Saturday, February 08, 2014

Republican official in Michigan claims that homosexuality is a perversion created by Satan. Update!

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

A new candidate for a Michigan seat on the Republican National Committee wants gays "purged" from the GOP and claims homosexuality is a "perversion" created by Satan himself. 

Mary Helen Sears of Houghton County in the state's Upper Peninsula, elected vice chair of the Michigan Republican Party's 1st District last year, posted a rant in April on the Schoolcraft County GOP website -- preceded by a warning asking readers to "please use your discretion before taking any decisions based on the information in this blog." 

In the post, Sears claimed that homosexuals prey on children, argued that "Satan uses homosexuality to attack the living space of the Holy Spirit" and advocated that Republicans "as a party should be purging this perversion and send them to a party with a much bigger tent." 

Sears, in her post on the Schoolcraft County GOP website, wrote that Communist college professors were indoctrinating young people and claimed that Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory "gave rise to Hitler’s Third Reich, Mussolini’s Italy and Stalin’s Russia." 

"If the GOP continues down this trend and stand for perversions and the daily social fad ... The GOP will be truly dead and Satan will have had his day," Sears wrote.

Oh yeah, we wouldn't want Satan to have his day or anything. 

You know the Republican party keeps complaining that they are "being smeared by the mainstream media," but I think they get that confused with "reporting on the crazies in their party."

Update: Here is the crazy lady's screed.


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Religion was born....and the devil danced.

    1. In that same vein is the story told by Krishnamurti about the devil and a friend who were walking down the street, when they saw a man bend down and pick up something from the ground and put it in his pocket. The friend said to the devil, “What did that man pick up?” “He picked up a piece of Truth,” said the devil. “That is a very bad business for you, then.” “Oh, not at all,” the devil replied, “I am going to let him organize it."

  2. Chenagrrl9:42 AM

    Seems like someone is very conflicted and fighting too hard to restrain herself -- not like Saul before the Road to Damascus.

  3. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I kinda think that Satan may have had a hand in that hairdo as well, just sayin'.

    1. AKinPA9:58 AM

      I thought it was Willow.

    2. Anonymous5:36 AM

      We are studiers of history. - Sarah Palin

  4. Anonymous9:59 AM

    You know, the more and more these GOPers yap this drivel, the more people flee their party. Why they don't understand this is beyond me.

    1. Anonymous12:02 PM

      It's called desparation. The christian dominionists know that their "window of time" is decreasing for changing this country into a totally christian nation. I see their ignorance as very pathetic. The ironic part of all this is that their idiotic comments from Mary Helen and her ilk is closing that "window" even quicker. They are going to keep getting louder and louder until they are totally defeated. I can't wait!

    2. Anonymous1:40 PM

      I used to have many moderate republicans as friends, now I call them middle of the road democrats. The GOP has been hijacked by the religious reich.

  5. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Hey Mary Helen - 1982 called. It wants your hairstyle back. Your attitudes and your coif are are about 30 years out of date.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      No kidding! What a throwback!

    2. Anonymous11:02 AM

      she needs to go gray or get her roots done as well. lazy "b"..

    3. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Is she a moron? Ooops, I meant Mormon.

    4. You said it better than I could, Fan from Chicago!

  6. Anonymous10:18 AM

    So, basically, she's going to win the seat, right?

    1. If Dave Agema has anything to say about it, she will. He's just as much a homophobic bigot as she is.

  7. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Here is her screed in all it's bigoted and ignorant glory. A small excerpt, if you can stomach it.

    "How then can we as Christians stay in a party that adopts Homosexuality into the fabric of the tent. I say we cannot. Homosexuals make up less than one percent of the total population. They must prey on our children to increase their numbers. Why then, would we, as a party, entertain this perversion? We as a party should be purging this perversion and send them to a party with a much bigger tent. When we lose track of foundational principles we lose the very essence of our party. By throwing God under the bus we become nothing more than the poor Democrats who have lost their way and by doing so have lost their party. "

    1. Anonymous11:20 AM

      What I can not understand is WHY the Log Cabin Republicans (a group of gay people) are not up in arms when these kooks spew this crap? Why just let this idiocy pass by without challenging these fools?

    2. Anonymous11:27 AM

      So there you have it - Keep the Log Cabins (and all their friends) in the tent or keep the Xtioanist fundies in. This oughta be fun watching the GOP decide, because decide they must.

    3. Anonymous11:33 AM

      I think that she and her teabagger friends lost "track of foundational principles" when they discovered the Koch Brothers and all of their moolah. This woman makes me embarrassed to live in Michigan. It looks like she's trying to outdo Sarah Palin in her wackiness.

    4. Sally in MI12:43 PM

      I suspect she is all for tracking and drilling in Lake Michigan too.Anything the Kochs want...because God only rewards good guys?

  8. Anonymous10:23 AM


    Canadian Ad Trolls Sochi: ‘The Games Have Always Been a Little Gay’

  9. Caroll Thompson10:32 AM

    What a moron. But the drip drip drip of hatred coming from these people will help the D's in November. Gotta keep the Senate and take back the House. Hey, I can dream, can't I? Maybe my dream will come true.

