Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer just vetoed SB 1062, the bill that would have allowed businesses to discriminate based on religious intolerance.

This is breaking news, but I just watched Jan Brewer announce that she vetoed the bill, and then walk away without taking any reporter's questions.

Update: Here is the CNN report:  

Brewer said she made the decision she knew was right for her state. 

"I call them as I see them, despite the cheers or the boos from the crowd," she said, calling the bill "broadly worded" and saying it could have unintended consequences. 

Her announcement spurred cheering and hugs by protesters of the bill in Phoenix. 

The measure, known as SB 1062, would have given Arizona businesses that assert their religious beliefs the right to deny service to gay and lesbian customers.

I just told my daughter that with all of these pro-gay decisions happening right now it almost makes me feel left out just being a boring old straight guy.


  1. Anonymous4:06 PM

    As a transgender American, I will say this bill was a farce from the beginning. Imagine if the Constitution allowed no protections for religion and an elected group of non believers or Atheists fast tracked a law the allowed non believer business owners to discriminate against Christians, Jews or Muslims. The problem I have is Christians will continue to try to pass laws that give favoritism to their own, and not allow all citizens to have the same rights in all 50 states.

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      True. And - we must continue the "good fight". It may go on forever - but it is something that we must do.

      Pat Padrnos

    2. Anonymous6:34 PM

      You know Anon 4:06, I wish I could favorite or like your comment a million times. It is probably the most perfect response to the Christians who want to discriminate against others that I have seen. Hope you don't mind if I borrow it.

    3. Anonymous8:48 PM

      There are NO laws on the books in AZ that prevent this from happening! This legislation would have drastically restricted the times when it could happen.

      You were LIED to!!!

    4. Leland11:56 PM

      @ 8:48

      You know, the stupidity of your statement is tantamount to being brain dead. There ARE laws on the books preventing discrimination of all sorts. Did it never occur to you that it is possible that AZ has no laws (just to give you ONE chance at being NOT wrong) against discrimination because it's FEDERALLY illegal?

      Besides, as I understand this law, it would have disallowed a suit by the person(s) being discriminated against.

      Now. Having said my piece, what is your response? Care to attempt to PROVE we are wrong?

    5. I am a godless communist, the Family (David Coe), is behind this orphan bill.They have exported this intolerance to Russia where roving bands single out individuals for group beatings and Uganda, where being gay can get you killed.I've not been to church in 33 yrs, next time I go will likely be against my will and in a coffin.

  2. Anonymous4:10 PM

    For once she did the right thing.

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Not surprised, money talks. She went for the easy economic argument. But she left it open for them to rewrite it more narrowly.

  3. Anonymous4:11 PM

    In this great nation of ours, Capitalism still Rules!!!!!

    RJ in Brownbackistan

  4. Anonymous4:22 PM

    So she vetoed it. Big deal. The asshats in their legislature PASSED it. F--- them.

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Yup. That's my take-away, too. The legislators who supported the bill, including those who flip-flopped when the economic toll became evident, need to be voted out of office to redeem AZ's image.

      The good news is the massive opposition that materialized against the bill and forced Brewer's veto.

  5. Oh, stop that! Intelligent, forward-thinking straight guys will never be left out by their gay brothers. What kind of guys do you think we want our sisters hooked up with...? :)

  6. Anonymous4:31 PM

    There was never any doubt that Brewer would veto this but those of us who reside in Arizona were more distressed that she took until this evening to announce her decision. My guess is that she delayed the announcement so that it would appear to the right wingers supporting this legislation that she put some thought into the decision and wrestled with it.

    As far as the unintended consequences. While the timing of this legislation and the group drafting it clearly intended it to give businesses the right to refuse service to the LBGT community, the wording was so vague (Christian and any particular belief or group is not mentioned in the bill) that it would have allowed other religiously dictated beliefs to prevail as well....devout Muslim business owners could refuse service to unaccompanied females. Pacifists might decide to refuse service to the military. I could go on.

    And of course, the very real economic consequence to the state.

    Just wish she would have grown a pair and announced her intent last Saturday. For those of us in AZ our work is not done. We need to vote the scoundrels out now.


