Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sarah Palin wishes Abraham Lincoln a Happy Birthday and suggests that we need more politicians like him. Oh the irony, it burns. Update!

On Facebook somebody that Palin hired to make her ignorance sound almost reasonable wrote a little tribute to Abraham Lincoln for her: 

God Bless the legacy of our 16th President. He served with honesty and integrity, held our nation together in the worst of times, understood and assured the blessings of liberty for all Americans, and didn’t succumb to the special interests that would destroy our Union for personal gain.

"Special interests?" Does she mean the Confederate Army?

Of course since this is Palin we are talking about there has to be a special reason why she likes Lincoln. 

With foresight towards developing our natural resources, the man Lincoln appointed as his Secretary of State wisely purchased the territory of Alaska. This President truly understood the heart of the United States.

And there you have it. Never mind that he defeated an army, and freed the slaves, the man gave us Alaska!

But wait, there's more:

To quote his immortal words, it is for us the living to be dedicated to the task remaining before us. The United States deserves leaders that ascribe to the simple principles that guided this great man. From a log cabin in Kentucky to the White House, he espoused the American ideal of truth and honesty. He didn’t shy from controversy, and the fire of freedom burned bright within him and guided him throughout his life. 

May all our elected officials take a long look at what made Lincoln a great leader. Our elected officials have from our history the perfect example of selfless leadership. 

 Yeah, selfless leadership. Do you know who should read this? Sarah Palin, and every politician she supports, that's who!

And do you know who is a selfless leader who has not shied from controversy. and who has let simple principles guide him? That's right, President Obama.  

Oh yeah, I said it!

On this, Abraham Lincoln’s 205th birthday, please take a moment to reflect on what it means to be a God-fearing leader, a great president, and a true American. Ask yourself if our politicians and influential celebrities who shape society live up to Lincoln’s shining example, and if not, hold them accountable instead of rewarding them with continued privilege. It’s our nation, and Lincoln gave his life to assure that it remained the “last best hope on earth.”

I like how she included "influential celebrities" since that is really the only label that almost fits who she is these days. Well except for the influential part.

However I would like to point out that the current crop of politicians that Palin is touting are the progeny of the same secession threatening, minority hating, saboteurs that Lincoln fought so hard to defeat.

They may call themselves the Tea Party, or 2nd Amendment advocates, or the Religious Right, or Sovereign Citizens, but they are essentially made up of children of the South who have never really stopped fighting the Civil War and who believe that this brief ceasefire has allowed them the opportunity to strategically position their forces in preparation for the next stage of the conflict.

If Palin really wanted to honor the memory of Abraham Lincoln she would be urging politicians to reach compromise and speaking out against those whose sole purpose in going to Washington was to obstruct and undermine any progress made by the sitting President.

A President, by the way, whose entire career is a testament to the historic legacy of President Lincoln.

Update: As others have already pointed out, the purchase of Alaska from the Russians happened in 1867 the same year the negotiations started, and Lincoln was assassinated in 1865.  The President Palin wanted to thank was Andrew Johnson, not Abraham Lincoln.

Don't these ghostwriters bother to do research?


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    "What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself."
    ~Abraham Lincoln

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM


    2. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Gotta keep this one, Gryph!

    3. Anonymous11:59 AM

      That quote should be printed every time we respond to Sarah Palin's idiocy! Perfect!

    4. Anonymous12:05 PM


      Well, Ms. Palin's recent birthday and the Insider interview has somehow allowed the C4P fan club to once again convince themselves that she is running for president in 2016. Holy shit are these people stupid.

    5. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Love Lincoln. Palin's such a dim bulb.
      M from MD

    6. Anonymous1:51 PM

      12:05 PM, those pee puddlers are exactly whom she deserves as a fan club, and she's taking 'em all the way to the postage fund.

    7. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Even if it wasn't a thorough Google search, does Piper still receive her "research" check?

  2. cckids10:17 AM

    It's comical that she refers to Seward's purchase of Alaska; it was exactly the type of "insider" deal, done outside of Congress, wildly unpopular that Palin rails against. If President Obama (or Sec. Kerry) tried anything remotely similar, she would lead the lynching team.

    Such a hypocrite!

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      If I recall - wasn't Alaska referred to as "Seward's Icebox"? Terribly unpopular at the time - but a great purchase - and what a deal!!!

