Sunday, March 09, 2014

Esquire totally eviscerates Sarah Palin over her speech at CPAC.

Courtesy of Esquire:  

By now, and by god, it should have settled permanently in the consciousness of the nation what a huge and untoward gamble with the country John McCain and his campaign took in 2008 when they elevated Sarah Palin from her rightful place on the tundra to the political celebrity she currently enjoys. McCain should pay a heavy price for unleashing this ignorant, two-wheeled bilewagon on the country's politics. If you think she's a legitimate political leader, you're an idiot and a sucker and I feel sorry for you. 

Yesterday she gave a wildly received speech to ring down the curtain at CPAC. The applause, as far as I know, may still be going on. It was as singularly embarrassing a public address as any allegedly sentient primate ever has delivered. It was a disgrace to politics, to rhetoric, to the English language, and to seventh-grade slam books everywhere. 

This ambulatiory bag of rank resentment pulled out all the tricks. The cheap shots; "Aw, John, why the long face?" to the Secretary of State. The sneering, wheedling playground taunting -- "You can't make a phone call without Michelle Obama knowing, 'This is the third time this week you dialed Pizza Hut Delivery'" -- and a full panoply of funny voices that are the trademark of dipshit comics in every two-drink minimum club in America. We got "hope and channng-ey," and how "some members" of the GOP establishment are saying to us, "Hush, America. Go to sleep, little lambs." And, in what is being celebrated as the piece de resistance , she turned Green Eggs And Ham into an extended taunt. 

If you laughed, you're an idiot and I feel sorry for you.

"This ambulatory bag of rank resentment " Boy wish I would have thought of that.

Right now Palin is getting spanked all over the internet for her crazed rhetoric, and taunting of the liberals, the media, and our President.

There are few who have anything positive to say, except of course those on the Right Wing fringe.

Clearly they are so desperate for attention from the mainstream media that they would support televised self-immolation if they thought it would get national coverage and somehow reflect poorly on the President.

The funny thing about CPAC this year was that each speaker seemed to be trying to out crazy the next crazy who might follow them to the podium.

NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre actually said:  

"We don't trust government, because government itself has proven unworthy of our trust. We trust ourselves and we trust what we know in our hearts to be right. We trust our freedom. In this uncertain world, surrounded by lies and corruption everywhere you look, there is no greater freedom than the right to survive and protect our families with all the rifles, shotguns, and handguns we want.

Paul Ryan told a story about a kid who did not want to be on the school lunch program, and instead wanted to eat his lunch from a brown paper bag, that turned out to be plagiarized from a book written by a woman who actually works to feed hungry children in America.

So in this kind of atmosphere is it any wonder that Palin also had her ghostwriters plagiarize the Dr. Suess story that she claimed to have made up for Trig's benefit?

However here's the thing, one might be excused for pandering to the mental patients if one wants to get them to share their medication, put you in charge of the communal remote control, or believe you when you say you are the REAL Napoleon Bonaparte.

But pandering to the fringe should exclude you forever from actually seeking higher office in this country.

In that way perhaps Palin was among the most honest of the speakers. She knows full well that she is never going to return to public service, she just needs somebody to tune into her upcoming reality show and to keep sending their children's college money to her PAC.

And by honest I mean honestly willing to string along a group of morons too ignorant to recognize when they are being manipulated by a person who cares NOTHING about their values, their religious beliefs, or their desires for the future of the country, but is willing to fake it for attention and cash.


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Wow what happened? Sarah Palin needs to lose weight.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Yeah, how about, say, 150 pounds or so... Any of it , all of it, whatever she puts in front of us!

    2. Anonymous11:06 AM

      I have noticed those kind of lumps on all the Housewives of Beverly Hills ladies. They use all those facial injections and end up with these bizarre lumps. Really attractive SCARAH.

  2. Anonymous9:07 AM

    SarahPAC will be buying the Palin casa in Scottsdale a new refrigerator tomorrow.

  3. Anonymous9:13 AM

     "Aw, John, why the long face?"
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah plagiarized that comment from Immoral Minority readers.

    "Aw, Bristol, why the long face?" (after Bristol got her Jay Leno chin implant)

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Exact same thought as soon as I read that comment. She hates 'us' as much as she hates the President. Thrills me no end that her detractors jacked her game simply by exposing the truth.

