Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Open carry advocates in Texas upset about ordinance banning them from walking up to cars and handing out copies of the Constitution with assault weapons strapped to their bodies.

Courtesy of WFAA:  

There was heavy police presence outside Arlington City Hall again Tuesday night, where "open carry" looked on as the City Council approved an amended ordinance banning pedestrians from handing out literature to motorists. 

Open Carry Tarrant County often distributes copies of the U.S. Constitution. The ordinance applies only to certain busy streets. 

Advocates for openly carrying firearms say Arlington is violating their First Amendment rights. Mayor Robert Cluck said it's purely a public safety issue.

So what's the big deal if a bunch of gun nuts want to hand you a copy of a document that they move their lips while reading? Well for on thing this:

Close to 20 people attended the meeting in favor of the law, including one woman who said she was approached by members carrying guns not to long ago when she was driving through town. 

 "It's impossible for anyone to tell if you're a person that has good intention, or if you intend to do harm," said Kim Martinez.

You know this continues to be a problem for these 2nd Amendment types who simply cannot fathom why the population at large do not find assault rifles as warm and fuzzy as they do.

Not only that but the open carry advocates have a theory as to why they are being hassled by the man. Or actually woMAN:  

"We're out there to make people feel comfortable. Whenever we do our events, we always let the police know," Grisham said, adding that the Tarrant County group's "desire to resist that effort" was harming the cause for more gun rights in Texas. 

Open Carry Tarrant County says the 911 calls reporting the group are actually actually gun control activists who use 911 to harass the demonstrators. Tov Henderson of Open Carry Tarrant County blames the group "Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America." 

"They're telling their members to lie to 911. To lie to police," Henderson said. "They have told their members to call 911 on us, and say they saw us waving our guns violently."

What? Is this true?

Are those mean old moms who selfishly don't want their children shot to death while playing in a park the ones behind this clearly discriminative ordinance?

Not according to them: A spokeswoman for Moms Demand Action told News 8 they do not use 911 to harass.

Yeah you know I don't think that there really needs to be an organized effort to get people to call 911 when they are approached by some paunchy white guy sporting an AR-15. It just kind of comes naturally to people not to want to have heavily armed people walking up to their car when they are stopped at an intersection.

Go figure.


  1. Anonymous12:54 PM

    "Open Carry Tarrant County often distributes copies of the U.S. Constitution."

    Have any of these bozos actually read a copy of the US Constitution?

    1. I wonder what any of these bozo's would think if a teen came by to pick-up their teenage daughter for a date - wearing his sidearm or an AK slung over his shoulder?

      Would they second guess his intentions? Would they let their daughter leave with him? Would it occur to them that they should question his motives or intentions?

      Or would they think their little girl is being "protected" while with him? Would they have any concern that the sidearm could become a tool of manipulation or used against their daughter? Because it means so many things to wear and be seen with such a type of weapon.

      Have they ever considered exactly how far this whole public carry folly could be carried? Usually, NO.

      Because its not about the safety of others. Its not about the "freedom" of having / carrying a weapon. Its not about hunting for sustenance.

      What it IS about is being perceived as a fearsome person. Someone who must use a deadly object to intimidate others into showing (usually him) "respect".

      So, again - why is that boy at the front door wearing that gun?

    2. Anonymous4:49 AM

      So, here's a though. Say that I am stuck in traffic with nowhere to go and get approached by someone carrying an assault weapon. And I feel threatened because of what I have been seeing in the news with the attack at a FedEX and other places. Say, I have a gun, and I shoot the guy, then I am justified, right? I feared for my life and I could not read his mind as to what he intended. Somewhere this is going to happen, I would bet on it. Then whose side does the right wing media take?

  2. Anonymous1:01 PM

    It is hilarious that these gape-mouthed cretins actually expect the sight of white trash carrying ARs to instill a feeling of security in bystanders.

    As an armed citizen (concealed), if anyone ever approaches my car with a weapon, they should expect to get shot.

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      I don't have any guns but I might be frightened enough to not worry too much about hitting them as I made my escape when they approached my car.

      I wonder if those Stand Your Ground laws also apply to motor vehicles for those of us who are unarmed and feel threatened by someone with a rifle strapped to their back.

    2. Anonymous2:17 PM

      these guys would just love to unload all their ammo into your car, it's why they have "events" so there is a lot of them around in case some weeny with a itty-bitty pistol gets into a pissing match with them.

    3. Anonymous2:34 PM

      You would shoot someone that approaches your car with a weapon?

      Of course, armed citizens (concealed) approach your car all the time and you are more than contented with that. And many of those armed people are mentally or physically incapable of safely handling a gun. Furthermore, many of the cars you pass on the road contain loaded weapons, including assault weapons.

      You, your car, your family, your relatives, your employees, your friends, your neighbors... all of them are approached regularly by people carrying weapons. Remember, if YOU have a weapon then everyone else can have one too.

