Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sarah Palin curses another campaign with her endorsement.

This from Princess Political Pundit's Facebook page:

Ben Sasse is the clear conservative choice in the Nebraska Senate race. National Review calls him “Nebraska’s Obamacare Nemesis.” 

Of course that is not the ONLY reason that Palin likes this particular candidate:  

Ben is a leader we need in D.C. now. He won’t forget who sent him there because his life is firmly grounded in his small town Nebraska roots. His family goes to a church where his great-great grandpa carved the altarpiece that is still there today. Ben has his cornhusker common sense and his lovely wife Melissa and their three kids to remind him of what’s important. Melissa is a fellow “hockey mom” to both of Ben’s daughters who play hockey as the only girls on the boy teams. They’ll be able to remind their papa to “Fight like a girl!” in defense of We the People. 

Yep he goes to church, has common sense, and his wife is a fellow "hockey mom" (Though one hopefully more involved than Palin turned out to be.), so of course Sarah Palin will endorse him. 

According to The Hill Sasse is one of two front runners in a field of four Republicans competing to win the primary for the Senate seat left open by the retiring Sen. Mike Johanns (R-Neb).

Since Nebraska is a deeply red state having a Republican hold onto the Senate seat is not exactly earth shattering. However if Sasse wins it will be touted as a victory for those opposed to Obamacare, and will give critics of the Affordable Care Act new false hope that they can repeal the law.

Of course that will never happen, and already there is bipartisan support to improve the law rather than repeal the law. 

So essentially, if elected, Sasse will arrive in Washington as a saboteur and will do his part to obstruct and cripple any progress.

Yet another reason that Sarah Palin, who has time and time again demonstrated that she is a traitor to this country, would want to endorse this man.


  1. Sally in MI9:05 AM

    How come Sarah's grizzly daughters never played hockey? From what I've read, Sarah was only a 'hockey mom' to Track, and we know how well that turned out. Poor Ben, saddled with the Palin Curse.

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    How much $$$$$$ will SCARAH donate to him? We all know the answer.

    1. Caroll Thompson10:17 AM

      More like how much will he have to pay Sarah to show up in Nebraska and campaign for him?

    2. Anonymous11:57 AM

      I can't wait to see what wrinkly, ill-fitting clothing she will wear while she is screeching at the twenty people who show up for a free hot dog at one of his sad little rallies! And how gross will her hair and make-up be THIS TIME! LOL

  3. Anonymous9:28 AM

    O/T, but an update from the other day:

    Outside Beltway Media, Obama's "Between Two Ferns" Appearance is a Giant Hit

    While the beltway media is Truly Upset (TM) that the President of the United States went to Funny or Die to promote, in real America, the appearance seems to have worked tremendously well. Bill O'Reilly is super upset, other traditional media is crapping their pants, and the White House Press Corpse (no, I know, but is the 'e' really unnecessary?) bellyached about it to Press Secretary Jay Carney yesterday.

    In the mean time, the president's appearance has already had over 12 million views, sent nearly a million people to, and made traffic to jump by 40% in a single day. And to the dismay of the entire beltway media and conservative pundits, this time they did not have a story about how the flood of traffic broke website - because it didn't! And the people who actually watch the video are overwhelmingly impressed (see the yellow meter).

    The irony of the beltway media complaining is, of course, that had they done their jobs - instead of letting it out that they do not consider reporting the facts to be their job - and told the American people the truth about the Affordable Care Act, the president may not have needed to sidestep their freak show. If the beltway press had concentrated on reporting the facts about Obamacare rather than salivating over the politics and how Republicans were going to attack it, they might have saved themselves the embarrassment.

    But as Jay Carney put it, gone are the days when beltway broadcasters get to claim exclusive access to the president despite failing horribly at their jobs.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Poll: 64% Of Americans Say Obamacare Should Remain Law

    2. Boscoe10:47 AM

      "The irony of the beltway media complaining is, of course, that had they done their jobs - instead of letting it out that they do not consider reporting the facts to be their job - and told the American people the truth about the Affordable Care Act, the president may not have needed to sidestep their freak show. If the beltway press had concentrated on reporting the facts about Obamacare rather than salivating over the politics and how Republicans were going to attack it, they might have saved themselves the embarrassment."

