Monday, February 24, 2014

George Takei has written a letter addressing Arizona's "Turn Away the Gay" bill.

Courtesy of Liberals Unite:

“Dear Arizona, 

Congratulations. You are now the first state actually to pass a bill permitting businesses–even those open to the public–to refuse to provide service to LGBT people based on an individual’s “sincerely held religious belief.” This “turn away the gay” bill enshrines discrimination into the law. Your taxi drivers can refuse to carry us. Your hotels can refuse to house us. And your restaurants can refuse to serve us. 

Kansas tried to pass a similar law, but had the good sense to not let it come up for a vote. The quashing came only after the Kansas Chamber of Commerce and other traditional conservative groups came out strongly against the bill. 

But not you, Arizona. You’re willing to ostracize and marginalize LGBT people to score political points with the extreme right of the Republican Party. You say this bill protects “religious freedom,” but no one is fooled. When I was younger, people used “God’s Will” as a reason to keep the races separate, too. Make no mistake, this is the new segregation, yours is a Jim Crow law, and you are about to make yourself ground zero. 

This bill also saddens me deeply. Brad and I have strong ties to Arizona. Brad was born in Phoenix, and we vacation in Show Low. We have close friends and relatives in the state and spend weeks there annually. We even attended the Fourth of July Parade in Show Low in 2012, looking like a pair of Arizona ranchers. 

The law is breathtaking in its scope. It gives bigotry against us gays and lesbians a powerful and unprecedented weapon. But your mean-spirited representatives and senators know this. They also know that it is going to be struck down eventually by the courts. But they passed it anyway, just to make their hateful opinion of us crystal clear. 

So let me make mine just as clear. If your Governor Jan Brewer signs this repugnant bill into law, make no mistake. We will not come. We will not spend. And we will urge everyone we know–from large corporations to small families on vacation–to boycott. Because you don’t deserve our dollars. Not one red cent. 

And maybe you just never learn. In 1989, you voted down recognition of the Martin Luther King holiday, and as a result, conventions and tourists boycotted the state, and the NFL moved the Superbowl to Pasadena. That was a $500 million mistake. 

So if our appeals to equality, fairness, and our basic right to live in a civil society without doors being slammed in our face for being who we are don’t move you, I’ll bet a big hit to your pocketbook and state coffers will. 

George Takei”

Damn, that's a good letter.

And Takei makes a very powerful point. 

If Arizona wants to discriminate against gay people then perhaps all of them, and all people who support them, should avoid Arizona and leave it to the narrow minded folks like Sarah Palin and Jan Brewer.

You know ultimately it really doesn't matter, gay acceptance is coming. And these states that are digging in their heels and threatening to hold their breath until they are allowed to gay bash again, just show themselves to be stubbornly prejudicial.

Remember it was Arizona Senator John McCain who voted AGAINST declaring Martin Luther King Jr's birthday a federal holiday back in 1983, so the state has a long history of being intolerant and behind the times.


  1. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Why anyone would cross the borders into AZ is beyond me. They have a history of racism and now their governor has to 'decide' whether or not to pass this new law?

    You could not pay me enough to retire in AZ, purchase property or spend a dime there. Plus, they keep reelecting John McCain and it's way past time they retired him!

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Wonder no more why the Amazing Sarah moved to AZ. Hawaii is closer from AK, and much nicer. But she picked her own kind to be around.

      No offense to good Arizonans, I do know there are some, but they are outnumbered.

    2. Anonymous1:10 PM

      12:54 I'm not so sure - they keep reelecting John McCain who PICKED Sarah Palin! Heaven forbid he continue in Congress! He needs to be put out to pasture! (just like sista sarah has been!)

  2. Anonymous12:57 PM

    If signed into law this bill would also allow any Arizonan business owner to discriminate at will against any person they do not agree with. The first instance of a business owner refusing to serve christians, or people who wear blue shirts or having long hair or any other characteristic not favored by the business owner will open this entire thing up to a supreme court battle and in the end it will be found unconstitutional whether it was signed into law or not, in the crazy state of Arizona. It will however be a long battle but justice will finally be served in Arizona.