    4. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Anon@2:34. The difference here is that these people are visibly armed which could easily be interpreted as a potential assault or a car jacking. If you're a parent with children in your car and some guy comes up to you armed with an assault rifle what would your first instinct be? Carrying an assault rifle is a show of force and intimidation and could likely result in an exchange of gunfire if the person being approached feels threatened and also has a gun. Conversely if some guy approached my car brandishing copies of the Constitution and had no visible weapon I would only feel annoyed but hardly threatened even if I assumed he was carrying a concealed firearm. These people are trying to make a point but in that effort are accomplishing the opposite result. They make gun owners look like unhinged wackos.


    5. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Sheesh is right. They are unhinged wackos.

      Emily Post

    6. Anonymous4:25 PM

      2:34 -
      I wouldn't shoot someone who approached my car with a weapon because I don't own a gun. However, I would certainly be afraid and fear for my safety.

      I have no way of knowing if that person is a 'good guy' or a 'bad guy' and I would have no desire to stick around to find out. At the very least, I know it is someone who has made the choice to carry a weapon in a public place with the intent to intimidate.

    7. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Right, I understand now. A person with a visible weapon is more likely to be bent on assault or car jacking than a person carrying a concealed weapon.

      Thanks for the less in logic.

  3. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Taxpayer-Funded ‘White Privilege’ Conference Is Jam-Packed with Crazy

    The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, the University of Wisconsin System, and the City of Madison recently held a contest in which educators competed with one another to see who could say the craziest, most offensive things. Or, at least, you could be forgiven for thinking that after watching the following video. Anyone walking into something billed as a “white privilege conference,” however, should probably know they are about to enter the Twilight Zone.

    Footage of the White Privilege Conference, obtained by the Education Action Group, features a variety of speakers and organizers confirming cancerous biases by issuing one reckless and tasteless statement after the next.

    During a discussion on the nature of white privilege, for example, Iowa University Law Professor Adrien Wing spent a large portion of her time attacking the Supreme Court’s only African-American justice, Clarence Thomas, as a “disgrace to the memory of Thurgood Marshall.”

    She went on to attack another prominent African-American figure: President Barack Obama. Wing insisted that, contrary to popular belief, Obama is “the face of global white privilege.”

    “He ends up being the front man for the system,” Wing asserted.

    “So, instead of just saying were happy there’s a black face in the White House,” she continued, “it’s like, no, the master’s house has now a black face, but it’s still the master’s house. He works for the master of the system of white privilege.”

    This is the kind of sentiment which, outside of an academic context, was once considered naked racial antipathy. Similarly, one of the conference’s seminars, “Jews, Class, Race and Power: How It’s All Connected,” might have been labeled anti-Semitic in another era. Fortunately, these speakers and organizers know that racism is something that exists only in the minds of everyone else.

    There was also a block of time at this partially taxpayer-funded event dedicated to examining why members of the tea party movement are generally racist. “There has been a study, a longitudinal study, that finds the longer you are in the tea party, the more racist you become,” said Leonard Zeskind, president of the Institute for Research & Education of Human Rights. He declined to cite his work, but you trust him, right?

    Zeskind went on to assert that virtually all white people who live in primarily white neighborhoods are racist. This sentiment was echoed at another seminar on capitalism in which the participants insisted that this system of laissez-faire economics “maintains white supremacy.”

    To recap, everything and everyone is racist except, of course, this conference’s race-obsessed speakers and attendees.

    But the nuttiest moment of them all came at the end of this video when one of the unidentified conference organizers who describe herself as a sociologist escorts the individual taking this video out of a seminar in order to provide the conference’s minority attendees with a “safe space.” She proceeds to confess to him that there is nothing “intrinsically bad” in society, including racial discrimination or sexual violence.

    “Would you define discrimination as something intrinsically bad?” the videographer asks.

    “No I wouldn’t say it’s intrinsically bad,” she replies.

    “Rape isn’t intrinsically bad?” he interjects.

    “It’s not,” she replies.

    Well, maybe not “intrinsically bad,” but definitely super inconvenient. Maybe she’s erecting an academic context around the concept of rape, like one might call the exploitation of low-lying woodlands along the coast of the Gulf of Guinea a “rape” of sorts… But it’s doubtful.

    Media Trackers reported that the MacIver Institute has learned that the University of Wisconsin System spent over $18,000 sponsoring this conference. The state’s Department of Public Instruction contributed another $2,000.

    Watch this Shocking Video via Progressives Today:

  4. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Dana Loesch previews exclusive White Privilege Conference report on the Glenn Beck Program

    SHOCKING preview of 2014 White Privilege Conference investigative report

    White Privilege Conference 2014 Part 1 of 4: Racism Was Invented In The American Colonies

    White Privilege Conference 2014 Part 2 of 4: Rape Is Not Intrinsically Evil

    apparently more to come.

  5. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Anon 1:01 : I am WAITING for something like that to happen. One of these days, it WILL. Then they will cry foul - and the shooter can call on 'stand my ground' laws.
    Here's to hoping...

