Thursday, May 01, 2014

Newly declassified documents indicate that British officials thought that Ronald Reagan was a "bozo" and were incredulous that he was elected President.

Courtesy of the Daily Beast:  

Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan were often portrayed as geo-political soul mates, but government files declassified in London on Wednesday expose a deep British disdain for the president who was described in official papers as homophobic, uninformed, disinterested and, not to put too fine a point on it, “a Bozo.” 

The British Foreign Office files seen by The Daily Beast show that Prime Minister Thatcher was warned President Reagan had little interest in world affairs and was unable to sustain a serious conversation about contemporary politics. 

The damning critiques, which expressed sheer incredulity that this man could occupy the White House, were shared at the highest levels of government before and after Reagan’s first State Visit to Britain in 1982. 

Despite the hostility of her advisors, Thatcher appeared to strike up a close relationship with Reagan based on their shared values. They loudly battled Communism together and were determined to vanquish the post-war economic consensus, which had been based on the work of John Maynard Keynes, in favor of trickle-down economics and low taxes. 

Successive British ambassadors in Washington were deeply unimpressed with the former California governor, however. Sir Nicholas Henderson, who was in the job when Reagan was elected, described him as a dogmatic and simplistic man. “He has clear-cut opinions, not to say prejudices, as was apparent to me when he told me à propos Keynes that it must not be forgotten that he was a homosexual,” Henderson wrote in his United States Annual Review of 1981.

Anti-intellectual,  anti-gay, anti-comprehension, oh yeah that was the Ronald Reagan that we knew and loathed here in the U.S..

Sir Oliver Wright, who replaced Henderson as the British Ambassador, was even less impressed with Reagan.  

Wright was aghast to find that smart and serious political operatives in D.C. appeared happy to work under Reagan’s leadership. “No one in Washington smirks when they are expounding the President’s views or communicating his policies,” he said. “No one in official and hardly anyone in non-official Washington decries his want of powers of analysis or his inability to argue a closely reasoned case.” 

Wright’s summation of the twin threads of the Administration’s policy objectives was equally damning. He described Reaganomics as “unsophisticated… it’s component parts self-contradictory” and his foreign policy as cartoonish and based on Reagan’s Wild West heritage. “California is on the look out for baddies and Public Baddie No 1 is the Soviet Union… baddies, as we all know, have only one proper fate: to bite the dust.”

Of course fortunately for Reagan there was Mikhail Gorbachev to usher in perestroika and do the dirty work in Russia, and allow Ronnie to take the lion's share of the credit.

Is it any wonder that a certain political lightweight choose him as her role model?

Palin at Reagan ranch

Since the British found Reagan so distasteful one can only imagine how upset they were by the election of George W. Bush in 2000. And if by some miracle Palin HAD been elected as the VP in 2008 perhaps they would have stopped returning our calls altogether.


  1. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Cool, now I can proudly say I have a lot in common with British officials. Electing him Guv of CA threw me for a loop and seeing him elected as Prez nearly made me leave the country.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      I believe Alzheimer's was already affecting Reagan while he was still president. I would like to see Alzheimer's testing mandated and the results published for the president and about 5 people that might succeed him/her.

    2. Reagan was definitely affected by Alzheimer's before he left office. His wife would often tell him what to say or give him the word he was looking for. I believe its pretty well accepted by historians he had Alzheimer's while in office, particularly in his second term.

    3. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Sure he had Alzheimer's and Nancy was running the show. He probable thought he was on a movie set the whole time, like when he use to reminisce about his "heroics" in WWII, turns out it was a character in a movie.
      Or when he came up with the name of Star Wars- he wanted a shield built to protect the US from missiles, he got the name from the movie.

    4. Ailsa7:17 PM

      A friend of mine was given some sort of small business award, which included lunch with Reagan.

      He said the was the oddest experience. He was seated with Reagan on one side and Don Regan, Chief of Staff, on the other. My friend tried to make conversation with the POTUS. He said Reagan never uttered a word, just sat there with a foolish smile on his face, and Don Regan answered for him.

      This was 1985.

  2. Anonymous2:46 PM

    We are starting to view the future, already, as misogynistic postings on Facebook are appearing, before Hillary even announces.