      Pat Padrnos

    2. Anonymous12:06 PM

      The purchase of Alaska gave us Palin - so this could be Lincoln's Great Mistake.

    3. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Also called Seward's Folly.

    4. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Yes, AK was Seward's folly & sarah is Alaska's biggest joke.

  3. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Tina Dupuy @TinaDupuy Jan 20

    Sarah Palin is basically a Macy's white sale -- just something that pops up on holidays to make money.

  4. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Just because Sarah has a set of Lincoln Logs in Trig's play area, doesn't mean she is an expert on Pres. Lincoln or the War Between the States. Perhaps she and Trig could do some of that Yoga stretching and then head to the library and check out the history section. Sarah is your library card expired or revoked for DWI spouting drivel without information?

  5. Jim In Texas10:34 AM

    I wonder what she thinks of the most "tyranical" Executive Order of all time: The Emacipation Proclamation. Oops, forgive me, I wonder what her ghostwriter "thinks" of it.

  6. Anonymous10:35 AM

    The "drunken aunt" raises her glass again to make a completely non-nonsensical toast to her own stupidity.

  7. Sarah Palin's deep knowledge of United States history strikes again. The Alaska Purchase was engineered by Seward but not until 1867 (formal purchase agreement March 30, 1867) when Andrew Johnson was President and almost a full two years after Lincoln was assassinated.

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      G you need to ADD this comment by Wendy to show (once again) the A$$ that is Palin!

  8. Anonymous10:41 AM

    She throws in all those dog-whistles -- "sacred." "integrity," "God-fearing," "fire of freedom."
    But, yeah, Abraham Lincolns main goal was to keep the UNION together, and not let errant states who wanted to run things their way (i.e. by owning human beings) break away.

    States' rights, the Dixiecrats, the Moral Majority, the AIS, are today's children of the Confederacy.They want to pick and choose which parts of the Federal compact they'll recognize. So Sarah, by loving Lincoln, rejects most of modern Tea Bag philosophy!

    Fun Fact: February 12, 1809 was the birthday of Abraham Lincoln as well as of Charles Darwin. Two giants of history, born on the same exact day! Sarah, your next post can be about this coincidence, and about the stunning greatness of Darwin's ideas and the gift they are to us today.

  9. Anonymous10:41 AM

    The Republicans have been complaining that President Obama is using presidential decrees since Congress will not act. Lincoln's Emancipation Declaration was a presidential degree because Congress never would have passed it, too. As for Palin honoring Lincoln, she forgets her demographics and how many of her fans live Red Southern States.

  10. W-H-A-T?!?!?! No birthday love for Charles Darwin???? Well, HARRUMPHH!

  11. Anonymous10:52 AM

    President Obama and his family are the Hope and Change we believed in. It's so very obvious if you look out with an open heart.
    On Lincoln's birthday, I want to say "Thank you Mr. Obama"

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Every time Obama talks about "hope," coma patients regain consciousness and chant "We are the ones we've been waiting for."

  12. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Abe would probably like sarah just fine. He had a lot of experience with an unstable, raging lunatic woman.

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Is it a coincidence that sally Field played Sybil???
      I think NOT!!!

    2. Anonymous12:47 PM

      11;24 here-
      I mean is it a oincidence that Sally Field played both Sybil AND Mary Todd Lincoln?
      I think not!

    3. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Those unstable women were exactly why Lincoln was gay.

  13. Anonymous10:59 AM


    Check Mad comic take on Palin turning 50 :

  14. Anonymous11:03 AM

    If Lincoln were alive today, I wonder what he would make of a governor who abandoned her responsibilities to pursue a celebrity course, hiding behind a Facebook page, spouting such hyperbole & hatred toward a sitting President.

    I think he would have a good laugh looking at that picture of her with those enormous fake boobs.

  15. Henry Adams11:09 AM

    Hold your horses, Sarah!
    The treaty that was signed to annex Alaska was created under the Presidency of Andrew Johnson, and was completed on March 30, 1867, fully two years after Abraham Lincoln was killed and Johnson became President.
    So, thank William Seward, Secretary of State and Andrew Johnson for "Seward's Folly.". Although there are no Johnson quotes from a Gettysburg Address that you can mangle to make your "sacred" point.
    Oh, Sarah, you even lie about historical facts! Are you that ignorant, or do you think no one will notice?

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      She is so inept! You'd think by now that she'd fact check information that is provided her to publish! Those of us that have followed her closely for all these years, know she didn't write that piece on Facebook herself!

