Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Inside Edition asks Sarah Palin political questions because nobody else wants to anymore.

Click protruding Yeti skull to visit website and play video.
For some reason they asked Palin some questions about politics, such as about former American Idol runner up Clay Aiken's bid to get elected to Congress:

Palin: "He's running as a "D"?


Palin: "Well then I hope he's runner up in the elections too. Bless his heart you know he..he seems like.. he seems like he has a lot of common sense, certainly has a lot of talent, and he's got that confidence that's needed in the political arena. But..um..I think we need more business minded, job oriented Republicans in Congress so we can turn some things around. You know we tried it with the "D's" over the last couple of years. Let's..let's go to some conservatives."

Then the reporter asks about Chris Christie.

Palin: "Yeah you know I just don't know all the information out there. It's hard to be the CEO of an organization and not know what the closest people to you are up to. (Really? She claimed that she had no idea that Frank Bailey was trying to get her ex-brother-in-law fired. IS she saying she knew all about that? Cause we all know she did.)It's tough not to know. I know when I was Mayor and manager of this city, and then Governor of the state certainly you know what your top aides are up to. (Aha! So she admits it!) I just want to make sure that..um..you know that every politician, everyone whose elected, whose given that..that honor, and that sacred honor of..of.. that vote, people's trust, that we don't blow it. And you blow it if you every time  you try to hide anything. You know whatever's hidden eventually light shines upon it."

Did she REALLY just say that? Holy crap!

Well then I guess we can all expect the babygate thing to explode onto the front pagers any day now, right?

Later the Inside Edition reporter asks Todd if he is ready for Palin to be President, and he claims she would win "hands down if the media did its job."

Seriously just what is in the Wasilla drinking water?

There are a couple of other questions in the segment, including the obligatory one asking her if she was going to run, which she totally avoids. And at the end the reporter expresses surprise that she is still living in Wasilla, so apparently he missed the memo that she is now a resident of Arizona.

There was another interview posted at the Inside Edition where the reporter asks the only honest person in the Palin house about the Grizzled Mama running for President:

Palin's daughter, Piper was there and we had to ask what the 12-year-old thinks of her mom running for national political office again. 

Moret asked, "Piper, what do you think of your mom as president?" 

Piper shook her head "no." 

 "No?" asked Moret. 

Sarah reacted, "Piper!"

Uh oh, somebody went off script.

Update: Here is Palin with the reporter pretending that she still has feelings for Todd.

Look how happy Todd is to be included in the picture. You can almost feel the love.


  1. SarahSucks2:49 PM

    Good answer, Pipe!

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      She's got the "Bolt ons" w/nips on, check out her pupils and Todd also too!
      He looks like a old druggie that he is.
      Where is that video at? Looks like a restaurant not her house?
      Her and her fake tits look like shit! For sarah 50 is the new 60! Look at her hairline! Pretty soon she will have to get hair plugs or something.

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Tawd wants the media to do their job? If the media did their flippin' job...the whole family would of been in jail long time ago...just sayin'!

    3. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Do y'all in Alaska no believe in Curtains/Drapes? Or is that the Hockey Rink look?
      Love the dented Fridge :)

    4. Anonymous6:54 PM

      4:59 - Sarah doesn't know how to dress herself or her house. Doesn't know how to make a home.

    5. Anonymous8:03 PM

      There's ol' $creech -- 50 years old, wearing skin tight inappropriate clothing, adorned with yet another wig and boob size.

      This whole photo is so phony: the give away is the shoes. Any Alaskan will tell you that you immediately take off your shoes when coming into a home - especially with the shiny hard wood floors the Paylins have. And especially when you live in Gravel Land (Wasilla).

    6. Anonymous8:28 PM

      Agree with you Anonymous 3:39...my first thought was the video was taken at a restaurant, what with those huge windows!

      Palin obviously has the "Belmonts" on to impress the visitors from TV land. Too bad Willow didn't make Mom's wig look decent...what a mess. Or, maybe Sarah had to style it herself when her children decided to boycott her birthday.

    7. Anonymous4:26 AM

      Her head looks HUGE on that skinny body. The term Lollipop Head was coined for people who look like this. Seems desperate to get footage for her outdoor channel show. Did the Alaska film credit apply to this since it was in Wasilla?

    8. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Palin has no clue how to dress appropriately. Leotard with tights and outdoor shoes?

      She is so far detached from reality but she just doesn't know it. Her delusional thought processes are scrambling her already scant and useless brain,

      Palin put herself, her needs before her own children's. She lied, cheated, stole because she could. One of the biggest and most unforgivable things this self-serving, dispassionate hillbilly did was not caring or loving enough for her children. They witnessed her lies, deceit and selfishness. They are stunted emotionally and are totally dependent on good ol' "Mom"--at least financially.

