Monday, February 24, 2014

White supremacist, and recurring guest on CNN and Nancy Grace, says that "The only time a black life is validated is when a white man kills him." Well, isn't that special.

Courtesy of Addicting Info:  

Audio of outrageous comments made by Frank Taaffe, on a weekly podcast called ‘Stand Our Ground,’ prove that in spite of denials to the contrary, Taaffe is a full blown white supremacist. Taaffe’s podcast was produced and distributed by ‘The White Voice Network.‘ 

Here are just a few of Taaffe’s podcast comments: 

‘The only time a black life is validated is when a white man kills him.’ 

“That minority group, they don’t do anything productive for this country, except for the NBA.” 

“If it wasn’t for the NBA Joe like I always say, the country would have the tallest garbage men. Thank God for the NBA.” 

“I always say if you lie down with dogs, you’re going to get up with fleas – especially if they’re black dogs.” 

“Yeah she’s a nigg** (Oprah Winfrey). She keeps spewing out all that bullshit. She Keeps defending her boy Obama, who can do no wrong. You know it’s birds of a feather they flock together and stick together and to me she’s a NIGG**, Oprah Winfrey is a NIGG**.”

Seriously which respectable news outlet would put this guy on their show.

Well apparently quite a few, including Dr. Drew, CNN, and Nancy Grace.

Why? Well as it turns out he is apparently a friend of George Zimmerman.  

Taaffe, supposedly a neighbor and close friend of George Zimmerman, became a regular on cable TV stations during the Zimmerman trial. He is best known for his many appearances on CNN and HLN’s ‘Nancy Grace,’ and ‘Dr. Drew.’ As a guest on the Nancy Grace show, Taaffe argued in defense of George Zimmerman, during the Trayvon Martin murder trial.

A "close friend"  to George Zimmerman? Now why doesn't that surprise me?

Now you would think, considering what a pig this guy is, that after the Zimmerman trial this guy would be cut lose immediately. But you would be wrong.  

Even after the Zimmerman trial ended, however, cable programs continue to give Taaffe air time. During the trial of Michael Dunn, a white man, who, like Zimmerman, shot and killed an unarmed black teenager, Taaffe was invited on cable tv shows, to share his views on the Dunn case.

Gee I wonder what a white supremacist believes about a man who shot an unarmed teenager over the issue of loud music?

It is pretty much what you would expect:

Taaffe's task is defending Dunn, who shot 17-year-old Jordan Davis outside of a Jacksonville gas station after arguing with the teen and his friends over loud music. Dunn claims he saw Davis holding what looked like a shotgun and that he fired at the boys in self-defense, but witnesses maintain that Davis was unarmed. On air, Taaffe has argued that the killing was justified, even if Davis wasn't pointing a firearm, because young black men are prone to violence. 

Yes of course "everybody" knows that black men are violent, so apparently simply shooting them dead  to prevent that violence from occurring makes perfect sense.

Frank Taaffe, was the man that George Zimmerman stayed with while he was waiting to be arrested for the shooting of Trayvon Martin, and he was the one that he asked to go to the media and speak on his behalf.

I think that speaks volumes as to who Gerorge Zimmerman is, and how he views people like Trayvon Martin.


  1. I’m glad President Obama has so many supporters. It can’t be easy to take the high road all the time (I couldn’t). I hope this in-your-face viciousness dies down when he’s no longer president, but I suspect it’ll change to flaying females. Then the blowback will be huge, and perhaps the Creationists and misogynists will be chased back under their rocks. One can hope.

    PS… I thought Nancy Grace was better than that.

  2. Anonymous7:25 AM

    If I saw this jerk coming my way, I'd SWEAR that he had a gun.

  3. Anonymous7:43 AM

    So Taaffe claims the shooting was justified because "young black men are prone to violence."

    That makes about as much sense as saying folks are justified in shooting unarmed bearded, pot-bellied white guys with tats, because everybody knows Hell's Angels are "prone to violence."

    For someone as low on the societal totem pole as Taaffe to claim entitlement to pass judgement on anyone else is beyond laughable.

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM

      So Taaffe claims the shooting was justified because "young black men are prone to violence."

      If this racial idiocy keeps up and is condoned, it could be we see the roles switched.

      So and so claims the shooting was justified because "white men are prone to violence."

  4. Anonymous7:59 AM

    How could what purports to be a major news network, CNN, ever allow someone as clearly despicable as this man appear on its programs?

    1. CNN wants viewers and this garbage is obvious "sensationalism." There could be 1,000 good things happening re:race relations all over the nation that will not get reported. But this sick SOB utters some toxic BS and it goes viral. So now uncritical thinkers believe that this disease we call racism is on the rise.
      Well maybe it isn't. Maybe CNN, FOX, etc. are just trying to scare us and dazzle us with shocking news.

      I feel the same way about some of my favorite blogs covering what many RWNJs say -- they are crazy- let their damaging thoughts be muffled not MAGNIFIED!!

  5. Anonymous8:01 AM

    This sort of hatred stems from mind numbing fear.