    2. I don't think Palin lies so much as she has no real knowledge base so if someone (ghost)writes for her Facebook page something about Lincoln and Alaska that sounds pleasing, up it goes, regardless of accuracy because she has no sense of what is historical fact and what is fiction.

    3. abbafan3:44 PM

      This Fakebook diatribe proudly "authored" by University of Idaho "graduate" "Cum" Laude $arah palin. Fuckin' idiot NEVER finished school, just like her stupid lazy spawn!

  16. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Among Palin's many garish behaviors, the overt display of large breasts is completely insulting to women in general. Especially from someone who whines about the press constantly commenting or critiquing her appearance because she is a woman. The obvious enlarging and deflating mammary region is just gauche. Just one more reason not to take this fishwife seriously.

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Was going to note that the 'belmonts' were on again in the above photo!

      Who is the real Sarah Palin? Wigs, fake boobs, cosmetic surgeries as well as being a proven liar and fraud.

    2. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Most girls not particularly endowed go through the bra stuffing stage between 12-14. But then we all know mentally sarah has never matured beyond a middle school mean girl.

    3. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Anonymous11:16 AM
      Sarah's obsession with Bigtits might be b/c of Todd... On page 41 Shay describes how perverted todd wants to "titfuck" her and worse! He is a Sexual Abuser and PIG.
      That's prob why Sarah wants big tits so she can get a fuck out of his two tone weeny. Yes its disgusting.
      That is the Wasilla hillbillies! Also Cheap! He asked her out twice so far and NEGLECTED to pay...when he KNEW she was a struggling mom!
      CAD, Pimp and not strong enough words against this MOTHERFUCKER!!!
      You can all read the first chapter for free by going to the website:

  17. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Yes Saarah, darlin' we are all holding you accountable for all your lies EVERY SINGLE DAY .lol
    Tick tock. Suck it up, buttercup!

  18. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Sarah, President Obama will be in the history books as an outstanding POTUS. Right along side of President Lincoln whom I also admire.

    But, I've read numerous books about President Lincoln! I'd love to see you put on some media show (where the questions had not been provided you!) where the moderator asks you questions about the history of President Lincoln. I'll wager you'd fall flat on your evil face!

    You are such a fraud and manipulative piece of white trash! Wasilla and Alaska can have you although word is they'd really like being rid of you!

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      WE know and can call her out on her shenanigans because WE are intelligent and informed. She is simply playing to "her crowd"; the ignorant, the uniformed, the uneducated. She IS one of them (except for the fact that she's worth 12 million dollars) in that she mirrors all of their qualities I've mentioned above. That is why they send her their couch money, and their kids and grandkids lunch money and bow down to her lunacy. They see themselves in her (except for that pesky "bottom line" thing). She is them and they are her, and for some reason they're all proud to be ignorant dirt bags and not try to succeed beyond the short straw that they've drawn in life.

      WE don't understand, but then again, there is no way we could. THEY call us the "elites" only because we try harder to succeed in life and aren't content to wallow in ignorance and complacency. I'm proud to be an elite and I feel nothing but pity for Mrs. Palin and her ragtag band of supporters.

    2. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Throughout history there have been opportunists like sarah who shook down the not so bright for their hard earned money. Like sarah, many of them used Christianity as part of their ruse to trick the proudly ignorant.

  19. BabyRaptor11:27 AM

    How would god bless a legacy even if he did exist?

  20. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Keep comparing yourself to presidents, $arah. We all know better. You're only into the holiday for the mattress sales.

    wink wink

    1. the only reason she must do that is to make her cult members believe she has the qualities she always mentions, but no one else is falling for it. It's just another way of hinting to her cult members she seriously considering running for President and for them to keep their money rolling in to Sarah PAC. But really, it's a cheap and dishonest way of pretending she is considering of running when she, and her family knows she doesn't even have the slightest intention of running. Just they other day someone was asking if she was going to run and she gave her usual hint that she is serious about it. After the reporter ask her, he turned around and asked Piper who immediately said no and was just as quickly yelled at by Sarah so she wouldn't say anything more.

