted photo again, Sarah Grifter?

    3. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Sarah Palin had an affair w/Brad Hanson and that split the friendship of Todd and Brad needless to say.

      I hope Todd kicked Sarah and Brad in both of their asses! Too bad he didn't get rid of his wife!

    4. Anonymous8:36 AM

      He IS rid of his wife. Public appearances are all a facade. They're both nothing but TRASH.

    5. Anonymous8:51 AM

      8:04 It's obvious she actually has learned ONE lesson due to putting SarahPac on a photo! That Court case has not been moved to Alaska, which is what her attorneys requested - it's been kept on the east coast. Yea!!! She'll have to part w/some of her money when all is settled, I'm sure!

      Friggin' idiot that FINALLY got caught for at least ONE of her dastardly deeds!

    6. 7:52 AM "Old Sarah sure did like strange meat: Glenn Rice, Curt Menard Jr., Schmidt, Brad Hanson, and many guys from the Mugshot Saloon."

      "Schmidt"!? Huh? I haven't heard about Schmidt. Surely .. surely you don't mean Steve Schmidt .. do you??

    7. Anonymous1:04 PM


      The commenter is talking about Joe Schmidt, an old high school buddy of hers that she put in charge of the AK Corrections Department. Lots of rumors floating around about those two and at her last Gov picnic they were pretty flirty.

    8. 1:04 PM
      Thank you for your reply. I'm relieved it's Joe Schmidt because if it was Steve Schmidt, then we would never, ever hear about what Steve, Nicole Wallace, et al, know about Sarah. At least now I can continue to hope that sometime down the line, the truth will come out. : )

    9. 1:04 PM
      Thank you for your reply. I'm relieved it's Joe Schmidt because if it was Steve Schmidt, then we would never, ever hear about what Steve, Nicole Wallace, et al, know about Sarah. At least now I can continue to hope that sometime down the line, the truth will come out. : )

    10. Anonymous5:52 PM

      You get the feeling from everything Steve Schmidt says that he wouldn't have touched Sarah with a ten foot pole, despite the fact that she had a tendency to answer her hotel doors wearing only a towel.

  16. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Grifting in Pink now, pink on a pig is still a PIG!

  17. They’re grasping for a respectability they’ll never win back because folks know too much about them. I can imagine a couple of fifty-year-olds being worried about the income necessary to support a raft of deadbeat kids and ward off investigations. And spitting venom at the first lady president won’t pay nearly as well as spitting venom at the first black president. Yeah, they’re worried.

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      I agree. Something is not right in Palin World.

  18. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Excuse me for asking a naive question, but how is Todd raising money to fight breast cancer? Why hasn't Todd ever been associated with raising money for Down Syndrome organizations?

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      How would Todd Palin raise money for this race? Everything is provided him already for the race for which SkiDoo etc. receive the advertisement.

      I live in Alaska and have seen NOTHING regarding this - in the Valley (Wasilla/Palmer) newspaper or the Anchorage Daily News.

      I call baloney on Sarah's Facebook comment (which purposefully doesn't reflect Todd driving the snow machine!).

    2. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Excuse me for asking a naive question, but how is Todd raising money to fight breast cancer?

      He is not. It is an old scheme to give RW nuts improved public relations. Someone can use his name to raise money. Skidoo? One of his daughters has a deal with another Skidoo promoter.

  19. Anonymous7:38 AM

    This website: told me to be aware of breast cancer scams and to check out any charity using the pink ribbon at a couple of websites. Funny, "Bring home the pink" is not a registered charity with or Charity Navigator. Maybe Sarah will offer another facebook post explaining how one can donate directly to an authorized charity for breast cancer. I'm not giving a penny to "What's in it for us?" Todd Palin!

  20. Anonymous7:39 AM

    "Among GOP voters, Palin holds a stunning 70% approval rating. If the GOP had their way, the failed reality show clown would be President today.
    There you have it. The party of Eisenhower and Buckley is now the party of Michael Grimm, Uncle Sugar, Tim Huelskamp, and Sarah Palin."

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      No way does Sarah Palin have 70% approval ratings from Republicans. 7:39 you need to provide where you got that 'supposed' statistic.

      Remember how she was kept out of their Convention in Florida? She's on the far right side of the Republican party and Republicans are distancing themselves from that part of their group!! Her side has hurt their party horribly!

