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I think this might be the Grizzled Mama with Bristol, but don't hold me to that. |
Todd and I had a great time in Pasadena with Sportsman Channel working on "Amazing America with Sarah Palin" and dedicating the network to "Red, Wild & Blue America!" The show premieres in April. I can't wait to show you the inspiring people, places, and things that make this country truly amazing! As I told members of the Television Critics Association yesterday, I'm especially encouraged to have opportunities to empower young women to get outdoors, be self-sufficient, and work extremely hard so they can live life vibrantly. (There's that "live vibrantly" phrase again. I swear she never retires these stupid catchphrases no matter how tired and overused they become. Which is why years from now we will still hear her talking about fundamentally restoring the country, cooking moose chili, and the lamestream media until we want to beat our heads against the wall.) See, I'm convinced the world will be a better place when we have more girls holding fish in pictures and fewer holding selfie cameras in front of the bathroom mirror.
In response to that last remark Palin posted this picture of Piper supposedly playfully mocking her "girls holding fish" comment.
Yeah no reason to think that's a setup or anything.
In that same post Palin, or her ghostwriter, also attempted to make a rather ugly joke at the expense of CNN's Wolf Blitzer.
Thank you to everyone who attended the Television Critics Association Winter Press Tour breakfast yesterday. And, no, friends, upon spotting CNN's Wolf Blitzer at a TCA event, no one was tempted to re-engage any Department of Fish and Game Predator Control Program to scamper away troublesome wolves! I had a nice chat with him instead. (Plus, I adore his mother.)
Obviously this is a reference to the controversial Alaska predator control program we have up here, which essentially means that she is making a joke about shooting Blitzer from a helicopter like his lupine namesakes.
Of course I guess it's not so funny if you happen to be a wolf.
Or know Palin's reputation for helping to target people who are then shot by crazy people.
Shouldn't Piper be trying to study Math? None of Sarah's spawn has the ability to excel in schoolwork. Everything in their lives is a joke to them. How's that Pimp handling his business?
ReplyDeletethe kid is stunned like her stupid mother, studying math from flash cards just like her asshole mother did during the fuckin' campaign five years ago - they still don't know shit from shinola!
DeleteWhy are you lying?
DeleteI don't know who was the biggest influence on Sarah Palin as a child. It seems someone got hold of her when she was young. There are many religions and cults. I would like to know more about which ones directly influenced Sarah Palin. More and more she appears to pass things on to her children.
DeleteHow young girls are lured into prostitution
Is this how modern day politicians display their children?
DeleteIs this a come on for a wannabe TV celebrity family?
Who is Sarah Palin?
Willow and Piper Palin summer 2013
Sally Heath is not the blistering creep her hubby portrayed himself to be during Palin campaigns. She may have had a quiet influence on the religion her children chose. She has all the signs of an easy mark for religious wackos or a cult. She may have overlooked a lot and her children learned that as their normal.
The Skagway Goat Hunter (1967 yearbook photo Skagway School)
Pop Heath with Ma Sally were smitten with the gate way to the Chilkoot Trail to the Yukon from the glory days of gold rush. (Junior Heath still has the gold bug) You won't find a better place for corruption, hookers, fantasy and dreams than old Skagway. Who vetted their school teachers? Anything could substitute. "Skagway--Full of Liars and Hookers" Hookers or frontier women made the world of Skagway go around. The glamourous tales of Jefferson Randolph Smith II would be an allure for a story teller like pop Heath. It speaks volumns on who he is and where Sarah Palin comes from. Notice Heath/Palins black out the full history of places like Skagway and frontier women. They pick and choose their PR with an intent to deflect.
I am absolutely sure her "great examples" of daughters never take selfies. Nope, never. They live vibrantly.
ReplyDeleteNo need for selfies when you put your kid and yourself on display every chance you get. And I am sick of Sarah ruining America, the language, and everything she touches.
DeleteGuess again! Here's Bristol and Sarah in a selfie!
For someone like Sarah Palin, or her girls for that matter, to resort to taking Selfies would be a sign of absolute desperation. They are living too vibrantly to be acting out like pathetic commoners.
DeleteSally, I am sick of you and your nastiness and your ability to turn positive things into negative ones.
DeleteThe Duggars Aren't Just a Family
Katie, THAT is Bristol? Unbelievable! And look at Mama Grizzley's pouty lower lip. Good gawd, somebody tell the stupid woman that she's over-the-fucking-hill. She is the silliest woman who has ever been in the public spotlight.
DeleteAnon @7:21 There is nothing about Sarah Palin that is positive. Katie doesn't turn her into a negative, Sarah does that all by herself in her never-ending quest to live vibrantly. In elevators. In dorms. Snorting coke off a oil barrel.
Sally in MI5:04 PM
DeleteNo need for selfies when you put your kid and yourself on display every chance you get. And I am sick of Sarah ruining America, the language, and everything she touches.
Totally agree Sally!
Wish she would go the fuck away.
Sarah is a sick and nasty piece of work everything she touches turns to shit.
7:21 PM You are SICK IN YOUR HEAD. You must enjoy being Laughed at, you can't stay away from this site. Take your Meds so that you can Live Vibrantly while Trolling.
DeleteMaybe in Palin world, having illegitimate babies is considered "living vibrantly"? Vibrating in a tent, maybe??
DeleteThe only vibrant living that Palin does is with a Jack Rabbit.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, that last sentence is a lie, and you know it.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, that last sentence is the truth. And we all know it!
Delete4:52 PM That last sentence is the truth and you just proved it.
DeleteTruth hurts - there are people around who think they are doing the right thing in exactly following political hate. Words have consequences
DeleteHere Alaskans trying to live down the horrid spectacle of shooting wolves out of airplanes and a $150. bounty on their front paws and the STUPID bitch brings it up again!!!!
DeleteAnd to stupid troll...
Sarah Did GET GABBY shot! It was all over twitter...we knew EXACTLY where to put the blame and she should be in prison with Charles Manson b/c he ugh didn't stab Sharon Tate either...
but he sits on death row, which is where Sarah should be!