    2. Anonymous1:36 PM

      She has people to support with that PAC money! She has the two ladies that process all of her mail for $5 grand per month. She has they guy that runs the PAC to support for $10 grand per month. She has the lawyers on the PAC payroll for over $15 grand per month and then she has the USPO to support for over $250 grand per quarter for all of her snail mail sent out to get more money to support the above mentioned people that suck off the PAC. Oh, also too she has to give out that $5000 each 6 months to her candidate of choice, and also too, she has to have about $100 grand every six months for private charter jets and hotel rooms so that she can give speeches ($10,000 per month also to speech writers and face bookers and twitters) in order to get more money for her PAC so that she can keep bein' a job creator for all of the folks mentioned above, doncha know!

  21. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Excuse me!!! She is so dumb, Abe considered his home state to be Illinois, ya know, the same state that President Obama represented while running for the Presidency, but that would be too ironic, and also too, point out that they came from the state, what is that smell? Oh, I know, it's a skunk!!! Pepe Le Palin

    Tap Duncan

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      I thought so, too, but wasn't sure so didn't post. Illinois is the Land of Lincoln right?
      Golly, this history report gets a "F". I think a 3rd grader could do better with a little effort!

  22. eclecticsandra11:53 AM

    Can you imagine a meeting between SP and Abraham Lincoln? What in the world could they talk about?

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Same thing as her chat with President Karzai ...

      Sarah, "how many children do you have?"

      This showed the FULL depth of her "foreign relations" knowledge.

    2. Paul Revere ringin' those bells and clangin' that cookware?

  23. Anonymous12:03 PM

    That would be "leaders who subscribe", not leaders who ascribe, you stupid twat.

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      She always goes for the fanciest word she can throw in the salad. Makes her sound edumacated, doncha know?

  24. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Celbrities living up to Lincoln's great example, $carah. You mean like when Lincoln walked miles to return some change when he inadvertently shortchanged a customer? When are you returning you Intentionally ill-gotten- under- false- pretenses-that-you'll-run gains, $carah?

    What a twit!

  25. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Lincoln gave his life for the nation? I thought he was assassinated by a crazy actor? I mean no disrespect for Abe, just sayin.' Meanwhile, I don't think I've said it yet today, so here goes. Sarah Palin is ignorant like no one has ever before been ignorant.

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      James Garfield? William McKinley? Did they, too, give their lives for the nation?
      I'm asking only about 19th . Presidents (Sarah, that's a clue), so as not to get embroiled in JFK, MLK, RFK, etc.
      Just give us your thoughts on Garfield and McKinley, please, Sarah. Both Republicans, so you must already know oodles about them.

  26. Anonymous12:07 PM

    "Influential celebrities". Does she mean like people who are all about themselves and quit on the people who campaigned and volunteered and sacrificed so she could get in the governor's office? Does she mean like people who pretend they are for the people, but spend most of their time seeking reality TV shows and media?

    Does she mean like people who put their photos on facebook and photos of their kids almost every other day for public consumption? Does she mean like people who 'talk' the talk but don't walk the walk? Does she mean like those who've seen children in palor and poverty and sickness in Haiti and ignore them after the cameras are gone, then attack and poison with vitriolic words those who would help the needy? Does she mean like those who take other people's money, teasing a presidential run, but never running?

    Does she mean people who place their special needs baby on a public stage, and never addresses other women or involves herself in special needs advocacy? Does she mean like people who sell the gospel message for money, for instance, spreading a gospel of Christmas hope by selling it in books for personal profit........when it was given for free from the Messenger of Hope?

    Does she mean like people who have no conscience, but will one day have to face the Judgment Throne in heaven, on that Day?

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      "Influential" people - Palin involved a specific one when she ran for governor of Alaska all those years ago. She 'used' Wally Hickel and it was only after he learned more about her that he saw the light and dropped her ass from further association.

      The Captain Cook, located in downtown Anchorage, AK, (Hickel owned) actually held the celebration party for her as the newly elected governor (soon to be known though - mid way through her term - as 'quitter gov'!)

      It's so true that people learn the 'hard way' after having gotten involved w/her. Just look at the carcass trail she has left throughout the years!!

    2. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Influential celebrities, in Palin Speak, are people like "Duck Dynasty", Wayne La Pee Air, Bristol "Cha Cha" Palin aka "Mrs. Rivers", Andrew Breitbart (before he achieved room temperature), "The"Donald Trump, Tim Tebow, Rush Limbaugh, Rev VooDoo Muthee and Franklin Graham.