    I asked one such dentally challenged person to put forth a single Republican candidate that won't make the other world leaders break out in laughter, if he's elected.

    Silence ensued.

    I guess even the most batshit rightwinger has no trouble imagining Donald Trump telling the Queen of England that she's fired.

  3. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Sarah's getting torn a new asshole again today & probably for many days to come until she learns how to sit down and shut up with her hatred. She deserves it more than anyone on the political scene I can think of for all the harm she's caused and keeps on causing OUR country. Hope she read the comments there!

    Palin goes too far, again

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      dumb bitch stepped in it again...please proceed, governor.

  4. Anonymous2:53 PM

    And in other surprising news: Dumbya wants Jeb to run!

    "George Bush Wants His Brother Jeb To Run For President"

    "“I hope Jeb runs,” Bush told CNN. “I think he would be a great president. I have no clue what’s on his mind and we will talk when he’s ready. I noticed he’s moving around the country quite a bit.”"

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Yes, please George, stand up there and campaign for your brother. It will bring back such good memories.

    2. Anonymous4:24 PM

      I think Jeb thinks George is an asshole.

  5. Anonymous3:07 PM

    "Lady Thatcher will not be seeing Sarah Palin. That would be belittling for Margaret. Sarah Palin is nuts," a source told the Guardian.

    1. Let the Bozo shaming begin. I once labeled a male version of Sarah Palin a Bozo (even though he was smart on tests). He had no sense of appropriate behavior, and that was serious because so many of us needed a high security clearance; he contaminated us. The company went under, in large part because of him; he seemed to think his every brain fart was a missive from God, Bozo shaming; spread it far and wide.

    2. Olivia6:42 PM

      God, I loved that assessment.

  6. Reagan...highlights of the Bozo/Bonzo years

  7. Anonymous3:22 PM

    The US Treasury should print $3 bill and put that assholes face on it.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      I hope they make sure to print his portrait upside down.

  8. Caroll Thompson3:28 PM

    Wow, that photo of Sarah was only taken three years ago. She must be really doing some serious damage (drugs?) to herself as she has aged at least 20 years since 2011. Or maybe, this is what sheer hate will do to a person. Hate hurts the hater far more than the hated.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      In case you didn't notice, Sarah does not know how to ride on a Western saddle. She is holding on to the saddle horn. That's a real no no! She is also holding the reins all wrong. If the horse should stumble or bolt, she cannot control him. It's a pose and it's as fake as she is.

    2. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Are the stirrups adjusted as they would be for an experienced rider? They don't look right to me.

    3. Anonymous5:08 PM

      I haven't been on a horse for a while, but I'm thinking Sarah's holding on for dear life while the horse is standing still. Check out the position of the legs. Not a perfectly square halt, but not moving either. As with everything else, she hasn't a clue about what she's doing.

    4. Anonymous5:48 PM

      I'm guessing they had to take about 100 pictures before they got one that didn't look like she was shitting her pants with fear.

  9. Anonymous3:33 PM

    He was a puppet, and generally too dim to know how dim he was.

  10. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Reagan was a dullard, it was obvious to this teenager at the time. Sarah, however, is in a whole different category. Her dullness and ignorance eclipses Reagan... as does her viciousness. She is a feral peawit.

  11. angela3:40 PM

    Reagan was a nightmare. He was the precursor idiot for the modern day republican party. I remember thinking it was a terrible joke that he was elected.

  12. Anonymous3:52 PM

    My husband WAS a Reagan fan. He finally woke up to the fact that ol' Ronnie wasn't good for the country. And, I didn't need to water board him....but there were some flamed cross examinations to finally get the point across.

    RJ in Brownbackistan

  13. Anonymous3:54 PM

    The more that I read about the Koch Brothers (and their father, who was part of the original conservative movement), their big money and influence must have been behind putting not-so-bright people in the White House in order to manipulate them. GWB had no idea what was going on. Uncle Dick and Karl Rove ran the show for him. He remained an ignorant buffoon for 8 years. Reagan fell asleep during his first major summit meeting with the Russians. Later he had all of the early signs of Alzheimers. Yes, and then they were going with the McCain-Palin ticket. Look at the clown parade that was running in 2012.