  6. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Pardon my french, but just how many men down there have small wee-wees? This is ridiculous.

    Speaking of ridiculous, another Darwin award winner:

    1. Anita Winecooler7:23 PM

      Well, at least he died doing what he loved most - living.

      Why, in THIS case, it's not considered an "Accident", they're pressing charges?

      Ask, and you shall receive.

  7. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Right Wingers Rebel Against Fox News And Demand A New Tea Party Driven Network

    On Tuesday, Lord Christopher Monckton, a contributor for World Net Daily and former policy advisor to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, penned an article for the far-right website complaining about the mainstream media and how it is too far to the left. Not only did he target the normal sources, such as newspapers, broadcast networks and other ‘legacy’ media outlets, he also pointed a finger at Fox News. Apparently, in Monckton’s mind, Fox News is a slave to the left and is far too scared of President Obama and his ‘Obots’ to really investigate truly interesting stories and angles — such as the President’s birth certificate or climate change skepticism.

    First off, Monckton whined about the media not giving enough coverage to conspiracy theories or hatred of science:

    Good riddance to the dying 'mainstream' media
    Exclusive: Lord Monckton suggests tea-party news network to replace 'frightened' Fox


  8. Anonymous1:32 PM

    "We're just out to make people feel comfortable."
    So just shoot yourselves! That would be comforting to me.

  9. Anonymous1:39 PM

    The fact that these idiots are too stupid to realize how anyone might be suspicious of their intentions is unbelievable. Why do they think people would instantly be able to differentiate "good guys with guns" from "bad guys with guns"? I hope they end up shooting each other instead of innocent bystanders.

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      I think they are perfectly aware that citizens feel threatened by them and their penis extender assault weapons. They savor the fear. It's part of their intense need to compensate for their many shortcomings (heh, heh, short, short).

    2. Anonymous2:06 AM

      A white person with a gun is a "good guy"
      A minority with a gun is a "bad guy"
      Obvious. Right?

  10. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I've been around guns my entire life. My husband has an extensive gun collection of all types of firearms. It makes me very nervousness when I see someone carrying a gun public places. I have no idea if those folks are mentally unstable or not.

  11. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Fondling their penis extenders while approaching unarmed strangers? Masturbation for juvenile minds.

  12. Anonymous2:16 PM

    South Carolina man puts on a bullet proof vest, asks friends to shoot him. He’s dead.

  13. Randall in the Dakotas2:20 PM

    I am a six foot, 180 pound white guy that was raised in a house with rifles, shotguns and pistols.
    I am a gun owner.

    I'm used to being around lots of guys with guns
    ...while hunting pheasants, ducks, deer - hell, even just target shooting at the range.

    But I'll tellya what:
    If I'm approached on the street by someone carrying an assault rifle I will dial 911 right now.

    Come on guys, REAL sportsmen know better than that.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      I would not put my hand in my pocket to take out my phone if one of these guys was walking toward me. I wouldn't want to give them a excuse to get active with their weapon.

    2. Anonymous3:11 PM

      These guy's are the ones preaching sovereign citizen and posse comitatus. They want government to be on the local level. I say give it too them. Communities can pass restrictive gun legislation on the local level.
      If enough voters are tired of this open carry bullshit, they can pass local legislation to make such acts against the law.

  14. Anonymous3:40 PM

    A Former Navy Firearms Instructor and Proud Gun Owner On Why We Need Common Sense Gun Control

    Why do we only talk about gun control after the most unbearable national tragedies? Why don’t we adopt the common sense gun control regulations that have broad public support and might actually prevent the next tragedy?

    Before half the country decides that I am a crazy liberal and stops reading here, let me note that I am a security professional, and a 12-year veteran of the Navy, where I served as a weapons system technician, base police officer, and firearms instructor. I am a proud gun owner. I’m also a single father. I do not want to ban guns but I do want to protect my son from the dangers they pose.

    Our nation has settled into a very predictable routine of public discourse regarding firearms. A deranged individual—a neo-Nazi, a disillusioned ex-employee, or even a disturbed child—commits an act of public violence. The 24-hour news cycle obsesses on every morbid detail, speculating on motives and puzzling over “who’s to blame?” The righteous left preaches “never again” by way of tighter restrictions and more regulation, and the fringe right accuses them of politicizing a tragedy and warns that the government is coming for our firearms.

    And then, nothing changes.

    Depressing as this picture is, however, the gun control conversation should be happening even more frequently. Deaths due to poor knowledge of firearms happen on the small scale every day; just this past weekend, 11-year-old Hunter Pederson was accidentally killed by his uncle, who was showing off a laser sight by pointing it at the boy’s forehead.

    The fact is that thousands of deaths all across our country can be prevented with solid intelligence sharing and common sense regulation.

  15. Anonymous9:52 PM

    I don't get it. We're supposed to feel "comfortable" with these people walking around heavily armed, knowing we could be shot if our music is too loud, or we text in a theater, or knock on their door accidentally or looking for assistance?


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