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Since when do injured soldiers wear their uniforms while lying in a hospital bed? |
I love this American Awakening when finally more voters can’t say they weren’t warned. Stamped with the media’s “Lie of the Year”, I had the sticky label on my back for years used as convenient “proof” that commonsense conservatives just don’t know what we’re talking about. (Yes, becasue they don't.) Denouncing from the Orwellian Left and a squishy Right ensued. But the truth stares us in the face and pocketbook, especially as we see the unworkable Obamacare.
What happens next is the Left will subtly suggest moving America toward a single-payer system, which was their intention all along. (Really? Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I can hardly wait!) Watch for this gradual, but driving, descent into statism.
So, are you still relying on Obamacare to help and not hurt you? On the Democrat’s watch, health care in the hands of unaccountable bureaucrats proves Reagan’s adage that government is not the solution; government is the problem. (Well under Republicans, sure.)
And speaking of the VA scandal, we’ve seen how Obama merely gives lip service to his bureaucrats “investigating” his bureaucracy, so don’t be surprised if he finds nothing wrong in the government’s VA health system – “NOT EVEN A SMIDGEN”!
- Sarah Palin
Okay well you know this whole VA thing IS a real scandal, and somebody needs to get a public spanking over it. And probably fired as well.
According to journalist Dana Milbank that choice is clear:
Eric Shinseki has served his country honorably as a twice-wounded officer in Vietnam, as Army chief of staff and finally as President Obama’s secretary of veterans affairs.
But his maddeningly passive response to the scandal roiling his agency suggests that the best way Shinseki can serve now is to step aside.
Sounds about right.
However despite Palin's claims, what is happening at the VA is by no means an indictment against Obamacare, or even government run healthcare in general.
After all Medicare seems to be doing well, and the Medicaid expansion seems to be going well. (In the states that adopted it of course.)
Besides the facts are that the problems at the VA started happening well before Obama took office:
Paul Sullivan, the executive director of Veterans for Common Sense, a veterans’ advocacy group that sued the VA in federal court, said attempts by the White House to portray Bush as an advocate for veterans is beyond shameful.
“Bush is the worst failure for our veterans since Hoover,” Sullivan said, expressing shock that the President “would shamefully continue his legacy of lies to the American people as he and his political cronies are forced to leave office on Jan. 20.”
Sullivan disputed some of Bush’s claims as misleading, such as the assertion that he doubled funding for the VA. “However, President Bush failed to disclose that the number of veterans seeking VA healthcare doubled, from 2.7 million to 5.5 million, and that rising healthcare inflation actually resulted in a net decrease in spending per veteran by VA during the past eight years,” he said.
Yes President Obama promised to fix this, and he selected General Shinseki to do just that. And I don't think it is appropriate to make excuses for the number of patients who waited months to see a doctor, and the information destroyed to cover that up.
However as bad as this is, and yes it's bad, it does NOTHING to change the fact that Sarah Palin absolutely earned that 2009 Lie of the Year for her death panels BS.
She was wrong then, and she remains wrong today.
Now about that photo at the top of this page which Palin included with her Facebook post. Did you notice something off about that photo?
Here is the President visiting various wounded vets in their hospital rooms.
Now this is the President of the United States, and yet these soldiers did not bother to climb out of their beds and put on their uniforms in order to show respect for their commander in chief.
And yet when Sarah Palin visited a vet, he was all dressed up like he had was going to the Commissary to buy some groceries.
Now I'm not saying it's fake, but remember this IS Sarah Palin we're talking about.
She says absolutely nothing in her post. Garbage in, garbage out.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the same thing. And she didn't write it, either. Too many big words and nebulous concepts.
DeleteMy mama always said "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything". Palin should take my mama's advice
According to Sarah, she's taught her daughters to 'lose gracefully.' Right. And she is such a stellar role model for 'grace.'
DeleteSarah and the word graceful are not acquainted. As for her daughters, they could not ever win gracefully, much less lose. Remember Bristol itching to give people the finger? Snort.
DeleteThat is a OLD, OLD photo! It doesn't show the METHQueen aka Tundra Turd as she looks today!
DeleteSkeleton of death!