      "Mom" is a hateful piece of ugly. Sarah has created her own hell on earth.

  2. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Lol, size 2, 50 year old governor palin. Haha, get real, anorexic granny, 1/2 term, 1/2 wit. Did that skin flap below her left ear come from the latest "lift"?

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Size 0 more like:


    2. Anonymous3:12 PM

      That's not attractive that's freaking scary...do you think she thinks she looks fat when she looks in the mirror? Does her family not see how mentally ill she is? She needs to be checked in to a facility stat.

    3. Anonymous3:17 PM

      crosseyed skank looks like she's from night of the living dead with todd looking to be wired to the gills on meth

    4. Anonymous3:21 PM

      crosseyed skank looks totally over fukin' weight to me - chunky

      needs to get that diet kicked into high gear ..

    5. Anonymous3:29 PM

      I don't find it too freaking scary at all ;)
      I'm hoping she'll blow away in the wind soon and no one will be able to find her.

      Just a high pitched whine is all we'll hear...

    6. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Her family cares about her as much as she does about them. "What's in it for me?"

      As long as Sarah heads the household and brings home the bacon/moose/caribou/squirrel, they don't care how she does it.
      When she's gone, they're planning on making a mint with their tell-all books, anyway. In fact, she might be worth more to them when they can finally tell their sides of the story of Life on Lake Lucille.

    7. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Sarah wears the same winter coat when she's a size 2 and when she's size 8 and seven months "pregnant".

    8. Anonymous3:45 PM

      look closely. the pants from knee to waist appear to be either baggy or padded, bunching up in the crotch (eeeeuuuuw) area doing the camel toe thing. Below the knee they appear to be leggings, though still baggy and ill fitting.

    9. Anonymous4:57 PM

      She is wearing TWO fur trim coats! (no doubt she is dying for PETA to bitch at her)
      TWO huge heavy coats!

    10. Anonymous8:48 PM

      OMG, she's looked skinny before, but subtract off the Belmonts and you have the physique of an 11-yr old attached to a more-or-less normal (size-wise, I mean) head. For reference here, remember that Toad claims to be 5'8", which is likely a stretch. She looks like a little old lady propping herself up to pose for a picture -- with a Sarah Palin bobblehead attached. Freaky sh*t.

    11. It's all instinctual reaction for any of us, but that picture is telling me Todd is close to a I-can't-take-anymore point. His face hangs now like hers should if she's older than him. But most telling is the distance he stands, making it an exertion for her to get a hand up on his neck, but damned if that right hand of Todd's will be forced to touch the woman's waist, back or neck. Does he not look ready to pull away further and fast the moment "this fuckin' photographer gets done?"

      Yes I know, the man may have crimes of his own to answer for, but as he hits midlife himself, they're not things that have brought him any happiness he wears on the outside.

    12. Anonymous3:58 AM

      Anonymous4:57 PM
      She is wearing TWO fur trim coats! (no doubt she is dying for PETA to bitch at her)
      TWO huge heavy coats!

      Yes, two heavy winter coats with fur hoods and yet
      Jim Moret is standing there without a hat and wearing a much lighter jacket. Where did the northern star robust frontier Sarah go? It looks as if her skeletal frame can't handle the cold anymore.

  3. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Poor thang just doesn't remember which side of the fence to be on. Her stories change with the wind flowing through her ears.
    Condolensces to Jim Moret for being given this crappy assignment.

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Yep, that sure was a lot of verbal tap-dancing she was doing there.
      M from MD

  4. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Birthday Buffet Palin style -- paper plates and not too appetizing fare.


    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      They asked her to pose in front of the fridge in a manner that the dents wouldn't show...

    2. Anonymous3:30 PM

      OOH! Two kinds of chips AND plastic flatware. Nothing but the best for those klassy Palins!

    3. Anonymous4:28 PM

      I know? WTF? there are some bananas in the background prob decorations.

    4. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Enough chips and dips to feed an army, but only four black and red bowls to eat the moose/bear chili.

  5. Anonymous3:11 PM

    That coat fits the same as it did when she was "pregnant with Tri-G.
    What is she soooo bundled up for? Isn't fairly mild up there this winter?? Poor thing has no body fat, so I guess she really has to keep bundled up.

