Friday, May 09, 2014

A nostalgic look back at "Life's a Tripp." Or as it is now known, evidence for the defense.

Wow, such a delightful person is she not?

So many of you sent me this clip recently that I thought I better put it on the blog., along with the news that Bristol is now allowing Levi to have Tripp every other weekend until the hearing at the end of July.

As you may remember I predicted that Bristol would be cooperative up until the hearing so as to convince the judge that she was a reasonable person.

Of course all the judge has to do is pay attention to the number of times that Bristol refused to let Levi see his son, took Tripp out of state for a number of flimsy reasons, and of course episodes of her crappy reality show, to determine that such is not the case.

If I were Bristol, and had all of this video evidence working against me, I would settled this thing quickly and agree to whatever terms Levi and Sunny set. Especially before there is any real digging into what Bristol has been doing with her time while she is out of state supposedly living as a struggling single mother.

But as a potential witness to the proceedings, I kind of hope she doesn't.


  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    WOW! A 'possible witness' which means that you will not be allowed to observe the proceedings.

    This will really piss Todd Palin off because he is not going to be able to bully you!! If he is stupid enough to try doing so, he could end up in jail and put on trial himself!

    This could get even more interesting! Bristol is going to regret everything she has said that is of record and easily accessible.

    1. "witness to the proceedings," not an actual witness called to give testimony.


    2. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Oh, Gryphen - I'm so sorry. Totally misread that! My error!

    3. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Mini me Brissie is such a dumbass self serving skanK! I hope the judge gives Tripp to Levi and Sunny.
      Fuck her. What happened to all her "other" kids? We know queen skank stole TriG but what of the godchild aka DWTS baby and Junkies kids and all of Wallows kids except the little girl who we've seen? WHERE ARE THEY?
      Bristiles is a obnoxious cow no wonder she can't find a man.

    4. Anonymous3:16 PM

      2:28 PM, any man that ends up with Mini Me Brissie isn't much of a man.

    5. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Hey G did you ever look at this Palin email link?

    6. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Wow! Is the troll in a Coma?
      I thought this would be up to 200 comments by now.
      Maybe the cops locked her up? Maybe palin mafia crushed her knuckles?

    7. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Jesse, who is the Michael Cummings bp got the restraining order against this week and for what reason?

    8. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Wasn't Michael "CoolChange" Cummings one of Baldy's seriously NUTTY followers?

      Long time Asylum watchers should remember he's the guy that when Baldy said she wasn't running he lost his shit and wrote all kinds of fucked up (TRUE) shit about Baldy! When he was banned...he took to his Twitter to finish the job!

      Then something must have happened because he apologized and tried to get back in the Asylum but it was too he's been spending the last few years going from one Baldy article to another talking about how wonderful Baldy is...he also started leaving creepy ass messages to Beefy on her FB page!

      He's like that crazy ass Exodus...both of them are two sides of the crazy coin! Of course they are Baldy's Number 1 FANS! LOL!!!

    9. Anonymous6:02 PM

      4:31 : wanna bet that that troll was Bar$tool, and $he is trying to be on her best behavior, in order to influence the judge in her favor!

    10. Anonymous6:39 PM

      I've seen a Michael Cummings posting to most status updates on Bristol's FB page. Why would she go after him - again - and then allow him to post to nearly every status of hers after the fact? He and Krusty can always be counted on to comment on her FB status updates.

    11. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Shit, I'd just love if Gryph was called as a character witness. A girl can dream!

      MUAH from Oregon, Gryph!

    12. Anonymous3:22 AM

      Where are Gino and Joey? They should be called as witnesses to how many babies Bristles has or had.

    13. Anonymous7:10 AM

      Gino hangs in Arizona from time to time, learning the ropes from nefarious relatives. Joey is coming out of his bed ridden stage and may walk again. Both Joey and Sarah's Nancy French blog said F-U to the game they were playing regarding friends with benefits and playing a couple and parents for Tripp. You know, if it looks like a marriage relation people might think Tripp's mother can give him stability.

      It seems they had to change the script when the family had to reunite in Alaska to try and save face and act like a 'family values' group for the court. Hench, trial husbands are no longer their favorite public relation ploy.