    2. Anonymous9:44 AM

      That was straight from IM.
      Hey, $arah, we OWN you!
      The giant fly swatter, remember?

    3. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Totally agree with that. $he reads here, and proves it over and over with her (unsourced) quotes.

    4. Irishgirl10:19 AM

      She has used that joke about John Kerry back in 2009.

    5. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Not sure if she plagiarized that "why the long face" from here, at IM. She either wrote a column or made a speech back a few years and wrote or made this same statement about John Kerry. It was back in 2008 or 2009.

      I think commenters here used that only after she first used it. They reminded us that she first said it about John Kerry, and used it after Bristol's implant.

    6. Anonymous12:09 PM

      It's a very old joke.

    7. Anonymous12:15 PM

      If I was an ugly bitch like Sarah, I would avoid making fun of other people's looks.

    8. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Not to mention, that whole joke of a political party is full of ugly mofos like Newt and Callista, Rand Paul, Mitch McConnell, and Ted Cruz. And, of course, her husband (who she seems to think is such a studly guy), is an ugly little bitch-boy with a girly voice. So please, Sarah (herself one of the ugliest people on the planet even with all the make-up, fake hair, and surgery), stay away from cracking wise about people's looks. Not to put them on equal footing, but imagine if President Obama had to attack people's looks because he had nothing else? Oh the crying and whining that would commence! I notice she has never attacked HIM that way, though, even with all her idiotic talk of how "girly" he the troll would say..."weird!"

    9. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Her mind, or whatever is left of it, is still stuck in Elementary school. I wonder when she will start her puberty?

  4. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Her face is lumpy.

  5. Crystal Sage9:13 AM

    I loved the comments on the article. Someone described Palin as "a butt plug with lips" to which another person added, that was "an insult to butt plugs."

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Unlike Skanky, buttplugs have a purpose and are useful.

  6. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Is Sarah trying to look young? Looks like she has two black eyes. Bristol must have overdone Sarah's makeup?

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Why didn't Willow comb the wig?

  7. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Thank you John McCain, for leaving this flaming bag of shit on your party's doorstep. She is a Fukushima of stupidity, and you asshats OWN HER.

    1. AKinPA11:21 AM

      "She is a Fukushima of stupidity." So very true, Anon at 9:19. Unfortunately, she has a way too long half-life.

      McCain needs to pay for foisting this pile of nuclear waste on us.

  8. Anonymous9:22 AM

    She is absolutely beyond the pale, someone who has the ability to take her down, please do. I actually dreamed it happened and people were really rejoicing in the dream. She has been nothing, but an attack dog for the likes of the Kochs and anyone who buys into her shit is an idiot, a moron, who refuses to read and think for themselves. John McPain is guilty of treason for bringing this narcissistic sociopath into the limelight. They should both be exiled. Palin likes Putin so much, maybe she'd be welcomed in Russia.

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Can you believe this fool, throwing around jokes about nuclear war. No real thought whatsoever about the horror that such a terrible event would bring upon the entire world. This bitch loves life? Yeah okay. She is such a piece of shit.

  9. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Can't wait to see the new movie about Todd and Shailey Tripp. How about you Sarah?

  10. Anonymous9:33 AM

    More to the point, Paul Ryan used that story to illustrate it's better to let a child starve than to feed him. I believe he said something to the effect of, if you give a malnourished kid a free lunch, you take away his soul.

    Paul Ryan is the ultimate Ayn Rand fanboy and like Ayn Rand, Paul Ryan took well-timed money from the government.

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn12:47 PM

      Paul "Eddie Munster" Ryan said something like "Democrats give out free lunches, but they leave you with an empty soul." So it's much better to starve, or better yet, rob a convenience store or two, eh?

    2. Anonymous1:15 PM

      His little fake speech made my blood boil! Yes, you freakin' asshat, children would much prefer to be starved and singled out and treated as "the other" than get a free hot meal from the adults who are responsible for caring for them! They should be ASHAMED that they depend on others like every child does! That's what these fools will never get, we are ALL responsible for the care of our nation's children, ESPECIALLY if we INSIST they be born to parents who may struggle to care for them! How the fuck is that immoral!? Any party that hates the weak and innocent the way these fuckers do, is DOOMED. I just wish they would hurry the hell up and pass from history before they hurt any more innocent kids (at home or abroad) with their greed and selfishness. Worried that Obama is a Nazi and wants to kill babies? LOOK IN THE FUCKING MIRROR YOU ASSHOLES! Thank GOD we dodged another bullet when we rejected Romney/Ryan. Who votes for this SHIT??