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      pretty brisk the last few days - i saw negative 1 this AM here on the east side of anchorage

    2. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Actually, it seems like she has at least some kind of heavy-duty jacket underneath the pink atrocity, and too numerous for me to count furs around her watermelon (OOOPS! Did I just say that? I meant her head...). -7*, according to the interview, but she is bundled up as if it were -75*! Look at those atrociously huge mitts, too...

  6. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Hey Pipes, good on you. Tell it like it is. Don't hold back. You're not too young to write an E book or two about you're life working on the trail with mom. We don't bite, we just want the truth. You seem like a nice kid.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      And if you do run for office, run as a Democrat! That ought to make things interesting at Thanksgiving!

    2. Anonymous5:00 PM

      The reporter is lucky Piper didn't cockblock him like the other reporter...

  7. William Allen White3:14 PM

    Gheesh. The echoes in that rink-house, the festive paper plates, the "touch of bear" in the chili, topped off with the Repugs new meme of not calling Democrats by their full name, but simply as "D"s. You sound like a half-wit when you say that, Sarah.

    And, Todd? The "media" does its job as well as it can, when people like your wife spout nothing but platitudes, and no real ideas or solutions. Anyway, you folks read nothing more challenging than "Us" magazine, so what do you know about the "media"? Isn't Fox doing its job?
    I guess Chris Christie won''t be invited up for any of that moose/bear chili any time soon....

  8. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Are they standing in moose piss??? Why don't those needy friends of her kids at least try to clean up the junk in her yard? Wasillabillies live like Scavengers.

    1. Anonymous8:10 PM

      The Paylin place at Bristol Bay was always a mess. Sheds full of rusted gear, etc. Still is because they have not fished for years.
      can you say POSTAGE?!

    2. Anonymous6:19 AM

      My father came from an extremely humble background. He was very adamant about things he felt reflected upon us. One thing was to never, ever have crap laying around the yard, everything had a place as junk laying around said you were trashy. The other thing was we were never allowed to run around in bare feet. Not until I was older did it dawn on me that in his household you were given one pair of shoes for the year. By the end of the school year many of the poor kids went to school barefoot as their one & only pair had worn out. I imagine that was quite embarrassing as everyone knew the barefooted kids were the poorest of the poor.

  9. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Piper is mad that Sarah does not admit publicly that Track's and Piper's Dad is Curtis Menard Jr.

  10. Anonymous3:24 PM

    So....how long after Jim left and the cameras were turned off did the Palins stick around Wasilla? Ten, 15 minutes???

  11. Anonymous3:33 PM

    You can hear Sally and Chuck loudly yapping in the background when the interview is on, don't they know enough to shut up when the cameras are rolling ?

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      They didn't busy out their fancy sign to let the kids and the dogs know there was a taping going on?

    2. Anonymous6:08 AM

      The whole family was born in a barn. The pathetic display of what she perceives to be a "fancy" celebration borders on sad. Candlelight, paper plates and chips...yikes.

  12. Anonymous3:34 PM

    "Later the Inside Edition reporter asks Todd if he is ready for Palin to be President, and he claims she would win "hands down if the media did its job.""

    Hey pussy lips, if the media did it's job, you be in the slammer, you fucking wuss.

  13. Did you see the Toad shaking his empty noggin NO when gossip monger Jim asked him about Baldy running for President! Toad knows who signs his Postal money orders...he ain't messing that shit up with the TRUTH! LOL!!

    And poor Piper! She probably didn't get any of that Poop Chili® with bits of Yogi Bear floating in there for dinner! LMAO!

    How bad did Baldy look in every shot?? That wig looks like she dug it out of the trash can...shook off the banana and apple peelings and planted it on that watermelon size head of hers!

    She's certainly got that bobble head look down...that's for sure! Her head is HUGE balanced on that stick figure body! She really looks......OLDDDDDDDDD!

    She's desperate for any attention...she even will endure folks talking about her 50 year old ass as long as a camera shows up and ask her questions!

    She's really scraping the bottom of the barrel with INSIDE EDITION....a GOSSIP show....Uh Baldy you're appearing on the live version of National Enquirer! ROFLMAO!!!

    Jim was probably TOLD she wouldn't do the interview unless she was asked if she was going to run for President! How else will she get the rubes to keep sending their recycling and couch change! LOL!!!

    1. Anita Winecooler7:10 PM

      You could use her legs as a wishbone (double gloved and slathered in hand sanitizer, of course).

    2. Don't forget protective mask and safety glasses, also,too in case of splatter.

  14. Anonymous3:38 PM

    My, her head is gigantic. What a strain on her spine and neck to carry that heavy thing up there. What do you suppose is in there?

    1. abbafan4:21 PM

      nothing smart!