    14. Anonymous8:46 AM

      The judge should ask what means of support Bristles has? Who pays her bills, including lawyer bills? Is she employed, then show pay stubs. Levi and Sunny are self supporting, good role models for the child. Bristles will lead him into a life of grifting, trying to get reality shows, not getting an education, or gainful employment.

    15. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Some of her financial wranglings should be revealed. Sarah stated that she paid for the skin school diploma. Bristol must be seen everyday back at work in Anchorage at the job she has claimed to have all this time. She takes Tripp to nanny, school or wtf? every morning and picks him up... you know she is very visible.

      She has made so much money and done so well that she bought a pontoon for Alaska summers although she's been known to spend a lot of time in Arizona.

    16. Anonymous2:21 PM

      When someone buys or gifts you a school diploma, how does that work with the IRS? Does she need to report that as income?

  2. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Who is calling you to be a possible witness, Gryphen? Is it the Palin side to try and discredit you?

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Anonymous12:17 PM

      Who is calling you to be a possible witness, Gryphen? Is it the Palin side to try and discredit you?
      Epic Fail Concern didn't get your 01 for that comment.

    2. Anonymous3:24 AM

      12:17 The PayMe's have no "character" the evidence is there, from their numerous reality shows, otherwise known as the "ripping off Alaskan taxpayers" shows.

  3. Anonymous12:32 PM

    "Witness to," people. Not "witness for."

  4. Anonymous12:33 PM

    That is so sweet of you, Gryphen, to give our neighborhood fairy-tale palinbot something to do on Friday night. Otherwise, she's be home rewatching Life's a Tripp and DWTS and grooming her home-made Bristol Doll.

    1. Anonymous12:33 PM


      I thought the same thing! Poor troll should be here any minute now!

      Y'all better get your comments in before the Palin ass lickers takes over the entire post!

      Happy NO LIFE Friday Troll!


    2. Anonymous1:13 PM we all watch the Feedjit Live Traffic feed.
      Here kitty kitty kitty!


    3. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Hey Gina got your google alert set for RAM and IM?

      Because just a few minutes ago

  5. Anonymous12:48 PM

    She gives me the creeps.
    A Mommie Mini-Me if there ever was one.

    1. Anonymous3:26 AM

      Also, too many fillers in her face and Botox. Trying to be Kim Kardasian, with a face thet can not move?

  6. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Bristol has two arguments going for her:

    As one bot wrote, Levi and Bristol are "still children." In other words, she has not developed the mental or emotional capacity to care for her son.

    Or, she was young and immature then, but now she's grown up to be a responsible adult.

    But Bristol is closer to 24 than 23. In anyone's book, she's old enough to behave sensibly and reliably. She can't convince the judge that her recent actions have been trustworthy, or that her past failures haven't harmed her child. She won't ever admit that she's not a fit parent, or that she got pregnant on purpose, hoping to snare Levi through blackmail.

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Considering the mental and emotional state of her mother, I'd say the chances of Bristol maturing are next to none. Tripp needs his Dad.

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Sorry, but in the United States after age 18 you are considered an adult by the court system and BTW she was in her 20's when that was filmed.

    3. Anonymous2:33 PM

      I want to hear about the part that Levi
      got "Remarried" clearly stated in some docs that were posted online.
      I have always thought that was the case since Levi could of just submitted modification orders at anytime without a lawyer.
      Also since Princess Dumbass did weddings at Kmart...she prob married Levi & Barstool before they told Tawdry the dreaded news about TriG.

    4. Anonymous6:09 AM

      Just curious.... is this a husband? He is wearing a ring.

      Can someone date the hair style?

  7. Anonymous12:59 PM

    The Palin curse strikes again:
    Sarah Palin endorses Michael Grimm in congressional run

    Staten Island Rep. Michael Grimm hit with 20-count indictment on federal fraud, tax charges

  8. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Carry on Bristol, The Viginator.
    guess where

    1. Anita Winecooler6:15 PM


      Who can forget this gem?

    2. Anonymous5:07 AM


    3. Anonymous7:54 AM

      ooops... The Virginator
      Carry on Bristol

  9. LisaB25951:06 PM

    There will be no quick settlement because that would amount to admitting she was wrong. She's too much her mother's daughter to admit to doing anything wrong.