    I don't think Brewer is going to sign it though.

    1. Boscoe1:05 PM

      It is far worse than that! It's not limited to private businesses, ANYONE can discriminate, even govt employees. Police, fire, DMV, Post office. ANYONE.

      -And just when I thought Palin moving here was the worst thing that could happen...

    2. They have no idea where this is going.

      Imagine some popular restaurants refusing to serve you if you don't speak Spanish.

      How about mechanics refusing to fix your car if you don't embrace Islam?

      The old white poohbahs have no idea the can of worms they have opened.

      Me? I'd refuse to serve Republicans. Old White Elephants need not reply. No blue? No service.

    3. Anonymous2:24 PM

      I'm not sure how this works. For instance, when you enter a restaurant in Arizona will you be required to state your sexual orientation before you are seated?

      Being a resident of Canada where this sort of nonsense is illegal, I'm confused as to how, in this day and age, a discriminatory law such as this is even up for consideration. My heart goes out to those good Americans who have to fight a battle for their basic rights as citizens,

  3. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I am not a resident of AZ but just started doing business with a design company there. If this bill passes, I will of course cancel my order. I should have kept my money in my own state anyways. I have a gay son whose parents live in AZ. I highly doubt they will be visiting there. This has left such a bad taste in my mouth.

  4. eclecticsandra1:38 PM

    I just realized that if I visit my daughter and her wife I may not be able to take them to dinner. Guess I'll have to buy plane tickets to have them come here.

  5. As I understand, the law does not just address the LGBT community. It is so broad, that any business can discriminate against people of a different ethnicity, or religion, in the name of this faux "religious freedom".
    What is the Quitter's stand on this? Or, does she just open up big, fat mouth for tv shows?

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Palin is a coward whose lowly silence will always condemn her to complicity in (and on) such matters.

  6. Arizona was added to my do not spend do not visit list long ago. When they embraced that racist illegal alien legislation. They join Alaska, Texas, Florida and Utah. That's just off the top of my head.

    I also don't patronize Chick-fil-a, Papa John's, Olive Garden, Georgia Pacific products, etc. I have a list of do not buy stuff.

    I may just be a spit in the ocean, but if enough people start to buy the way they vote, right wing racist businesses will start to feel it.

    Anyone even remember the last movie Mel Gibson made? His career is over. I won't even watch his old stuff.

    Some boycotting does work.

    I don't need to see the Grand Canyon. I can visit Yosemite instead.

    For the same reason I can visit Germany instead of North Korea.

  7. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Well yep and now one of the dweebs running against Cornyn wants to declare open season (again) on anyone who is (or evidently, looks like) a "wetback" (his exact word, not mine.)

    I wouldn't go to/ feel safe in Arizona if I were Hispanic, Native American, Filipino, middle eastern, etc. In other words, anything but blonde - haired and blue-eyed. It's almost as if they want to purge all those other darkish type folks and create some sort of uber race... now where have I seen that before?

  8. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Atheists business owners will be free to discriminate against religious people. These types of legislations cut both ways, just sayin'.

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      How the hell are they going to know who is gay and who isn't? Some women can look mannish and some men can look feminine but that doesn't mean they're gay.

  9. I'd take it one step further. Regardless of what the crypt keeper Governor does, I think the State should be boycotted anyway until all those legislators who brought this bill to a vote, and their followers, are GONE. Bigots like these need to be taught a big money lesson.

  10. Boycott Arizona, anyway. They don't deserve anything less.

  11. I'd take it one step further. Regardless of what the crypt keeper Governor does, I think the State should be boycotted anyway until all those legislators who brought this bill to a vote, and their followers, are GONE. Bigots like these need to be taught a big money lesson.

  12. Anonymous2:23 PM

    WTH? Bigotry in the name of religion! Boycott Arizona!!!