    1. Sally in MI12:42 PM

      Oh, yes!!! Dream on, and dream big!! Yes, we can!!

  10. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Actually ignorant, intolerant hypocrites like this mealy-mouthed, holier-than-thou scum need to be purged from the human race.

  11. Another reason why the Tea Party craziness and undereducated members are taking down the Republican party. I wonder how many of the Michigan Republican members have just become independents based on this woman's comment and the fact the Republicans actually elected her to be vice chair of the Republicans 1st district in Michigan.

    1. Anonymous3:13 AM

      She's not from .Michigan. She's an Ooper. Or pooper. I'm trying real hard to work up a good rage in this continuous stupidity, but it ain't happenin for me today. Back in the old days when the GOP won national elections every now and then, thesd Bigots kept their idiocy a secret amongst themselves. Then the Teabagger Party took the padlock off the door and made stupid fashionable for these nuts. Bless their hearts.They do make it easy for even the casual political observers to pick the crazies out without even paying attention to the misspelled signs they hold up at Bagger rallies. I do feel sorry for the kids of people like her. Sigh.

  12. Anonymous10:37 AM

    More Federal Privileges to Extend to Same-Sex Couples The federal government will soon treat married same-sex couples the same as heterosexual couples when they file for bankruptcy, testify in court or visit family in prison.

    Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. was preparing to issue policies aimed at eliminating the distinction between same-sex and opposite-sex married couples in the federal criminal justice system, according to excerpts from a speech prepared for a Saturday event organized by a prominent gay-rights group.
    “In every courthouse, in every proceeding and in every place where a member of the Department of Justice stands on behalf of the United States, they will strive to ensure that same-sex marriages receive the same privileges, protections and rights as opposite-sex marriages,” Mr. Holder’s prepared remarks said, according to the excerpts circulated by the Justice Department.
    The changes were set in motion last year when the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional to refuse federal benefits to married same-sex couples, a ruling that Mr. Holder supported.
    Since the ruling in June, the Obama administration has rewritten federal rules to allow same-sex couples to file taxes together and receive Medicare and other benefits reserved for married couples. Mr. Holder has been the public face of those efforts and has made championing gay rights one of the central messages of his tenure.

  13. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Did Satan call and give her a heads up? Otherwise, how does she know so much about satanic game plans?
    And, no., the Bible didn't tell her so.

  14. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Well, I think that hairdo is a perversion created by Satan.

    So there.


    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Or a practical answer to hiding the tinfoil hat.

  15. Anonymous11:08 AM

    lf there's any devil at work, it's right here, in the GOP plan to destroy this country.

    1. Sally in MI12:42 PM

      As if we didn't know that they hate the democratic USA and want it for their very own "CHRISTIAN theocracy," seven mountains and all...just hand it over to to Kochs. What could go wrong (if I could embed a photo of their tar sands sludge sitting on the banks of the Detroit River, I would.

  16. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Damn the religious whack jobs are really coming out now across the US with each one trying to out do the previous with their illogical nonsense. Non one is more of a religious mental case than Kirk Cameron though. That bastard is in a league of his own

  17. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Ts seems to be Paul's wife Kelly Ashby who is behind this - wonder if she made some offers to Bill that he turned down?

  18. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Justice Department To Launch Push For Full Recognition Of Same-Sex Marriage

  19. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Another 2016 Hopeful Bites the Dust as Scott Walker Appears to be Under Investigation

    ....Fresh on the heels of the last John Doe investigation into Gov. Scott Walker’s administration, which resulted in convictions for three former Walker aides — an appointee and a major campaign donor, comes the revelation of yet another probe surrounding the Wisconsin Republican Governor. This one centers around an anonymous campaign that is most likely Walker’s recall campaign “Friends of Scott Walker”.

    According to newly-unsealed court documents, it appears that Scott Walker’s recall campaign is the focus of the “illegal campaign coordination between (name redacted), a campaign committee, and certain special interest groups.”

  20. Balzafiar11:33 AM

    Elsewhere, the fabulously ignorant Mary Helen Sears wrote: "The GOP is not the tent owner, it is the tent. Our party, like our boarder states ...". Boarder states?

    Did this poor excuse for a human being go to school? Was she home-schooled? That might explain it. Or maybe she's just stupid.

    Does this religious zealot have any kids? I'm not intending to diss any gay person who ever lived or lives now, but I sincerely hope that if she does have any kids they all grow up to be flaming queens or butch lesbians -- those that don't commit suicide to get away from her.

    That ignorant witch deserves no less.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

      What is it with Tents and floozy GOP womenfolk? First Bristol's career launched in a tent, now this whackadoodle?

  21. Anonymous11:35 AM

    The Gayest Olympics Ever

    Sorry, Vlad. Sochi's opening ceremony was theatrical, flamboyant, and fabulously haughty.

  22. Anonymous11:36 AM

    So, cupcake, you want all the gay people out of the GOP?

