Thursday, May 22, 2014

"The bear is loose." President Obama takes an impromptu stroll along the National Mall.

Courtesy of TPM: 

President Barack Obama took an impromptu stroll Wednesday along the National Mall, and some bystanders freaked out at the prospect of meeting their commander in chief. 

"It's good to be out," Obama quipped to reporters. "The bear is loose." 

He greeted people along the way with handshakes, hugs and White House-branded M&M's. One enthusiastic woman asked the President to snap a photo with her family. 

"This is like the best day of my life," she said as the picture was taken. "Someone's gonna think you're, like, wax."

Hey, I visited that t-shirt stand when I went to Washington. Bought two souvenir shirts for the family.

Now see THAT is the kind of bear that people respect.

Not some batshit crazy, poorly bewigged, Mama Grizzly.


  1. Anonymous4:05 PM

    That is going to piss off Princess Palin and her worshippers.

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      calling himself a bear may not have been entirely without intent.

    2. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Here is Palin saying Putin wrestles bears and Obama wears mom jeans (Maarch 2014)

    3. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Now that Prince Charles, the son of that Queen who rules over everybody in England, has said that Putin is like Hitler, when will we hear from Sarah, defending her BFF Vladimir?

    4. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Good for Prince Charles! Totally agree w/him and I'm sure many in America do also.

      We have extreme Republicans who have indicated they think Putin better than our wonderful President Obama.

      Those folks should be taken out into the corn fields and shot! They are committing treason and are very much anti American!

  2. Anonymous4:12 PM

    LOVE, love, love my president!

    People simply FLOCK to him because he has such a good soul. The way he maintains his dignified, gracious self in the face of the crap he has to deal with is almost super human.

    Wish he could serve another 4 years!

    1. Anita Winecooler6:57 PM

      Me Too! He's the best President I've seen in my lifetime. Despite all odds, he's always had our backs. Dignity, Grace and Brains reside in both the President and First Lady's hearts.

  3. Anonymous4:20 PM

    How cool... POTUS allowing pictures to be taken with people and not charging them! Take that Palin garbage!

  4. Anonymous4:22 PM

    3-2-1 --- "He stole the bear thing from ME !!!!!"

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      BINGO! Hey Sarah, SUCK ON IT!!!!

  5. Anonymous4:26 PM


    Meghan McCain: Jesus Christ Couldn't Have Saved Father's White House Bid

    1. Well, they tried w/Jesus's best girlfriend. Or so she said. she was. Nobody believed her. Ol' Jeez is sol with friends like that.

    2. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Hard to imagine Jesus _wanting_ McCain to have the power of the US Presidency.

    3. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Jesus said FU and Kiss My Ass to McCain.. You picked the she devil to be your running mate Mr. Maverick..

    4. Anita Winecooler7:01 PM

      How many houses do you have? Oh, my wife keeps track of that stuff... maybe eleven?

      Yeah, Jesus loved hobknobbing with the goobersmoochers. You're in it for the "water into wine" part.

    5. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Isn't one of McCain's homes in Sedona, AZ where the fires are occurring? Isn't that where he sent Sarah Palin to reunite w/her family when she was being such a lunatic on the campaign trail?

    6. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Jesus didn't want McCain or Palin to hold the highest offices of the land!

      No doors were opened to Sarah Palin back then. But, the door to Hell is assuredly ajar for her to enter and her arrival there can't come soon enough.

      She is the devil incarnate - has one black heart and soul!

    7. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Hoax and chains

  6. Anonymous4:29 PM

    And Mrs. Todd Palin goes on Facebook and Twitter and takes credit for forcing the President to be a copy-cat "Mommy Grizzly" starts in 5 .. 4.. 3...

    The two posts here today have disgusted and infuriated me about this Bitch's attitude towards our President. Just let her try and respond to this. If she and her camp do, it's clear that drugs, hate and alcohol fuel her pitiful life.

  7. Randall4:56 PM

    I understand the male grizzly bear is called a 'boar'
    while the mama grizzly is called a "sow". appropriate.

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM


    2. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Yep! It's comical to watch her.

  8. I love him. I do. And for the first time since I was a kid, and knowing he can't do everything that needs doing, I also trust him. After watching Nixon go down when I was 20, I never expected that again in my lifetime.

    1. Anonymous9:41 PM

      ME, dvlaries!
      We've seen a LOT.

  9. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Lucky dry pants people! If I had been there I would've peed myself! Sigh.

    1. Anonymous9:38 PM

      I would have too.

  10. johnie2xs5:18 PM

    Just imagine what this man may have accomplished, had he had a responsible Republican Party led by people so consumed with jealousy and hate. If the Republicans get their way, we'll be Colonies again.

    1. Balzafiar7:18 PM

      I think the Republicans would prefer a situation where a very few of them rule the land and the rest of us labor for them for a few pennies or perhaps a loaf of bread and a bit of butter.