    3. F U McCain2:51 PM

      Even children are raising money so that other children can eat!

      Paul Rand has no soul.

  11. Anonymous9:34 AM

    We need solutions, not self-involved idiots like Palin. She is simply an idiot shill and grifter as we all know, so why don’t we get on, ignore her and walk over her on our way to solving some problems?

    1. Anonymous11:07 AM

      After you.

      Personally I'll start ignoring her when the MSM does. Until then I'll enjoy reading takedowns of her.

    2. Anonymous1:31 PM

      You think we have to seek her out? She's still all over the place, unfortunately. She isn't just an idiot shill although, she is that and more. It's like the article said...something about her being the personification of the conservative id. She IS the embodiment of the problem with the other side - all their ugliness, selfishness and stupidity wrapped up in one hideous waste of skin, constantly feeding their hate and dementia back to them, justifying their mass psychosis, incivility and inhumanity to everyone else who isn't like them. Until she is treated with the derision she deserves, by EVERYONE including our ridiculous media, and shunned, shamed, and shut down...she will keep on affecting this country in negative ways. She unfortunately still has influence among our loonier lawmakers, as the government shutdown should have proven to all.

      So...why are YOU here besides to scold the rest of us?

    3. Anonymous2:14 PM


  12. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Her new nickname: Señora Lumpy

  13. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Why is Sarah holding up the Green Eggs And Ham book?

    Is Sarah Palin to embarrass to hold up her

    Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas Sales Rank: 83,666

    Yes there is a 666 at the end

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Couldn't be better! I didn't believe in the devil till Palin.

  14. Anonymous9:36 AM

    John McCain unleashed an overly full colostomy bag on the nation. As Sarah spoke at CPAC, the shit was flying everywhere.

  15. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I prefer the thin Sarah.

    1. Anonymous2:17 PM

      yeah me too - she's really gettin' chunky

  16. Anonymous9:42 AM

    This is called a psychological break. Can't even be equated with a rodeo clown anymore.

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Rodeo clowns do something very important; palin is just an asshat ignorant grifting fool. Don't give clowns a bad name by lumping her in with the pool.

  17. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Sarah is gorgeous. She has beautiful hair and looks like she is Farrah Faucett's twin sister.

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      LOL.. You're right.. Sarah Palin looks like the dead corpse of Farrah

    2. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Farrah was a natural beauty. And a decent woman.

    3. PalinsHoax10:05 AM

      No way Anonymous 9:46 am.

      Farrah has never looked like a cadaver, whereas that is all that Palin looks like - an old, moldy, decomposing cadaver with HUGH nostrils.

      The better to polish the tops of oil barrels with?

    4. Anonymous10:05 AM

      The only Faucett ( you misspelled it, BTW) $carah Palin looks like is the corroded one in the slop sink of the men's latrine.

    5. angela10:06 AM

      I just call Sarah Lumpy. And she does look like a fawcet's sister. Cold, hard---always spouting liquid.

    6. Anonymous10:09 AM

      And here we go.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    7. Anonymous10:21 AM

      I was so embarrassed for her, as a human. Dear god that performance was bad, even for her.

    8. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Well, those "Farrah" wigs are sold all over. But too bad that Sarah's wig is so filthy.
      Sarah has what look like cholesterol lumps all over her face and most likely her body from her drug use. These develop because of increased heart rates caused by drug use.

    9. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Farrah was a blond. And towards the end of her career, she showed up on Letterman's show as looped out of it as Sarah is.

    10. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Is Farrah the name of your bathroom or kitchen faucet?

    11. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Farrah was not cross eyed, plus she had great hair.

    12. Anonymous1:42 PM

      If that greasy bag of brittle bones that looks like she smells like a sewage treatment plant is all that will get your limp noodle going for your no-doubt fat hag of a wife, then more power to ya, guy. Wrap it up, though, because America does not need any more retarded right-wingers.