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      The time for any settlement is well past, the judge will decide now.

    2. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Bristol barely exists. It is her mother's attorney and Sarah. If need be they will send B. to acting classes and give her a script. She is Sarah's tool.

    3. Anonymous3:18 PM

      We already know she lies in court!

    4. Anonymous4:21 PM

      @3:18 am; absolutely! Who can forget her crocodile tears as she wailed about being 'all alone in the woods' and terrified, when in fact you can see the hotel from their house, and the Secret Service team was on duty protecting the house. Not to mention the landline telephone mounted on the wall and the cellphones they all had.

    5. Anonymous5:03 PM

      She's such a piece of work. Don't forget David Kernell either! She flat out perjured herself.

    6. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Bristles in an acting class?? Hope that works out better than those dancing classes turned out.

    7. Anonymous11:54 AM

      7:45 AM - She manage to act or lie her way through the Federal Court case when they wanted revenge on the college student who dared to guess a password.

      It may be her forte to lie. Some people have that talent.

  10. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Bristol should not insult Levi in front of Tripp. Maybe I should say that loud enough for Bristol to hear. BRISTOL NOT INSULT LEVI IN FRONT OF TRIPP, AND SHE HAD BETTER NOT BE DISCUSSING THE COURT CASE IN FRONT OF TRIPP, EITHER.

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Too late. Besides, she also - and ESPECIALLY insulted him on National TV, for all to see, record, and notice. The lawyer for Levi could have a field day with all the evidence.
      Hoping, that he/she is worth the big bucks!

  11. Anonymous1:29 PM

    A question for Levi's lawyer to ask Bristol about her source of income: How much is Bristol paid by Sarah's PAC and/or by Nancy French for the posts on her blog and facebook? Bristol is not smart enough to be searching the internet for little-known stories. I can understand Nancy subscribing to a service that alerts her to every abortion story or every heart warming story about a kid with DS. Bristol? Listening to her talk, she doesn't sound smart enough to do that kind of research and writing. She sounds barely smart enough to be writing troll comments.

    I am curious about why Bristol is so caught up in the anti-abortion movement. Did she really want to have the choice of having a child, and cutting short her own childhood? Did she really want to be put on the national stage and pointed out as an unwed teen mother? Did she really want to endorse abstinence, when she admitted to Greta that it didn't work? Could there be some psychology at work here, Bristol couldn't have an abortion, there no one else can have one.

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Somehow, I have the feeling that she had one of those 'white-outs' like her mother did, and feels really guilty and can not get over it. That is why she is dwelling on this topic ad nauseum. She has enough money to afford a good shrink for herself, but of course she is too greedy, wanting more and more material things.

    2. Anonymous2:26 PM

      @1;48 Good thinking. The DWTS baby, or was she too far along by then? I wonder if there were times when Bristol wished that she had the option of abortion instead of being told that she would be the symbol of right-to-life. We haven't even considered how many pregnancies we're talking about.

    3. Anonymous2:58 PM

      It's Nancy French, who is on the God Squad big time (also the Religion Will Make Me Rich and Famous Squad).

      I doubt Bristol even knows what's on her website.

    4. Anonymous5:54 PM

      The Chin is just latching on to the abortion thang as a last resort to have something phony to talk about as an "advocate."

      This barely educated, barely articulate young woman has no job, no desire to better herself -- her idea of using money wisely is to buy a pontoon boat to have cruise parties on dead Lake Louise in gravel land (Wasilla). She can be listed under Screech's "postage." It will be so interesting to see the crap that piles up against this $arah tit sucker.

    5. Anonymous3:33 AM

      Didn't $carah say that Bristles may run for political office? Just because the Alaskan voters were suckered once by this family, don't think it will happen again. Arizona, maybe, after all Little Johnny Mac has survived all these years. I wonder where his wife was at the WH Dinner, since lard-ass Meghan was his "date"

    6. Anonymous6:14 AM

      Didn't $carah say that Bristles may run for political office? They were setting things up for that. It may have more to do with getting her a Pac for financial gain.

