Thursday, February 20, 2014

"You've killed two of your children. ... Not God. Not your church. Not religious devotion. You." Said by judge during sentencing of couple whose second child died due to belief in faith healing over medical treatment.

Courtesy of The Press News:  

Herbert and Catherine Schaible defied a court order to get medical care for their children after their 2-year-old son, Kent, died in 2009. Instead, they tried to comfort and pray over 8-month-old Brandon last year as he, too, died of treatable pneumonia. 

"My religious beliefs are that you should pray, and not have to use medicine. But because it is against the law, then whatever sentence you give me, I will accept," Catherine Schaible, 44, told the judge. She added that her beliefs have since changed. 

The Schaibles are third-generation members of an insular Pentecostal community, the First Century Gospel Church in northeast Philadelphia, where they also taught at the church school. They have seven surviving children. 
Judge Benjamin Lerner rejected defense claims that their religious beliefs "clashed" with the 2011 court order to get annual checkups and call a doctor if a child became ill. The order came after a jury convicted them of involuntary manslaughter in Kent's death, and they were sentenced to 10 years of probation. 

"April of 2013 wasn't Brandon's time to die," Lerner said, noting the violence committed throughout human history in the name of religion. "You've killed two of your children. ... Not God. Not your church. Not religious devotion. You." 

Experts say about a dozen U.S. children die in faith-healing cases each year. 

The Schaibles are the rare couple to lose a second child that way. Their pastor, Nelson Clark, blamed Kent's death on a "spiritual lack" in the parents' lives, and insisted they would never seek medical care, even if another child was dying. 

"It was so foreseeable to me that this was going to happen," said Assistant District Attorney Joanne Pescatore, who prosecuted both cases. "Everybody in the system failed these children." 

After the first death, she and public defender Mythri Jayaraman agreed that the couple's beliefs were so ingrained that their children remained at risk. They asked the earlier judge to have the family supervised by a Department of Human Services caseworker. Instead, the judge assigned them to probation officers, who are not trained to monitor children's welfare. 

Pescatore has called Brandon's symptoms "eerily similar" to Kent's. They included labored breathing and a refusal to eat. 

In his police statement last year, Herbert Schaible, 45, said, "We believe in divine healing, that Jesus shed blood for our healing and that he died on the cross to break the devil's power."

When people ask me what harm can faith do, this is the kind of thing that I think should be brought up time and time again. The idea that illness is the result of demonic power, and that the only way to cure it is through faith, is an archaic superstition which should not have purchase in this modern age.

And yet here it is.

However what is almost as big of a travesty is that the judge only gave this couple a sentence of three and a half to seven years, even though the third degree murder charge they were convicted on could have resulted in 40 years behind bars.

Now they will simply be out someday to usher in the death of a third child, whose only sin will to have been born to a pair of simple minded parents, whose superstitious beliefs are so fundamental to their personalities that they will blame his death on an imaginary devil rather than accept any responsibility.


  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

    And here's some more ignorance and backward thinking on display:

    Tennessee Schools Teach Basic Sex-Ed, Victoria Jackson and Friends Lose Their Minds (Images)

    Hold on to your hats, folks! Blissfully stupid Tea Party Queen and washed-up Saturday Night Live “star” Victoria “There’s a Communist in the White House” Jackson has once again presented us with a barrage of “what the f#$%” in a February 19 column on her blog entitled “Sex and Lies in Current TN School Textbooks.”

    Recently Jackson announced that she was running for office, delighting pretty much everyone who enjoys a good circus clown act — most notably, “Doktor Zoom” over at Wonkette who offered support for Jackson’s District 2 run, saying, “V-Jack, honey, we are behind you 3000 percent. And in your world, that’s a real number.”

    A group called Textbook Advocates has been reviewing Tennessee’s schoolbooks for signs of liberal scumbaggery, and boy do they find a lot! As Jackson points out, in August 2013 alone the “volunteers” reviewed 72 books on the state textbook list. Once they figured out how to open them, they declared just 39% of them “acceptable” for Tennessee classrooms. Twelve percent need “major revisions” to “meet acceptable standards” and many more need minor fixes, according to Jackson’s ramblings.

    The “volunteers” concluded that “There is a mind-numbing degree of indoctrination (def: teach a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically) and (inappropriate sexual references/diagrams) found in the proposed textbooks.”

    A “concerned teacher” who, consequently, is running for school board shared some “upsetting” photographs of a 4th grade sex education book called “It’s Perfectly Normal!” According to Jackson, parents are unaware of the book’s existence. She says that the teacher, Candy Emerson, is running for a Williamson County Schoolboard “in an attempt to remove these books and Common core from schools,” but you guessed that already.

    Jackson shared some terrifying shots of the book, which include condom use (because safe sex is evil), naked people (because it’s a health book), a section explaining different sexual orientations (because two people being in love is icky), a lack of in-depth coverage of adoption in the section labeled “abortion,” an explanation of what different sex organs look like (because it’s a health book), an age-appropriate explanation of masturbation (because it’s a health book), and a short excerpt from erotic literature presented entirely out of context.

  2. Randall1:29 PM

    Seriously: belief in nonsense is NOT harmless.

  3. Anonymous1:46 PM

    BREAKING! Hillary is leaving them in the dust!

    Quinnipiac University released a new poll on Thursday showing that former Secretary of State, and presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee in 2016, Hillary Clinton holds double-digit leads on nearly every potential GOP candidate. The only candidate that comes within 10 points of Clinton is Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) who trails the former First Lady by 9 points.

