Saturday, May 03, 2014

The prospects are high in Alaska for a Mark Begich victory in 2014. Get it, high.

Courtesy of the Daily Beast:  

If Alaska Democrat Mark Begich wins re-election to the U.S. Senate, he may have Republican state legislators to thank. 

Because the Alaska Legislature failed to gavel out by its statutory deadline last week, the November ballot has morphed into an electoral blockbuster. Three initiatives that were supposed to appear in the August primary have been bumped to the general election. So now, on top of deciding whether they want reelect a Democrat in a year where Republicans could seize control of Congress, Alaskans will be voting on initiatives to increase the minimum wage, to allow the sale of marijuana, and to make it harder to build an unpopular open-pit mine near the world’s largest salmon run. 

Any one of those initiatives could be seen as a gift to Democrats. Together, they could boost turnout by up to 5 percent, according to political scientist Caroline Tolbert. 

“The conditions are ripe for these ballot measure to potentially shape the races in 2014,” says Tolbert, a professor at the University of Iowa. 

While Alaska is uniquely difficult to survey, the polls that have been done on those initiatives show they’re popular in the state. They do especially well with younger and often more liberal voters.

I think the Republicans really crewed the pooch by allowing this marijuana vote to make it onto the ballot in November. Alaskans may be apathetic about a lot of things, but getting high is not one of them.

And with Colorado already seeing huge revenues and positive outcomes from their choice to legalize pot, Alaskans are definitely poised to join the party.

Add to that the votes on the minimum wage and the Pebble Mine, and this would appear to be a blowout for the progressives.

So with that in mind, IF this election goes another way for Begich, Alaskans MUST be ready to challenge the results and attempt to finally do away with the election fraud that has plagued this state for decades. 


  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Will St. Sarah now speak out against the dangers of pot? No I didn't think so either.

  2. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Hey Gryph, happy for your states progress. You're usually pretty quiet about your local politics and you don't complain much but this shit must be burning Palins stinky puckered up ass. Happy days.

  3. Anita Winecooler5:53 PM

    Think of what it'll do for tourism!!

  4. Anonymous7:01 PM

    "Simply put, a custody trial is psychologically devastating on both parents, and because it is so devastating on the parents and creates so much tension with them, it is also usually very detrimental to the child. Therefore, a judge will use all of his or her powers of persuasion to settle a custody case."

    High conflict ones have no less than a dozen scheduled appearances. LUCKY people get less than 5 days scheduled. Those are the people with straightforward cases without huge problems

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      O Christ, troll.

    2. Anonymous9:33 PM

      The only reason it would be high conflict is if Bristol acts like a brat.

  5. Anonymous7:16 PM

    2 trial days? Isn't this a trial for that contempt charge and interim order?

    2 days isn't a lot for something like that. The most straightforward trial with cordial parents is what I'd expect to be given a day or two. Huh.

    In trials, plaintiffs go first, then def respond, then plaintiff counter, then def counter that right if they want.

    Here's hoping Honor Smith can use sense to get these two to agree. A good judge is usually pro at settling a case before it gets long and damaging to everyone involved.

  6. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Dear people of the world, it is HIGHLY offensive to describe a petite physique to a holocaust victim.


    1. Anonymous8:12 PM


    2. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Stop being a hypocrite

    3. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Nice to see you don't mind offending people who had family suffer.

    4. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Nobody actually did that, but thanks for being either disingenuous or an idiot.

    5. Anonymous10:47 PM

      Speaking as a Jew, I can say that I am offended, but only because Sarah Palin is mentioned in the same sentence as those brave people who suffered in the camps.

  7. Don't forget to vote to repeal the oil tax giveaway either. These are all important things for us to get out and vote for.

  8. Anonymous8:43 PM

    It just hit me how slow courts in AK move. Remember that speeding ticket Bristol got a couple days after the gala in early August 2007? The fine was like $72.

    She contested it it appears right after they returned from Mexico.

    The hearing was scheduled for NOVEMBER, for an august speeding ticket. Then, when she discovered she'd be out of town in November (that Hawaii wedding remember?), there was a motion to reschedule which obviously going to be another couple of months.

    1. Anonymous10:44 PM

      Nobody remembers any of that but you, not even Bristol.

    2. You don't know anything about how court calendars work if you think that is unusual.

    3. Anonymous8:58 AM

      All I remember about Bristol from that period in time was that she was really chunking up, right before she disappeared with mono for the first 4 months of 2008.

  9. Anonymous9:13 PM

    I know I'm voting for Begich because I cannot abide the Republican party in Alaska. Time to turn the state blue!!

    Get the voters out and encourage them to vote for Begich.

    Make sure they do not vote for the carpetbagger from Washington D.C. that is running for office in Alaska on the Republican side - he previously worked for the Bush Administration and still owns a million dollar home in or near Washington D.C.

  10. Anonymous10:05 PM long is the growing season in AK? Here in WA state a person is allowed to grow up to 5 plants for personal use.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.