Saturday, February 08, 2014

More good news for America's future.

You know if this keeps up America might actually soon live up to it's reputation as the land of the free. Free from religion and the constraints it puts on society that is.



  1. Gryphen, I don't understand how you came up with your conclusion "we will be free from religion" from this graph. The graph appears to me as stating the older we are the more religious we become thinking about how little time we have left. It also seems we fear death and the uncertainty of what comes next.

    1. Leland2:48 PM

      I believe you have completely missed the information contained in this graph. If you look at the age groupings you will see that as the YOUNGER people are graphed, there is a huge difference in the "Unaffiliated" group.

      As Gryphen had recognized, the younger generations are not as religious and that leads to eventually being free from religion. It will still take quite a while, but it is happening. At least, IF this trend continues.

      Personally, I will settle for organized religion being so weakened they can't ever again pull the crap being tried now.

  2. Anita Winecooler5:17 PM

    This is what America is based on. Though I like the trend, it's our diversity that makes us strong. As far as religion goes, I'm fine with all houses of worship, as long as it begins and ends at their doorstep and doesn't intrude in other people's rights, laws, politics and education.

  3. Anonymous10:59 PM

    I must be bucking the trend: started out Christian and ended up atheist. signed, old lady


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