      Even in medieval times, the nobles who were granted the fiefdoms were bound to the King to treat their serfs well. I'm afraid the Republican overlords would find that repugnant so they would have to come up with another model. Perhaps a return to enslavement of all citizens except for a handful of nobles would suit them.

      By definition: a handful of nobles == two Koch brothers.

    2. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Be sure and vote every Republican out of office that you can in your states, cities, communities and towns.

      Especially pay attention to those in the U.S. Congress. They are a sorry mess. Check how your Senators and Representatives have voted on issues...they say one thing and vote another.

      Watch Lisa Murkowski from Alaska as well as Don Young! Don is a blow hard and has been back there way, way too long! He is up for reelection, but Lisa is not in November.

  11. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I love and admire President Obama.

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Me too. He is the best! So glad he's our President and Michelle is our First Lady.

  12. Anonymous5:22 PM

    It would be great to have a selfie with "the bear" on the loose, but even keeping their distance, the secret service's looming presence might be a little intimidating.

  13. Anonymous5:27 PM

    The man has soul. Love 'im!

  14. Anonymous5:48 PM

    That would have been so much fun to just run into President Obama totally impromptu on the Mall! Cannot imagine how excited I would have been! Probably would have given him a huge hug and told him he's doing one hell of a good job!

  15. He is so cool!

  16. Anonymous6:42 PM

    But I thought operation teabagger ASS was staying there until they took over our government? How can it be that President Obama can just stroll around?


    1. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Good point. This president won't back down or quit! Hey Sarah learn a lesson a real leader takes a lot of hits and keeps on going unlike your sorry ass lame excuses for QUITTING. Buck up or stay in the truck. looks like you chose to stay in the truck. With all of your bluster and bravado why don't you run for President? put your money where your mouth is, do interviews with reporters go on a network besides fox news. Hell why don't YOU run for President Miss I Have A Fix For Everything. Go on do it or do you expect your followers to believe you make a difference by posting on facebook? Chicken words are cheap a real leader takes the blows given and doesn't whine about it they just keep going on because they can rise above the crap, you however not only can't rise above anything you lower yourself to the gutter, and that is where you belong.

  17. Anita Winecooler6:53 PM

    HE's a Yogi and boo boo kind of bear, or maybe Pooh bear. He's so spontaneous, taking a stroll and posing with some visitors who are over the moon at seeing him.
    I think you've pissed off an unbearable washed out has been by using that title, Good Work, Gryphen!!

  18. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Man, I wish I'd been there. I was out with my sister in DC today. We were at the Archives and then the Library of Congress. That's so cool of him to pop out like that.
    M from MD

  19. Anonymous7:53 PM

    At 53 years old, I've never wanted to meet a President as much as I want to meet him. There is a genuineness and warmth about him that just draws people in.

    Despite the fact that he's usually the smartest person in any given situation, people seem to find him extremely easy to connect with, especially babies and children.

    And he's by far the coolest President this country has ever had!

    1. Anonymous8:05 PM

      I totally agree, but I think I might've fainted with the excitement if I'd been able to shake his hand. Wow.

    2. Anonymous12:06 PM

      I feel the same way, 7:53! Love, respect and admire him as our POTUS! He has so outplayed the Republicans every step of the way. It's like watching chess vs checkers!

      And, then you watched the evil and nastiness of McConnell (Kentucky) and Boehner and there is no comparison.

      Wish we had more in the U.S. Congress that had the values and respect of the American people (who put them in office!) as does President Obama and VP Biden! God, could the jerks in Congress take lessons from them!

    3. Anonymous2:07 PM

      I love him and VP Biden! If they came near me, I would faint first, babble a bit, and then hug them as best I could. I'm so proud of our President and all that he has done so thoughtfully in our name. His actions have meant the world to me.

      My father was a very popular minister (regular United Methodist) in my area. He was wonderful with words and was a great writer; he read all the time and had a PhD from NYU. HE READ ALL THE TIME!!! People wanted to hug him all the time. I get it now.

      When President Obama delivers a eulogy to those Americans whom have been killed, I know exactly where he's going in his words: heard them before and their logical conclusion. I've heard them before by my father, and he does it as well as my applauded father did. He reminds me of him...
      I adore him.

  20. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Oh, Sarah HEATH. We know you're not married anymore, we know Tawd carries his balls in your bag, we know his pimping and your whoring for money as well, we know your kids' less than exemplary lives, we know the truth of Trig and burning your tubes after Piper, we know that every time you mention God you're a hypocrite, we know what you've done behind the scenes, we know the truth of God said the right person will in '08 and it wasn't you. Six years later, it STILL isn't you.

  21. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Yep, that is my Commander in Chief! Just normal greeting and oh so courteous! Unlike a certain who she will not be named so planned and acted by others nothing real. Commander in Chief so cool!

  22. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Best thing seen all day!


  23. Anonymous11:29 PM

    I just LOVE that video of President Obama.
    Very handsome fella!
    Got it on my desktop now. ;-)


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