"He was found guilty of conspiracy to commit the murders of seven people, actress Sharon Tate and four other people at Tate's home, and the next day, a married couple, Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, all carried out by members of the group at his instruction."
How many died in Tuscan? A sitting Judge and a nine year old girl, Gabby was almost assassinated.
And WHO put the CROSSHAIRS on the map? Its still on her fucking facebook.
Gabby gave a interview with Rachel a week or so before it happened..."Words have consequences"
How DARE YOU FUCKTARD TROLL CALL G a LIAR about WHO instigated the shooting! How DARE you defend a MURDERER!
"Gryphen, that last sentence is a lie, and you know it" could that be coming from the "selfie" one who lives vibrantly???
DeleteThat target map was first used by the DLC in 2004. Your side said nothing.
DeleteJared Loughner had no connection to Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, the Tea Party, none of them. Loughner committed that crime because he was insane. No other reason.
Gryphen's last sentence was a lie.
6:42 You don't know that Jared Loughner had no connection to Sarah. Of course, Loughner was insane but who of Sarah's followers isn't insane? You can whine forever that Sarah wasn't to blame but everyone in the world knows Sarah caused the deaths of six people, the maiming of Gabby Giffords and the serious injuries of 12 other people.
DeleteAnonymous6:42 PM
Delete"Gryphen, that last sentence is a lie, and you know it" could that be coming from the "selfie" one who lives vibrantly???
Would that be PIG? Naaaa think its one of her braindead followers or one of the bitches themselves. Blowing meth/coke ya know living "Vibrantly"!
All the 6:42 commenters: I mde the comment at 7:09. It should have been to 4:62. Sorry.
DeleteHere we go, again! Where in the head did the bullet tear through Sarah "Blood Libel" Shit For Brains Palin?
DeleteNone, zero, zip.
How many mad gunmen did she have to face down because someone from the Democratic Party put her name and gun sites on her facebook page?
None, Zero, Zip, None (Read it really slow if your're having problems following. Squatting helps too)
And there was a lot of "collateral damage" that day, including Christina Taylor Green, whose interest in making other's lives better drew her to listen to her favorite politician. She's in a grave, and you're calling someone a liar?
Deletecoming from the guy that watered down Menard Jr's av gas as well as more 'n likely lending a hand torching Dar Miller's house ; fat inbred fuk chuck_tard jr
sue me asshole
Anonymous 4:52...Gryphen tells the truth! You know perfectly well that Sarah was referring to shooting "wolves", immediately after she had mentioned Wolf Blitzer's name. Palin thinks her comment is harmless because she follows up by saying she then had a nice chat with Wolf INSTEAD (of shooting him I guess) and she adores his mother. Gee, Sarah, aren't you nice!
DeleteAlso, gotta get a plug in for shootin' and huntin' and all that vibrant out-doorsy life she and her daughters enjoy so much. Well, as a matter of fact Bristol was heard by other young teens enjoying herself in a tent.
Reminds me of Sarah saying those aren't gun sites on that U. S. map, they are just surveyor's marks. Yeah right!
4:52, If that last sentence is a lie why did
DeleteSarah feel compelled to give the "blood libel" speech against the counsel of Roger Ailes? BECAUSE SHE KNEW SHE AIDED AND ABETTED the murders. Maybe she didn't tell Loughner directly but she was loose with all her public speeches then and now. Can't deny it no matter how hard you try! Most people would be ashamed and slink away. Sarah has a screw loose and she's not normal and has no shame.
"Reminds me of Sarah saying those aren't gun sites on that U. S. map, they are just surveyor's marks. Yeah right! "
Oh some blog DID put a "Surveyor symbol" on palin's face and then the blog Alaska WTF went poof? Why? for a surveyor mark?
Mamma grizzly afraid of "surveyor mark"?
Oh but when its HER its a ginned up BS threat!
Call the Whamabulance mamma grisley, you have no cojones!
Jesus H, $arah, you were PANNED and you know it! DAMN that money must be drying up big time for a post as that. LMAO!
ReplyDeleteCan somebody explain why Sarah Palin is wearing a life jacket while standing on dry land?
ReplyDeleteBecause she is fucking stupid.
DeleteCan someone explain warrior body Track who never saw combat?
DeleteBecause she is retarded ( and I do mean that in the medical term). My best guess is that her IQ ranges in the 75-85 range.
DeleteWhy would any adult have a life jacket on if they didn't bother to put one on their child? I'd have to say it was just a photo op way back then
DeleteBecause the news said "partly cloudy" and she didn't want to carry an umbrella. Being a frontier woman, she forgot Bristol's widdle life vest. Par for the course. LOL
DeleteCheck out their shoes.
DeleteDang! Piper sure does have a bulbous forehead just like Bristol.
ReplyDeleteTrustt me...Piper will be the next.
DeleteShe is practicing for next year when her belly is bulbous with her first abstinence baby.
DeleteI'm sure piper is observing all the breaks her sisters have gotten by becoming preggers at an early age and it's just a matter of time before she also gets mono. I hope I'm wrong but i mean, really, look who her mother is, she's never around. The very elder palin would probably have a very vibrant filling surge through her deteriorating body. Sick bitch.
DeleteYou need a life. and to stop lying. Gryphen does enough of that.
DeleteNo one projects better than Sarah Palin. Her daughters are a close second, Krusty and a few others after that.
DeleteAnonymous7:20 PM
DeleteYou need a life. and to stop lying. Gryphen does enough of that.
Hey troll, how EXACTLY does Gryphen lie?
Be specific.
Oh and you're getting stale. Go to school get a EDUCATION.
Go to a LIBERAL College so you will learn not to defend murderous bitches. m'k?
Awww look how cute widdle Bwistol iz in that photo! She sitting next to mommy and asking her why her imaginary fwiends have scales! Not much has changed, except for the chin and Sarah had her own hair that she didn't have to pay for.
DeleteSpeaking of Krusty, anyone hear from her lately?