    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      caving to $ takes no courage.

    2. Anonymous9:43 PM

      Is there no one in the AZ legislature that could glean the ultimate meaning in that bill? Can they really be that stupid that they couldn't think these things through themselves? Doubtful. More likely they didn't care a whit who got caught in the crossfire of their idiotic bill. It was all for their base anyway.

  7. Anonymous4:36 PM

    We, as Americans, have a few companies to thank for putting the pressure on old leatherface.

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      I, for one, have a leatherface. It comes from years of stress, angst, and fighting a life I have no control over. That being SAID, she didn't d this of her own accord. She stood to lose a lot of money. If anyone thinks she's for it down deep, puh-leeze.

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      5:30- hers is from a life of suntanning and booze. My grandparents have several friends who have the same.

  8. Leland4:37 PM


    I heard on NPR this afternoon that a Federal judge in TEXAS declared the state's marriage definition in their constitution to be unconstitutional! He did NOT stop the law immediately, allowing the state to appeal the decision in their local Federal District Court of Appeals(I think it is the Tenth District again!) He said he believes the state will lose, but wants them to have the opportunity to appeal.

    1. Baby_Raptor9:58 PM

      I'm getting really tired of these judges that refuse to stop laws for an appeal.

      They're plainly saying that the Right's desire to throw temper tantrums is more important than LGBT peoples' civil rights

    2. Leland12:03 AM

      Actually, BR, I see it as standard procedure for overriding a state's constitution. Standard procedure that will make it even harder to offer an opportunity to win an appeal further down the road - like at the SCOTUS.

      WE all know it IS going to happen whether or not these idiots like it. By making certain the states can appeal, there is less chance a state will try what Utah did and that is to spit in the court's eye and tell everyone that the marriages performed after the judge's decision are not valid and EMOTIONALLY hurting the newlyweds badly.

  9. Ugly as a mud fence painted white (H/T my dad). But she’s not completely stupid when she’s not drinking.

  10. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Did she really have any choice? Yeah she took some time to make it look good but not really. There were already big forces lining up on the other side - large corporations, the NFL, both AZ senators....

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Agree...she did the veto for purely economic reasons.

  11. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I guess the "unintended consequences' Brewer spoke of were an economic boycott of Arizona and thousands and thousands of dollars in legal fees when the state was sued for discrimination. What a bunch of disgusting people in Arizona! I personally think it's too late. This, on top of the other asinine right wing shenanigans , has made Arizona a leper colony to be avoided.

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Two words: Super Bowl 2015.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:34 PM

      "Broadly Worded"? In what respect, Brain Freeze Brewski? Can't follow along while wagging your finger at "the help"???

    3. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Two words: Boycott Arizona.

  12. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I would think the fact that she had a gay son (not the kidnapper rapist who is locked up in a mental facility) who died of Aids would affect her decision.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      I couldn't find anything on that. All I could find was this from wikipedia:

      Brewer and her husband have had three sons, one of whom died of cancer in 2007.[54] Another son was declared not guilty by reason of insanity for the rape of a Phoenix woman in 1989; he has been a psychiatric patient for 24 years in the Arizona State Hospital.[55]

    2. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Oh my god, with that kind of baggage, what kind of people vote in Arizona anyway?!

    3. Anonymous7:21 AM

      quote fro AZ Central 9/14/10:

      Other personal family tragedies, such as the death of son John Brewer in January 2007 from cancer and AIDS are spoken of only briefly.

  13. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Typical trumps values. Every. Time.
    They argue against equal rights for LGBT people because Jesus but threaten them with financial consequences and they fold without a fight. Good result. Wrong reason.

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Exactly, 5:51. Include McNutsMccain, too.

  14. Anonymous5:59 PM

    And now it looks like Ohio has pulled its version of the bill. More to follow?

    Hopefully, AZ will be the high water mark of the tide of bigotry which has been rising on the right.

    1. Leland12:06 AM

      "Hopefully, AZ will be the high water mark of the tide of bigotry which has been rising on the right."


  15. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I, too, am " a boring old straight guy" but do not feel left out.