    2. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Word salad and stupidity.

    3. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Air and straw.

    4. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Compare the size of her head to Toad's: it isn't all that big. It's the rest of her, not counting the inflatable parts, that has shriveled, leaving her with the Bobblehead look. I wonder what she weighs these days.

    5. Anonymous6:02 AM

      I'm the same height and basically the same build as her. I weigh 110 and am considered thin. I'd guess I'd have to weigh around 95-100 to look that emaciated.

    6. Anonymous10:32 AM


      Her head looks large compared to her emaciated body. Not compared to the men in the picture. I don't think she could be 95-100. I say it is more like 85 lb range, with her head heavy.

  15. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Sarah's current measurements: 30 x 18 x 29. The incredible shrinking woman and no one in her family will intervene.

  16. Happy birthday, Palin, you washed up loser. It must have really galled you to hear about our brilliant, fabulous First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama and her 50th birthday celebration:

    From the Washington Post: "A performance by mega star Beyonce, who is quickly becoming a fixture at all major Obama milestones. From serenading the first couple with their favorite song–Etta James’ “At Last”–at the first inaugural ball to singing for the rest of us at 2013′s swearing-in ceremony, Mrs. Carter could claim the title diva-in-chief.
    Other bold face performers included R&B crooner John Legend, jazz singer Ledisi and fellow Chicagoan Jennifer Hudson. And the VIP guest list hardly stopped there. Former White House occupants Bill and Hillary Clinton, Oprah bestie Gayle King, legendary Beatle Sir Paul McCartney, Actor Samuel Jackson, NBA great Magic Johnson, Motown’s Smokey Robinson, former Olympic figure skater and current State Department senior adviser Michelle Kwan, TV host Rachel Ray, and singer James Taylor were all on hand to wish Mrs. Obama happy birthday.

    What? Your scores of fabulous A-list friends,supporters, and Washington power couples didn't throw you a wonderful party? Aw, must be because you are a washed up nobody, a loser, a has-been, a scraggly unwanted noisemaker.

    Have fun sticking a used candle into a bowl of your "moose" chili and lighting it with a caribou sausage fart, or whatever passes for fun with your ill-bred clan of classless tasteless grifting hillbilly trash.

    1. AJ Billings4:22 PM

      "lighting it with a caribou sausage fart?"

      Nefer, you really hit the spot on that rant!

    2. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Oh Nefer, don't be a h8'r! Her and todd are prob out snortin' some special designer meth off a 50 gal can as we type!
      Or the happy vibrant family is at applebee's (snortin' coke and drinkin' vodka) Sarah's got her best bolt ons on for the occasion! Can't get any trashier than that... oh wait... the Fox news photo...yep that one takes the cake alright....

  17. angela3:45 PM

    Holy shit! All she needs is a tail and she'd look like one of those dogs people used to put in the rear window of cars. How can she hold her big head up without it wagging all over her poor anorexic shell of a body? Crazy. mean and anorexic is never a good look—on anyone, especially a fifty year old

  18. Anonymous3:55 PM

    A "D"? She can't even say the word Democrat? How in the hell did she manage to make it to 50 with such a nasty, childish attitude?

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Yes. She can't support him because he's a "D". Not for his policies. This is what is wrong with our politicians now. We need pols who will work for the best interests of the country, not themselves.

    2. Anonymous7:01 PM

      It, like her, gets old. She told NBC during her ridiculous guest hosting that the LSM needed more conservative talent. SMH.

  19. Anonymous3:56 PM

    damn Toad those are some red eyes, smoke much green lately?

  20. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Where is Trig?

    1. Anonymous3:02 AM

      Who knows?! Everyday I am more and more convinced that Trig is not Sarah Palin's biological son.

  21. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Our drop dead gorgeous First Lady Michelle does u proud again. She's 50, yes? She's so vibrant and full of joy and light and LOVE. Can't blame her with a husband like that! Sarah, he ain't never gonna give you a second look, he's only got eyes for Michelle, our gracious and beautiful.

    Ooooooh La La


    1. Anonymous6:43 PM

      That dress is absolutely gorgeous!!! FLOTUS is beautiful!

  22. AJ Billings4:15 PM

    What the FUCK is it with her and this word vibrantly?

    Did some r preacher tell her it's a secret to get those nasty libruls to be jealous so they'll get all Teapartied up and transform into rill 'Muricans?

    I also noticed that in the inside edition print article, they started off a paragraph with "Size two Sarah turns 50 today".

    Like that's some rilly important shite, that the anorexic harpy has starved herself into teen clothing sizes

    Tawdd's face is dead serious when they ask him about her bein' President, doesn't miss a beat.