  27. Anonymous12:08 PM

    What a load of crap. Grammar mistakes. Factual errors. Ridiculous thought process. Strange conclusions. RAM? Frenchy? Whoever wrote this nonsense is losing it. Time to bail on this train wreck of a person before your reputation is destroyed. If it isn't already. Pathetic way to make a living.

    1. Anonymous4:06 AM

      Maybe Sarah wrote it herself.

  28. Anonymous12:15 PM

    One would wonder how the Native Alaskans feel about that post of hers.

  29. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I would suggest that many Native Americans would like to do to her what was done to them! And, there are many others throughout our country that think so too!

    Sarah Palin is ONLY the 'devil incarnate'!

  30. Anonymous1:30 PM

    There are no words. There is also no way that anyone can defend her ignorance at this point in her career; she gets it wrong every time she opens her mouth. Yet she will go to CPAC and they will laud her and applaud her and she'll perform for them. They don't care about ignorance, just governance via their christian religion and the repression of an uneducated populace. She is their poster child. Even stupid people need stupid heroes.

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Why doesn't she go commando & just sit on a stool with her legs spread towards the audience? That's all the old farts came for anyway, they know she doesn't have a lick of sense.

  31. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Wow! A ghostwritten piece that extolls the virtues of honesty and integrity.

    Here's hoping Palin will soon be treated with the same disgust as is being heaped on Brent Bozell.

  32. Anonymous1:45 PM

    God Bless the legacy of our 16th President. He served with honesty and integrity, held our nation together in the worst of times, understood and assured the blessings of liberty for all Americans, and didn’t succumb to the special interests that would destroy our Union for personal gain.
    -Sarah Palin


    "... held our nation together in the worst of times, understood and assured the blessings of liberty for all Americans, and didn’t succumb to the special interests that would destroy our Union for personal gain..."





    If President Lincoln was president at the time Todd was an AIP member he would say "FUCK YOU TODD AND FUCK YOU GOVERNOR SARAH PALIN FOR TRYING TO DESTROY THE UNION YA BITCHES"

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      The Alaska Independence Party  (AIP) is a political party in the U.S. state of Alaska that advocates an in-state referendum which includes the option ofAlaska becoming an independent country. The party also advocates positions similar to those of the Constitution Party and Libertarian Party, supportinggun rights, privatization, home schooling, andlimited government.

    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Registered members

      As of May 2009 the party had 13,119 registered members, making it the state's third largest; the Republicans had 124,892 members and the Democrats had 75,047.[7]

      On September 2, 2008, reports surfaced that according to the Alaska Division of Elections Todd Palin, husband of then-Governor Sarah Palin (aRepublican), had registered as a member of the Alaskan Independence Party in 1995. He remained registered with the party until 2002.[8]

  33. Anonymous1:51 PM

    History was not Sarah Palin's most favorite subject. Exaggerated
    story telling is what she does best. Sarah Palin is done, just like Benghazi.

  34. I thought she loved George Washington and all the Founding Fathers. At least that's what she told Glenn Beck in January 2010.

    If we wait long enough, Sarah Palin will eventually get around to lovin' 20th Century presidents, too.

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      don't forget skank's most favorite 'ever' - ronnie ray_gun

  35. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Op-Ed: Alaska may legalize pot but Palin is already puffing

    Read more:

  36. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Watch "Sarah Palin and the Alaska Independence Party. Palin addresses AIP convention" on YouTube

    President Lincoln would not have been a traitor and addressed the Alaska Independence Party.

    2:05 PM

  37. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Palin's Secession Flirtation

    As ex-Democrat Joe Lieberman told the Republican convention Tuesday night, everyone recognizes McCain's "record of independence.

    Uh-huh. Some might call it reckless for a 72-year-old to offer the vice presidency of the United States to someone with as little national experience as Palin. The McCain campaign calls it showing independence.

    Still, don't be too hard on Palin. Like McCain, she's independence-minded -- very, very independence-minded. And, it turns out, there's much more to her than you might at first have thought.

    Granted, a week ago Palin -- ex-mayor of Wasilla and a runner-up for Miss Alaska -- probably couldn't have explained the difference between a G-string and the G-8, or between a demolition derby and a diplomatic demarche. But who among us can? Policy, my friends, is boring.