      Statements like that is why we need a "like" button on here. :)

  4. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Check out Tboggs take on Sarah's Facebook post at The Raw

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Thanks! Lining her pocket...

      John McCain legacy highlight and Bible Belt yuckster Sarah Palin made a very important announcement on her ShoutyFace page yesterday that she is going to be making very important announcements on her ShoutyFace page real soon that will save our “free republic” from people who are just in it to “line their own pockets”.

      Let that sink in for a minute. I’ll wait….

      Well, okay, then.

    2. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Took your advice and read it. Really a funny article - and the comments are hilarious.

      Pat Padrnos

    3. @9:31
      Thanks for the link. Too funny and great links to the videos that were the beginning of America's great awakening of the daftness of the Quitter. Ah, what lovely memories...

    4. Anonymous1:49 PM

      TBogg is a treasure. Thanks for the link.

    5. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Love the cartoon pic of her there wearing angel wings/halo while spoutin' hate for dollars.

    6. Anonymous10:35 PM

      Gryphen you gotta post this!

  5. Anonymous9:42 AM

    This endorsing crap feeds her ego if nothing else. Truly wonder what the folks think that she 'appears' to be supporting? Remember, nothing is done by the Palins w/o some type of payback!

  6. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I get so tired of her cutesy buzzwords crap. Enjoy your "big time" endorsement, Ben. Hope you weren't expecting anything monetary.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Me too -- so sick of the repeating ad nauseam of catch phrases that RAM and company must think are so clever and creative.

      What about some straight plain talk... this is why I endorse the candidate, this is what he/she has done and this is what the candidate promises to do.

    2. Boscoe10:44 AM

      ...or to win.

  7. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:05 AM

    Wonder if the Wasilla Fortune Teller got a lifestyle loan from her puppetmasters after her desperate lounge act at CPAC? She's suddenly trying to look relevant and all patriot-like to collect the cashola from the rubes to repay it, right? I doubt she'll actually cough up the chips to donate to these "hand-picked" (read: throw darts at the Wheel of Palin Misfortune) endorsements. Or maybe this little Koch-fueled campaign blitz is a "do as we say, beeyotch, or we'll finally spill the beans" thing...

  8. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Iowa Two-Fer: Democrat Way Up In Senate Race And Hillary Clinton Holds Double-Digit Lead

  9. Anonymous10:22 AM

    OMG the GOP is desperate!!!

    It's Come To This: Joe Scarborough Is Officially Treated As A Presidential Contender

    1. Boscoe10:44 AM

      Frankly, he's measurably less stupid and insane than the rest of the clown car. Maybe not by a lot, but still...

    2. angela12:34 PM

      Joe has got a dead girl problem. Of course--in the modern day GOP this might help him win a primary in some of the more insane red states.

  10. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Sarah always said that everything she needed to learn about life she learned on the basketball court. New Google Earth photos show a brand new basket ball court at the Manor Palin in Maricopa County AZ. She can invite the Phoenix Suns over for some of her full court press.

    Safari is still the owner of record on the property. Taxes are about $ there is a bit more spend there than on the Safari cabins and so forth.

    All public record.....just sitting on my fat ass at the computer. Eating some homemade beef stew the didn't come out of a can or didn't require a tromp in the woods to shoot something.

  11. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I see old Sarah is still writing her own crap. Did RAM jump (I don't think so, I didn't feel the earth move) or was she pushed?

  12. Boscoe10:41 AM

    That's "pundint", Gryph. ;P

    1. Correctamundo. Not to be confused with the pun-dents she leaves in the family fridge when she's on a bender and also, too, drunk tweeting puns and other cliches about the founding fathers speaking truth to power as we live vibrantly because we eat from the bounty of the land therefore we hunt as to not hanging around with any prostitutes have you seen todd and with respect to other absurd word salad, she of the North Star be so as it may living vibrantly on a shining hill, with a servant's heart not lining the pockets of her mom jeans as the go-along-get-along inside-baseball corrupt cronies in Washington, DC elites, instead fighting like a girl as a grizzly mom, hey, it's gotta be about jobs and not the impotent, limp, lead-from-behind waffler-in-chief community organizer who wants to transform our conservative time-tested values from a patriotic, truly exceptional Freedom-loving constitutional republic of god-given freedumbs, exercising our moral leadership and entrepreneurial spirituality as we've instilled into our rugged, 2nd Amendment-respecting, exceptional blessed children who don't settle for free stuff and also too mavericky where do you think Putin goes Alaska, where you can actually see Russia, I'll find some and bring em to ya, Katie, you betcha. Amen