    Problem with lying constantly and sucking up to a sociopath long enough is that you can eventually find out that the kool-aid you've been drinking has affected your brain.

    To Piper I give high marks. She remembers the bullshit bus tour, and mommy making her play puppet for the camera.

    Good on you Piper, get the hell outta that den of iniquity as soon as you can, and make your mark by a tell all book

    1. Anonymous10:41 PM

      There was a troll here who used the same word, "vibrantly," saying that we didn't know the Palins, they were living their lives "vibrantly." The troll liked the world "manipulation" too, also.

  23. Anonymous4:29 PM

    And the Wasilla Fashion Award goes to former Mayor (and "manager"?) Sarah Palin, for her festive all-black birthday ensemble.
    Nothing says "fun" like funereal black. All the fashionistas in Wasilla will soon be following her style.

    Then there's the great, big birthday bash. Of course, nothing says "party" like paper plates, plastic flatware, and crudite platters straight from the supermarket.
    And a too-sweet, greasy supermarket birthday cake.
    Sarah, did you do this all yourself, or did your kids and Todd help you with all the preparation? Driving to the store, browning some meat, stirring the pot for the camera -- you'll have to take a vacation to one of those warm places you mentioned just to recover!

    I am a little worried, though, by seeing no wedding ring on your hand. If you're single, you should wink into the camera next time so your pals at the see o'pee will know you're available for a little fun. They really know how to show a girl a good time -- dinner at Applebee's, a cold beer back at the RV. Then, some tea bagger's loving. Red, white and blue, in no particular order.

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Yes, no wedding rings on either Sarah or Todd. Don't the "bots" ever question this? Has she ever explained why she no longer wears her wedding ring? She wore one years ago. What happened? Did she wear it just for appearance and to create the illusion of an intact family? The absence says to me that they are now divorced or really dislike each other. (I have no issue with married men and women not wearing wedding rings if together they choose not to, if work safety is involved or if there is a skin condition, etc.) However, Sarah promotes herself as a Christian, it's very important to her identity, and in that case the wedding ring signifies to the world the love, loyalty and commitment one has to one's spouse.

  24. Anonymous4:46 PM

    O.M.F.G.! Can $he get ANY skinnier???
    Talking about UNhealthy!!! What kind of example does $he present to her daughters???!!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      She doesn't have the capacity to care, worry about anybody except her delusional and mentally ill self. Living "vibrantly" doesn't bode well for her...she has no self awareness. Her entire life is a series of distortions and very big lies.

      Truth, Self-awareness, Honesty. Reflection are foreign terratory as she spirals down faster now. Her road ahead will blur even more...She will not understand or have any glimmer that she is just a Very Stupid, Ignorant, Self-Aggrandising and Cheap piece of Nothing important. We already knew that. She will never admit, see or accept anything except her own lies.

    2. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Shhhhhhhhhhh.... shes made her anorexic bed, let her keep lying and laying in it. And after all FREEDOM!!!! to starve herself to death if she so chooses is her right. And to do the happy dance at the removal of her vitriol from this earth via self-induced causes is mine. So yeah here's to FREEDOM!!!! [from] $carah!

  25. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Interesting factoid: Jim Moran's biological father was James Darren, the 50's hearthrob. and "Moondoggy" in the original Gidget movie. Interesting story...Moran wrote a book about it.
    More interesting than Yukon Wilma's fantasy.

    1. Anonymous4:41 AM

      James Darren was very handsome, I remember him.

  26. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Sooo... TONS of paper plates and potato chips, but FOUR bottles of water and FOUR black and red bowls...
    Hmmm... Me thinks there are a few FEWER people there for her 'birthday bash' than she wants to admit...

  27. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Her bobble head is so big and her hips are narrower than those two slim men.

    She looks demented, overly made-up, unhealthy to the point that she might collapse. Her priorities are screwed up. And Todd can't even put him arm around her. The con is over, Sarah. No one could believe she has a say in anything. Her mental illness is in control.

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Her head is larger than her hips! Yikes....

      I noticed Pimp Daddy Todd did not have his arm around her. I think h e would love for her to run for POTUS: He'd get silk undies and she would be away and busy for long periods of time. Last time he had Shailey to keep him company. He'll find someone else to dally with while wifey is away.

    2. Anonymous4:45 AM

      $carah most likely left for Arizona as soon as the cameras shut off. Toad does not have to worry about his ex wife ruining his time with his new girlfriend. They live apart, can't stand each other, just get together for photo ops and $$$ making opportunities like the latest TV show. Remember Toad's mantra "What's in it for us?"