Anita Winecooler @8:21 PM
Krusty left another love note to Bristol yesterday praising her idol's new hair extensions.
How far can they fail, fall? Hair extensions? The mini-me blog is SarahPac extension and they can't do better than hair? Bwa ha ha ha
DeleteAre they documenting who actually did the work or is the wrong person getting the credit? The latter is typical Palin, why would they change at this time?
As I told members of the Television Critics Association yesterday, I'm especially encouraged to have opportunities to empower young women to get outdoors, be self-sufficient, and work extremely hard so they can live life vibrantly.
ReplyDelete-Sarah Palin
Why does Sarah Palin complain when First Lady Michelle Obama tries to get children to eat better and make better choices but it is okay for Sarah to do it?
When was the last time any of her own daughters got outdoors, were self-sufficient or worked extremely hard?
DeleteOh, I'm sorry...that 'working hard' thing only applies to poor people. Got it.
Because Michelle is BLACK and First Lady. Malia and Sasha. White House. Class.
DeleteBecause she is a brain dead morphodite
Delete6:06 The eldest daughter went all outdoorsey about eight months before Propp was born. It was so romantic, she writes every detail in her best selling book, "Bristol Palin, my Life so far with Nancy French and Tripp" There was alcohol, sleeping bags, a tent, and she had to "phone a friend" to figure out what happened the night before.
DeleteHer school was so proud, they erected a statue in her honor!!
The BrianusBerkleianus lunatic over at the Pee Pond is ecstatic with Sarah's eating habits and has weighed in with another tribute; this time in response to her 'eat more meat' resolution:-
The Governor recently told us that one of her resolutions for the new and crucial Year of 2014 was to eat more meat.
This seems like a very simple statement. However, a post of about ten days ago from our friend 1776er caused me to reflect more deeply on the words and on the reality of "eating meat," and I came up with a few thoughts that I would like to share with you on this January morning.
The implications of this statement of her resolution are, IMHO, rather profound, and they point in two directions, both backward and forward: Backward to the source of meat; forward to the consequences of consuming it.
In each case there is a literal sense and a metaphorical sense.
First, let us consider what the implications are of an ALASKAN lady saying that she is going to eat more meat.
If a city dweller says something like this, we can probably assume that the meat in question will be purchased at a supermarket or store of some kind. As Sarah is so fond of saying, the meat will be wrapped in cellophane, not in fur!
The Governor, by contrast, is a HUNTRESS; she will hunt her own food. This ancient activity will be the source of the nourishment. She will literally be hunting for her food, using a firearm.
However, we must also consider the qualities of mind and of body that are developed in a hunter. The same sagacity, the same keenness of vision, the same touch on a trigger that are developed by a huntress in the literal seeking of her game leads, IMV, to the flourishing of metaphorical hunting qualities too.
Sarah, the Huntress for Literal Game in 2014,will also be Sarah the Political Huntress: RINO Hunting; Commie Hunting; obamunist Hunting!!!
The Governor will nourish herself and her family in 2014 with delicious catches of game.
She will also be nourishing the American People with the "hides" of many unworthy political hacks whom she will, God willing, help to bring down in this key election year.
Americans will feast on the autumntide "meat" of vanquished political enemies of this country!!
She, and we, will eat much "meat" come November!
Next, let us consider the consequences and fruits of the consumption of meat.
Literally, IMV, the Governor will be strengthened for the arduous and grueling paths and journeys and ways of Campaign 2014. As she flies around The Lower Forty-Eight, laboring to bring us more Senators like Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, and a more Conservative House, she will need all the fortitude that good, hearty food can deliver and provide!! A Hardy Warrior Needs Hearty Food!!!
However, beyond the mere but hardly insignificant corporal fortification of meat, the attitude "I am going to eat more meat," even if it is not politically correct to say this, this aggressive attitude and posture will fill her with power and strength, and will inspire and uplift those thousands upon more thousands of good Americans who will witness and listen to her fiery orations!!
Let us all then, as we enter upon the Battlefield of 2014 (God willing, it will not be a literal and bloody battlefield, like those of the horribly fateful Year of 1914)--as we enter upon the arena of spiritual and political combat for 2014, let us eat more meat, literally and metaphorically. Even vegans and vegetarians in the ranks of Sarah's supporters can join the rest of us in consuming the figurative but forceful "meat" of ardor and passion and courage and a fighting, never-say-die spirit for one's country!!
Yes, let us "Eat More Meat," in 2014, and even more in 2016; let us go forth and save our country!!
DeleteWhatever Brianus.
Wonder if Palin has considered the long-term consequences of the bots turning on her.
DeleteThe ones that have hung in there, sending her checks and buying her books in their fervent hope she'll run for public office. The ones who defended her every word and saw "meaning" in every statement she made.
Bots like Brianus. And Exodus. And sooo many others.
You know - the truly mentally unstable ones.
What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive...".
Delicious bear meat, Palin's happy Childhood with great bear hunter. Is it a cub?
Papa Heath in Pilgim lifestyle days of old.
Chuck Heath, Sr. loves all the stages of meat eating death.
Poor child fails miserably at attempts to recreate the glory and guts days of upbringing.
I would love to see the palin hog tied to that planes wing instead of that beautiful wolf.
ReplyDeleteTerminate the colonels command?
Terminate the colonel.
With extreme prejudice
Death wish comment against Sarah Palin - ANOTHER death wish comment.
DeleteWhat an evil website.
Anonymous6:43 PM
DeleteDeath wish comment against Sarah Palin - ANOTHER death wish comment.
Yes I wish it was her also!!!
So what.
You going to whine to my boss? We can wish too? I wish to win the lotto.
I wish it was Sarah instead of a beautiful wolf there.
Whine go run, whine.
have a little cheese with it. You RW are the biggest fucking whiners evah!
Were was the first "Death wish comment"?
Funny Sarah can threaten Peirs Morgan and Wolf blitzer and Gabby Gifords that's ok with you ASSHOLES!
Evil website?
Why are you here? Don't let the door hit you on the ass...bye. Babyass whiner!