    13. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Sarah does look just like Farrah Fawcett, but since Farrah has been dead for quite awhile I don't see how that is a compliment.

  18. Cracklin Charlie9:48 AM

    Two-wheeled bilewagon...I think that may be an even better description of Palin than "teeny tiny tarantula wearing high heeled shoes".

    Bravo, Mr. Pierce!

    1. Esquire turned the resident smart person loose.

    2. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Exactly! My favorite so far.
      I saw one of the Getty photos, the one with her mouth pursed, and I also accidently saw a clip of her speech on a news program that showed her moving her mouth around when she wasn't speaking. That is just how drunks do it! Seen that plenty in my day. She was fuckin' drunk. High as a kite.
      Then I heard the bit at the beginning of her Dr Seuss rip-off of the rip-off where she referenced, her tone of voice was downright nasty. If you can stand to try and listen to just that tiny bit, it was evil. It really was.

    3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn12:36 PM

      "...that showed her moving her mouth around when she wasn't speaking."

      I've heard it called "Hula Jaw"--pretty much indicates either coke or meth use. The paid Palin cretins would probably try to convince skeptics that Queenie's thoughts are SO deep and contain SUCH genius that she has to mouth them to herself before she says them.

  19. angela9:57 AM

    I liked the bilewagon analogy.
    You just know under the surface she's a bubbling green cauldron
    of angry pus. No WH for Sarah----evah!

  20. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Ho hum, same old mean spirited, snide spitballs she's been throwing ever since she lost the VP. Never got over it, and worse, an African American won the presidency. Since then, applauding use if the N word, saying he has no cojones, saying he shucks and jives, it's just the same old crap from a sore loser who is more and more like a sour worn out vaudeville act.

  21. Anonymous10:04 AM

    And didn't Ted Cruz do the whole "Green Eggs and Ham Thing?" Sarah can't even be original and creative. She really is a raging snot. I would call her the World's Oldest High School Mean Girl but that distinction belongs to Phyllis Schlafly.

    Jennifer K

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      And neither one is smart enough to do research and find out that Dr Suess was a liberal.

    2. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Also, too, that Seuss poem sound-alike is a ripoff from 2009... NOT her (or his) original!

    3. Anonymous1:58 PM

      I thought Dr. Seuss was a liberal. I'm also a bit partial to Dr. Seuss because we share a b-day.

      And Ted Cruz isn't original or creative either? Of course not.

      Jennifer K

  22. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Hate to say it, but Palin is getting national attention due to her speech on the media and some is actually positive - from Republicans!!!


    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Republicans or Tea Tards, 10:08 AM?
      Nice try. She is your embarrassment.
      OWN it.

    2. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Republicans are liking what she said? Wow, that is earthshaking news! LOL! That is who her speech was meant for as to fund her lifestyle after all. She said absolute nothing new. Same crap, different toilet.

    3. Anonymous11:03 AM

      The only reason that they write about Palin is because she held up another prop, and read someone else's spoof of Green Eggs and Ham. Sarah is a prop comedian. She's a joke.

    4. Anonymous11:31 AM

      The republicans in this red state are telling any and all who will listen that she was the ENTERTAINMENT portion of c-crap. (last speaker and all) It was suppose to be funny and entertaining, not serious.

      They are making excuses for her as fast as they can. bwahhahahaha

    5. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Not even a comedian. No one claims her.
      The Sportsman channel bought her in.
      If you think she spent her own PAC money.....

    6. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Uh really? And yesterday afternoon FAUX SPEW was touting her as the "keynote speaker" Somebody is lying.

    7. Anonymous12:12 PM

      I thought she actually put down regular mainstream Republicans in her speech! What did I miss? She is actually getting some positive commentary on her presentation if you can believe that!

      And, trust me, I'm not in her corner nor have ever been! Think her to be ignorant, a liar and fraud!

    8. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Keynote is not having someone show up after the straw vote and late to boot. "Okay, if we have to" is more like it. 9000 bucks is 9000 bucks. Thank you, Sportsman channel. We laugh harder.

    9. Anonymous1:46 PM

      So what does this tell you, 12:12PM?