Another Day another METH Panel...!
DeleteLay off the dope sister!
Sarah has no clue how to lose 'gracefully'. She's been so pissed McCain and she lost to a half black man (she's racist remember!) that we've been hearing her crap ever since.
DeleteSarah Palin isn't 'graceful' about anything! Makes me laugh even thinking of her that way. Her evil mouth wipes out anything that could be 'graceful' about her!
top pic obviously some type of fake politician/hospitalized uniformed type warrior porn production - i mean full uniform in bed ? come on ..
DeleteThe photo of Stain and the soldier looks very old. She does not look like that now.
ReplyDelete"Not even a smidgeon". Who the fuck talks like that?
6:25 that fool and "Shakespeare."
DeleteThat pic looks like she was Gov. at that point. Yes, it's for a photo-op. Wish I could remember when it was taken.
Delete900,000 disabled servicemen and women have been added to the VA in the past 10 years due to the Bush wars. No additional facilities have been built nor has the VA's budget has been increased. Now who's fault is that Teabaggers?
ReplyDeleteDon't forget that Congress is the entity that approves the spending of money by the U.S. government. It is not the POTUS! He submits his Budget and Congress wipes it out - in the case of President Obama!
DeleteSo many things he has proposed have been approved, but then the money is NOT which makes various things NOT go forward.
Remember, the Republicans in the U.S. Congress have obstructed President Obama since he took office. They want him to fail because he is half black!!! Assholes!
Vote Republicans out of office wherever you can (across the nation) in the upcoming elections. Pay attention Americans!!!
Her body language looks like someone who is repelled.
ReplyDeleteAh, the pre double chin photo op!
ReplyDeleteI have a photograph of Sarah Palin on my wall, and across the bottom is printed:
...I look at it and laugh and laugh.
Sarah, I have a copy of the Affordable Care Act
please tell me wherein I can find your "death panels" claim?
I've read and read and still can't find it.
I can't find anything close to what you claim.
Not even close.
Blah, blah, blah. ..snort. Little miss "if I were in charge" we would privatize everything and let the market sort it out. Then if you can't afford it you can get in line at the casket maker's door or by god just pull your sorry self up by the bootstraps that you can't afford. Stupid cow. Nothing is perfect and problems exist in every endeavor. But all you can do is chase your tail, keep spouting what you know is populist BS, and keep dropping facebook bombs in a miserable and pathetic attempt for attention. Go rub your butt on someone else's carpet.
ReplyDeletebeautifully stated!
Deletedenouncing ensued........
ReplyDeleteLooks like she has what we used to call a "tide mark" when people washed their faces, but not their necks!! Her neck looks dirty. Palin had to hire a city manager to run Wasilla (pop. 6,000) then had trouble running the sparcely populated state (700,000) yet she criticizes our President? After all her travels in the lower 48, has she not noticed how many people there are? WQell over 300 MILLION, yet she seriously thinks he can run everything? He delegates people that he thinks will be responsible, but sometimes is let down, as in this case. By the way, if not for the useless wars, the VA would not have nearly as many patients as it does. Skank can not even run her small family, keep her kids from getting pregnant, vandalism etc, what the HELL does she know?
ReplyDeleteShe was the mayor of a city that had less people in it than THE HOSPITAL at which I work has employees.
DeleteIt continues to confound me that this person was elected Governor.
Alaskans wonder how the hell she got elected too! She fooled everyone in the beginning - to include Governor Wally Hickel and the Alaska Republican party.
DeleteBut, it didn't take too long before it was realized what an idiot they had on their hands! The Alaska Legislature even found her to be missing in action and having a horrible work ethic before she quit. It was learned later that Todd was involved w/doing some of the job, that she couldn't handle, before she resigned midway through her term! Todd was getting copies of all the emails sent to her, etc. The couple worked that position like it's never been handled before - used it to their advantage - took monies from the State of Alaska that they had to repay, etc. Unethical and found to be so by the Alaska Legislature although Sarah kept denying it while on the campaign w/McCain!
Palin STILL is not regarded well by the Alaska Republican party and Gov Hickel washed his hands of her!
She 'played' them for awhile!! She's a fraud from the top of her wigged head to the bottom of her dirty feet!