Wha? It's not fair when one person's drunk out of their mind and everyone else is sober. What death threat?
DeleteYou know who has a death wish? The meth head vibrancy one. Anyone who is starving themselves to death for any reason or overeating, any of the disorders that kill you. Those people are out of touch with themselves. They don't have to be conscious of their death wish to have one that is ruling them.
DeleteSarah Palin needs to eat right and not preach or have someone write another fake book.
She has been raised with death.
I assume the big part Palin has in this epic is to stand amid the glory of her life and introduce those who spend their lives hating on the wildlife of our planet.
ReplyDeleteAnd, no, friends, upon spotting CNN's Wolf Blitzer at a TCA event, no one was tempted to re-engage any Department of Fish and Game Predator Control Program to scamper away troublesome wolves! I had a nice chat with him instead.
ReplyDeleteHuh? What da fuck did Sarah say?
Shooting wolves from planes is the same as scampering them away? She does everything wrong.
DeleteBlood lust is in the genes. They are still in the cave man stage, hunter-gatherer.
$arah, tell us please! "Have you seen Tawd" carried your purse. Did you have to fight him back for it? Enquiring minds want to know......
ReplyDeleteWhere's the outrage, Roger what with death threats and all? It's okay if Sarah does it but heaven forbid any other citizens do the same. Hey! We're just following Sarah's lead in wishing others dead. Oh, and I just adore her mother!
ReplyDeletePlease, someone, take her off the stage!
Roger Ailes is stuck with Sarah Palin. He can give her enough rope, he can pray she will permanently be shut up. I doubt he is outraged over non existing death threats.
DeletePiper looks like a Hanson rather than a Menard.
ReplyDeleteI have always wondered if Brad is related to this guy:
"Robert Christian Hansen (born February 15, 1939) is an American serial killer. Between 1971 and 1983, Hansen murdered between 17 and 21 women near Anchorage, Alaska. He was convicted in 1983 and is currently serving 461 years in Spring Creek Correctional Center in Seward, Alaska."
Yet another nice "Christian."
I don't know about that. Curtis was last seen with Sarah discussing her child rearing abilities( or lack there of) when Pipper was a baby.
DeleteYou need a life. And to stop lying.
DeleteAnonymous 620, WHY are you lying about things you dont know anything about? The convo was about CURTIS' personal belief that ALL women should stay home and NOT work at all. Which is disrespectful. But it's not like it hurt the familys relationship. They all still close. They attended his brothers wedding LAST year.
DeleteWhy wouldn't they attend the wedding of Track's Uncle, and I never said they didn't. BTW did Curtis go to every workplace of every female he knew that was working to tell them not too? LOL, even you don't believe that one.
DeleteBut since Curtis knocked up Sarah with Trackmarks and the Little Pipper, I wonder who knocked her up for the rest of her pregnancies and "white outs"?
Joey boi Schmidt! Wallows and bitchol spitin' image of their dad joey...
Deleteomg yall are stupid. and nasty
DeleteAnonymous10:35 PM
Deleteomg yall are stupid. and nasty
That's the prob we are not STUPID and the Palins are the NASTY ones!
8:14 PM
DeleteWillow has the short DNA. A couple of saddles on those thighs. Have you seen anyone else like that in the Palin or Heath DNA? Schmidt? Hanson? Menard?
Where are the glasses, Sarah? You don't look so smart without them.
ReplyDeleteShe wasn't as smart back then as she is stupid now.
DeleteWhen Sarah pimps her children she makes them irresistible for comments. SHIELD!!!!
ReplyDeleteYes, and apparently, if anyone ever wants to approach her, we are supposed to go through the kids and Todd first, to see what they think of it, and then she'll get all Mama Grizzly in defense of defenseless childs and whatnot who perhaps aren't blessed with her platforms there.
DeleteYou are stupid. And Anonymous is just ignorant. Sarah talks to everyone who approaches her. She's not a recluse.
DeleteIt is real smart to call someone stupid. We are waiting for video, links, photos of what you claim. Or we enjoy you wasting your time.
DeleteAnother Anonymous ad hominem "you're stupid" against another Anonymous comment.
DeleteDoes anyone see the irony?
Sarah Palin uses her kids like they are a product. They are central to her mythological family where she sells herself as a super mom and the mother of all mothers. As long as Palin is selling her kids as something they are not or her adult children self promote, they will be critiqued like any other bad product. The public has rights to speak and stand up for better quality in advertising. The public is not going to tolerate being lied to by Sarah Palin or any other brand.
DeleteAnonymous7:18 PM
DeleteYou are stupid. And Anonymous is just ignorant. Sarah talks to everyone who approaches her. She's not a recluse.
aren't YOU anon also?
must be a palin! OK for you but not for me? Fuck off Willow! Sarah Fuck off!
Sue ME!!!
5:40 AM
DeleteYes, Palins or Heaths alternate,. Anyone of a cult will fill in. Depends on who isn't nursing a hang over. Not merely alcohol, that includes an all night sex session, drugs whatever gets them off.
Palin post pictures of her under age daughter in a bikini and thinks that's ok.
ReplyDeleteBut, young women posting selfies of themselves holding their straight A report cards, high school diplomas and college degrees are wrong ??
Instead, they should be posting pictures of themselves with dead fish ???
What a very strange woman....
She means when people post bathroom pics AD NAUSEUM.
DeleteYou are all stupid. This is a stupid thing to pick apart.
She has time to see posted bathroom pics AD NAUSEUM. I am glad I have better things to do.
DeleteShe both looks at bathroom pics AD NAUSEUM and has time for selfies. How far she has fallen.
We're stupid eh? Well we'll likely be able to get over that but you are enthralled and mesmerized with a fantasy that compels you to defend the indefensible nonstop. If $P 'meant' what you said, she would have said that. The stupid started when she posted such a silly jibe at what others do in social media while not realizing her entire life is one big selfie and social media drama along with that very 'private' family of hers.
DeleteOh look! Trollie learned a new word AD NAUSEUM!
DeleteWhat does it mean troll? Tell us?