      Your comment is pure bullshit!

    2. Anonymous8:34 AM

      I, for one, take these polls with a grain of salt.

    3. Anonymous10:07 AM

      It looks legitimate that the poll found among Republican primary voters, Palin has the highest approval rating. I say Bring It On!

    4. Anonymous11:25 AM

      10:07 - Give proof of the poll? Where is it published and who did it? Sarah Palin does not have majority approval rating by the Republican party. She's a joke to them (as well as the majority throughout the USA)and they want as much distance from her as possible! Proven: They kept her out of their Convention in Florida - the doors were closed (not 'open') to her!

    5. Anonymous12:24 PM

      .."I should add that while PPP's last national poll was taken 40 days ago....The national GOP frontrunner is NOW Mike "Uncle Sugar" Huckabee.


      Huckabee now leads the GOP field, with Christie dropping from first to third.
      He's at 16% to 14% for Jeb Bush, 13% for Chris Christie, 11% for Rand Paul, 8% each for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Paul Ryan, 6% for Scott Walker, and 5% for Bobby Jindal.

      Among Republican voters, Huckabee enjoys a 64% approval rating (64% to 18%).

      To quantify the extend to which the lunatics have taken over the asylum, PPP finds the most popular person among GOP voters is.... you guessed it.... Half-Governor Palin....

      Daily Kos source was:

      The best liked person we tested on this poll with Republican primary voters is actually Sarah Palin who has a 70/20 favorability rating. She's followed by Huckabee at 64/18, Ryan at 58/18, Paul at 58/21, Bush at 56/18, Cruz at 45/20, and Christie at 40/38. Most of those numbers are similar to what they were a month ago but Christie's seen a substantial drop from +18 at 47/29 a month ago to his new +2 net favorability.

    6. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Here's the actual poll.
      Palin is in there...

    7. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Republicans are either evil or stupid. Is it any surprise that Sarah Palin is popular with them?

  21. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Todd Palin is a sexual predator. The LAST thing he should be involved in is a WOMAN'S charity. His pimping operation is well known, thanks to Shailey Tripp, and I hope that someone contacts this charity and informs them of the monster they are using to promote their message. I hope that they are horrified and drop him like a lead balloon once they know the real Todd Palin and his nefarious ways.

    If anyone can, please send Shailey's book to the Director of that organization. They need to know who they are using as sponsors and the insidious activies that they engage in. Also, if anyone knows Shay, maybe they can let HER know of this and she can contact them and share her story with them.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:39 PM

      Anyone got Todd's Phone number? Todd knows the book by heart, he made it possible!

      Call me a "cynic", but I think this "alaska based" ahem "C h a r i t y " is a fraud, an easy way for a pimp and grifter to launder money.

      This Sarah Word Salad repetition is quite strange, even for her,

      "They’re launching the “Bring Home the Pink” campaign to raise money and awareness in the fight against breast cancer. All the money goes directly to help women in need. In fact, they’re working with Breast Cancer Focus, an Alaska-based organization run entirely by volunteers, in order to ensure that the donations go to fund efforts that will directly help women."

      Did you notice she mentions "alsaka based" twice and to make sure it will directly help the women? Help what women do what?????

      The only "Pink" Todd's interested in has nothing to do with breasts OR breast Cancer.

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      I wouldn't put too much stock into the charity operators, they may be more corrupt than Todd. You need to check out the SkiDoo business and the charity. You would probably find shady business, especially where charity schemes are involved.

      Todd Palin is just a name.

  22. Anonymous7:44 AM

    I really to see a bunch of dirty jokes associated with this. Todd will have to check you out to see if you .......fill in the blank. No, seriously, men raising money for breast cancer? How many dudes, cheering for snow machine races are going to be impressed with that? Just how much money did Todd raise for wounded warriors last year?

    1. Anita Winecooler5:41 PM

      Todd's going for the gold. He'll be wearing a wig, lipstick, fishenet stockings, a pink feather boa and six inch stiletto hot pink high heels as he soars past the finish line.... in last place.

  23. BearWoman7:55 AM

    The facebook page in your link is new. The charity itself has operated a number of years in Anchorage. They can be found at

    Their web pages have not been updated for a year or more. No mention of the promo from Palin. They annually hold a luncheon and it has no information for 2014 yet.

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      I wonder how much Sarah and her PAC donate to them.