The size of Alaska was not 700,000 when Palin was quitter governor. It was 600,000 back then!
DeleteDoes Palin have a clue that the VA problems go back before President Obama took office? Is she so stupid that she has no clue what Republican POTUS got us into recent wars?
DeleteThese wars have enhanced the problems the VA is seeing today? I think it was President Bush, sister Sarah! Pay attention to whom you lay the blame!
Every POTUS for a number of years is going to have this VA problem! There is no way the problem will be rectified in a hurry! No way! The number of people is too big as well as the cost!
Republican love war and sending our men to fight and be hurt or killed. Democrats prefer negotiating and not putting our young men (and career military) in harms way!
If John McCain had been elected POTUS we'd be in so many wars by now that it wouldn't be funny!
Thank God, President Obama beat the shit out of him and we have a calm, rational, brilliant man in the office! We are ending two wars (one being the longest in history!) under him which is good, good, good, but is helping create this major VA problem.
Hopefully, Hillary Clinton runs for POTUS and we end up w/a another Dem in office that continues in the mode of 'no more wars' for the USA. We don't need to be protecting other countries - we need to get our country and people cared for FIRST!
This photo had to be staged. The medical staff were probably afraid that if a real patient saw Skank walking in their room, they would think the angel of Death had arrived. She looks like death warmed over.
ReplyDeletelol Have you seen American Horror Story Season 2?
DeleteFrances Conroy plays the Angel of Death and Palin in this photo looks uncannily like the character.
The thing I noticed about the photos is the difference between the ways Palin and Obama interact with the patients.
ReplyDeletePalin stands back, holding her OWN hand. She looks tense and uncomfortable, very posed.
Obama is not only totally relaxed, he is physically demonstrating his connection with the patients. He understands how essential the human touch is, and it comes naturally to him.
I'm a big critic of Obama's, but I'll give him credit where it's due. He is wonderful in these situations where empathy can't be manufactured. You either have it or you don't, and he has it. Palin, not so much.
Sarah Palin does NOT have a clue how to be real in her actions to others. She is ALWAYS staged! She has no warmth, kindness, gentleness or is comforting in any of her actions (to others)! Not even to her kids, husband (or ex?) or parents!
DeleteShe's nothing more than a fraud, liar and evil!
So, two things:
ReplyDelete1) The photograph of the President with the yellow gown and gloves on? That protocol is used for patients that are considered very contagious in some sort or fashion ("Isolation Protocol"...at least in the hospital I work in). It could be a bacterial infection from a wound or the feces, etc. Whatever. The point is: the President did NOT have to take the extra time to go into a room in which he had to don/doff extra protective gear. He didn't have to, but he did. Of course he did. That's the kind of man he is. That's the kind of President he is. You think Mrs. Palin would ever, EVER, ever do something like that???? And then to touch that patient like President Obama did???? And, in every photograph we see of the President with wounded veterans, he is ALWAYS touching them. (Sorry for the caps, I am so flipping tired of Mrs. Palin.)
And 2) why did she attack the President, the White House, the First Lady (and all that have taken part) on using Twitter to send a message of support when all she does is Twit and Facebook???????????
Is that irony simply lost on her? Does she not know the saying "pot calls kettle black?" What flipping planet was she born on?????
And in that vein, what blooming idiot would really think that the policy of the United States of America would be sent out via Twitter? What is she, stupid?
I guess that's what is called a rhetorical question, right?
As an old Army nurse and a civvie one also too. The very first thing that jumped out at me from Sarah's fake pic is no, absolutely NO medical equipment on the right side of the bed. The monitoring unit is ALWAYS by any active patients bed if they need it constantly or not.
DeleteThe patient may carry MRSA or VRE (positive) but not actively infected. I bet that is the case and yes it is an extra step and the bane of nurses' existance lol. It is time consuming to gown and glove at every patient encounter, especially if patient requires alot of care/room entries.
DeleteSarah should be covered by a human size 2 condom, that soldier could catch Zeus knows what!
DeleteAnd that sticky label is still stuck to your back. You just keep putting it back on.
ReplyDeleteThe sticky label on her back say's Yes, I'm an idiot!