I love when you tell us "What SHE means" as it YOU are HER???
Or else how would you know what "SHE" means? huh troll? snoot another line and get back to us....
You're supposed to peel hershey kisses, especially with cavities!
DeletePitiful people have nothing more except to resort to name calling. If they had anything to contribute they would not lower them self to such toothless childish behaviors. They could easily replace "You are all stupid" with "We are all stupid" but it is unnecessary to admit the obvious.
Delete5:37--you need to talk to your mom. She's the one who is always name-calling and attacking people she doesn't know. She's the retard that defended the Duck Dynasty guy without even knowing what he said and why it was repulsive. As always, Palin is all about accusing others of what she does herself. So why is she always so quick to accuse others of sexual impropriety?
DeleteIf nothing else Sarah should be so ashamed of herself for what she did to make Gabby Giffords life so difficult. I have so much respect and admiration for former Representative Giffords and her heroic husband. Sarah deserves all the bad Karma that is awaiting her in the future when she is relegated to the dustbin of history.
ReplyDeleteYea, Roger, she pisses all of us off alright, Proud of yourself? Mission accomplished!
The Palin Mafia takes a lot of people out and never apologizes. Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.
DeletePoor ol Sarah has to put sex everyting she does. I guess when you don;t have anything else left to offer sex is her default fallback. At least she has the correct initials SP = Sexual Pervert!
ReplyDeleteIsn't that a selfie with the young girls holding the fish?
ReplyDeleteThe girls look glazy flashing that sign.
"Whenever you surrender your logic and reason to anyone who asks you to trust them because they know better and to please donate generously, it's a cult."
Beyond Cult Controversy
It's their humor. That is Piper's oldest friend. Is basically a member of the family. Went to Hawaii with them
DeleteMember of the 'family', that is cult speak. It is imperitve to read up on cults, least you forget.
DeleteThat is sad. Those children do not have a chance.
DeleteAnon 812, why are you such a nasty person?
DeleteAnonymous7:16 PM
DeleteIt's their humor. That is Piper's oldest friend. Is basically a member of the family. Went to Hawaii with them
Palin complaining about "selfies" when her own life is one big SELFIE. Oh, the irony.
ReplyDeleteThere was a time she didn't have time for selfies. Now most of her time can go to selfies.
DeleteAhem... speaking of selfies...: http://i.imgur.com/LliOzPB.jpg
This is stupid. She MEANS when girls post pics ad nauseum of themselves. It really is a sickness for some people. She DIDNT mean the random pic while waiting in a hotel elevator. YOU . ARE. pathetic and are justifying Sarah as a victim, though she's never played that card.
Delete7:16 What Sarah "means" is that anyone who posts selfies is sick unless it's her or her girls. Another example of Sarah's all-consuming jealousy.
Delete"She didn't mean the random pic while waiting in a hotel elevator". WTF? So are you trying to say that all selfies are now banned by Sarah Palin UNLESS someone is waiting in an elevator? You're an idiot.
"YOU . ARE. pathetic and are justifying Sarah as a victim, though she's never played that card". Sarah has never once made one speech or one statement in which she hasn't played the victim card. It's the only card in her deck.
@ 7:16 PM
DeleteHow did you know they were in an elevator? I didn't mention that.
But - yes, that is an elevator.
Who are the Siamese twins?
Deletebristool@ 7:16
Deleteyou surely have a severely low intelligence quotient besides being an inbred full blown retarded dipshit
please keep posting
cross eyed skank's been the perpetual victim for her entire miserable existence
DeleteKatie, why is that a gotcha? You are mental.
DeleteOh for Pete's Sake....look at those near-50-year-old lips trying to produce a "sexy" pout...you can see the age lines around her lips.
DeleteAnonymous7:16 PM
DeleteThis is stupid. She MEANS when girls post pics ad nauseum of themselves. It really is a sickness for some people. She DIDNT mean the random pic while waiting in a hotel elevator. YOU . ARE. pathetic and are justifying Sarah as a victim, though she's never played that card.
***Palin Troll √
ad nauseum√ (learned new word today)
random √
The fact that Palin needs the only life jacket on dry land amongst dead fish speaks volumes.
DeleteI couldn't stop myself. Had to do it - LOVE the name "Bitchy Hollywood". VOILA:
OMG, that hair! She sure hasn't learned how to get the greece out looking at that photo from some 30 years ago. Ick.
DeleteIt's PERFECT!
DeleteSo Im pretty sure that is Willow, as BRistol's always had DARK hair.
ReplyDeleteAnd the friend with Piper her oldest friend, goes back over 10 years, used to make homemade snow cones in Sarah's office, went to Hawaii with the family, went to Seaworld with them.
So Im pretty sure that is Willow, as BRistol's always had DARK hair
DeleteBristol always had dark hair? Are you sure? Better check with Dylan, Levi, Ben, Gino and Joe to be sure. Did I leave anybody out?
I see you're taking slander 101 too.
DeleteNo, 10:32 PM That is : Love to Fuck and have babies with no Husband 101.
DeleteYou'd think that girl's parents would know enough to keep their daughter away from the Palins.
DeleteHave you all seen the crap they're putting on tv? Hell, a talking turd could get a time slot. 1200 channels with the living turd known as Sarah circling the bowl for 22 minutes will be the death nail for her
ReplyDeleteGabby Giffords went sky diving!!!
ReplyDeleteLove to see Scardy Cat Scarah do that!
She would never do it! Sacrdy Cat! No cojones! Toothless grizzly! with no cojones!
never happen.
This woman has to be crazy. If she can't understand how annoying that repetition is to people, including her fans, then there's something wrong in her noggin. No person repeats and repeats the same old tired lines over and over again.
ReplyDeleteIs her mind like a 3 year-old, who wants her mommy and daddy's attention and interrupts them every second to say, "look at me, I blow a bubble" - With Sarah, she has to remind everyone that she lives "vibrantly" that she loves fish, that she makes moose chili, that she loves the outdoors, "look at me, I'm living red, wild and blue America", "look at me, I'm jumping on my snowmachine with Todd", "look at me, I'm talking about guns and shooting animals", "look at me wearing camo outfits", "look at me, wearing USA flag accessories".