    10. It's no surprise that Republicans liked Sarah's "speech" but that doesn't make her any more acceptable to anyone with half a brain. Ayn Rand wrote glowing words about a child kidnapper who raped then decapitated his 12 year old victim. Rand wrote glorified him because he was the ultimate in selfishness and had no regard for anyone else. There was a large group of people on Twitter who wrote positive tweets about Jared Loughner - remember the maniac who answered Sarah Palin's crosshair map? Charles Manson had many followers. Hookers have lots of customers. Weak, stupid and/or evil people are not discriminating about who they worship. CPAC is full of fools which is why CPAC speakers try to outdo each other to appeal to the nuts.

  23. Anonymous10:13 AM

    sarah's speech at cpac speech was nothing more than a symbolic twerking of vladimir putin and sarah masturbating on stage for the fat old white guys' circle jerk.

    1. Cracklin Charlie2:24 PM

      Pass the brain bleach!

  24. janice10:21 AM

    And to think she only got 2% of the straw vote. How embarassing. She is supposed to be a TeaParty leader and they didn't vote for her. Bet the front runners will run from her.

  25. Anonymous10:22 AM

    word sausage slime oozing out of her lips
    goofy face, blue jeans, big gulp sips
    bad jokes, old lines, devoid of class
    Sarah Palin is truly an ass

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Loved the wig. It says "classy," with a capital K

    2. Anonymous4:08 PM

      as in,bought it five years ago at Kmart.

  26. janice10:28 AM

    I love this, per Huffington Post today...
    Mitch McConnell On Tea Party Challengers: 'We Are Going To Crush Them Everywhere'
    It will be fun watching the Republicans eat each other. CPAC is the greatest thing for the Democrats.

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Are McConnell and McCain going to go after Sarah Palin (Teabagger) and shut her down? This will be fun to watch!

      I know she's not running for anything and never will again, but she has one of the main podiums right now for the Teabaggers!

    2. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Sarah does make the Republicans look like a joke. She was their nominee for Vice President.

    3. Anonymous1:35 PM

      turtle mcconnell & gramps mccain are too big of pussies to take sarah out. hear that, you silly old farts? take it as a challenge, girlie men, prove me wrong, if you're man enough. see how that works, calling out mens' masculinity? pretty classy, huh, sarah?

  27. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Sarah Palin is not a very good stand up comedian. She comes off as the middle school mean girl, making fun of everyone, in a mean spirited, not very funny way. Sarah Palin went from being a member of the Wasilla City Council, Mayor, Governor and Vice Presidential nominee to being a joke. The only place left for her is reality TV. It's as fake as she is.

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      ummm, crosseyed skank was a joke before she was a joke, in other words, simply always has been

    2. Anonymous2:30 PM

      And a sleep around whore to boot. I heard her nickname was the "mattress" around Wasilla.

    3. Anonymous6:40 PM

      2:30 PM Sarah is well known at the Mugshot Saloon.

  28. Anonymous11:08 AM

    When the class clown had nothing to say and hadn't read the assignment, that's when you could count on him/her to act up in order to get some attention-- for all the wrong reasons. Sarah Palin has become the class clown, but she's not as funny.

  29. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Ted Cruz is going to be irritated by Sarah stealing his clever idea. Narcissists like Ted and Sarah don't like it when others steal their thunder. She can say nice things about him, but stealing his Dr. Seuss prop with the exact same poem makes for a catfight down the road. They'll all be scratching at each other in the near future.

    Green 'with envy' they'll be, and not their eggs.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      SO jealous she is. Michelle Obama promoting healtny eating, she posts a picture of herself in a convenience store buying CRAP.

      Austin Powers: "YEAAAH baby!"

    2. Anonymous12:45 PM

      So when Sarah goes hunting and fishing, does she take along a freezer chest filled with crunch wraps and other junk food?

    3. Anonymous1:51 PM

      @12:45 Because she only pretends to do these things if there is a camera around. She is sticking with her normal diet of uppers, energy drinks, adulation of retards, and Obama-hate. That's what helps her maintain that amazing figure of hers, don'tcha know.

