Tuesday, February 04, 2014

President Obama accuses Fox News of being unfair. You know, because Fox News is unfair.

Courtesy of the Daily Mail:  

President Barack Obama called Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly ‘absolutely’ unfair to him during a contentious interview aired Monday night. 

The response came during the second part of an interview that originally aired during Fox's Super Bowl pregame show after O’Reilly asked if the president felt the controversial network was unfair to him and his administration. 

‘Absolutely, of course you are, Bill. But I like you anyway,’ Obama said before combatively adding ‘we just went through an interview in which you asked about health care not working, IRS, were we wholly corrupt, Benghazi.’ 

The president rattled the items off while extending a different finger for each one and cracking a sarcastic grin. 

'But these are unanswered questions,' O'Reilly insisted. 

Of course the ONLY place those questions are considered "unanswered" is among the audience of Fox News, because they don't deliver news, they simply fan the embers of faux conspiracy theories.

You know I admire that the President is always so diplomatic, but just once I would like him to lose it and tell Fox News that they are a national joke, and the worst thing to happen to journalism in this country in the last two hundred and thirty seven years.


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Bill O'Reilly destroyed the Kenyan Muslim Marxist.
    Made him look like a liar and fraud.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      You wish.
      m from md

    2. Anonymous10:25 AM

      LOL. Only in your twisted little psyche. President Obama OWNED O'Reilly in that interview. Billo was so intent on sucking Aile's dick that he had NO idea he was so completely pawned. Poor Fox is having a really hard time with exactly how the interview went, trying to spin it like Bill was the 'winner', but they're having a hard time because the general consensus is that, not only did President Obama 'win', but Bill really was exposed for the hack that he is.

      Sorry to burst your racist bubble, but you're unequivocally, flat out, wrong. Billo wouldn't be out there defending himself like crazy if he thought he'd been effective, and he is defending himself, all over the place, attacking AP and all sorts of other journalists who have pointed out what a crash and burn episode it was for ol' Billo. Next time, he should stick to loofas.

    3. Anonymous10:56 AM

      "Second verse, same as the first." -- Herman's Hemits

    4. Anonymous11:37 AM

      "...a little bit louder, a little bit worse."

  2. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Turning to the issue of Fox News Channel’s coverage of the president, O’Reilly asked Obama if he thought he was unfair in his coverage of the president. “Absolutely,” Obama replied. “Of course you are, Bill. But I like you anyway.”

    Asked for an example, Obama cited the interview to which he just subjected himself. O’Reilly pressed again for a specific example. “Regardless of whether it’s fair or not, it has made Fox News very successful,” Obama said of his treatment. “What are you going to do when I’m gone?”


  3. Anonymous10:35 AM

    O'Reilly: I Wasn't Asking Obama 'Republican' Questions During Super Bowl Interview (VIDEO)

    Fox News host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday said he was unhappy with how some media outlets characterized his questions…


  4. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Speaking of Fox News, when is the last time that Sarah was on?

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      It's pretty funny that they haven't had her on in over 2 months except for a brief telephone interview with Hannity. Yet she decided to stay in AK this winter instead of traveling to her AZ home, waiting and waiting for someone to call her to fire up the home studio, but nothing so far, just crickets! This is the first winter since 2010 that she's spent here in Wasilla. You know there has to be a good reason she's hangin' around, and it's not Piper's basketball games, although she has attended them for the first time in a few years. Perhaps she's decided to be a real mom after all these years? Nah, there has to be another reason.

    2. Anonymous11:57 AM

      She's probably too busy being a 'sportsman'! Haha!

      The nation really is tired of her and I'll betcha the new reality show will be a huge FLOP!

  5. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Fox news isn't allowed to be broadcast in Canada because it is so false.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Canadians are a lot smarter than Americans and I'm an American!

  6. Anonymous10:55 AM

    O/T: Anyone wanting to watch the Bill Nye/Ken Ham debate tonight, 7:00 PM EST, go here: http://debatelive.org/

  7. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Two House conservatives on Tuesday admitted that the Republican Party's recent brinkmanship over the debt limit -- increased under former President George W. Bush seven times -- amounted to nothing more than "theater."

    Republicans have been trying to coalesce around a ransom in exchange for raising the debt limit once more -- a scorched-earth strategy the party has employed since 2011. One ideological concession talked up by more conservative House GOP members this time around is legislation that would eliminate a stability mechanism in Obamacare derided by Republicans as a "bailout" for insurance companies.

    But that plan is no longer viable, according to Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID), who once opposed a "clean" debt ceiling increase.

    "We should bring up a clean debt ceiling, let the Democrats pass it, and just move on,” Labrador told the Washington Post's Robert Costa. “Our constituents are fed up with the political theater. If we’re not going to fight for something specific, we might as well let the Democrats own it.”

    “It’s theater,” Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI), a libertarian rising star, added. “It’s going to end up being clean anyway. I don’t see anything they can put on the table that I would support as some sort of tradeoff.”


  8. Not Republican questions??? Oh Bill. We are not your stupid Fox base.

  9. Anonymous10:56 AM

    The Daily Mail is overwhelmingly anti-Obama, and spins every story with a conservative slant.

  10. Anonymous10:56 AM

    O/T but this is UNBELIEVABLE!

    Palinbots are all over the article "Alaska faces its 'resident evil' minimizing the issue, saying "it's just another crime", they are against Parnell's "Choose Respect" campaign etc. etc. in the comments. There is also a link to rape statistics in every state.