DeleteThe sticky label belongs on her forehead.
DeleteOh wow the insufferable witch bitch wants to insert her 'blood libel' into any past perceived slight. What an old addled ugly uneducated batcow.
ReplyDeleteAlso her photo-op looks too fun-nee for words! I agree g, but call it like it is. It's fake like her dumbass. The guy is one of her bundy-ish fools who put on his hunting camo. He looks ok to me (remember this is the juvenile skank who laughed at a pregnant woman fainting.) Nothing is sacred to this smelly witch. It was planned for sure. No medical devices around him just like when she birther trig. She's a clown.
She is so stupid she can't get the biggest details right in her half-baked lies. HAHAHAHA And she doesn't even know it! HAHAHAHAHA she really believes she/ghostwriter is da shit! HAHAHA
she is the wobbly walking, ignorant vitriol talking death panel.
My husband walked by 10 min. ago while I was looking at Sarah's photo op pic. We're still laughing about it and Gryph's caption. I swear her brain and mentality hasn't evolved since the 8th grade.
DeleteOh lookie who's now gloating! F'ing bitch
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see a more recent picture of Sarah Palin visiting vets in VA hospitals, one where she wasn't running as VP. Oh yeah, that's right - there are none.
ReplyDeleteKind of like her disavowing people with Down Syndrome after the 2008 election. "if we win, you;ll have a voice in the Whitehouse. We lost so fuck you!
DeleteThe ONLY reason we are hearing about inappropriate things about VA hospitals and clinics is because President Obama is having any and all complaints investigated.
A US Army Vet
In addition to the fact that hospital patients don't wear their fatigues in bed, that photo of Sarah dates from around 2008 and is obviously staged. That guy has too much of an "oh... I am suffering" look on his face, matched by Sarah's "I'm SO concerned for you!" look.
ReplyDeleteThe vicious, vacuous, pandering bullshit artist named Palin is a delusional whore for whomever may pay her the most, or pay attention to her nasty diatribes.
ReplyDeleteRemember when W wiped his hands on Bill Clinton after shaking hands in Haiti??? Can you imagine what Palin would have done in that situation? Here, she is also once again demonstrating what a lying, fake narcissistic harridan she actually is. How everyone cannot smell the stench of lies and ego pouring from her, I will never know. She is like a rotting corpse walking through the streets, polluting everyone and everything she touches.
ReplyDeletePlease! Please!!
ReplyDeleteThere are nurses in Alaska that can put an end to this nightmare named Sarah Palin which has gone on for Far far too long.
Some people in Alaska KNOW that Palin did not give birth to Tri-G on 4/18/08 at MatSu hospital.
All you need to say is that it never happened. FORCE CBJ to prove that she was not qualified to be a high risk obstetrician nor did she induce Palin at MATSu hospital.
There is n o need to fear HIPAA: you are not saying WHo IS Tri-G's birth mother, just that it is not Sarah. AND HIAA is OVERRIDDEN in cases of fraud and cases of national security risk. Palin being VP rep while mentally ill was a huge national security risk. The fact that she is still spewing hate via her mental illness is a national security risk.
It is extraordinarily easy to take Palin down on this , Alaskans just need to MAN UP.
Enough already. Many of you in Alaska say you hate her, she is an embaressment, yada yada . You have the power to END THIS NOW.
From the east coast, let me add my "PLEASE!" Tell what you know and be a hero.
DeleteSigh....yes, HIPAA does apply. In cases of fraud and abuse the information can be reported to the proper authorities for follow-up, but cannot just be blabbed publically. Anything related to the diagnoses/procedures that a patient does or does NOT have is protected health information and cannot just be disclosed. As far as a national security threat I agree, but again that can be disclosed to proper authorities to determine if their is a specific credible threat (versus someone's opinion). While I agree with the frustration in this post and hope that babygate does get exposed, HIPAA is still relevant here and us badgering the people at MatSu won't help.
DeleteBullshit 10:41 but thanks for playing.
DeleteThey absolutely can tell the truth without fear of HIPAA.