  30. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Thank you for bringing this article to our attention. I think though that Charles Pierce's last paragraph is best;

    ..."A friend bailed on the speech, making the very plausible case that Palin is simply another political celebrity freakshow, like Donald Trump. I can see the point there but, with Palin, and watching the hysterical reception her puerile screed received, there is something more serious going on. She is the living representation of the infantilization of American politics, a poisonous Grimm Sister telling toxic fairy tales to audiences drunk on fear, and hate and nonsense. She respects no standards but her own. She is in perpetual tantrum, railing against her betters, which is practically everyone, and volunteering for the job of avatar to the country's reckless vandal of a political Id. It was the address of a malignant child delivered to an audience of malignant children. If you applauded, you're an idiot and I feel sorry for you."

  31. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Sarah Palin Should Actually Finish Green Eggs and Ham and Other Seuss Books

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Hey, Katie, I got the answer to your gotcha question!

    2. sally in MI1:34 PM

      They ought to read "The Butter Battle Book" before they promote nuclear war.

    3. Anonymous2:42 PM

      I like Yertle, the Turtle by Dr. Seuss. Reminds me of Mcconnell.

  32. Anonymous12:05 PM

    "She is in perpetual tantrum, railing against her betters, which is practically everyone, and volunteering for the job of avatar to the country's reckless vandal of a political Id. It was the address of a malignant child delivered to an audience of malignant children. If you applauded, you're an idiot and I feel sorry for you."

  33. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Ms. Palin, when my die hard conservative Republican parents think you are a joke and an embarrassment to the party, you know you've lost.

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      yea, my husbands hard right wing family has abandoned her as well. they're educated, and can't, in good conscience, promote this nitwit.

  34. Balzafiar12:06 PM

    "...and to keep sending their children's college money to her PAC. "

    College? I doubt that her followers can even spell it much less attend one. They're far more content to sit on the tailgates of their pick-em-up trucks, picking their noses and farting while swilling cheap beer or huffing spray paint. Those are Sarah's people.

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Elitist Scum!

    2. Anonymous4:34 PM

      3:17 PM BORDERLINE RETARDS are prevalent in the Palin Family of Pimps, Skanks, Druggies, Alcoholics and Bastard Baby Makers.

  35. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Run Sarah Run
    The country needs Sarah in the White House
    Impeach Obama, the Kenyan Muslim Marxist
    Repeal Obamacare
    Send Hussein and Moochelle back home to Kenya
    Take back our country
    Stand your ground

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Back to your padded cell...

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Just like Sarah, you keep saying the same stupid shit over and over, and just like her, you should shut the fuck up because you are fucking boring and a total moron. It's pretty clear you know about as much as she does about how American politics works, as well. Sarah's followers, ya'll!

    3. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Honestly, 12:15 pm, I GRIN.
      And I wait for you......
      Here they go again!

    4. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Broken record. We've heard it before. We've heard it before. We've heard it before.

    5. Anonymous3:17 PM

      You all realize that this person is "one of us" and only posts these sorts of things in order to see the hilarious blood pressure spiked replies?

      He's been trolling you guys for 3 years now. Wake up.

  36. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Amazing, via Raw Story:

    I do not like this Palin chick
    With every word a dirty trick.
    I do not like her looks so smug.
    I do not like her lying mug.
    I do not like her love for guns.
    I do not like the way she runs.
    I do not like her soundy-bites.
    Or the cheating way she fights.
    I do not like her flirty ways.
    Or how she coyly bashes gays.
    I don’t like her religion, no.
    Or how she murders wildlife, so.
    I do not like this Palin chick.
    She has the brainpower of a brick.


    1. Perfect!

    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Now THAT is a great poem! lol

  37. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Palin says what the rest of the Republicans are thinking. Maybe it doesn't sound so racist and filled with hate the way she says it, but it is what it is. She is the mouthpiece for the bigots and haters.

  38. I truly believe if that woman (term used loosely, had an original idea in that barren brain of hers, it would die of lonliness.

  39. Anonymous12:50 PM


    I don't know who originally came up with it but here is part of it in 2010.

    Dr. Seuss Economics: “I do not like this Uncle Sam”By Jonathan Bean  •  Wednesday August 25, 2010 5:48 AM PDT

  40. Beldar Sobriquet Conehead1:01 PM

    Gryphen, I have chosen to make the following official announcement simultaneously on your defunct blog and on the front page of tomorrow's New York Times. (While I'm waiting to hear back from the Times, I'll go ahead and post it here, but do me a favor and act surprised when you read it in the Times.)