  24. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Todd used to be interested in Sarah's pink but moved onto Shailey Tripp's pink

  25. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Here is the after-SOTU post rah-rah put on Facebook:

    "My truck radio was tuned in though. And driving kids to and from ball games with me negotiating control of the dial allowed me to hear what I’d forebodingly anticipated. Later, reading the President's remarks on my cell phone made sitting on sticky steel bleachers (that exacerbate parents’ sore backs) that much more uncomfortable. It was all confirmation that we HAVE heard it all before – how more government is supposedly the answer. But the extreme hubris and naïveté that emanated from that speech was something new and alarming."

    Did that make you laugh? Chopped sentences, sticky bleachers, hubris..... I had to share it with you all here. Also, too; starting a sentence with And, and then not completing a full thought.... sheesh!

    As to the pink ribbon donation; they probably don't raise any of the money; the Skidoo company does.

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Who are these kids $carah is driving around?

    2. Anonymous2:12 PM

      I was wondering who the kids were, why Sarah was driving them to and fro, and why she even looked at the SOTU while at a kids' game. Plus, if she did look at her cell phone, being all sticky and un-comfy, how much comprehension was given to what she read (yeah, right...she read!) Give me a break. Lying out her butt to make what point?

    3. Anonymous2:20 PM

      barstool's and willblow's

    4. Anita Winecooler5:48 PM

      That's her servant's heart. She goes around picking up and dropping off random kids to and fro, sits on sticky bleachers.
      It's like her hobby.

  26. Anonymous8:05 AM

    "Sarah Palin's Other Man Brad Hanson: The (Plausible) Details At Last!"

  27. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Wasn't Brad Hanson and Todd Palin former snowmobile business partners? What happened to their friendship? They say that Brad and Todd looked alike.

    1. abbafan11:57 AM

      $arah fucked Brad; Toad peaked; end of partnership!

  28. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Funny coincidence. There's a movie being produced about Todd Palin and his prostitute girlfriend Shailey Tripp and now Sarah Palin is promoting Todd as a community person who is concerned about women's breasts. Sorry Sarah, it ain't gonna fly.

  29. Anonymous8:33 AM

    It's not brand new. Here is a little bit of info.
    Call me cynical, but I still smell a rat. How do people donate? Does the money funnel through SarahPac?

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Breast Cancer Focus Inc.

      This organization is not eligible to be rated by Charity Navigator because it does not meet our criteria of having at least $1 million in revenues. Visit the Methodology section of our site to learn about our criteria for evaluating charities.

      They're not making much money from the charity.

  30. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Todd is a boob and Sarah is a cancer. There you go!

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Couldn't have said it better myself!

  31. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Ok, now I get it. Tundra Turd is making it sound like this was Todd's idea. SkiDoo is the one who is raising the money for Breast Cancer Focus. Since SkiDoo sponsors Todd, he has no choice but to participate. That makes more sense.

  32. Anonymous8:42 AM

    October is the official pink ribbon month. "Pink Washing" is the name given to bogus charities and scams using the pink ribbon to conduct fraudulent fundraising events.

    The familiar pink ribbon is not regulated by any agency. It's use does not necessarily mean it supports breast cancer research or any other charity.

    Legit pink projects disclose the name and address of the charity receiving the funds. Generally, projects festooned with pink ribbons are often giving almost nothing to breast cancer charities. These projects purposely pose as breast cancer awareness to steal money from donors. They exist solely to make people rich.

    Generally, these smaller, poorly run 'charity' events simply take donations away from organizations that are actually fighting the fight.

    1. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Lends to the typical 'fraudulent lies of the Palins, doesn't it?

    2. Anonymous10:07 AM

      This one is a small, local Alaska charity linked to an Anchorage oncology clinic:
      While Skidoo is offering a chance to pledge some money during the Iron Dog race, you can also go directly to the charity, here: Check them out for yourself.

  33. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Well, to clarify a point here: they are RAISING money, SOME OF WHICH they will give to charity. They will NOT give any of their OWN money to charity!!!

    1. Anonymous9:07 AM

      That's for DAMN sure!

    2. Anonymous9:22 AM

      8:49 I see no method of raising money by Todd. Have never seen it done in connection with this race in Alaska ever before and I am a long-time resident.

      I smell a rat!