  13. Yes, Johnie2xs - whether Brewer signs the bill or not, the fact that it even came up for a vote and was passed by the legislature is reason enough to boycott the state.

  14. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Here's some GOOD news:

    Arizona's law to cut funding to Planned Parenthood kyboshed by SCOTUS

  15. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Pressure Builds for Brewer to Veto Arizona Decline-to-Serve Bill

    Oh, My! Influential Republicans join Takei in calling for veto

    Wait, there's more!

    George Takei Calls For Boycott In Response To Arizona's Anti-Gay Bill

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      This post is about the George Takei letter! lol

  16. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Sign the bill please Governor
    I would like to move there
    So my business doesn't have to serve fags

    1. Irishgirl3:36 PM

      Ah feck off.

    2. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Oh please. You're a a shit stirring troll who only has a make believe business. Arizona doesn't want you either

    3. Anonymous4:32 PM

      As if you own a business.

    4. Balzafiar5:34 PM

      @2:59 isn't homophobic, not at all. @2:59 just doesn't want the competition. Giving blow jobs behind the 7-11 to the lawn crews is lucrative work.

    5. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Your Mommy should wash your mouth out with soap, but she probably doesn't love you enough to care.


    Arizona Pizzeria Protests Anti-Gay Bill By Refusing To Serve Lawmakers

  18. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Will gays be required to wear a pink triangle on their clothing?

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      And they have the nerve to claim the President Obama and the Democrats act like Nazis!

  19. SHARON4:00 PM

    I would never live in Arizona or Florida if they were giving away free houses and great jobs. I wish all these assholes would just leave America and let Americans live here in religious freedom with basic human rights as our founding fathers intended.

    1. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Actually......that's ok Sharon. But? Assholes live in each and every state and country for that matter. You might better stay in your shelter and be blissfully happy.

    2. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Whats next? I refuse to serve fat assholes. or NO service to ugly straight person. or? how about NO service to bigots. Yeah, lets divide EVERYONE. palin is probably trying to influence her pal jan brewer on this one. Insanity. This will never go far. Arizona resident's are not going to allow it. Those involved in this embarrassment will be shamed.

    3. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Ya all need to pipe down on az. The people in that state will take care of this nonsense. How about you Alaska taking care of your own problems.....the lower 48 have not boycotted Alaska because of the complete embarrassment of The Palin/Heathens to the national arena. whew /-: and what have they gotten away with again?

    4. Anonymous7:23 PM

      People? don't be idiots. NObody will sign this. And.....all businesses have a right to refuse service to ANYONE that they deem uncivilized etc. If bozo walks in and cannot behave.....he will not be served. The idiot that produced this bill intended it to do this....create hate. He will be shamed and removed. Hang on. Don't fall for the bait.

  20. Anonymous4:33 PM

    George Takei is a national treasure.

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Just spent a delightful 15 minutes reading some of the posts on his Facebook page. Hilarious!

  21. Anita Winecooler5:49 PM

    Good for MR Takei. He so eloquently speaks for the LGBT and for those who love, support and have friends who only ask for equal rights.
    Jan's equivocating in short clips I've seen (Add stupid/drunk slur and brain freeze for effect) "I'll see, I've got plenty of time, I don't have to sign it until Friday". What's she doing that's more pressing? restocking her liquor cabinet?

  22. Anonymous7:04 PM

    First off......just like many places Arizona has its share of elected Nazis and Crooks. This is changing. Arizona is about blue. Now Alaska you must come and get yer village idiots and tak um back to iron dog land to be famous frauds, as we have McNut and other wackos to control. Thank you Sincerely, N. AZ.

  23. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Any state willfully ignorant enough to make a 500 million dollar mistake, can do the same thing again.


  24. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I was interested to go to George's FB page, and to see that he has more LIKES than rah-rah palin. Interestingly, his are probably all from people who actually LIKE him, as opposed to rah-rah, who has "anti-palins" included in her's.
    Go George! Your stance will make a difference to us all!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.