3:44 Gee -- I guess myself and others who work in this exact field must be wrong then....babygate will break without getting the Mat Su staff in trouble
DeleteYep,that s what the compliance officer's job is. To protect whistleblowers from harm when they report anything fishy at the hospital. Moral/ethical/procedural.
IT CAN BE DONE by MatSu staff.
Sarah Palin brings up and skews the problems with the VA solely to defend her unrelated lie about the ACA and attack the president. Everything is always about her. The woman is despicable.
ReplyDeletePalin's photo w/the soldier is a fake - but, what else do we expect from the bitch? He is in uniform and has no IVs or anything that looks medically wrong w/him that would be reflected in a hospital setting.
ReplyDeleteI call FRAUD as well as her statement. And, how many times do I need to remind her to refer to 'President' Obama and not Obama! Show some respect for Christ's sake, Palin!!
Both the VA and the IHS, Indian Health Service, (the program that covers the Native American members of the Palin family for free, for life), are both single payer. But, so far I have never heard Ms Palin rant and rave against her family having free eligibility for this costly (to the rest of us) entitlement. As is most of Medicare, (single payer) except the gap insurance, roughly 20%, and Medicaid is single payer. And, when famous legislators who are vets pop into the prestigious Walter Reed for free, that is also single payer. Republicans are trying to make all of medicare come under a voucher system, which takes all of that out of single payer and puts the insurance company in charge of medicare so they can charge more and siphon off a huge share for being middlemen. Same with SS, they want to put all of SS subject to manipulations of wall street. Palin applied her original death panel logic to the proposal to pay doctors to give options to sick people and their families. Instead of having that come out of the little bit of time a doctor has to talk to patients. That is why she received lie of the year. Unfortunately for her, the internet documented all of that. Unfortunately, that provision was taken out of the ACA, as a result of the lies, and as of now patients and their families don't have that substantial consultation with their professional, who would present options. The point was to pay doctors for that service, and not have it squeezed into some conversation in the hall as the doctor moves on to the next patient.
ReplyDeleteI guess Sarah forgot about what happened on her watch
She also ignored child abuse in the AK foster care program.
It has really been something to watch the growth of pure hate that has grown across the country toward Sarah Palin over the past decade (beginning in small town Wasilla, Ak)! You rarely read a positive thing about her anywhere nowadays!
ReplyDeleteAmazing how the hate seems to feed her - she is so full of it herself (and evil). Hell truly does await her!
Poor Sarah, a bitter loser, anorexic, drug addicted child, pimp for a husband, and another child squirting out bastard babies.
ReplyDeleteSarah, you must be so proud...and bitter.....since you have too many storms over your horizon to even consider running for another office. So your political future is doomed....especially after the waterboarding / baptism post ....perhaps it would be prudent for you to read the crap RAM writes before you post it.
Sarah is dressed for a wake.
ReplyDeleteYeah: Her own.
DeleteWhen I got married, one of the best pieces of advice my grandmother gave me was to "pick my battles". Not everything was worth going to war over.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin obviously never got that advice. EVERY SINGLE move, comment, or decision President Obama makes is cause for war. And the reason is simple. She hates that man. I don't mean she hates his policies or him being a "Democrat" president. I mean she hates HIM. And she will use ANY opportunity, no matter how trivial, to attack him and try to make other hate him as much as she does.
She doesn't care if she makes a fool of herself or bald-faced lies if it means she can score a cheap shot or an imagined knock-out. She'll happily throw rocks from behind a fence, then claim it wasn't her and blame someone else when caught.
She is a mean-spirited, nasty shrew whose hatred of our President has made her the pin-up hag for all the other racist, miserable nutjobs in this country. And she will NEVER let go of her hatred for Obama. She will be blaming him LONG after he's out of office for everything she perceives as wrong with this country while telling liberals to "get over Bush". The irony will be lost on her of course since she's not capable of self-introspection.
The only way to defang this viper is for the truth about Trig to finally be known. Even her most ardent supporters like Greta & Hannity would break a leg backing away from her. Especially after attacking liberals for DARING to question the "holy birth" and Sarah's noble decision to have a Down's baby. Hell, it would be a goldmine for Stewart & Colbert for days..
And it would finally be the silver bullet that puts that she-wolf out of her misery once & for all...