  34. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Why all of a sudden Todd's interest in sharing his treasures with a needful charity? All those previous years just promoting themselves in every way possible and this year, 2014, suddenly have a big heart? It does smell like a rat.

    With that NJ lawsuit, Levi's court request for custody, and this movie coming down the pike, and the IRS problings with her dad, and who knows who else in her family, this move is to garner mercy from her base.

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      SkiDoo is doing the fundraiser. They sponsor Todd. Not his idea. Palin's are opportunist, so if they HAVE to do it, make the most of it.

    2. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Why all of a sudden Todd's interest in sharing his treasures with a needful charity? 

      My guess is because Sarah is trying to counter the pimp movie about Todd that will be coming out about Todd and Shailey Tripp.

    3. Anonymous10:09 AM

      How is SkiDoo doing the fundraiser? Nothing has been advertised in Alaska of them doing so....none of this makes sense. The Palins NEVER donate their money for charity type stuff. Check their records!

  35. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I'm surprised it she isn't embarking on a bus tour for cancer, to, you know, teach us all about how "Obamacare" will impede the discovery for a cure.

  36. Anonymous9:38 AM

    After 3 weeks of rain and record high temps here in AK the Iron Dog could be in jeopardy. The entire length of the course was subjected to near 50 degree temps and days of heavy rain, all the way from Wasilla to Nome and down to Fairbanks. While chilly temps have returned there is no snow in the forecast through the 10th of February and I know these guys can't ride these machines on grass so I would assume they are going to have to cancel or reschedule. The upcoming Yukon Quest has made course changes to avoid areas with no snow and also is warning riders to stay away from most rivers because of their deteriorated ice condition. No word yet on what Iditarod officials are planning, but none of these races can happen unless it actually snows. Our ski areas were closed most of last week, it's that desperate! All across the state, even in Fairbanks, there is bare ground and green grass.

    1. Anonymous11:20 AM

      This race will be very hard on the snow machines due to all the ice they will be encountering. Plus, it is going to be hard on the bodies of the drivers. Todd is not as young as he use to be - could be subject to broken bones - falling off the equipment, etc. He's not won the race in years and likely won't again!

      I'm sure Sarah won't worry about him as she could care less.....they 'use' each other and that is their only connection.

    2. Anonymous7:02 PM

      11:20 AM

      Todd is superman and will welcome broken bones. I think he finished a race with a broken arm, or so the myth goes. Whatever the reality there will be a hero story about Todd. Sure he is getting older and more humble but it will be a fundraising dream of a story.

  37. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Sarah Palin what about your Christmas book money? Why didn't you donate your money to charity you cheap bitch?

    1. Anonymous11:50 AM

      $carah donates money to charity, HER OWN. Her charity supports needy kids, HERS.

  38. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Are Todd and his partner pledging their winnings (or some of their winning) to the breast cancer charity?

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      9:47 That is a joke and made me laugh. But, remember folks, Todd hasn't won this race in a long time. He's getting older and not as physically able (or fit!) as he once was.

  39. Anonymous9:50 AM

    A woman with Voluntary Fake Breasts for Sexual favors is not the best person to talk about the Pink Ribbon Charity. Sarah Palin would be better at Promoting 'BOYS WILL BE BOYS' the movie. We all know that Todd is Sarah Palin's Pimp.

  40. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Check out the picture at the website below. See who resembles Toad.

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      The pictures at the bottom of that website is very similar. They look like brothers. Sarah is Brad's penis two toned too?

  41. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I tried to search for a charity called "Bring home the pink" and there is nothing on the internet. There are a number of websites warning people to investigate the charity before donating because there are so many places that use a pink ribbon to scam people out of their money. Here is one such article: There are many many more warnings, just like this one.

    Are people going to pledge money for every mile that Todd races, the way that people sponsor runners in a marathon? Who is going to collect that money, Todd?

    1. The name of the charity is Breast Cancer Focus.

    2. Anonymous11:15 AM

      I strongly urge folks not to donate through Todd Palin and Ski-Doo to Breast Cancer! Make your donations directly to the organization to assure your total funds get there. Check into how the funds are used too - RESEARCH is the name of the game and not for the benefit of employees and executives of Breast Cancer!

      The association of Breast Cancer w/Todd (and Sarah) Palin is a joke! They never provide to charities on their own - check their financial records!