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Papa Fred Koch was a bit more than a conservative. He was one of the 'founders' of the John Birch Society. Reagan, as an actor, was perfect to play the role of president for the extreme conservative faction. All he had to do was memorize a few scripts, stand straight and deliver the message of his handlers. Anything beyond that was beyond the skills of a 'B' actor which is all he ever was.

    2. Anonymous6:31 PM

      And look at the bigger clown parade for 2016. Romney again, Santorum, Ryan, and any GOP Governor not under indictment, I bet. "Cause Right to Work and funneling education money to corps is so good for their states. Not to mention denying residents health care and food stamps. Please proceed GOP. You are going to be crushed, starting this fall.

    3. Olivia6:41 PM

      And take his fucking naps every afternoon because he had nothing else to do. Anyone who couldn't see what was going on was a moron!

  14. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Another good commentary from a shaken American Conservative:

    The Sarah Palin Who Might Have Been

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Palin served a purpose to the Right a lot like Viagra does. The six year Republican erection over Palin is over, and there are no refills on the prescription!

    2. Anonymous4:52 PM

      from that link

      "The subsequent Katie Couric interviews were supposed to be her comeback. They were equally disastrous. She never recovered. I could no longer support her in good faith after that. She was without a doubt unqualified for the job.

      Sarah Palin might still have become somebody important in US politics and good for conservatism, had she learned from her experience, gone home, studied, worked hard, and been what Richard once saw: “a person of grace.” But she allowed herself to be ravaged by Conservatism, Inc., and became a creature of conservative talk radio and media. What a shame."

      I tell you that in my life I have seen a number of people with qualities similar to those Palin has now been proved to possess. None, repeat NONE of these people possess any desire to educate themselves, or to seek out those that know more so that they may learn. In fact these people all DESPISE education, hard work, and educated people.

      By educated I do not mean simply looking at formal education, but these people tend to be somewhat like Sarah. They have either questionable (degree after attending 5 colleges? Mkay!) or non existent educational accomplishments; along with a visceral hatred of those who actually know something about something. They tend to have very poor analytical skills in most areas.

      These disappointed conservatives will be really disappointed when they figure out that the problem isn't that Sarah didn't do what they thought she should. In fact, there was no way that Sarah was what they thought she was, and she wasn't able to either learn or work hard at anything other than destroying her perceived competitors and enemies.

      All she could do was act competent and nice. She was neither.

    3. Anonymous5:42 PM


      'had she learned from her experience, gone home, studied, worked hard...'

      Why can't Dreher see...or accept...that she can't least, not beyond basic memorization of limited facts and talking points. And, eventually, even the memorized data gets jumbled in her brain.

      It says a whole lot of negative about our media that Palin's cognitive disability isn't clear to everyone.

    4. Anonymous6:29 PM

      He saw 'a person of grace?' Really ?When was that?
      When she was dragging her kids around in a wagon begging for votes? When she redid the Mayor's office in Bordello red? When she built her mansion with materials paid for by the town for the ice arena that is still not paid back? When she trashed the guys on the Oil and Gas commission? When she raised taxes on the oil company to buy votes..again? When she turned Alaska over to Todd the truly uneducated? When she faked a pregnancy? When she hid Bristol's pregnancy from the RNC so she wouldn't get dumped? When she quit her Governor's position? The woman has never had grace. Nor a brain. Nor any morals. Not for a second.

    5. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Sarah Palin was incapable of becoming anything other than what she is...a lazy, undereducated, willfully ignorant, self-centered, shell of a person.

      Not only did she not want to work hard and educate herself.
      She was incapable of doing it, even though it was in her best interest.

      And like Sarah Palin (and Todd), Bristol took the easy money, even though it made her look like an idiot and hurt her son.

  15. Anonymous4:21 PM

    it would serve the twunt right if nancy reagan told her to never mention her beloved Ronnie again...

  16. Anonymous4:24 PM

    I was just a kid when Reagan was president and even I knew he was a bozo.

  17. "And if by some miracle Palin HAD been elected as the VP in 2008"

    Fortunately for us Satan can't work miracles.

  18. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Speaking of bozos!