She is a broken record, something is stuck in her brain where her mind thinks hunt/fish/moose/VP candidate/energy expert/don't retreat, reload/"look at my palms, hee-hee, I've got writing on them", chili, perhaps, moose-moose-moose, never-ending moose chili. BURP!
"look at me, I blow a bubble"
DeleteYes, and we know that the Ol' Broken Record's bubbles come out of her a$$!
smelly fart bubbles!
ReplyDeleteWhy is Sarah Palin wearing the life jacket?
Most mama grizzlies would sacrifice their body and give their children the life jacket, but noooooo not Sarah Palin.
Piper is lucky to have a friend in the cult. It was awful to see 19 year old Willow looking alone on that book tour. Too bad they can't trust her to be on her own at her age. She might be able to carve out a future for herself. There are zero pictures of Track. He does go out with his guns and relatives. Other than that, he is a shut in. Heard some about some bars but don't know when or how accurate that was. I've know parents that make it comfortable for their addict children to stay home and not go out where they could get in trouble. By all indication, that is how Sarah parents her son, Track.
ReplyDeleteWow, talk about slander. Get a life loser. You sound demented. There is zero point to you writing such nastiness.
Delete10:31 PM Until you can show proof that any of us is a Liar, STFU, Troll. You have no access to the Palins, and if you did, they would shut you down.
DeleteAnonymous10:31 PM
DeleteWow, talk about slander. Get a life loser. You sound demented. There is zero point to you writing such nastiness.
Hey trollie...if it isn't true sure got yer panties in a wad now didn't it?
Get ya all wee-weed up? LOL. Not true why bother?
It is YOU that sounds "Demented"!
I know, its says not to feed the trolls. But, the level of troll writing has sunk to a junior high level. (Piper, is that you and your friend??) Just writing, "You lie" and "You are lying" doesn't mean anything, except that the troll has a very limited vocabulary and level of thinking. Sarah talks to people-- she is not a recluse. No, honey, a recluse stays home, period. A recluse is not out, not even using her children as props.
ReplyDeleteYou need to grow up and stop lying.
DeleteAnonymous10:30 PM
DeleteYou need to grow up and stop lying.
Ok it CAN'T be THAT STUPID? CAN IT? You just insulted the hell out it and then it says "stop lying"???? LOL! What a flippin' TARD!
Sarah Heath Palin IS a selfie.
ReplyDeleteIf we're to believe "Life's a Tripp", Bristol sure didn't sound like she was living life "vibrantly". She was the most un-vibrant-sounding woman in any reality TV show.
ReplyDeleteNo that's you.
DeleteAs I told members of the Television Critics Association yesterday, I'm especially encouraged to have opportunities to empower young women to get outdoors
ReplyDelete-Sarah Palin
I thought Bristol said it was Levi's fault that Bristol went camping, got drunk and fucked all night in the great outdoors in Levi's canvas tent.
Now it sounds as if Sarah may have had something to do with it by encouraging her daughter to get outdoors?
It's always Levi's fault. Right Sarah? Right Todd? Right Bristol?
DeleteI love how you ignore everything that refutes your agenda. Grow up
DeleteAnonymous10:30 PM
DeleteI love how you ignore everything that refutes your agenda. Grow up
Oh no troll. Its "refudiate" didn't you get that memo? Sarita made up a new word.
If Sarah is the great white hunter and fisherman, then why is she wearing a life jacket? Shouldn't that moron know how to swim?
ReplyDeleteStop asking why Sarah Palin is wearing a life jacket.
ReplyDeleteNot all turds float.
DeleteThat was great!
What an odd thing to say about Wolf Blitzer and his mom. Sarah making fun of people with funky first names is like Sarah Palin calling Africa a Country, or being pranked on the radio and not realizing it until they lay it out for her. Wolf is rather tame compared to White Out 1, Track, BRistol, White Out 2, Willow, Piper. Even her grandkids have funky names, trig, tripp, trenton, whatevs. She's off her rocker.
ReplyDeleteHey, Sarah, TMI. Don't "Share" so much. Makes you seem petty. Wolf has his own show on CNN. They only call you for comic relief.or to scratch Aile's itch.
As I told members of the Television Critics Association yesterday, I'm especially encouraged to have opportunities to empower young women to get outdoors
ReplyDelete-Sarah Palin
What? If that's true then Sarah should have been outdoors instead of in her sister's Alaska college dorm room doing Glenn Rice.
You're so ignorant.
Delete10:29 PM Is it true that Sarah always demands the Dark Meat when Chicken is served? BWAHAHAHAHA. Sarah Palin Fucked a Black Man, then ran down the hall telling everyone.
DeleteSo, she wants to encourage young women to get outdoors? Why is she standing in front of that green screen then, why not get outdoors? Maybe now her kids are getting pregnant INDOORS, she feels it might be safer outdoors? Waiting for "slander" "get a life" coming in 3 - 2 - 1.
DeletePiper is taking a selfish in a mirror. Let's see what does her shirt say if read correctly.... N.... I.... G...
I can't wait to show you the inspiring people, places, and things that make this country truly amazing!
ReplyDeleteSarah you can hardly wait? What was that failure of a show called Sarah Palin's Alaska?
Having a second shot at it is going to make it better?
What amazes me about this country is that a MORON like Palin was picked to be VP for little Johnny Mac.
DeleteOne vital thing an amazing country can do well is look at mistakes, apologize and make amends. Corrections and moving on are important to moving on.
DeleteThe greatest Americans are doing their all to deal with Johnny Mac's 2008 campaign's disastrous mass of cover ups and crimes. Sarah Palin is a national obstructionist. Much like Republican Chris Chistie is demonstrating in New Jersey.