    When one of is discriminated against, all of us are discriminated against., .

    These victories are for all of us.

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      I would rather let these companies freely let their prejudices fly, so that I could make an informed decision not to use the establishment. This way, no one knows who is who, and you may just be spending money in a store owned by Ted Nugent! Or someone similar! Let the Freak Flag Fly!!!!

  16. Anonymous6:27 PM

    "Had Brewer not vetoed the bill, I would have been first in line to demand a bill that enables non-religious/secular humanist employers to reject any job applicant that believe in creationism - based on a deeply-held conviction that creationists lack the critical thinking skills necessary to succeed in the 21st Century. Now THAT would make conservative evangelical heads explode!"

    H/T for "Rantcaster" on TPM for that one..could not have said it better myself.

    Palin party? Sorry, we're all booked up!

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      If you refuse service to the Palin party, you miss the opportunity to spit in their food.

  17. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Sorry for this wildly o/t comment but has anyone else waded thru the muck at the peepond in the last few days?? It has become a huge chat room for hillbillies (not the good kind:) and crazy azz right wing nut jobs over there!!! Seriously-it is now filled with either a bunch of double agent dems (they think Obama plants spies at he peepond-hahaha:) or there really are a whoe new crop of crazies who moved there from Greta wire!!!

    It is a brand new kind of cray cray there-Gina m you do have to visit!!!!

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      "Whatchutalkboutwillis"....I've been over there ALL day...laughing my tuckus off!

      The nuts are EXTRA nutty today! Someone else was talking about this on the Levi thread! Here's what I said about that!

      The Greta folks showed up in yesterday's Open Thread and have pretty much taken over! You can see in today's Open Thread that the regulars are not HAPPY! Here are a couple of comments I just came across...

      "lanahi • 17 minutes ago
      Please, GretaWire people, don't turn this into a trite chat room. We should not need more than one open thread per day. I come here for interesting reading and to see what is happening in the news even though it takes a long time to read everything. But now it takes much longer and the reading isn't that interesting. I have better things to do with my time than skim over all the empty're turning it into a different kind of forum.

      1776er lanahi • 34 minutes ago
      Have to say I am a bit bewildered by the sudden popularity of C4P.

      It has changed the vibe significantly.

      I love reading Sarah Palin's FB postings but I never read the comments. The comments literally by the thousands come at you like water out of a firehose. Good comments mostly but overwhelming the senses so to speak.

      I find I am having an increasing problem finding my own posts to check for comments and questions to what I have posted.

      I also have to say that I tend to post a lot less when there is a ton of traffic --good traffic with lots of stimulating ideas, thoughts and observations. I think that is the substance of the posts of the newbies here."

      Ole 1776 kept on going with some more shit...but it wasn't worth copying here! Anywho it looks like it's about to get rowdy over there for I'm about to fix myself a "drank" and get my evening laugh on!

      Here's the link to the Open Thread from today if you wanna check out the shenanigans for yourself! Have fun...but as always when hanging at the Asylum I always like to warn folks to inoculate yourself otherwise you might bring back some kind of "dumbass disease" and IM is running low on the antidote to cure ya! LOL!

      Godspeed my friend....

    2. Anonymous8:53 PM

      I haven't ventured over there in months but I decided to tonight. It's really hard reading the comments because there are no paragraph breaks - it just all runs into each other. The die hards are just as delusional as ever waiting for the day Sarah will become president and yes, that'll teach the world for being so mean to her! After I read the following I had to stop reading their truly delusional crap. I'm pretty sure whoever wrote this wishes in their "christian" heart that all the ones that have so wronged Sarah The Second Coming of Jesus that they will all burn in hell & die horrible deaths and they will laugh with glee as they are tortured while generations upon generations will be carving the likeness of Saint Sarah & probably eventually Holy Blessed Virgin Bristol into Mount Rushmore. I swear, they copy shit out of the bible and screw it around to fit Sarah. Try not to laugh:

      It is my hope and prayer that the Good Lord will visit Divine Justice on those who have so cruelly persecuted her.
      Thus …
      They have tried to depict her as stupid and ignorant.
      My prayer this morning is that the Lord will reveal her as the most brilliant President since Ronald Reagan.
      They have tried to depict her as inarticulate.
      My prayer this morning is that the Lord will grant that she deliver a Presidential Inaugural Address for the ages … and that this magnificent oration will be just the beginning of her march along the royal road of eloquence in her brilliant eight years as our Chief Executive.
      They have tried to depict her as a caricatured figure deserving of scorn and ridicule and contempt.
      My prayer this morning is that the Lord reveal in her the majestic figure of a World Stateswoman.
      They have tried to brand her with the odious and insulting moniker of "quitter."
      My prayer this morning is that the Lord may show her to be one of the bravest and finest Patriot Warriors in our history, who refused to "give up the Ship" of the American Republic; who refused to back down in the face of the vicious assaults of the massed forces of the International Left; who "ran the race" to its
      triumphant end and conclusion; who helped to save the country she loves with every drop of her fearless Alaskan and American blood.
      They have tried to insult and demean her precious son Trig.
      My prayer this morning is that the Lord grant that Trig Paxson Van Palin grow up in the White House to be an inspiration to millions.
      They have tried to bury her name and her fame forever.
      My prayer this morning is that the Lord grant—and now the Lefties can really start grinding their teeth—may the Lord grant that she one day join George Washington and the others in the lasting glory of Mount Rushmore, and in the splendor of an even more enduring monument: That of the eternal gratitude in the hearts of her countrymen and countrywomen.
      To sum up:
      The Leftist Machine and its RINO fellow-travelers have tried to destroy her.
      My prayer this beautiful morning is that the Good Lord will destroy instead the Leftist Machine!!!

    3. Anonymous9:04 PM

      Gina, I dp believe that was john norton's bright idea? Posted on gretawire: for a week, tired of libs getting through, boycott! Come to c4p, we'll show them! Now the originals can't find each other! I LAUGH and LAUGH and LAUGH!

    4. Anonymous1:00 AM

      I noticed john norton complaining that he got suspended from facebook for a while. Now his account is suspended from twitter bwah ha ha ha ha ha

    5. Anonymous5:48 PM

      oh now gina m they are getting mamcgrizzle all hot under the collar!!! she does NOT like this and is threatening going to the mods...baaawwwaaahhh!

      the crowd over there now really is skank's followers! their own word salads, racism, sexism, liberalism-oops, leftism, etc. sounds just like the snowbillies!!!

      where do those peeps live? i want to make sure i don't ever come within 100 miles of them during my travels!!

      who is mamcgrizzlie anyway? paid by skankpac?

  18. Anita Winecooler6:36 PM

    I don't know why, but I just don't trust her. She said it's broadly worded and may have consequences, does this mean if it appears again worded differently, she'll sign???

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      This two page bill by the way doesn't even mention gays or homosexuals at all - that's how broad it is. If they were going to word it differently I'm pretty sure they would have to narrow it even further and thus that much harder to pass depending on the intent.

      Why should religious beliefs have special laws made for them anyway? If they make a new one it should be to make them pay their fair share of taxes since they do all they can to influence politics & laws in my opinion.

    2. Boscoe8:43 PM

      She'll sign it if it can be written in a way that doesn't cause Arizona to lose hosting the Superbowl again. The outcry from the business community is the ONLY reason she vetoed.

    3. Anonymous8:51 PM

      Nor does it mention any particular religion or belief. Part of the "unintended consequences" would be that any religious group or individual could deny service to anyone based on their religious or moral convictions. Banning service to women, tattooed people, miltary...the list could easily go on. Pick a religion, any religion, and you will find morality laws that exclude, ostracize and punish.

      A good question though about whether or not she would sign it if it was more specific. I am convinced that she wouldn't. Economics aside...I doubt she wants this as part of her legacy. She made a huge error in waiting to announce her intent when I truly believe she had every intent of vetoing it. That delay has cost the state economically.


  19. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Ed Schultz had a great point today. Brewer needed time to read and study this bill. Yes a bill that was only TWO PAGES long!