  28. Anonymous5:06 PM

    But..um..I think we need more business minded, job or ented Republicans in Congress so we can turn some things around. 

    Business minded job oriented Republicans in Congress?

    Didn't the state of Alaska close those fuckwad Palins family carwash? What about Todd's snowmobile shop? Didn't that shut down too?

    Sarah Palin is the last person who needs to talk about business orientated Republicans in Congress.

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Did Todd also have a sex trafficking business that was shut down too or is he still pimping?

  29. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Um Todd, if you recall, the press DID do their job, and that sorry excuse for a wide of yours failed in spectacular fashion when asked the most rudimentary of questions. Furthermore, what of her "great respect" for the press? Seems to me that such comments are not the mark of someone so bent on countering every question with juvenile claims of bullying.
    Face it, girly-man: Sarah was, is, and always will be, a completely hopeless dud where politics is concerned.

    But to show you that we here aren't too hard, let us offer you a complimentary newspaper. We have, any and all of 'em here for you to read!

    1. Anonymous10:39 PM

      Sarah does have a point. The media kept repeating that Swift Boat story about John Kerry for two weeks, even though it wasn't true. They were happy to destroy him. The media went very easy on Palin. Her own stupid words sunk her, and they continue to show just how dumb she is. (Example: Paul Revere)

  30. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Sophia Loren and Raquel Welch are STILL hot.
    Palin? Scrawny bobble-headed dimwit.

  31. Anonymous5:21 PM

    That is some HUGE investment in that HUGE garage! (Funny that they deemed it important enough to post TWO pics of it, but only ONE of PayMe in her kitchen 'preparing' something or another (heating pre-prepared-by-someone-else's-food is more like it!)

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      " in her kitchen 'preparing' something or another "

      Oh come on 5:21 have you not heard she only "prepares" moose or caribou??

  32. Anonymous5:21 PM

    What a goddam chicken shit Sarah Palin is! She'll appear on Inside Edition, but not a Sunday political talkshow with a panel. Only scripted questions!!! That bitch is going nowhere FAST!

  33. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Gryphen, this is so sad. So sorry, South Carolina...

    South Carolina Education Committee removes evolution from new science standards


    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Oh they're on a roll....

      South Carolina Legalizes Concealed Weapons In Bars


    2. Anonymous6:23 PM


      fukin' inbreds

    3. Anonymous7:28 AM

      South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) is just fine with letting citizens carry guns without receiving the permits or training that state law currently requires.

      The State reported Tuesday that Haley said she supports a pending bill called the "Constitutional Carry Act," which aims to eliminate South Carolina's permitting and training requirements for those who wish to carry firearms either in the open or concealed. The bill is sponsored by state Sen. Lee Bright (R), who is mounting a primary challenge to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

      “Criminals are dangerous, and I think that every resident should be allowed to protect themselves from criminals,” Haley said when The State asked her to respond to some lawmakers' fears that eliminating those requirements could threaten the public.

      Haley, herself the proud owner of a Beretta pistol, signed a bill into law Tuesday that allows licensed gun owners to concealed-carry their firearms into restaurants and bars, provided they do not drink alcohol and the business permits guns on its premises. The governor had said she'd "absolutely" allow gun owners into her bar, if she owned one.

      As The State pointed out, while the "Constitutional Carry Act" goes much farther than the restaurant-and-bar bill Haley signed Tuesday, the legislation faces significant opposition in the state Senate and is unlikely to pass.


  34. Anonymous5:57 PM

    D's nuts, $arah! Happy Birthday, bitch!

  35. Anonymous6:22 PM

    "And you blow it if you ever try to hide anything. You know whatever's hidden eventually light shines upon it."

    How wonderful that Sarah now realizes it's time to be transparent! How can we hold her to this and see that she releases all those 'disappeared,' withheld, and redacted emails? And the Personnel Board investigation documents? And her full medical records, also, too.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:02 PM

      "And you blow it...." Yes, Sarah, you try to hide stuff and the light of truth shines on it. At least you chose brown rice, it's healthier for you than the white and goes well with DairyGate, Caribou, Moose, Bear and the Wild Ride.

    2. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Yes Anonymous 6:22, Sarah has hidden so much behind her constant lying. Time to shine a spotlight on all things Sarah Heath Palin. I was shocked when she made her "eventually light shines upon it statement". Does she actually believe all the lies she's told over her lifetime? Palin even lied in this video, saying she was the mayor AND the city manager. Totally false...she hired a city manager because she couldn't handle the job of mayor. Are her lies now her reality? It certainly seems so.