  42. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Bristol Palin's sexist, hypocritical, very bad Wendy Davis rant

    “Let me be clear,” writes Palin, who has leveraged her mother's fame to star in a reality show, produce a memoir and compete on "Dancing with the Stars." “I think it’d be so nice to have a husband take care of me, and my son, so I could attend school. (Any school — let alone, Harvard!)”

    Oh dear. There are so many unintentionally sad revelations in that sentence – self pity, lack of self reliance, class resentment.

    Bristol! This is the 21st century. You can have a child and go to college! Don’t wait around for a man to take care of you! Take care of yourself!

    It ill serves women of any partisan stripe to pick apart each other’s career and family choices.

    For a Palin to turn around and slam another woman for reaching high is sad.

    Beyond that, it’s just plain ignorant.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:58 PM

      There's an idea. Bristol applies to Harvard, then tells the Dean she's waiting by the phone for an acceptance text.

  43. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Finally, here is the information: Skidoo is sponsoring a pledge drive where you can donate for the racers with the pink ski tips. "Choose your pledge amount. Pledge is per Ski-Doo racer (with pink ski tips) that finishes.(Ex: $5 pledge x 10 finishers = $50 pledge)"

    In case anyone is interested, Skidoo is a Canadian company. I don't have anything against them, but if you really want to donate to a charity that is dedicated to fight breast cancer, why not go directly to the charity? As Todd Palin said, "What's in it for us?" What's in it for Skidoo? A big tax deduction on their Canadian income tax? What percentage of the pledge money will actually go to a breast cancer charity? It's nice that Skidoo wants to dedicate the race to a charity and get a little publicity out of it, but it seems unusual for such a macho sport to be supporting a woman's health issue. It's like having those pink ribbons fluttering around the Indy 500, not macho.

    By the way, if you go to the Skidoo website, they have a link to donate directly to: Breast Cancer Focus Alaska. How about donating directly to the American Cancer Society? At least we know who they are. The Alaska Breast Cancer link seems to be founded by Terri Tope:
    I see an interesting research project for our fearless Alaskan blogger.

    About the photo with the guy's heat chopped off. That was supplied by Skidoo. It's on their website, too.

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      I totally agree w/you...when you make donations to charities....research their much of their donations go to research and how the balance is used...employees salaries, etc.

      I would NOT donate through Todd Palin to Ski-Doo and then guess at how much of your donation actually is moved on to Breast Cancer.

      Todd and Sarah Palin could give a shit less about charities...look at their financial records to include their lack of support to the disease that effects the retarded child that lives ('supposedly') in their home. It's known that Sarah doesn't provide motherly love to the kid!

    2. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Just about every hospital has a foundation, where you can donate and specify it is for breast cancer etc. I found this out after our golf league donated every year to Susan G. Koman. Finally, I said "Why send our money to Texas? We should keep it in our area" So, I called the local hospitals, and found the information. In later years we donated to the local Hospice, and they were VERY appeciative. The Koman group sent me notepaper and address labels of really good quality. I would rather have that money go to the charity.

    3. Anonymous12:51 PM

      even the image provided by Ski-Doo-Doo is a shitty photoshopped composite image......pathetic

  44. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Todd you like pink?

    Pink nipples?

  45. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Bristol you have a nasty dad.

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Track and Piper had a nice Dad.

    2. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Who are Track' s and Paper's dads

    3. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Curt Menard Jr. Google Curt Menard Jr. and Track/Piper. Compare the photos.

    4. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Anon 1:14 is that why Todd is not close to Track and Piper?

    5. Anonymous4:51 PM

      1:40 PM Take a good look at Track and Piper, do they look like Bristol and Willow? When do you see photos of Track and Todd together? The same goes for Piper. Piper might be too young to remember her Father.
      Most boys are close to their Father, however, Track's Father died in an airplane accident.
      Sarah Palin had a lot of free time while Todd was Pimping the North Slope. Mugshot Saloon? Curt Menard? Brad Hanson?

    6. Anonymous5:47 PM

      What kind of mother (or grandmother) would let a child anywhere near a pimp?

  46. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I thought that the REAL breast cancer legal team was going after anyone using a pink ribbon not affiliated with (meaning paying into) their group. Perhaps someone should give them a heads up?