As I told members of the Television Critics Association yesterday, I'm especially encouraged to have opportunities to empower young women to get outdoors
ReplyDelete-Sarah Palin
So whose fault was it when Colony Gang leader was outdoors instead of being at home doing her homework when the police called you know who in Hawaii notifying her that you know who was in a vacant home that was broken into?
Doesn't sound like these Palin girls should be encouraged to go outdoors?
DeleteI suggest encouraging them to go to a library to STUDY!
So whose fault was it when Colony Gang leader was outdoors instead of being at home doing her homework when the police called you know who in Hawaii notifying her that you know who was in a vacant home that was broken into?
DeleteDon't blame the Obamas
Anon 918, you are ignorant and it's obvious. Stop lying. Funny that you don't mention that person you're slandering going to Hawaii that month with the colony bball team. That party was thrown by THREE BOYS. The person you're lying about probably has no idea what went down.
Delete10:29 PM Willow Palin was a Colony Girls Gang Member who participated in the Vandalism of their neighbor's home, FACT. That is why Sarah rushed back home to keep Willow from going to Jail.
DeleteAs I told members of the Television Critics Association yesterday, I'm especially encouraged to have opportunities to empower young women to get outdoors
ReplyDelete-Sarah Palin
Are you sure Todd didn't say that?
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't seen this, you will want to watch it.
It's just sad that political haters get caught up in their own bias that they can no longer see love in the world. Or positivity. Positives: Thanks to Sarah Palin a precious little boy has amazing parents, siblings and his buddies to grow up with. There are few families more devoted and close as theirs. And that's including family by marriage. Funny how no one thinks about the extended relatives who are also indirectly hurt when assholes attack their famous relative. OR friends whove known her decades, who've vacationed with her family. When a boy trashed them after she defended him over the no GED-had to quit thing by saying he was working on it. NO negative words were spoken. It is GOOD parenting to want to prevent your daughter from marrying a boy whom she doesn't trust and fights with constantly. Funny how she was comfortable on campaign trail and laughing for those weeks. sigh
ReplyDelete10:27 PM You are a sick LIAR. Bristol Palin still wishes that Levi was with her. What causes you to be so uninformed and Stupid? Hopefully your LONELY ASS has no kids of your own. You would spend as much time with them as Sarah Palin the Absentee Fake Mother spends with her Dysfunctional, Uneducated, Unmarried, Non-working Baby Makers.
Delete"Thanks to Sarah Palin a precious little boy has amazing parents, etc." What an odd thing to say. What it implies is that she isn't the birth mother and what's positive is that she adopted Trig and, therefore, has a family.
DeleteThank you so much for confirming what so many know with absolute conviction that Sarah did not *birth* Trig and that she faked her pregnancy.
Also, you write about the family as if you have intimate knowledge so, again, I thank you for confirming the truth that Sarah not being the *birth* mother.
You must be one of the extended relatives who feel hurt and angry that so many people dislike, distrust and despise her.
But please try to understand that Sarah brings all this negativity on to herself...sigh.
DeleteSad how you support Palin's pregnancy hoax, her potty mouth and her support of prostitution & preying upon vulnerable women, through her pimp-husband. Sigh
DeleteIf you are a Palin, sorry, we know better than to buy your drivel. We have seen by your own words and actions that this picture you are trying to paint is bullshit.
DeleteIf you are not a Palin, then you are a certifiable nutball who is in desperate need of medication (no snark).
Thanks to Sarah Palin a precious little boy has amazing parents
Delete"Amazing' Palins 'a precious little boy has amazing parents' thanks to Sarah Palin... What about the Sponge Bob pillow? Yeah, thanks to Sarah Palin LOL
So you admit Sarah never gave birth to Trig. Well, why all the lying about it?
DeleteThe fake fish holding picture speaks volumes. The Fraud thinks it's a cute parody, but to me it looks like outright mocking. If that's the case, go Piper and friend. When I first read The Fraud's comment about young girls posting fish selfie's, I had to laugh because really, no one in that demographic is going to be watching that show. She is so delusional on so many levels.
ReplyDelete10:27 above = Palin fairy tale troll
ReplyDeleteYou can be certain that Piper Palin has PLENTY of experience taking selfies in the bathroom and everywhere else. Don't shit me, those Palin girls are always posing. They don't know how to do much else, really.
ReplyDeleteWell, now that the stupid troll has finally stumbled in, I can't resist poking it in the nose, as it seems to be in full-on snivel and whine mode. So I will re-post this. Here you go, trolly, maybe you missed this yesterday. Come on, rise to the bait! You can do it!
Wearing her stupid camo pants while posing in front of a green screen is as close as that silly phony wants to be to the great outdoors.
And more of her stuck in her teen years pathology is evident in her prattling about how she wants to inspire young women.
As if any young woman would look at that silly, aging badly old bat trying to look and act like a teen and do anything but laugh her ass off.
Yeah. Young women are so inspired by a scrawny, ugly woman old enough to be their mother or grandmother, who dresses like a teen age prostitute and and thinks she is sooo hot and sexy.
Young women with young boyfriends are so inspired by scary grannies proud of landing all the fat, creepy old goats out there.
And the Sportsman's Channel with the creepy sounding shows is where all the young women will hang out to adoringly watch the old bag wiggle around playing Outdoor Frontier Woman.
Palin is just a tad delusional, I think. Oh, what am I saying? She is a full-blown lunatic whose grasp on reality is long, long gone. But sure. Young woman look up to you, Palin. Just keep telling yourself that.
Seriously, the only way Sarah willl be able to inspire young women is if she hires someone to do it. Look at her daughters, it is so sad they turned out the way they did.
DeleteWhat's really sad is the troll who happens to defend the person of Sarah. But, they never defend her actions. It's her hypocritical actions and statements that make people discuss her. If she wouldn't be a hypocrite, then all would be well.
ReplyDeleteThe troll, who may very well be her kids should know this. No one wants their parents to be discussed negatively on blogs and in media. But, if the parent who is discussed really CARED about that, she/he would live their lives privately. If they choose to be celebrities, and insist on staying in the public eye, then they should not preach to everyone, and just do their job.