    Ok, here goes. (I'm a little nervous, as you might expect)

    If the occasion ever arises where I choose to retire the cognomen "The Screechy Wretch(tm)" in public discourse to refer to 'she who deserves never to be named', I solemnly vow (oh boy... my hands are shaking) that I will refer to that woman from that day forward (and my heart is pounding...) as "This Ignorant, Two-wheeled Bilewagon(tm)"

    or Twatwaffle.

    And God bless the United States of America.

    1. Irishgirl2:00 PM

      Don't bother about the others Beldar. Marry me!

  41. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Even if she read this article Sarah wouldn't understand what half the words mean.

  42. Beldar Lou Conehead1:15 PM

    Say, Gryphen, I really dont see what all the fuss is about. I thought it was a pretty great speech until she she tried to insult President Obama by claiming that “his mother is an hamster and his father smells of elderberries!” OUCH!!!

    I know the president treats the Screechy Wretch(tm) like the patch of dog feces stuck to America's collective brand new pair of dress shoes, that she is, but he really should respond to her taunt in some commensurate fashion.

    I'm just spit-ballin' here, but if I were a senior presidential adviser, I would recommend the president go on national television, or possibly the new Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and say, "Oh, yeah, Screechy? Well, sticks and stone may break my bones but names will never hurt me! And you smell sex and old tuna fish!"

    And now, you know why I am not a senior presidential adviser.

    Thanks for posting the Esquire piece. It pretty much closes the book on what's left of Granny Lou.

    1. Um... say, Beldar, did you mean to say "And you smell like sex and old tuna fish"? Seriously, dude, who, exactly, taught you to type?

      Beldar replies: "Bite me"

    2. Anonymous1:46 PM

      The "Marry Me, Beldar" troll gives two thumbs up.

    3. Irishgirl2:02 PM


    4. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Irishgirl, you'll have to fight this hot-blooded Italian for him! (Wonder if my Irish husband will mind?)

    5. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Irishgirl and hot-blooded Italian, you'll both be in line behind a tall Swede. I'm positive Beldar likes dumb blonds best.......... :)

    6. Balzafiar4:38 PM

      Damn it Beldar, can't you ever get anything right? That reference to "you smell like sex" should have been "you smell like $2.00 sex." Sure, it's cheap, but it's unwashed, also too.

    7. Irishgirl, hot blooded Italian, tall Swede, and all the others who have yet to come forward to declare their disturbing yet strangely compelling attraction to Beldar Axe Conehead, let's all hope this situation can be resolved without resorting to long drawn-out cat fights, but if they can't, at least have the decency to send me the videos.

      Balzafiar, of course, you're right - it was supposed to read 'you smell like $2.00 drunken bus station sex" - but it's comforting to know you've got my back.

  43. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Diagramming Sarah

    Can Palin's sentences stand up to a grammarian?

    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      That was fun! I loved diagraming sentences in HS. Not only did this practice teach me proper grammar, it taught me to think logically about what I was saying. Something Sarah Heath failed to accomplish. Guess she missed the English part of her "degree."

    2. Anita Winecooler5:22 PM

      Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Diagramming Sentences, parts of speech, proper usage and penmanship.
      I was a girl, so I learned Gregg Shorthand and home economics - the boys learned shop, manners, recess and lunch along with sports.

  44. Anonymous1:26 PM

    This is an essay I have been awaiting since 2008. Do yourself a BIG favor and read out loud it to someone you love, or know.

  45. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Hey Sarah, when was the last time you read Trig his birth certificate. You know the one with a different birth mothers name on it.

  46. Sarah is such an IDIOT! Doesn't she know that the moral of "Green Eggs and Ham", was that once he tried it, he liked it?
    Her Unclassified Consultants, are overpaid, and probably as retarded as herself.

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      She doesn't understand anything, just going off Cruz, who didn't understand as well the point behind the book. They are IDIOTS. I'm sure he would have loved it....the exact people he was talking about.

    2. F U McCain3:04 PM

      That was the irony of Cruz using the story to rail against Obamacare- once people have gotten to know Obamacare they like it.

      Palin and Cruz are absolute morons.

    3. janice3:29 PM

      Didn't Sarah say she read that book to all her children? Wow, she should have told Katie Couric that that was one book she read.