    From Boehner to Rush: Republicans Are Crushed as Obamacare Enrollment Hits 17.8 Million

    If we exempt the three million kids who stayed on their parents’ plan, because they didn’t enroll, the total number of people who now have coverage thanks to the ACA is 17.8 million. The majority of ACA enrollees are white (62.3%) and female (54%). Thirty-four percent of those who enrolled are under age 35, and 28% are age 18-34.

    Republicans have reacted to the fact that they were completely wrong about the ACA, by changing the subject to Benghazi.

    ...The Republican Party looks like they are in the middle of a full blown nervous breakdown, as they are incapable of handling the success of the ACA.

    Rush Limbaugh’s Ratings Are In a State Of Complete Collapse

    Bad ratings news is rolling in for Rush Limbaugh as his show has fallen to 22nd in New York and 37th in Los Angeles. Limbaugh’s ratings are in a state of major decline.

  19. Bozo is an apt name for Reagan. I truly believe that the fleecing of America became not so hidden with him. Slays me that so many people on the right thought he was the Great Communicator, really? Every time he opened his mouth, he insulted someone. I was greatly insulted as an American that people elected him twice. Guess that was to prepare us for the Village Idiot for 8 years. What the hell is wrong with the Republicans and their choices? Mitt Romney?

  20. We all knew Reagan was a Bozo.

  21. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Every time he opened his mouth, he LIED or made up some easily disproved fact. Then, Alzheimer's is kind of like that.

    I still wonder how much LSD he took while it was still legal. The world would probably have been much better off if he'd pulled a Syd Barret instead of running for governor. Always wondered what was really behind Nancy's hatred for drugs.

  22. Anonymous5:10 PM

    This isn't exactly news. Years ago Thatcher remarked that Reagan would fall asleep in meetings. In fairness, though, the man could read any line they gave him.


    1. Yes, exactly. He was an actor. Our president was an actor.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:07 PM

      The chimp was a much better actor, IMHO

    3. Cracklin Charlie8:39 PM

      He's still an actor.

      Damn Republicans won't let the man die.

  23. Olivia5:57 PM

    It was soooo obvious when he was running and then elected that he was suffering from Alzheimer's. Anyone with any experience being around dementia could see it. Between his training as an actor and loss of his mind he was clearly the best puppet anyone could ask for.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:06 PM

      I was amazed he was accepted by the GOP in the first place. The first divorced President, his daughter rebelled by posing for playboy, and Nancy using psychics while he kept calling her "mommy". I've often wondered when the Alzheimer's was first diagnosed and how well guarded that information is kept.

  24. Anonymous6:02 PM

    And that would go for the rest of the world, too, not just the Brits.

  25. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Heh, Palin - your feet in the stirrups are wrong. The reins in your left hand are wrong. And the right hand on the saddle horn is totally wrong. Once again, one picture proves that this phony woman has no clue. WHAT AN IDIOT!

  26. Anonymous7:01 PM

    This picture and related info of a young Reagan and Nixon being groomed by the money powers at Bohemian Grove ought to be getting more attention, imho:

  27. Ailsa7:28 PM

    Things they said about Reagan -

    an amiable dunce"
    --Clark Clifford (former Defense Secretary)

    "Poor dear, there's nothing between his ears."
    --British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

  28. Anita Winecooler8:02 PM

    This lifted my esteem of the UK quite a few notches. Of course Dumbo would choose Bozo as her patron saint. I wonder what the Brits REALLY think of Sarah "I coulda been a contender" Failin and her rollercoasterfull of unwed progeny with children out of wedlock?
    Not to mention the further bastardization of our bastardized language.

  29. Anonymous8:48 PM

    He was Bonzo in Bedtime For Bonzo.

  30. Anonymous9:41 AM

    They were correct............

  31. An European Viewpoint11:29 PM

    In my country, Reagan was seen as the first Dubyah. An idiotic irresponsible ruler. Him being reelected was a signal that yes, Americans were as dumb as our satirists had made them up to be.

    The first time I learned that Republicans hailed Reagan as their most iconic leader, I burst out laughing. I was too young in the Nixon/Ford era, but Reagan "the McDonald clown", really ? When that party has in stock the respected names of Eisenhower and Lincoln ?


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