Update- Occupation Day 2 of Operation American Spring
ReplyDeleteOperation American SpringLol. Naysayers wrong. OAS Day 1 success. Closing in on White House 21 hours ago
Operation American SpringCOL Riley on train and is 30 minutes out. 4 hours ago
Robert Merkamp Why is he on a train and not riding in on a Tank?
Cindy Gough Montgomery On the train? He isn't even there yet? Is he bringing those 10-30 million with him?
Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hours ago
Robert Merkamp Shouldn't the leader have been there yesterday? Leading? Maybe his day job wouldn't give him Friday off.
Operation American SpringMovement to Air and Space museum in 25 min. 1000hrs 3 hours ago
Cavia Porcellus Will we stop for corndogs?
also, lettuce.
Like · Reply · 5 · 2 hours ago
Gail Onasch OAS has just begun and finally it is getting NEWS coverage. Praise God he is at work among the Good Patriots of the USA.
Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hours ago
Cindy Gough Montgomery Good call, a great way to overthrow the govt--go sight-seeing at the Air & Space. I am sure Obama, et al are waiting there for you to surrender
Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hours ago
Robert Merkamp 30-50 guys there I see, or is that a tour group waiting for the bus to come around?
Sylvester Bland NGN - Next Generation Network Is Born at Operation American Spring. May 17th, 2014
Cavia Porcellus We will take are country backward if it takes all wheeek!
PFA/OAS Operation American Spring This isn't a one day event people. We are staying till they leave. Americans have a need for instant gratification. Get over it. This will not happen overnight and it will not happen unless you, everyone of you, does SOMETHING.
Like · Reply · 1 · about an hour ago
#OperationAmericanSpring #AmericanSpring
Come on Sarahskank. You can do better than that. You pay so much in postage you should at least be able to have a staged photo be believable. Only the truly stupid would fall for your fake photo op. A soldier; dressed in his fatigues, and no medical equipment around him. Really?!
ReplyDeletePrecisely: Her handlers are just as fucking stupid as she is.
DeleteNo doubt there are serious problems with some of the VA and heads should roll (figuratively) but I'm thinking it may not not have been systemic. My family does not lack for career military folks, many of whom are now retired and living in various places. None of them have had scheduling complaints and only one has any complaints at all: he lives in a large rural state and has to drive a couple hundred miles to get to a VA hospital, but said he's never had a schedule snafu of any sort.
ReplyDeleteWith Sarah's history she'd have been all for whatever mess (and coverup for) it took to make her look good even if the floor were covered with dead vets, and she'd go right out on the portico and give a news conference telling the world how horrid some political enemy was to have allowed this to happen.
She's a balloon, full of hot fetid air; there's nothing else to her.
Screw Palin.
ReplyDeleteThe facts are that the VA is severely broken. Much more than in the past. (I wonder why?)
It's simply a clown car wondering aimlessly.
My facility has spent multiple millions on building lipstick and hasn't even begun to address patients issues.
Months long for a 100% disabled veteran to get a simple appointment with their primary care physician who constantly changes. I've had eight in five years and not one ounce of follow up between them. Every time this happens, I am the one that has to try and contact the VA to find out who is tracking my health or even gives a shit.
The situation is so bad that a great deal of care has to be outsourced with no continuity between the people to whom you are outsourced to and the VA. You become "lost in space " in the system and it is up to you to struggle to get yourself back on track for any reasonable care thereafter.
I used to be more than grateful for any care I received. Now I dread the thought of going thru any type of procedure knowing that if I don't "dog" every person in the chain all the time, I might as well just dry up and blow away.
It's no wonder that the veteran suicide rate is so high. The whole situation is simply hopeless for a great many of us that require care.
"Grateful" is now replaced with just plain "pissed and frustration".
Am I the only one that feels this way?
Tailher1, No, you aren't the only one. It is beyond ridiculous, the way you and millions of others, vets and non vets, are treated. The American health system is broken. It is always about the damn money.
DeleteGreatest country in the world my ass! This, I have mine, fuck you attitude is getting really old.
And she forgot to blow up the Belmonts.