  20. Now y'all know Gov BurntFace has been drinking since this bill was first sent to her desk and she just NOW sobered up to take the calls from the folks who have told her that MONEY is leaving the state in droves and that she needed to "put the bottle down and come out with her hands up and SURRENDER"!

    Which is what she did! LOL!!

    1. Anonymous8:59 PM

      Again, BurntFace is a slam to those who wear years on their face who have lived trough shit to get to where they are. I'll tell you what, GinaM, I would rather wear MY tear than any plastic crap the Palins of the world do.

      She was FORCED into it. She sure as hell didn't want it or it would have been signed for immediately, unless she wanted the attention.

      Hmmmm.....pointed finger....who does that remind me of.......

  21. Saw this at the Asylum....from Pete"TakeYourHandsOffMyFoodStampsYouDirtyStinkinGovernmentOhAndIWorkForTheIRSNow" Petretich thoughts on Gov Burntface's veto....

    "Pete Petretich busybee01 • 20 minutes ago
    Personally, I don't believe in gay people so I ignore this kind of thing."

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! My goodness...the stupid is still burning ole Pete there! LOL!!

  22. Anonymous7:32 PM

    China’s military hackers are back, more brazen than ever. You can thank Edward Snowden.

    The data Snowden brought with him to Hong Kong included a wealth of information about how our intelligence agencies fight and trace hackers, as well as on the NSA’s own hacking efforts in China.
    Second, Snowden’s public revelations have for more than six months distracted media and public attention away from China’s increasingly bold and lawless cyber-war offensives, and kept it focused on the NSA.

  23. Anonymous8:45 PM

    I'm sorry, but this is bad! Right now, there are no laws in AZ about refusing service to anyone. I don't agree that our freedoms should be legislated away.

    Let me put it this way...right now, without this law, anyone can refuse service for any reason, LEGALLY!!! This would have LIMITED when and where someone could refuse service. As most here would have it, you can't refuse, therefore, a Gay Baker could be forced to make a cake saying "Gays must die!" for a Westboro member. Or anyone to take pictures of a KKK meeting where they hang someone in effigy. You should not be forced to use your talents toward anything you disagree with, and neither should anyone else.

    1. Baby_Raptor10:07 PM

      Having to deal with people you don't agree with is part of being an adult. When you start telling people that it's okay to refuse to do anything that they can lie about offending their precious morals, it causes huge issues. See, for example, pregnant people dying because the Catholic hospitals refuse to "murder an innocent child."

    2. Anonymous1:22 AM

      Nope 8:45. The gay baker cannot be forced to bake a cake that calls for the murder of people. Nice try though.

      The ridiculous law that was just vetoed created a religious exemption to harm others. The legislative record shows it was clear that this bill was all about refusing services to people who are, or are suspected of being, gay. Taken to its extreme, it permitted anyone to deny anything to people a person didn't approve of, claiming a religious exemption. Personally, I would be scared to live in a state where housing, a job, checkout at a store, or medical care could be denied to me because I'm not a RWNJ fundie.

    3. Anonymous7:24 AM

      While AZ may not have anti-gay doesn't matter. FEDERAL laws make it illegal to discriminate.

  24. Scruffer8:55 PM

    excerpt of what you said: makes me feel left out just being a boring old straight guy
    I think that just about sums it up, although you left out the white part. The boring old straight white guys are losing ground and throwing a hissy fit.
    Everyone else says 'meh'.
    This is why you see the extremes, the extremists in desperately trying to retain the votes of the above group and desperately throwing money at it. Let's face it - all the billionaires buying elections are part of the, how did you put it?
    Boring old straight white guys. (I took some liberties in expanding your exact words....)

  25. Anonymous8:33 AM

    I have to believe that the majority of Americans see this for garbage for what it is, discrimination. How would these businesses know who is gay and who is not? perhaps they should be made to wear purple triangles on their clothing...sound familiar? . There is a poem titled First They Came and the last verse says " Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me"

  26. Our Lad8:59 AM

    Nothing this old shitheel does has anything to do with a forward thinking brain or the well being of her state's citizenry. Fuck her in her evil old heart.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.