    The Democrats will tell you to pay attention to party platforms and their endless fiscal policy and intelligence reform plans. Don't you believe those hectoring elitists! You just stick to thinking how sweet it is that Sarah totally stands behind daughter Bristol's "decision" to get pregnant, marry and have a baby at 17. Don't trouble yourself with attending to tedious details, such as Sarah's record of slashing funds for programs to support teen mothers -- or her opposition to abortion, even in cases of rape and incest.

    It's untrue that Palin has no foreign policy experience, anyway. In fact, she appears to have seriously flirted with the idea of trying to turn Alaska into a foreign country. How many vice presidential candidates can put that on their resumes?

    Over the years, Palin has actively courted the Alaska Independence Party, or AIP, an organization that supports Alaskan secession from the U.S. To be clear, we're not necessarily talking about friendly secession either: As the AIP's founder, Joe Vogler, told an interviewer in 1991: "The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government. ... And I won't be buried under their damn flag."

    The Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. could learn from this man.

    Share Vogler's sentiment? You can purchase a "Joe was right!" T-shirt on the AIP's website for $25. The AIP's website also provides helpful links to other secessionist groups, including the Southern Independence Party of Tennessee (which boasts of going after "these Politically Correct Liberal Communist[s]"), Ulster nationalists and Chechen separatists.

    The McCain campaign denies that Palin ever joined the AIP. But while it is in dispute whether she attended its 1994 convention, she did visit the 2000 one and addressed AIP conventions in 2006 and 2008. Her husband, Todd, was a registered AIP member from 1995 to 2002, and the AIP leadership certainly considers her one of their own.

    Video footage shows AIP Vice Chairman Dexter Clark describing Palin at the 2007 North American Secessionist Convention as an "AIP member before she got the job as a mayor of a small town -- that was a nonpartisan job. But you get along to go along. She eventually joined the Republican Party, where she had all kinds of problems with their ethics, and well, I won't go into that." (No need to. The Alaska Legislature's ethics investigators are on the case.) Apparently with Palin in mind, Clark then went on to urge AIP members to "infiltrate" the major parties.

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Bristol is this true? Your daddy was an AIP member that wanted to turn Alaska into a foreign country and your mother the governor of Alaska that was elected and entrusted to defend Alaska wished their AIP convention success?

    2. Anonymous4:03 AM

      Sarah said that Todd was only an AIP member because he made a "mistake" on his voter registration; he meant to check "independent" instead. So was she attending AIP meetings and wishing them well year after year by mistake too? How could his "mistake" have lasted so long?

    3. Anonymous4:58 AM

      4:03 Toad is obviously a slow learner. After being away on the North slope, he came home to a pregnant $carah and actually thought HE was the father!! He is as dumb as she is, except she pulled that one over on him. Now he just sticks around for the $$$, it is easier to carry a purse than actually WORK for a living.

    4. Anonymous9:11 AM

      4:58 Would that have been Piper Menard? Were some of Sarah's miscarriages products of the Mugshot Saloon? Sarah Palin had a weird way of displaying 'FAMILY VALUES'. She passed on those traits to her daughters.

  38. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Lots of push back from the die hard confederates regarding sarah praising Lincoln on her fecesbook. The worst president ever, before the blah guy. Fucking up the wonderful south and all with his high falutin' ideas about all men created equally & being free and such.
    Do you think all the "real" folks commenting (We know at least 1/2 are fake fb fans she bought) live in the same trailer park or are they scattered across the south & fly over country? Most of the appear to 75+ years old, living off the government dole most likely. I hope I don't lose 1/2 my brain cells when I reach that age & sit around stewing about my lily white skin not exacting special privileges any longer...

  39. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Lincoln is one of my all time favorite presidents, next to both Roosevelts and JFK. None of those four would approve of Skanky. Even the philanderers FDR and JFK won't tap her snatch.

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      FDR had one love, besides his wife, and loved her for more than 25 years. He spent time with her, platonically, during the War only after she'd been widowed.
      His behavior has nothing in common with Kennedy's.

  40. The purchase agreement was negotiated by William Seward during the Lincoln presidency. See:

    1. True but the Russians walked away from that deal and only came back to the table in 1867. After Lincoln was dead.

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Poor Gary, still sniffing after Sarah Palin.

    3. Anonymous5:38 PM

      The operative words are "Sarah Lied" and "Lincoln was Dead".

    4. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Gary is infatuated with Sarah's stupidity and tries to defend her mistakes. Face it, Gary, Sarah Palin is no Politician.

    5. Anonymous9:52 PM

      Gryphen, don't confuse Gary the Palinbot with Facts.