    BTW if you want to see how this "recognized" group is making themselves rich, look on Netflix for the documentary "Pink Ribbons, Inc"

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Pink Ribbons, Inc. Official Trailer

  47. Anonymous11:09 AM

    What's in it for Todd?

  48. Anonymous11:12 AM

    They say that Todd peeks at women's nipples, solicit prostitutes and deals in sex trafficking.

    Sarah you got yourself a real winner there.

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      11:12 Damn good match Toad and $carah.

  49. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Doe anyone recognize the names on this list?

  50. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Will Todd Palin be driving a Skidoo PimpMobile?

  51. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I'm waiting for Todd to lead the rest of the snow machine dudes to be driving and donating their winnings for Down Syndrome. I know, don't tell me to hold my breath. We're talking about "What's in it for us?" Todd.

  52. Anonymous2:02 PM

    It's more like "fuck Tripp" because they are deliberately denying the little boy time with his daddy.

  53. Anonymous2:14 PM

    beings were unseasonably warm up here this winter, there stands a better chance for tawd to disappear forever crossing a river and hitting an open lead ...

  54. Wendy2:35 PM

    From its About Us page -- You might want to give somewhere else if you want your gift dedicated to breast cancer:
    BCFI funded nine grants through our annual grant process in 2010. The grants (briefly described below) totaled $180,516 the largest amount BCFI has ever been able to provide to Alaskan organizations thanks in large part to the extraordinary gift provided by the Alaska Aces as a result of the October 2009 Paint the Rink Pink event. While focused on breast cancer, the majority of the projects funded address all cancers without discrimination.

  55. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Does anyone really think that Sarah would give away money? I'll have to see proof before I believe that!

  56. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Todd does not have a real job and lives off Sarah's $$$. He has nothing productive to do but race.

  57. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Interesting: the link from skidoo shows the money is being raised by Terri Tope for an organization in AK called Breast Cancer Focus. If you go to their website, it hasn't been updated since 2012. Also, if you use the donate online function, read their website:
    They collect 5% fees for each donation plus other fees.

    1. Their IRS Form 990 for 2011 indicates that they're legit.

      So - why on Earth would they want to associate with a grifter that, unlike their organization, spends most of SarahPAC funds on "Administration and office expenses"? The contrasts in the percentages is freaky.

  58. Anonymous5:34 PM

    The Pac's facebook posts a picture of a SkiDoo machine. It's not about Todd Palin except to give him a jump on damage control. It costs SarahPAC nothing to run ads for SkiDoo. It is a 'what's in it' for Palin arrangement.

  59. Anita Winecooler6:02 PM

    Gotta give them credit. It looks like the perfect scheme for a pimp and grifter to launder money. So Todd "I Did A Rod" got a sudden interest in pink? And I love how she mentions twice it's an alaska based charity so you know it goes to help women.
    Help which women do what? Can Lyda Green pull Sarah's hair?

  60. abbafan6:34 PM

    DO NOT give these grifters one fuckin' penny! Remember, this is the same sick bitch who laughed at Lyda Green on-air - she had that maniacal junior high gleeful laugh! Lyda is a cancer survivor. Also, don't forget the e-mails where her stupid brat kid - the moron who needed flash cards to learn math (just like her idiot mother did during the campaign) asked her to pull Lyda's hair to see if it was real! palins are sick disgusting fucks!

  61. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Skidoo is raising the money, Palin lends a name. It is 99% crap. Celebrities, real ones that are going downhill, do this crap all the time. The Palins aren't paying a good Public Relation firm, this is how to get good public relations on the cheap. The Skidoo photo she posted says it all. Why did Artic-crap fire Todd? Did one of his girls give them a social disease?

  62. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Why would you want a VOLUNTEER to give you a mammogram? The people who provide these services are all highly trained professionals -- why would they -- or should they? -- work for free? This make no sense. I agree that this seems like a scam.

  63. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Andree McLeod: The clothes, accessories and beauty services the Palins received add up to DOUBLE the $150K amount and is closer to $300K. BUT Palin has listed a total ZERO of that amount on her APOC financial disclosure form.

    Unglued Bully

  64. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Cool #skidoo dude
    1942 Valcourt, Quebec, Canada Key people: José Boisjoli, President and CEO Parent: Bain Capital (50%), Bombardier Family (35%) and Caisse de Dépôt & Placements du Québec (15%).
    Founder: Joseph-Armand Bombardier


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