    7. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Well, Bristles would HAVE to run as a repub. The democrats like their candidates with BRAINS, and college degrees also, too.

  12. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Damn what happened to Bristol's lips? They didn't look so puffy in high school.

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      She's far from the fresh face she was in '08, that's for sure.

    2. Anonymous3:34 AM

      1:33 Those lips have been working hard since high school, doncha know?

  13. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Is it true that girls that like to polish knobs end up with bigger lips?

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      No. You can ask how I know, but I'll never tell.

  14. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Which trial "husband" was that? The one she left on the side of the road?

  15. Anonymous2:22 PM

    My favorite episode was the one when Bristol cooked a Valentines Day dinner for whoever was her boy friend of the moment (Gino?) There was so much wrong in that episode.
    1. Bristol did not know how to cook a chicken. (She had a computer. It's easy enough to look up recipes and you tube videos of how to cook a chicken).
    2. She had a silly quarrel with Willow, and Willow was smart enough to remove herself from the scene. The problem for Bristol was that Willow was the one who knew how to cook the chicken.
    3. Tripp ate sweets before dinner so he wasn't hungry. He climbed over the furniture and wouldn't sit still. (Note: That might be a good time to stop the cameras, have talk with Tripp and expect some good manners. Oh, what was I thinking, we're talking about Bristol).
    4. Tripp played with lit candles. Bristol should have removed the candles and warned Tripp about getting burned. She did nothing.
    5. The episode showed that Bristol was more interested in cooking a special dinner for her boy friend than in taking care of Tripp. He was neglected, and he acted out to get attention.
    6. I have a feeling that every other episode showed the same problems. Kicking Gino out of the car in the middle of nowhere may have been a stunt for the camera, but it could have seemed very real to Tripp. What if Bristol kicked him to the side of the road next?
    7. Everyone remembers the famous "drops the F bomb." What was on display were Bristol and Willow, sitting on the sofa, teasing Tripp. Oh, look at the beautiful swimming pool. No, you can't go in the beautiful swimming pool.(No reason gvien). Tripp is the child, and he reacted as children do, wanting to go swimming. Bristol could have explained that they would go tomorrow, that the kids in the pool were too rowdy, that Tripp could take his pool toys in the bath tub. No, she and Willow played at wannabe-Kardashians, gabbing on the sofa.
    8. How about the episode where Bristol teaches Tripp to stick his tongue out at photographers?

    1. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Anonymous2:22 PM
      Can you imagine the OUTAKES on that show?

    2. Anonymous3:47 PM

      3:07: Think we can pool our pennies and buy them?

    3. Anita Winecooler6:07 PM

      My favorite was the two sisters and Propp arriving at a hollywood mansion, drop their bags, make a bee line for the bathroom and ask Propp "what is that? (bidet) and he answers "A fountain?" and the two sisters, ding and bat laugh and giggle and prattle on like hillbillies.

    4. Anonymous8:42 PM

      In her nutty mind she probably thought her bad parenting responses to his behavior just made for good “reality” TV. But, I can’t help but think putting a little boy in front of a camera is a form of child abuse. He doesn’t know the difference between reality and “reality” TV. Everything to him is very real, very present and no doubt confusing. How can a loving, mature, empathetic and responsible parent allow this? Well, actually a loving, mature, empathetic and responsible parent wouldn’t.

    5. Anonymous11:31 PM

      I think the most damning episode happened when Bristol left Gino at a gas station. Tripp was wailing and Dipshit comforts him by telling him she will get him a new daddy. I would be livid if I were Levi OR the judge.

    6. Anonymous3:37 AM

      I wonder how much these "trial husbands/daddies" are PAID?

    7. Anonymous5:23 AM

      11:31 PM

      Tiemessen will try and convince the judge she is a great actress. Tripp should have been given an Emmy for his performance. If Tiemessen is half the lawyer (with half the connections, Chief Justic John Roberts) Sarah thinks he is, Bristol won't have to spend much time bothering with going to court or mediation. That is why Mommie Dearest's brand is paying the big bucks. Bristol can remain sequestered and shacking up with the latest trial hub.