    6. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Gary is like Krusty... untethered from reality.

  41. Anonymous2:36 PM

    "The United States deserves leaders that ascribe to the simple principles that guided this great man. From a log cabin in Kentucky to the White House,...."
    -Sarah Palin

    Hey Sarah Wannabe President, what about your cabin? Does the United States of America want a leader who didn't pay property taxes on their cabin?


    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Wasn't his cabin in New Salem Illinois.

  42. Anonymous3:35 PM

    So Sarah, you have been invited to be one of the speakers at
    CPAC because you" liven up the joint. "To keep the old guys
    seated during your so called speech, don't forget to" go rouge",
    the low slung jeans with the cowboy belt with the huge buckle
    placed smack dab right above your Oh My! part, your boobs thrusting against your sexy top with all the zippers,( the old guys
    breathlessly waiting for those zippers to pop ), stilettos,
    mussed , bed room big hair and lots of lip gloss. Don't worry
    about your speech that is being written for you because
    those guys only should up for one reason, and you know what that is. It sure isn't the ghost writer's speech. Don't forget to
    WINK Sarah!

  43. Anonymous3:54 PM

    she looks ridiculous with those helium balloons under her about desperate for

  44. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Hate to correct you G but the Tundra Skank's ghostwriter is factually correct about Secretary of State Seward being appointed by Abraham Lincoln in 1861. No doubt the rest of the ghostwriter's work belongs in a bilge.

    >>>With foresight towards developing our natural resources, the man Lincoln appointed as his Secretary of State wisely purchased the territory of Alaska.<<<

    He continued to serve under Andrew Johnson and remained for the rest of what should have been Lincoln's second term as President.

  45. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Looks like she stuffed some volleyballs in that there turquoise dress. Yowsah!

  46. Anita Winecooler5:32 PM

    Sarah Palin IS Seward's Folly. Did Sally drop her on her head a lot when she was a baby? There's something wrong with how her brain works! Of course, in her mind, this was just a ploy to brag how much younger she is at fifty than Abraham Lincoln. Yeah, we get it Crazy Lady with the fake tatas. You look better than a corpse that's 155 years older than you. God Bless the Legacy of our 16th President. He never quit his job, knew strategery like the back of his hand and never walked around with a pillow under his clothes.
    I wonder what Sarah's "Legacy" will be in two hundred years?

    1. Anonymous5:02 AM

      Legacy? $carah? Hopefully she will be a distant memory by 2016. That is unless the IRS gets busy checking her Pac, property taxes, Chuckles income (postage).

  47. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Sarah Palin what is your opinion regarding the AIP?

  48. Anonymous5:48 PM

    When's Glenn Rice's birthday? Did they celebrate it in the Alaska college dorm room? Did Sarah ummm blow out Glenn's flame thrower?

  49. Anonymous6:36 PM

    held our nation together in the worst of times

    Ever an admirer of Mr. Lincoln, however, this is a very peculiar phrase to use about someone who, like it or not, served as President at a time when half the country was in secession. Yes, Lincoln's goal was to preserve the Union, but it's rather bizarre to say :Lincoln "held our nation together," when he basically had to defeat half the country in a war in order to do so.

    What a freaking idiot she is.

    1. Anonymous9:03 PM

      ... a phrase coming from a person who addressed the AIP secessionists and told them "to keep up the good work." The women is a batshit evil hypocritical opportunist with no moral compass.

  50. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Lincoln gave his life to assure that it remained the “last best hope on earth.”

    WTF? I am beginning to think she really doesn't know Lincoln's history at all. "gave his life?" A very peculiar way to describe someone's assassination.

    1. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Here Sarah let me fix that:

      Lincoln was killed by armed secessionist nutjobs who believed that states had a right to quit the federal government. Had the entire plot seceded (oops! succeeded) then Secretary of State Seward would have been too dead to buy Alaska! But then AIP, protecting yourself from your government with arm, Second Amendment remedies and never mind... a

  51. Anonymous7:32 PM

    "May all our elected officials take a long look at what made Lincoln a great leader."
    Sarah Palin

    For one, President Lincoln didn't quit on the people who elected him to office to make "Abraham Lincoln's Alaska".

  52. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Her mammary glands look like a freaking lactating cow in that photo. Amazing how ugly it is. Wonder is the brain dead bimbo is proud of the photo??!!


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