    It's like they're afraid the boogeyman is going to grab them at anytime. While they're most vulnerable: Asleep.

    I can see them now, sucking their thumbs and holding on for dear life to Sarah's skirt.

    This guy's days are numbered. Thanks to the Internet!

  6. Anonymous8:17 AM

    It's truly disheartening to know that in today's America there are so many who share this person's despicable views. Why this person is given airtime, let alone the time of day, is beyond me. As a Canadian, I used to look forward to visiting our Southern neighbor but I cringe at the thought of encountering individuals like this and am having second thoughts about travelling there now.

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      I wish I had dual citizenship - Canadian and American. My granddaughter does and I think her very, very fortunate!

  7. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Why do we allow such poison on our airways? Oh, their right to freedom of speech. If I were bullimic, this man would make a perfect tool to help me purge. As it is, I will turn the channel if I ever see him on my tube.

    Checks the year. 2014 - unbelievable!

  8. Anonymous9:03 AM

    So racists and users and homophobes and haters of all kinds get the choice jobs as tv program contributors, while good kids with college degrees in journalism are waiting tables, because they can't get the foot in the door.

    This news is troubling.

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      America is a total mess! It's being brought on by racists, corporations, Republicans in the US Congress, the extreme religious and our media.

      I suspect we are going to see much worse hate, hunger, no work , racism, and despair in our futures throughout the country. And, I see more fighting and blatant killings on our streets - everywhere.

      It will be much like the demonstrations and killings we are currently seeing throughout the world.

      Sad, sad, sad!

  9. Our Lad9:14 AM

    Gee. What a fellow. I certainly hope he dies soon. Can't help it.

  10. Ever since $arah was unleashed on the US, it's been OK to be a racist in public. Before that, these people were still racists, but they spoke in code. I guess it's better to know who they are instead of guessing what the coded messages mean.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      I completely agree with everything you've written here. And maybe having this disgusting person out there will make the GOOD people of this country realize what we are up against. Racism is absolutely NOT dead.

    2. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Well, why not do something about it, instead of pining for the days of covert racism and coded references. If black people have to give their children the talk--not about the birds and the bees, but about how not to be shot by a white person--maybe white people should give their children the talk--about how white skin does not connote intelligence nor superiority and that treating all people with respect, regardless of their skin color, doesn't cost them a thing and just might save a life.

  11. Anonymous9:42 AM

    If this is what centuries of racial "superiority" produces, then I'll just hang out down here with the fleas.

  12. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Another great American, Frank Taaffe.
    Take back our country.
    Stand your ground.

    1. Boscoe10:21 AM

      @ 10:06


    2. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Take back our country to what?! I'm hoping you are joking, if not I'm afraid what you want to take it back to and stand your ground against what, someone with different skin tone?
      My children thankfully are oblivious to color. They are accepting of love, they wonder why anyone would care who loves whom. I am hopeful that the next generation will stop the cycle of hate and discrimination.

    3. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Another faux-tough "patriot."

    4. Anonymous10:56 AM

      10:06 AM Trolling for dollars?

    5. Anonymous11:02 AM

      This wimp spends most of his money on bodyguards.

    6. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Take the country back far enough and you'll be heading right back where YOU came from before this land was stolen from the native Americans.

    7. Anonymous2:19 PM

      10:06 AM Are you sucking his dick?

    8. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Hi 10:06am

      You truly are taking trolling to a higher level. Seriously, you do it every post and have even admitted to what you are doing, but goddamn these people still fall for it hook line and sinker each time :-)

    9. Out Lad2:56 PM

      10:06 - Uh uh, can't get me. I know what you're up to, you wascally wabbit.

  13. Leland10:37 AM

    At 56 I don't believe is is young enough to be alive when whites are in the minority. Too bad. I'd like to see him open his big F'ing mouth then!

    THAT I would like to see!

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Whites in America will become a minority right around the year 2043. This asshole might actually live to see this, if someone doesn't put a bullet in his head first.

    2. There are cities in the USA where whites are already in the minority. I'd like to see Frank Taaffe dropped off in downtown Detroit one night.

  14. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Stopped watching Nancy Grace a long time ago. Why is she bringing this guy on her show? Because it is her mode of operation! Someone she can be nasty too...although I never believed her nastiness or objections! All of it seemed phony as hell to me. It's all about her - her opinion - her experience -her knowledge. Ugh!

    She does it for ratings and nothing else. Stop watching her show folks!

  15. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Oh... my... god. I am actually horror struck. I have no words.

  16. Anita Winecooler5:33 PM

    Of course CNN and HLN, their sister station, are trying desperately to position themselves in the ratings above Fox News yet light years behind MSNBC. I've seen Nancy Grace with this douchebag on, in her defense (but still no excuse), when the veins start popping out of his neck and his mouth opens, she usually cuts the mic and goes to someone else. He never shows up in his white robe and pointy hat, and "washes up" well in a suit and tie, but he's still lower than a flea on a weasel's belly.
    These teens are dead and can't defend themselves.

    Anyone wonder why Fox was upset over the "Fairness Doctrine"?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.