Friday, February 14, 2014

Bill Nye: The Joy of Discovery.

This was taken from the recent debate between Nye and Ken Ham.

"We are, you and I, at least one of the ways that the universe knows itself."

I have been saying some version of this for years and I find it so much more profound and inspiring than anything I have ever read in any religious book.

We have a duty to strive to understand, and appreciate, and stand in awe of, the majesty that surrounds us.

Because if we don't then who will?


  1. Richard Feynman4:34 AM

    Worth reading: the long interview with Neil DeGrasse Tyson, who will be appearing in a follow-up on Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" soon on Fox. A fascinating man. Has a few words to say about atheism.

  2. SHARON6:34 AM

    I believe atheists are deeply spiritual because we embrace the ideas of this video. You can still have faith if you don't follow organized religion. I choose to believe in everything and admire those people who spend their lives in wonderment constantly questioning. How do you answer the time old question.....why were we born with free will? If god is the was on purpose surely to expand our thinking. Wouldn't that validate science in all its forms? It is just so easy to cherry pick a book written centuries ago when nothing was known about the world. The only religion anyone needs is the golden rule..simple.

  3. Randall6:52 AM

    The birds, fish, the stars, little kids, lions, the wind, turtles, fire, grass, insects, trees, jellyfish, waterfalls, alligators, mountains and the moon, you and me
    - everything that is and everything that will ever be
    ...are all GOD playing hide-and-seek with Himself.

  4. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Now Bill Nye Is Going To Debate A Climate Change Denying Congresswoman
    Nye will continue his crusade against misinformation this Sunday on "Meet the Press" with a debate against proud climate change denier Marsha Blackburn, the Republican congresswoman who serves as the vice chair of the House Energy & Commerce Committee.

  5. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Ken Ham Fires Back at Pat Robertson: ‘Really Sad’ He’s ‘So Misinformed’ About Creationism

    Remember that big Bill Nye-Ken Ham creation v. evolution debate that, for a brief moment, ignited the spark of the culture wars? Well, Pat Robertson‘s reaction to that debate was to say it’s “nonsense” to think the earth is 6000 years old and that people like Ham are helping to “make a joke” out of religious people. Well, last week Ham fired back at Robertson and lamented how “misinformed” he is on the matter.

    Robertson contended that creationists shouldn’t allow their beliefs to blind out scientific fact, arguing it doesn’t make a person any less religious to accept it. Ham took great exception to this line of thinking, in a post to his Facebook page.

    This is really sad… Pat Robertson is so misinformed and deceived. Sad that so many will believe him (who is neither a scientist, nor a Bible scholar rather than open their Bibles and see that evolution and millions of years are totally incompatible with the first 11 chapters of Genesis and rather than think for themselves and check out creationist web sites like Answers in Genesis.

    This isn’t the first time Robertson’s spoken out against young-earth creationism, saying in 2012 that religious people shouldn’t try to “cover it up” and pretend the earth is only a few thousand years old.

    You can watch Robertson’s initial comments below, via The 700 Club:

  6. Anita Winecooler4:54 PM

    That's the essence of why we strive to learn new things. The universe holds the key to the questions "Who are we and why are we here". Watch any child with an inquisitive mind and few inhibitions. Especially around the age of two (the "but why?") years.


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