ReplyDeleteCalling for Shinseki to resign is a lot like calling Obama to resign because BENGHAZI. Even IAVA hasn't gone that far. So please just stop it.
A veteran
I agree. And thanks.
DeleteThat pic of Sarah with vet is staged. WHY is the soldier laying in a hospital bed with his uniform on? And Sister Sarah looks like she is dressed for a funeral.
ReplyDeletePalin has a long history of hijacking public sentiment (and the honour of the military) with cheap stunts (and cheap shots) for shallow personal gain. It's all she knows how to do. I'm betting that the serviceman in the picture is regretting ever having agreed to participate in her little act.
Delete10:38 She was dressed for the McCain/Palin Election Funeral. BWAHAHAHA.
DeleteWhat happened to her Balloon Breasts? She is the Queen of SAGGING BREASTS. Sarah is too stupid to think about how she looks in Old Photos. She is so desperate for attention that she does no proof reading before posting her bullshit.
ReplyDeleteI would like to know who was on the Armed Service Committee when Dubya was in office, I know Bernie Sanders is now...but wasn't it their job to anticipate this crisis? When it became obvious what kind of injuries were coming back Congress should have started making plans for taking care of thousands. You don't send those kinds of troop numbers out without planning down the road. I know our great Congress didn't even supply them with the best armor....so now of course Obama is getting blamed for all of it, like 8 years of an idiot in charge meant nothing. Where was John McCain??? Celebrity prisoner? Harry Reid pushed thru a new hospital here in Las Vegas just for traumatic brain injury....seems like we needed to start building more the first year of Iraq.
ReplyDeleteLOL at the last picture. Back when she wore dresses/skirts. Now she's got that MAN thang going on. Some days double Ds. Can we now call her transgender? Not that there's anything wrong with that......it's just hysterical how she conducts herself and wants to be taken seriously.
ReplyDeleteStop the presses!!! Sarah Palin is outraged over the VA mess, but she isn't the least bit concerned why over 4000 soldiers died and hundreds of thousands were wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan when we should have never invaded in the first place
ReplyDeleteding, ding ,ding We have a winner!!!
DeleteThis post sounds like Palin herself wrote it. "Denouncing......ensued." Keep trying to use those big words, sarah. Democrat's would stand for one Democrat, not the party. No matter what the issue, she brings it back to herself. Everyone else has all but forgotten that she won the 'lie of the year' award. But she has to keep reminding us how wrong they were. She never recovers from a slight or criticism. The soldier in the bed was walking down the hall to visit someone and got paid to pose as an injured soldier.
ReplyDeleteSadly, there are probably more veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan suffering from invisible injuries than the types of injuries we see. Traumatic brain injury, other psychological injuries from as many as five or six tours of duty; that is why I am reluctant to assume this is a vet with no injuries.
ReplyDeleteTwo minor points: The soldier could be in uniform waiting to be discharged. And I can't find that particular ISAF insignia anywhere; usually they're round.
ReplyDeleteWardrobe was out of them that day
Delete$arah is of the same mindset as the Operational American Spring folks. She thinks she has 30 million people following her every word, and she may have 300, at MOST! She thinks she can lead the country with her "commonsense" bullshit that is anything BUT common sense. She brags about her combat son who never saw combat. She brags about her teenage daughters not going to college, and "choosing life" because they "forgot" their pills, and couldn't resist a booty call. Ahhh, choosing LIFE gave Bristol a little prop to exploit and use for financial gain! Go, Sarah! Keep projecting your inadequacies onto everyone else! What a hoot!
ReplyDeleteThe comparison between the photos with President Obama and Palin with hospitalized vets is quite stunning. Those with the President are actually wounded, hooked up to IV and bandaged.
ReplyDeleteThe one with Palin looks like he hopped on the bed and put on a distressed look on his face. Not saying this man wasn't wounded and honorable, but why would he be lying in his uniform on a hospital bed? That doesn't make sense.
The first priority when anyone is hospitalized is to get an IV line in to deliver medication and hydration should the patient go unconscious. The guy in Sarah's photo doesn't have one. Is that what she calls "death panels"?