    2. Sorry I didn't stand my ground as a hockey mom but I had to get back to my cocktail and read IM and all of the great comments all of the wise members of the IM community along with our entertaining pet troll-tards who wander away from the Pond.

  13. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Another endorsement by Sarah that will be a winner
    Repeal Obamacare
    Impeach Obama
    Send Hussein and Moochelle back home to Kenya
    Take back our country

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Another failed endorsement by Sarah that will be another loser
      Expand Obamacare to single payer
      Obama finishes his 2nd term
      POTUS &FLOTUS return to Chicago and spend the rest of their lives inspiring others & raise 2 amazing college graduates
      The country continues to move forward, not back, with Hillary Clinton at the helm, leaving all you racist, sexist RWNJ's behind

      Sarah Palin continues to take in the bucks from you rubes while continuing to seek out reality TV opportunities for herself & her unemployed clan
      She continues to have plastic surgery on her face and will eventually succumb to drugs & anorexia and will just be an embarrassing footnote in American history.

      There fixed it for you.

    2. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Oh, you missed your "stand your ground" dog whistle, troll. You're slipping.

    3. Anonymous10:42 PM

      Send Sarah to visit the "country" of Africa so she can get another exorcism from her Kenyan witch doctor since the first one failed.

  14. That witch is purely insufferable. hahahaha corn husker, hockey mom, small town, fight like a girl, church, hate President Obama, and on and on like a movie audition. she done lost her mind...even more. Sounds like the bagger is running for middle-school president.

    Neither scenarios belong in our political process.

  15. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Not another one of Palin Teapublican frauds...

  16. Anonymous11:03 AM

    All I could think about as I watched the movie "Nebraska" was that those braindead people no doubt are able to find their way to a polling station, to yank the lever for yet another Republican who will ensure their continued failure to become anything more than welfare bums, and town drunks.

    I know it was a fictional show, not a documentary, but I have a strong feeling that if you actually go to Nebraska, and ask one of those rightwing rubes, how they are, the answer will be the same as in the movie, "Can't complain."

    Yes you CAN. Your elected representatives are doing absolutely nothing to help you! Most are bought and paid for by Monsanto, to put small farmers like you, out of business.

  17. Anonymous11:04 AM

    ACA-A coworker shared to another that early retirement might be feasible as her friend was able to buy health insurance at a more reasonable price. She explained that her friend, who has had heart conditions went to "that web site advertised" and he said it was quick and he had 20-25 plans to chose from. He was paying $1800 a month but now will pay $1k for better coverage!

    Then she said "it's not THAT Obamacare, he did not buy government health insurance".

    I informed her our government is not selling their own health insurance, that the website for insurance exchange her friend went to is ACA,, what some refer to as Obamacare.

    She became irate shouting "I won't be a dog in that fight!"

    I responded I sought to clear up misinformation out there.
    I thought so many people are missing out because of ignorant and gullible people who do not bother to fact check.

  18. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Ben Sasse was the pick of Conservatives Fund and also Club For Growth before Simple Sarah announced with a blaring trumpet for the strumpet facebook post blast.He sounds like another stellar T Party candidate, with quotes like this " I would solve the congressional gridlock by moving the Capitol to Nebraska so they can experience family conservative values and living within a budget" . You can't make this kind of idiocy up folks.

    All Palin does is follow the T Party herd, she finds out who other people are backing and tries to make it sound like SHE came up with this choice, a bigger scammer
    blowhard .half assed so called political pundit could never be found anywhere else.

  19. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Wow, that picture says a lot. Wife furthest from the husband (least important), all wimmin-folk dressed in their chaste fundy-gear, boy child dressed most stylishly and on his father's shoulders--the second most important person in that family next to the father.

