Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Senator Claire McCaskill slaps the toupee right off Rand Paul's head after he dredged up Monica Lewinsky to attack Hillary.

Courtesy of TPM:

 "I think I can speak for most women to say that I found what he said infuriating. I think most women understand they should not be held accountable for the behavior of their husbands," McCaskill told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell. "You know, frankly, it was a long time ago. Our country did very well under the leadership of Bill Clinton." 

Paul accused former President Clinton on Sunday of engaging in "predatory behavior" with Lewinsky and, pointing to the successful female members of his family, argued that there is no such thing as a "war on women." 

McCaskill swatted down Paul's bit of mansplaining. 

"I think Rand Paul is grasping, trying to show that he can be tough and win the presidential nomination," she said. 

"It was a political posturing and, frankly, what Rand Paul doesn't get is that women want birth control. What Rand Paul doesn't get is that women don't want to be marginalized in the workplace, that we are not yet at the point we need to be in terms of our country and around the world."

I think that this will be the response from virtually everybody who is not a card carrying Republican. 

I will admit that I worried about it a little, but after considering it further I think that this will have just about the same impact on Hillary's chances in 2016 that the so-called IRS scandal, Benghazi, and Fast and Furious are going to have.

In other words, none.


  1. Anonymous2:38 AM

    I think if you go into a man's office and lift your skirt to show him your G-string then it's something between consenting adults and not "workplace violence".

    I suspect Rand Paul never got an offer like that.

  2. Anonymous2:40 AM

    America had its say about it back in 1998. America said "meh".

  3. Anonymous4:31 AM

    O/T From SarahPAC's latest grifting letter...

    P.S. We are in the process of printing 2014 SarahPAC Membership cards and will have them in the mail soon.

    SarahPac is five years old so why the need for "membership cards" now? Smells like a desperate gimmick to me.

    Next year maybe they'll issue punch cards for prizes. The following year scratch off cards could be earned with each donation. How about SarahPAC trading cards?

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      How about *Name the New Bastard Baby* cards, or *Pick A Trial Daddy* cards, or *Pimp For A Day* cards?

    2. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Scratch & Sniff? Eeewwwww....

      Wild Tortoise

    3. Anonymous4:31 PM

      How about a free night's stay at the Rainbow Lodge!

  4. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Yeah, it was 15 years ago…and as the anonymous person above me said…we spoke loud and clear in 1998…and we said Pbbbblt…
    clinton is one of the first presidents ever to GAIN seats for his party in his final mid-term election…because people were so angry about the impeachment.

  5. Anonymous4:58 AM

    I don't think he's very bright. I don't think he's very strong. I think a lot of people project a sentience on to him that he shouldn't be afforded. He isn't what you think he is, there's no there there.

    It's just letting the son of a well known and influential person get onto the Sunday talk show roster and letting him talk to see if something sticks, and it feeds to his legitimacy.

    1. Boscoe5:25 AM

      Wait... you're talking about Bristol, right? ;))

    2. Anonymous9:13 AM

      I agree that Rand Paul isn't that smart. He certainly says a lot of stupid things.

  6. If we're going to judge Bill Clinton, then we must also judge David Vitter, Mark Sanford and SO many others for their similar behaviors: all powerful politicians who abused their power and took sexual advantage of poor, defenseless women in their orbit.

    It might be the first time ever the GOP looks at women as victims, rather than the oversexed baby-aborting machines that we all have the potential to be.

    Oh wait - that will never happen because, "DOUBLE STANDARD".

  7. Anonymous5:22 AM

    I wish I saw the pundits echoing may take on this... If Paul's point is that Lewinski was victimized and used, then WTF he is doing? Using her name and story again for his own political purposes? She's been under the radar and living her life quietly for how many years now and he dredges up this youthful indiscretion that unfortunately has defined her life - apparently forever? (thanks Rand Paul).

  8. Boscoe5:24 AM

    Wait... you're saying the time-honored Republican strategy of pretending there is no issue (racism is over! Women are equal! Thank you and goodnight!) and then personally smearing anyone who disagrees doesn't work any more?

    What has happened to the world?

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Great comments. I too am tired of the smear campaigns against rational thinkers by nonintellectual bigots.

  9. Beldar G. Conehead5:38 AM

    The conclusion, at the highest levels of Republican strategerizing for 2016, is that their best chance of defeating Hillary Clinton is to relentlessly focus on the Democrat's most obvious vulnerabilities: BENGHAZI!!!, Monica Lewinsky and the corrupt land deal known as the Gadsden Purchase.

    As beloved former president Warren G. Harding (R) repeats often to this day, "The key to Republican success in the future is our psychotic obsession with the illusory past indiscretions of our mortal enemies, the Democrats, and total amnesia of our own failings."

  10. Monica Lewinsky was not exactly an innocent, defenseless child. She was known for this kind if liaison in Oregon before she went to DC and Clinton. I realize the imbalance of power is an issue but she opted that direction in Oregon too.

  11. Caroll Thompson2:05 PM

    If the R's bring this up during the election, it will only serve to raise the numbers for the D's. The D's gained seats in 1998; a year when they should have lost seats.

    Hillary is going to have coattails and the D's might win the House back. Bringing this up will just about guarantee that.

    Please Senator Paul, proceed.............................

  12. Anita Winecooler5:10 PM

    I gotta give credit to Claire. I just hope she has all her shots and used plenty of hand sanitizer. That roadkill's been festering on his head for years, and who knows where his head's been?

  13. A tribute to Rand's rat nest...


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