      For starters, I think Sarah is hiding the fact that she never actually graduated from college, even though she claims she did. I would like to have the University of Idaho produce absolute proof of Sarah's college degree received from that institution or confirm that she did not indeed graduate (and instruct her to stop making that false statement).

  36. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Inside Edition loves to visit Wasilla. How many times did they interview Levi there? They even gave him a wedding and filmed it for their show. Now they are helping Sarah market her new reality show coming up in March on the Sports Channel. I think they love Alaska.

    1. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Going there for a wedding makes sense. It's a waste, though, to go for a few minutes of interview. Maybe the Sportsman Channel, SarahPAC, or SHEPAC paid IE travel expenses.

  37. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Poor Sarah. No one gives a hoot about her. Even now on this post. An article that would have garnered 400, 500, or more responses sits at 65 as I type this. Face boobies, facelifts and her facebook page are all she has as she slides into obscurity.

  38. Anonymous6:39 PM

    oh she reads im alright-posted on fb four hours ago:

    Got a homemade chocolate cake and apple pie from my sisters for my birthday, so I'm all set! I’ve been telling everyone that a most appreciated gift is to participate in and pledge to this great cause: Todd’s Iron Dog team’s breast cancer awareness “Bring Home the Pink” campaign to help women!

    AND special bonus for those asking- a photo of todd and TRIG!! yep skank is definitely owned by all IMers:) namaste

    1. Anonymous8:37 PM

      Oh...the sheer hypocrisy of Sarah writing the words "campaign to help women" in regard to anything having to do with Todd OR herself!

  39. Anonymous6:46 PM

    the pee pond is really a sad little social club-for today's open thread it shows over 600 comments. after scrolling through comments from a minute ago all the way back to 12 hours ago i counted 45 commenters total!!! for over 12 hours only 45!!!!!!!!

    so even when over 600 comments it is the same ones blah blah blahing over and over and over and over and over again.

    sad. very pathetic. wish they could get outside once in a while and see the sun and feel the air on their faces.

  40. Anita Winecooler6:58 PM

    I wish all these crap shows wouldn't allow her on. Eventually, she'd have to show up on a REAL sunday news show and answer REAL hard hitting questions. We all know she craves attention and can't live without it.
    What an incurious buffoon she is and proud of it. Someone needs to adjust her meds. Maybe the new occupants of Joe McGuinness's rental can cook her up a special blend for her Birthday.

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      The Sunday shows wouldn't let her on. she's too stupid and inarticulate other than spewing scripted vitriol. If one did, they would be laughed out of the political show club and lumped with Inside edition and National Enquirer, ever after.

  41. Anonymous7:00 PM

    We've heard Sarah respond in a similarly negative way to Piper so many times. It seems Sarah obviously prefers to put words in her childrens' mouths and speak for them children directly. Her undermining, manipulation, and controlling must be off the charts when the journalists leave and she's alone with her kids.

    I hope Piper doesn't have to spend too much time around her mother.The lies and emotional abuse must be very confusing and can easily leave a child incapable of trusting their own intuition, thoughts, and reality.

  42. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Non-clicking resolutioner here. We know how she is. Look at her words Gryph posted:

    "Yeah you know I just don't know all the information out there. It's hard to be the CEO of an organization and not know what the closest people to you are up to. It's tough not to know. I know when I was Mayor and manager of this city, and then Governor of the state certainly you know what your top aides are up to."

    She's channeled the Chris Christie defense, people! Holy mother of GOD, how incredibly STUPID are people to believe her and she's found her "out." If you don't think she's following his plight closely and working the same schtick, think again.

    Running? Pffft. Why do you think they all say no? Because they CAN'T and were told so after '08, lest I mention what we all know has happened and been uncovered hidden since from all of them If they smile and do the "tease," the stupid send money like a little kid begging for a later bedtime. "Pleeeeeeeze?" All the way to the bank and why they're smiling, DIVORCED family that they are.

  43. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Sarah didn't even know what her kids were doing when she was mayor and part time gov. Shoot, in a small town like Wasilla, she could have asked someone on the street what was up. The village could have and should have educated their idiot.

  44. Anonymous8:19 PM

    IMers : Check out www.amandacoyne.com for another great rip of Granny $creech. lol

    1. Anonymous5:44 AM

      Thanks for the link.

      Looks like she's wearing her Newsweek boobs for this photo:


  45. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Fuck you pimp. That bitch ain't running for any political office. Sarah is too fucking dumb.

    1. Anonymous4:07 AM

      And she's his biggest whore. They are no longer married, let alone I mention his shadow governing FOR her.