If they choose a celebrity reality TV life, it's hard for the little people to swallow their constant praise of themselves in one moment, then constant criticism of others in the next. THAT is the lesson here, Palin kids.
Sarah lives in some type of fantasy world where she thinks parents want their children to be like her dysfunctions kids.
ReplyDeleteSarah you really need to stop making excuses for your children's behaviors and failures. Nobody with a brain bought your reason why Willow dropped out of high school. Willow's delinquent shenanigans was an embarrassment to your me me me political career and you needed to take her out of high school.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin wrote:
In planning for her future, Willow thought long and hard about what kind of work would make her happy and provide her with a good income in today’s economy. She’s artistic and has an interest in making people feel and look their best, and as an entrepreneur with a strong work ethic she desires to be her own boss as a small business owner. With all that in mind, she decided to finish her high school requirements quite early and enroll in an academy for hair and skin, which allowed her to study abroad, visit the sets of major media productions, and work with the best of the best in the industry. She’ll be graduated this week with no debt and a great career ahead of her doing something she loves in a recession-proof industry (everyone needs their hair cut after all!).
Sarah Palin has been down this road before, vying to become President of the United States and being left embarrassed by the actions of her teen daughter.
DeleteBut the White House hopeful is seemingly taking precautions ahead of her rumoured 2012 presidential bid and has reportedly pulled her daughter Willow out of school.
While it is not known what is to be included in the emails, the release will worry Ms Palin's advisers as they prepare for a possible 2012 presidential run.
On Wednesday, it was claimed that the 47-year-old politician will home school her 16-year-old daughter in a bid to keep her out of the spotlight.
According to the National Enquirer, the Tea Party darling wants to keep any scandal involving her daughter to a minimum.
Willow hit the headlines in the past six months for making homophobic slurs and being caught speeding.
A source told the publication: 'Willow is a wild girl and Sarah fears any sort of screw-up on Willow's part could blow her campaign, so she has her under lockdown at their Wasilla home.'
'Sarah isn't doing this for Willow - she is doing it to protect her public image. The last thing she needs is another teenage daughter winding up pregnant', the insider added.
lol, now have ram or nancy write a little ditty about how choosing to work at 7-11 took some real soul searching and the ability to recognize one's true calling. bwahahaha
DeleteSarah we know that geniuses does not run in your family.
ReplyDeletePalin will teach her children how to hold a fish rather than to get an education and prepare themselves for the future. Her children have done nothing with their lies. Nobody in the family has a real job.
ReplyDeleteBristol's fish face pic will live in infamy.
DeleteWillow Palin Tweets, "I'm engaged!"
Engaged in WHAT, christ only knows...
To be married? Why does a MINOR get engaged? Certainly would be no shocker there and par for the course for the Wasillabilly Palins.
Vandalization, check
Drop out of school, check
Bullying, intimidation, homophobia, check
Get knocked up out of wedlock and under the age of 18, I can purty much guaran-darn-tee it.
Figure out paternity and git engaged purty dern quick, What do YOU think?
Regardless of what her Tweet means...the whole family is FUBAR. And pumping out more innocents to damage. Nice job Tranny-Tawd.
Why did underage Willow tweet that?
DeleteWhy would any underage girl announce their engagement?
Sarah why did Willow cancel her engagement?
DeleteWhiteout perhaps?
OH, she must have gotten her engagement fetus that those Palin girls dream about!
DeleteGood morning all that worship at the crusted feet of scarah pathetic!! I had to take some time to digest her new year's resolution to eat more meat before I could wax ineloquently about the true ,earning of her words. Deciphering skank speech is not for the feignt of heart and takes time and thought on my part to better explain the truth behind her words both literally and figuratively.
ReplyDeleteEat more meat- simple statement but is it? Skank is looking quite malnourished and so the obvious is that she needs more iron as told to her by her physician therefor she will eat more meat to nourish her body. But is that all?
I think not. To eat more meat has many meanings in urban slang speak so let us parse these shall we?
To eat meat-
Meat Eater
A meat eater is someone who has a desire to put numerous dicks in their partner's mouth.
So from this definition we can assume that scarah has and/or will continue to eat the meat of anyone she wants money from. 2014 is a big year for scarah to rally for her least desirable politicians but they don't want anything to do with her. She will therefor use her limited intellect and talent to eat meat so she can perhaps be seen on stage with a politician to help draw more money from the accounts of those who wish she would eat their meat.
Also and too-
Meat Eater
A meat eater is a confirmed killer. Usually used in the military.
This next definition gives us insight into Sarah's own desires and possible past deeds. Although she wasn't a proud member of our armed forces she does put on camp wear and pretends she is a warrior ready to battle for our freedoms. Killer is a perfect term for this queen of meat eating-she kills any opportunity that comes her way and quite possibly is giving us a hint about the church fire and dar miller. Perhaps she is giving a warning to another gabby giffords to let them know she has her sights set n me now. With the grace of her eloquent words and skilled mind she no longer needs to use crosshairs to direct her minions but now can just say eat meat and they know to kill.
meat eater
A corrupt cop who is into serious crime
This final definition is perhaps her way of exposing those cops who have continued to do her dirty work for her. It also coincides with the first definition of sucking cock because payment for their assistance in covering her azz is using her mouth.
Yes scarah has said she will eat more meat but as always when listening to scarah we have to read the many many layers of thought behind her simple words.
BriANUS berkleANUS iamanANUS
ReplyDeleteIs Willow engaged?
Not sure if this is her Twitter page but check it out:
See, I'm convinced the world will be a better place when we have more girls holding fish in pictures and fewer holding selfie cameras in front of the bathroom mirror.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin
Sarah I'm convinced the world will be a better place when we have more underage girls holding fish in pictures and fewer riding penises and having babies. What do you think Sarah?
How about encouraging our daughters to stay in school? How about encouraging them not to pimp out themselves and their children for easy money and reality teevee fame?
ReplyDeleteThe day any of us look to Sarah Palin for parenting tips is the day the world has gone completely crazy.
Sarah Palin is a great example of what NOT to do.