    I really must ask, then, how are you going to handle the little issue of Miss Mitch McConnell and all the other closeted gay Republicans, elected or not?

    Inquiring minds do want to know. We are waiting...

    1. Anonymous11:41 AM

      And Miss Lindsay Graham

    2. Sally in MI12:29 PM

      This should go over well with Reince and his rebranding effort, pitiful thought that is. There are a lot of gay Christians and a few gay GOPers, closeted or not. The woman must have a direct line to Satan..she's so sure of herself. She sure doesn't have a direct line to God or to sanity.

  23. Anonymous12:02 PM

    If you are worried about your children, better to keep them away from some of the Catholic priests. I live in Canada, and we still hear the horror stories of the poor enslaved native girls and boys, taken from ther families and put into "homes" supposidly for their own good. Same goes for priests in New York city. Wake up you poor hypnotized woman!

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      No one with any intelligence at all would allow their children to embrace any sort of religion.

  24. Anonymous12:24 PM

    The Repubs are conceding the fag vote as long as Bathhouse Barry is in WH

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      I'm sorry, freedom of speech or not, this comment should be deleted.

    2. Leland2:36 PM

      @ 12:24PM

      That is just plain disgusting!

    3. Anonymous2:51 PM

      It's the Kenyan Muslim Troll, he says these things to see if he can get hits, please, don't give them to him. His IP puts him in Texas, Austin to be exact.

    4. Anonymous4:40 PM

      Back out of hiding huh? I guess that SarahPac check was late this month.

    5. Anonymous6:21 PM

      You should write ad copy.......Mindless Political Discourse Inc.......

    6. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Sorry Gryphen but 12:24's comment should not have gone through.

    7. Anonymous8:31 PM

      Prove that President Obama was ever even IN a bath house in his life, you brain-dead piece of shit. You fuckers are so desperate to justify your demonic hatred and envy of this man that you'd believe the fevered fantasies of a closet case moronic little nobody like Jerome Corsi? You spout insane bullshit like this and in the next breath you would most likely claim no one knows who President Obama is or where he came from and that's why people should fear him. It's one of the right's favorite dog-whistles. Well if he's so fucking shady and mysterious then how the FUCK do you know he has some secret gay life in his past? The fact that so many right-wing scumbags (a great number of them male) spend so much time thinking about President Obama's private parts says absolutely NOTHING about him but instead exposes you for the hate-filled, sexually repressed, terrified wastes of skin and oxygen we all know you are. You are all nuclear-level mongoloids, so you can't even see how fucking stupid and insane you sound to normal people. Go fuck a box of rusty razor blades, you pathetic shit-sack. America is sick of you people and your constant hate and we will be putting a boot in your fat asses in November.

      You fuckers should all be deported, you have no love for this country because being a nation of peoples with a common goal means we take care of our own and help those in need. Why do you all even want to be a part of a nation when you are so monstrously selfish and hateful of people? You don't want to give one red penny or even an hour of service work to the poor and hungry and sick of this nation, or to pay its bills, or to maintain its infrastructure. You just want to take everything and fuck everyone else. You are a cancer on this great country and we're cutting your ass out REAL soon. I can't wait for the tears lol it'll be great to see you dumbasses all stunned and full of grief again because of your own arrogance and stupidity. Can't wait!

  25. "...Republicans "as a party should be purging this perversion and send them to a party with a much bigger tent."

    Hmm, if I'm not mistaken, the GOP has "religiously" been working toward this goal for quite some time already.

  26. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Time to throw out or at least boycot all the Realtors, alsotoo, then, eh? Just look at what they've gone and done:

    "“REALTORS® shall not deny equal professional services to any person for reasons of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity. REALTORS® shall not be parties to any plan or agreement to discriminate against a person or persons on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
    REALTORS®, in their real estate employment practices, shall not discriminate against any person or persons on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity.”

    Okay, so that's not too bad, it's just in their code of ethics, but then they had to go and do this:

    "The incoming 2014 National Association of Realtors (NAR) President, Steve Brown, is a Daytonian and President of Irongate, Inc.

    He is also the first openly gay NAR President,

    so it seems appropriate that Steve should be moving into his Printnew role now, as on November 11, 2013, the NAR Board of Directors voted to amend the Code of Ethics to include gender identity among its fair housing protections."

  27. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Just another religious freak who won't deal with the feelings they have about themselves. Now that statement was NOT to imply that anyone with a sexuality other than mine is a freak, but to imply that those that fight against and rally against their own bodies physical needs are freaks.

  28. Anonymous1:39 PM

    The 80's called: They want their "scrubber" hair back.

  29. Earth to woman from UP - that hair style went out in the 1980's.

  30. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Palin had the same "DO" while she was "doing" glen rice....

  31. Anita Winecooler6:55 PM

    No disrespect intended toward gays nor lesbians, but the "lady" doth protest too much!

    The GOP desperately needs, and has even gone so far as admitting it openly, to become more inclusive and accepting of people of color and the LGBT community if they want half a chance at winning an election. This lady's PERFECT for the job!

  32. Rename Grand Old Party the Party Of God and be done with it, already.


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