DeleteI say get out in the world Ms. Palin. Everyone of my friends in Canada, New Zealand and the UK adore and I mean adore their healthcare delivery systems. It is only people like you who never get out of their cave or turn on anything but hate radio or Fake News who believe these other systems are failures. As to death panels? Try Blue Cross Blue Shield or any other Health care insurer pre-Affordable Care Act. But, whoops, you probably didn’t know that as your family is covered by Native Health Care. How can you live with yourself? Just shut up and sit down. I have always thought this to be a fairly crass remark that nobody should ever have to endure, but you have entirely worn out your welcome. Go home and take care of your children and prove you actually have some influence somewhere because as it stands the proof is in the pudding when it comes to parenting and you are an all out failure. So why do you think anybody is interested in how you would govern?
ReplyDeleteOf course they had to get someone to climb into a vacant bed for a photo op with Sarah. They couldn't risk a patient waking up and seeing the Black Widow hovering over them.
ReplyDeleteSarah said:
Delete"Hey Track, you Warrior body tattoo soldier man son of mine how about you come on into the Fox studio hanger building thing where you live and come on downstairs and put on your military type clothes and act like you are hurt and in the hospital or maybe bring one of your friends that also too live in the hanger house and then get them to pose in the bed for America and making the point about the healthcare and stuff that I'm going to have my consultants write about to send a message to Barack about the Veterans stuff and such."
Rationing is very real. a la Canada, where there are complaints. Sure some people like it there. Many do not.
ReplyDeleteIgnoring this Gryphen isn't responsible of you. Though your blog isn't exactly rooted in responsibility or maturity. Lies are abundant here.
Oh look, it's the maturity troll who always accuses Gryphen of lying, but never shuts up and certainly never puts up.
But wait a second, you aren't posting from Canada, so how do you even know how their healthcare system works? Try again, better luck next time. Obviously our American system is not helping you achieve a mental state that is satisfactory.
DeleteI agree, read Anonymous 4:34 PM's comment for the biggest lie of all.
Delete4:34 PM Are you a freaking Robot? You come here everyday with the same Idiotic Drivel. You are the Only LIAR here, you have no life, you are slandering, and you don't know Shit. Grab your 2-toned Todd Palin Dildo and escape to Oblivion, (UNITED STATES)Troll. We know who you are!!!
DeleteYou're up late tonight, troll. Where is your keeper?
DeleteHey 4:34 troll - from this proud Canadian - KISS MY ASS!!! You do not know jack-shit about our universal health care, except how to scam and grift from it, just like your heroes the palins and fuckin' heaths!
DeleteYes, I see a lot of differences in the photos. President Obama is actually embracing and engaging actively with the Veterans. The cardboard cutout of Sarah past looks like she's afraid she'll catch something. The uniformed vet seems to be saying "Damnit, I survived the war and now I'm seeing jabberwockeys with wonk eyes, haven't I suffered enough?"
ReplyDeleteYes, we've neglected and ignored our combat vets for years, Bush used them for photo ops, holding a tray of plastic turkey for the cameras. He put out false narratives to make his war seem more legitimate, and he ran away from the mother of a dead war vet for years. The only thing that'll change now, is President Obama said he'd change things and he's a man of his word.
How Orwellian of Sarah to rehash death panels and rant away like the idiot she's proven to be because President Obama's the President of the entire United States.
Those photos are from Sarah's 2007 visit to the Alaska National Guard in Kwait and Germany. Why didn't she express her concern for the problems and backlog at the VA in 2008 when she was running for VP?
DeleteHarper, Canada's Bush, is destroying the health care system in Canada bit by bit. While one can always get care, often one must wait months for it. For example, my BIL had to wait 18 months for an MRI to see what damage he has in his shoulder. Since the pain was intense, and he wanted relief now, they paid out of pocket for the MRI, driving 4 hours to a clinic for the service. Then they had to drive 10 hours to see a neurologist to get the diagnosis. Thankfully, he did not have a torn rotator cuff so surgery is not required - which would have meant a wait of 9 months unless they once again paid out of pocket! So, the system is not nearly as good as it used to be in Canada.
ReplyDeleteO/T It looks like another one of Sarah Palin's endorsements is about to go down in flames. Chris McDaniel is in trouble for the crime of one of his supporters.