    8. Anonymous4:53 PM

      I have my fingers crossed that the Massey brothers are called to testify about who the kids were when they mentioned "We hardly hung out at the house because of those babies" (from memory).

  16. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Tripp was too small when this whole shindig went down. But sooner or later, he will see and hear about the shenanigans his mother did, how she talked about his father -like 'wishing he was not his father', and he will see how his mother treated his father in public, for the whole world to see. He will see that she shot the book his father wrote, kind of implying that she wished it was not just the book. At the latest by that point, he will be totally confused and angry and upset with his mother, and he most likely will take his anger out on her or someone else.
    He will be mercilessly teased in high school (IF he ever gets to go to school...).
    Good luck, kiddo! I hope, your father and his wife will be afforded primary custody, because THEN you have a chance at a decent life.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      You're 100% wrong. Tripp definitely understood, "We'll get you a new daddy" after he had been instructed to call Gino 'Daddy' and Gino had been dumped on the roadside. If you think he didn't understand that, you know zip about children.

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      You are correct, 6:03 pm. I forgot about that incident (no TV here...), but was rather focused on the verbiage of those two hillbilly daughters as well as on the shooting-the-book video.
      I can imagine that he was QUITE shocked at that incident, and probably had some nightmares afterwards, worrying about him being the next one to be put out of the car if he did not please his mom in every way.

    3. Anonymous8:45 PM

      I was pretty shocked by the behavior of the two sisters. They have victim speech down to a science. What shallow women they have become.

    4. Anonymous5:38 AM

      3:45 PM

      Bristle stated she did 'Life's a Tripp' for Propp to have a memory. Like a video album he can view and look back at the 'good' times and see how much his mother loves him. Yes, she is that sick and twisted. Even if he can block out that nightmare, where he was used to destroy his father and other abuse, he and his future friends and family can relive and go over and over his mother's token of love to Propp. Old Grannie cheers it all on by expressing how proud she is and how real it is. Her daughter wanted everyone to see and know who she really is. The latter was her best success.

    5. Anonymous9:30 AM

      "struggling single mother"? I do not know ANY mother who can leave their job (she claims to work in Anchorage) take off for Arizona on a whim, buy a house there, plus a house and pontoon boat in Alaska. We should all be "struggling" ;like that. The ONLY struggle she has is finding willing trial husbands to stick around for a few months at a time. When will she learn that getting pregnant does NOT mean a guy will marry you. At this rate, Bristles will NEVER have the camo wedding she dreams about.

    6. Levi's book was a proxy for Levi himself; no judge is going to miss that little bit of innuendo. That it was done in the presence of their child, and she took such great delight in doing so, is reprehensible.

  17. Anonymous4:00 PM

    This young "lady" is damaging her son every time she says disparaging remarks about his father, and lets not forget how she insinuated that her child was conceived from a possible rape. Now who says that type of thing about the other parent when it isn't true? A very unhealthy manipulative mom, the judge should order she seek professional help.

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Rape my @ss. FACT that Bristol moans loud and loves it.

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      EXACTLY, 5:06! Remember, Mercede (Levi's sister) wrote about it in her blog, when they had some relative come and spend the night. The next morning, that male relative took Levi aside told him to put a muzzle on Brisket, because it was so super embarrassing to hear her moaning.

    3. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Thanks, 6:07 PM! What I was referring to!

    4. Anonymous9:32 AM

      She also told Levi "I hope you are not the father" which means there was someone else "raping" her!! All a guy has to do is buy her a Big Mac and large fries, and she is raring to go.

  18. Anita Winecooler6:01 PM

    How old is Bristol? Isn't she something close to 24 or 25? This short clip shows her vindictive side, and there's tons more on her blog, reality shows, television interviews and mad rantings as an abstinence advocate who happens to he a hypocrite and has a child.

    She took a gun, loaded it, and shot her ex boyfriend's book, the father she chose to have a child with because why? They ran out of clay pigeons? What are the chances that Tripp will mature and actually understand her motives?
    I'd like the judge to check the cell tower pings from the reality show when Bristol faked calling Levi and the ensuing drama hot flashes she had?
    I don't care about the money aspects, she has no right to use her child as a weapon by not allowing the father to see his kid. She shouldn't take that boy out of Alaska without notification/permission.