    4. Anita Winecooler5:17 PM

      I can picture a female playing "Sam I Am", and Sarah's perfect for the role. The idiot remains clueless. If she reads it to all her kids, it's obvious it sunk in deep in Bristol's brain. Her entire blog is about the little chap Sarah reads to (Yeah, like SHE reads)

  47. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Somewhere in the last 36 hours, I read a comment that her appearance at CPAC was subsidized by her upcoming TV show...if anyone has a link to that information, could you please post it here?


    1. Anonymous2:17 PM

      they were lowest level sponsors of CPAC. The CPAC site surely has a list of sponsors.

    2. Anonymous2:39 PM

      There was a booth at CPAC that cost $9,000 where they handed out totes with the logo for Sarah's show on Sportsman Channel. The question is who paid for it-- the Sportsman Channel or Sarah's PAC? I'm betting on Sarah's PAC paying at least half of it, since Sarah claims that anything she says is political, therefore, the PAC pays. Her PAC paid a good part of the book tour promotion. After all, Sarah's message about Christmas is political, too, also.

    3. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Someone had to play the whore. "You wear it well," $arah. Love, Rod Stewart and the WTF elite Republican elie Crazy broad.

    4. janice3:27 PM

      Is the IRS and other agencies going to let all this pass, all of Sarah's expenses that have nothing to do with politics. She has only donated about $5,000 to candidates. Is Sarah Pac going to pay for Bristols attorney concerning Levi and custody. Bristol has the same attorney as Sarah. I read somewhere where some polls on Sarahs book standing were paid for so Sarahs books would reach the top. Is Sarahs book stops, etc. being paid for by her Pac. Travel expenses, etc.? This is rediculous. Is anyone checking out her expenses and who her consultants are, etc. You and I would be in prison by now.

    5. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Sadly, Janice, I think it's perfectly legal to have her PAC pay for a lot of the shit that it does. from Wikipedia: Under the FEC rules, leadership PACs are non-connected PACs, and can accept donations from individuals and other PACs. Since current officeholders have an easier time attracting contributions, Leadership PACs are a way dominant parties can capture seats from other parties. A leadership PAC sponsored by an elected official cannot use funds to support that official's own campaign. However, it may fund travel, administrative expenses, consultants, polling, and other non-campaign expenses.

      And it doesn't matter how little she donates, as long as she donates, some. On the Colbert Report, when he did his Super PAC, he talked about how he could spend his month on whatever he wanted to.

      Now….if the PAC is paying Bristol's lawyer, that's a different matter all together, I think.

      There should definitely be an investigation into her "postage" spending though.

      The book tour is legit for her PAC to pay for because she is exposing herself and her political ideas, no matter how hackneyed they are. I think, nowadays, most authors have to pay for their own tours and book promotions, so that's why Sarah PAC is doing it, and not her publisher.

    6. Anonymous7:45 PM

      If any Palin or Heath received any funds from SarahPAC that was't for a reimbursement for money spent it becomes taxable income. That's why UpChuck Sr has been audited six times according to Jr,

  48. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Best take-down of this idiot bitch I've ever read.

  49. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Sarah, I hope you realize looking at those lumpy, bumpy photos, that that is what you'd look like "on top".

    You're welcome.

  50. Anita Winecooler5:11 PM

    Who'd have thought that "Esquire", of all sources, could so succinctly distill the clinging spot of excrement that punctuated the long line of assclowns at CPAP who came up with no conclusion for any problem America faces, except for not having a shred of common decency to even TRY to hide their hate for African Americans, Women, LGBT people and sane people who feel no need whatsoever to own a gun "for protection"?
    Yep, Sarah has been relinquished to end of the night "entertainment"

    Oh, and for the record, I concur with Esquire. Fuck You, John McCain (And not in a good way).

  51. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Sarah must have had some coke and a smile before that Screech. She is lacking in the Sex Department, Toad won't touch her, because she has gotten too old.

  52. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Please add Charles Pierce & Esquire to your labels on the right Grypen.

  53. Randall3:02 AM

    Sarah Palin is vulgar.
    Sarah Palin is stupid
    ...and mean.
    Sarah used to be good-lookin'.

    ...Sarah Palin is the perfect symbol of the Republican Party

  54. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Wow! Sarah's face is getting as lumpy as old McCain's.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.