    As for the other GOP candidates, embattled New Jersey Governor Chris Christie trails Clinton by 13 points, 49-36. This is a far cry from Quinnipiac’s poll in late November, where it showed a dead heat between the two. Obviously, like in much of the country, Christie’s star hasn’t just faded, it’s burned out. However, the other potential GOP candidates don’t fare much better than Christie. While Ryan ‘only’ trails by 9 points, everyone else is far behind.

    Especially embarrassing for the GOP is that Ohio’s current Governor, John Kasich, trails Clinton by 12 points in a hypothetical matchup. While it is highly doubtful that Kasich will toss his hat in the ring, it does show that the GOP can’t even get a ‘home-court’ advantage by using a sitting governor in what is supposed to be a swing state. In fact, Kasich is upside down in the poll on whether he’d make a good president, with only 34% saying he would against 47% saying he would not. Meanwhile, Clinton is well into a net positive, with 55% saying she’d do well at the job and only 39% saying she would be bad at it.

    The Tea Party candidates fare very poorly against Clinton in Ohio. Senators Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz all trail by at least 13 points, with Cruz bringing up the rear. Against all three of those candidates, Clinton has at least 50% of the voters favoring her. One potential GOP candidate that is supposed to appeal to moderates, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, trails Clinton by a formidable 15 points, 51-36. It appears that Ohio voters are ready for another Clinton, but not another Bush.

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      How did those polls work out for her last time she ran? She didn't even make it out of the primary.

  4. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Look alive, everyone. This is not a drill. Jesus is coming for you, and on that glorious day when he returns, the King of Kings will be sporting an AR-15, according to retired Lt. Gen. William G “Jerry” Boykin. No, really. He’s serious.

    According to Boykin, Jesus is a merciless killer and the second amendment is his proof. Who do you think gave the founding fathers the idea for the second amendment? That’s right– Jesus Christ, himself. And you’re not supposed to admire his shining “sword” from afar. You’re supposed to have one too. So sell your stuff so you and Jesus can have matching assault rifles for the end of days.

    Boykin said,

    “The Lord is a warrior and in Revelation 19 is says when he comes back, he’s coming back as what? A warrior. A mighty warrior leading a mighty army, riding a white horse with a blood-stained white robe … I believe that blood on that robe is the blood of his enemies ’cause he’s coming back as a warrior carrying a sword.

    And I believe now – I’ve checked this out – I believe that sword he’ll be carrying when he comes back is an AR-15.

    Now I want you to think about this: where did the Second Amendment come from? … From the Founding Fathers, it’s in the Constitution. Well, yeah, I know that. But where did the whole concept come from? It came from Jesus when he said to his disciples ‘now, if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.

    I know, everybody says that was a metaphor. IT WAS NOT A METAPHOR!… And the sword today is an AR-15, so if you don’t have one, go get one. You’re supposed to have one. It’s biblical.”

    Listen to his totally sane reasoning below:

    1. Anonymous5:59 AM

      Which AR-15 manufacturer just paid off this disgrace to the uniform, senile old coot that Boykeeeboingboykin has become?

  5. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I wonder what Sarah Palin thinks of the Schaibles. She never comments on news like this.

  6. And now they can hold hands in the matched set of electric chairs wired up especially for them.... Buh...bye twinkles..

  7. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I can't believe the judge did not take the rest of their kids away from them. Once they are out - which will be for good behavior in a much shorter time than the sentence - they are free to neglect the rest of their brood.

  8. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Someone really dropped the ball here. After the first child died, all other children should have been taken away. Those poor kids.

  9. Anonymous4:22 PM

    This child wouldn't have died, heck it wouldn't have been born if the first judge would have jailed them. And is there really going to be any change? The chances of them getting either just probation or a short sentence and out in half that time is reality.
    Ignorance kills and it is specially sad when that ignorance comes with religion.

  10. In the book "A Tale of Two Cities" a child is killed by the carriage of the Marquis: This quote is from chapter 7 of the book.
    "I know all, I know all," said the last comer. "Be a brave man, my Gaspard! It is better for the poor little plaything to die so, than to live. It has died in a moment without pain. Could it have lived an hour as happily?"

    "You are a philosopher, you there," said the Marquis, smiling.
    "How do they call you?"

    "They call me Defarge."

    Perhaps the people involved in the investigation of poor Brandon's death have the same opinion..the child is better off dead than to live such a life with his parents....nothing can be done now...Brandon is better off in heaven with Jesus....

  11. Anita Winecooler6:21 PM

    What beautiful platitudes this poor excuse for a judge has to spew. They're only shallow, meaningless words with such light sentences given. He's saying the truth but enabling it to possibly happen again, unless (and that's a big unless) all their surviving seven kids are given to good homes and put in the witness protection program.

    The mom no longer feels that way, gee, would she had she not been caught? This particular church needs it's license permanently revoked. Just my opinion. They're actually accomplices to murder, all of them. Put them all in jail so they can all find the real Jesus.

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      I agree. The whole church should have been prosecuted.

    2. Anonymous8:33 PM

      So true. The judge talks a good game, but these are repeat offenders who already killed one of their children in the same manner. If they had kidnapped someone else's children and neglected them to death, the punishment would be life in prison or close to it. This is basically a slap on the wrist.

    3. Anonymous6:14 AM

      Maybe they are waiting for that 3 strikes and you're out law?

  12. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Their church should also be held responsible, Just as Charles Manson didn't kill Sharon Tate, but orchestrated it-- this church was directing their congregation to behave in this manner.


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