    Say what you will about Levi, he's been consistent, stable and sincere. I've never seen him disparage Bristol publicly, and I'm sure there were times he wanted to. Tripp deserves better.

    1. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Yeah, the judge is going to be so impressed by Willow harassing Sunny with a dozen phone calls and Bristol using Tripp as bait to try and trick Levi into performing on her disgusting little show. It's all going to come out, Bristol. You are fucked.

    2. Anonymous3:41 AM

      One thing is for sure, if Levi HAD gone on her show, the ratings would have been higher. He is interesting, the PayMe's not so much!!

    3. Anonymous7:58 AM

      What chance does Tripp have to be educated outside the Palin cult? If Sunny and Levi aren't so inclined they will have to work things out with Sarah (through Bristol). Tripp may think shooting the book with a gun is cool and awesome like the idiots that surround him. I don't know Levi's philosphy but he must have his own love of guns. Who names a precious little girl after a weapon? That is cool and awesome in some cultures. Tripp can watch all the gun mythology his family films for him. His warrior uncle's claim to fame is learned to kill in the Army, his grandparents kill to fill freezers. It is all gun oriented. You have no penis if you don't have a gun. Tripp has probably already had that ingrained in his psyche. His grandmother's fashion statement is to draw a cartoon penis on her pants, even women must have gun/penis.

      Fake calling Levi, that example scene of cruel manipulation was one of the most hurtful and repugnant. HARD TO WATCH if you like children at all.

      Agree. I haven't seen Levi disparage Bristol. He tried to fight back against the Palins but he was always nice as could be about Bristol. I think because he always had his son in mind and would not want him to hear or read about his father doing what his mother did. Fortunate for Tripp that he has one stand up parent that loves.

  19. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Pity the judge who has to sit through this evidence?

  20. Anonymous6:55 PM

    "As a culture, shouldn’t we be more compassionate to innocent people – especially those who are less fortunate? Shouldn’t we be willing to say that some things just are not funny?" - Bristol Palin, all the while attacking Andrea Fay Friedman

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      That wasn't Bristol.
      That was Nancy French.

    2. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Excuse me, Bristol and Nancy, the words "less fortunate" are an unfortunate choice of words. It makes Andre sound inferior in some way. Less fortunate? That must mean that the two of you are more fortunate. That's awful!

    3. Anonymous8:19 PM

      That wasn't Nancy French. It was Bristo/RAM on the attack against a cartoon they never watched, trying to get some attention for Sarah Palin. Nobody had even met Nancy French at the time.

    4. Anonymous7:13 AM

      My brain thanks you for clarifying. :)

  21. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Bristol is a conniving bitch, just like her mother. Also too Willow. Piper? I suspect she will be the worst of all.

  22. Willow looks post-partum in that video as she is seated on the sofa with Bristol and the other young man. Her face looks very round and puffy and her tummy appears to be quite ample. Maybe, maybe not.

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      She was pregnant, another case of 9 month mono.

  23. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Jeez Louise, I never noticed before how whiney her voice is!

    1. Anonymous5:20 AM

      She's Mini-Me. Whomever here dubbed her that was spot ON.

  24. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Sorry, I thought this was so funny

    Peter Paplawsky Keep your hair like this picture, Sarah. Looks professional for a politician and less like a truck stop waitress.

  25. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I can't believe the troll is MIA on this post. Normally she/he/they would be going full force on a post like this.

    The projection coming from Bristol in this clip is off the hook. She can't believe Levi wrote a book when he hasn't graduated....huh? What a vile and vindictive mini-me indeed.

  26. Anonymous7:47 AM

    The trolls must have gone shopping at Costco to stock up for their hideaway at the Rainbow Bridge Lodge Camp or someplace they can be incognito.

    Someone may have clued them into how much the troll lies hurt the entire Palin cult clan.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      You mean Toad's "girls" do double duty when business at the Rainbow Lodge is slow, by writing on these blogs? Isn't it bad enough they have to share clothes and shoes with $carah?

  27. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Why does Tripp get to visit his father only every other weekend? Why can't he stay with his father every other week?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.