    1. I'm with you. This photo gives me the creeps. So cult-like. I'm confused though. Palin says Melissa is hockey mom "to Ben's daughters." So the girls are not hers? :-)

    2. Anonymous1:14 PM

      I just re-read The Rogue last night and I had forgotten how absolutely fundy crazy Palin is. This family above fits her fundy framework to a T.

  20. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Awww, Sarah, you mad? LOL bitch, you know you've been up since the funny or die clip went viral, fantasizing that you're a tall, beautiful dark-skinned woman in a lovely dress at a State Dinner on the arm of our handsome, witty, intelligent, beloved President Barack Hussein Obama. We know why you hate Michelle so much that you can't resist taking nasty swipes at her when she's never said a bad word to you. SHE IGNORES YOU BITCH and so does her husband. You are nothing, a fear-mongering piece of shit...a tiresome yet endless well of negativity and spite. A bitter, vicious shrew who pretends to have all the answers but you can't let the world know unless we worship you, send you money, follow your commands, and beg forgiveness for not picking you over Obama.

    You may have some money now but when your sorry life is over people will travel to whatever shithole of a town you're buried in just to piss on your grave for decades afterward. You are the worst thing to ever happen to this country's political discourse. You frighten and hurt people, play games with their lives and then berate and insult them for being hurt or for asking you to back up all your lofty fucking pronouncements with a little bit of actual WORK. I'd think you're the devil but there's no way Satan is as fucking stupid as you are. Take an extra handful of pills tonight, bitch.

  21. Anonymous12:13 PM

    "His family goes to a church where his great-great grandpa carved the altarpiece that is still there today" is that an example of a list of qualifications for office in her little brain? He hates Obama, is delusional enough to think Obama even knows he's alive much less fears him, and his grandpa carved the altar piece at the family church?? People who are struggling to get by are supposed to be worried about this kind of stupid, petty, trivial shit? He's an Obamacare Nemesis (oooo, scary!), ok, but the law is the law you aren't gonna make it go away. So what has he ever done for anyone? Just like you, not a fucking thing. Get the fuck out of here you idiot bitch. Too bad that work ethic you're always preaching about doesn't extend to putting any information that's even slightly reality-based in that empty skull of yours. You suck.

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      The minute someone mentions their religion in a campaign I totally lose respect for him or her. It's one of my hangups with Obama as well, that he is a christian. I don't trust religious people; religion is symptomatic of mental illness. The ability to deny reality and believe in a fairy tale speaks volumes about a person's mental state and I don't want someone like that in a position of power.

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      "His family goes to a church where his great-great grandpa carved the altarpiece that is still there"

      If he and his family disapprove of some new members who dance and/or allow the women to wear pants, etc. so he quits the church, he will take that fucking piece of wood with him, saying "It's MINE, MINE, MINE, goddammit, and all of you are now damned to hell with Obummer and Moochie and libruls and teh gays and blah people!!!"

    3. Anita Winecooler6:30 PM

      My great great grandpa built a house with his bare hands. It's a four unit apartment building. Woo Hoo! So did thousands of others.

      A little less religion a lot more politics, please.

  22. Anonymous12:23 PM

    11:54, I'm on board with all that, every word.

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Me too, also. Any of it. All of it.

  23. RAW STORY continues to dump scorn on the TUNDRA TURD:

    According to whomever re-assembles Sarah’s divinely-inspired glossolalia into approximations of ideas, Sarah’s Shecky of the Tundra routine last week at CPAC was a clarion call to America that it “needs bold Constitutional conservative leaders who will fight for us with intelligence and integrity to restore our exceptional nation and preserve the blessings of liberty and prosperity” which is her round-about way of telling us that she sure as hell won’t be running again.

    But buck up, Little Patriots. Via her SarahPac grift organization (donation request email to follow), Sarah will be anointing many lucky candidates across this Great Land Of Ours with her endorsement, or ‘taint’, as it is known in some circles. And don’t think that Sarah hasn’t give her choices some really deep vetting.....

