Sunday, February 09, 2014

We are not the only ones who think that Texas is ready to go blue. So does former Texan Rand Paul.

Currently the Senator from Kentucky, but still so Texan he wears roadkill on his head.
Courtesy of Politico:  

Sen. Rand Paul on Saturday predicted that Texas would turn blue within a decade if the Republican Party doesn’t become more inclusive. 

“What I do believe is Texas is going to be a Democrat state within 10 years if we don’t change,” Paul (R-Ky.), who grew up in Texas, said at a dinner held by the Harris County GOP. “That means we evolve, it doesn’t mean we give up on what we believe in, but it means we have to be a welcoming party.” 

Paul, who is heavily weighing a presidential bid, noted that his assessment was shared by the chairman of the Republican Party of Texas. The Lone Star state, currently the largest Republican bastion in the country, is nearly 40 percent Hispanic — a demographic that has overwhelmingly supported Democrats in recent elections. 

I rarely listen to anything Rand Paul says because you know he's crazy, but this time I think he is speaking the truth for a change.

There is a lot of Democratic energy in Texas to take back their state, and electing Wendy Davis as Governor could just be the tip of the iceberg. 

However I disagree with Paul over one thing.

There is NO way the GOP is going to get their act together fast enough to attract the Hispanic vote or more female support anytime soon.

Not when the majority of their policies seem to focus on stripping women of their reproductive rights, militarizing the border with Mexico, and pushing a religious doctrine into our public schools.


  1. What has become of our country that a nonentity such as Rand Paul can have a voice in our political discourse?

    1. Lotsa stoopid. The result of Xtrian home schooling, no doubt.

    2. Anonymous4:31 PM

      He really is a numbskull.

  2. Anonymous1:28 PM

    "Democratic state", you dipshit, and sooner than you think.

  3. Anonymous1:32 PM

    More from the "No, no GOP War on Women here." files


    1. I don't completely understand your reasoning or logic in saying Republican's don't have a war on women by using this one false accusation the Democrat's in Wisconsin said about a particular bill. No doubt the Democrat's in Wisconsin made a false accusation about this particular bill, but how does that prove the Republican's haven't been waging a war on women, particularly in women's reproduction rights? You correctly cited a false Democrat accusation on a bill introduced in Wisconsin, but it doesn't have any bearing on what the Republican's are being accused of.

  4. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Rand Paul really is just a punk. He fancies that he's running for president to make up for his father running and losing, but in reality, there is no way this country would elect the likes of him. Won't happen. He is lacking in any sort of charisma, and let's just tell it like it is, he's just plain hard to look at.

    1. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Someone needs to walk up to him in a crowd and deck him! Same for Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Cantor, Ryan and Sarah Palin (if she has the balls to show her face!).

    2. Anonymous4:32 PM

      He's a simpering fool who has put his foot in his more on more than one occasion.

      Does he think the way to make the GOP more inclusive is to lecture students at Howard University on Black History?

    3. Beldar 1968 Conehead7:56 PM

      "Someone needs to walk up to him in a crowd and deck him!"

      Seriously, no. That's a terrible idea.

      Even if escalating physical violence could win this battle against Right Wing douchebaggery, it wouldnt be a good plan. And it's not a battle we can win that way..

      Keep in mind that the view from the high road is always so much better than the view from the gutter.

  5. Hmmmm, where does this leave ted cruz?

  6. Anonymous2:11 PM

    O/T Gryphen, but I found this article very interesting, and you may too:

    Obama Isn’t Disengaged From the World

    He just has a better understanding of how power works in the modern world.

    ...One can admire or criticize the actions he’s taken, or not taken, in those crises or with those precision instruments. But they’re all preferable to sending in 100,000 troops in pursuit of a mission that we have no power to accomplish, even with all those men and women in arms. And if going into such conflicts lightly, or not at all, is the emblem of disengagement, let him wear it proudly.

  7. It is rather shocking when a Republican makes a connection, however brief, with reality.

  8. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Austin Texas is growing by about 65,000 people a year. Many of those are educated and work in the Hi Tech fields. Austin is referred to as the "silicon hills" , the more liberals that move into the capitol and the central corridor on a whole will squeeze out the rural under populated area votes soon.

  9. Anita Winecooler5:53 PM

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day, but he's stretching it a bit with his "could turn blue within a decade". I could see it happening much sooner, every time this twerp gets air time or speaks.

    He should share roadkill maintenance tips with Sarah. We all know it's fake, but it's well combed and shellacked at all times.

  10. emrysa6:53 PM

    gryphen sez: "There is NO way the GOP is going to get their act together fast enough to attract the Hispanic vote or more female support anytime soon. "

    agreed, gryphen. rand paul is confined to his state and he knows it. he will probably be re-elected several times, but he is not moving beyond kentucky period. and he knows it. he's probably pissed that more states aren't as back-asswards as his. he probably feels like he's been "ripped off" and will never get his "rightful crown". he's a shit.

  11. Anonymous1:49 AM

    I guess he got into Politics because the intellect bar is so low there........he would make a-less-than-confidence-inspiring dog catcher......

  12. I hope Rand Paul keep up the chatter. TX has been trending purple for a while now. I lived there, I saw it. There will come a time when people wake up....and look around.

    One thing I noticed regarding Hispanics, was their love of children and education for them. The Hispanic familiess in my middle class neighborhood were successful and growing.

    Many illegals went home during recession but we have not heard lately how many illegals are crossing back over have we!

  13. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Rand Paul seems to be getting skinnier and skinnier. Maybe he'll just disappear completely soon.


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