    Go to the newest comments and author John Sutter gives a link to a live discussion going on right now.

    John Sutter, the author of this story, is answering questions about project in the comments on the main story about the rapist next door.

    Here's the link:


  11. Anonymous11:11 AM

    The President is a class act.

    I would feel like cursing and yelling. But Obama is as cool as they come.

  12. Beldar RNA Conehead11:21 AM

    Ya wanna know what REALLY chaps my hide, Gryphen, if that's really your name, which according to your NSA dossier, it is not?

    It's that you libruls are always promoting this so-called President Obama when - according to the official Office of American Presidential Scandals AND the independent Cayman Islands-based Avocado Wine Advisory Council - the Obama administration is THE most scandal-ridden in HISTORY!

    Just today it was revealed by top conservatarian political pundints that IRS-gate, Benghazi-gate!!!!!, Fast & Furriest-gate and Blah-blah-blah-gate were EACH a MILLION times worse than Watergate and Iran-Conjugate COMBINED.

    Add to that the fact that hundreds of thousands of Obama's close family relatives have been convicted of crimes ranging from window-sill gardening without a permit to taking cell phone photos at the World Cup soccer championship despite REPEATED warnings printed in the program NOT to take such pictures. It's enough to make a rill common-sense conservative Amercian blurt out the n-word!!

    And the Big One is coming, I guarantee you! Chief House Inquisitor "Dimebag" Darrell "Torquemada" Issa is wrapping up his investigation into high crimes and misdemeanors at the highest level of the Obama presidency that will make William Taft's getting stuck in the White House bathtub look like a Benny Hill sketch!!!!

    Once all the evidence is revealed, your invincible Barack HUSSEIN Obama is gonna fold like a ribonucelaic acid molecule!

    It's probably going to take some time, because, sadly, the wheels of justice can sometimes turn slowly, but as Zeus is my witness, I PROMISE YOU, Obama will be out of office in LESS than three years and there ain't nothing you or little blog buddies can do about it!!

  13. Anonymous11:44 AM

    O/T but OMG, Gryphen, did you KNOW THIS? It's absolutely SHOCKING what is happening in Alaska. Why aren't they doing something to stop this????


  14. Anonymous11:52 AM

    IM, FOX (Bill O especially) would have loved to see President Obama lose his cool over their network.

    It's amazing how classy and continually steady President Obama has been w/them even as horrid as they've been to him since before he was elected the 'first' time!

    I love the fact he has called them out and I suspect he'll continue doing so when and where needed. He has zero to lose at this point! Think he's basically had it w/them!

    Would love it if on his last day he gave them a good 'fuck you' and the finger! I so hope Hillary Clinton takes over next. I'm sure they'll be horrible to her too, but she is one tough, sharp and experienced lady!

    Plus, she's not black and won't have to be as careful as has President Obama (during the first term)!

  15. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Here's more gun insanity, Gryphen...over cookies???

    A cafeteria cook was charged Monday for allegedly threatening to shoot up the middle school where she worked over an argument with co-workers about cookies, Boston's WFXB reported.

    A judge ordered head cook Wendy Ferris to stay away from King Philip Middle School in Norfolk, Mass. and its staff after co-workers alleged Friday that she threatened to "bring in a gun and shoot people." Ferris was also ordered to surrender her guns.

    A police report quoted Ferris as saying "I'm thinking about going out to buy an AK-47 and shooting this (expletive) school up!" after a co-worker re-baked cookies that she made because they were overcooked, according to WFXB.

    Ferris was also placed on administrative leave from the school. The judge set bail for Ferris at $5,000.


  16. Anonymous12:13 PM

    The president’s destruction of Fox News continues, as Obama used Fox’s own Super Bowl interview against them. The president also delivered a knockout blow to the Fox created myth that he is the most liberal president in history.


  17. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Bill Nye the Science Guy Set to Debate Creationist Ken Ham Tonight at 7pm


  18. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Sarah Palin's next attack on President Obama via Facebook will be all about how "cowardly" he was and how he "whined" about his treatment by Fox News. She will, of course, put a salacious and racist slant on it but it will come. We can count on Sarah - not to be intelligent or insightful but to be mean and middle school-ish.

  19. O/T: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bulgaria, and Wasilla all in the house at the same time!

  20. Our Lad2:38 PM

    Bill O'Reilly behaved toward President Obama the way he has probably behaved toward people since he was the biggest kid in the schoolyard. He didn't have much to say to Keith Olbermann when they chanced to meet in public with no security around, eyeballed by a guy as big as him who didn't give a shit about his job or who he was. He's a pretty smart guy, O'Reilly is but he's also a bully and a big mouthed Irish cunt and I hope somebody,someday breaks his fuckin jaw for him and throws him in an alley. Fuck him in his heart, the cocksucker.

  21. Anita Winecooler5:51 PM

    Bill O Reilly isn't a stupid man. A stupid man would never embarrass himself by even bringing up the obvious. Bill O Reilly's got Shit for Brains if he thinks it's his job to be "Fair". A journalists job is to research stories and back them up with verifiable facts.

    The President was much too kind in even gracing Shit for Brain's questions with the truth, but I'm grateful to shit for brains for pressing the President for the truth. Epic backfire!

  22. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I assume everyone is familiar with this little bill'o freak out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy-Y3HJNU_s

    Given how uppity Obama was towards Mr. O'Riley in the interview, I'm surprised he didn't go all apeshit over Obama's uppity ass, because as the above video shows, the man is certainly capable of going apeshit. big time.


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