  46. Anonymous9:04 PM

    FYI, there is going to be a 2 hour live interview about the movie Boys Will Be Boys tomorrow!!! Details are at the movie website.

    1. Anonymous10:47 PM

      9:04, Thanks for the heads up

  47. Anonymous9:14 PM

    She looks like she's dressed for a blizzard with her head all bundled up while the reporter looks perfectly comfortable with no hat and his scarf just drapped around the back of his neck.

    She just wanted to feature the dead animals skins just like she had to say they were eating all the Alaska harvested animals. She wants everyone to think she is some kind of pioneer woman.

  48. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Todd's face looks really fat.

    1. Anonymous10:03 PM

      todd's a druggie - not recreational, hardcore

    2. Anonymous10:46 PM

      Yeah, he looks really haggard here.

  49. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Ok..Palin's got a skinny size 2 frame, which now makes her head look HUGE! Anybody else see that as well?

    1. Anonymous10:35 PM

      Her head may be huge, but it is empty.

    2. Anonymous7:15 AM

      Air takes up quite a bit of space.

  50. Anonymous10:27 PM

    There is something wrong with the first photo. The guy is not wearing a hat while Sarah seems to have four different fur things on her head. Her coat has a furry hood, then there is something that is light brown. Then, she has a spotted fur thing, and finally some dark brown thing. Sarah is such a tough outdoors woman that she looks like she is freezing.

  51. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Sarah could not possibly have been a journalism major. "...not know what the closest people to you are up to." That should be "the people closest to you." She still hasn't learned how to talk.

    1. Anonymous4:11 AM

      It's difficult to express yourself if your thought process is that of a dimwit. She cannot speak English, plain and simple.

  52. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I just want to make sure that..um..you know that every politician, everyone whose elected, whose given that..that honor, and that sacred honor of..of.. that vote, people's trust, that we don't blow it.

    If being elected Governor of Alaska was such a sacred honor, and the people had given Sarah their trust, then why did she quit? What a way to treat that sacred honor and trust1

    1. Cracklin Charlie6:00 AM

      She quit because, besides being a sacred honor entrusted by the voters of her state, the position of Governor of Alaska was a JOB!

      She doesn't want no stinkin' JOB. That's for peons.

  53. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Sarah looks like the incredible shrinking woman, except that her boobs keep getting bigger while the rest of her is disappearing.

    1. Anonymous4:09 AM

      Perhaps that's a good thing. Perhaps her brain is located in her boobs. Actually, why doesn't she she just disappear into the Tundra altogether. She's been onstage far too long.

  54. Anonymous11:15 PM

    On twitter, according to breibart nooos, $arah will be speaking at c-pac,

    1. Anonymous5:51 AM

      Thanks for the heads up. Wonder what her props will be?

  55. Amazon, "Good Tidings and Great Joy"
    #29,552 in Books

    Not exactly moving like a Beatles 45 fifty years ago is it?

    1. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Yes it is, but in the wrong direction. Her publisher took a big loss.

    2. Anonymous5:32 PM

      You know the old saying, "You sleep with fleas you wake up with Palin". They're all parasites.

  56. Anonymous7:22 AM

    In an interview with “Inside Edition” that aired Tuesday, Palin said about a possible 2016 run: “I think if anyone is asked by enough people, if enough people have that faith that you’re willing and able to put the country on the right path, I think that person should absolutely consider it and make sure it’s good with family.”
    Sarah Palin

    Sarah fuck you and family. Can't wait to see the movie about your perverted husband.

    As far as running for any elected position , WE DARE YOU

  57. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Fuck every member of the Palin clan. They're all nasty poisonous assholes. "I hope he's runner-up in the elections too" followed by "Bless his heart." Only a world-class cunt talks this way at 50 years old.

  58. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Someone posted earlier that he/she went to the SeaofPee and counted a total of 45 contributors of 600 posts over a 12 hour period.
    I betcha that quite a few of those 45 are actually sock puppets of that troll that got a visit from the FL police the other day, thanks to Sunny Johnston! That ONE troll had 40 (!) aliases on FB and emails.
    So, there are not even 45 supporters, but maybe just ten or so!

  59. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Where's the Trigster at ?

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Probably at his monthly daycare. He should be home for Easter.

  60. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Where do I find the pic of something that looks like moose piss in the background?

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Scroll down below the Glen Beck Thread for the Inside Edition outside interview.

  61. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Camel toe, anyone?

  62. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Where are all of the trolls? I'm beginning to believe that Sunny really did have their computers seized by the authorities.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.