  24. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Sarah has probably been told by the FEC that having her PAC pay major expenses to promote her book was just this side of not being what the PAC money was for. Yes, the War on Christmas book had some politics in it, but promoting your own book, really! Sarah also used major amounts of PAC money for travel, hotel and related expenses, spending far more than the speech or the book or the event warranted. She used her PAC like a free credit card. Now, she has to actually look political, endorsing candidates. Besides, it doesn't cost her much. Just the consultants fee for: "Find the Tea Party Candidate in Each Election." This is supposed to offset that huge expense of driving around the country in a big wrapped bus, promoting herself and her PAC and pretending to run for president. Facebook posts don't cost anything (except a consultant's fee), and it makes Sarah look political. Otherwise, donating $5,000. per filing period is the cheap end of misusing that PAC as her personal slush fund. And,she probably is still using that PAC as her personal slush fund.

  25. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Grow up everyone.

    You're all just jealous or you would all get a life and quit hating on Sarah just because she lives her righteous life living vibrantly in private as our Real President and a Grizzly Mom.

    With a servant's heart, Sarah spends very wisely all the $$$ that her fans send to her SarahPAC as donations. Why should anyone expect her to spend more than 4.6% of the total amount received on contributions to support the campaigns for OTHER candidates who don't work nearly as hard as $arah does, and only 95.4% on Sarah's first class travel, fine dining, salaries and perks for hard-working family members and friends that have bills to pay also, too, and for expensive attorney's fees for representing her daughter in family court and for negotiating with reality shows to pay Sarah what she's worth in ratings, as she expands the footprint of her media empire.

    Also, Sarah needs the latest intelligence to provide expert commentary to the American public as their leader, so it's good that the PAC pays for consultants to help her because she is so busy that she doesn't even have time to "run" or to do hot yoga every day because she's so busy raising her family and leading the country.

    Don't you people know that Sarah has a DS son whom she gave birth to, even after she knew he would be disabled? Don't even libs realize that Sarah lives a frontier life, hunting to feed her family and getting out in a canoe before dawn in the dead of winter to shoot ducks, just as she did before school with her dad when she was in middle school?

    Speaking of Sarah's servant heart--- > Don't you know that Sarah provides for needy teenagers that hang out in Todd's floatplane hangar and smoke pot all day long?

    Seriously, just where do you think that they go to get Cheetos and Diet Dr Peppers for their pot munchies? No, not Putin or even Obamacare. That's right, Sarah buys that shit by the case, just to be prepared if Bristol brings all her kids over, and Willow, also too, so she can provide healthy, organic snacks to all of her hard-working children and her grandkids throughout the day until she gets off work and can pick up some crunch wraps for everyone from Taco Bell.

    I'm going to send $100 to SarahPAC on the 1st of the month as always do. Eating less food has helped me reduce my weight from 135 lbs to a more svelte 82 pounds. I just turned 68 years old, my daughters and my daughters-in-law complain that I'm starving myself to look like Sarah, but they're just jealous and hate Sarah because she's so beautiful.

    Grow up people

  26. Anita Winecooler6:23 PM

    HA HA HA HA! The autumnal burst of color, the obligatory unisex outfits for the parents and Walmart clothes for the fruit of their loins. Who's missing in that photo? Hmmm

    Excellent Endorsement. Time to take a third mortgage on the house causes Sarah Palin and her pom poms are anything but good luck.

  27. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Hey, wait, Sarah, don't sell that bus. You'll need it to drive around the country, endorsing candidates. You do need to justify your PAC by finally endorsing candidates, otherwise it would look as if your PAC was just your personal slush fund.

    1. physicsmom9:45 AM

      She endorsed him, but did she give him any money? The slush fund may still be in tact. Endorsements are free.

  28. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Funny how she likes that his whole family goes to church yet Sarah herself never attends any church at all except for exorcisms.

  29. physicsmom9:43 AM

    Sen. Mike Johanns??? Who the hell is he? I'm pretty much up on Senatorial politics and I've never heard of him. The inference to me is that he has done nothing, said nothing, or proposed nothing but collected his salary from the American people. Sounds like welfare to me.

  30. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Psst, Sarah!

    You may want to read this Politico article about your so-called "Obamacare Nemesis"... sounds like his "Neme" has been "sissed."

    Ben Sasse aided firm implementing Obamacare


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It just goes directly to their thighs.